Miracles of faith

Natalija Mejandzieva, Macedonia

“When you have faith, I do miracles.”


I have experienced happiness, love, gratitude, sadness, loneliness, confusion, acceptance and much more. This all happened in a very short time. I feel this was happening because of my decision to serve Mohanji.

How could I explain, and where should I start, because words are not enough. I am truly blessed to have had these experiences. When I started writing, I couldn’t stop, so I wanted to share one experience that was very meaningful for me.

“When you have faith, I can do miracles.” This sentence was ringing in my ears. I finally felt what it truly meant.

Two days before I started serving, my father had a heart attack. When he called to tell me, I felt calm and even tried to calm him down on the phone while he was breathing heavily. Then my mind got in the way, and all of these questions came up: Why am I being calm? What if he dies? What’s going to happen after that? Being an only child of divorced parents, I often had fears of losing them.

He called again and said he would be transferred to the capital city (where I am working) to have an urgent procedure. Understanding the seriousness of the situation, I felt that fear of losing him. I tried to sound calm on the phone.

I finished work and bought some things he needed in the hospital. They wouldn’t let me see him because he was in the Intensive Care department. With the grace of Mohanji, the way opened, and I got to be the exception to see my father. When I got there, they had already started with the procedure. I had to wait outside until they were done. 

Those 20 minutes I waited, I prayed to Mohanji to be with my father, guide him and take care of him. I surrendered my doubts and fears completely at his feet. I started connecting to him, felt him in my heart and found peace inside. I felt the calmness because, deeply, I knew everything would be okay. I had complete faith that all would be fine.

And everything was fine. My father was looking refreshed as he got up after rest. He then told me that the doctor said his chances of survival were 10 %. Everything happened in the right second. I wished him a happy birthday because he had started living his second life.

I felt so much love, support and gratitude. I feel like Mohanji was here all the time, holding my hand and giving me guidance and directions. I have never experienced this kind of stability. I felt like I was lying in his hands with my eyes closed, trusting him completely. I will remember this experience always. He is in my heart, and I am very grateful for everything he does for me daily.

I am grateful for the awareness and decision to share this with people. I am not so open, and I need so much time to start opening up. I feel this flowing so naturally, and I really want to share it with people. That day a few times, I thought – I want other people to experience this feeling I have.

Thank you so much for your grace and love.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th July 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Miracles through MTM

Anonymous Mohanji follower, USA

I came to know about Mohanji in 2019 through a Mai-Tri Method practitioner (now a very dear friend). After a few Mai-Tri sessions, she asked me if I wanted to be added to Mohanji WhatsApp groups, and I gladly agreed. My parents and my husband’s family soon started getting involved in various meditations offered by Mohanji Foundation. Things just happened so quickly that when I look back, it all feels very magical (well, what else do you expect when you are in Mohanji’s protection/grace) and orchestrated.

I want to take a moment to reflect on my transformation. I don’t think I am the person I was last year – I am more ‘myself’, I am more ‘genuine’, I am more the original ‘me’. Though I am devoid of words to express all these, I want people to understand that Mohanji works on us internally, subtly to be more genuine. When you trust and surrender to him, he takes over. From my experience so far, I have realised that I just surrender to him with my heart whenever I have any issues. He is a magic genie who absolutely knows what to give, when to give, and how to give. So I don’t have anything to worry about.

Let me narrate some personal experiences that helped in my above realisation.

I had two major issues in my life that I was trying to cope with. A very close friend of Mohanji’s suggested Mohanji Transformation Method (MTM) with Subhasree, and I instantly contacted her. And what happened after that opened my eyes completely as to how Mohanji’s healing energy works beyond our imagination. Let me tell you in detail.

I have a daughter who is seven years old, who was diagnosed with a health condition from birth. Doctors had clearly said this condition is irreversible. Though I got to know about her condition right after her birth during the newborn screening, I didn’t have the courage to take her for testing even once after that. The fear in me kept growing as my daughter was growing. As she was growing, her condition was adding to my stress as it was more visible. I was worried about her future as to how this issue would impact her day-to-day life. However, the fear was inside me so much that I was constantly declining further tests to avoid having any further therapy or aids etc. As a mother, I was devastated and hated myself for whatever karma I might have carried over that could have brought this condition upon her. My despair was rising day by day. In spite of the physical condition, my daughter continued to be cheerful and carefree, confident in her day-to-day activities. I wanted to ensure that the condition doesn’t impact her personality or be an obstacle to her success. Hence, I tried to look for any alternative paths that could cure her.

This was when someone suggested the MTM sessions for her that Subhasree did in February 2021. A lot of clarity came through the MTM sessions, and she recommended a few different processes that Mohanji guided her with during the session. I followed all the processes sincerely.

In April 2021, two months after the MTM session and continuous practice based on the guidance given by Mohanji, when a call for her test came, I was ready to go for it this time. I took my daughter for the testing all by myself. I wasn’t a bit tense. Whatever the outcome would be, I knew Mohanji would be taking care of this. I had a brief chat with Subhasree, and she also suggested that I surrender to Mohanji and go for the test without any fear. “Mohanji hai na!” is her favourite statement, and I also believed in the same.

A miracle was waiting for me! The test results showed a 40% improvement from the previous test (done when she was born). I was ecstatic to hear this because the doctors had said that the condition would worsen over time, but this was just the opposite. After I shared this with Subhasree, I received a very positive blessing from Mohanji. I now know in my heart that my daughter will come out of the issue in due time.

A few weeks later, we had a specialist for speech who came and assessed her. She said it’s only a miracle that her speech has no impact in spite of the issue she has. I had tears in my eyes when I heard that, as I remembered Mohanji’s words which he conveyed through Subhasree during the MTM session. The message from Mohanji was that while this particular issue is there, it won’t affect my daughter’s other abilities or block her potential in any way. I was witnessing exactly that! My earlier fear and worries about my daughter’s future was fading. I have no words to thank Mohanji for his grace on all of us.

Another incident that I want to narrate has to do with my marriage. My husband and I were having many misunderstandings, and things weren’t working out between us, and we were on the brink of a divorce. Things started to worsen day by day, and he left for India without telling me if or when he will be back to be with us in the USA. I grew more and more despondent, and it was a very pathetic situation for my daughter.

Again I went back to Subhasree for an MTM session for myself this time. After the session, miracles started lining up, which I understand is only and only Mohanji’s grace. In a matter of 2 months after the MTM, I noticed an immense change in our relationship. My husband and I started understanding each other a bit better each day, though we were far apart physically. Magically, both of us started becoming the people that the other spouse expected, or maybe we started to notice the hidden qualities in each other that we expected! For example, my husband has started showing a lot of care, which I expected, but I am learning to be more and more patient with him.

A few weeks ago, he came back to us as a surprise. Not just that, he suggested that we look for a new house for us to live together and is ready to hit the restart button! Mohanji has definitely brought both of us close and has provided a secure and safe family for my daughters to grow up in. Of course, we have now found a new home, and my small family is together again, which seems like an unachievable dream! From a family on the brink of breaking up to being back together! I don’t know how to explain the ways Mohanji works – but it’s unique and subtle. If it wasn’t for Mohanji’s guidance through MTM, I had lost hope and almost walked out of my marriage!

Too many miracles have happened in these past four months for me to comprehend. However, I want to spend a few moments to express my gratitude to a lot of different people that I have come across in the Mohanji family in this entire two years’ journey. The amount of unconditional love that they show to people leaves me dumbfounded each time.

A special thanks to Bhavani Nair (my dear Bhuvi), Shubhasree Ji (I seriously wonder if Mohanji extends her day beyond 24hrs), Lata Ji (my Kriya mentor), Jaya Di (always smiling), Surya Sujan (genuine/a very beautiful soul inside and out). For me, seriously, Mohanji comes in the faces and words of all these angels.

I hear them talk about Mohanji’s presence without his presence! I can see how Mohanji has saved my marriage, removed my fear about my daughter’s future, improved her health situation and overall, transformed me from the state I was in – to a much lighter state now.

Thank You for everything Mohanji’s family has provided to me.
Jai Guru Deva – Jai Mohanji.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th May 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Grace at the time of need

mohanji smile

A beautiful narration of the power of Mai-Tri and one’s deepening connection to Mohanji. Pooja writes about her recent experiences with Mohanji and the profound effect of Mai-Tri received by her dad. Subhasree also shares her experience as the Mai-Tri practitioner who responded to Pooja’s message for help in the most unexpected way.

