When Mohanji Finds You

By Bijal Shah, UK

On 20th November 2020 – I had penned down thoughts on Facebook – ‘When you are on the path of truth and light, people trying to silence you is only a test. Naturally, the universe provides another avenue. The universe always listens. Power of pure intention! Stay positive and hold on to hope. Naïve, I had no idea the gravity of this statement and the possibility of my life changing.

How did this statement arise? Let me take you back to 2019 when I started to find that I was detaching from the Foundation I was associated with. I was starting to understand the unity of the Guru Mandala. I felt like all Masters are One. I found myself letting go of the Outer Guru and started focusing on the Inner Guru. As this occurred, I started to let go of seva roles associated with the Foundation. And when the living Master came to my doorstep, I was physically unable to attend his program.

On an occasion in 2020, I found myself in a situation where I was being silenced by members of that Foundation. I was disgruntled. I was already looking inward, and this was the final push to cut ties. Hindsight shows that I wasn’t being silenced, but I was, in fact, guided towards silence, and I was taught to stand by my truth. Standing up for my truth didn’t mean that I had to argue with anyone. It just meant trusting myself.

However, with everything that happened, I was deeply hurt, and I started to believe that the Master’s teachings were separate from the Foundation (disciple-led). I didn’t want to ever belong to any Foundation again. Truth be told, my time was up there, and I was no longer aligned with that frequency.

During that time in 2020, NellyAnne directed me towards Devi’s podcast. Devi gave me hope. She gave me a glimpse into her life, empowering me to ask more from my life. I was tired of my mundane life. I deserved better. Somehow, I thought that I could do this with my own practices. The presence of various Kaliyug Datta Avatars was coming to my awareness, and in particular, I started connecting to Sripada SriVallabha.

It was May 2022, and my friend Jumri excitedly told me about Mohanji’s upcoming visit. When she asked me to come with her, I couldn’t say no. There was no hesitation. There was no doubt. I just had to go. I met Mohanji on 15th June 2022 in the beautiful Skanda Vale Ashram in Wales. He acknowledged my presence from the very first meeting. And this wasn’t just my experience; everyone I know had the same experience. He takes the time for each and every person. It’s his sheer kindness acknowledging every person who comes to him who wants to be in his presence.

During this trip, while conducting a Satsang, Mohanji mentioned Sripada and having recorded the Siddha Mangal Stotra. I was gobsmacked. Mohanji was talking about the Stotra I had grown to love. I was fervently asking around for this chant in Mohanji’s voice, but no one knew what I was talking about, and no one heard Mohanji talking about Sripada in the Satsang. Mohanji was, of course, up to his usual mischief, drawing me in. 

Attending the June 2022 Retreat in St Albans, UK, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the sincerity, solidarity and transparency of the UK team. Shyama became my go-to person; she patiently helped me answer many questions, always with a smile on her face. Her gentle nature glows with the epitome of selflessness. Inevitably, I found myself engaging and participating in activities every so often.

In January 2023, I signed up to go to the Divine Trails of Puri. I was dissatisfied with the accommodation; I felt I was being cheated and messaged Subhasree regarding this. I was ready to cancel my trip even if it cost me. I felt I had to stand up for myself and speak my truth. Subhasree called me up and spoke to me. She cleared every single doubt for me with kindness and compassion. I was not being silenced. I was given a choice to reconsider my planned trip.

She is a pure, selfless being who wanted to give the participants the best possible experience as per Mohanji’s direction. I was witnessing Mohanji’s teachings being followed in their entirety! The impression inside me of the Foundation being separate from the Master was firmly wiped clean. For completion, Mohanji ensured the dissolution of this impression as I was invited to join the UK team actively a short while later.

Honestly, I was sceptical of the trip, but I trusted Mohanji, and I walked with his hands onto the divine abode of Jagannath Puri in February 2023. The trip was beyond special. The care, love, and kindness the Mohanji volunteers showed blew me away. This was my introduction to the Mohanji Global Family. 

The memory that I must share about this trip involves the visit to Shri Jagannath Temple. Only Hindus are allowed to go into the famous Temple, but as I was menstruating, I couldn’t go. Most participants left to eat dinner or go to the Temple. Somehow, I could do neither, so I went back into the Satsang hall and surprisingly saw Mohanji giving Shaktipat to some people leaving the program early. I sat down and watched him and suddenly started crying in complete admiration, inwardly begging for liberation. I cried to my heart’s content. 

When Mohanji was leaving the hall, he was looking the other way as he passed close by me. I didn’t attempt to stand up; I was glued to my chair. Before I knew it, boom, I felt a hand land on my head, blessing me! It was Mohanji’s hand. I couldn’t believe it. I was so surprised. I was in awe. In awe of Mohanji. In awe of the Tradition. What divine, perfect orchestration! I’m so grateful!

Two evenings later, there was no Satsang. And the opportunity to go to Shri Jagannath Temple arose. Miraculously, there was no sign of my period that day, even though it was my third day. Temples don’t normally interest me, but being so famous, I thought it was best not to miss the golden opportunity. Boy, was I glad because, 1km perimeter away from the Temple, my heart started to expand multifold, full of light beaming within, and I became acutely aware of the energy of the Temple.

I didn’t feel this before when I did the parikrama from the outside with non-Hindus a couple of days before. I was amazed at this Leela. It was close to 10 pm when we got to the Temple, and the energy was simply ginormous. It was amazing. It was incredible to sit and meditate inside the Temple. I was beaming with an energy unknown to me in this lifetime, yet so familiar, feeling so bright and alive. I am so grateful to Mohanji and the Tradition for giving me such an experience.

There were no signs of my period the next morning, but later that night, I found my period returned. It’s still mind-boggling and scientifically unexplainable. Mohanji took care of everything intricately. What did I do to receive so much love? I’m just so grateful for each and every experience. Only writing it all out has shown me how interconnected these moments were.

It’s funny; for several years, I’ve had all these wishes of being in close proximity to a living Master; I can barely muster the courage to say anything to Mohanji in his physical presence. Embracing his teaching of ‘Be You’, perhaps it will happen soon.

As I looked back on the quote of 20th November 2020, the universe did indeed open new doors for me, so benevolently, if I may say so. I have found my home. I offer my complete gratitude and obeisance to both Mohanji and Devi, who represent Lord Datta and Anagha Laxmi to me. They have changed my life. Thank you to each of the beautiful Mohanji family I have connected with – you have changed my life. May we all merge into the consciousness of whom we love so dearly.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st December 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

A new job through grace, Mai-Tri, and volunteering.

By Angela Strezoska, Macedonia

With this blog, I want to share my experience about how Mohanji’s grace through the Mai-Tri Method and volunteering for Mohanji Foundation helped me get a job.

I already had a job in which I was not happy at all. At some point, I even felt like a prisoner there. By the end of my working experience in that place, I had already applied to many places and had some unsuccessful interviews. After one year and a few months of struggling, I decided to resign, and before leaving, close people around me said to wait and not to make hasty decisions without first having another job and not staying jobless. Okay, I said to myself. I would give it a few more days or some time and see how it would go, but I had decided I would resign soon.

After a few days, I got an interview with a company which I really liked. When I got a chance for an interview through the email, I was crying with happiness. Before attending the interview, I called my friend, who is a Mai-Tri practitioner, and told her about the situation and the interview I got. We agreed to do a Mai-Tri Method session before I went to the interview.

In the morning, I got ready to go, and she did a Mai-Tri session for me exactly before I went to the interview. Before I entered there, my heart was beating fast, and I didn’t know what to expect. Before the interview, I had an exam to complete, which I wasn’t prepared for. I didn’t know I would have a physical exam with pen and paper. At that moment, I thought nothing would happen now; my chance was gone because I didn’t answer all the questions.

