Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – “Mohanji’s grace – A gift of new life”

Fire of awareness

Neelu Vepu (Mohana Bhaktipriya), accounts how Mohanji bestowed His grace upon her mother to tide over the unseen complications of the operation, which saved her life.  We are happy to share this third experience in the series – Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9.

Read our other stories of Mohanji Satcharita.

Mohanji’s grace – A gift of new life!

By Neelu Vepu

To describe a Master’s grace upon us is a very difficult task, as we with our limited human faculties, cannot understand the extent to which a Master helps a devotee to cross the quagmire of Karma.

Here is one such humble attempt of mine of how he saved my mother from a painful health issue.

In the month of March 2019, my mother had developed some gynaecological problems, wherein she was advised hysterectomy, after the usual rounds of tests, including a biopsy. Thankfully the tests did not reveal anything to trigger panic, but the operation was mandatory to avoid any future problems that could occur considering her age.

Mohanji and Neelu's Mother
Mohanji and Neelu’s Mother

Prior to this, my mother never faced any serious health issues, and this would be the first time she would be admitted to a hospital. The thought of seeing her on a hospital bed was making me feel extremely depressed. But then, I had reassured myself that Mohanji was taking care of everything.

We planned to have her operation in May, as it would be summer vacation for my kids, and I could be around with my parents in Hyderabad, to help them through this period.

The morning of May 14th, while my mother was under the knife, I went on a chanting mode (Mohanji Gayatri Mantra) all through that duration. The operation was successful! However, the ordeal started the next day. She was coughing constantly and the X-Ray reports showed a severe lung infection, in spite of all the antibiotics that had been injected, as is always done after surgery. Her coughing continued for two days continuously.


She couldn’t take anything orally even after three days of operation. Her haemoglobin level had dropped considerably. She had become so weak that she was unable to speak even for a minute. Adding to her troubles, she developed dysentery. The oxygen levels in her blood went so low that, she even had to be put on an oxygen mask.

Unable to find the cause of the lung infection in this hospital, the doctors advised her to be shifted to another hospital, to get more tests done, to know the cause of the lung infection.

While my mother was going through all these, I messaged Mohanji to take care of her and relieve her from the suffering. He replied that he was taking care of her. He also said that one has to go through these things and changing their course would affect negatively.

He advised me to do a few things to reduce her karma, which I did immediately. I was very frightened, seeing her in this situation, but I had the faith that Mohanji was working on her.

On May 19th, she was shifted to yet another big hospital, and all the necessary tests and scans were done to know the cause of the lung infection. By His Grace, all the tests were normal, but she was still on oxygen.

She was also given a distance Mai-Tri Method. As a Mai-Tri practitioner, I also tried the Mai-Tri method on her. Interestingly, my mother would feel Mohanji’s hand on her head, even after I would remove mine. She could clearly feel his loving and gentle energy healing her. Slowly but gradually, her condition improved. She started taking solid food and all her complications gradually started decreasing. Mohanji’s grace was clearly visible.

The critical case, which was being referred to ICU (Intensive Care Unit), was so easily transformed into a positively responding case. Her dysentery stopped, the haemoglobin count became normal, lung infection reduced considerably, the persistent cough was gone, oxygen saturation levels were normal. In a couple of days, she was able to breathe normally without any external support. After a week’s stay in the new hospital, she was declared to be fit to be discharged on May 24th.

A normal post-surgery five-day stay in the hospital, got extended into a 12-day long stay!

All is well, that ends well! Now she is recovering very fast, which is Mohanji’s grace in full bloom.

Mohanji and Neelu parents
Mohanji with Neelu’s parents

Dear, if your faith in me is true, unshakeable and intense, your faith in me will never go wasted. I guarantee… – Mohanji

Mohanji, not only took care of my mother, he took care of me as well, in this tough time. I was with my mother, the whole time with almost no sleep and no rest in the hot summer for 12 days. I had to shuttle between our house and the hospital in the hot sun, to take care of my kids and to cook. I could feel his energy take over, whenever I felt exhausted. He always consoled me whenever I would cry at my mother’s painful condition. He gave me the mental and physical strength to go through all this. It was a real ordeal to see my mother lying so helplessly for days together and at the same time to put up a brave face in front of everyone and cheer my mother. He made me take care of my mother as a small baby. It was really MOHANJI everywhere. I always felt, only HE existed, I was nowhere present.

Any volume of words would fall short to express gratitude to the unconditional love and protection, Mohanji showers upon us.

Thank you My Gurudev for everything.
Love you forever.

Mohanji prayer



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

The Lord of the Lions – The Truth

Mohanji with lion cubs

By Rekha Murali

“If you want to grow spiritually, root in EXPERIENCE, not in words, not in theories.” – Mohanji

I learnt the value of these words only through my experiences. As I connect with Mohanji more and more, I realise that it is the experiences that help me understand my spiritual growth. Experiences abound every day but how aware am I of these experiences? How much faith do I have to recognise these experiences as a blessing through the grace of the Master? Pain or pleasure, is it not learning? Is it not a dilution of the pre-destined karma? I bow to Mohanji, resting my head at His feet in complete surrender, with a humble prayer to remove what is not essential for me!

Each day of the past four years has brought forth so many experiences, some very minuscule and some so huge that it has shaken me out of my stupor. Some made me realise the depth of my connection with Mohanji, while others made me doubt Him. But since 2017, there has been a great shift within me, recognising the greatness of my Guru and I am now able to completely accept Him with deep devotion and faith! There may be tests in the journey but now I have the confidence the compassion incarnate Para Brahma is walking with me helping me jump over the hurdles with ease!

I now share with you an experience that showed me the invisible hand of the divine assuring me of protection and unconditional love. It showed me the true stature of my Guru, Mohanji! I felt His presence without presence deep within the core of my being!

The story begins…

On Mahashivratri, there were many miracles that took place at the ashram in South Africa. Reading the sharing by Swami Bhaktananda was mesmerising. Mohanji’s face in the picture had morphed into Lord Narasimha himself – the face of a lion! Lord Narasimha is the fourth of the ten primary incarnations (avatars) of Lord Vishnu, the Hindu God of preservation. The main purpose of the ten avatars was to restore cosmic order.

Going back to my story, I was overwhelmed by reading the beautiful write-up and wondered at the power of the lion-faced God – known as Narasimha or Narasingha. Singha in Sanskrit means lion. The next evening I sat down for my Consciousness Kriya (CK) practice. Those were the days when tears would roll down my cheeks for no apparent reason and during the practice of CK, I would weep buckets. At that time, I was also being initiated into the Mai-Tri Method and so a lot of baggage from my sub-conscious mind was getting cleared. I was being churned inside out by Mohanji! Kriya and Mai-Tri are a wonderful combination of cleansing. But that particular day, my Kriya session turned out to be different and specially blessed!

A key aspect that I need to mention before I get into my story is about Consciousness Kriya. Since my initiation into (CK) in January 2018, I have been very regular with it. I just felt the need to do my practice every day although I could not see any visible changes initially. Slowly I realised the depth of this practice. Initially, the changes were very subtle but soon, the experiences became more visible. That started a stream of many beautiful experiences, revelations etc. CK is such a priceless technique that enhances the practitioner’s communion with the Masters directly. It opens you up completely to the Consciousness and the connection with your Guru and Tradition deepens. I was not aware of this for a long time although I have had visions of great Masters and received many answers through various sources during Kriya. Sometimes it would just appear as a thought in my head! Kriya has opened up so many dimensions within me that I could have never imagined possible. First and foremost, it has helped me connect with Mohanji’s consciousness so deeply. Blessings abound everywhere and it is this sacred practice that helps me to be aware of it! Immense gratitude to Mohanji for opening this unknown part within me through this beautiful gift of Kriya!