By Pooja Jobanputra, UK

I would like to share my recent experiences and ongoing beautiful journey with Mohanji.

At the outset of the corona pandemic, I began to listen more regularly and with an increasing passion to Mohanji’s podcasts, videos, and blogs. This period has allowed me to connect to Mohanji’s consciousness at a much deeper, profound level. I have begun to experience subtle changes in my way of thinking and have felt the presence of Mohanji in my daily life. It feels incredible, it feels as though I have found my way in the world and it feels like I need nothing else. I bow to the feet of Mohanji and the Tradition for showing me the way and guiding me to a new way of living.


I have found myself eagerly awaiting each new video, podcast, and programme on the UK Facebook page. I have been encouraged to join the EBC Club and the daily Power of Purity meditation sessions, and I have enjoyed every moment. It has been thought-provoking, life-changing and has given me the chance to experience pure happiness like nothing else.

I have also connected profoundly with Shirdi Sai Baba through Mohanji’s guidance and this connection has also started another beautiful journey of love for Baba. A recent experience has shown me the power of the Masters at work and provided me with huge respect for the Tradition.

One day, I received a call from my mother who was concerned about my dad as he was feeling unwell and increasingly uncomfortable with some heartburn. She was very worried and asked me to come as she was calling an ambulance.

As soon as I got to their place, I could see that my father was struggling. He was uncomfortable and had been feeling this way for a few days. Within a few minutes, the paramedics came and identified an issue on his ECG. He was told to go to the hospital with them and my mother was becoming anxious.

pooja 2

As these events were unfolding, something happened within me where I could feel inner strength. I prayed to Mohanji and Baba to help and guide. I had watched a video about the power of Baba’s Udi just the week before, and I could feel that things just started to flow. I asked my mum to give some Udi in water to my dad, as he made his way to the ambulance. He drank the water quickly and I just knew this would help him. I saw a small picture frame of Baba in my mother’s kitchen shrine and I placed it in my father’s bag. Again, this just happened like second nature.

I felt the need to connect with Mohanji and placed a message in the global prayer group. It was late in the night and I was not sure if anyone would see it, but I just did it quickly. I remember very clearly now that Subhasree came into my mind at that point, but I knew it was too late to call anyone. I somehow connected with Subhasree, and again I cannot explain, there are no coincidences. Grace was beginning to flow.

The ambulance crew were not happy with the second ECG and decided to go quickly to the hospital. Again, I felt a sense of calmness. I prayed to Baba and Mohanji, and I asked them to do whatever was in the best interests of my dad.

The paramedics decided to change course and go to a local specialist heart hospital, this was not a coincidence. It just happened like clockwork. No panic, no stress, just a sense of stillness that I felt.

As I waited in the hospital car park, I chanted Sai mantras and connected with Mohanji. I looked at my phone and saw that one person had sent prayers for my dad and then I saw Subhasree’s message. It literally pinged out of my phone with a thump!

I could not believe that she replied at this exact time of need. It was all like clockwork. She reassured me immediately as we messaged and prayed and she began Mai-Tri for my dad. Everything flowed and I didn’t feel any anxiety or panic. As soon as Subhasree said Mohanji is with you, I felt him sitting next to me in the car. It immediately calmed me further. I knew that he was taking care.

Mohanji car

My sister drove out of the car park and just as we turned the corner, we saw the paramedics who had taken my dad to the hospital. They were smiling and so helpful, they reassured us that dad had a quick procedure in a record time of 16 minutes to place a stent in his blocked artery and that he was back on the ward.

They said he was lucky to have been seen so quickly and that all had gone well with a good outcome. We spoke to him and he was fine and resting.

I could feel what had happened and I began to piece it together. Subhasree had been woken unusually that day, I had asked for help and it had come. Divine grace flowed and flowed, and my dad had not felt any pain during the procedure. Mai-Tri had been given whilst the procedure was being done.


The consultant, who is renowned for his skill and speed, had decided unexpectedly, to stay late that day as he was running late. He decided to spend the night at the hospital which he was not planning to do, I later found out. Again, this was not a coincidence.

I shall be eternally grateful to Mohanji, the Tradition, and to Subhasree for the love and grace given to my family that day. Eternal love, eternal gratitude!

By Subhasree Thottungal, UK

That day was a very busy day at work. Long working hours, constantly being on conference calls, by evening I was pretty drained. Shyama happened to call me for something and she realised that I was not feeling my usual self. She kindly suggested me to have a Mai-Tri session. I requested her to give me a session and then fell asleep around 11 pm. I was fast asleep.

Suddenly, I woke up and checked the time. It was 12:30 am. Once I fall asleep, normally I don’t wake up in the middle and that night when I was so tired and had received Mai-Tri, there was no reason for me to wake up. Instead of trying to fall asleep again, I just took my phone to see the time and looked at my WhatsApp. There I saw a message on the Global Chant and Prayer group from Pooja (she is from our Mohanji UK family) about her father being taken into hospital due to heart issues.

I sent my prayers for him on that group. Soon, I saw that she had messaged me privately. She was desperate to connect to Mohanji and to receive his healing for her father. While sitting at the hospital car park, she was feeling very distressed. I was guided to send her Mohanji’s Shiva Kavacham to listen and also told her that, “Mohanji is sitting right next to you.” Of course, I don’t plan and say these words nor do I say this just like that! I realised that Mohanji was sending her the message. I was just an instrument. After a few minutes, I also did a Mai-Tri session for Pooja’s father.

Around 1:20 am, Pooja messaged me saying that her father had been given the correct treatment he had urgently needed and was now recovering! While Pooja and I were talking about Mohanji’s presence with him and her, and while she was listening to the Shiva Kavacham, and while I was doing the distant Mai-Tri for him, exactly during that time, her dad was undergoing the procedure!

No doubt Mohanji was there with Pooja and her father right from the beginning when she started calling him, but he also ensured that Pooja feels his presence! By this time, I had realised that I didn’t wake up by chance! Mohanji woke me up! I had to send his message to Pooja, I had to pass on Mohanji’s energy through Mai-Tri. After that I fell sound asleep.

The next morning Pooja called me and narrated the whole thing and her realisation of Mohanji’s protection, his grace, and how faith and surrender work in reality! She even mentioned that when I sent her the message saying, “Mohanji is sitting right next to you”, she felt Mohanji in her car next to her and she immediately felt very relaxed!

Being a witness to this incident, I realised that this is yet another reminder to all of us how Mohanji is with us all the time, 24×7. Big or small, whatever the matter maybe, when we call out to him with deep faith, we can clearly see how his grace flows.

I am so happy to feel Mohanji’s grace, witness Mohanji’s miracles, and to be a real character in Mohanji Satcharitra!

Mohanji meditate



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 23rd July 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Kalpataru Series – A loving hug

Kalpataru is a wish-fulfilling tree.

That’s what Mohanji is for his devotees. Nothing is too small or too big. A wish that’s made with a pure thought and a call to Mohanji is sure to be fulfilled. No, this is not a claim. This is what hundreds of devotees have been experiencing every day, across the globe.

In this series, we will present some testimonials, true stories shared by devotees on how their wishes have been fulfilled by Mohanji.

— Testimonials Team

By Rekha Murali

Our heart is not always in our control. There are certain things that we are never satisfied with. One such thing is the desire to be in the physical presence of Mohanji even if it is only for a fleeting second. I am sure most of us can relate to this and I am no exception. I did have two wonderful days in his presence when he came to Chennai. Two months later, here I was craving to meet him again. Although the heart yearned, I felt there was no chance. But Mohanji, who knows everything, who is pure consciousness, fulfilled this heartfelt desire. It was not just about meeting him but needing that beautiful hug from him.

29th November 2019, is etched in my memory as I got that spontaneous hug from Mohanji. The day started as usual and by evening I was busy with my routine, but a call from Radha Shyam at about 6:45 pm changed everything. Her excited but doubtful voice conveyed that Mohanji would be at the airport for a few minutes to catch a flight which was scheduled to leave at 9:00 pm. She hesitatingly asked if we would be able to make it to the airport.

