When Mohanji Finds You

By Bijal Shah, UK

On 20th November 2020 – I had penned down thoughts on Facebook – ‘When you are on the path of truth and light, people trying to silence you is only a test. Naturally, the universe provides another avenue. The universe always listens. Power of pure intention! Stay positive and hold on to hope. Naïve, I had no idea the gravity of this statement and the possibility of my life changing.

How did this statement arise? Let me take you back to 2019 when I started to find that I was detaching from the Foundation I was associated with. I was starting to understand the unity of the Guru Mandala. I felt like all Masters are One. I found myself letting go of the Outer Guru and started focusing on the Inner Guru. As this occurred, I started to let go of seva roles associated with the Foundation. And when the living Master came to my doorstep, I was physically unable to attend his program.

On an occasion in 2020, I found myself in a situation where I was being silenced by members of that Foundation. I was disgruntled. I was already looking inward, and this was the final push to cut ties. Hindsight shows that I wasn’t being silenced, but I was, in fact, guided towards silence, and I was taught to stand by my truth. Standing up for my truth didn’t mean that I had to argue with anyone. It just meant trusting myself.

However, with everything that happened, I was deeply hurt, and I started to believe that the Master’s teachings were separate from the Foundation (disciple-led). I didn’t want to ever belong to any Foundation again. Truth be told, my time was up there, and I was no longer aligned with that frequency.

During that time in 2020, NellyAnne directed me towards Devi’s podcast. Devi gave me hope. She gave me a glimpse into her life, empowering me to ask more from my life. I was tired of my mundane life. I deserved better. Somehow, I thought that I could do this with my own practices. The presence of various Kaliyug Datta Avatars was coming to my awareness, and in particular, I started connecting to Sripada SriVallabha.

It was May 2022, and my friend Jumri excitedly told me about Mohanji’s upcoming visit. When she asked me to come with her, I couldn’t say no. There was no hesitation. There was no doubt. I just had to go. I met Mohanji on 15th June 2022 in the beautiful Skanda Vale Ashram in Wales. He acknowledged my presence from the very first meeting. And this wasn’t just my experience; everyone I know had the same experience. He takes the time for each and every person. It’s his sheer kindness acknowledging every person who comes to him who wants to be in his presence.

During this trip, while conducting a Satsang, Mohanji mentioned Sripada and having recorded the Siddha Mangal Stotra. I was gobsmacked. Mohanji was talking about the Stotra I had grown to love. I was fervently asking around for this chant in Mohanji’s voice, but no one knew what I was talking about, and no one heard Mohanji talking about Sripada in the Satsang. Mohanji was, of course, up to his usual mischief, drawing me in. 

Attending the June 2022 Retreat in St Albans, UK, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the sincerity, solidarity and transparency of the UK team. Shyama became my go-to person; she patiently helped me answer many questions, always with a smile on her face. Her gentle nature glows with the epitome of selflessness. Inevitably, I found myself engaging and participating in activities every so often.

In January 2023, I signed up to go to the Divine Trails of Puri. I was dissatisfied with the accommodation; I felt I was being cheated and messaged Subhasree regarding this. I was ready to cancel my trip even if it cost me. I felt I had to stand up for myself and speak my truth. Subhasree called me up and spoke to me. She cleared every single doubt for me with kindness and compassion. I was not being silenced. I was given a choice to reconsider my planned trip.

She is a pure, selfless being who wanted to give the participants the best possible experience as per Mohanji’s direction. I was witnessing Mohanji’s teachings being followed in their entirety! The impression inside me of the Foundation being separate from the Master was firmly wiped clean. For completion, Mohanji ensured the dissolution of this impression as I was invited to join the UK team actively a short while later.

Honestly, I was sceptical of the trip, but I trusted Mohanji, and I walked with his hands onto the divine abode of Jagannath Puri in February 2023. The trip was beyond special. The care, love, and kindness the Mohanji volunteers showed blew me away. This was my introduction to the Mohanji Global Family. 

The memory that I must share about this trip involves the visit to Shri Jagannath Temple. Only Hindus are allowed to go into the famous Temple, but as I was menstruating, I couldn’t go. Most participants left to eat dinner or go to the Temple. Somehow, I could do neither, so I went back into the Satsang hall and surprisingly saw Mohanji giving Shaktipat to some people leaving the program early. I sat down and watched him and suddenly started crying in complete admiration, inwardly begging for liberation. I cried to my heart’s content. 

When Mohanji was leaving the hall, he was looking the other way as he passed close by me. I didn’t attempt to stand up; I was glued to my chair. Before I knew it, boom, I felt a hand land on my head, blessing me! It was Mohanji’s hand. I couldn’t believe it. I was so surprised. I was in awe. In awe of Mohanji. In awe of the Tradition. What divine, perfect orchestration! I’m so grateful!

Two evenings later, there was no Satsang. And the opportunity to go to Shri Jagannath Temple arose. Miraculously, there was no sign of my period that day, even though it was my third day. Temples don’t normally interest me, but being so famous, I thought it was best not to miss the golden opportunity. Boy, was I glad because, 1km perimeter away from the Temple, my heart started to expand multifold, full of light beaming within, and I became acutely aware of the energy of the Temple.

I didn’t feel this before when I did the parikrama from the outside with non-Hindus a couple of days before. I was amazed at this Leela. It was close to 10 pm when we got to the Temple, and the energy was simply ginormous. It was amazing. It was incredible to sit and meditate inside the Temple. I was beaming with an energy unknown to me in this lifetime, yet so familiar, feeling so bright and alive. I am so grateful to Mohanji and the Tradition for giving me such an experience.

There were no signs of my period the next morning, but later that night, I found my period returned. It’s still mind-boggling and scientifically unexplainable. Mohanji took care of everything intricately. What did I do to receive so much love? I’m just so grateful for each and every experience. Only writing it all out has shown me how interconnected these moments were.

It’s funny; for several years, I’ve had all these wishes of being in close proximity to a living Master; I can barely muster the courage to say anything to Mohanji in his physical presence. Embracing his teaching of ‘Be You’, perhaps it will happen soon.

As I looked back on the quote of 20th November 2020, the universe did indeed open new doors for me, so benevolently, if I may say so. I have found my home. I offer my complete gratitude and obeisance to both Mohanji and Devi, who represent Lord Datta and Anagha Laxmi to me. They have changed my life. Thank you to each of the beautiful Mohanji family I have connected with – you have changed my life. May we all merge into the consciousness of whom we love so dearly.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st December 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

A new job through grace, Mai-Tri, and volunteering.

By Angela Strezoska, Macedonia

With this blog, I want to share my experience about how Mohanji’s grace through the Mai-Tri Method and volunteering for Mohanji Foundation helped me get a job.

I already had a job in which I was not happy at all. At some point, I even felt like a prisoner there. By the end of my working experience in that place, I had already applied to many places and had some unsuccessful interviews. After one year and a few months of struggling, I decided to resign, and before leaving, close people around me said to wait and not to make hasty decisions without first having another job and not staying jobless. Okay, I said to myself. I would give it a few more days or some time and see how it would go, but I had decided I would resign soon.

After a few days, I got an interview with a company which I really liked. When I got a chance for an interview through the email, I was crying with happiness. Before attending the interview, I called my friend, who is a Mai-Tri practitioner, and told her about the situation and the interview I got. We agreed to do a Mai-Tri Method session before I went to the interview.