So, while doing Kriya after Mahashivratri, I connected strongly with Mohanji’s consciousness and the tears started unabated. Along with my crying, I was aware of each step of Kriya and followed it diligently. Suddenly my breath increased in speed and I was gasping with the tears flowing incessantly. In a flash, I had a beautiful, inner vision (in my mind’s eye) of the most compassionate, the most beautiful face of a lion. The face was lit up with the loveliest of smiles and had the most gentle eyes. I quickly looked down and saw a human body along with the face of the lion. The lower portion was adorned with a beautiful yellow silk dhoti with a reddish magenta silk shawl draped around the waist. A word popped in my head – “Lakshmi Narasimha”, although I could not see Lakshmi. Normally Narasimha has his consort Lakshmi on his lap. My hands automatically joined together in Namaste.

Lakshmi Narasimha
Lord Lakshmi Narasimha

I was dazed and I felt waves of bliss. By then the Insight Timer beeped and I jumped out of my skin still crying. They were tears of joy and devotion. I sensed that the divine had appeared to bless me. I thanked Mohanji for this beautiful experience and relived the vision again and again in a state of bliss.

As usual, later on, the mind started doubting the entire episode. Was I hallucinating? Was my mind playing tricks because of the blog by Swami Bhaktananda? I looked at Mohanji’s picture and questioned Him too. I remembered Mohanji comment that every experience we have is our own.

I did share this with some members of the Mohanji family and a couple of dear friends. The comments I received were mostly ‘beautiful’ or ‘awesome’. I could not receive any clear answers or assurances for my lingering doubts. I was not sure if this was for real. But I could also very vividly remember the whole vision and I would tear up thinking about it. My body would indicate the truth of the vision.

Mohanji on experiences


The first confirmation…

Finally, Mohanji Himself chose to give me the answers. He soon put my mind to rest through Devi Amma. Devi Amma is a highly evolved spiritual Master and a disciple of Sage Agastya Muni. Whenever I pose questions to Mohanji, I always get clear answers from someone and this time I was blessed to get my confirmation from Devi Amma herself. Again, I attribute this to CK, as it has helped me physically be in touch with this Divine Master, Devi Amma. Moreover, Devi Amma and Mohanji are so deeply connected and they always speak as one. For me, speaking to Devi Amma is akin to being in the presence of Mohanji! I sense the same happiness, and gentleness that I experience in Mohanji’s presence. Both of them shower me with the same unconditional love and compassion. So, two days after the vision, it so happened that I got a chance to speak with Devi Amma out of the blue.

Devi Amma
An embodiment of Love

As we were speaking, I described this vision to her and asked her if I was hallucinating. She then explained the beautiful reason behind the vision assuring me that Lord Narasimha had indeed appeared to bless me. My hair stood on end and tears flowed. Devi Amma explained that Narasimha is the most compassionate of all avatars of Vishnu and He appears when a person is going through a lot of internal turmoil and stress. She explained that I’d bottled up all the emotions within and appeared cheerful on the outside. So he had appeared to relieve me of the burdens that I was carrying deep within, cleansing me, of which I may not be even aware of. She mentioned that it was happening because of my deep connection with my Guru. I was thrilled to hear this as I had seen the same compassion and love in Mohanji’s eyes, as I had in the vision. I felt extremely light in my heart and was full of gratitude to Devi Amma as she had in her beautiful way filled me with her unconditional love. I sent a silent prayer of thanks to Mohanji too and I felt extremely overwhelmed. Masters have spoken to me directly and have shown me that they are with me. This physical validation was because of CK which enables direct communication with masters.

Mohanji on experiences 1

My second confirmation…

That night passed peacefully and I was happy with myself. A couple of days later, (it was a Friday), I got further confirmation on the reality of this vision. It so happened that a distant relative whom I am not in touch with called me. After a general discussion, as a religious person, he started speaking about temples and Gods and he mentioned that he had been thinking about talking to me that very morning about Lord Narasimha! I shared with him my vision and he immediately mentioned that my maternal grandfather was as an ardent devotee of Narasimha and it was a genuine blessing from the Lord. This was my second confirmation. There was a lineage connection here as well, my grandfather being a devotee.

And the third one…

Soon after that, my husband and I left on a holiday to a nearby town (Pondicherry). We planned a visit to a temple of Ram on the way. I immediately sent a humble prayer to the Lord himself… My request was that if the vision was true, I would see the idol of Narasimha in the temple dressed in the colours that had appeared in my vision…yellow dhoti with the reddish magenta wrap!

After we worshipped the main idol and walked around, we came across another deity called Sudarshana. My eyes lit up immediately and with heart pounding, I went quickly to view the back of the Sudarshana idol. The reason for this is because, in all South Indian temples, the back portion of the Sudarshana idol has an idol of Narasimha sitting cross-legged in yoga and is popularly known as Yoga Narasimha!

Lo and behold! I turned the corner and saw that the Yoga Narasimha was dressed in a yellow dhoti with a magenta cloth draped around his waist. Normally in such temples, I have always seen the deities dressed only in white dhotis. The Sudarshana idol was also dressed in a white dhoti. I was stunned and with tears flowing, I prostrated with gratitude and surrender. This was clear proof of the vision that I had during CK. The colour of the clothes matched exactly with the vision. So the appearance of the divine during CK was a blessing indeed! What more could I ask for?

Experience and mind

The entire experience was truly enlightening and assurances were given in various ways till I was satisfied. We proceeded to our destination (a resort) and I was unaware of the other plans that Mohanji had in store for me. This was again a blessing! Looking at the beautiful lawn in the resort, a thought crossed my mind that it would be wonderful to do Conscious Walking here for the guests of the resort. Mohanji fulfilled that so easily by helping me approach the Events Manager who agreed immediately to my idea. I also suggested doing the Power of Purity meditation and within a matter of minutes, everything was finalised for the next day. Announcements were made and Mohanji ensured His presence without presence. During the Mohanji energy transfer, a participant felt someone standing next to her although I was nowhere near her. She also sensed a surge of energy, a tingling sensation in her body! It was the first time that she was doing a proper meditation!


Mohanji not only gave me the opportunity to conduct a POP meditation and Conscious walking for the guests of the resort, but He also ensured that every participant benefitted by it. Participants experienced the energy and bliss that everyone feels in the presence of Mohanji. Conscious Walking also had an enthusiastic group of participants and people were happy to have learnt something new during their holiday. They felt energised and were happy to take back something that they could practice at home on their own. He orchestrated everything and all that I had to do was just go with the flow.

Thank you, dear Mohanji, for the various tools such as Consciousness Kriya and the Mai-Tri Method to help me discard some of the deep-rooted karmic samskaras!

The patience with which Mohanji handled me, understanding my doubting, uncontrollable mind and sending me messages through various sources was astounding. He is always there holding my hand, guiding me on my path even if I am not aware of it. He is my Narasimha, wiping my tears, showering me with His love and compassion. Ever smiling and gentle, He lovingly puts my disturbed mind to rest and protects me through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual upheaval. In this lifetime, my Narasimha is none other than Mohanji, who is compassionate incarnate. I always experience and see the same gentleness, unconditional love and compassion in Him that I saw in my vision of Lord Narasimha that day.

Dear Mohanji, I pray that you hold this Prahlada (devotee of Vishnu for whom he incarnated), your loving child close to you and never let go. On your shoulder, I merge into you with no worries and the faith that you as my Father, my Guru and My Narasimha will take me with you. You are Mohanji Narasimha!