My dull and boring evening suddenly became charged and within 30 minutes and two more phone calls of planning, we were on our way in a cab along with Radha’s husband Srinivas! The atmosphere was tense as the traffic was heavy due to the peak hour and we had a very casual and slow driver who wanted to discuss everything under the sun. I started repeating the Mohanji Gayatri and prayed to him that having made us come this far, he should give us his darshan too.

Almost an hour later, we edged closer to the airport. In the meantime, luckily I was able to get in touch with Madhu for his flight details. We then googled to know the terminal and excitedly reached the place. To our joy, we found that his flight was delayed by half an hour but there was no sign of Mohanji. Mohanji was also delayed as the traffic was heavy. So now you know why the flight was delayed!

Soon, within 10 minutes, we saw a car speeding by and Madhu was frantically waving and pointing in the opposite direction. I turned around and my eyes fell on a man walking casually with a beaming smile in jeans and a t-shirt. I just shouted over my shoulder to the others that Mohanji is here, and ran into his outstretched arms. Mohanji gave me a long hug that I had been waiting for. All that I could utter in that second was “Oh, My God!” resting my head on his shoulder.


I just felt immense happiness, secure that I was in a safe place completely protected and blessed. Nothing else mattered.

I need to say one thing here. Each time I met Mohanji, it was I who always asked for a hug and this was the first time that it came from him spontaneously.

The happiness was written all over my face as I stayed by his side watching him greet others. The others spoke to him and even asked him some questions.

Revathy had also come with her children to seek blessings along with a special sweet. He asked me to open it and after tasting it, he returned the box of sweets to us. We received our prasad too. Within a short span of 10 minutes, we even managed to click pictures. All too soon, Mohanji had to leave and we still managed to wait there looking through the glass doors. As he was entering, I just mentioned to Mohanji that his flight has been delayed, to which he replied with an all-knowing smile, “Yes, it had to be delayed by a few minutes only as we were caught traffic.”

We watched Mohanji getting the check-in done and I blurted out, “Mohanji, please turn around and wave to us.” As though on cue, he turned around and waved with a broad smile on his face and then moved away from our sight. Our cups were overflowing.

Only on reaching home and reliving these precious moments, did I realise the impact of the whole incident. The all-pervasive, omnipresent Mohanji in his compassion and love had orchestrated the whole thing and enabled us to meet him and filled us with happiness and positive energy. The last-minute notice of Mohanji’s arrival, the traffic delays and finally the delay of the flight were not coincidences. If the flight had been on time, we would not have been able to meet him.

As I thank Mohanji in immense gratitude, I realise that he gave us this opportunity to only energise us. I had been communicating with him every day mentally, thanking him and sharing with him everything, and had also during my ramblings told him how a hug from him would make a world of a difference. All that I can do is watch in awe as he fulfils every prayer. I do not understand the intricate details and ways in which he takes care of each of us, but beginning to see the big picture. I don’t understand what I have done to deserve this, but I feel so blessed with the love and the grace that he showers on me. Thank you Mohanji!

Chennai group


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th January 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Miraculous Shirdi Meeting With Mohanji


by Aditya Nagpal

Master’s grace flows on us all the time. He is watching, he is protecting, he is taking care of all of us all the time. He is taking us to our destination with each breath of ours without us even being aware of it. His leelas are innumerable and we all have been lucky to witness them. I would like to share one such small incident from Shirdi.

I knew very little about Sai Baba before meeting Mohanji, but with his grace, I became an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. I visit Shirdi almost every month to do seva. I had a plan to go to Shirdi on 7th December 2019 for a weekend for seva. This travel plan was made in November. On 1st December, I booked a room in a hotel where I usually stay when in Shirdi. That hotel is right opposite the Chavadi and staying there is like being in the aura of Baba all the time. On 6th December, one of our Mohanji Family members called me from Pune and told that she would be visiting with a friend on 7th and needed a room for their stay. It was hard to find a room as it was the weekend and they had planned only a day prior. So I offered them my room as I am a regular to Shirdi and can easily stay anywhere else. She accepted it and I started looking for another room near the temple as I wanted to stay close to the temple. But I was unable to get another room near the temple. I then called Jivanta hotel where I’d stayed a few times during my initial visits to Shirdi. This place is slightly away from the temple, so it has never been my first choice. But I had no other option for that weekend. When I called them, a standard/luxury/deluxe room was not available, but they had only a diamond room which is the most expensive room in the hotel. I was slightly disappointed and started looking for another room again, but did not find any. I called Jivanta again and requested for a discount on the pricing and luckily they accepted it. I got the room but still, the cost was very high which made me a bit restless. But was there something behind all this?


I got onto the bus and reached Shirdi the next morning. I was told by someone that Mohanji was visiting Shirdi before 10th December for 2-3 days but I was not aware of the dates. I checked into Jivanta hotel and went to the Ahimsa Vegan Cafe and came to know that Mohanji was checking into the same hotel that night. I was overjoyed. I realized that this was all arranged by him. But was that it? No, not at all.

I went for Darshan at the Sai temple in the afternoon and asked the other 2 Mohanji family members to check into that other hotel near the temple. After Darshan, I went to that hotel to see if they had checked in. But to my surprise, the hotel owner said that the room was not available as they had given it to someone else by mistake. I was agitated as this was very unprofessional of them. I was also worried for the 2 ladies as there was no other room available. I went to my hotel and found that both the ladies had gone to my room and were taking rest. I was relieved. By then I realized that this was some divine play as Mohanji was also supposed to check into the same hotel. All of us ended up staying there. Luckily, the cost of the room was not entirely upon me now and I have to confess that it was a big relief for me.

So we all knew about Mohanji’s visit and were eagerly waiting to see him. He came in around 11.30 pm. We were all delighted to see him and prostrated before him. Oh! What a blessing it was. Early in the evening, I was told by the manager of the hotel that Mohanji’s room would be one the 4th floor. Our room was on the 2nd floor. Mohanji went to his room before us and we followed him and went to the 4th floor. We could not find his room on the 4th floor. We waited there for some time and came down to the 3rd floor but he wasn’t there either. Then we came to the 2nd floor and guess what, we found that Mohanji’s room was right next to our diamond room where we’d ended up staying unwillingly. We were thrilled to see this leela of our Master. This was all arranged by him. We stayed in a room next to his and spent the next day with him. This was indeed a blessing.

I usually spend a night at Dwarkamai in Shirdi, but this time I was in the room next to Mohanji. I usually stay in a room close to the temple in the aura of Sai Baba, but this time I stayed in the circle of Mohanji’s aura. It is a fact that nothing happens in Shirdi without Baba’s will and this time we were blessed to stay with Mohanji in his aura for an entire night. We were able to spend quality time with Mohanji the next day and that was amazing. A few days later, I met Mohanji again and shared this experience with him. He replied with a smile and said, “I always do my job“. He is always there for us, watching us, protecting us. When he says he is holding our hand, he means it. We are indeed blessed to be in his consciousness. No matter what happens, just hold on to him, he will take care.



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 12th January 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

The truth of His presence without presence

one with god

On this auspicious day of Guru Poornima, Mahesh shares with us a beautiful experience which yet again confirmed Mohanji’s presence in the Datta Tapovan ashram in Canada, although He was physically thousands of miles away.


The truth of His presence without presence

By Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada

The Datta Tapovan ashram was glowing. Mohanji was coming!  We were filled with so much joy. We did have our share of nervousness, but that nervousness was good, trying to keep everything perfect and in order for Mohanji’s arrival.

Tapovan Canada

Before Mohanji came, so many divine beings were making their presence felt too. One such unforgettable incident was when we felt Kamadhenu’s presence, though at that point we mistook it for cow dung smell!

Well, finally Mohanji came. We felt as if the brightness and warmth of the sun were appearing after a long, cold and dark, winter night. Yes, Mohanji filled whole the ashram with uncontainable and unlimited joy. Divine love flourished in every heart. 15 magical days filled with divinity. The sun rose, the sun set. But we remained awake in Mohanji’s Consciousness, in His love, 24/7.


Then the dreadful day came. It was time for Mohanji to go back. Other devotees in other parts of the world were waiting, His mission continues, the Avadhoota’s journey continues.

But how can my heart understand?  Greedy? Sadly, Yes. The heart didn’t want to bear the separation. The Master of my heart, Mohanji knew everything. Nothing is hidden from Him. He hears the cry coming out of each heart-beat.