In the morning, I got ready to go, and she did a Mai-Tri session for me exactly before I went to the interview. Before I entered there, my heart was beating fast, and I didn’t know what to expect. Before the interview, I had an exam to complete, which I wasn’t prepared for. I didn’t know I would have a physical exam with pen and paper. At that moment, I thought nothing would happen now; my chance was gone because I didn’t answer all the questions.

When they called me for the interview after the exam, I was already disappointed because I thought I had missed my chance, but as the interview started, I saw that they gave me a chance by asking me questions, and I got one more interview on the same day. Usually, the second interview is a few days later. But I got the two interviews on the same day. As the person was interviewing me, he was reading my resume, and I had put on the resume that I did volunteer work for a charity, etc. I had also written that my volunteering work was for Mohanji Foundation.

He kept asking about the volunteer work. The interviewer remained on that part of my resume, and he kept asking more details about it and questions as to why I did it. As I was a young person, they didn’t expect something like that, why, how long, what the feeling of volunteering was, who it was for, and similar questions. While talking, he had a printed paper of the resume and underlined the part where it was written volunteer and charity.

At the end of the interview, he called the other manager and said if you agree, I would like to hire her. They hired me on the spot! I didn’t even wait for some days to pass or wait for an answer. He said one more time before I left, you have some experience but not enough years of experience for us, but still, because of the volunteer and charity work you did, you will get the job.

When the interviewer kept asking me about the part where I wrote about Mohanji Foundation volunteering, it was a clear sign to me that it was Mohanji’s grace that helped me get a better job. When I left there, I was crying from happiness, and I reminded myself to be grateful every day, to spend time in a day just to feel gratitude for everything. This difficult time reminded me to increase my faith and also to have unwavering faith. I have to add here that this job is in another country, not where I am from, and it is very difficult to get into this company and position. It was made possible because of Mohanji’s grace.

When I left the company, I returned to my accommodation and waited for the contract letter. They told me it would take some time for the documentation to come through. Even though I knew that it would take two weeks for the official email, I became anxious. I began to worry that they might change their minds about hiring me, and I became increasingly stressed.

During that time, this thought came to my mind: okay, Mai-Tri healing happened, an obvious sign at the interview happened; at this moment, I need to have faith; I should stop stressing and relax. As I took a breath of faith again, I let my worry go. I can’t worry about something that I can’t control anyway. I relaxed and focused more on faith and trust. After a few days, I got the contract. I felt bad I lost faith at some point, but I took it as a lesson to never lose faith again.

When I finally resigned from my existing job, the company wanted to slow down the resignation process. But the circumstances worked out in my favour. My roommate knew someone from the company, and she assisted in speeding up the resignation process. I was also to pay some amount to the company as I would have been unable to complete my notice period. But miraculously, that was also waived off, which usually is unheard of and never happens in this country.

Also, once I resigned, I had to return to my country – Macedonia, to renew my passport and get a new visa for the country where I would be working. Again, there was a massive hurdle as there are some new rules in Macedonia, which makes it difficult to get a date to renew the passport before the visa process. But again, the whole process happened surprisingly fast, and I got my new passport in a remarkably short time. I learned that some passports of other girls were lost, and the visa process took many months. Apart from all these, I happily attended my sister’s wedding, which was next to impossible. Could all these things happen without grace? There were too many synchronicities.

Amidst this chaos of documentation and renewal of my passport in Macedonia and attending my sister’s wedding, I even got to participate in Mohanji’s programmes in Serbia and spend time with Mohanji, which I never dreamt of at this time of the year! Mohanji’s grace just flowed, removing all obstacles.

Soon, when I reached the new country, during my training, the company offered me accommodation, which is normally shared with someone. I met the person with whom I was likely to share the accommodation. Both of us went through the resumes of others and felt that we would not be able to adjust to others. We realised that we suited each other, which was taken care of without much effort.

I am still amazed they verbally gave me the job opportunity, which is difficult to get only because I volunteered for Mohanji Foundation. Mohanji, Mai-Tri Method and volunteering for Mohanji Foundation helped me get this job. I was surprised the key part of acceptance for the company was volunteering, that itself was a clear sign it was grace and that Mohanji stood behind it.

This does not end here! I also learned from others working in a similar field that it took them two years to get an interview, not even another job in this country, when they resigned. But again, I applied, waited two, three months for an interview and got accepted into a new company. This was unheard of and had never happened before as I had only about a year’s experience while others had more than five years of experience.

As the blog was published, the very next day, I met the interviewer in person, and he told me the main reason was not just volunteering, but he felt incredible positive energy when I walked into the room. He said we want such positive people in our company. We all know who’s that energy is, Mohanji!

One of the tasks during the training was writing a letter to myself on what I would like to achieve and how I would like to be in a year. I had written about things that were important to me, such as being stable, being in a good space and so on. I also added that in a year, my goal was to help others with my salary and engage in volunteer work. The interviewer was surprised when he read that someone as young as me wanted to share my salary with others! Others in my situation had written that they wanted material goods such as a car. This was yet another revelation that the interviewer shared with me!

Yet another interesting thing happened, which the interviewer shared with me three weeks after the initial meeting. I couldn’t believe my ears! There was a HR person who had all the files of all those interviewed. He suddenly asked the manager about the girl who had gone to India to do charity work. He wanted to speed up the hiring process as he wanted people like me in his company. The manager also told me that he wanted people like me who would spread the light and help others. He was using phrases that I have heard Mohanji use! I was shell-shocked and had to pinch myself to believe this. It felt as though Mohanji was speaking through the manager. It was a language that I was familiar with but never used in the corporate world. The icing on the cake was that the manager told me, “Be yourself!”

I could see and feel how Mohanji worked through these people, from the visa and the passport renewal to the interview process! It was a miracle that the entire process happened so quickly, and getting accepted on the spot for the job, which never happens again! All these were huge miracles happening one after the other. The way the people spoke and the language used (Mohanji’s speaking style) confirmed that Mohanji was with me and helped me through the process and each situation.

My gratitude to the Mai-Tri practitioner for the timely Mai-Tri session. My deep love and gratitude to Mohanji for being there for me, not just in my time of need, but always!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 19th December 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

A peace loving earthling

By Madhuri A, India

This is the continuation of my earlier blog, “A dream that transformed me with many messages”, under the title “Guidance through dreams”. I felt like there was no need to write this blog, but while TV news channels were hurling the war scenes at viewers, I felt the urge to write this. I also asked for signs from Mohanji before writing this blog. A couple of days after putting in my sincere intention, I got the signs from Mohanji in the form of recent videos where he talked about the same and highlighted global harmony and peace.

3 years ago, when I read the Power of Purity book’s first chapter, “Signs of time”, I felt its hard-hitting facts and also felt the Master’s power behind the clarity of those words. In the beginning, it felt far-fetched for me to practice non-violence in my thoughts, words and actions, but when I look at myself now, I see great changes in my conscience and constitution. Not to mention, this chapter has become my most favorite chapter in the entire book. 