When they called me for the interview after the exam, I was already disappointed because I thought I had missed my chance, but as the interview started, I saw that they gave me a chance by asking me questions, and I got one more interview on the same day. Usually, the second interview is a few days later. But I got the two interviews on the same day. As the person was interviewing me, he was reading my resume, and I had put on the resume that I did volunteer work for a charity, etc. I had also written that my volunteering work was for Mohanji Foundation.

He kept asking about the volunteer work. The interviewer remained on that part of my resume, and he kept asking more details about it and questions as to why I did it. As I was a young person, they didn’t expect something like that, why, how long, what the feeling of volunteering was, who it was for, and similar questions. While talking, he had a printed paper of the resume and underlined the part where it was written volunteer and charity.

At the end of the interview, he called the other manager and said if you agree, I would like to hire her. They hired me on the spot! I didn’t even wait for some days to pass or wait for an answer. He said one more time before I left, you have some experience but not enough years of experience for us, but still, because of the volunteer and charity work you did, you will get the job.

When the interviewer kept asking me about the part where I wrote about Mohanji Foundation volunteering, it was a clear sign to me that it was Mohanji’s grace that helped me get a better job. When I left there, I was crying from happiness, and I reminded myself to be grateful every day, to spend time in a day just to feel gratitude for everything. This difficult time reminded me to increase my faith and also to have unwavering faith. I have to add here that this job is in another country, not where I am from, and it is very difficult to get into this company and position. It was made possible because of Mohanji’s grace.

When I left the company, I returned to my accommodation and waited for the contract letter. They told me it would take some time for the documentation to come through. Even though I knew that it would take two weeks for the official email, I became anxious. I began to worry that they might change their minds about hiring me, and I became increasingly stressed.

During that time, this thought came to my mind: okay, Mai-Tri healing happened, an obvious sign at the interview happened; at this moment, I need to have faith; I should stop stressing and relax. As I took a breath of faith again, I let my worry go. I can’t worry about something that I can’t control anyway. I relaxed and focused more on faith and trust. After a few days, I got the contract. I felt bad I lost faith at some point, but I took it as a lesson to never lose faith again.

When I finally resigned from my existing job, the company wanted to slow down the resignation process. But the circumstances worked out in my favour. My roommate knew someone from the company, and she assisted in speeding up the resignation process. I was also to pay some amount to the company as I would have been unable to complete my notice period. But miraculously, that was also waived off, which usually is unheard of and never happens in this country.

Also, once I resigned, I had to return to my country – Macedonia, to renew my passport and get a new visa for the country where I would be working. Again, there was a massive hurdle as there are some new rules in Macedonia, which makes it difficult to get a date to renew the passport before the visa process. But again, the whole process happened surprisingly fast, and I got my new passport in a remarkably short time. I learned that some passports of other girls were lost, and the visa process took many months. Apart from all these, I happily attended my sister’s wedding, which was next to impossible. Could all these things happen without grace? There were too many synchronicities.

Amidst this chaos of documentation and renewal of my passport in Macedonia and attending my sister’s wedding, I even got to participate in Mohanji’s programmes in Serbia and spend time with Mohanji, which I never dreamt of at this time of the year! Mohanji’s grace just flowed, removing all obstacles.

Soon, when I reached the new country, during my training, the company offered me accommodation, which is normally shared with someone. I met the person with whom I was likely to share the accommodation. Both of us went through the resumes of others and felt that we would not be able to adjust to others. We realised that we suited each other, which was taken care of without much effort.

I am still amazed they verbally gave me the job opportunity, which is difficult to get only because I volunteered for Mohanji Foundation. Mohanji, Mai-Tri Method and volunteering for Mohanji Foundation helped me get this job. I was surprised the key part of acceptance for the company was volunteering, that itself was a clear sign it was grace and that Mohanji stood behind it.

This does not end here! I also learned from others working in a similar field that it took them two years to get an interview, not even another job in this country, when they resigned. But again, I applied, waited two, three months for an interview and got accepted into a new company. This was unheard of and had never happened before as I had only about a year’s experience while others had more than five years of experience.

As the blog was published, the very next day, I met the interviewer in person, and he told me the main reason was not just volunteering, but he felt incredible positive energy when I walked into the room. He said we want such positive people in our company. We all know who’s that energy is, Mohanji!

One of the tasks during the training was writing a letter to myself on what I would like to achieve and how I would like to be in a year. I had written about things that were important to me, such as being stable, being in a good space and so on. I also added that in a year, my goal was to help others with my salary and engage in volunteer work. The interviewer was surprised when he read that someone as young as me wanted to share my salary with others! Others in my situation had written that they wanted material goods such as a car. This was yet another revelation that the interviewer shared with me!

Yet another interesting thing happened, which the interviewer shared with me three weeks after the initial meeting. I couldn’t believe my ears! There was a HR person who had all the files of all those interviewed. He suddenly asked the manager about the girl who had gone to India to do charity work. He wanted to speed up the hiring process as he wanted people like me in his company. The manager also told me that he wanted people like me who would spread the light and help others. He was using phrases that I have heard Mohanji use! I was shell-shocked and had to pinch myself to believe this. It felt as though Mohanji was speaking through the manager. It was a language that I was familiar with but never used in the corporate world. The icing on the cake was that the manager told me, “Be yourself!”

I could see and feel how Mohanji worked through these people, from the visa and the passport renewal to the interview process! It was a miracle that the entire process happened so quickly, and getting accepted on the spot for the job, which never happens again! All these were huge miracles happening one after the other. The way the people spoke and the language used (Mohanji’s speaking style) confirmed that Mohanji was with me and helped me through the process and each situation.

My gratitude to the Mai-Tri practitioner for the timely Mai-Tri session. My deep love and gratitude to Mohanji for being there for me, not just in my time of need, but always!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 19th December 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

The path and unconditional love

By Meghan Rose, USA

A few months ago, while doing Kriya practice, I realized that in order to live in the present again, I need to let go of my past and the future. When I made that decision, a realization hit me: “Well, I don’t even know how much longer I’ll have to live!” This caused a train of realization that I’d also have to leave my liberation in the hands of Mohanji and the Tradition; everything and everyone in my life can go at any time, and I don’t know when they will die either. 

I had experienced people dying in my life before, and I had experienced grief. I had even thought of my own longevity before. But thinking about it compared to truly realizing that I can go at any moment is different. It was like being in the present moment was a death itself. 

I became very distraught. My mind began looking for something permanent that I could hang onto. I didn’t know how to find it! One day, I thought I’d watch near-death experience (NDE) stories in order to calm myself a bit. This was not the first time I was looking into life after death. Years ago, when someone dear to me had died, I had looked into these things. But this time, it was for my own sake! 

At first, I listened to two of the NDE stories, and they were so beautiful. The first was a man who said when he died or left his body, he felt that he was not the personality he left behind on the hospital bed. He also said he felt everything a human wants to feel: unconditional love, joy and acceptance. 

The second was a woman who had a similar experience. She left her body and felt the presence of guides. They were extremely happy to see her, and she felt all her pains of life being washed away. She, too, described being loved unconditionally by Consciousness or the Supreme Father. When I heard this, I wondered what it was like to feel the things they were talking about. I wanted to feel it while being alive. 

One day, I asked Jack Barratt, who holds weekly satsangs, to please speak about the NDEs. At the end of the satsang, we meditate for 10 minutes. During the meditation, I could physically feel a wave of golden light coming from the front into me, surrounding me and filling every cell of my body. It was then that I felt what those people were talking about. 

I mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually could feel that I am loved no matter what. I knew it with my entire being. This was not a subtle experience at all. I felt and knew that I was loved, and my personality, my thoughts, my words, actions, memories, my body – all that didn’t matter! Needless to say, it was incredible. 

I kept thinking about this for the following week, and it happened again during the next satsang. This experience (along with the lovely help of Mai-Tri sessions) really lifted me back up. It took away the distraught emotions I was feeling. I reflected on so many things throughout this time – it made me contemplate what is important to me and what my priorities in life are. Everything was pointing to the path – to going back home. And to LOVE! 

