Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 223 and 224

By Christopher Greenwood

Day 223 – What we don’t have we value, and what we have loses value

One of the things which I love and appreciate about Mohanji, especially his teaching, is that what he shares, speaks and lives reeks of simplicity. It’s straightforward; it’s simple. When I digest it well, it brings a positive transformation in life. There’s a shift for the better. You can noticeably see this in life interactions and relationships.

Most of these truths, if not all, are fundamental truths. One of those I share today whilst reflecting again is the changing nature of the mind in relation to what we have and don’t have. Generally, when we don’t have something, we really long for it. We strive for it; we crave it. We work hard to get it, and then its value is lost as soon as we have it. When we don’t have something, it has incredible value. But when we have it, it has very little value.

In retrospect and even now, to some extent, what I longed for, what I’d worked for, what I dreamt of, and what I had achieved – its value dropped as soon as I had it. I no longer appreciated it. It can be possessions, positions, relationships, or anything. What we don’t have has tremendous value, and when we get it, the value drops. It can be partners, a new phone, a house, a job, or a holiday.

Even worse is that when we lose something, its value increases again. Here we’re talking about and sharing the changeable nature of the mind, and you can take that even further. If we had something and we didn’t know that somebody took it away from us, we wouldn’t have a problem. But if we had something and then knew someone took it from us, that thing becomes the most important thing.

For me, this observation is an awareness of the changing nature of the mind and the corresponding dramas it can create in life. We can all relate to this truth, and for me, Mohanji provides these simple truths as insights. These insights are valuable tools as a mirror to our minds and their effects on our lives. Being aware of the fickle mind and being able to address that or handle it is crucial.

Day 224 – Our spaces

Today I wanted to share more information about our latest vision and priorities and what we’re discussing in the mornings with Mohanji and the team.

I’ve shared before that every morning when I sit and speak with Mohanji, it’s about the activities for the day. We’ve big and ambitious visions. We always discuss what steps to take today to help move us towards that vision. Right now, the priority is for our spaces, which I’ve mentioned before.

We’re now in the Balkans, where there’s a lot of trouble. We’ve been going to various retreats and different locations, travelling, and staying in various places, which has been great. I joined Mohanji during the COVID lockdown – the first wave in India, so we were travelling less.

We are now travelling (moving from place to place), and I recognize that he has been on the move like this for over ten years; a hectic schedule indeed. I’m impressed with Mohanji’s work and activities across five continents – in 80 countries. It’s a fantastic achievement for everyone who’s worked with and supported him for all those years. But now, experiencing it firsthand, I comprehend the logistical challenge and demanding nature of this.

My main point is, with Mohanji travelling and all the activities taking place, as he moves from country to country, the energy becomes scattered, and also, sometimes, it’s difficult to sustain the activities and momentum once he leaves. Hence, the focus now is on identifying our spaces, thinking creatively about building our space and putting something on the ground. I now appreciate it much more as we start to formulate these plans.

Regarding our spaces, we already have work underway in Ganeshpuri and Slovenia. These will be Mohanji Centers of Benevolence (MCB), and I’ve mentioned in detail that these will be locations that represent our tradition – living harmoniously with nature, doing our practices all the time, 365 days of yoga and meditation. Mohanji will come to stay and conduct retreats there. There’ll be residential sections where people can reside, office space where people can work, and a canteen where food will be served 24/7. So, if somebody comes hungry, they can have something to satisfy that hunger.

Our spaces are essential as they’ll bring us real stability and put our philosophy onto the ground. This brings two important aspects of stability:

1. Stability of our people: Mohanji profoundly cares about those connected to him. His vision is to ensure that all of our people, all those who stand by him, will have a place to live peacefully for now and for years and generations to come.

2. Stability of our philosophy: Space means we can land on the ground of our philosophy. There’ll be continuity of all the practices, processes, teachings and practical way of life. Our spaces will be places of real purification, rejuvenation and harmonious living. People will be able to live there. There’ll be daily yoga, meditation, and daily processes, and if we have many centres, Mohanji will dedicate time to each of them each year.

The energy of the place will build over time. This’ll mean people living there will be very stable, and the space itself will transform people positively. They’ll bring benefits and add value to many lives.

This is a bit of a taste of the focus, vision, and track we’re on now.  I share this to give you all an idea of what we speak about in the morning, our direction and vison and of course, if anyone would like to show any support or know anything more, you’re very welcome to write to me. I’m happy to discuss more.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 11th June 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 185 & 186

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 185 – Don’t let past mistakes drain the energy of today

Mohanji lives his life very practically. He regularly says, “Before being spiritual, be practical.” I’ve been working with him now for over a year, which has given me the opportunity to become involved in many new activities, projects, and work, which I never would have thought of. These have been both great experiences to learn from, and also, in the process, opportunities wherein I’ve made many mistakes. I would even consider some of them as failures on a level, although following Mohanji’s lead, I know that unless we stop, nothing is really a failure. We have to get up and keep moving. This way, we would have learned something, and at least we’re taking steps forward.

I’m a person who likes to do something well, as best as I can, especially if I’ve been entrusted with responsibility. But sometimes, not everything goes to plan. There are difficulties issues, obstacles, or even mistakes. Previously, I would really take these to heart, and what that would mean is that I would be remembering what had happened for a long time, which means I would feel bad, and my motivation, self-esteem, and efficiency too would be affected. Temporarily.

It would take some time to accept that and then carry on. What’s natural is that it completely eclipses all of the accomplishments or progress that would have been made. Following Mohanji’s life, wherein he says that he’s made many mistakes in his lifetime, some of them have been repeated. But the important thing is to move on from those and take the lesson which you get because all of life is an experience. So, taking that lead from Mohanji, it’s learning to take each situation as it comes. We will all make mistakes. But what that does is it creates our present moment at that time, and if we want to be fully effective in that moment, this moment, then we have to let go of what’s happened, even if it’s a mistake, which we really didn’t like at the time, and we have to handle what’s in front of us now, today’s reality, as best we can, because that way, energy is not drained.

If we’re constantly thinking over what’s happened, what could have done, what could have happened better if only we did this, “If only I did that… What if I did this? I should have done this,” then all the energy is completely drained on that mental activity. By being with today, what today’s reality is, all the energies can be focused on the present, and I’ve found that this is incredibly important, especially if there’s something that needs to be corrected, because then you have the right frame of mind to find the solutions at that time.

Mohanji also says, “Be cool in all those situations. Think clearly. Take time, take each step. Remove emotions from the equation. Keep a cool head, so that thinking is more clear. Judgment is better, and then better decisions are made.”

This is an ongoing lesson for me.

Day 186 – With intensity comes quicker transformation

On the path of liberation or the path of the avadhoota, there is a breaking of patterns, habits, comfort zones, and all the constructs and bindings which stop us from experiencing true freedom. Mohanji is guiding people and helping people to cross over those patterns, break the chains, and begin to experience that true freedom from the mind and the senses.

A recent conversation with Mohanji and another, around the dinner table, gave a good example of a pattern that many people hold but can be completely unaware of. I certainly had this until he pointed it out to me in Bangalore, and it was related to food. Somebody had made a comment that in the rush to get to another place, they were eating now because they weren’t sure when they would eat again, but that meant overeating. This was an opportunity for Mohanji to show the mirror and he was sharing that many people are food-orientated, and many people overeat because of an inherent pattern of something that they’ve carried for a long time, especially, if in a previous life, there was a serious lack of food at some point. It would have left an impression, which could be connected to overeating. In some cases, this can be linked to poverty consciousness, or a lack, or not having something, so the compensation for that would be eating more and eating more. This could be something that is carried over into this life. But we still have that pattern, taking that as an example. If we don’t go across that, go beyond it, then that’s something that can be repeated again, especially something which held a deep impression, such as poverty consciousness.