While I was studying for my competitive exams, I had to read a lot of general knowledge (both about national and world affairs). Hence, I had to watch TV news debates. The power of the media is such that it spreads half-truths with conviction through endless debates without reaching any solution, ridiculing other countries’ GDP and taking all kinds of sadistic pleasure in watching people suffer, leaving the minds of the viewers contaminated. 

I did not even realize how I ended up developing an appetite for negativity, such as competition and comparison between countries, etc. This was not so early on. I also developed fear and hate towards other countries and took pride in my country’s arsenal as well. I also felt my thoughts and feelings were in alignment with the truth. I was totally unaware of it, and without me even asking or meeting Mohanji in person, he made me go through a powerful astral experience that shook me and transformed me at the same time, leaving my heart and soul pure. The blog is here. https://mohanjichronicles.com/2021/01/03/guidance-through-dreams/

Since that astral experience, 3 wars happened, and this time, I did not even feel like looking at the visuals. Rather, I only reminded myself of Mohanji’s miracle on me and only prayed for healing, global peace and harmony. Since that experience, I have conscientiously chosen what to feed my mind. Choosing to feed only those things that expand my heart.

Mohanji says, “Constant feeding of violence to our eyes and to our mind makes both of these faculties insensitive. We have become indifferent to other people’s sorrows. We are not used to accepting positive things without questions and doubting. We are used to accepting and storing negative emotions effortlessly. We even crave for it. We even develop a sadistic outlook towards it. An unsettled mind unsettles society. Collective unsettlement creates calamities. So, the birth of the war happens in the mind. Sadistic thoughts must be replaced with higher awareness of our existence”. 

With my personal transformation & experience, I can feel that people in power and the media people can fool innocent minds, but they cannot fool Masters. Masters know every person inside out and their intentions as well. Recently, I also got to know a lot about Shambala and its beings, how this place is unaffected by all 4 yugas, and how they silently carry out the work for the welfare of humanity and the beings of the whole earth. When people choose light and peace, the supreme light stands behind such people, protecting and guiding them. 

Mohanji says even for information to reach us, we need eligibility. And by his grace, I was exposed to higher truths through various books, which again and again reinforced my faith in supreme light and its powers. Such information from Mohanji increased my awareness level and reinforced my faith in peace & truth. I also understood how not to fall prey to such negativity.

I also came across Mohanji’s quote, which says, “Remember, if you talk about your problem once to someone who you think can help you, you are genuinely seeking help. If you are telling many, you are seeking attention, not help or solution. Be aware”. This helped me a lot in discerning right from wrong and gave me enough understanding of how the media is seeking attention from people and not finding genuine solutions for problems. 

They endorse low-frequency emotions like fear and insecurity in people’s minds rather than peace, positivity, and healing. If a person comes forth to promote peace, positivity and healing, they are even labelled as anti-national or traitors, leaving no room for peace to flourish.

On the other hand, when I read many testimonials by Mai-Tri practitioners and the recipients of this technique, I realized how traumas like wars or any such negative experiences leave impressions like extreme fear and anger on the souls of victims, which drag them life after life manifesting disease, lack of abundance, lack of peace and positivity unless powerful Masters like Mohanji step in to purge all wounds from such people’s causal layer. It is gut-wrenching to listen to such stories.

For me, learnings are: Practicing peace and positivity not only beautifies our life but makes our astral body and soul purer, making the whole being lighter and lighter, for Mohanji says lightness is our nature. I have also seen people who love to promote and contribute to positivity, but they lack courage and faith because they do not have strong recourse like Mohanji in their lives. Since I have him, on behalf of such peace-loving people, I can speak my truth and spread hope. 

Mohanji also says, “If we are passive and not responding, we are participating in it. We can talk because many cannot”. Let’s only add value to the world beyond all man-made barriers since this is the dream and mission of every Master that incarnates on planet Earth. Let all of us become peace-loving global citizens and contribute to moving the wheels of the Master’s mission. 

I would like to end this blog by sharing Mohanji’s quote, which is close to my heart, “My morality is helping the helpless and, if possible, wiping out helplessness. My morality is a happy world. My morality is ahimsa. I do not believe in any other morality. My religion is humanity. This is my highest morality.” 

By Lakshmi Kotagiri, USA

I am so blessed that Jyoti Lal introduced me to the ‘Power of Purity’ meditation. For 15 years, I have been trying to forgive a few people with whom I have been very angry. Theoretically, I knew I had to do this to heal inside out and for my well-being, but I didn’t know how. I read a few books on this topic and tried techniques that were taught. They didn’t help me. I think the correct time had to come. The time came when I met Jyoti, and she introduced me to the ‘Power of Purity’ meditation. 

I started this meditation on the same night. I was sleeping during this meditation, and Jyoti assured me it happens to some people and is fine. After 1-2 weeks, I started listening to it consciously and was stuck again at a point where Mohanji mentioned I needed to get blessings from my parents/relatives/friends, etc. But I could not even accept some of them were worthy of blessing me. 

Again, I went back to Jyoti, and she clarified that I have to get blessings and forgiveness and also receive forgiveness from my parents/relatives/friends. She mentioned I should not see them as human beings of just this life. I accepted that and was able to move on. That’s when the magic started to happen. During the next several weeks, not just the people I wanted to forgive but several other people whom I hadn’t thought of in the past 20-30-40 years started surfacing, and I kept on asking their blessings/forgiveness, and I, in turn, forgave them and gave blessings. 

This process took several weeks and kept on lifting weight from my heart. It’s been 2 months since I completed this process, and I am not angry with anyone right now. In fact, when people around me bother me about something, I feel it’s not worth it to be bothered about. This is such a blessed thing that happened to me. Thank you so much to Jyoti and Mohanji for this wonderful tool.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 11th December 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Eruption of Causeless Laughter 

By Biljana Vozarevic, Serbia

Experience during Empowered 5.0 at Mohanji Peace Centre in Obrenovac, Serbia 

17-26th Aug 2023

Sometimes, we work hard for the best results; on the other hand, the best things happen out of the blue, without expectations. I learnt and accepted that, in both cases, we get what we deserve, not what we desire. Life brings us the results of our past actions, whether we are conscious of them or not. During Empowered 5.0 at MPC Obrenovac, Mohanji mentioned many times grateful is graceful. The more gratitude, the more grace we accumulate. And grace is the only thing worth fighting for. It helps a lot on a spiritual journey. 

This was the second Empowered 5.0, taking us deeper than the first one. It was meant to help us withdraw from our senses. That is why consistency is essential. Each Empowered 5.0 takes us deeper within. During the 10-day program of intense spiritual practice, we had an exceptional environment – proper vegan food, sleep, nature, and an energised place with live murtis of Ganesha, Dattatreya, and Shirdi Sai Baba at the venue. And a true Master was there! It would have been a real self-injustice if we hadn’t used these to the fullest. Whatever guidance Mohanji gave, I obeyed sincerely. 

Mohanji’s Omniscience

Mohanji spontaneously showed his omniscience. For example, he called people by their names during the photo session. How did he know their names?! He had never met them in person before. Or even if he did, they were in the audience, and they weren’t introduced to each other in person. He said, “Oh, Tihomir, come,” warmly like to a best friend. Or “Oh, Isidora,…”

Another example was when Devi mentioned how Mohanji noticed that some people had bloated bellies, so he guided her to do pavanmuktasana, a yoga posture for it.