He told me,

“Bhalerao, when I leave from here, don’t think that I am gone. Only my body will be gone. I will be here in the ashram, always.”

He left. I kept holding on to my faith, Mohanji is here, sitting on this chair, walking in this room, sleeping on this bed. I felt Mohanji continuing to be here with us.

Mohanji in Canada

Every morning and evening I kept doing the aarati, cleaning His room, making His bed, exactly how I used to do when He was here physically. That day, I continued the evening ritual.



In the evening when I went to the laundry room to do some laundry, suddenly I could smell the strong fragrance of Mohanji’s perfume. It has been more than a week since Mohanji had left; none of His clothes was in the laundry. In a room which normally smells of washing powder or bleach, getting the strong perfume smell of Mohanji was a clear indication that Mohanji was here, right next to me.

Then later, after finishing Sai Baba’s aarati, I went upstairs to Mohanji’s room, lit the lamp, made His bed and did pranaam at the chair where He used to sit while staying at the ashram, exactly how I used to do earlier.

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Just when I touched my head on the floor, Mohanji appeared! Yes, Mohanji appeared. I could clearly see Him, wearing His blue tank top and orange dhoti, sitting on the chair and smiling at me.

I burst out crying like a child. I cried and cried. I was crying not because I was missing Him. I was crying because He was proving to silly me that He was still here, very much here, even though physically He was thousands of miles away.

One thing is for sure, whatever Mohanji says, He always keeps His promises. He told me that He will be here in the ashram, and He proved this to me not just once but many times. And not just to me, even to others. You have already read Sanjay bhai’s story of how he saw Mohanji’s foot impression on the feet cushion.


His leelas are incomprehensible, unimaginable but magical. His love is truly unconditional and His compassion is beyond this world. How can I express my gratitude to you Mohanji, for your love? I can only bow my head down with complete surrender and remain at your feet always and forever.



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th July 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji – The cradle of compassion

Mohanji on experience

By Surya Sujan  (as narrated to the Testimonials Team)

In the canvas of life, nothing is a coincidence. Every event is meticulously planned and painted for the completion of this journey. Most of us are able to surmount the difficulties and move on. But are we really doing anything? Is there an unseen hand that guides and paves the way for smoother sailing? These questions can sometimes be answered in retrospect when there is an ‘Ah-ha’ moment and we realise the Supreme Energy has been at work backing us all the way.

In this blog, which was narrated to the testimonials team, Surya Sujan explains how she became aware of the protection that is being bestowed on her as she surmounts every incident in her life, one step at a time. What keeps her going is the faith and deep surrender that she has for her Guru Mohanji and her unconditional love for Shirdi Sai Baba.

As she narrated each incident, it was very clear that the Master had cleared the path beautifully and eased her stress, guiding her to the right person at the right time. All that she had to do was to follow the guidance and go with the flow. This has reduced her difficulties to such an extent that she now has the confidence to continue on with life’s battles.

There were two major events in Surya’s life that enhanced her faith in her Guru Mohanji and Sai Baba.


Mohanji’s Grace flowing into life

On the 23rd of December 2018, in Kannur, Kerala, Surya Sujan connected with her friend and classmate Mohanji after 38 years, by the grace of Sai Baba. She feels that her gratitude to Mohanji cannot be expressed in words as He has done so much for her family. By His grace, her son completed his graduation recently, passing all his subjects. Last year, his grade point in the third semester was 1.42 while the cut-off point was 1.50. Although he sent the papers for revaluation, due to bad luck, the results were not published. In November 2018, he wrote his exam again for two subjects. At the time of the results, the results appeared locked with a comment showing that it was being withheld.

In the meantime, on the same day of the results, Surya was praying and chanting the Mohanji Gayatri for her husband who had to get a biopsy done for a liver tumour. As she reached the hospital, her son asked her to pray for his exam results as he was going to the University to check the results. She simply closed her eyes and touched the photo of Mohanji who had by then  become more than her classmate and friend, her very own Baba (Sai Baba) in physical form. Within a short time, she received a call from her son with the news that he had passed. With Mohanji’s blessings, her son is a graduate now. 

The second incident which has been an eye-opener is the struggle that she and her husband have undergone with his (Sujan’s) illness.

Surya with Mohanji

For the past four years, her husband Sujan, has been suffering from liver cirrhosis and vomiting blood. Ever since she met Mohanji, she and her husband are wearing a green thread given by Mohanji as a protection. The way the events unfolded since she met her schoolmate Mohanji is indeed astounding.

Sai Baba’s guidance

During her narration through the audio message, Surya strongly stated that it was Sai Baba who sent her to Mohanji to help her face the ordeals that she was undergoing. This was exactly the time when Sujan had a recurrence of vomiting blood after nearly 3.5 years. With Mohanji’s blessings and Mai-Tri sessions from Deviji, Subhasree and Barbara, they commenced a round of tests at a hospital and she was confident that things would work in their favour.

Throughout this period (the last 4 months), Sai Baba has spoken to her telepathically to seek guidance from Mohanji. She surrendered completely to Mohanji and through Him to Sai Baba.

Mohanji’s divine intervention

The doctors after a preliminary test in December 2018, found lesions in Sujan’s liver that were carcinogenic. Some tests such as microwave ablations and skin ablations were recommended which could have been highly risky. After discussing and on the advice of Mohanji, Surya sought a second opinion at NVR cancer centre in Calicut for cirrhosis. Looking at Sujan’s current condition, a famous specialist advised against going through the above mentioned tests. He recommended a liver clinic which was incidentally happening the very next day and housed all the specialists required to assess, confirm and advise on her husband’s condition.

Surya believes that it was only through Mohanji’s grace that this miracle happened. Yes, it was a miracle that she came to know of such a rare clinic happening where all required doctors and technicians were available – a radiologist, an oncologist and a pathologist, all under the same roof at the same time! The miracles continued from then on. Everything seemed to work in their favour. The radiologist at the clinic happened to be the brother of Surya’s friend. Things moved quickly and the radiologist considering the large bloated stomach of Sujan felt that the previously advised therapies would not work for him. The liver oncologist suggested a highly specialised treatment called SGR, in which only the diseased cell would be given radiation (instead of the whole liver, which would have affected some healthy cells too!) This positive information was a blessing because there were large areas in the liver that were clear and functioning normally.

The miracle of finding all the right specialists in such a short time, getting the correct diagnosis, receiving advice on the optimum treatment and the immediate commencement of the treatment were all beyond Sujan’s and Surya’s hopes and expectations!

The doctors, who were no less than divine instruments, commenced the treatment by emptying the liver fluid and an IV albumin injection containing 20 ml of albumin was administered for an hour. The doctors had this plan ready for action – they would map the normal cells and the tumours and then the therapy would be done for the diseased cells for 5 days.

Mohanji’s divine energy 

Surya remembered that just a week prior to their visit to this clinic, Mohanji had told Surya that her husband’s liver had to be diluted and that He was trying His best to dilute it. The tests and treatment that was happening proved that Mohanji had indeed done His job! The liver certainly was diluted and this intervention had helped the oncologist find many areas clear in the liver and the specialised treatment could be commenced.

Divine communications

Once the connection with Mohanji was established, all that Surya had to do was think of Mohanji. Whenever she thought of Mohanji, a communication would happen with Mohanji, sometimes even through a WhatsApp message, Mohanji would enquire, “Surya, do you want to talk to me?” A strong telepathic divine connection was certainly established with Mohanji. She believes that Sai Baba speaks to her through Mohanji.

Surya says, “I feel some power is always with me. Whatever happens will happen. All of you are praying for me and so my pranaams at the lotus feet of Baba and Mohanji. All this is coming through Mohanji and His divinity is spreading all over the world.”

Mohanji – The incarnation of unconditional compassion 

With a voice choked with emotions and her heart filled with gratitude, Surya continued with her narration. Once she asked Mohanji about how she should offer Guru dakshina to Him as He is now her Guru. Mohanji replied,

“When you are helping the helpless – you are offering to me.”

Surya says, it is Baba’s blessings with her in the form of the shield of protection from Mohanji to her and her entire family, which has made her so strong that she is no more stressed about any obstacles and issues that come up from time to time. She feels, on the path of karma, her Guru, her eternal friend Mohanji is carrying her through in a comforting embrace. She is walking a path full of thorns, but it feels so smooth as if the path is filled with petals.