In Bangalore, we would eat a lot, because the food was really good, but it would then also make us sluggish, dull, and tamasic. Mohanji also pointed out to me, at the time, that this is what was happening. It was really intense at the time. That’s also something that is interesting; I now find, spending more time with Mohanji, that sometimes he will deliver a message with intensity, to make sure it’s really felt by the person, so that transformation can happen when he shows the mirror, so that awareness can increase the awareness of that pattern, which then helps them to cross over that pattern.

The other option is if that pattern is too strong, or it’s too uncomfortable for somebody to address, then they’ll prefer to stay with that pattern rather than transform. I use this example of food because it’s something that’s common to all really, and when we speak about patterns, you might think, “Well, what type of pattern?” but this is one, food, overeating, overconsuming, it can be a sign of something else.

Mohanji is guiding people to break old patterns on all levels, even something such as food. Now I see him almost like a precision surgeon, he really can identify within the person what they need to address to help them cross over to help them take the next step. He’ll deliver that with exactly the right intensity to make sure that it’s really felt by the person, that they understand it, because only then can an opportunity for transformation arise.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 1st January 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Miracles through MTM

Anonymous Mohanji follower, USA

I came to know about Mohanji in 2019 through a Mai-Tri Method practitioner (now a very dear friend). After a few Mai-Tri sessions, she asked me if I wanted to be added to Mohanji WhatsApp groups, and I gladly agreed. My parents and my husband’s family soon started getting involved in various meditations offered by Mohanji Foundation. Things just happened so quickly that when I look back, it all feels very magical (well, what else do you expect when you are in Mohanji’s protection/grace) and orchestrated.

I want to take a moment to reflect on my transformation. I don’t think I am the person I was last year – I am more ‘myself’, I am more ‘genuine’, I am more the original ‘me’. Though I am devoid of words to express all these, I want people to understand that Mohanji works on us internally, subtly to be more genuine. When you trust and surrender to him, he takes over. From my experience so far, I have realised that I just surrender to him with my heart whenever I have any issues. He is a magic genie who absolutely knows what to give, when to give, and how to give. So I don’t have anything to worry about.

Let me narrate some personal experiences that helped in my above realisation.

I had two major issues in my life that I was trying to cope with. A very close friend of Mohanji’s suggested Mohanji Transformation Method (MTM) with Subhasree, and I instantly contacted her. And what happened after that opened my eyes completely as to how Mohanji’s healing energy works beyond our imagination. Let me tell you in detail.

I have a daughter who is seven years old, who was diagnosed with a health condition from birth. Doctors had clearly said this condition is irreversible. Though I got to know about her condition right after her birth during the newborn screening, I didn’t have the courage to take her for testing even once after that. The fear in me kept growing as my daughter was growing. As she was growing, her condition was adding to my stress as it was more visible. I was worried about her future as to how this issue would impact her day-to-day life. However, the fear was inside me so much that I was constantly declining further tests to avoid having any further therapy or aids etc. As a mother, I was devastated and hated myself for whatever karma I might have carried over that could have brought this condition upon her. My despair was rising day by day. In spite of the physical condition, my daughter continued to be cheerful and carefree, confident in her day-to-day activities. I wanted to ensure that the condition doesn’t impact her personality or be an obstacle to her success. Hence, I tried to look for any alternative paths that could cure her.

This was when someone suggested the MTM sessions for her that Subhasree did in February 2021. A lot of clarity came through the MTM sessions, and she recommended a few different processes that Mohanji guided her with during the session. I followed all the processes sincerely.

In April 2021, two months after the MTM session and continuous practice based on the guidance given by Mohanji, when a call for her test came, I was ready to go for it this time. I took my daughter for the testing all by myself. I wasn’t a bit tense. Whatever the outcome would be, I knew Mohanji would be taking care of this. I had a brief chat with Subhasree, and she also suggested that I surrender to Mohanji and go for the test without any fear. “Mohanji hai na!” is her favourite statement, and I also believed in the same.

A miracle was waiting for me! The test results showed a 40% improvement from the previous test (done when she was born). I was ecstatic to hear this because the doctors had said that the condition would worsen over time, but this was just the opposite. After I shared this with Subhasree, I received a very positive blessing from Mohanji. I now know in my heart that my daughter will come out of the issue in due time.

A few weeks later, we had a specialist for speech who came and assessed her. She said it’s only a miracle that her speech has no impact in spite of the issue she has. I had tears in my eyes when I heard that, as I remembered Mohanji’s words which he conveyed through Subhasree during the MTM session. The message from Mohanji was that while this particular issue is there, it won’t affect my daughter’s other abilities or block her potential in any way. I was witnessing exactly that! My earlier fear and worries about my daughter’s future was fading. I have no words to thank Mohanji for his grace on all of us.

Another incident that I want to narrate has to do with my marriage. My husband and I were having many misunderstandings, and things weren’t working out between us, and we were on the brink of a divorce. Things started to worsen day by day, and he left for India without telling me if or when he will be back to be with us in the USA. I grew more and more despondent, and it was a very pathetic situation for my daughter.

Again I went back to Subhasree for an MTM session for myself this time. After the session, miracles started lining up, which I understand is only and only Mohanji’s grace. In a matter of 2 months after the MTM, I noticed an immense change in our relationship. My husband and I started understanding each other a bit better each day, though we were far apart physically. Magically, both of us started becoming the people that the other spouse expected, or maybe we started to notice the hidden qualities in each other that we expected! For example, my husband has started showing a lot of care, which I expected, but I am learning to be more and more patient with him.

A few weeks ago, he came back to us as a surprise. Not just that, he suggested that we look for a new house for us to live together and is ready to hit the restart button! Mohanji has definitely brought both of us close and has provided a secure and safe family for my daughters to grow up in. Of course, we have now found a new home, and my small family is together again, which seems like an unachievable dream! From a family on the brink of breaking up to being back together! I don’t know how to explain the ways Mohanji works – but it’s unique and subtle. If it wasn’t for Mohanji’s guidance through MTM, I had lost hope and almost walked out of my marriage!

Too many miracles have happened in these past four months for me to comprehend. However, I want to spend a few moments to express my gratitude to a lot of different people that I have come across in the Mohanji family in this entire two years’ journey. The amount of unconditional love that they show to people leaves me dumbfounded each time.

A special thanks to Bhavani Nair (my dear Bhuvi), Shubhasree Ji (I seriously wonder if Mohanji extends her day beyond 24hrs), Lata Ji (my Kriya mentor), Jaya Di (always smiling), Surya Sujan (genuine/a very beautiful soul inside and out). For me, seriously, Mohanji comes in the faces and words of all these angels.

I hear them talk about Mohanji’s presence without his presence! I can see how Mohanji has saved my marriage, removed my fear about my daughter’s future, improved her health situation and overall, transformed me from the state I was in – to a much lighter state now.