Furthermore, during the morning satsangs, Mohanji said directly, “I see what you are thinking. Your thoughts are crazy. So I prefer not to look at them much. You are here physically, but you are somewhere else in your mind. You think, what is going to be for the lunch. It is a really stupid state to be in.”

Eruption of Causeless Laughter

I followed the new technique as much as I could. Sometimes, I skipped lunch or dinner because I didn’t want to interrupt practice or because I was absorbed within and didn’t hear the call.

I had trained myself earlier to feel the energy within, and now I had enough time to romance it. Breath and I were like two lovers trying to live harmoniously with the heartbeat. There were times when this orchestra was noisy and out of chord, and fortunately, there were times when they played celestial symphonies of inner realms. Then, nothing outside bothered me. I felt like I was floating on a boat on the peaceful sea, with a breeze over my body, and I was astonished when the program organisers said it had been the 10 hottest days of the year. 

On the 10th day, after sitting for so long, I felt like relaxing my body a bit. The moment I touched the floor with my torso and the head, just out of the blue, my heart opened. I was overwhelmed by uncontrolled, ecstatic laughter and tears, like when an innocent baby or a toddler bursts into laughter and giggles. Laughter bordered with crying. Tears were rolling from the corners of my eyes down to my ears. The eruption of laughter, accompanied by crying out of joy, continued and continued, as per my feeling, for about half an hour; it was pure ecstatic bliss beyond time and space!

When I started thinking what it was, it would subside for a breath or two, and then it continued again. Luckily, the eruption was much stronger than my mind, and my heart was able to bear such an explosion. I was addressing Mohanji in these moments with gratitude, gratitude, gratitude for this experience, and I wanted it to last forever!

I had experienced such prolonged ecstatic laughter once at the intensive retreat with Mohanji in Andrevlje and once after Conscious Dancing with Devi during Aarati to Sai Baba, which followed up. But both times, it was triggered by some activity. Here, it came out of silence and as a cumulative effect of the Yoga Nidra marathon with Devi and other processes, enabled by and accompanied by Mohanji’s energy work. He worked on each of us individually, as always. Although retreats are group programs, we always get a customised approach. 

Mohanji says, “Causeless laughter flushes the mind out. The mind cannot stay when there is no cause. The mind thrives on causes. When the mind is flushed out, ego and intellect (logic) are also flushed out. When everything is flushed out, the inside becomes empty. No causes mean no flavours. No thoughts. No agenda. In that empty space, when everything is nullified, fundamental corrections in character and constitution can happen. This is induced by a seeming activity such as laughter. 

However, causeless laughter is equal to the silence of beingness. It is stillness because the mind is still. The mind has no idea what is going on. It is bewildered. Causeless laughter has no pattern or reason. It is not bound by any particular stimuli or even joy. It is based on nothing.

The presence of a higher being or the one who has mastered his mind or a true spiritual personality could possibly affect this experience in a seeker if they drop analysis, judgement and comparison. If the seeker approaches a master with emptiness and no agenda, usually the master delivers them causeless joy. When the seeker approaches the master with a distinct agenda, more often than not, the result will be disappointment. Emptiness is the key here, and the benefit would be unbelievable. 

When joy sprouts from inside for no reason, when the proximity of a master who is empty triggers causeless joy, uncontrollable laughter takes place in the constitution of a true seeker, and it flushes out the mind matter and makes it empty. 

In the empty canvas, the master leaves the seeds of immortality – liberation. It can change habits, character and even life. It can establish silence from the core. It can create magic in life. Causeless laughter has the power of 1000 sincere meditations. Proximity of higher beings and recognising them, experiencing them, feeling them more than seeing them makes this possible.”

Such an experience is unique for me but not limited to a chosen few. In 2015, I remember Raj Sethi wrote about his experience in Scotland. He called it “Laughing Buddha, A Mystical Rendezvous with Mohanji”. He had been a heavy smoker and wanted to give up cigarettes but couldn’t. After that, he stopped smoking.

Another example was Deva, an old man who came all the way from the US to this program. He told us how once he asked Mohanji, “What is bliss?” And Mohanji tapped him on the back a few times. Deva burst into laughter and couldn’t stop laughing. Now, he can remember that experience and where true light is. During the photo shoot, whenever Mohanji gently tapped his back, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter. He continuously emphasised that love is not only inherent within us but also the sole necessity we need to express in our lives. 

It will take me some time to settle and realise what changes have happened on subtler levels in my character and constitution. I feel much more acceptance and deeper relaxation as a result of it. There is definitely more stability, focus and stillness. I would give up 1000 holidays in Turkey, 1000 holidays on Azure Beach, and 1000 holidays in Egypt for one day of being in Mohanji’s divine presence again.

To register for the next Empowered 5.0 in India, click here!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th September 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Answered Prayer

By Shyama Jeyaseelan, UK

Spending time in Mohanji’s physical presence is so precious, and I look forward to those moments with so much anticipation and joy. Time flies in the whirlwind of activities during his visits, and it’s only afterwards that I realise as I speak with our Mohanji family members how many wishes and desires have been fulfilled and our beloved Guru has showered blessings for those yearning for his love. 

During Mohanji’s recent visit to the UK in May 2023, I had a beautiful confirmation of how our prayers reach him. Mohanji says remembrance is the easiest way to connect to him, and I try to practice this during various times of the day. One such moment is during my food prayer. Mohanji says,

“I tell all my people that all pujas start with the invocation of Lord Ganesha. Hence, we should offer whatever we eat first to Lord Ganesha. Then we offer it to our Kul Devatas (family deity) and to Naag Devatas, who are an important and integral part of our system and responsible for education or knowledge, well-being and relationships. 

Then offer it to the Ishta Devatas (favourite deities), Pitru Devatas (ancestors) and your Guru Devatas (Masters). It takes about thirty seconds. You offer it three times every day. Offer it mentally and visualise or imagine that you are handing some over to them, and they are happy. Then consume the food. It becomes prasad (consecrated food). Many, many problems can be sorted out with this simple practice.”

I have been chanting the food prayer before my meals for a long time now, and in my mind, I touch Mohanji’s feet in gratitude for the food I receive when I offer it to him. In the last few years, as a part of my morning prayers, I also pray that ‘May every morsel of food that I eat be prasad from you, Mohanji.’ As I say this, I visualise Mohanji sitting and eating in front of me at a dinner table and giving me some food in my hand to eat. It’s a joyful image in my mind and invariably makes me smile to receive food from my much-loved Guru.

During the recent trip to the UK, as usual, most days were busy with either Mohanji attending an event or people coming to see him. Quite often, he would have meals with important visitors, and meal times were always busy. One morning, we had made upma (a savoury item made with semolina), and surprisingly no visitors were coming to have breakfast with Mohanji that day. Everyone in the house was busy with their tasks before food. Mohanji came and sat down at the table, and as always, before eating, he spent a few minutes in silence with his eyes closed, praying and offering gratitude for the food before him. 

As no one was there at that particular moment to keep Mohanji company, I sat at the opposite end of the table and watched him quietly. Mohanji’s total absorption in what he’s doing is always beautiful to witness. Once he’d completed his prayers, Mohanji opened his eyes and took some upma in his hand and made a small ball. Looking up and smiling at me, he said, “You made upma for me; this is for you,” and extended his hand out towards me. 