Prahlada and Narasimha


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

4th Anniversary of Conscious Walking

On 21st June 2019 (International Yoga Day) we mark the 4th Anniversary of Conscious Walking, a powerful dynamic meditation created by Brahmarishi Mohanji. This deeply transformative technique has many benefits ranging from reducing anxiety and fears to improving overall health and wellbeing.


We share the testimonials of so many CW practitioners from around the globe, to inspire us all and keep us steadfast on this wonderful path of awareness through practicing Conscious Walking.

“30 mins of Conscious Walking helps me look deeply within myself and connect to the source. It keeps me rooted to the spine and makes me more aware of my breath.” – Aditya Nagpal from India

“A powerful meditation which connects us with our higher self, helps us realize our potential and feel the happiness within.” – Elena Dimitrovska from Macedonia

“Conscious Walking moves my focus from terrestrial mundane worries to what is really important to me and that is inner peace and purity.” – Dragana Tešanović from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dubai“I practice Conscious Walking regularly for 3 years and I always feel the joy that it brings me to be now and here, aware in 360 degrees around me. A technique with which I truly feel revitalized and energetic.” – Mimi from Macedonia

“We think we know how to walk but we actually do not, until we start consciously walking.  I feel connected to the nature and mother earth, thoughts get clearer and a sense of calmness prevails during the conscious walk.” – Hemant Panda from UK

“Conscious Walking helps me to be based in my spine, my life energy, and at the same time connects me with my Self and helps me to flow through life with lightness and awareness.” – Vesna from Macedonia

“Conscious walking is a form of meditation that suits me best. This activity in nature helps me to get in touch with myself in just half an hour. Deep within I find peace and happiness that helps me get different perceptions on good and bad that comes in my life.” – Ivana Surya from Crioatia

“During the last two or three times on Conscious Walking few thoughts came into my mind. Later I realized that those thoughts were actually answers to some important questions that i had, at that point of time. With Conscious Walking we consciously get closer to our self, to our soul, which is all knowing.” – Bobi from Macedonia

Conscious Walking with Mohanji - 6

“Conscious Walking brings me each time more and more to a feeling of gratitude and humility towards all that surrounds me… all living beings.” – Marko Bozovic from Serbia

“The technique Conscious Walking given by Mohanji is as an elixir for my life. It gives me energy, equanimity and freshness. I offer my gratitude to Mohanji.” – Tanja from Macedonia

Conscious Walking is easy and very powerful dynamic technique that leads to meditation. After finishing CW I feel a rush of energy, peace, refreshment and light trance state. Smile and lightness state are natural through the whole day after Conscious Walking. Thank you Mohanji.” – Milan Bjelakovic from Croatia

“Conscious Walking is a technique that I practice regularly for 2 years, it helps me to be more presents, to connect to myself and to connect with the nature around me. I feel more energy, better concentration and deeper inner peace after every Conscious Walk. When I started practicing this technique i used to have a lot of pain in my spine and  bad body posture. After 2 years, the pain in my spine is completely gone, and my body posture is better. I recommend to everyone to try this technique. Thank you Mohanji.” – Tamara from Macedonia

Conscious Walking with Mohanji - 5

“Conscious Walking grounded me and empowered me to consciously and wisely act for my own and the benefit of others. This power brings peace and fills my soul with love. I feel I am on the right path – with purpose, in each present moment… I am grateful.” – Sladjana Vucicevic from Serbia

“Conscious Walking helps me to shut down  the noises of the mind and hear the sounds of the universe. The sense of ‘I’ dissolves and what remains is the bliss of stillness.” – Rekha Murali from India

“Conscious Walking is my quickest way to connect to Mohanji’s consciousness. After the 30 minutes of being one with the universal knowledge and energy, I feel my consciousness gradually rising. I recommend it to all.” – Stefan from Macedonia

“Conscious Walking helped me to find inside myself that magical place that guides me towards healing of soul and body. This simple, yet powerful technique brings me peace, balance and harmony through love.” – Sandra from Serbia

Conscious Walking with Mohanji - 1

“Conscious walking for me is a vertical accelerator of energy, increasing consciousness, peacefulness, focus when it is done often, and can be practiced by everybody even those who have hard time sitting and meditating.” – Elena from Macedonia

“I felt the benefits of this wonderful and simple meditation even at the beginning stages of practicing. After only 30 minutes of Conscious Walking I felt lighter (from emotional and physical aspect), and some new, fresh energy is streaming through me. Every second of focusing my attention on my spine brings me a feeling of deep tranquility, some kind of sweetness to my whole being.” – Goca from Macedonia

“I enjoyed conscious walking and the two meditations at the end where I could perceive Shiva within my own life.” – Meeta Sahi from India

Conscious Walking with Mohanji - 2

“Conscious Walking for me is an exceptional and at the same time simple technique for relaxation and connecting with my Self. Meditation in movement in nature. It teaches us concentration, it benefits the whole body and spirit. I am grateful for learning it and I practice it regularly.” – Mare Volkanovska from Macedonia

“The Conscious Walking was oh, no words to express the experience. As I was doing the walk only concentrating on my steps and breath, I realized that nothing around you really matters in life. Conscious Walking was just like walking with Mohanji.” – Amruta from India

“If you want to feel the blessings of Mohanji’s meditations, I suggest you try Conscious Walking.” – Lile from Macedonia

Conscious Walking with Mohanji - 4

“Conscious Walking is one of the biggest blessings I received from Mohanji in this lifetime. It gives me inner power and stability, and makes my mind peaceful, always without exceptions.” – Hanumatananda from Macedonia

“Conscious Walking as a dynamic meditation fills me up with energy on physical level and helps me to bring my thought process to a peaceful state. This technique prepares me to connect to my inner world as source of peace and thus respond adequately to the challenges of everyday life.” – Sonja Kuzmanovska from Macedonia

“I practice Conscious Walking with great love for it for almost three years. The experience of conscious walking is one of exalted state of inner peace, silence and tranquility, with awareness of the present moment.” – Veska from Macedonia

“As we finished the Conscious Walking, I just had this hope of getting another opportunity to do this again as this was simply beyond words. It didn’t take long for Mohanji to fulfill this desire too.” – Nellyanne from UK


Dimensions of Conscious Walking: Methods for enhancing CW

Watch Mohanji talk about Conscious Walking: Part 1Part 2, Part 3

Few videos from CW practitioners: Video 1Video 2Video 3 ,

Read more about Conscious Walking: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Testimonials from practitioners: Part 1

If you would like to learn Conscious Walking please write an e-mail to Conscious Walking Team at and they will guide you further. You could also join our Global Conscious Walking community on Facebook and find out about updates, experiences and events happening across the world.



The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – ” The divine blessings of Kamadhenu”

divine beings

We bring to you our second story in the 9th Chapter of Mohanji Satcharita. Mahesh Bhalerao shares with us a beautiful experience that took pace in Datta Tapovan Ashram in Canada in the presence of our dear Mohanji!  Divinity can be seen, sensed or heard by most of us in this physical realm. Dive into this beautiful narration and enjoy the bliss that was evident in our Canada Ashram. 

The divine blessings of Kamadhenu!

By Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada

Mohanji’s arrival in Datta Tapovan Ashram brought to us the awareness of Lord Dattatreya’s presence in all aspects, and at many levels.

Let me share an event that shows the presence of Datta swaroopa Mohanji (Mohanji as the true nature of Lord Datta) in our lives, every moment.

On the morning of Friday, June 14th, devotees in Canada ashram offered aarati to Shirdi Sai Baba inside the ashram and then to Lord Datta outside, in Mohanji’s presence. Mohanji lit a lamp in front of Lord Datta and bowed His head to take his blessings. This was a very sacred moment as the devotees present there felt that divine communion was taking place.

The blessed moment didn’t end there.