It made me realize and feel the value of everything and everyone who comes our way, especially those who may give us pain, which makes us grow! Because they are all contributing to our journey towards the ultimate (if that’s what we decide we want in this lifetime). I felt so much gratitude for all the situations and people in my life. Never blame anyone; never hurt anyone, including yourself. 

If it wasn’t for Mohanji, I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through all this. I never knew that kind of love was possible. Perhaps all we need to do is be open, love ourselves and feel we are also worthy of this supreme love! Definitely, it was a huge booster for me to keep going, NO MATTER WHAT. 

I have learned so much from Mohanji being in my life so far – the first thing that I ever really learned from Mohanji was the importance of self-acceptance and how necessary it is for the path. And that we CAN accept ourselves. It’s difficult, it’s a practice. I had never really heard of this kind of teaching growing up. The other things besides acceptance have been about not having guilt, letting go, and respect. 

I feel like we all really love each other deep down when we put away the differences, the memories, the situations – everything.

“Love is the effortless expression of a still mind. All other expressions are reactions to circumstances.” ~ Mohanji

One other thing I want to mention, which Mohanji has been talking about a lot recently, is the importance of consistently connecting to one Master deeply. Mohanji has also said that your Master is all Masters, and you only need to focus on the one who came to you. I experienced this recently when I was offering food. As I was getting ready to offer – I thought to myself how I felt connected to Mohanji and the Dattatreya Tradition. 

Then, I looked at Babaji’s photo and had some doubts. When I closed my eyes, I immediately saw Babaji, but even though I saw Babaji, I felt Mohanji! There was no separation between them. There was a wonderful sense of love. Our Master Mohanji is all Masters indeed. He is our gateway! 

This also happened during Ganesha Chaturthi. We were celebrating Lord Ganesha’s birthday. And even though I was looking at the form Ganesha, I felt Mohanji again!  Thank you, Mohanji. For all the support and unconditional love, you have given me. I’m so happy that I’m living this life with you. I love you! Because of you, I am me. You have been my mother, my father, my best friend, and you are my true relative. If anyone ever compliments me, I know it’s you they are seeing. 

To register for the next Empowered 5.0 in India, click here!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 19th November 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

A shield of protection

by a Mohanji follower

Always there for me & family! All I need to do is call out!!

It was April 2020 when I first came across Mohanji’s video accidentally during one of my worst phases – professionally. ‘Surrender to Sai Baba and Don’t Look Back‘ – how that video just flashed in front of me out of the blue when I was looking for some motivational video by Deepak Chopra to cheer me up, is another story altogether.

Since then, I have never looked back. Like many of us, the first thing I thought of during troubled times was Guru Mohanji ( I am consciously refraining from using “My” Guru in my attempts to reduce ownership). 

“Mohanji”, during the most tough times, you held my hand and have never left my side.

I lost my husband in a very unexpected, tragic manner. Never did I ever think this would happen to me. That one week, when he was in the ICU, was the longest week in my life when I was hoping against hope and praying that he would come out of a coma after a head injury and haemorrhage. Mohanji called me and did whatever he could. 

Sadly, my husband’s soul chose to leave this world. But on the day he left his body. I would never have imagined I would react in the calm and composed manner I did. I stoically accepted his passing away and filled out the requisite forms right before his lifeless body. Despite the magnitude of my grief, I maintained my composure during the post-mortem and cremation. It was as though an invisible force was giving me the inner strength to accept the inevitable. (all this along with my then 15-year-old daughter). Mohanji also ensured that I got a pandit to do the last rites at the crematorium, which again is another leela. 

After the cremation, when I was back home trying to sleep, I suddenly felt a pat on my cheek, which I felt was a communication from my husband. It was his typical gesture of appreciating or giving a light high five. 

I also got a job in a good company within two months of his passing on a Thursday when I had yet to apply. I have experienced many more instances of grace, which have been humbling experiences for me. 

He continues to guide and be with me whenever I think of him or reach out. He is a guiding force for my daughter, too. Only with his grace have we put the grief behind us and get our lives back on track. Otherwise, I would have been a broken person with no will to live.

A little before 7 October 2022, I almost met with an accident which could have caused grievous injuries to myself and the people with me. “Miraculous” is the only word that comes to mind when I think about the incident that could have had a tragic outcome if not for his grace. 

It was like a suraksha kavach (a protective shield) around me, minimising the effects of the accident. 

Coincidentally, Mohanji, too, met with an accident around the same time. To my mind, it seems like he took the impact of my accident on himself. The thought has shaken me up as well as filled me with a plethora of emotions which I am unable to express. I can only bow down in gratitude to Mohanji for his unconditional love and protection.

“Gurudev, your physical presence is vital for us. It is our lifeline. Please don’t deprive us of the joy of being able to see you when our hearts long to be in your presence. It is the essence of existence.”

Guru Mohana Nayanam Sharanam, 
Guru Mohana Vadana Sharanam, 
Guru Mohana Charanam Sharanam,
Bhava Sagara Taranam!


To register for the next Empowered 5.0 in India, click here!

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 19th October 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Swagatam Krishna!

Welcome, Krishna!

by Subhasree Thottungal, UK

“6th Sept 2023 is Krishna Janmashtami – the birthday of Lord Krishna! And Mohanji will be with us at the MCB (Mohanji Centre of Benevolence) in Scotland then. Wow! What an opportunity to have our Mohana with us on the birthday of Krishna!” I was pretty excited with this thought when we were planning Mohanji’s visit to the MCB, Scotland, in the first two weeks of September. What can we do? How can we celebrate that day here in MCB? I didn’t have all the answers. I mentioned this day to Mohanji, and he said, yes, sure, we must celebrate Krishna Janmashtami. 

I knew we must carry some items for Janmashtami from London before we go to Scotland. I requested our dear Jyostna Ben and Pravin Bhai to help me get these items. Jyotsna Ben bought a beautiful baby Krishna (Bal Gopal) idol, a swing, some cute, tiny ornaments, baby Krishna’s outfits, a peacock feather, etc. As we were finalising the day-by-day programme schedule, I had that day as ‘Krishna Janmashtami celebration in the night,’ but I still didn’t have the details of how to celebrate. As days passed by, in my mind, I was getting a bit worried as I still didn’t have the whole plan!

Mohanji arrived on 31st Aug, participants started coming on 1st Sept, the retreat started soon, and I still hadn’t finalised the Janmashtami celebration plan yet! 

This day also had another significance. On Janmashtami day in 2000, Mohanji’s daughter Ammu left her body at a young age. Every year, on this day (Hindu Tithi), Mohanji performs the shraadh (ritual) for Ammu, mainly on the banks of Ganga. This year, Mohanji was in Scotland. Hence, he requested us to organise everything for him to observe this ritual. This was to be a private ritual, a father making offerings to the soul of his beloved daughter, and it needed to be facilitated well with all the proper rituals.

So, as the day was approaching, I focused on organising Ammu’s shraadh. I realised how important this is for Mohanji as a father, and I didn’t want anything lacking in the arrangement of this ritual. Thankfully, a very experienced and respected priest from London came up to the MCB for this ritual and arrived the previous night. He brought all the essential items with him, too. All I had to ensure was to clean the room where the ritual was supposed to happen and keep it ready for the priest. The priest also asked me to prepare a complete meal in the morning to be offered as prasadam during the ritual. 

On the 6th morning, when I took the morning arati to Mohanji, I noticed a deep silence and calmness on his face. I felt Mohanji, as a father, must be missing and remembering his daughter on this day, even after 23 years! 

Mohanji went to the puja room, where the priest was ready to start the ritual. I was rushing to finish cooking the full meal for prasadam. 

At that moment, Kristina told me that Mohanji was asking me to go inside the puja room and assist the priest and Mohanji if they needed anything. This was a private ritual between a father and daughter, and just being there as an assistant with the priest was indeed a great privilege. I quickly took the prasadam with me, went to the room and sat there to offer assistance when required. 