Thank You for everything Mohanji’s family has provided to me.
Jai Guru Deva – Jai Mohanji.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th May 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Transformations through group meditations – Part 2

By Malaysia Meditation Group

Intense 41 days Spiritual Practise – The Power of Purity Meditation        

The idea to organise an intense global sadhana for 41 days was conceived in a dream of one of our Mohanji Acharyas. In the dream, Mohanji had informed her to organise the sadhana. It was complete with instructions on how to do it, to the extent of what is to be written. He said that when the Power of Purity Meditation is practised every day for 41 days in a group, a powerful golden grid is created around the Universe, which helps us flow into space to connect to the loving and healing energies instantly.

It took her a while to plan and also to find the resources to run this program. With the blessings of Mohanji, after communication with teams globally, the event was launched on 4 June 2020 and ended after 41 days on 14 July 2020.

Here is a part of the diary of the journey by the Malaysia group!

4 June – Day 1

The energy was very intense, even during the breathing exercise. I felt a tingling sensation in my head area, and it spread throughout my body. It was then that I saw Mohanji, who had come to grace the mediation with his presence.

During the meditation, my body felt so hot, as if it was on fire. I could feel the heat in my breath, and my eyes were burning. My head was aching so much. It felt like someone had stuck a dagger in my head, and I could hardly think. 

During the day, somehow, I was guided to take Shirdi Baba’s vibuthi. I mixed it with some water and drank it. But then my head still felt heavy, and I could not keep my eyes open. I thought I would just lie down but fell asleep for 3 hours. I woke up feeling very refreshed. I had not slept this well in such a long time.

5 June – Day 2

The day started with some technical issues. I was wondering why no one had come on board for the meditation with only five minutes to the start. “Was my facilitation that bad, that no one came back?” This was the thought that played in my mind, hahaha! A quick message to the group revealed that they were already in the waiting room, and they informed me that it showed I was in another meeting.

I just froze for a while, not knowing what to do, and I was guided to exit the meeting and restart again. Yay! All were still there in the waiting room. Although feeling a little flustered, I calmed down very quickly and just focused on what I had to do. The energy was again very intense. Midway through the meditation, I saw that many masters in golden light had graced us with their presence. I could not see who all of them were, but I had a glimpse of Lord Dattatreya and Avadhoota Nadananda! It was like the whole Guru Parampara had arrived. Shirdi Baba appeared in a dazzling, bright golden light. He held out his hands, and rays of golden light flowed from his hands onto all of us, showering us with blessings.

7 June – Day 4

We were all soaking in the guidance of Mohanji’s voice when my PC suddenly shut down. It was so sudden that my thoughts were suspended in mid-air.

Somehow I was quickly guided to reboot my PC. Surprisingly I was very calm. I waited for the PC to reboot and restarted the meeting again. All this happened within a few minutes. I restarted the meeting and saw that everyone was still there and some had opened their eyes. I started the meditation music, and I was guided to begin exactly at the part where Mohanji says, “When thoughts enter…..do not resist…..just watch the thoughts without participating…..see them come and go.” The words were so appropriate to help everyone settle back into the meditation.

I, too, settled in when suddenly I felt a surge of energy and felt engulfed in a brilliant and blinding golden light. I was suspended in the middle of it, and soon, my body just disappeared into the light. It was as if my body had turned into light, and I could not see myself anymore. My heart area felt so expanded. I had wanted to stay in this state forever but then duty calls. I had to facilitate and end the session. 

On checking later, some of the participants had opened their eyes but flowed back into the meditation when it restarted. One commented that Mohanji’s super-powerful voice guided us back even though we strayed away for a while. Another person had felt very distracted over the last two days, but today she had an amazing experience as she was totally lost in herself.

11 June – Day 8

Today again, I had another challenge with my computer. It decided that it wanted to update itself. Thinking that it will not take long, I decided to let the process continue. Fifteen minutes had passed, and it still had not completed.

By then, I prayed to Mohanji to speed up the process. But Mohanji had other ideas. I was guided to move everything to another location. It took some time to set up the whole thing, and I noted that I still had less than 10 minutes to start the session. Somehow during this time, I had remained calm and focused. 

At the back of my mind, I thought that the meditation would not be the same since there is a change of location. Today, a new person joined us, so I explained the whole process to her.

It took a while for me to settle into the meditation. I was also keeping an eye open for people who may be late. It does happen that people get disconnected and have to rejoin the session again.

My body was swaying gently with the energy flow. Towards the end of the meditation, I could feel myself travelling at turbo speed through this place full of people. It was so fast that all I could see were shapes of buildings and people. At the end of the path, I saw an old person with a long beard in a flowy, white gown standing at the door of a building. I zoomed past him, penetrating the building and soon felt myself being propelled into a golden like aperture. I found myself in a cave-like structure, and it was filled with golden light. Seated at the end of the cave, shining in bright golden light, was Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy. She was sending out a lot of energy (Shakti) which I understood from her she was sending out to the Universe. I was so immersed in this state, and before I knew it, the meditation was ending, and I had to close the session.

What an amazing experience, so I guess it does not matter where I sit for my meditation! Jai Mohanji!

Today many others felt the intense energy, and they shared this:

  1. Thank you so much. It was a very, very intense meditation. I cried a lot, and I feel very light and relaxed. Thank you, everyone. (She just joined us today and her first time experiencing the Power of Purity Meditation)
  2. It was very intense. I felt severe pain and pressure in my chest as if there was some cleansing—otherwise a wonderful and powerful experience.
  3. I just want to share this with you. I felt some burning sensation from my stomach for a while in today’s session, and towards the end, I saw a pair of eyes just flashed for few seconds, just a glance!

15 June – Day 12

Towards the end of the meditation, Shirdi Baba once again graced our session. He tossed several handfuls of vibuthi on us. The vibuthi turned into golden particles as they descended on us. At the same time, the wispy, dark mist was seen leaving our system, floating upwards and vanishing into space above us. 

As the process took place, a giant white cloud formed at the top of the space we were all in. The cloud was swirling, and violet light was circling it. Golden light streamed down from this cloud and covered all of us. I then felt Baba touching my head. I felt so spaced out that it was so difficult to come back. 

I feel so blessed to be part of this group, as the collective energy from you brought us all to such a beautiful space. Gratitude to the masters. Jai Mohanji!

Day 40

Today is the 40th day of our intense sadhana, probably another ordinary day, I thought. Today as soon as we finished our breathing exercise and slipped into the meditation, a bright light appeared, and in the light, I could see many masters moving forward in a semi-circle. In the centre was Satya Sai Baba. The light engulfed all of us, and we were transported to this space. In this space, all of us were seated in a circle around the masters. Our bodies radiated golden light. Golden rays of light from the masters connected to each of us, and we started to move in a circular motion around the masters. The motion picked up, and we were spinning at high speed akin to test tubes in a centrifuge*. 

Mind, as usual, started thinking that this is all an imagination. But then I felt my whole body vibrating, especially in my stomach area. Tears started to flow. We were bathing in this golden light throughout the meditation. Towards the end of the meditation, I found myself in this tunnel. The walls were golden in colour and moving in a circular motion. It was in continuous movement, and I could feel the light getting brighter at the end of the tunnel. Somehow I was not allowed to proceed further into the tunnel, as the meditation came to an end, and it was time to bring awareness back to the body.

Note :

* A centrifuge is a laboratory device used to separate fluids, gas or liquid, based on density. Separation is achieved by spinning a vessel containing material at high speed; the centrifugal force pushes heavier materials to the outside of the vessel.