The next day, Saturday morning, while everyone was walking outside towards Lord Datta’s temple, all could feel the fragrance of cow dung. It was not a dirty smell, rather a very purifying celestial smell with a strong, distinct fragrance that none could mistake. The fragrance lingered for quite some time. This left the devotees present there, puzzled. How come there was this smell of cow dung? From where?

This reminded us of the previous Sunday, June 9th, when few of us met at the ashram to discuss some matter, we had smelt the same fragrance. We did think for a moment that may be a farmer was using cow dung as a fertiliser in a nearby field. Once again this Saturday, when we got whiffs of the same fragrance, we realised that even though the ashram is located in the countryside in Canada, none of the farmers here used cow dung directly as a fertiliser! So there was absolutely no physical source from where the fragrance was emanating.

Surely this wasn’t an ordinary thing. Everyone looked up to Mohanji with curiosity eagerly waiting for Him to reveal the truth behind this phenomenon.

Mohanji explained to all. After the lamp was lit the previous day, ‘ Kamadhenu’, the celestial cow, the “every wish fulfilling mother” in the form of a cow had graced this space with her presence. Not everyone could see her, however, her presence was certainly felt through the cow dung fragrance.

Mohanji with Kamadhenu

So what is the significance behind the presence of Kamdhenu?

Well, this is up to everyone’s individual understanding and appetite for spiritual awareness!  I personally feel that in the physical presence of Datta Swaroopa Mohanji amongst us, every desire ( Dharmic, Karmic or Spiritual) is going to be accomplished!

This also made me realise that last Sunday, before Mohanji’s arrival, when we had felt the fragrance, it was an indication of Mohanji’s presence with us, that He is with us every moment, He is listening to us every moment.

Getting the same fragrance in His presence was the confirmation of His omnipresence, his omniscience and it was also clearing away our doubt, our naivety about cow dung being used as a fertiliser!

This realisation filled my heart, choked my throat and my eyes welled up! Here is my Baba (Mohanji), showing me His presence in every moment, that He is with us, listening to us, holding us every single moment. Thank You, Baba (Mohanji), for showing us this truth, for showing Your love for us.

I must also mention that on the day of this incident, yet another special event was happening. Mohanji was giving initiation to Kriya Trainees! What better way for the Tradition to convey the connection to the sacred path and the truth of the incarnation that we easily underestimate!

Thank you Mohanji for blessing the ashram and the devotees with your presence bringing the awareness of the Datta Tradition and for reminding us of your continuous presence with us every moment.



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 19th June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

The Master Beckons to Kailash

By Rajesh Kamath, India

Kailash! To paraphrase Star Trek, it is the final frontier, a place where few people have ever gone before. Eight billion people on the planet and yet only a chosen few are privileged to undertake this amazing pilgrimage. And this privilege comes only through grace – the grace of one’s ancestors, the grace of one’s Master, the grace of Lord Shiva, and the grace of the Guru Mandala (the Masters of the Tradition). Nothing but grace gets one an invite from Lord Shiva.

It is this grace that opens the doors to various experiences on the pilgrimage. It is this grace that keeps one alive in the harshest of environments on this pilgrimage. It is this grace that allows one to successfully complete the pilgrimage. I have seen some pilgrims who feel that they were entitled to receive this grace – wishful thinking that they are special in some way to deserve it. To mistake grace with entitlement can only be termed as sheer ignorance and, without a shadow of doubt, ego and ingratitude of the highest order.


According to Mohanji, a pilgirimage to Kailash is complete when one takes a dip in the holy Manasarovar lake and has a darshan (holy sight) of holy Mount Kailash. Optionally, one can perform a circumambulation around holy Mount Kailash – either via the Outer Kora (circumbulation) route or the Inner Kora route. By the grace of Mohanji, I have been very fortunate to be on the Kailash pilgrimage twice – once in 2014 on the Outer Kora route and once in 2016 on the Inner Kora route.

Like most Hindus, I had heard of the holy pilgrimage to Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. Thanks to an amazing mythology attached to it wherein Lord Shiva stays atop this beautiful white snowy mountain in the middle of nowhere with His family and His army. It could as well be a fairy tale because not many even dream to undertake this pilgrimage unlike the Char Dham (“four abodes”) pilgrimage – a pilgrimage to the four holy sites in India widely revered by Hindus and considered highly sacred to visit at least once in one’s lifetime.

The Kailash pilgrimage is not even visible on anyone’s radar, much less doing it. Even those that wistfully think about doing it feel that it is a pipe dream. And yet here I ended up doing a Kailash pilgrimage with a powerful Master a couple of months after vaguely thinking about doing it. If that is not grace, what is?


Listening to the experiences of a (now ex) colleague who had done the Kailash pilgrimage twice with the Chinmaya mission, got me thinking about doing Kailash. I checked with his contact but they said that they did not have any pilgrimage planned in the near future and would get back to me if and when they do. Out of the blue, I received an SMS from the Mumbai Mohanji center that Mohanji would be in town.

And guess the topic at the satsang (divine discourse) when I entered the room – Mohanji had just asked one of the attendees, Dhritiman (aka DB), to talk about his Kailash experience from 2013. At the end, DB mentioned that the pilgrimage would happen in four weeks at the end of that same month (July 2014). Talk about synchronicity! For me, it was like a huge flashing neon sign that I should join the Kailash pilgrimage.

In spite of the last minute runup, the whole registration process was unusually smooth thanks to Sumit from the organizing team and the invisible grace of Mohanji. It was sheer grace that allowed me to participate in the pilgrimage.

Someone canceled at the last minute opening a slot for me to join the group. The Chinese usually required the group permit to be applied a month or two before the pilgrimage (which would have ruled me out). However, that year, the Chinese delayed the group permit application process to just before the start of the pilgrimage.

Finally, my mind started playing games. Do you really want to go to a pilgrimage where you don’t know anyone? Wouldn’t it be better to use the two weeks to finally do the much-awaited motorcycle trip to Leh and Ladakh (a holy grail for bikers to ride on the highest motorable road in the world)? Finally, better sense prevailed and I decided against the motorcycle trip to join the Kailash pilgrimage.

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2014 was a special year for the Kailash pilgrimage– the year of Dev Kumbh which comes once every 12 years. Dev Kumbh is special in that each Kora counts as twelve. Each Outer Kora (a 56km circumambulation around Mount Kailash) done that year got one the benefit of doing twelve Outer Koras and equivalently the twelve whammy of transformation.

This enabled me to qualify for the Inner Kora. So, I “accidentally” ended up doing the Kailash pilgrimage during the best possible year. Amazing “accident” or infinite blessing? You decide.

On the flight to Kathmandu, I bumped into a girl from the Mumbai meditation group who was also doing the pilgrimage. She mentioned that there were around 85 people from around 20 different countries. I balked at the size and diversity of the group. I was expecting the group to be small – around 20-30 people. A vague thought surfaced to hijack the plane, turn the flight back and head back home.

When I reached the hotel, I saw a multitude of people outside the hotel enjoying the traditional Nepalese welcome. Most of them apparently knew each other. Hugs and greetings were being liberally exchanged. The one person I knew in this huge group had disappeared into this overfriendly sea of humanity. I tried my best to dematerialize myself.


I usually feel very conscious in a group setting. Breaking the ice is an ordeal for me because I am not sure what to say. The awkward pauses after the initial greeting are the stuff nightmares are made of. Once I get to know people, I am the loudest one in the room. When people who know me meet people who don’t know me, they get surprised because either group can’t seem to correlate my quiet self and my loud self.