I was momentarily speechless as my mental image of a smiling Mohanji giving me food every morning became a reality! It was such a beautiful moment, and my heart immediately filled and overflowed with love and happiness. I quickly stood up and walked over to Mohanji to receive this prasad. Thanking him and touching his feet with immense gratitude, I ate the upma and sat back down in my chair.

Whether it is human, animal, bird or fish, thousands of beings have received food from Mohanji. Wherever he goes, he loves to give food, and it’s so wonderful to watch Mohanji give, and the person receive; we have seen some really lovely pictures of these moments in many parts of the world.

For me, that morning, beyond receiving food from my Guru, it was a wondrous confirmation that our loving prayers reach him without fail. The visualised image becoming a reality was something that will stay with me forever and fill me with love and gratitude to Mohanji for his presence in my life; for giving us all so much constantly and being there for us, no matter what life may bring. It was also a reminder for me to watch my thoughts, words and actions because they definitely make an impact in our future experiences.

A few days later, while Mohanji was having breakfast, a few people were at the table. One of them hadn’t said their prayer before eating, and Mohanji again mentioned to us the importance of offering our prayers and gratitude for the food we eat. He then added that when he offers food to the deities, he turns it into Amrit (nectar)! This was the first time I was hearing this, that too from Mohanji himself. Isn’t it just amazing to receive Amrit from our Guru! He’s purifying us in so many ways, whether we realise this or not. Feeling so blessed for all the beings who have received this amazing grace, I offer my humble and heartfelt gratitude and love for Mohanji’s teachings, blessings and unconditional love. 

Sharing a beautiful prayer from Mohanji below.


When I am taking a step into today, let this step be towards You.

Whatever I am eating, let this be your gift to me. 

Whatever I am saying, let it be your praises. 

Whatever I speak today, let it be flowers at your feet.

~ Mohanji


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 17th August 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Shiva comes home to MCB Scotland

By a devotee from the UK

Everything starts with Shiva, ends with Shiva and unfolds as His will in between.

When I was asked to tell the story of how the Shiva Lingam I had at home ended up at the Mohanji Centre of Benevolence (MCB) in Scotland, I thought I could simply sum it up in two words ‘His will!’ However, it also seems to be His will to share the beautiful leela of how His journey there unfolded. Therefore, I humbly surrender to Shiva and allow these words to carry us all in His presence and grace as I recount His divine play. Just as He has filled my heart with so much awe and wonder, may this testimonial touch you all with His essence in some uplifting way.

Only Shiva knows when this story truly started, but in my conscious awareness, I trace it back to January 2018 when I lived in London. On a snow-laden winter’s day shortly before Shivaratri, when all was pure and white, I found myself invited to visit a friend’s warehouse. She has a crystal business, and I was looking to buy some. Since a young age, I have always been drawn to crystals, or rather, they have just come to me. I’ve been told that we actually never choose a crystal, but in fact, they choose us.

I have experienced the truth of this. That day I went to the warehouse with no particular expectation or firm idea in my mind. There was just a loose intention that whichever crystals were meant for me would come to my awareness and follow me home. On arrival there, amongst the hundreds of crystals, my eyes were immediately drawn to a particular section. There were some Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingams on a shelf. Wow! Shiva in such a pure form! My heart rejoiced, and I knew my Shiva had found me, and I had found my Shiva.

To give you some background, Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingams, as the name suggests, come from the very sacred Narmada River in India. They are swayambhu lingams, meaning they have formed naturally into the lingam shape, in this instance, through the flow of water. They are already jagrit or alive with Shiva’s vibration and energy. Therefore, we don’t need to do the Pranaprathista or awakening process with this particular lingam, as He is already fully present. These lingams are very pure and powerful. They are a true blessing to all.

Back at the warehouse, there was a range of different-sized lingams varying from a couple of centimetres to as large as 20 inches or so. The logical mind was looking at what it considered to be a practical size for my flat and personal use, but I kept myself open to whoever was calling to me, and one of them certainly was! It thus transpired that divine will defied logic, and I found myself bringing home a Shiva that was around 18 inches tall and 22 inches in circumference (I have never weighed Him, but He would have been over 20 kg). It is a conventional religious belief not to keep a Shiva Lingam higher than your thumb size in your house. 

Something I was reminded of by my family. Bigger ones are only meant for temples and such spaces. My small flat in London was certainly not in this category by any means. I was just as surprised as anyone that He was the One. I wasn’t looking to buy such a big lingam! However, I simply trusted He was meant to come to me for some reason and with all my love, I gave Him a place in my heart and my home, and I hoped He would be happy!

Over the next few years, Shiva’s beautiful energy became a part of me and the space around me, within and without. However, come 2020 and the start of the covid period, I was rather unexpectedly and suddenly relocated by destiny, as borders closed and I remained at my family home overseas for three long years. I was unable to return to London for various reasons until April 2023. The day I came back to my flat, I immediately sensed that the lingam was calling for a new home. I just wasn’t sure where. Momentarily I considered whether He was going to stay with me abroad, but this somehow didn’t feel like the case.

I surrendered it to Shiva that He would go wherever He wished for the highest and that it would come to my awareness in some way. It occurred to me at this time to ask Vijay Ramanaidoo whether the Mohanji Foundation in the UK would like the lingam for the MCB in Scotland. I had first spoken to Vijay in December 2022 regarding the initiation of ACT4Hunger activities where I am now based. Having only spoken to him a couple of times and being a relative stranger to the Mohanji Foundation, I was hesitant to approach him about the lingam as it seemed, for want of a better word, completely random! So I decided not to act hastily and let destiny unfold as per Shiva’s will in divine timing. Since I had surrendered this situation fully, it was then out of my mind completely, and I simply forgot about it at that time.

Just over a month later, on the wings of Shiva’s grace, I was flying to the MCB in Scotland a few weeks ahead of the Pranaprathista taking place there. Flying, not just literally but also figuratively speaking, as my entire being started to open and expand noticeably from the heart from the very start of my journey there. It was clear that this was going to be no ordinary visit, and the MCB was definitely no ordinary destination. Arriving at the MCB, there was something intangible that my soul recognised.

With Shiva being my first and last love, my heart has naturally and firmly established its home in the purity of Kailash. It was unmistakable; my heart felt a sort of homecoming. It sensed and recognised the Kailash frequency in some way. This feeling grew, becoming more tangible and validated through all I experienced over the day and a half I spent there. Sulakhe Maharaj, the now-retired chief priest from Shirdi, and also someone else I know has shared similar sentiments and connected the MCB in Scotland to Kailash. Yes, definitely no ordinary destination, but most wonderfully extraordinary!

No sooner had we entered the premises, we were taken on a tour around the grounds with Christopher Greenwood as our guide. Within the first few minutes, he mentioned that based on a Vastu expert, the energy of the Centre is already very good, and it will just take Mohanji coming there to make it what it needs to be. However, there was a pond on the property that wasn’t a natural body of water. It had been installed by the previous owners as a requirement in case of fire. It had been advised that a Shiva Lingam would be necessary to help shift the energy of this pond.