Yes, it’s so true that Mohanji’s unconditional love and His grace is being the cradle of compassion for Surya and her family.

Surya 2
Not just Surya and her family, Mohanji is helping each and every one of us in uncountable ways irrespective of our awareness in a situation.

This story of Surya Sujan reminds us of the following:

• Many of us have been divinely guided to Mohanji to be our Guru.
• Mohanji in His love and compassion walks ahead of us removing various obstacles to ease our journey as  much as possible.
• He helps us shed our karmic baggage to a large extent
• He wipes our tears and shields us from various perils
• He sets us on the path of liberation encouraging us to help the helpless

We join Surya and Sujan in expressing our eternal love and gratitude to Mohanji for being the Krishna for us, the eternal friend and the eternal Guru!

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Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 5th April 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Testimonials Team


Rituals to Awareness

mohanjichronicles - Mahesh Bhalerao

By Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada

Mohanji: Energy of Thousand Suns

Many of those who are connected to Mohanji know of His tremendous energy that can feel like sahasra sooryaya (a thousand suns), and be difficult to handle. It is hard to put a frame around the energy of someone like Mohanji who is beyond frames. He transcends ordinary human nature and thinking levels. I was very fortunate to accompany Mohanji on his first visit to Brazil, which was immediately after the trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. On  April 10, 2018, we left for Sao Paulo at noon reaching there at 8pm. During the stay in Brazil with Mohanji, I had a number of remarkable experiences in the eight days that followed. Everyday, I was witnessing His leelas (divine acts), and the miracles taking place in front of everyone, a few of which I would like to share below.

Awareness of Mohanji’s Omnipresence

I must say that this time around, I felt much more connected to Mohanji, feeling His presence even when He was not around. Early one morning as I was doing my daily sadhana (spiritual practice), I felt as if the portion of the house where Mohanji was sleeping was not attached to the building. Then I got the feeling that Mohanji had left the room and gone somewhere very far in space. I went into a state of panic, but started reciting the Mohanji Gayatri mantra, praying to Him to come back and not leave us. After an hour of prayer, I felt His presence in the room. Mohanji had returned to His room! I was experiencing this vision during sadhana (spiritual practice) and not seeing with my physical eyes.

Mohanji’s Omni Presence

Later during breakfast that morning, I told him of my experience during sadhana (spiritual practice). He confirmed that he had indeed been busy travelling astrally. Though I had heard about His astral travel before, this was the first time I had the personal experience that He was not in the body and felt His presence when He came back.

Mohanji is omnipresent, this awareness was now clear to me.

He is always listening: Everyday Mohanji, George and I would sit together for lunch. It is usual practice for me to offer my food to Mohanji (not physically, but through prayers) before I start eating.  When I would pray mentally in this way, Mohanji would pick up something to eat from my plate and would say, “Ok, start, I have received it”.

I never realised the true meaning of this until one day as I offered my prayers and was about to start eating my meal, he said to me, “I did not receive your food; your mind was somewhere else”.  I was taken aback when I heard that because it was true that I had been distracted because my mind was partially occupied with something else. Respectfully, I asked him to repeat what he said, and he asked me, “Who do you offer food to, before you start eating?” I replied, “I offer my food to you, Father, as always”. Then I realised that I had never told him before that I always offer the food to him. That day I had not done my prayers with full attention, and so the food had not reached him. My guru bhai (brother) George who was sitting next to me, asked Mohanji, “Did you receive my food?” and Mohanji immediately replied, “Yes, I did”.

George – My Guru Brother

I was not sad at that moment, because I was experiencing the moment of truth. Here was my Lord, my Bhagwan (God) in front of me, my saakshat Vishnu svaroop (the true incarnation of Lord Vishnu) telling me that although He had not received it, it was fine and gave me the slice of mango that He had in His hand. At that moment, I could sense that my ears had gone red hot as soon as I ate that mango. I couldn’t talk much, I was feeling ashamed. Overall, it was a clear indication that

Mohanji listens to you and He is always with you. 

Awareness of Supreme Consciousness in Mohanji

On our second day in Brazil, we decided to travel to Rio de Janeiro to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer. This 38m tall statue of Jesus, that stands atop Mount Corcovado, was built to counter the increasing acts of “Godlessness”. In this statue, Jesus is standing with his arms wide open as if he is ready to give everyone a big hug. To reach the statue, one has to take a cable train ride up the mountain which is a beautiful experience.

Statue the Redeemer
The Redeemer – Standing tall to remove “Godlessness” and ready to hug everyone

The initial plan was to go by car from Sao Paulo to Rio and back. However, since this involved long travel time, we decided to take a flight. We booked the plane tickets and left for the airport. However, due to heavy traffic on the way to the airport, we missed our flight. However, this gave me an opportunity for rectifying the mistake I had done while booking the tickets. I felt as if Mohanji was just saving me from more frustration due to the mistakes in ticket booking.

Not only this, I realised later that how divine beings and Gurumandala comes down to help in every act that involves Mohanji. This happens in a much subtle way, unrecognised for general public, but who is closely connected to Mohanji will be able to recognise this.

We were guided to a post office from where we could get the ticket that could take us right up to the top-level, near the statue. This post office was not in a visible place, but we had divine help with us! Though I couldn’t recognise at that point, a blessed soul (may be one of the Nath Gurus who came in disguise), took us right to the correct spot from where we can buy the ticket. Of course it was Mohanji in the first place who had guided me to approach this gentleman, amongst the big crowd in the airport. Looking back, I now realise, it was all the leela (divine Act) of Gurumandala. This gentleman himself was a visitor there who came for some official meeting and was not conversant of the local area. But he guided, lead the way right up to the ticket point, spending his precious time trying to help! Re-visualising the scene once again, where this gentleman and I were walking ahead and Mohanji slightly behind, it was as if the body guards marching ahead, clearing the way for the Master!

This was not just a lesson in humility that I learnt from Mohanji, watching him  how he was addressing people in the most humble and respectful way while  requesting information, but also I recognised (though bit later) that how Gurumandala came down to facilitate every thing.

This is just another evidence of the true stature of my Guru – Parabrahma!

I learnt a lesson: it is not merely about listening to or reading Mohanji’s teachings but also living them and recognising the subtlety.

Though this was something I knew, I had never experienced it.

When it was time to board the cable train, the girl at the counter informed us that we would reach the top around 5 PM and that it may get dark. She showed us the scene up hill on her television at the train boarding station. The whole area and the statue was fully covered in clouds. One could not see anything. Further, there was a possibility of rain which meant the possibility that the clouds may not only continue to completely obscure our view of the statue. Hearing this, both George and I turned to Mohanji. He said, “No, we will go”. He joked “We have a pact with the weather”. We knew he meant it. Without any hesitation, we got on the train. When we reached the top, it was almost 5 PM just as the girl had informed us. As expected, we saw that the statue was completely covered by clouds. Even though we were taking pictures, Christ’s statue was fully covered with clouds and we had to stop.

Communion with Nature – with compassion

At that point, Mohanji simply turned around, looked at the statue and waved his hand in the air as if to clear the clouds. It was a direct message to the clouds: “Please clear off!” As if on cue, the clouds started moving away from the statue and everyone nearby was overjoyed to see the sunshine. I stood there stunned; looking at Mohanji for whom playing with Nature was part of his leelas (divine acts).  He was talking to the clouds and they were moving around as per His instruction! It was a well-orchestrated play and the Christ in front of us (Mohanji) was conducting that play.

Assurance – Clouds have moved away


Mohanji wanted George to take a good picture of the view of the islands down below. He called us to that side of the hill. Once again, clouds were obscuring a clear view. Mohanji said “Just wait. It will clear now”. Suddenly, all clouds were swiftly moved to one side and the whole vision of the island and its surroundings became crystal clear. As soon as we finished taking pictures, clouds covered the view once again.
We further walked to the other corner of the hill to take in a different vista. I could see that the clouds were scurrying out of our way again – as if the clouds did not want to block the view of our Christ (Mohanji). While other people had their attention on the statue of Christ and were busy taking pictures, George and I were absorbed instead in the living Christ (Mohanji) in front of us and his leelas (divine act). Mohanji, whom I consider as Christ himself, was standing next to us, demonstrating through His leelas (divine acts) that nothing is impossible for us if we have full faith. He himself will fulfill the smallest wish of a bhakta (devotee) who has unshakeable faith.