Bliss of Silence Meditation from 6 to 26 September 2020

16 September 2020

I was feeling very tired too. It has been almost ten years trying to run the activities for Mohanji Malaysia. Thinking to myself, I need a break, but how can I stop when there is no one else to help to facilitate sessions. Suddenly this morning, during the Bliss of Silence Meditation, when I was about to zone off, Mohanji appeared. He was wearing a white kurta and orange dhoti, the same outfit when I first met him in Singapore. Many people were trying to put some shackles on his feet, but he just walked off with the shackles. 

Perhaps he is sending the message that he is always with me from day one and nothing is ever too heavy to carry and to just keep walking.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd April 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Guru Mohana Raksha Homa


Bhavani Nair and Ami Hughes share with us their experiences on the power of the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa being conducted regularly by our dear Mahesh Bhalerao at the Ashram in Canada! Distance is never a constraint and all that is required is pure intent! 

By Bhavani Nair, USA

Lately, I have been going through a difficult process of churning and accepting life events and situations that are flowing in my direction. I recently became a Mohanji Acharya, we moved to a new home, and I even received a new name! All these brought in energies that were welcoming, confusing and overwhelming all at once! With so many changes, it was hard to find some stable ground under my own two feet, but my faith and belief in Father (Mohanji) has been my anchor. I believe he is the best anchor one can have in a lifetime, and having had so many situations thrown at me at once, I wondered how and where I got the energy to handle everything so effortlessly?

A little bit of background on the situation here. At our Acharya training, we were advised by Mohanji that we should all support the Canada ashram in whatever way we can. I took it upon myself as a sankalpa (intention) that I should contribute something to the ashram for some time since we had received so much love, care, laughter and comfort of a home there. During this time, the news about a homa came out from the Canada team. I didn’t think much about it at that time since I was content with everything in my life and the recent homa conducted at the Kailash Mansarovar yatra; although thousands of miles apart, I felt the energies of it here in the USA. But I guess the higher powers wanted me to go ahead with the homa that was being offered in Canada. A couple of days into the announcement, I was asked by another devotee in the USA to participate in the upcoming homa and help the ashram. Once again, I didn’t feel the push, but something made me contact the team to let me participate since I was donating to the temple anyway. I requested them and was advised they will take care of everything and all I had to do was provide them with some information from my end. I wasn’t too sure about what to tell them, so I left the question for some time.

A couple of weeks went by and I saw someone post pictures of the homa done in Canada on a Whatsapp chat, and it occurred to me that I never followed up with the team. So, on the same day, I contacted Mahesh Bhai and he told me that he can do it on the following day. I told him that wasn’t going to work because we were going through the Pitru Paksha period (honouring one’s ancestors), and it wasn’t an auspicious time to do anything related to purchasing anything new, starting something long term or conducting any poojas. So, I requested him to perform the homa during Navratri (nine nights of celebrating the Goddess) time and Chitra Nakshatra (birth star of Lord Sripada Srivallabha). He advised me that the day I requested wasn’t possible since he was conducting prayers in his home but told me not to worry as he will conduct it sometime during Navratri and will text me the night before. I was okay with that since any day during Mother’s Navratri is auspicious. By this time, I decided that I wanted the homa conducted for my children since they were enrolled in a new school and could use the extra blessings.

As Navratri rolled in, we conducted a little housewarming prayer in our home to bring in the auspiciousness of Mother’s energy. The following morning, I woke up feeling very drained and with muscle ache. These things usually happen when one is about to get sick. I took it as a cleansing from the puja the day earlier and the energy of Mother Goddess working on subtle levels. Feeling drained and exhausted physically, I felt completely disconnected from everyone at home and on social media. My thoughts were to completely disconnect and just be with myself. Finally, on Thursday, October 3, 2019, the negativity took a turn for the worse and I felt completely unworthy, jealous, not good enough and all the comparisons that can happen in one’s mind came up. I knew deep down this was my mind’s play and being aware of this made the process easier. Despite feeling negative emotions, a wonderful awareness flowed within my consciousness. I realized that everything that has happened in my life thus far since meeting Mohanji has been done only by him. All the doubts, pain, pleasure, happiness, love, envy, shortcomings, anger were created by him to help me grow. If he gave me anger, he also provided the solution. He brought obstacles, but also brought in new ways of thinking. He brought confusion, only to resolve something that needed to get resolved. It truly felt like I was being given a window to glimpse that it was him all along and I just needed to be here in full awareness to experience and move along in my progression.

After this feeling, I thanked him for letting me get a peek into something that cannot be perceived with the naked eyes but can only be felt by grace. In the evening, as we started Mohanji’s aarati, I got really upset at my daughter for something very silly. The root cause was once again a feeling of not being worthy or smart enough. Since childhood, I have always felt that I wasn’t the brightest child. I had to work extra hard to earn everything, and that pattern extended into every aspect of my life. I always watched my friends and family in awe at how things worked out for them without even giving too much effort. But later in my life I realized, my mind was never attuned to the material way of life, it flourished in connecting to the divine and in that I realized my strength. Later, self-acceptance came with Mohanji’s teachings. So, as my anger took a turn, I started crying for no apparent reason; all while Mohanji’s aarati was in process. My little daughter came and sat on my lap to help me calm down. The older daughter, after being yelled at, also came to console me. Looking back, what I felt at that moment was Baba’s love, which has the energy to pierce one’s heart center and brings forth pain that needs to get resolved. I had experienced this pain during the Pran Prathishta (energizing the Idol) of the Sai Baba idol in 2018. This pain has the healing power which can only be felt after it has cleared all that wasn’t necessary. That night, after the big sob, I was drained and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up knowing I had dreamt about Baba, Mahesh, and the others, but wasn’t sure about the content of the dream. I made a mental note to text Mahesh about the homa since Navratri was almost over, and I had not heard anything from him. As with kids, chores took over and I completely forgot about the dream I had earlier. Later in the morning, I received a text in a local girl chat that there was a homa done in Canada for Jaya and family. Upon glancing at this message, I texted Mahesh right away and informed him that I saw him in my dream and wanted to know about the date of the homa. He texted me back, “You were informed that homa was done successfully in your dream.” I thought, “Does this man always joke and talk in riddles?” Then he told me the homa was conducted yesterday on Thursday, October 3, but since it was a busy day at the ashram, he had forgotten to text me. Along with that message, he sent me some pictures as well. As I glanced through the pictures, I could see Mohanji’s presence in the fire pit and realized that the homa was done during his birth star. After receiving this news, everything that had happened in the last few days made sense to me. I was asked to share this experience with others to show the Guru’s leela (play). However, I felt too disconnected from social media, and I felt vulnerable to share my emotions, but I informed Mahesh that if Mohanji wishes, I will certainly do so. Later that evening, while cleaning I sensed my heart center expanding and getting warm. I have Mohanji’s picture in my kitchen and felt him telling me to share with others as our Tradition encourages us to share these magical experiences to strengthen our faith and belief in the Guru.

The homa which I thought was just meant for my children, brought blessings to my whole family. It was later revealed by the Canada team that they will be naming the homa Guru Mohana Raksha Homa (Mohanji’s Protection Homa). I had no idea that I had signed up for such an auspicious event. In hindsight, it was for the best since my mind is too active and would have conjured up unnecessary things and that would have blocked the natural course of events to take place. Once again, it was all under the guidance of Mohanji and all I had to do was just be present and listen to my inner voice. I am grateful to the Canada team for helping us despite their struggles. It has been a great honour to be part of their journey since the commencement of the Ashram. Thank you Mohanji, for making all this happen even without myself being aware as you are omnipresent and know what is best for each one of us. All we need to do is follow our inner voice and let him do the rest.