As soon as the lingam was mentioned, my entire being became alert. I just knew. I felt this was no coincidence that a lingam was being talked about within minutes of my arrival at the MCB for the first time. Silence was no longer an option. I mentioned the lingam that I had to Chris and then also followed up with a message to Vijay about it. I had shared what I was meant to share, and now it was up to Shiva. When I returned home from Scotland, and I was before the lingam, I noticed for the first time that I could see Mohanji’s image on the lingam! This was just incredible and another confirmation literally staring me in the face. Subsequently, a couple of other people have separately mentioned being able to see Mohanji in the lingam to me.

Mohanji arrived in the UK a couple of days after I got back from my trip to the MCB. Vijay showed Him some photos of the lingam. The answer was yes! Shiva was going home to His Kailash! Everything began to align and move with such speed and ease. Mohanji’s energy at work, no doubt. Within another couple of days, I was bidding Shiva goodbye, and He was lovingly transported to Vijay’s house for the onward journey to the MCB.

I had first come across Mohanji a year after I got the lingam before I went to Ganeshpuri and Shirdi. I had gone to Skanda Vale and Kailash later that year, too, and He was brought to my awareness for a second time around then. Subsequently, it was through connecting with Shirdi Sai Baba and the ACT Foundation that Mohanji had once again come to the fore over the past couple of years for me.

Looking back as a witness, I could see all the dots connecting and how the synchronicities over the years had been the most beautiful and perfect unfoldment of Shiva’s divine plan culminating in this moment. I understood that I was only ever meant to be the lingam’s temporary caretaker until the Centre could come into manifestation. Once in place, Shiva would find His way to his rightful home and that too at the most opportune time of the opening of the MCB and the Pranapratishtas. What divine timing! What exquisite planning!

The lingam was never mine to keep, yet Shiva will always be eternally mine wherever He goes, for we are inextricably connected. We are One. I am so truly grateful and blessed that Shiva came to me in the form of this lingam, bringing tremendous purification, power and peace to me, my family and my area.

However, I am even more grateful and happy that His blessings will now touch countless more beings at the MCB. May they, too, find their burdens eased and their hearts lightened by His benevolent presence. May they, too, discover the essence of Kailash not somewhere outside but within the silence and stillness of their own being. Shiva is untouched by anything, for He is the Nirguna (formless with no properties or attributes), yet He will touch everything. In the end, He is simply everything. All is Shiva’s will. In the love, light and truth of Shiva, Jai Mohanji, Om Namah Shivaya!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 17th July 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Sri Mohana Krishna – Sundara Leela

By Swathi Jarugumilli, Australia

I would like to share something that my heart feels – that Mohanji is Jagadguru Sri Krishna himself, that he is the kaliyugi Kalki avtar himself. These are the words coming from the purity and innocence of this bhakta without any doubt.

Have patience, have faith. Even if he is letting you go through hell, trust that he is very next to you, holding your hand. The only thing is you need to always remember him. He will and is taking care of each one of us. Like a shepherd/cowherd, Mohanji is looking after us. He is the light beyond all that we are through lifetimes. He knows everything about us; hence let him take care of us in all ways. 

In return, he wants us to be us. Just Be You. Spiritual progress is expressed as compassion (karuna) outwardly in every way possible to every living and unanimated being. He is retiring sooner or later; hence run after him. Remember, he is Sri Krishna himself, who will suddenly disappear, tease us, and make us crave for his presence.

Mohanji is the incarnation of the purest form of love. Love that is expressed in the form of Rasa Leela to Gopikas, love expressed in the form of Damodara Leela to Maa Yashoda and love expressed to all of his devotees like Meera Bai, Bhakta Tukaram, Sati Sakku Bai etc.

As told by mother Meera Bai, please get married to the consciousness of Mohanji (Sri Krishna), for he is the only positive ion, and the rest are like bees attracted to the nectar in the flower.

My heartfelt gratitude for each and every moment that Mohanji is spending between us. Try to drink it with all your senses as much as you can while it’s flowing. During Empowered 5.0, by the 4th day of Silence meditation, Mohanji laid the foundation in our hearts as promised by letting me experience his love in the form of Sri Krishna. And each one of us is like cows around him.

Mohanji literally conveyed the message that we need to always remember or visualize that all these humans, relations, etc., around us are the forms of mother cows. Therefore, we should shower the love and compassion of a mother cow towards them.

Nobody has left and will leave empty-handed. What else can these hands write than his (beautiful) Sundara Leelas? What else can this mouth recite than his name? What else can this heart crave other than his motherly love and presence in every aspect of this beating heart? My most grateful, heartfelt gratitude to his magnificent figure, which has no beginning nor ending.

Empowered 5.0

How to love unconditionally – Krishna’s devotee Sakku Bai

Day 4 was restless, and I couldn’t even sit in silence for 1 hour at a stretch. But every time, after a short break, I tried to get back to the silence. After all, Mohanji said today in satsang, “Today is extremely important, so utilize it as much as you can.”

Then by evening, around 6:30 pm, I felt a sudden calmness in my thoughts, and I felt somebody touching my ajna chakra (3rd eye) with the thumb because I could sense a formation of yellowish orange light just the size of a thumb. Immediately I recognized it to be Mohanji in his subtle form, who had come to ease my restlessness. I was wearing a blindfold, so I couldn’t open my eyes and hence kept enjoying my master’s presence.

But after a while, I was crying like a two-year-old baby wanting my mother’s love and affection. The following conversation happened between us (as if somebody was sitting inside me and speaking). While I asked my doubts, Mohanji cleared all of them.

Mohanji: “Unconditional love is extremely important. Only that can bring freedom to you.” 

Me: “But I don’t know how to love unconditionally, Mohanji. Can you please help me?”

Mohanji: “Recently, when you had been to Gangapur (Lord Datta’s 2nd incarnation in Kali-yuga – Sri Narasimha Saraswathi Swamiji’s Mutt), you met a cow on the road while walking towards the temple. You showed extreme affection and caressed that cow as if it were your own child, and you had even forgotten that you fear cows (due to their large size).

That being (cow), too, was loving you, giving hugs, and letting you feed her bananas. You had no doubts, nor had you given a thought that it might be an animal. This is unconditional love. For the first time, you have experienced this. Cherish this moment always, and remember to see this cow in everyone around you and in everything you see and feel. This is the unconditional love that Sri Krishna showered on everyone.”

Me: “But, I always lose my temper with my closest family members, especially my mother, later feeling bad about it. Will this unconditional love – cow technique work? Can you relieve me of this helpless behaviour? I feel irreparable.”

Mohanji: “Whenever anything triggers you to lose your temper, visualize how you loved, imagine them as this beautiful cow. This way, you can sit inside your heart cave in deep bliss without getting affected by external world matters that bother you and show unconditional love to all beings.”

And Mohanji helped me do this technique to relieve the guilt and pain I’ve been carrying for a long time by hurting my close ones. And what I see in everybody and everything around me is the lovely face of that cow (only in different sizes). All that is left around me is unconditional love.

Me: “Isn’t it Krishna who is surrounded by cows, but why am I in the place of Sri Krishna?”

Mohanji: “Because You and I are One. Like Radha-Krishna, Meera Bai-Krishna, Swathi Sakku Bai-Krishna (Mohanji).”

Me: “It’s a nice joke to lighten the mood, Mohanji.” I laughed out loud remembering my childhood days when I used to tell my name as Swathi Sakku Bai as I loved this name Sakku Bai (heard in a song) without knowing anything about her.