CLear SKy
A clear view with clear sky!


As we started walking downhill, rain started. Everything was picture perfect.
Mohanji often speaks of – “connection, conviction and consistency” and if we can keep them growing, His presence within us will be maximized. While gazing at the statue, Mohanji remarked that it is a reminder of the path that leads from “Rituals to Awareness”. Mohanji is always with us all the time and we should always recognise, surrender and feel gratitude.

“You and I are One”

||Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji||
Surrendering at your Lotus feet,

Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada

The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Walking With Mohanji

By Lata Ganesh, USA

Mohanji 8

Following Mohanji on this Pathless Path of our Tradition, we are blessed with quite a few experiences from time to time:  some that we can perceive and some that we can’t, some experiences teach us valuable lessons while other ones transform us, and then there are yet other experiences that can only be described as mind-boggling!

I share below a few subtle experiences from the last category.  I perhaps lacked clarity at the time of occurrence to interpret them, but eventually I did connect the dots. While I had been completely alert at the time of having these experiences and for sure knew them to be real, I was still a little hesitant about sharing them, a part of me wondering if they had come from imagination, or whether they were hallucinations.

It was only after a recent experience, a long and most intense one that happened during the course of an Awakening Yoga Nidra (AYN) session, that I began to connect all the dots.

I shall start with a verse from Sri Guru Gita, the supreme scripture where Lord Mahadeva himself imparts the knowledge of the Guru Principle to Devi Parvati:

yenedaM darshitaM tattvaM, chitta chaityaadikaM tathaa; Jaagrat svapna suShupt yaadi, tasmai shri Gurave namaH

He enables the mind to perceive this world, although we cannot know Him with the mind; The witness of all three states of mind – Waking, Dreaming and Deepest Sleep, I prostrate at the auspicious feet of the Guru, the remover of ignorance.

Back in 2014 during Mohanji’s visit to Virginia, USA, we had arranged for a satsang at the local Shirdi Sai Baba temple.  At the end of the satsang, it was time for the evening aarati (ritual of offering light with reverence in front of an idol or murti).  The temple priest requested Mohanji to conduct it and as He started performing the arati before the idol of Shirdi Sai Baba, to the soulful singing of the aarati song by the gathered devotees, I fell into a deep trance.  In front of me, I no longer saw Mohanji’s physical body –  all I was seeing was a huge pillar of bright effulgence.  Mohanji and Sai Baba had merged together in a vertical beam of light.  I was ecstatic while witnessing this divine grace.


The same year there was also a retreat with Mohanji at Yogaville in Virginia.  There would be yoga sessions in the mornings, conducted by Devi Mohan and the chants during the session were being sung by Natesh.  Natesh was on his guitar singing a beautiful verse on Goddess Durga.  Mohanji was not physically present at the event hall, which was a few blocks away from where the retreat lodging was.  As I lay down deeply relaxed in shavasana pose after the yoga session, I saw a most powerful vision of Mohanji.  Though the form was physical, He was on a different plane, a thousand times brighter than the earth plane.  There was no one around him. He was walking gently, as if on clouds.  Though His physical form appeared the same as we see Him normally, the radiance was multi-fold.  This vision lasted for a few minutes.  The vision was so intense and so clear, that even by simply remembering it today, I can actually feel the experience right away.

Another unique experience that completely blew me away and still does, was one in Sedona in 2017.  Sedona is well-known as an area having several powerful energy vortices. Once again, I was attending a retreat there with Mohanji.  A guided meditation was to commence in the presence of Mohanji. Being one of the organizers of the retreat, I had to be seated in the front row a bit closer to Mohanji, to make myself available and alert in case anything was needed during the session.  But as the session began, instead of sitting alert I somehow slipped into deep meditation.  I don’t know for how long I was immersed in the peace and silence, but suddenly I felt myself going deeper and deeper, as though I were falling from high above, or one could say sinking slowly deep into the earth, all so gently that there was no fear.

Suddenly I was seeing Mohanji flying and he was pulling me up and making me fly beside him.  I was out of that dark room, flying in the open in beautiful sunny Sedona surrounded by red rocks.  Mohanji took me on a tour of the city.  Those familiar with Harry Potter books will know what a Quidditch game is.  This experience was exactly like flying mounted on a broomstick, except there was no broomstick!  Mohanji was turning back and looking at me with a twinkle in his eye. It was a most exhilarating and fun-filled ride.  Is this how astral travel is done?  I have no idea, but I can say for sure that Mohanji took me along on some kind of travel, flying beside Him. I could see the red rocks of Sedona, there were some caves, and then finally we came to a place where there were tall buildings. After some time, I came back to awareness of my body and surrounding.

I was completely shaken.  I opened my eyes to realize that the audio recording was still playing!  Mohanji’s eyes were open and He was looking straight into my eyes! He indicated to me to come closer as He wanted to say something. The audio track needed to be changed during the meditation process.  He said, “You were supposed to be alert and not fall into meditation.  You had a job to do!”  What could I say in reply?  I was still reeling from the experience and somehow stumbled back to the table where the audio system was, and barely managed to find the next track to play.  I have no clue what this experience was about, but know for sure that it was REAL.  There was no mind play here, nor was I hallucinating.  This was genuine and I am grateful to Mohanji for having nudged my skeptic mind towards the realm of spiritual possibilities.

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Saturday, March 3, 2018 –   Awakening Yoga Nidra session with Devi Mohan (Session was via Zoom with Devi from Serbia). This was the very first Awakening Yoga Nidra session being offered by Deviji to the Mohanji USA family.  I had in the past, been fortunate to be part of Devi’s yoga sessions that included brief Yoga Nidra at the end.  But I had never participated in a full-length Awakening Yoga Nidra session before. I had absolutely no idea what to expect. Our Zoom session with Devi was scheduled for 11 am and hence I was fully rested and fresh.  As I had no preconceived ideas or expectations about the session, I was approaching it with a very open attitude. I feel compelled to say this, because of the experience I went through during the session.  I want to clarify that I was not asleep nor was I dreaming or imagining any of the visions that were to unfold.

As Devi was starting the session, I was very relaxed. In an attitude of complete surrender to Mohanji’s energy, I offered my prayers to Him and to the Guru Parampara, fully open to receive the divine blessings. During the entire hour and a half or more, I did not feel even the slightest interference from my mind.  There was not a single thought distracting me.  This was rather unusual for me, as even though I am normally able to experience brief periods of stillness of the mind, I can say for sure that until this experience, I had never experienced such an amazing state of non-interference of thoughts, for such an extended period of time.

As the session began, Devi began guiding us expertly through the process of bringing up various emotions, and going through these emotions and deeply embedded past experiences attached to those emotions. The session then moved to allow the participants to walk towards a holy hill.  When I followed this guidance, I continued to feel a total calmness and determination in walking out and venturing forth –  far, far away towards the hill.  It was an intense and beautiful feeling.  I approached the temple of all faiths – in my own vision it was an old deserted Shiva temple on the hill-top, and there was no one around. I was very much overwhelmed with emotion at this point and my eyes welled up with tears at the sight of Lord Mahadeva in the temple. Dissolving with love for the Lord, I offered my prayers in deep gratitude. I left the temple completely drained of emotion – but in a body that was half snake and half human (the upper part of the body was that of a snake or naga with raised hood, and the lower portion that of a young boy in a bright white dhoti and with human legs).  This form was brilliant and absolutely fearless, and there was an accompanying feeling of the deepest purity and firm resolve.

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I continued walking in that form. I could feel the spine of my body to be very erect and warm, literally merged with the upper form of the snake, with the hood resting on my sahasrara. But there was absolutely no feeling of fear, even with such physical closeness between the body and the hood of the naga. I kept walking with absolutely no emotion, but steadfast with determination.  After passing the Ganesha shrine and offering a prayer, Mohanji appeared.  Mohanji’s form looked brilliant, and was devoid of any emotion, calm and very focused. (This was the same intense form of which I had a vision, back in 2014 at Yogaville as mentioned earlier in this piece).  There was no greeting or conversation. He led the way ahead while my form walked a few steps behind Him in total surrender and no other feeling.  (For lack of better words, I am using the word “I”, being unsure who this being was?!)