Jai Mohanji, and Jai Gurudev Datta.



By Ami Hughes, South Africa

It was about a week to go to the Mohanji Acharya Training – Level 1 in Andrevlje, Serbia, and I was exceedingly blessed to be able to attend it for a second time as a refresher. Well not only that, I was miraculously able to attend the ‘Ignite Your Inner Flame’ retreat with Mohanji in Mt. Kopaonik – on the heels of the Acharya Training as well. Just how cool is that!

I couldn’t believe how effortlessly all the arrangements fell into place, including the worrisome matter of leave from work. That too worked out – albeit not without a few anxious moments initially. I was agog. Talk about Guru’s Grace. It was amply evident.

The timing of the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa was also almost on cue. I was consumed by this … er … ‘little’ matter of internal/external purification before I left for the Balkan country. I wanted my entire being to be cleansed in the sacred homa – the blazing fire of Shiva – so that I went to the Balkans empty of all mind/matter/ego concepts.

Mahesh Bhalerao, who conducts the homas at Datta Tapovan in Canada, was quite amused when I asked whether a little bronze figurine – representing this lower self with its associated bindings and limiting concepts could be offered into the fire for annihilation.

My flight out was set for Saturday, 13 Oct 2019, and I was hoping the homa would be done on Guru Day – on a Thursday before I travelled. However, Mahesh said it would possibly be held on Saturday, not ideal for me because of international travel. OK, then Saturday it is, I said to myself. My husband and sister-in-law were also included in the family homa. Five other families were also participating.

So on Thursday then, from around 18:15 ish local time, I started feeling very irritable. My body began to experience inexplicable weird sensations. My legs, especially the right began to feel strangely numb. I did not know where to place my body, nor what to do with it. The irritation level heightened. I felt IRRITATED with everything … with myself … my life … with just about everything. On some abstract level, I felt a little alarmed wondering what was happening to me! Then a flash of that light-bulb moment! The Guru Mohana Raksha Homa was taking place. I was in the throes of deep cleaning and purification. The homa was being conducted in Canada and I was feeling its powerful effects continents and oceans away!

Now I was in full ‘Awareness’ mode and began to accept and flow through whatever was happening. I was in no doubt that what I was feeling was due to the homa. Some 45 minutes later, my body began to be softly blanketed in an unusual calmness – a kind of ‘suspended’ stillness. I felt distanced from the room I was in and everything in it. I recognised a feeling of energy expansion. It began to surge, almost comfortingly through to my head, hands, and palms. The gentle fire moved to the centre of my chest and it got stronger. Then the heat intensified as it moved to my spine and the back of my chest. By this time I was almost in an altered state – but in full awareness.

I realised something. In that blessed state, ‘I’ knew I could heal as the fire was that of potent Life. This beautiful blanket of fire was powerful. I automatically extended my hands out, holding my palms in blessing … intending with all my heart for the magnificence of the energy flooding and flowing through me to reverently touch my beloved Master Mohanji and his family, in the deepest love and gratitude, to Mother Earth … to all elemental life, the animals, the atoms and cells of my bodies to everything, to all life, including my husband and family, and our ancestors and lineages.


This went on for quite a while. I was in the holy arms of the divine, in the universal flow, that state of Beingness without comparison called Love. Gradually as the ‘gentle powerful’ fire began to ease, I became more aware of my physical body and immediate surroundings. Yes, the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa had indeed taken place. Mahesh only confirmed this much later on. By then I needed no confirmation. I had already had the most tangible, powerful experiences of purification, transcendence and healing, and found it to be pure and transcendent love.

Dear Mahesh, thank you for facilitating and conducting the homa. May the grace of the Guru empower and bless you always.

How do I feel now?

I feel gratitude for the unforgettable experience, and a sense of deep purification, increasing stillness within, more expansion into love, which personally translates into alignment with the Source. This is what Mohanji has done for me. It is called Guru Raksha – being constantly under the powerful radiance and protection of the Guru or Master; and I need no convincing that Mohanji whom I consider my Spiritual Father and the pure essence of the eternally flowing river of brilliant golden light, is always with me.

To you Mohanji, all praise, all gratitude, all thanks and love.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 14th November 2019


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Surrendered faith 

Mohanji blessing

The following two testimonials are from a Mohanji devotee who wishes to remain anonymous at present. Both stories show us yet again how grace flows when we have love and faith and we surrender to our dearest Guru. 

Prayer miracle

In the first story, the author says, “Recently, my close relative was diagnosed with a heart problem. He has been suffering from blood pressure for many years and was on medication. However, during a recent check-up, the EKG scan was abnormal and he was asked to visit a cardiologist. I was shocked and I prayed to Mohanji and Sai Baba to help him come out of this situation. It was a constant prayer and I even visited Sai temples, offering my prayers and service.


 The day of the visit to the cardiologist arrived and I was very positive as I knew Mohanji always takes care when we totally surrender. I wanted to see the cardiologist myself, so I accompanied him to the doctor’s office. After another scan and a thorough check-up, the cardiologist said that there was nothing to worry and it was a minor issue that could be fixed with diet and exercise. I was mind blown and thanked Mohanji and Sai Baba for everything. This was an eye-opener to me that whenever we totally surrender to Mohanji, he will take care of the situation, even beyond our hopes and prayers.”

“Life has no guarantees, insurance, and assurances. Life is as it happens, in the most unexpected and unpredictable way. All you can maintain within is your Goodness factor, love, kindness, compassion and gratitude. If these are not maintained every moment, only regrets and disappointments will remain within.” Mohanji


 Antidote to fatigue

In the second story, the author says, “The following experience has left me speechless. I was having chronic fatigue yesterday. It was so bad that I could hardly get up from my bed. My body was stiff and I couldn’t even walk to the kitchen and had to drag myself there, both mentally and physically. I wasn’t sick, but it was more of tiredness due to routine work and no proper rest. I decided to go for a massage. I called up many centers and checked for appointments. I also called up a few friends to check for the best massage centers around. I usually never go for any massages, but in this desperate situation, I was willing to go.

M quote

Suddenly, a thought arose in my mind. I have always seen and believed Mohanji’s energy can solve any problem. There is no doubt about it. We just have to have faith that it will work! I started to chant the Mohanji Gayatri intensely in my mind as I had no energy to chant aloud. I sat on a sofa, closed my eyes and chanted for about 10-15 minutes.

In the beginning, I could feel the energy flow through me slowly. It was a very light feeling and then it flowed all around my body, my legs, my hands and my head. I had my eyes closed and continued chanting, and I began to feel fresh and I could chant faster. At the end of 15 minutes, I was completely normal, in fact, more than normal. I could run around, clean my house, cook lunch and dinner, do my work, visit the library and drive about 30 miles, all with no effort and without any massage. I was taken aback by what happened, but what I realised was that Mohanji has taken over and when we believe in him, he is there for us in whichever way we want him to help us.”

 “Storms of emotions are part of life; everyone’s life. Faith is the pillar. Hold on to it and weather all the storms of life. That is the best way. Perhaps the only way.” Mohanji




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 10th October 2019


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team




Living in our Beloved Mohanji’s Consciousness

Mohanji pic

By Sandra Sankar, South Africa

Every day is an adventure! When I am quiet inside, it is easy to sense our beloved Para Brahma’s energetic presence. There is no need to be in a deep chant, prayer or concentration. To my utmost joy, I have discovered Mohanji is always around whether I am aware of it or not.