The ritual happened elaborately and continued very smoothly. Mohanji was fully merged into the ritual, following every instruction as requested by the priest and was saying and performing every part with total surrender, concentration, full sincerity and feelings (bhaav). During that ritual, I felt the presence of Ammu, and I could feel her joy, peace and assurance. Ammu was indeed receiving every offering her father offered with so much love. 

When the ritual finished, Mohanji said he was pleased with the way it was organised and how well the ritual was completed. He even complimented me about the prasadam and how quickly I could make all these items! I didn’t know either! However, it was not a surprise for me, as I knew who was doing it all! I surrendered the praise that Mohanji gave me at his feet, as I am not the doer; he is! 

I was still very overwhelmed and in a heightened state of energy, being present in the ritual. I thought Ammu & I might have been connected in the past! Well, I was certainly grateful to Mohanji for giving me this opportunity. I was also very happy and was relieved that this very important function for Mohanji was successfully completed and that he was happy.

Then I again focussed on the Janmashtami celebrations and discussed with Swami Govinda (who was with us during this period from Skanda Vale). He suggested that we carry the Krishna idols and do a procession, going around the entire MCB that evening. I mentioned to Mohanji about this plan. Mohanji suggested that, as Krishna was born at midnight, we should do the celebration in the night starting before midnight with bhajans for Lord Vishnu & Lord Ram (the prior incarnation of Krishna). And at midnight, celebrating Krishna’s birth by doing his arati, singing Krishna bhajans and distributing sweets to everyone with the joy that Krishna has come! 

He guided us with all the finer details, too. His main guidance was to welcome Krishna with joy and happiness, singing, dancing, etc. Then he said that we should take baby Krishna and all our other idols and do the procession the next morning. He even said he would join us for the procession (Nagar Parikrama), too. Wow! As Mohanji gave us all the instructions, my heart was beating faster with joy because this was what I had been waiting for all these days! Now we had the details! Mohanji smilingly said, “Let it all be a great drama!” “Yes, indeed, we will have a great show,” I thought.

I informed all the participants who were still there with us about the plan for the night. Almost everyone stayed back at the MCB after dinner. Around 10 pm, we started the celebrations. Vighneshwara Anna and Swami Govinda placed the beautifully decorated swing with Baby Krishna in front of Baba inside the temple. Baby Krishna’s altar was in a beautiful covering, indicating that he was yet to be born! Everyone gathered, and we started singing bhajans. As the time drew closer, the spirit of all the devotees went higher and higher with joy; many were dancing, too. 

At midnight, Swami Govinda unveiled Baby Krishna, took the idol in his hand and raised it to show us all! We then did a special arati, as was chosen by Mohanji. Everyone offered arati, gently swung Baby Krishna’s cradle and shared sweets. I was totally soaked! Not just with the sweat from all the singing and dancing, but with unlimited joy! Mohana is here! Krishna is here! Though Mohanji was physically not with us at that time in the temple, I knew he was very much with us. His presence was tangible!

You can watch here the Live video of that celebration.

When I took the arati to Mohanji the following morning, I told him teasingly, “You didn’t come to celebrate with us last night; we had so much fun!” Mohanji spontaneously said, “Of course, I came! I was there.” 

After breakfast, Mohanji instructed us on how to start the next celebration – ‘Nagar Parikrama,’ – the procession of all the Krishna idols around the MCB. He gave specific instructions on how to start, where to stop, and which arati to be done; Swami Govinda and others prepared the lamps, etc. Soon, Mohanji and everyone else gathered inside the shrine room. 

Mohanji carried the Shree Guruvayurappan’s idol, someone else carried another Krishna Idol we had there, and Mohanji walked to the Datta temple. He said we will begin from there. The handmade lamps were lit, and Datta arati was done. With bells and mantra chanting, the procession started, moving to Baba’s temple, where our Bal Gopal was swinging in his cradle. 

After reaching there, Mohanji offered arati (a melodious arati that truly opens up our heart chakra) to Bal Gopal followed by the others. I then took the idol of Bal Gopal in my hands and got ready to start the procession around our entire land. We also had the idols of Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra and Lord Sudarshana. 

Everyone took an idol, and another person walked in front carrying a handmade lamp for each deity. When we exited the temple, Mohanji called me to stand beside him. I held Baby Krishna – Bal Gopal in my hands, keeping him at my chest level.

While walking with Mohanji, holding Bal Gopal, the MCB felt like the land of Vrindavan. The trees, the leaves swaying in the gentle breeze, the warm sunshine on our faces, the birds chirping, the fragrance of the lamps coming from the front, and above all, Mohanji walking on my right side holding Lord Guruvayurappan on his head felt like Krishna Kanhaiya walking with his flute on his lips blowing enchanting music. 

Mohanji asked us to keep chanting “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaaya” while we walked, and he was chanting too. Since I was walking close to him, I could hear him chanting, adding to the divine feeling I was experiencing already. My feet were not on the ground, and I was not walking; I was just floating. I had no feeling of my body at that moment.

Slowly walking, we arrived at the “Parabrahma Vriksha” (a special tree within our land, where Mohanji had spotted the presence of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva and very intense energy during his very first visit to the MCB in Scotland). 

Mohanji indicated for us to stop there and offer arati to the tree. Someone played the Kunja Bihari arati there, and we all sang it together. Since I was standing close to Mohanji, I could clearly hear him singing this arati, too! Krishna himself sang, which truly intensified the devotion flowing from our hearts. Eyes closed, the vision appeared of Vrindavan, Krishna standing under the special Kadamba Vriksha with Gopas and Gopis around him, playing sweet tunes in his flute. Not just humans but the animals, insects, trees, grass, rivers, mountains, forests – the entire universe came to a stand still. 

The air was filled with the fragrance of Krishna! Even though I didn’t know the full lyrics of the arati song, just repeating the chorus part along with Mohanji was ecstatic, devotion beyond all dimensions. When the arati finished, Mohanji signalled us to continue our walk, again chanting the “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” mantra. Walking through the grassland, the chant coming from everyone together filled the air, our entire space. The sky was beautiful – clear and bright blue. The Sun was shining, pleasantly warm with a soothing breeze. 

After walking for some time, in the middle of the field, suddenly Mohanji signalled for us to stop and asked to play the arati. While we were standing there before the arati started, suddenly my eyes went up to the sky, slightly towards the right side. And I noticed the bright Moon – crescent-shaped. The silver Moon was shining in the clear blue sky with just a few white fluffy clouds here and there. It felt like the Sun on the left and Moon on the right were standing and offering their prostration to the Lord of the Universe! 

Then I looked straight, right up to the end of our land with the natural boundary of lined trees that marks the start of the forest. At that point, I froze with what I saw! On top of each tree, I noticed a shape (unrecognised) with a shining silver lining. After my initial shock, as I gazed at all the trees in that row from one end to the other, I noticed similar silver lines around different shapes sitting on top of every tree! I soon realised that these were not just shapes; these were celestial beings watching the procession! 

Then my eyes went slightly up onto the sky, just behind the trees, and there I noticed a formation of white fluffy clouds, arranged in a theatrical pattern as if all the Devi Devtas (the Gods and the deities) were standing in line to watch this procession. We stood for quite a few minutes while singing the arati, but my eyes were glued to watching this divine vision of celestial beings enjoying this show! After some time, I turned my head to look at Mohanji’s face. With eyes closed, his lips moving, singing the arati song, he was merged in that divine space! It seemed as if Krishna was totally engrossed, his eyes closed and playing the divine tune through his flute. 

When I was standing beside Mohanji, he tapped on my head (at the crown) and said, “Hold Krishna there.” He also kept the idol of Guruvayurappan he was holding on top of his head.  As soon as I put the tiny Baby Krishna idol on my crown, something happened to my entire aura. From there on, I wasn’t myself. I was feeling Krishna. Not just on top of my head or in the idols, I was feeling Krishna right next to me! I captured those moments with open eyes; this vision was unbelievable but true!