Sakku Bai – Google image

Sati Sakku Bai is a staunch devotee of lord Vitthal (Sri Krishna of Pandaripur). Being a married woman, she was ill-treated by her in-laws, but still, she showered love and respect towards them. Whenever in pain and misery, she used to reflect within herself, immersed in singing songs of Krishna.

Throughout the day, she would get completely engrossed in the household chores. Day by day, she became malnourished as she was given very little to eat. But, despite all this, while milking the cow, cooking, cleaning, and mopping the house, she would always be thinking and chanting about Vitthal (Sri Krishna).

Mohanji: With a serious tone, “You are Swathi Sakku Bai. You are Sakku Bai. You need to trust me and believe me. It is what it is. Do not doubt this, dear. You are my Sakku Bai.”

I was in tears and couldn’t hold this love in my heart. Comparing myself to a great devotee was like being heavier than a mountain to carry though it was beautiful & peaceful. Just then, I remembered a song of Meera Bai’s and started singing softly (tears flowing), bowing down to Mohanji in my mind:-

“Giridhar Gopala Baala, Giridhar Gopala, 

Shyamala Shareera, Kaustubh Haar,

Brindha Vanachara Tulasi Haar”

Mohanji: “Yes, bring me a Tulasi Haar when you come to meet me in Delhi (Nov).”

At a loss for words, I just cried loudly with extreme happiness. Everything that recently happened started making sense. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago while my visit to India. Financially, I’m handicapped now. But deepest desires were fulfilled (Dusserah Homa, Delhi weekend retreat and Empowered 5). Thanks to Ananth Anna, who made it possible for me in the form of Mohanji. 

As I had registered for this weekend program, which was happening on Nov 12 & 13th, I was thinking of taking my flute to get it blessed by Mohanji. To these silent prayers, I felt Mohanji asked me to just bring a garland of Tulasi (holy basil) leaves, for that was enough.

This beautiful Sri Mohana Krishna Sundara Leela left me with unconditional love similar to that of Sri Krishna’s Rasa-Leela and Damodara-Leela. The word gratitude has, for the first time, become so minute that it is not enough to thank Mohanji for showering upon us his motherly affection and leaving behind these Leelas for us to constantly remember how to love unconditionally.

Pranam Mohanji, for taking care of everything and everybody.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 13th July 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Unconditional surrender at Kailash

By Meenakshi Srinath, India

I read the book Kailash with Mohanji – The Inner Kora in 2018, and it struck a deep chord. Thanks to this book, a deep desire arose to visit Kailash at least once in this lifetime, and if it could be done in the presence of Mohanji, what more could one ask for?

I placed a heartfelt and sincere intent on Lord Shiva to shower his grace and make the yatra happen if it was meant to be. As luck would have it, my right ankle had a ligament tear in January 2019, and my leg was in plaster. The doctor strictly advised against any kind of travel, let alone arduous. It was as if Shiva was testing to see if my will was strong.

I met Mohanji in April; I was still limping. My ankle was sore, and the movement in it hadn’t been restored completely. I was in a lot of pain. The fact that I am diabetic delayed the healing process all the more. When I told Mohanji about my desire to visit Kailash that year, he immediately gave a green signal saying, “Ya ya, come come.” I told him about my ankle condition, and he dismissed it, saying I would have no issues. The Guru’s nod was the only assurance I needed.


I also wanted to meet Devi Amma and take her blessings before leaving. When I mentioned the yatra, she said, “It’ll be a success. Shiva himself will hold your hands and guide you during the parikrama.” My eyes were filled with tears, and my heart with immense joy.

The first glimpse of Manasarovar and the great Mt. Kailash is still fresh in my mind. A deep sense of calm sweeps over oneself. The dip was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. The chilling water cuts through the bones and the lifetimes of baggage. Without the Guru’s grace, it’s certainly not possible for the whole lineage to be blessed thus. The lightness I experienced post the dip was immeasurable.

That night I was also blessed to witness divine beings taking a dip in the Manasarovar. It was as if hundreds of lamps were lit and sent around floating on the holy lake. I had goosebumps, and my hair stood on end as I watched with awe this divine event. The parikrama began, and I could still not believe I was on Kailash’s holy ground. My heart was filled with gratitude for everything – Kailash’s air, the lush terrain on the first day, my enthusiastic sherpa, Kimchi, and my pony, Thaotholo, for carrying me on its back.

The normally fearful me had full faith in Shiva and Mohanji that I’ll be safely carried around. There was not an iota of fear in my heart. At regular intervals, my sherpa would keep pointing in a certain direction and show me, Kailash. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t see it. I kept craning my neck in all directions but to no avail. After a couple of hours, I finally gave up and thought, “Whenever Shiva wills it, I’ll see it.”

It was around 5:45 PM when we reached the accommodation where we would stay put for the night. As I was alighting from the pony, my sherpa literally screamed in my ears, “North face! Now you see?”. When I looked, this gigantic mountain was right in front of my eyes – the north face of Kailash. There was no way I couldn’t have seen it now. It was there. I felt I could walk some more and touch it with my hands – the Kailash. I was looking at it.

I forgot all about hunger, my low sugar and the painful ankle. All my exhaustion was gone. I went down on my knees and prostrated with my entire body, heart and soul. It felt like the most natural expression. When people spoke of unconditional love, I always wondered what it felt like. Now I knew. My heart expanded, and there was nothing but love and lots of love. I slept like a baby that night.

The harsh, rocky terrain on day two starkly contrasted with the lush terrain on day one. It was also an extremely difficult one. I knew if my pony faltered even one bit, I would be resting in the laps of Kailash forever. It was the day I thought nothing was going right for me. I neither had a proper breakfast nor could I pick up my water bottle because my sherpa hurried me in the morning. The fear of low sugar kept lingering at the back of my mind. Midway, I was hungry and thirsty.

On reaching the highest point of day two, Dolma La Pass, I thanked my pony profusely for safely bringing me there. The view was stunning, and the energy was pure. While everyone was contemplating whether or not they should be climbing down towards Gauri Kund, I was gripped with the fear of having to walk down the next few miles sans my pony. It’s a steep climb down, so everyone is made to get off their respective ponies. I prayed, offered my respects to the Gauri Kund from afar and started the climb down.

If I were to recall the most difficult day of my life, this one would top the list. I was famished, thirsty, and exhausted, and my ankle was killing me. Every passer-by would hand me candies and sips of water at regular intervals but to no avail. My will was dying down, and I questioned my decision to undertake this yatra while being so hugely unfit. When I was at my lowest, I suddenly heard my husband calling out to me.


I barely crossed paths with him twice during the three days of the Parikrama. He handed over an extra bottle of water he had which was filled with fresh water from the streams flowing nearby. A sherpa kid accompanied him. That kid was full of life and enthusiasm, and the brief five-minute meeting charged me up. Shiva brought them to me when I needed them the most. One is in a group and yet alone. Kailash is an individual journey in so many ways.

Being thus pepped up, I continued walking. A little further came a spot which was so steep that I had to keep anchoring either of my foot on one spot, so the other foot could find a footing. I was now in so much pain that I began crying quite visibly. My sherpa kept encouraging me, holding onto my hands firmly. At one point, I suddenly twisted my injured ankle. I heard a loud crackle, and my heart skipped a beat. I stopped and took off my shoes to inspect the damage.