Recently, our son turned Vegan after a session of the Mai Tri Method. It was not driven by a need to be spiritual but instead, it was out of his compassion for the animals that were being killed for meat. Having just turned thirteen, he has become aware of the harsh nature of this world and become deeply reflective.

Sometimes, he is downright angry. Sometimes, he can be ever so gentle too, that his heart swells with compassion for all Beings suffering in this sleek modern world, we adults are so proud of. Connection to our beloved Mohanji and his teachings are pivotal to his awakening.

In Mohanji’s loving light, his once bleak future glows brighter. Isn’t that just the most beautiful thing? A young person growing up with compassion, kindness, humility, and gratitude has already changed the world. Mohanji lovingly calls that awareness.

Children like him grow into adults who live in harmony with Mother Earth. We need to make time to nurture and elevate our children to this pivotal point of seamless integration. As parents and adults get caught up in the spiral of helpless apathy, there is less inclination to make changes that prevent cataclysmic outcomes in our timeline.

We need to wake up now. Children need to learn to live in harmony with all beings that share this planet with us. More importantly, they need to conserve and protect the manifested Consciousness that is our living planet! We are overdue for a reset.

Too much of interference has upset the balance of nature. When Mother finally resets that balance only Mohanji knows what that outcome will be. Pay attention before it’s too late. Our beloved Mohanji has already said that the years 2019 to 2022 are a mini golden period of acceleration to connecting with our Consciousness – Soul State.

inner state

So, what are we doing about it? Still living our day to day life without awareness of the momentous importance of this mini Golden Age or not? If we were paying attention to the incredible experiences of our global family, it will be easy to understand the significance and magnitude of this acceleration.

Everything is moving so fast. Time is on steroids! We appear to be moving as fast in our daily lives as the Earth is spinning on its axis and revolving around the sun! The sun seems to be getting brighter. Has anyone else noticed this?

We live on the coast, so mornings are very bright and as the sun sets the golden orange hues appear vivid for longer periods. Even when busy with simple chores, there is a greater awareness of Consciousness at work.

Mohanji light

Have you wondered why it is possible to pick up people’s thoughts no matter how far they live in the world? It feels like the wavelengths of the different frequencies we are on are becoming finely attuned. To think, we all have the ability to integrate fully with each other at Consciousness level is still astounding.

Sometimes when something appears not to work out, it is easy to understand that it’s not meant to be. This translates to lesser feelings of attachment to mere things. It is however still challenging when it comes to relationships. The closer they are, the more complex it appears to be.

Please read ‘The art of seeing rainbows in the night’ by Sandra Sankar

Sometimes the magnificent complexity of how karma works totally floors me. An incredibly vast cosmic chess game in play comes to mind. Just this small glimpse of my chosen life is enough to deliver a humbling glimpse of how blessed we are to have our beloved Mohanji in this life.

Mohanji’s life is about selfless and unconditional love for all Beings – animate and inanimate. Our Mohanji lives His teachings. I do remember challenging myself to walk in Mohanji’s footsteps during a Conscious Walk with Him. Within the first few steps, I was overwhelmed with a sense of resounding vastness and great power that I took a deep breath and faltered.

The physical form is just eight percent (8%) says our beloved Parabrahma Swaroop Mohanji. So, exactly what is the ninety-two percent (92%)? Can we handle the implications of this? Are we consistently working on speeding up our integration to Mohanji’s pure Consciousness during this golden period? It’s an opportunity that has not presented itself for over a million Earth years.

I have yet to come to the point of asking the tree for the flower before I pick it. To come to the point where every tree is treated with love and respect not just understanding that they are the ‘holy’ trees, flowers or fruit. All is pure Consciousness. Can you imagine what our beloved Mohanji sees or experiences?

The ancient tribes of the world were deeply connected to Consciousness. Sadly, modernity trapped in concrete jungles has quickly squashed out every semblance of this wisdom. Human eyes can only see a small fraction of the true light spectrum. Other Beings have more attuned senses than we do.

All too often, I do find it easier to sense Mohanji’s presence than ‘see’ it. Our son also saw our beloved Mohanji’s astral form in the colours of the rainbow. As spectacular as it is, it is only eight percent of manifested form. What else are we missing?

My humble understanding is that our purified ‘intuitive’ senses are our true power base. Seeing with our third eye allows us to interact with Mohanji on the astral plane. Causal interaction requires full integration and stability into Mohanji’s consciousness.

Then Father’s (Mohanji’s) energy hums through our Being. It feels like a multitude of buzzing bees inside you at first. When Mohanji’s energy moves through you, it feels like great waves of soothing energy passing through. Later you realise it is through all other energy bodies as well.


In time we learn to recognise Mohanji’s blessed presence and surrendering to the LOVE fills us with LIGHT. On this journey, we are subject to many tests as we become attuned to higher and higher frequencies. Sometimes we feel alone and isolated. I have come to regard them as tests.

Consistency and perseverance are stepping stones. Never give in to the negative mind. It’s so easy to slip into negativity. As our awareness increases, we recognise the mind-traps. All I endeavour to remember is that no matter what, I am never alone. Mohanji is always with me.

Even when fear transmits itself in earnest, it does not last. There is instant recognition and instant diminishment. Have NO FEAR when Mohanji is near. Actually, Mohanji is within us. We are within Mohanji. There is NO separation.

It is time to shut down the mind and its limitations and go within. Stop the thoughts from intruding. Watch them without interfering. Almost like they have a life of their own, thoughts become aware of being watched and slow down. Like naughty children! Then mind stops like a child caught doing something guilty.

It’s almost like most thoughts do not belong to us! Almost like, we are bombarded from an external source to stop us connecting to the inherent silence inside. Almost like external interference. As for ‘why’, it makes sense not to dwell on the negatives.

Mohanji on silence

Mohanji always reminds us to focus. He lovingly says we have the power to stop the noise. Our personal experiences are filled with amazing tales of expanding into Mohanji’s Consciousness. Soul State. Mohanji came here to remind us how beautiful we are. On my low listless days, this is enough to pick me up quickly.

It is becoming easier not to plunge into dark states of depression and mind deadening repetitive thoughts, belittling or scolding myself for not being good enough or accepted by others. Self-judgement is getting less and less. My egotistic responses are quickly recognised and dropped. Life prana stops draining out.

“Mind has the ability to project all good things of our life to look bad and ugly as well as to project all binding things to look beautiful and essential.” – Mohanji

Belittling things that people say do not get me down as it once did. Mohanji teaches us to flow. I feel that this humble little river is growing expansive and powerful as it flows towards full integration into Mohanji’s Consciousness. It is all Mohanji’s grace.

There are increasing periods of stillness like I never imagined possible. Silence is an exquisitely beautiful thing. All in all, I am finding a balance between my roles and integrating into Mohanji’s Consciousness. Every moment in this mini Golden Age counts. I’m not wasting one second of it.

There is an incredible sense of fearless freedom from my mind. The chinks on the shackles that once bound me are becoming looser. Again and again, our beloved Mohanji’s grace is always evident. Thank you, thank you, thank you beloved Mohanji! Ever grateful. Humblest pranaams. Surrendered at your lotus feet.