After the arati finished, we started walking and reached the Datta Temple. Since the beginning of the procession earlier from Datta Temple, Bal Gopal was not there, and Mohanji told me to go inside the Datta temple and show Bal Gopal to Datta. Aww…. how sweet was that! And like a proud mother, I showed my sweet Baby Krishna to Datta and Anagha Lakshmy. If only I could show my joy, my expanded heart chakra! We did arati there, and once again, I enjoyed listening and singing along with Mohanji, the Kunja Bihari arati.

Then we walked back towards the Baba Temple, and after reaching there, I placed Bal Gopal on the altar. All other idols were placed there, too. Mohanji and everyone did Abhishekam (bathing) to all the idols, followed by the arati to Krishna again. These moments were just filling the entire temple room (and the entire space of the MCB) with a heightened state of energy, joy and celebration. The people present for this celebration did not just include the physically present persons, but all the people connected to Mohanji and our Tradition and even all the celestial beings. That was the feeling in the room at that moment! This place was Vrindavan, and the whole universe was attending this celebration. After all, Krishna himself was there! Everyone was singing bhajans; the tabla was being played, and the spirit of joy was expanding all to the fullest.

Then, it was time for Baba’s arati. Mohanji first offered the arati, and then everyone else offered the arati one by one. After my turn, I came back and stood behind Mohanji. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard Mohanji singing the entire of Madhyanna arati of Baba – all the songs, word by word! Wow, I thought in my head, when does Mohanji learn all these, and how does he remember, even though these lyrics are not in his language or Sanskrit! 

Something funny happened during this time. During one of the songs, there was a line which meant, “Baba, I am offering you total prostrations”. Mohanji tapped my shoulder and signalled me to do this, so every time this line came, I kept kneeling down and offering prostration on the ground to Baba. And Mohanji was smiling (teasing smile!). After that, one more song came, and there was also a line that meant offering pranams (but not really full prostration on the ground), but Mohanji tapped my shoulder again, and as I was about to kneel down, he smiled and indicated that it was not needed! I realised that Krishna was playing with me! Naughty Krishna! As always. 

Well, we finished the arati, took Baba’s blessings, took our Guru Mohanji’s blessings, and it was time for lunch. While having lunch and afterwards, Mohanji was quite cheerful and joyful, in a relaxed mood, contrary to how he was the previous morning. He was a serious father then and now the joyful Krishna!

I was still in a state with the heart chakra opened fully. Maybe this is exactly how everyone around Krishna in Vrindavan must always feel! Krishna was born – not just in rituals, but in our hearts, filling us with the divine love that is unfathomable, incomprehensible, and immeasurable.

I still can’t believe we had this privilege to experience Krishna, in flesh and blood, LIVE! Well, all I could say at that moment was, “Swagatam! Swagatam Krishna. Welcome to this abode; this body, this mind, this soul, make this your Vrindavan!”

Love you, Krishna; love you, my enchanting Mohana (Mohanji, my eternal Guru).


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th October 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Transformations and Acceptance

By Suryaprabha

On the September 10th, I became an auntie. But I wouldn’t have become one without Mohanji’s grace and blessing.

My brother and his wife had been trying to have a child for a while. They even tried IVF once, and it failed. During the Empowered training course, my brother shared that he and my sister-in-law were upset because of this situation. Exactly on October 25th, 2022, I was called by Mohanji regarding translating his books. After the meeting, I told him about my brother and his wife and their desire for a child.

He blessed an apple, gave it to me, and told me: “Tell them to cut it in half, and each eat a half. If it’s 5% in their karma to have a child, I’ll make it 100%, but if it’s not in their karma to have a child, I can’t do anything about it. “I asked him if they should go for IVF again, and he said: “Give them the apple to eat.”

When I came back to Tehran, I shared the news and gave them the apple. The following week, my sister-in-law went for another trial of IVF. Everything was successful, and they called her from the hospital to go there the next day to insert the conception. The night before that, at 9 pm, I gave her Mai-Tri. The next day, when she went to the hospital for the procedure to be done, the doctor told her: “I’m so sorry, everything was going well till last night. Suddenly, at 9 pm last night, the growth of the fetus was stopped.”

Well, the synchronicity of the incident and the Mai-Tri was interesting. I knew Mohanji was at work. I thought, whatever happens, it must be a blessing. There could have been many reasons behind it. Who knows what? Maybe the baby wouldn’t be healthy, and Mohanji prevented it. Maybe my sister-in-law needed to experience a miscarriage and cross through the corresponding emotions. Mohanji cleared it that way and many other speculations beyond our understanding.

After that, my sister-in-law was very desperate, and she told me that she wanted to shift her focus for a while. In the meantime, she was introduced to a holistic doctor who claimed that she would help her correct her lifestyle. She was advised to change her eating habits, do yoga, and spend some time dancing every day and a few other things. After a month and a half, she came to me for a Mai-Tri session, and she told me that her period had been late for a few days. I told her she might be pregnant, but she said no, and she was too desperate to check that.

To cut a long story short, she called me a few days later and told me the great news of her pregnancy. Two weeks ago, the baby boy was born, completely healthy and so cute. All the hospital personnel were in awe that my sister-in-law had a natural pregnancy at her age. The baby has brought Mohanji’s light and blessings into our family. I’m so grateful to Mohanji, and I would like to express my gratitude for his infinite grace. Baby Siven is Mohanji’s son, and he’s a blessing to our entire lineage.

By Savi Ashtamoorthy, USA.

I wasn’t looking for a Guru; in fact, I didn’t believe in the Guru Principle at all. I was that ignorant and naive. To understand fully, I have to start from the beginning. I was born and grew up in a conventional Kerala Brahmin family that followed all the rituals and customs, like waking up early in the morning, taking a cold shower in the pond, and praying for hours. I got bored with all the things and values and was against everything we did then.

Later, I married a spiritual person and had trouble adjusting to his opinions. His family is very close to Mohanji’s, and he knows them well. When my husband started following Mohanji, I was totally against that decision. He went to Kailash with Mohanji and came back as a totally different person. That made me angrier. I was that ignorant! I didn’t listen to anything he tried to tell me then. Our marriage was rocky, and I blamed Mohanji for that.

When Mohanji came to the USA in 2022, we had an opportunity to attend a marriage with him. In my mind, I dared him. If he was this great, he would sit next to me on the dining table. We went, and he sat very next to me, can you believe that! This year, I had a chance to meet Mohanji a couple of times, and I had a chance to sit with him for every meal. He fulfilled my wishes beyond my expectations. That meeting transformed me completely. He was full of love, and that energy was beyond my words. He talked very casually, and I was slowly melting with his presence.

Then I started listening to him, and I could see transformations happening inside of me. I have started listening to his speeches and finished the entire Empowered program. I have so many ups and downs, but something is happening inside me. I crave silence more than noise (I usually love all kinds of sounds, and I am very talkative).

On 5/21/2023, we came to Cancun, Mexico. The very first day, I jumped from a 6-foot wall and fell awkwardly on my left knee. For the first three minutes, I had terrible pain. I surrendered my pain to Mohanji. He was with me, telling me that the body will have pain; just let it go as you are not the pain. I couldn’t move my body for the first 3-4 minutes. Lifeguards came running and offered help. But after a couple of minutes, I could walk a few feet. Even in that commotion, my mind was really calm, and we spent a good hour in the water. As I got up from the water, the body pain had not subsided.

We called the paramedics, and they first took me to a hospital in the resort. To immobilize the leg, they took me in an ambulance. They checked the vitals, and they showed regular readings; there were no signs of elevated readings even though I hadn’t even been taking the meds for high blood pressure during the past 2-3 days. I have been on blood pressure meds for over a decade and a half. We spent a good 6 hours in the hospital, and they bandaged the leg and gave me a shot for anti-inflammation and crutches.