Since there was not much I could do now, I decided to go with the flow. Since I lacked the spiritual abilities to disappear at will or the Harry Potter invisibility cloak, I did the next best thing. I moved over to where the bags were being offloaded and started helping there. Interestingly, this happened to be one of my fun tasks throughout the pilgrimage.

I had volunteered to help out with the pilgrimage and was assigned to daily task of getting the bags ready for loading each morning and unloading and distributing the bags in the evening. Interestingly, this pilgrimage is all about releasing baggage. Much like life, people would initially let go of their baggage, feel empty without it and take it back very soon.

It turned out to be a richly diverse group with all the obvious differences of color, race, religion, culture, nationalities, etc. Yet, it was an amazing group and, by the end of pilgrimage, they all seemed like family.

The pilgrimage felt like a special homecoming where long lost loved ones met after a long hiatus. Subsequently, I have come to expect this at most retreats with Mohanji. Our wider spiritual family reuniting with us and getting every closer, re-igniting the flame formed from the sparks of numerous past life interactions.

Mohanji in smoke

Back then in 2014, I smoked heavily. The first thing I did was to find the kindred company of fellow smokers in our pilgrimage group. And I found two active (a Romanian and a UAE born Indian) and two passive German smokers who were only there for the company. We whiled the night away discussing spiritual conspiracy theories over coffee and cigarettes. One of the Germans (henceforth referred to as Z-man) was very interesting.

Z-man could tap in and figure out the past life connections of any two people. He was also sensitive to energies; and had an “eye” that could see and “ears” that could hear. There was a Serbian doctor in our group who, for some reason, I kept referring to as Boris (wasn’t his name). I would apologize and the kind doctor finally told me, “Never mind. You can call me Boris since you like that name better.”

I told Z-man about this Boris episode. He went quiet, closed his eyes and on opening them said, “Russian war. 1800s. You were soldiers. You were younger. He was older. He died before you. His name in that life was Boris.” Such interesting “factoids” would be served at a moment’s notice by the Z-man!

Back then, I was a spiritual greenhorn with energies, visions and such amazing happenings in the parallel spiritual reality. Still am! The Z-man was my guide helping my “blind” self understand the import and magnitude of the spiritual occurrences that were unfolding during the pilgrimage.

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He was instrumental in unravelling, to me, the significance of the pilgrimage. Post Kailash, he also helped me decipher some of my spiritual experiences. As you can see, the Divine always provides for the spiritually disabled. My sincere and heartfelt love and gratitude to the Z-man.

The day before we were scheduled to leave Kathmandu, my fellow smokers decided to go cold turkey. Inspired by them, I made one feeble attempt to quit smoking the following afternoon during our visit to the Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu. I left my packet of Indian cigarettes and the lighter on the wall near the temple and threw a conciliatory hopeful prayer in the direction of the Lord Pashupatinath (Lord Shiva) to take care of the addiction.

My resolve was steadily weakened and eventually undone by the evening as I headed out to the bar in search of cigarettes. Thus, began my parallel experimental odyssey into the murky world of Nepali and Chinese cigarettes through the pilgrimage. The ones where the brands are recognized by color and the potency by how the smoke burns on the way in.

A landslide happened in the countryside the day we were supposed to leave Kathmandu. This took place exactly between Kathmandu and the Chinese border. The landslide broke a dam and almost 500 people died that night. The tour operators informed all Kailash groups that roads leading to the Friendship bridge had been devastated effectively cancelling the pilgrimage.


No pilgrimage and the money paid would be forfeited since it was caused by “acts of God” circumstances. Mohanji told Sumit that cancelling the trip was not a solution in his Tradition and tasked him to find alternatives. Sumit acted quickly and took a decision, which was backed by Mohanji, to engage helicopters at an extra cost to pilgrims and fly over the impacted area to get to the other side.

It took a whole day of back-to-back sorties to get the entire group safely to the other side. After our last sortie, these helicopters were recalled back to assist with the emergency and were not available for general purpose usage. We literally made it through the skin of our teeth. Remember, almost all pilgrims from other groups were still stranded in Kathmandu. Isn’t this a sheer miracle?

In spite of smoking heavily all the way through the pilgrimage in high altitude environments, I hardly faced any breathlessness save some teething acclimatization issues on the first day at Nyalam. I breezed through the first day of the circumambulation of Mount Kailash and blazed all the way up to Dolmala pass on the second day. Dolmala pass was the highest point of our pilgrimage and the trek up to the pass was supposedly the hardest part of the pilgrimage.

I was so proud that I had reached Dolmala pass comfortably despite my smoking habit. I decided to celebrate with a cup of noodle soup and entered one of the tented restaurants. I noticed Mohanji and some of the group were already sitting there and joined them. After a while, they left and I proceeded to enjoy my noodle soup.

As the noodle soup spread it’s warmth through my body, I decided to spend some more time resting. Time went by and I realized that I was just sitting there. I was glued to the wooden bench. I had no interest to get up and proceed with the trek ahead. I just sat there watching everything around me. It felt like eternity. I struggled to do something but I was paralyzed.

fear, running

Suddenly, I heard a voice from within saying, “Run!” Here, I couldn’t even get up and something within was asking me to run. I shook my head. And then, the voice pronounced even more powerfully, “Run! Run! Run! Just run” Something took hold of me and, as if pushed out, I jolted off the bench and started running out of the tent and across the trails leading downhill from Dolmala pass.

In those high altitudes, people walk slower to conserve energy and here I was running through the trails in heavy army boots like a crazed mad man. Must have been quite a sight! I kept running for a very long time until I was sure that the inertia and lethargy had left me. I stopped running and continued to walk the trails to Diraphuk, our camp for the night.

That’s when the ordeal started. One turn around the mountain led to another; and then another; and then a new mountain would appear; and the scene would repeat all over again with no end in sight. I was stuck in an infinite loop like in the movie Groundhog Day. To add to my woes, I met the girl from the Mumbai meditation group who was in a terrible shape and was sitting by herself on the side of the trails.

She had all but given up and was preparing herself to get petrified into the surrounding barren mountain landscape. Here, I was struggling to finish the day’s trek and God sends me another struggler for company. And a “tortoise” at that. Reminded me of the Marathi idiom, “Dushkalat terava mahina” (the thirteenth month in the year of famine). Abandoning her was tempting but not an option.


Given that she was doing worse than me, I had to focus on her and how to get her to complete the day’s trek. I prepared for the worst. I had figured that it may be past sunset and possibly way into the night before we get to the camp at Diraphuk. A fuller moon in the sky would ensure that we had enough light along the way.

I buckled in a bit tighter to be ready for the long haul and do whatever it takes to get both of us there. I had to employ every tool in the book to encourage her to take a few steps every now and then. And the elements played their part by peeing on our efforts by raining at frequent intervals and making things just a little bit harder.

In hindsight, her entry turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me. From the top of Dolmala pass, I had zombie walked the whole way till I met her. Because of her, I forgot all my troubles and was provided a strong intent to complete the day’s trek. As we got closer to the camp, she regained her mojo and we walked into the camp by twilight.

And, the same zombie walk was repeated for most of the last day (day 3) of the Outer Kora as well. Mohanji once remarked to me, “You only think you walked Kailash. You were unconscious. Someone carried you.” I have no choice but to grudgingly agree. I know that if it had been left to me, I would never have completed the trek by myself.

2014-07 - Mohanji - Kailash - Yatra (1840)

All through the Kailash pilgrimage, I felt a deep anguish of being separated from the Divine. It kept expressing itself very strongly several times at periodic intervals throughout the pilgrimage. Like there is an awesome party happening in the neighborhood. You can hear the sounds and see the lights. And you want so badly to be there. But no one invited you and you don’t know where it is happening so you can’t gatecrash it.