MOhanji pic 1


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 5th September 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Connection with Consciousness

mohanji canada

Here are two blogs by Dr. Nikita Naredi and Namika Keshri. The two beautiful experiences show Mohanji’s presence without presence and the energy that we carry by being connected with him.

Faith and surrender

Dr Nikita Naredi

nikita 2

I am sharing an incident with you all which only reaffirms the love Mohanji has for his devotees. If you are connected to him and completely surrender to him; you don’t need to worry about anything.

Being in a transferable job, we have been staying in a rented apartment for the last 3 and a half years in Pune. Mohanji has visited this house physically when we had just arrived in Pune and twice after that. We love this house and have many times considered buying it too, but due to some new developments, it couldn’t be done. The owner of the apartment had confirmed that we could continue to stay here till we had to move out on a transfer again and this was a big reassurance for us.

Two days back when I returned home from work, I found my husband Amit and my daughter Antara perturbed and anxious. They said there was some ‘not so good’ news for us. They told me that the owner had called to ask us to vacate the house in the next three months as he wanted to sell the property. My daughter’s exams were approaching and shifting to a new house for a year and again shifting to a new place next March (due to the imminent transfer) seemed a daunting affair. I was standing in my bedroom and I was facing Mohanji’s picture when we were conversing. I just looked at His picture and said: “It will not happen”.  Amit and Antara found my reaction very awkward.  I said Mohanji will take care. I told them I will speak to the owner that night and request him again. I called him in the evening and explained the circumstances to him. He said it was difficult but he promised to speak to his lawyer and get back to us. I was still very calm, unlike my usual self. On the contrary, Amit was worked up thinking of shifting in the next two months.  I had reconciled to shifting too if Mohanji desired so.

Next day, our landlord called us up late in the night and said he had spoken to the lawyer and that his financial crisis could be sorted out differently. So he need not sell the property immediately.  He reassured us that we could stay in the present apartment until we were transferred out.  Antara and Amit were jubilant on hearing the news and I was calm again, not reacting at all. They were again amazed.  I said, “If I did not get disturbed yesterday, why should I be happy today?”

It is his grace which makes us sail through all hurdles and obstacles.  Not only does he bail us out of disturbing scenarios but gives us the strength to face them if it has to be.


Transformation through Mohanji’s Energy

by Nimika Keshri

I met Mohanji for the first time when I was in Bosnia in June 2019 for the Kriya Intensive programme. I had many experiences during those 5 days that I stayed in Mohanji’s presence. He made sure that I released all the stored and suppressed emotions within me during the time I was there. Before narrating what I want to share, I am sharing something that happened before I went to Bosnia.


Here in Finland, we have a couple of Shirdi Sai Baba’s devotees and we have a small Sai Temple called Sai Dham. I know many of the people who were responsible for starting and maintaining Sai Dham here. One of them is an Indian lady called Deepa, who is also my neighbour. We had met a couple of times and she was an acquaintance. Before going to Bosnia, I had a dream where I saw myself in an ashram and I also saw Mohanji there. I felt that I was there to get initiated for Kriya and Mohanji assured me that I will be initiated when the time was right. I also saw Deepa, my neighbour, in the ashram. A couple of days later, I met Deepa and informed her about my dream. She was unaware of Mohanji, but she is a true devotee of Sai Baba. During those days, I was doing the Power of Purity (PoP) meditation regularly and could feel a lot of positivity within. During one of our conversations, I informed her that I was doing a meditation that was helping me a lot. After a few days, she messaged me saying she wanted to meet me to know more about the meditation. I welcomed her and told her whatever I knew. I also told her, once I was back from Bosnia, I was willing to help others do the meditation. Maybe I will know more after my visit.


When I was in Bosnia, I bought a bracelet and got it blessed by Mohanji for her. I just felt that she needed it. When I returned to Finland, the very next day, I knocked on her door to give her the blessed bracelet. To my surprise, she immediately hugged me and then said that she could feel so much positivity within me. I knew it was Mohanji’s energy. I had a deep yearning to start Mohanji’s awareness in Finland and started organising meditation sessions in Sai Dham. My neighbour Deepa was the first one to join and she felt blessed by attending the PoP meditation.

Mohanji on how to surrender to Sai baba

The second person was a lady called Priya di by most of us, who is one of the first people to take the initiative to start Sai Dham in Finland. She hugs me every time we meet and she has so much of motherly love that I always liked to be in her company. Once a month, we spend an evening in Sai Dham doing bhajans and aarati for Shirdi Sai Baba. I visited one of these events in June. As I entered the temple, she hugged me as usual. But this time the hug was much longer than usual. I soon informed her about Mohanji and my Bosnia visit. She was very happy and told me she felt something was different in me when she hugged me today. She hugged me again and said that she could see Sai Baba while she was hugging me this time. I felt so blessed and thanked Mohanji and Baba Sai for enabling others to feel the Masters’ presence through me.



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 11th August 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – Divine umbrella of love and care


We bring to you the sixth story in the Mohanji Satcharita series – Chapter 9. Deepali Bais narrates one of her innumerable experiences in which she has felt Mohanji’s loving presence. 

For more such stories, click here:

Divine umbrella of love and care

By Deepali Bais

Spirituality is a very interesting journey and for us, it has unfolded many tales which are embedded deep in our hearts. Since the time we have been associated with Mohanji i.e. since 2012, there have been innumerable experiences showing His loving presence in our lives. We always thought of cherishing it in our hearts, but of late the need for sharing has become important as our loving Mohanji never expects anything in return.

The experience I share here is special in many ways.

Life puts us through seemingly difficult phases to check our preparation for the next phase and to gauge our reaction through these testing times. A situation unfolded with us recently when our son came back from playing on the evening of 31st Jan 2019.

Generally, we don’t expect many visitors in the evening, hence when the doorbell rang in three quick successions, we were alarmed. Before my husband (Anurag) could reach the door, my son could not wait any longer and turned the latch and gave one big push to the door and it sprang open. During the next few seconds, I could hear a conversation between Anurag and my son. Anurag announced that we have to take him immediately to the hospital as it appeared to be a fracture in his arm. Then I noticed my son holding his left arm with his right hand and writhing in pain. He told that whilst taking a turn, he had slipped and fallen from his bicycle and one bhaiya (elder boy) dropped him home by carrying his bicycle. He was gasping for breath. Anurag washed his face and gave him a glass of water to drink while I got ready.

The moment I saw him crying with pain, tears rolled down my cheeks and I broke down. Without any reminder, I started chanting the mantra given to me by Mohanji in 2012. This mantra has become a part of my life since 2012 and for a long time. I have never felt the need to chant it consciously and loudly as it would repeat itself within me in auto mode effortlessly, very much similar to our breath.

I was continuously chanting the mantra and remembering our beloved Mohanji. We all know we need not tell Him or ask help from Him. He is protecting us 24×7, but the mother in me was worried about seeing my child in pain.

Various thoughts crossed my mind as we were getting ready to go to the hospital. Since his exams were near, our worries started compounding. Anurag put a cloth under my son’s arm and tied it up carefully around his neck to give him some comfort.

Mohanji I am

As Mohanji says,

I am always around you and you need to just “SWITCH ON”.

Within a span of 10 minutes during our drive to the hospital, I started feeling strong vibrations on my forehead along with a mild circular motion on the third eye. I am sure many can relate to this feeling/sensation. This is how I have felt Mohanji’s energy from the time we have been connected with Him. My eyes became really heavy. I felt strong vibrations and shivers in the whole body and I knew He was around, protecting us. During all this, I continued chanting.