Even though there were random thoughts of this happening on the first day of a beach vacation, the conviction in my Guru helped me pass over the pain and accept the situation quickly. I couldn’t have done that without the help of Guru Shakti. I had a wonderful time on crutches and wheelchairs with people giving royal treatment. The pain caused by the accident no longer affected me, as we enjoyed the rest of the trip as it unfolded with some adjustments.

Acceptance of the situation came so naturally with the help of Mohanji’s words ringing inside that I am not the body and that the pain is that of the body. That helped me to let go of the pain and make the best out of the situation by remaining calm. We did all the rest of the tours except for water sports-related activities. As was His plan, we had not reserved any special activities for the vacation, which turned out to be for the best. The first lesson on Acceptance of Self over the body thus got assimilated into the system. 

Now, my Guru is everything to me. I surrender to him completely.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th September 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

A goal fulfilled!

by Charley Upton, USA

Experiences from the Kailash Yatra 2023

Devi Mohan told me she saw me on a pilgrimage to Kailash in 2026. This reawakened in me the desire to go on this pilgrimage, which I had always wanted to do. Mohanji has said you can only go to Kailash if called.

On Friday, 7/21/23, right before Pat & my 4 am Conscious Kriya session with Cody Galloway on Zoom, a book fell off our altar bookshelf without apparent cause. The book “Kailash with Mohanji” was perched, ready to fall. I heard ringing in my ears & felt my consciousness rising. Pat & I looked at each other & said, “Oh my God!”

When we were in Bosnia for a Kriya Intensive, we asked Mohanji if he would recommend that Ruth & I go this year. He said that if we have the time & the money to go this year, then we should go, as the future is often uncertain.

Our group of 27 spent five days in Kathmandu at the Hyatt Regency with Mohanji in preparation for the parikrama. This was definitely a highlight. The meals were amazing! Mohanji was filling us with energy & love. We chanted “Om Namah Shivaya” (3 rounds of the mala with 108 beads) every day, along with performing the abhishekam, listening to the Rudram, participating in processes like the Power of Purity & the 360-degree meditation, enjoying Satsangs with Mohanji, Shaktipat, blessings, sang bhajans & listened to parikrama tips from several people. When we left Kathmandu, I was the lucky recipient of a loving hug from Mohanji (another highlight). He watched over us & protected us on the entire journey. What more can you ask for than to have the love & guidance from a Master?

When we were near Lake Manasarovar, it began raining heavily in the morning, right after breakfast. We were all under a tent & Bhavani suggested setting an intention by chanting 3 malas of “Om Namah Shivaya” to change the weather to sunshine. Amazingly, after 2 rounds of the mala, the rain stopped, & after the 3rd mala, the sun came out. This is what is possible when we work together as a group with Mohanji’s grace! Our group was supportive, kind, loving & helpful.

Going through & around the Yama Dwar was a highlight, as this is where we leave our old you, & become reborn into a new you.

At the end of the first day, seeing the north face of Kailash up close was incredible. We took pictures & chanted as a group. We may have had different goals for our Kailash trip, like walking the 35 miles was important to me & not so for others, & it seemed that our goals & wishes were fulfilled (Mohanji says that no one walks away empty-handed from Kailash). Please forgive me for being so brief; this just begins to touch the surface. I am very happy to have completed the parikrama & thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful experience.

It was inspiring to see the dedication & devotion of the people doing prostrations around Kailash. It may take them 1-2 months to complete the parikrama. Their effort & endurance are very admirable & humbling. I counted about 20 people along the parikrama with their aprons, elbow & knee pads doing their prostrations. We offered them some food & wished them well.

Our team of 6 sherpas deserve special mention for their inspiration & service. Our leader Nimha said he had completed about 100 parikramas, & Sunin & Toshi reported about 30 parikramas each. They experienced the same symptoms of high elevation that we did (including headaches & vomiting), yet they worked very hard to serve us in style & with care. They cooked for us, cleaned up after us, watched over us, encouraged us, slept only for about 3 hours/night, moved heavy duffle bags, & treated us like close family. Very impressive!

I was fortunate to take this sacred pilgrimage with our daughter, Ruth. The shared challenges have deepened our bond. I am very proud of her. She walked the entire parikrama, except for a part of the Dolma La Pass. She definitely helped me a lot & made my journey much more enjoyable. Our mutual goal of liberation pushes each of us closer (as Pat also pushes us closer). Our shared memories & pictures are priceless! What a great spiritual adventure to take with your family members! Thank you so much, Ruth, great job! Our pictures in front of the North Face of Kailash & Mohanji in Kathmandu are among my most prized possessions.

We all have vulnerabilities to accept & fears to face. I was one of the oldest & slowest of our group of 27. I had a blister on my heel that I covered with a band-aid & duct tape. I had several close calls about making it to the bathroom in time. I would have been devastated not to make the entire parikrama on foot. We were fortunate to find reasonable airline tickets less than 2 weeks before departure. We did end up spending two nights in airports on our layovers. There is a saying that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

I asked Pat about her experience at home while we were in Tibet. She shared that my father (who passed last year) & his parents appeared to her beaming with smiles, saying they felt great benefits from my parikrama. Perhaps some of their family karma & responsibilities were reduced. They were very happy & proud of me. Mohanji has said that our whole lineage walks with us when we walk the parikrama. I was happy to make them happy. Thank you for taking the time to listen to these stories. I hope you will have the opportunity to take this journey soon.

Best wishes, Jai Mohanji!

Click here to register for Empowered 5.0 with Mohanji in India


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st September 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

The blessings of a living Master

by Suresh Balasubramanian, India

The grace of Masters can be unfathomable. It all started last year on mid-May 22. After a few days of visiting Tirupathi and some other temples, receiving the blessings and grace of the Lord and our Masters, my family and I came back to Chennai, and I left for my work in Goa. My father was with my younger brother and wife. In June, while our house renovation was ongoing, my father, brother, and wife visited our native place at Nagapattinam. One of my father’s relatives told him his body had become yellowish.

(Somewhere during this period, every morning, while I used to get up, Mohanji’s “Power of Purity” was the first thing I saw on my mobile. I knew Mohanji (my Datta) relentlessly told me to meditate. Credits to my mind’s procrastination, I didn’t adhere to the message).

When they took him to the doctor, he was diagnosed with jaundice which the doctor said my father had been suffering for the past month, but nobody detected it. 

My brother immediately called me, and I told him to do everything necessary for his treatment. Now here was the moment things suddenly started changing; instead of treating my father for jaundice, the doctor was carrying out all types of Scanning, including MRI and Endoscopy. Later he said there was some blockage in the bile duct near the gall bladder leading to the pancreas.

Seeing the events unfolding, I told my brother to shift our father to an empanelled hospital in Trivandrum, where our father was entitled to avail medical treatment free of cost through his professional tie-up.

I also came to Trivandrum, wherein they conducted a minor surgery and put a stud (metal clip) to open up the blockage between the gall bladder and pancreas. They informed us that they detected a small growth near the periampullary region. I didn’t understand the significance of the statement that the doctor said.

My wife consulted her cousin, working in the medical profession, and through the medical report, we learned that the small growth was cancerous. It took us some time to digest what we just heard. From jaundice to cancer detection was too much for us to take, given that my father had no bad habits like drinking or smoking.

The doctor said that they needed to do a major operation, namely Whipple surgery, to prevent the spreading and that they would perform the surgery at the earliest after my father’s symptoms of jaundice became low.

We planned for the surgery on August 31st, 2022 (Ganesh Chaturthi), two weeks from the date of the minor surgery, for my father to recover. My mind was relieved and assured that the surgery was planned on a very auspicious day.

Things were again to unfold.

After two weeks, my father and my brother were to come from Chennai for the surgery, and I was planning to join them in Trivandrum with my wife. Just two days before my brother departed from Chennai, I got a call from my brother that he had chickenpox. I immediately checked with the doctor, who cleared that if my father had already contacted chickenpox, there would be no problem.

I was continuously praying to Mohanji and Sripada Srivallabha.