I continued following Mohanji who walked swiftly towards a dark cave, then stopped. I was instructed to go inside.  As I walked forward and got inside the cave, I could actually, physically feel the movement of my form, of this half-naga young boy, as a slithering into the cave.  The cave was dark and in the center was a beautiful shiva linga – a sphatika linga, translucent blue and crystalline. It was self-luminous, illuminating the dark cave.  As I circled the holy linga, its pure and calming energy completely engulfed me. When I came out of the cave, I could see Mohanji waiting outside.  I continued to walk behind Him as He moved towards a dark forest.  Again, there was no fear or apprehension but just a detached steadfastness, and my spine was totally erect and vibrating during this time (this I could feel in my body lying down on the mat as my spine felt rigid and very hot. I could not really sense the frame of my body, it was as though it was expanded).

I was then guided by Devi to enter the forest while Mohanji stayed behind.  Even though the forest was totally dark from the very dense vegetation, I had still no sense of apprehension. I walked bravely through till Devi guided us to a ditch in the middle.  We were to look inside the ditch and bring out the entities.  I did not see very many entities when asked to bring them up, and I recollect that there were about three which I embraced and then let go, and proceeded to walk out of the forest. But this time as I walked out to meet Mohanji again, the half-naga/half-boy form had turned into a pillar of bright light.  The light was much closer to Him as though merging, during the walk. Mohanji’s form was even brighter than before.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 1, experience

Even though He had a human form, it was not the Mohanji we see physically.  He was a super-energized form, very intense.  As I walked behind Him in that light form, the form of Mohanji disappeared as we reached the abode of Mahavatar Babaji. I could hear Mahavatar Babaji’s gayatri mantra being played on the audio system.  I did not see Babaji’s form there.  Mohanji’s form merged into the form of Hayagriva, seated in meditation under the tree.  By then, I could not see any form of myself at all. But I could feel that I was present there. I chanted the Hayagriva mantra loudly and clearly and prostrated to the Lord.


Aum jnanaananda-mayam devam, Nirmalasphatika-kritam; Aadharam sarvavidyaanaam Hayagrivam upaasmahey

As soon as I prostrated in the vision, I saw the form of Lord Hayagriva change into that of Mahavatar Babaji.  Babaji’s Gayatri, with the words

Mahavatara Vidmahe, Satguru devaya Dhimahi, Tanno BABAJI prachodayaat

continued to play on the audio system during the Awakening Yoga Nidra session, but I was hearing instead loud and clear, the words Tanno MOHANJI Prachodayaat.

I felt myself in a trance.  Mohanji’s form was merged with Babaji and the words of a new Gayatri mantra were revealed.  I remember the words as the following:

Om Parabrahmaaya Vidmahe, Mahaa-avataaraya Dheemahee, Tanno MOHANJI Prachodayaat


In the subtle realm of Gyanganj, Mohanji had merged into the form of Mahavatar Babaji, and I was among a group of followers chanting the above Gayatri.  There was the radiance of brilliant light everywhere. It was a very overwhelming moment. After this, Devi guided us to visualize a unicorn. However, I was simply unable to bring a unicorn into my visualization.  What I saw in front of me instead was a huge peacock with a shining vel (lance) hanging by its side, the beautiful and brilliant vahana (vehicle) of Karthikeya, son of Shiva.  The peacock then carried me out of that space and around the mountains to the lake.


Now at this point, a very strange thing began to happen.  For the rest of the session, all my visions were occurring before Devi’s guidance came. It was like I was visualizing, and Devi was doing a running commentary of it.  It was as though she was witnessing what was happening.  Surreal!  One of the visions of the Divine Mother Parvati overflowing with love and compassion, was very profound. As the session ended, the intensity and magnitude of what I had just had gone through, made me fall totally silent within. I was just awestruck by the experience.


Kartik_Ganesh_with Maa

I am deeply in gratitude to Mohanji for all that He has given me, and for carrying me along with Him and opening my vision to get a glimpse of me within. Mohanji had told me the first time I met him, that we are deeply connected.  I am not sure I clearly understand the meaning of that connection.  I have never asked him directly about it.  I have been very patient in my spiritual journey.  My receptivity has certainly intensified over the time and I have also deepened my sadhana.  This along with the supreme grace and compassion from Mohanji has allowed me to experience this intense and beautiful connection.  I am so thankful to our dear Devi whose deep devotion to the Tradition makes her a true and dedicated instrument to pour the light of grace on us.

Mohanji 7

As I recall this extraordinary vision revealed during the Awakening Yoga Nidra experience, I recognize my own ancestral connection with the deity Naga Subramanya, a form of Lord Karthikeya also known as Muruga, who is worshipped as the Lord of the Nagas. It was my forefathers who had built the temple for Naga Subramanya that still stands today in the village of Lakshmi Narayana Puram in Palakkad, Kerala, in South India. My ancestors had also been worshipping the “Vel”, symbol of Lord Muruga for generations.

Lord Muruga is the son of Mahadeva (Shiva) and Parvathi Devi.  Mahavatar Babaji is known to be an avatar of Lord Muruga.  Mohanji, during a satsang in Sedona, revealed his connection with Sage Bhoganathar, the Guru of Mahavatar Babaji. This vision only clarifies and confirms the connection with Mohanji, Naga Loka, Babaji and our Golden Tradition, and the grand collaboration.

It is only after seeing this vision that I went in search of a picture of our Kula Devatha (ancestral deity), Naga Subramanya, which I share above.  There is the Vel and the Peacock and the Naga’s hood and the form of Subramanya as a little boy.  Believe me, I had never ever seen this picture before and I feel that it is the Awakening Yoga Nidra event that has led me it. Please read Mohanji’s earlier blogs on Naga Loka and his visit to Palani and Sage Bhoganathar’s samadhi.

I end this blog with deep love and respect for my Guru, Brahmarishi Mohanji.  It has been a very interesting, intense and enlightening journey and I am sure that it will continue to be so, as the mystery and meaning of spiritual connections keeps unfolding little by little.  But all I wish for now, is to just remain at His Golden Feet.

Mohanji_at Golden feet

ajnaana-timiraandhasya / jnanaanjana-shalaakaya chaksur-unmilitam yena / tasmai shri-gurave namaha

Salutations to that Guru who applies the collyrium of knowledge with a sharp needle to open the eyes blinded due to ignorance (lack of spiritual knowledge).



Lata Ganesh, USA.

The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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An Unexpected Meeting and a Transforming Glance

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mina Obradovic

By Mina Obradovic, Serbia

With Mohanji and Nath Master

Part 1

Mohanji has often been heard to say that as the Mai-Tri healers continue their healing practice they will completely merge with His consciousness over time. Their eyes will eventually become Mohanji’s eyes, and their senses will merge with His. Although I have practiced healing for a long time, I have been completely detached from that expectation and hence did not anticipate this to happen.

It so happened that I had the blessing of the opportunity to visit a very powerful temple in the company of Mohanji. This particular temple was fenced in, and access was possible only by walking via a long road. As we walked, I was often glancing up at our destination, and on one such glance, spotted in the distance an old man with a white beard standing outside the temple. He had white hair falling over his shoulders and was clad only in a small piece of white cloth. His body stood still and his chin was slightly lifted up, as he was looking towards the open sky. I had not noticed him previously.

Upon reaching the temple, I walked towards the spot where I thought the old man had been standing and was surprised to see a white dog there instead. The dog radiated energy. He stood by Mohanji for a long time. As I was standing next to them, I closely observed their vibrations and felt both emanating infinite calmness and peacefulness. I felt,“Somehow, they are so similar.” I realized that the energy radiated by Mohanji and the dog were extremely similar. When I meet Mohanji, His human characteristics are diminished as Divinity takes over. Similarly, this mysterious white dog gave no glimpse of an earthly nature. He did not run around nor display any oscillation or emotion in his behavior. Only stillness, which is the nature of a true Master, was predominant and very obvious.  After a while, when our group moved on, he started walking around too.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mohanji and the Nath master posing as a dog

I knew in my heart that this dog was really the old man that I had spotted. A strange force drew me towards him. Kneeling down in front of him, I gazed at him and my hands spontaneously touched his feet. This act of reverence was done discreetly to avoid the notice of the people around me. As we were having lunch at that time, I desired to feed him. So, I rushed, grabbed some food and returned to the dog. Mohanji said, “Do not feed him. He does not want to eat now.” On a conscious level, I obeyed and accepted Mohanji’s words and withdrew. However, a desire to feed him remained unfulfilled in my subsconscious.