And you feel that they don’t want you there. I felt a deep agony for the fall from grace that required me to be born on earth. When alone, I would sing devotional songs, be deeply moved to tears and call out to be taken back from whence I came though I had no clue where that was.

After the first day’s trek, we reached Diraphuk which is the closest one gets to Mount Kailash on the Outer Kora. Mohanji wanted the priest to do a puja at Charan Sparsh (literally “touch the feet”) – considered the feet of Mount Kailash located a 3-4 hour trek from Diraphuk. That year, the Chinese army were denying access to Charan Sparsh.

A few members of our group went to request for permission. I didn’t know it was Charan Sparsh and erroneously thought that we were going to the base of Mount Kailash. I stood alone in front of Mount Kailash and strongly implored that I wanted to be let through to come closer (more like I deserved to).

For some strange reason, I felt I was entitled to go there and touch Mount Kailash. I cried with a deep anguish both within and without. However, we were denied access. So, we had to abandon the prospect of going there. It was not to be. I had deep feelings of betrayal and abandonment at that time.

Like the Godfather “Fredo, you broke my heart” kind of let down. I still can’t explain why I felt that way on that day. But the Master listens to all true cries of love and showers His grace to grant those wishes. This wish found fruition in my Kailash pilgrimage part deux in 2016. To read about my Kailash Inner Kora experience, please check the Kailash with Mohanji – The Inner Kora book on Amazon.


I remember the night vigils when we were staying on the shores of Lake Manasarovar. We were told that divine beings come to take dips in Lake Manasarovar and appear to us as beautiful lights. Mohanji had warned us to watch and pray to them from a distance. He specifically asked us not to interact with them since their high energies could fry our nerves leaving us dead or worse in a vegetative state.

Late in the night and in the wee hours of the morning, we would sit in groups just outside the gates of the compound and patiently wait for them to show up. And show up they did! Bright lights in multi-colored hues. They would radiate a bright luminous glow, increase or decrease in size, change colors, move in all directions – come closer or go farther, go up and down, left and right – flash on and off, come close to the surface and disappear for a while (presumably taking dips in the lake).

You couldn’t mistake them for anything else. In particular, I distinctly remember this group of three with one shining brighter than the rest. They kept flashing in sequence and moving around as if dancing to unheard celestial music playing in the background. A truly blissful experience.

I did have a “surreal” out-of-the-ordinary experience. On one of the vigils, I ended up staying out longer than the rest of the group. The place was so serene that it felt just good to spend some more time out there all alone. Suddenly, I noticed light shining from my right. The place gets hazy and misty in the night and hence the light was diffuse which made the scene all the more surreal.


Imagine my surprise, when I saw a few hazy white beings of light walking around a couple of hundred meters in front of me. They were slightly tall and were walking in a straight line. It looked like a scene from the movie, The Village, when the beings visit the village. I watched them with baited breath unsure whether to stay put or quietly head back.

They were too close and I was already in their presence so I decided to stay put while praying to Mohanji and the Masters to protect me. They walked quietly past me towards the end of the road. Suddenly, there was a commotion as I heard them talking to each other followed by the sound of vehicles revving up to life. They started their vehicles parked in the distance, got into them and left.

My “divine beings of light” turned out to be a group of local villagers. The light was possibly from their headlamps and they were covered from head to toe with blankets (that appeared white in the ambient light) to protect from the biting cold. Stupid people! If only they had parked their vehicles out of sight and hearing,

I would have been convinced of my surreal supernatural experience of bumping into divine beings of light. They ruined my perfect story for future generations on how I was lucky to encounter a group of divine beings and survived to tell the tale.

Throughout the pilgrimage, I got a first glimpse of the Master that was Mohanji. I was in awe of Him and maintained safe distance yet kept meandering close to Him. I was shadowing Him most of the way not really sure what was expected of me or what I expected of Him. I got to observe, first hand, some of the miraculous experiences like His face showing up on Mount Kailash complete with sunglasses and head dress. He told us, “Shiva is teasing me.”


Or when we were massaging his feet on Dolmala Pass, his thighs and calves became as hard as stone and he teasingly enquired if they were like Hanuman’s. In one of the odes to Hanuman, he is referred to as Vajra deha Rudravatar – the avatar (divine incarnation) of Rudra (a form of Lord Shiva) whose body is as hard as the vajra (the thunderbolt weapon of Lord Indra – the king of Gods). Yes, they surely felt like Hanuman’s.

A brief background. Since the start of my spiritual journey, I have felt a deep connection with Mahavatar Babaji and felt his guiding hand. Incidentally, I discovered Mohanji while looking for Mahavatar Babaji spots in Maharashtra to visit during my two week motorcycle trip through Maharashtra in December 2012. I chanced upon Mohanji’s three-part blog post, “Babaji beyond Definitions”. A must read for those who haven’t.

Later, I explored his writings and teachings and also his meditations. I distinctly remember that when I left home for my first meeting with Mohanji, I had the intuition that I would meet my Master. Throughout the satsang, my eyes were glued to his feet. And yet that didn’t feel strange to me either. After the satsang, my mind played its usual tricks and I was not so sure anymore.

After the meeting, I remember telling my friend that Mohanji is good but I don’t think he is my Master. In hindsight, as Morpheus said in the movie, The Matrix, “Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.” I followed his practices quite regularly but never accepted him as my Master. Through the pilgrimage, I was led to consider the possibility that Mohanji could be the One. The question, “Who is my Master – Mahavatar Babaji or Mohanji?” bothered me.

Sujata 7 - Kailash mountain - experience with Mohanji

On our return to Kathmandu, I happened to be sitting in front of Mohanji over lunch and, as usual, an informal satsang started as he answered questions asked by the people seated around the table. In response to one of the questions, he answered my unspoken question while looking straight at me. He said, “The Master in front of you is the Master for you.”

“You may want to learn from a ‘higher’ Master but that has no relevance. A student of the first standard may want to learn from a college teacher. But he needs to progress through the intervening standards and reach the collegiate level before the college teacher can teach him anything.”

“A Master can, of course, hand a disciple over to a ‘higher’ Master if he so feels but that is based on his complete understanding of the disciple’s needs. It is not appropriate for a disciple to harbor that expectation since they don’t understand the bigger picture. The Master that is brought to you is your Master.” That put paid to the recurring question in my mind.

Since I was a relative newbie to being around a real Master, I got acquainted for the first time with the different flavors of devotion to the Master. I observed public displays of fawning devotion from many pilgrims and naively took them to be real expressions of love. I felt sad that I lacked the deep devotion within myself compared to what I saw out there. A few months later, most of them disconnected from Mohanji for trifling reasons.

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Mohanji, Devi and big M on Kailash north face

They chose to weigh the words of others over the truth of their own experiences. I now realize that one’s outward expressions are never a reliable measure of the depth of one’s connection. However, some like Sumit who preferred to work silently in the shadows, left a deep impression and inspired me to dig deeper and achieve a greater degree of surrender.

The same goes for experiences shared by people at the end of the pilgrimage. Some pilgrims had amazing visions of Shiva and His family or other deities. Some pilgrims had reached a point of perfect peace, bliss, joy and other good-to-be-in states. Some were experiencing perfect stillness and silence. Some released a lot while others were feeling emptiness. Some had become enlightened (ok. nobody said that but you get the drift). I, for one, felt even more confused than I was before the pilgrimage.

Another pilgrimage experience. The Manasarovar lake was very cold when we entered to take our dips. During my first dip, I found the fellow pilgrim next to me chanting the Lord’s name loudly in a continuous stuttering repetition. His body was also shaking wildly. He was not very responsive and I felt that he was in a very deep trance. Probably in communion with the Lord. I decided to discontinue my dips to watch over him and help him back.