We immediately requested a cousin from our native place to accompany our father from Chennai. On reaching the hospital, the doctors examined my father’s health condition and said we needed to wait till his health condition (jaundice) improved. The health of my father improved in three days. So on 3rd Sep 2022, Father underwent the Whipple surgery, a 13-hour procedure. I was sitting in the ward and was constantly chanting Datta mantra.

The doctor said the operation was successful and my father would take a month to recover from the surgery, and thereafter, his chemotherapy had to start as some lymph nodes were affected. We took our father to recover from surgery to Goa and within a month, on 3rd Oct 2022, through the blessing of the tradition and our beloved Master Mohanji.

We visited Kollur Maa Mookambika temple, although not planned initially. The divine Mother showered her blessings on our family. My father walked into the temple and had the divine darshan of Mother, and we also attended the deepa aradhana (deepa Aarthi) to our hearts’ content. Thereafter, we visited Sri Bhagavan Nithyananda’s ashram near the Mookambika temple, established by Shri Vimalananda Swami.

On return, we all had the blessing to visit Lord Murudeshwar and Lord Mahableshwar at Gokarna. Upon resuming office, my boss called me to the office and told me that I might need to go to (Lonavala) near Pune for official work. The first thought that flashed through my mind was Sai Baba had called for darshan.

As it was an official duty, I hesitated to take my family with me, but Sai Baba had other plans. I landed in Lonavala on a Thursday, and immediately after accessing the jobs in hand, I quickly called my wife to book tickets on Friday so they could join me for the weekend. On October 15th was Baba’s Mahasamadhi day; we went to Shirdi on October 16th. This was the first time I was taking my family to visit Shirdi.

Master plans the play and gets it executed. Just as we were going to Shirdi for darshan, I saw a video on YouTube from our beloved Master Mohanji – What to ask Sai Baba when you visit Shirdi. Ask Baba to help connect to his consciousness was the message. We went and had a beautiful darshan. On return, I enquired about continuing my father’s chemotherapy in Chennai.

We went to one of the Cancer Institute hospitals in Chennai in the month of November. The sight of the hospital moved my heart. I was coming across this hospital for the first time. The number of people who were there for the treatment was heart-wrenching. People of all age groups of various socio-economic backgrounds were all waiting in the corridor for their turn. Most of the patients were reduced to skeletons with hardly any energy to move due to the cancer.

During this time, I spoke to Mr Devadas from Palakkad and requested for Mai-Tri for my father. As planned, Mr Devadas did the Mai-Tri and informed that the energy transfer was average and the message through Mai-Tri was to continue with the treatment.

I reluctantly told Mr Devadas that my father’s age was a factor, and I was thinking of an alternative treatment other than chemotherapy after what I witnessed at the Cancer hospital. I was requesting whether we could continue with Mai-Tri alone. Mr Devadas asked me to surrender my thoughts to our beloved Master Mohanji and wait.

That evening, we had to take my father to a diabetic specialist for review. We had informed him on a previous occasion about the chemotherapy. I continuously asked Mohanji mentally about the way forward for his treatment in the doctor’s presence. Suddenly the doctor asked about the treatment, and I profusely said we had decided not to undergo chemotherapy.

He stopped the checkup and advised us that this very essential and that whatever the side effects of the treatment, we are there for you. I immediately felt as if Mohanji was speaking. We returned, and I shared with Mr Devadas that Mohanji had given the message and that we would continue with the chemo treatment.

We had planned the first chemo on Nov 25th, 2022 in Chennai. Mohanji was during those times, I believe, at the Chitrakoot pilgrimage. I was eagerly praying for the darshan for Mohanji. We started the chemo, and I told my father to offer his prayers to Mohanji, Kuladevata, and Lord Murugan as advised by Mohanji.

We came back, and after two days, I saw a FB post that on the same day, Nov 25th, Mohanji was in Chennai visiting Mohanji ka Aangan. My heart melted, a humble prayer, and Master showed his physical presence. Words will fall short of even describing the grace of the Master.

With the grace of our beloved Master Mohanji, my father completed the chemo treatment that lasted for seven months. On Mohanji’s Birthday i.e. Feb 23rd, 2023, my father completed the renovation and had a housewarming ceremony.

The treatment got over by mid-May. I went to see my father in Chennai on 04 June 23.

Suddenly, I heard Sai Baba’s prayer outside my house that day. We have a temple near our house, but they never play Sai Baba’s songs. I enquired with my father from where this prayer was coming. He said to go outside; you will see Baba. I came out of the house and saw Baba seated on a majestic throne on a tricycle approaching us.

My happiness knew no bounds; I couldn’t even chant, choked with divine darshan and just wanted to go and give dakshina through my father’s hand. I rushed inside but saw my father having food, so I took out some money and offered my dakshina.

Our tradition assures us that Mohanji Consciousness and Sripada Consciousness are no different; it’s the same. A different form of Lord Datta in the present time as a living master is our beloved Mohanji. Eternal gratitude and humble Sastang pranamam at the holy lotus feet of Mohanji (my Datta).


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th August 2023


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Mohanji Testimonials team

Amazingly Happy

Pranapratishta in Skanda Vale and Scotland, June 2023

By Linda Abrol, Netherlands

Looking around at Heathrow Airport, I had a strong feeling that I should enter this particular restaurant. I was looking for Hemant and Priti and the whole Mohanji UK ‘gang’ that had passed passport control sometime before me. I had met them before checking in for my flight. I had had some problem with the machine since the name on my ticket didn’t exactly match the name on my passport.

Somebody else had booked my ticket and had, by mistake, filled in my married name. Hemant had kindly persuaded me not to ask at the counter but try the second option, a passport scan instead. It worked! Without him, I most probably wouldn’t have experienced what I was going to experience right now, for I would have surely gotten into trouble at the counter.

Walking through the restaurant, I heard my name and looked straight into the beaming face of Eric from Canada. Subhasree sat opposite him at the table and said: ‘Mohanji saw you walking just now, and he mentioned it to us.’ Mohanji was sitting there! I looked at him, and in my excitement to see him, I forgot all about my pranaams. I heard him say to Thea, who was standing close: ‘Find a bigger table so that all of us can sit.’ He immediately made me feel welcome. Otherwise, I would have quickly said hello and left to allow them their privacy.

This was not a small thing for me, although Mohanji says everything very casually. With one sentence, he cured six months of pain and loneliness. In December 2022, I moved in with my sister and stayed there until this journey. Apart from our trip to Shirdi in January 2023, when we had a revival, I only saw my husband occasionally. I had to make this move, for it was unbearable for me to stay at home continuously. 

May everyone be happy, and may there be only winners, was my prayer. This marriage needed some big-time cleansing. The universe created this magical chance just when I needed it most and when I prayed intensely for a solution. The very next day, after my prayer, my sister told me she had decided to leave her apartment in the city to be out in nature for a few months. She invited me to stay in her house for the time being. I was extremely surprised and grateful for the opportunity – thanking Mohanji with all my heart – but extremely sad at the same time. Anna’s house was empty, and so was my heart.

Although I had faced much more extreme situations than this in my life, I had never felt so isolated, lonely, desperate, doubtful and locked out as in these months. I had a deeper existential fear than after the diagnosis of a life-threatening illness in June 2022. At that time, I had a lot of support. But this time, it seemed my best friends had forgotten me, and my near ones unanimously deemed it fit to find some or the other fault with me.

Apart from my dear sister, I couldn’t explain much about my situation to others, for I am not the type to throw mud. And if I had to explain a bit, I tried to stick to talking about my own feelings, challenges and my understanding of the situation. If I said a bit too much to anyone about the truth as I perceived it, I deeply regretted it afterwards. I didn’t want to be judgmental. I knew righteous indignation was sanctified quicksand for a sadhaka.

Familiar issues – even the ones I had faced courageously and successfully in the past – of abandonment, fear of judgment and anger and a feeling of not belonging reared their head but multiplied by a thousand times in strength and duration. No matter how much I witnessed my emotions and thoughts, how many mantras I repeated, how much vastly cleansing work I had done in the past, and how much I remembered all the wisdom of Mohanji and the Masters, I couldn’t help but feel lonely and misunderstood. There was no end to it.