The moment we reached the hospital, it was 20:00 and hence only the Duty Doctor was available. The doctor called the radiology department duty person and asked him to take an X-Ray. I was sitting in the waiting room chanting and my husband took my son for an X-ray.

The first X-Ray showed some signs of a fracture and when Anurag announced it to me, my heart sank. Somehow I felt that something was not convincing but looking at the X-Ray, I didn’t raise any queries. During all this, I continuously felt Mohanji’s presence around me and also the assurance that all is fine.

The doctor then sent the photo of the X-Ray to the Orthopedic specialist to seek his opinion. The specialist asked him to take an X-Ray of the right hand too along with the X-Ray of the left hand from other angles.

As we were waiting for the specialist’s opinion, we were mentally prepared for the cast being put on the left arm and the possible consequences in the near future due to final exams just around the corner. Anurag had also taken an appointment for renewal of passport for my son a day prior and had already paid the fee. He and my son were to appear at the Passport Office the next day i.e. on 01 Feb 2019. So he was thinking of cancelling the appointment and was mentally making plans for a future appointment which would be possible only after the exams. He was worried since taking an appointment is really difficult and to cancel the appointment, he has to go through all the procedures again.

As the photos of subsequent X-rays were also relayed to the specialist we waited for his opinion. Suddenly the news came that it was not a fracture, but only a tissue or muscle damage. A sense of relief and euphoria engulfed me although a requirement to put a cast was still there to allow the tissue some time to heal. It felt as though a heavy load was lifted from my head as soon as I got to hear this. Additionally, it was a slab for minor support to the hand and not a complete cast.


Within a span of 30 minutes, things changing from a fracture to tissue damage WAS SO MAGICAL. Though the healing and treatment took some time, the way Mohanji had reduced the impact is difficult to put in words. We have no words to explain the feeling. This is how masters operate and protect you in difficult times. We are indebted by the unconditional love showered by Mohanji.

After the cast was put, the doctor asked us to take an appointment with the specialist for the next day and then we left the hospital. Next day, Anurag took our son to the Orthopaedic specialist where he reiterated his stand that it was not a fracture and instructed us to continue with the cast for the next three weeks. Anurag mentioned to me later that when they left the hospital at around 10:30 hrs, he thought of giving a try at the passport office for his appointment as well. An appointment was scheduled at 11:15 hrs.

Token with the number 108

Though slightly late, they started at around 11:00 hrs and reached the venue at around 11:30 hrs. They both managed to enter the office. Then an interesting thing happened. As they were waiting to show the documents, a token had to be generated. This token is your identity as one goes through various phases of verification. Hence, after checking the documents at the first counter, the token was generated which showed in big bold letters “108” thus signifying Mohanji’s presence throughout the ordeal. All the necessary paperwork was completed and his application was accepted.

Anurag mentioned to me that since the morning, he was mentally remembering Mohanji, both at the hospital and also during the appointment at the passport office. The entire sequence of events is proof that Mohanji’s grace is always available waiting to be tapped. Life generally goes through various ups and downs in a cyclic manner with few spikes (signifying testing times). These spikes have an inherent tendency to test your mental toughness so that you witness your every move as you tide over the situation. This situation reminds me of the scene from the movie “Life of Pi” where the main character in the middle of a cyclone, pleads with God to test him more. During these testing times, one’s connection with Mohanji is the only real and unbreakable connection which helps one to sail through.  

So when the number 108 appeared on the sheet of paper, it brought tears in Anurag’s eyes. He was spellbound. He stood motionless for a moment in that crowded room as if time had stopped. A gush of fresh air filled his lungs and assured him of Mohanji’s presence which ultimately led to the completion of this complicated paper action. Such is the grace of Mohanji that we cannot comprehend. I bow down to Mohanji and the universal energy which is manifesting through Him.

Words are less to encompass Mohanji’s grace and stature. We are blessed to have Him in our lives.

Pranaams at His lotus feet!




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th July 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

The divine guards

Mohanji on energy

By Nameshri Chetty

Mohanji always says, “If you have eyes to see then you start to see the grace of the Tradition at play everywhere.”

Mohanji pic 2
The eternal Guru

Mohanji had given me a list of energy centers while I was in India recently (let me tell you the list was power packed, to say the least). At the top of the list and one main energy center was Tirupati.

Mohanji pic 3

Let me just say I was totally oblivious to the magnitude of this experience: be it the magnitude of the place or the grace of it. This place was the first on my list to visit. I was safely helped by Preeti D, Devadas, Kamath, and Madhu who arranged for my comfortable journey there. (I would like to mention that throughout my stay, they have made sure that I was always safe and happy no matter what).


I left Bangalore around 1:00 am alone with a driver (I was a bit nervous but Preeti D had sorted this out, so I was okay). Before I left Bangalore, I placed an eye card on the dashboard. As we headed towards Tirupati, I was not aware that Tirupati was another world on its own. Nobody had mentioned anything about it. I was under the impression that it would be a quick in and out darshan, as Madhu had arranged V.I.P darshan for me. I reached around 11:00 am that day only to be gobsmacked by the magnitude of the place and the people.

The driver called Madhu, who advised him where to take me to get my V.I.P spot. Here is where I started thinking, “Oh my hat! I am all alone here and there are huge groups, families and so on,” but I just followed. The driver led me to the entrance of the gates and asked me to just follow the queue. He promised to see me at the end. This was around 12:30 pm. I left my stuff at the counters and approached the ticket verification gates.

In front of me were three men. They befriended me so kindly and enquired about where I was from and just general questions. They proceeded to ask me to join them as they had special darshan tickets. So I agreed as I had no clue about what was to happen inside. These three men from Chennai in their dhotis decided to be my guides and protectors on this passageway to Balaji. They literally stretched their arms out so I was not pushed, and they held my hand guiding me through special queues so I did not get lost.

During this time, all I thought of was that Datta had sent 3 of his guards to be with me so that I was not alone. There was no other explanation as to why three men from Chennai would take a lady from South Africa and make her their responsibility in a bustling and busy place.

As we went through the double doors, they ushered me to a special line. This was not just V.I.P. but V.V.I.P where we could spend more than a minute in front of Balaji, where we could literally touch the umbrella that protected him when he was carried out. At that moment something told me to place Mohanji’s eye card on the dakshina box/plate which I did (I decided at that moment I would place His eye card wherever I could during my travels). I had no idea of what was happening, as I was just going with the flow. After the darshan, they took me to a place where they got us some ladoos. These ladoos were mainly for the priests (which I was totally unaware of). This was when I asked the three men if they knew about Lord Dattatreya. They said yes, and they escorted me to the point where I could collect my belongings and left.

datta with his messengers
Lord Dattatreya

This was around 2:00 pm and the entire exercise seemed effortless. On my way back, on rewind mode, I realised what had happened and I saw how Mohanji had sent the three men with me and for me. On sharing this with Mohanji and the others (not that He did not know), He confirmed that it was true. He mentioned that His people are always there to take care. This was the start of a sequence of undeniable blessings that Mohanji had in store for me as I went down my list, visiting energy centers.

Mere Mahadev, I surrender graciously and humbly at your feet as you are the beginning and end of all that is and is not

I glide on the breath of Your grace!

Mohanji pic 1


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 6th June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team