He was in this state for a while as I stood with him and held him steady. After some time, he hinted that he wanted to head back. I held him firmly and guided him back. As we came closer to the shore, he started collecting stones excitedly and also handed me some. I figured that spiritually imbued objects become more apparent in a higher state of consciousness.

Sujata 8 - Kailash with Mohanji

Anyways, I helped him back, got him into some warm clothes and headed back to complete my dips. The next day, he sought me out and thanked me for helping him. He said that his body froze in the icy waters and he was unable to move. The chanting and the shaking were his involuntary reactions to the chilling experience. So much for my awe at being fortunate to observe one in an exalted state.

I now realize that experiences are just indicators given to seekers to suggest that they are headed in the right direction. The reason they are given and the manner in which they are given have significance only to the seeker who is experiencing. Hence, it does not make sense to compare our progress based on other people’s experiences. In some cases, the experiences are just elaborate illusions constructed by the mind to entertain itself. One’s transformation is the only true metric of one’s progress.

Life after Kailash was never the same. I attended the Rishikesh retreat with Mohanji later that year in December. Over the months, I had the grace to travel with Mohanji several times. I disappeared from office so regularly that people in my office started joking that I worked between vacations. Slowly but surely the spiral loop of my connection with Mohanji kept getting closer and closer.

Exactly a year after Kailash, I decided to quit work, a day before my birthday, to be with Mohanji for good. I wanted to be free (of the corporate rat race) on my birthday. The interesting part was that it was a very natural process. Not easy but natural. Mohanji suggested that I continue for one more year so I have time to decide before quitting. But I had had enough by then and chose to cut the cord immediately.

SUjata 4 Kailash mountain - experience with Mohanji

The Kailash pilgrimage effected a major transformation in my life and set me firmly on the path. Hence, I have nothing but the highest respect for the Kailash pilgrimage. For me, the choice to do the Kailash pilgrimage is the clarion call that a spiritual seeker answers to indicate to the universe that he is done with playing games and is ready for the highest that evolution has to offer – total and complete liberation.


Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team


Walking with Consciousness

Mohanji CW

By Nellyanne, UK

As far as possible I have always kept my silence and anonymity and as such, I have never discussed my spirituality with anyone. I thought it was far too sacred to express in words, as words are too limited. However, I have realized after reading other testimonials that perhaps I have been wrong. Certainly sharing is caring and every experience has a larger purpose beyond my own gain out of the experience.

With this thought in mind, I surrender all my thoughts and words at the feet of the Masters. All I am trying to do is to humbly attempt to describe my experiences following an opportunity to participate in Mohanji’s Conscious Walking in Pinner Park. If at all this creates an effect in you, the credit goes to Mohanji!

I can certainly vouch for the tremendous inner shift and immense bliss that Conscious Walking has brought in my life.

Another important benefit that I observed recently is that I tend to connect with more spiritually evolved people who assist me in my evolution.

CW Pinner1

This was my first experience of Conscious Walking and I had no expectations whatsoever. However, I must admit that deep within I was very excited to participate in this walk. Well, as much as I would not want to digress, I feel it’s important I mention the series of events that occurred before I attended the walk.

On the morning of the event, I realized that it would be virtually impossible to attend the walk as I had committed myself to volunteer at the Mother Teresa Home in Southall, through the ACT Foundation. I was fortunate enough to be offered a ride to Southall by Vijaya. On our way to the Home, my mind was wandering as I was eager to be in Pinner in the evening for the walk. However, I could not see how this would be possible. Little did I know that Mohanji had this well planned for me. I happened to casually share my desire with Vijaya. She instantaneously said that although she could not make it to the walk due to family commitments, she had just been informed by Subhasree that she would accommodate her for a Mai-Tri Method session at her place in Pinner, immediately after the lunch was served at the Home.

Well, listening to this awesome opportunity, I could not contain my excitement. I was like a child on the way to Disneyland. We both decided to give Subhasree a surprise. So we did not keep her informed that I would be accompanying Vijaya as well.

When we reached her home, although she was not expecting me to be in Pinner, she welcomed us as if she knew I was coming. She asked me to accompany her to the dining room to introduce me to somebody. This was indeed unexpected. I met and hugged a young lady named Chai who apparently had travelled all the way from Nottingham to participate in the Conscious Walking that evening. That was such an overwhelming experience for me. I felt lucky as Chai was fortunate to have touched the mighty Kailash. The reason was that Subhasree was aware that I had a deep desire to go on the pilgrimage to Kailash. So she made sure that I met this young lady. Gratitude filled my heart like never before.

From my past experiences, one thing I know for sure is that nothing is by accident. Everybody I meet or interact with has a positive purpose and has a positive transformational effect on me.

Later in the afternoon, we all gathered in the park and Subhasree explained the entire process of invoking the Masters, connecting to the Mother Earth, the heart centre and the crown chakra. I followed her instructions and towards the end of the walk, I was guided to rest my spine against the tree and hold on to it. As I held the tree, I felt strange bubbles starting to rise from every cell of my skull and my entire body, as if someone was massaging my forehead. This went on for a few minutes. It felt as though, through the wings of time, my debt towards Mother Earth was being cleared. While all this was happening, my conscious mind and active senses were also recognizing my state, a subtle awareness was there.

Nelly Anne
Nellyanne resting her spine against the tree

As we finished the Conscious Walking, I just had this hope of getting another opportunity to do this again as this was simply beyond words. It didn’t take long for Mohanji to fulfill this desire too.

CW with nellyanne

The following morning we went to Nottingham to pick up our son from his university and we were accompanied by my friend. To my astonishment, our son expressed a desire to take us all to a Deer Park which he apparently just discovered a week earlier.

At Deer Park, it was a different world altogether. I got to hug a big tree (exactly as I wanted to and the park had a lake as well….water body……) and I felt immense gratitude.

Immediately a thought sprung up in my mind. Just the previous day, Mohanji had introduced me to Chai from Nottingham at Subhasree’s house. She had mentioned that she would like to coordinate walks with the youth in Nottingham and was looking for local contacts.

I immediately contacted her as this park was roughly about 10 minutes’ walk from the University. Apparently, she was not aware of this place. I was not surprised, as this park was so nicely tucked away from the busy road despite being so close to the main road. Once you get in, it is like a treasure hidden from the mundane bustle of activities.

This was yet another opportunity to spend some time in my energy field during Conscious Walking. This was truly amazing and yet again suddenly a strong vibration – like a storm started within my body.

Mohanji’s connection with me was clear and I was immediately transformed into a state of trance.


Since then, I have been exploring various parks across London and doing Conscious Walking. I feel this technique is indeed a great leap in my spiritual life. Thanks to the entire Guru Mandala and Subhasree for introducing me to Mohanji’s Conscious Walking.

CW Pinner group

I have only love and deep gratitude for Mohanji!

Mohanji under a tree


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 14th June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

The divine guards

Mohanji on energy

By Nameshri Chetty

Mohanji always says, “If you have eyes to see then you start to see the grace of the Tradition at play everywhere.”

Mohanji pic 2
The eternal Guru

Mohanji had given me a list of energy centers while I was in India recently (let me tell you the list was power packed, to say the least). At the top of the list and one main energy center was Tirupati.

Mohanji pic 3

Let me just say I was totally oblivious to the magnitude of this experience: be it the magnitude of the place or the grace of it. This place was the first on my list to visit. I was safely helped by Preeti D, Devadas, Kamath, and Madhu who arranged for my comfortable journey there. (I would like to mention that throughout my stay, they have made sure that I was always safe and happy no matter what).