As a topping of the misery cake, all the physical symptoms of the life-threatening autoimmune disorder that I was miraculously cured of in autumn 2022 came running back. But actually, I could totally accept the concept of dying, but living without feeling loved and understood… I simply couldn’t stand it anymore. 

Why did all this happen? Mohanji tells us not to analyse. But I know for sure that I had given him permission to cleanse me completely when I walked my Kailash Yatra simply around his body in October 2022, during Empowered 5 in Serbia. Since then, my life has become a rollercoaster, and I had nowhere to cling to, identify with, hold on to, go for comfort or security, no job to distract me, no duty to perform. I was nothing in my eyes, and I meant nothing to anyone. Which was not true, but it felt extremely true.

My energy frequency crashed to extreme lows. When I thought I had seen the bottom of the well, someone would show up out of nowhere, finding another fault with me until one day, I relaxed in the midst of my despair, feeling all alone in a dangerous world, and this time a shift happened. I simply accepted. What if no one wants to walk with me? What if no one understands me? What if no one will ever understand me and sees who I really am or support who I want to be, not seeing my pure intentions? So be it! If I have to walk alone, I will walk alone.

No one understood me forty years back when I was the only one eating healthy food, doing yoga, restraining from eating meat and hardly drinking any alcohol. Why would anyone understand me now that I have chosen an even more extreme path? And being very, very sensitive, I couldn’t even understand myself. Let me walk alone, then. So be it! This gave me strength.

In his ashram in Bangalore, during our last visit in November, I had asked Mohanji: “I don’t want to take my karma by simply running away from my relationship. What should I do?” I explained to him how I felt.

Mohanji replied: “Grounding. The base of the tree should be spirituality. Spirituality should be the only option for you.” He knew that was my only desire. “No matter what happens, it may rain, the wind may blow, and it may be hot or cold, but the tree stays.” I asked him how I could see that practically with the storm and all.

Mohanji replied: “You have taken birth. One decision. No other matters. Nothing is touching you. Just like the tree. Rain or sun …” 

“Just acceptance?”

Mohanji: “Emotions are all temporary. They only attack you when you are awake to it. Imagine Sita, for example, is shouting at you (he looked at Sita next to me), and you are asleep, then you won’t be able to hear her. It is like that. We are deaf to the situation and keep smiling. So that it doesn’t bother you, stay grounded. The issue of marriage is ownership. Ownership is the trap. Marriage should be purposeful. For a purpose. One common purpose and two people walking together.

See these girls; they walk with me (Mohanji pointed at the rooms where Milica and Thea were). I always tell them, “It won’t be easy for you. Infatuation, imagination, and hallucination won’t work here. Clarity works. If, in this lifetime, you want to attain liberation, it will happen. But that should be the only purpose. Existence is the only purpose of the tree.

Life is your only purpose. Life gives you different experiences. It changes time. It changes your age. It changes your experience pattern, structure, constitution, and character traits. Rain is happening, thunder is happening, etc., but the tree is stable because it is rooted in the ground, not in activity. Activity is for remembrance and alignment. Spirituality means: what you are. What is inside you. This is the ground which is stable. Be rooted there. Whether you like it or not, activity-wise, the tree is stable.” 

“And what about the storm?”

Mohanji: “Silence. If the wind uproots you, if you can get up, get up. A relationship is temporary. I am talking about permanence.”

This took my focus away from feeling ‘I am hurt’, and I decided to simply see if a mutual focus would reappear and at the same time keep up or build up the ‘strong and steady tree mode’.

If the last six months were the test for Mohanji’s teachings from November 2022, I didn’t quite live up to the mark. But since failures are the stepping stones to success, I will see them as mere experiences and refrain from whys and judgments. 

After arriving in Skanda Vale on Wednesday, Jana, Britta (my travelling companions from Germany), and I settled in our assigned yurt in the silence of the magical valley. We dedicated ourselves to our assigned tasks the next day, and the preparatory ceremonies for the Pranapatishta took place on Monday. Mohanji was invited as the chief guest and, under the guidance of five outstanding pandits, he participated in the puja in the Yaga Sala, a huge tent next to the new Shirdi Temple where the life-size Shirdi Sai Baba statue would be placed and consecrated.

When Mohanji got up after the puja, I stood in the double row of people he walked through. I did not expect to get my long-awaited Mohanji hug at such an intense high energy frequency time, so I was not prepared for the fact that when he saw me, he wrapped his safe arms around me and pulled me close to him in the warmest hug ever. Someone took a picture, and all the emotions of the past six months can be read on my face. The pain gave way to a moment of bliss, coming home and relief – all visible on my face simultaneously. I am overjoyed with this picture!

I had no questions during this 10-day journey and was just happy. That happiness continued seamlessly in Scotland, where the stunningly beautiful MCB (Mohanji Centre of Benevolence) of Mohanji Foundation UK was sanctified with the consecration of Ganesha, Dattatreya and Shirdi Baba statues. In Scotland, I especially enjoyed the family feeling, the sense of belonging, and being allowed to do seva together – with Mohanji and Devi always nearby and very accessible in our midst. 

It was as if the whole ten days journey was the degree that came my way after a long and difficult exam. Whereas the study period had involved exclusion, lovelessness and judgment, the ‘degree’ was filled with unity, recognition and warmth. Well, if life is a continuous journey, let me not get stuck with the idea that I have got some degree. Tomorrow there will be another challenge.

During the Kriya Intensive in July 2023, Mohanji said (forgive me if I don’t repeat his words literally): ‘If you are in the depth of despair, during your most trial times, don’t expect your friends or loved ones to stand by you and hold your hand. They may not.’ That was my ultimate confirmation. When you are in one of the dark nights of the soul, you are alone. The truth lies in accepting it. But everything will come back to you when the time is right.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th July 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 215 and 216

By Christopher Greenwood

Day 215 – Relative truths

Yesterday (15/06/21) was the final day of the trip to the Bosnian pyramids, and it concluded with an open satsang and Shaktipat in the tunnels – the tunnel which goes into one of the pyramids.

During the Satsang, Mohanji shared a simple yet effective story, illustrating how we all tend to live our lives based on relative truth rather than absolute truth. It’s a story I’ve heard him share before, but for me, each time, it’s a beautiful reminder and also a tool which I can come back to, which helps me understand my interaction with people around me a little better.

In the story, there’s a seven-foot man, a six-foot man, and a five-foot man, all standing together. From the 7-foot man’s perspective, there are two short people. In the case of the 6-foot man, there is one tall and one short person with him, and for the 5-foot man, there are two tall people next to them. For each of them, their perspective is correct. It’s a truth to them but a relative truth. The absolute truth is there’s a 7-foot man, a 6-foot man and a 5-foot man. That’s it.

This story is a great tool, which has helped me learn more about my perspective and how I’m basing my understanding of the world in relation to others. I could describe more, but I think the story is powerful enough just to leave it as it is. It’s worthwhile contemplating – what relative truths do we have based on our perspective in life?


Day 216 – A secure person will never humiliate another

Living with Mohanji has opened my eyes and awareness to the types of people in the world. It’s been good to recognize the more subtle dimensions between selfish and selfless interests, trustworthiness, dependability and other characteristics we could classify as good personalities.

This has helped me position myself with others better – moving closer to those with more positive qualities and creating a distance with those less positive while still being respectful. One of those good qualities to recognize in a secure and stable person is that they would never humiliate another. Only insecure people would seek to humiliate someone else. If I witness the humiliation, I can clearly understand that the person is operating from insecurity.

I share a story in the audio Mohanji shared with me as we drove to the Bosnian Pyramids for our final Satsang and Shaktipat of the Bosnia trip. Enjoy, and this awareness is also good for understanding people better to position ourselves better and keep our inner space clean.

Click here to listen to the story



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd May 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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