When my mind started racing, thinking of options for people to airlift me, I realized there was no pain. I was shocked to see that the pain and swelling had also vanished. I couldn’t believe my eyes and was laughing hysterically. My sherpa was perplexed. I’m certain he must have thought I was losing my mind.

Tears of pain were transformed into tears of gratitude. I have no idea what transpired within my body. All I knew was that Shiva had healed my foot just like that. A miracle had unfolded right in front of my eyes.

Day three was a breeze. On completing the parikrama, when I prostrated, my mind was blank. I was thoughtless. Tears streaming down my face, I was speechless. No words can do justice to the exhilaration I experienced. As Devi Amma said, Lord Shiva held my hands and helped me complete the parikrama. My sherpa, Kimchi, was my Lord Shiva.

I am immensely grateful to Lord Shiva, Mohanji, Devi Amma, my sherpa, my pony, my fellow yatris, my family, my ancestors and the entire universe, for this wouldn’t have been possible without their blessings. As Mohanji says, all one needs are complete unconditional surrender to Lord Shiva and the sincere chanting of “Om Namah Shivaya” on this journey. Everything else is taken care of.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 6th July 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

8th Anniversary of Conscious Walking

This 21st June 2023 (International Yoga Day) we are celebrating the 8th Anniversary of Conscious Walking technique launch into the world!

Conscious Walking is a powerful dynamic meditation technique, which is as effective as 3 hours of sitting meditation and is created by the world-renowned humanitarian Mohanji. It is practiced in more than 25 countries in the world, and in the past year we’ve had 500+ Conscious Walking sessions worldwide.

For the great achievers who walked many hours regularly we issues more than 30 awards for the accomplishment and 3 certificates for more than 50 hours walked.

We are sharing a few inspiring testimonials by CW practitioners from around the globe:

“Heartfelt gratitude for this sacred gift of Conscious Walking lovingly provided by beloved Mohanji, as He is walking this path with me. This is the most beautiful start of my day to connect to my soul, the silence, limitlessness & bliss.”

– Phoebe Götzel
Pretoria, South Africa

“I walk consciously because this technique brings me the kind of inner peace I crave. I walk with the Conscious Walking team in my city once a week and use the technique myself whenever I need stability and focus before some meeting, do example, or before doing simultaneous translation.”

– Asja Dupanovic
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mohanji Wellness Walking

On 14 July 2022, in the presence of Dr. Semir Osmanagic, the discoverer of Bosnian pyramids, we inaugurated the Mohanji Wellness Walking facility at the prominent location of Park Ravne 2 within Bosnian Pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia & Herzegovina. 

“Being in the present to connect to the calm flow of nature & God that gives me happiness & contentment. Feeling the warm sun rays & birds singing praise for a new day!”

Annamarie Götzel
Pretoria, South Africa

“Conscious walking has made it possible for me to find space within myself in the midst of an urban jungle, for a quiet meeting with myself. While still surrounded by the noise and the race of the everyday life, it has given me the opportunity to find time during which I am not excluded from the world around me, but intensely present, having a relationship with what is within me, and all around me.”

– Vesna Stanković, Serbia

“Easy and empowering.”

– Aleksandar Stanković, Serbia

Dimensions of Conscious Walking: Methods for enhancing CW

Watch Mohanji talk about Conscious Walking: Part 1Part 2, Part 3

Few videos from CW practitioners: Video 1Video 2Video 3 ,

Read more about Conscious Walking: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Testimonials from practitioners: Part 1

If you would like to learn Conscious Walking please write an e-mail to Conscious Walking Team at consciouswalking@mohanji.org and they will guide you further. You could also join our Global Conscious Walking community on Facebook and find out about updates, experiences and events happening across the world.

Kailash – a trip of a lifetime

By Arvind Ananthan, USA

It’s been said that a trip to Kailash Mansarovar is the ultimate pilgrimage for the spiritual seeker. It’s also been said that you can’t really visit that space unless there’s an invitation from the divine, no matter how hard you try. But try, you must, if there’s even the smallest ember of intention and longing burning within you; a longing to behold and experience Mt. Kailash with your own eyes and all other senses and to take a dip in the mystical lake Mansarovar.

Furthermore, making this trip of a lifetime with a living master is something only a select few will get to experience. I had the infinite blessings to undertake this journey with my Guruji, Mohanji, in 2019.

This isn’t a journey for the casual tourist with a doubting and sceptical mind though doubts and hurdles of various sorts will arise for even the most determined seeker. This is also not a comfortable and cosy retreat or a hike in the exotic Tibetan plateau, but rather a journey that’s guaranteed to shake your inner attachments loose. Isn’t that what you really want?

Depth of your faith, conviction, and surrender to your Guru/Deity/God/inner self will be the primary factor determining how you flow through this physical journey, not your physical fitness. However, it doesn’t hurt to have a certain basic fitness level. I saw much older (with non-ideal body profiles) steadily flowing through the three-day journey more gracefully than younger and much fitter people who struggled or were even unable to complete the parikrama. It’s not a race course meant to compare or compete with anyone or anything outside of you. As Mohanji concisely put it, what gets you through this journey is simply: ‘Om Namah Shivaya‘.

With that said, it’s not all serious and scary spirituality! From a visual perspective, the landscapes you’ll see throughout the entire journey are absolutely fascinating and a must-see in your lifetime – from the culturally rich and dense sensory stimulus of Kathmandu and mountain landscapes to the barren and desolate vistas of Tibet at 10,000+ feet above sea level.


A couple of days that you spend reaching the shores of Mansarovar before starting the three-day parikrama helps acclimatize to the high altitudes that we sea-level folks aren’t used to. The staff and helpers of the entourage ensure you are well-fed with tasty vegan food and taken care of in general throughout the trip.

There are numerous supernatural experiences well documented at Lake Mansarovar by many people, and you could easily look them up. I’ve seen things I couldn’t believe with my own eyes, and usually, the mind rejects even your own experiences due to various limited concepts and frames it’s used to. Your mileage might vary, but Lake Mansarovar is a place to truly experience, especially in the wee hours of the morning!

The entire journey and experience are a masterclass in humility, introspection, and truly letting go. You’re headed towards finding the deep silence from which all noises and existence arise; if you’re mentally prepared for that, this is a lifetime trip. You’ll start seeing the fruits of this journey in the months and years to come in a deeply subtle way. The acceleration you get in your spiritual journey (not material progress) is real and phenomenal if that’s what you seek.

“Nobody walks away empty-handed from Kailash”, Mohanji says. That couldn’t be truer in my own experience. Don’t rely on others’ experiences; have your own, as that’s the only one that counts in your journey.

Lay down your fears, doubts, and insecurities at the feet of your Guru, God, or self and go forth to experience this magical journey of a lifetime called Kailash. When you surrender and do what you’re supposed to do without any worries or doubts, it’s the job of your Guru to take care of the rest.

Going on this journey with an incomparable and realised master such as Mohanji, who’s graced us with his physical presence in our lifetime, is a privilege only a few will get to truly experience. Grab the opportunity if it lands in front of you and if you feel the calling to Kailash. Your future self will be profoundly grateful to you.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th June 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team