I left Bangalore around 1:00 am alone with a driver (I was a bit nervous but Preeti D had sorted this out, so I was okay). Before I left Bangalore, I placed an eye card on the dashboard. As we headed towards Tirupati, I was not aware that Tirupati was another world on its own. Nobody had mentioned anything about it. I was under the impression that it would be a quick in and out darshan, as Madhu had arranged V.I.P darshan for me. I reached around 11:00 am that day only to be gobsmacked by the magnitude of the place and the people.

The driver called Madhu, who advised him where to take me to get my V.I.P spot. Here is where I started thinking, “Oh my hat! I am all alone here and there are huge groups, families and so on,” but I just followed. The driver led me to the entrance of the gates and asked me to just follow the queue. He promised to see me at the end. This was around 12:30 pm. I left my stuff at the counters and approached the ticket verification gates.

In front of me were three men. They befriended me so kindly and enquired about where I was from and just general questions. They proceeded to ask me to join them as they had special darshan tickets. So I agreed as I had no clue about what was to happen inside. These three men from Chennai in their dhotis decided to be my guides and protectors on this passageway to Balaji. They literally stretched their arms out so I was not pushed, and they held my hand guiding me through special queues so I did not get lost.

During this time, all I thought of was that Datta had sent 3 of his guards to be with me so that I was not alone. There was no other explanation as to why three men from Chennai would take a lady from South Africa and make her their responsibility in a bustling and busy place.

As we went through the double doors, they ushered me to a special line. This was not just V.I.P. but V.V.I.P where we could spend more than a minute in front of Balaji, where we could literally touch the umbrella that protected him when he was carried out. At that moment something told me to place Mohanji’s eye card on the dakshina box/plate which I did (I decided at that moment I would place His eye card wherever I could during my travels). I had no idea of what was happening, as I was just going with the flow. After the darshan, they took me to a place where they got us some ladoos. These ladoos were mainly for the priests (which I was totally unaware of). This was when I asked the three men if they knew about Lord Dattatreya. They said yes, and they escorted me to the point where I could collect my belongings and left.

datta with his messengers
Lord Dattatreya

This was around 2:00 pm and the entire exercise seemed effortless. On my way back, on rewind mode, I realised what had happened and I saw how Mohanji had sent the three men with me and for me. On sharing this with Mohanji and the others (not that He did not know), He confirmed that it was true. He mentioned that His people are always there to take care. This was the start of a sequence of undeniable blessings that Mohanji had in store for me as I went down my list, visiting energy centers.

Mere Mahadev, I surrender graciously and humbly at your feet as you are the beginning and end of all that is and is not

I glide on the breath of Your grace!

Mohanji pic 1


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 6th June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – “Choosing faith over fear”

quote on faith

We introduce Chapter 9 of Mohanji Satcharita with this beautiful narration by Priti Rupee! Fear can be overwhelming unless we accept it and surrender it to our Guru with faith. Priti shares how she overcame this deep seated fear through sheer faith that gave her the confidence to forge ahead!

Choosing faith over fear

By Priti Rupee Bhardwaj, London

Two days ago, I had the opportunity to perform my first HSTY Yoga class which at first turned out to be a daunting task for me to perform. Both Shene and Subhasree were unavailable and I was the only other HSTY trained person available to step in. (It was Mohanji’s leela to get me out of my tamasic/non confident state). Mohanji knows what we are capable of, but our mind takes us away from it, adding in all our past fears, impressions and future notions.

About a week ago, just when  we were about to leave for the ‘Mohanji’s consciousness programme at Slough Temple by acharya Subhasree’, I fell over a pothole.

Yoga at SLough_12May

The first thought in my head lying there on the ground was of a previous fall, which caused fractures in two places in my foot, about  4 years back during a house move. Coupled with a back issue, for whatever reason, it took a long time to heal. Being on my own, this prevented me from planning a major house move, a pivotal time in my life where I wanted to move forward in my journey. But my past fears, apprehensions, impressions and projections had caught up with me!

Mohanji quote - destiny

Sitting upright from the fall outside Subhasree’s house, with pain going through my foot in the same place as 4 years ago, my head was bombarded by hundreds of thoughts about the past present and future, all not looking very good as I was also planning another trip to India.  However, I took a couple of deep breaths and connected with Mohanji’s Consciousness in my head, and sincerely prayed and surrendered this all to Him – “Please Mohanji, do what is karmically possible for my journey forward, I surrender to my highest good.” Subhasree immediately placed her hand on my foot without even being asked and did Mai-Tri Method of healing.

With Mohanji’s grace and blessings, I was aided up. I brushed myself up and in my head was ready for the Slough temple Mohanji event. I was volunteering to take the photographs during the event as Subhasree was conducting the programmes of Yoga, Meditation and Conscious Dancing.

As I took photos hobbling around the room for nearly three hours, the foot started to hurt more and more and before I knew it, the foot was swelling up! After the Slough event, I sat quietly during dinner at Subhasree’s home, listening to the satsang going on between some devotees, with a hot water bottle on my foot for the soreness, but I could feel things were not right. My foot  was swelling up. we decided to visit to the hospital (at this time of the night, it could be only the Accident & Emergency hospital) and check for any fracture. However, before leaving for the hospital, I requested Subhasree to do Mai-Tri healing on my foot and she did.

I was then taken to my local Accident and Emergency hospital by Sivayinee, who patiently drove me 33 miles and sat for six hours with me. M family, the true family!  She took me around in a wheel chair for two sets of X-rays and waited for the doctor’s consultancy only to find out at 2am there was nothing amiss, it was just a sprained foot . Oh my gosh, what joy! There was nothing amiss! My mind rested for a while, but during the six hours of waiting, the mind was taking me to some painful places which I thought I had resolved, but it was taking me there again and again. What I needed to do was to go deeper within and surrender all without expectations of results, resolving in my heart that whatever happens, Mohanji will carry me.

The difference between blind faith and full faith – a video of Mohanji’s talk!

Milica, a Mai-Tri practitioner in South Africa, later told me that Mohanji had smoothed away a karmic fall from a past impression, making it take place before my coming trip to India. I couldn’t believe it!

As I sat to contemplate about the whole situation, my fear, rebounce of painful memories, I realised one thing very clearly. All along, from the time of the fall till I got the final result from the hospital, Mohanji was with me. He was with me when I received the Mai Tri healing from Subhasree immediately after the fall, He was me when I was hovering around with my sore foot to click the pictures during the programme, He was with me when I was in the satsang later at Subhasree’s house watching my swollen foot, He was with me during my 6 hours waiting at the hospital! Whatever fear that was propping up, Mohanji put them to rest.

Finally, a week later, after few days of rest and few doses of pain killers, I was up and running on my feet and was able to do the scheduled HSTY Yoga session, as planned. This was the final proof to myself, how Mohanji was looking after me!

Mohanji’s unconditional love and protection has again helped me move forward, taking the edge out of my karma, enabling me to witness His pure heart and showing me what faith and surrendering is.

Mohanji quote

Today, I feel that ‘I’ had nothing to do with the yoga teaching. The mind tells me I could have done a lot better, but hey, the mind will always chatter on. Mohanji was carrying me all this time, even during my fractured foot days. My learning curve was to let go COMPLETELY and FLOW like the river whatever comes or goes. It’s all good, nothing is ever ‘bad,’ it is just a part of my journey to my deeper ‘Self.’

As Mohanji says, “Faith is important. I have faith…. This statement is not important. Faith should be practiced at every point in life, with surrender. E.g. this is a situation, this is me and my intelligence, and I have done 100% from my side…. Rest, leave it to the Masters, whichever Master(s) you believe in. Surrender at His feet and never look back. It will work. Or it will be like planting a seed and digging it out all the time to check whether it has sprouted.”




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team