On the way back from the temple, I had to share this experience with Mohanji. With a smile, He said, “Yes. That was a Nath Master. He was here to bless us in the form of a dog, and has left now.” I blurted out in incredulous excitement, “But he was actually, physically there! He was not transparent or only energetically present! It seemed as if he was made of flesh and blood!” Mohanji replied, “Well, this happened only because of your own transformation, which is the result of your extensive healing practice. I have told you before – the more you practice healing, the more your eyes will become like mine. That is why you were able to ‘see’ him.”

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - MIna and the Nath mater posing as a dog

I slowly started experiencing exactly that – Mohanji’s eyes instead of mine and His consciousness in everything. I wondered why others did not see this Master in his human form instead of his form as a dog. Soon enough, the answer came – there was not “me” existing. Whenever Mohanji settles in somebody to display a miracle, the person and his/her identity become unimportant. The eyes that saw him were Mohanji’s and the subtlety that helped me experience His eyes during this particular moment was the Tradition’s will to convey an important message to humanity. They reminded us that we are often not loving and kind to animals who love unconditionally, let alone humans. The message is to treat all beings with reverence, love, and kindness since the forms of those beings can be those of Mohanji or any other Master from the Tradition in disguise. We can never tell.

To me, my God is my Guru, Mohanji. However, I ask myself, does it benefit anybody if we treat only the physical form of Mohanji with reverence, love, and kindness? No being is different from Him. I could never have dreamed that the dog would be a Master. Harming such a one, a saint in another form, through thought, word or action can have serious karmic consequences, prolongment of our spiritual journey and inevitable suffering. Saints often hide behind personalities and various bodies. They often do not want to be recognized.

Sometimes they can appear normal and usual, or they may choose an unappealing, angry, egocentric or rude exterior. Sometimes they may come to us in the form of the old and the sick, as birds, cows, flowers, or even as a child in order to bless us. Sometimes they may be exactly the person that we live with, that we may be taking for granted. Do we really know our parents, wives, husbands or children? We think we know them because we live with them, but that is not a criterion for knowing any soul and its path. Again, Masters hide in many forms. If we fail the test and react with ego to a saint’s seeming expression of ego – we lose. We NEVER know whom we are interacting with. Even a single thought of anger can produce a reality of suffering.

Part 2

A few weeks later…

Our group moved on in our travels from the location of the temple, to another town. My mind kept revisiting that encounter with the Nath Master many times. During one such time, a spontaneous prayer arose within me to meet him again, although I released that thought immediately afterward and promptly forgot all about it.

Later that evening, I had gone out to dinner with friends. When it came time to leave the restaurant, I wanted to use the washroom. Therefore, I told my friends that I would be joining them downstairs in a short while and to wait in the car that was going to pick us up. When I came down, there was no one outside the restaurant except for a white dog. He lay there on the ground in a most relaxed way, with only his head and eyes moving slightly. I gently caressed his head. Sitting in front of him, I started talking to him. I do not recall what I said, but I do remember that I spoke for a few minutes! I was not joking or playing. I was sincerely sharing words with him, as I was certain he understood me perfectly. I smiled when some restaurant employees there saw me with the dog and said, “You should take him home!”

Remembering Mohanji’s constant need to feed everybody wherever He goes, I too thought, “I should give some food to this dog.” The only place where I could find some food for him however was in a fast-food restaurant, and that was some bread and butter. Although dogs sometimes eat meat, I avoid feeding animals non-vegetarian food. I put the plate with the bread in front of the dog. He sniffed at it, but would not eat. Therefore, I broke the bread into pieces, but he still refused it. I speculated that perhaps he was not hungry, or that maybe the bread was too dry.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mohanji and the Nath master posing as a dog 2

With my fingers, I broke the bread into even smaller pieces and mixed the butter in thoroughly. That worked, and I was very happy to see him eat it then! My friend Priti Rupee was also pleased to see him eating and took a few pictures. We had to get going, so I said a goodbye to him and left. On our way back home, a thought suddenly flashed across my mind, “That was the saint from that temple. He heard your prayer and came back again to fulfil your wish.” Deep inside, I knew it was the truth but the nature of the wavering mind is such that one is never fully sure.

Weeks passed before this incident came to my mind again. I decided to share it with Mohanji, saying that I was unsure whether it had been the saint that I had previously met in the temple.. He said with conviction, “It was him.” Hearing this confirmation from my Guru himself, I could barely hide my excitement. The Tradition had fulfilled my desire on the very same day the thought of it had occurred! I remembered that I had wanted to feed that saint when we were still in the temple, when Mohanji asked me not to do it. Just as this desire of mine, everything is heard by Tradition and nothing is forgotten by Them. Their precision and lack of hesitation channeled a message that in our path there is no space for imagination, swaying, delaying, doubting or irresponsibility. If Naths work with such a precision, a disciple of Nath must BECOME that precision.

I have heard it said many times, that Masters always hear the sincere desires of seekers. Now the truth of those words had eventually become my reality, as I was constantly experiencing fulfilment of each one of my desires. “Be good. Do good.” That is Mohanji’s teaching that is to be practised with everyone at all times. That is the highest truth that Mohanji has blessed me with, that I am still trying to learn. One day, I hope to reach the point of unconditional love towards all. Here, I would also like to express my gratitude towards Priti Rupee, for taking such lovely pictures.

Shaktipat through eyes

During our group’s stay in Mumbai, there was an informal satsang (discourse) with Mohanji. We sat casually on the floor in front of Him, while He was speaking to us about something. Suddenly, He stopped and looked directly at me – straight into my eyes.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mohanji looking with kindness and compassionAt first, it seemed like a normal glance. I smiled and we continued looking at each other. The gaze was longer than expected. I then realized that He was working on me – I was being healed and cleansed. It continued for a while and while my gaze was locked on Him, suddenly in my peripheral vision I could see dense smoke around us.

Heat was coming in waves, with short breaks in between, burning my chest and head. He said with a smile, “I told you – you cannot stand fire.” I smiled weakly, as much as the limitless energy permitted me to move. I was hardly able to move or look anywhere else. Looking at His eyes continuously, it seemed as if more of the black smoke was appearing around us. It grew so dark, that after a moment, I could not see His face at all. I had to blink a few times to see His eyes again. In the very same moment after I noticed the smoke, He said, “So much of weight leaving”. I smiled in response, silently expressing my gratitude. In one moment, it ended. He turned His gaze away from me and smiled. I was… speechless. A few other people that were with me, and I were in that spell for perhaps a couple of minutes later. We felt no need for words. I have no idea how long it took but it felt like an hour in His energy. The intensity of the Shaktipat must have increased. I do not know.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mohanji in meditation

There was the profound feeling that a deep heaviness from the past – very familiar to me, had been removed from me in those couple of seconds, by the power of my Guru. For many years of my life since childhood, I had felt it in the center of my belly as a dense ball of dark smoke, heavy and uncomfortable. It had been provoking all kinds of negativities in me – insecurity, fear, anxiety etc. I had had no control over it. It had been sitting within me – a dormant volcano, very quiet at most times and at other times, abruptly erupting sending me into a frenzied vortex of anxiety. After this release, I knew it had finally left me completely. No trace of it had remained. Even if my subconscious mind doubted the reactivation of the volcano, from the long feeling of familiarity with it, it never did. It never came back again.

Just a few seconds in Mohanji’s presence had transformed me thus. We may not be aware, yet He works on each of us, each moment, while eating, while sleeping, close or far away from us – always. He doesn’t waste even a moment in serving the world and His sincere seekers.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Master and disciple - I am always with youThis incident is just one of the few instances that He has actually allowed His work to be recognized so tangibly. Since meeting Mohanji, I have experienced so much transformation, and have ALWAYS received firm proof of His Grace being the cause of it. Yet, no matter how tangible the proof is, a person who does not have the “eyes” will still be unable to see. Only eyes that crave Grace will recognize Grace.

Prostrations and profound gratitude to my Guru.

Thank You, Mohanji.

In humility, and with love to all,

Mina Obradović
The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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