Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 221 and 222

By Christopher Greenwood

Day 221 – Frames are our limitations

In the previous recording, I shared that living with Mohanji, being with him, and even being connected to him is a sure way to break patterns and comfort zones. Today, I wanted to share a little more insight about the frames that we make – mental frames and ego frames.

As I’ve spent time with him, some of the tasks I’ve been involved with have helped me overcome some personal fears and insecurities, and then the pace of the activities has really shaken out tamas and inertia completely. So, there’s no place for laziness, excuses, procrastination, or absent-mindedness. When it rises, it gets a quick kick in the butt.

But the other thing that comes with this is that, rather than learning, it’s actually unlearning – an unlearning of all the frames that I’ve created for myself, about myself, my life, my opinions, and also about how the world should be, and how people should be.

The more time I’ve spent with Mohanji, it’s been more of the opportunity to see that as a reflection, the more subtle things that I’d created, such as opinions about people, events, situations, constructs, ideas, and even identifications about myself. So, I like certain things, and I don’t like this. I’m fine when a situation is in this configuration, but when it’s not, then I’m not so happy. I also had some small preconceptions about Mohanji, about living with a master, what that would be like, and some ideas of what this would potentially be, and quite quickly, these were also smashed and continue to be.

Sometimes, I feel he purposely actually takes that effort to break the frame, and he can’t be caught that easily. You can’t say, “Okay, this is Mohanji. He’s like this.” This is because, in speaking with him, he’s saying that frames are actually our limitation. Our frames create our walking space. The frames are what the mind has created. So, as long as everything is fine and it fits inside that space or box, we’re happy, and if it doesn’t, then we’re unhappy.

Sometimes, it’s even possible to really like a person, as long as they’re fitting in with what our idea of them is like, and as soon as they do something else, which we’re not accepting of, then rather than adjust the frame and throw it away, we throw away the person. Some people even throw away a guru when they don’t fit that frame. So, rather than learning, it’s actually been an unlearning to be able to recognise what frames exist, what’s binding, and also that it’s a limitation.


Day 222 – Spirituality is reconnection

Being with Mohanji has provided me with new awareness and insight into many aspects of life, both understanding myself and also the world outside. One of those has been a greater understanding of the differences between religion and spirituality.

Previously, this was something that when I had my own concept of them, I would join them together. I used to think of them as the same, confuse them almost. Now I’ve begun to recognise a difference and a distinction that I think is incredibly insightful, and that is – religion as a roadmap and spirituality as a reconnection. Connecting to self; reconnection with yourself. As Mohanji says, also, the most we can do in a lifetime is to really understand ourselves, connect with ourselves, and respect ourselves.

Rather than talk more about that distinction, religion as a roadmap, and spirituality as reconnection, I thought of sharing a link, alongside this message, to a podcast of Mohanji, which was a message that he had received from somebody that he had converted into a podcast, which is about the distinction between religion and spirituality.

Link to the podcast: https://mohanji.org/blogs/satsangs/2020/06/27/spirituality-v-religion/



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 4th June 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Speaking the truth

By Mina Obradovic, Serbia

During the time spent with Mohanji, a couple of important thoughts related to what we believe in popped up in my mind. Since I come from the Balkans, I know that Gurus are not easily accepted in our region. Here, I will not go into the importance of Gurus and why, but from my experience, no spiritual practice or ‘direct connection with God’ is enough to reach the highest human potential.

Through the years that I have been with Mohanji, I have met various people with different motives around him. A common problem with people is that they do not have enough courage to say that they love, respect or follow Mohanji. By doing this, no one loses but them. Especially Mohanji, he loses nothing. He was born with a purpose, and when that purpose is done, he will leave this Earth.

Between his physical birth and death, there is his life that exists for us. A Guru provides a long rope, but it is up to us to grab it and, with determination, climb to the top. We cannot expect the Guru to stand at the end of the rope and encourage us to walk. Maybe he will do that, and if he does, it is a blessing, but it can also happen that the Guru tells us exactly the opposite. We will certainly come across various tests. 

A similar thing happened to me with Mohanji. Connecting with him was not easy at all. I was not particularly encouraged to approach him; he would often ask me, “What are you doing with me? I am an ordinary man with a beard. You are mistaken if you think I have powers.” I would laugh at every such word of his because I knew who he was.

I have already experienced him and watched him closely for years, and no one and nothing in this world can now change my opinion of him – not even himself. That is why now, after more than four years, I can experience true and significant transformations in my life because of him. But this did not happen overnight. 

Unless we stay with the Guru experiencing the ‘mud’, we will never experience the ‘gold.’ Suppose we are easily shaken by external factors, our innate doubts and prejudices and our tendency to blame others. In that case, if we don’t bother to open our eyes to what is in front of us, we will never get anything from anyone, even the most powerful Guru that can exist.

The true signs of the path we are walking on are always very subtle, and the ‘denser’ levels of existence always distract us more. I liked how Mohanji explained this point while talking about the holy mountain Arunachala, in Tiruvannamalai, in India. Many people do not know how powerful Arunachala is and that it is not really just a mountain. It is a very powerful energy centre from which we can experience great benefits if we are open to it. 

From the outside, it looks so ordinary. It is covered with stones and nature. If an ordinary person passes by it, he may never know its power. However, people who have reached a certain level of consciousness see Arunachala as a huge portal to the energetic (to us, invisible) world, where very powerful Masters live, who are not in their physical bodies.

The Arunachala Hill

They live energetically in the mountain’s interior, and many Masters and Saints have seen them inside, with their inner eye. They do not reveal themselves to people often, but they live for our good and often help humanity. Setting foot on this mountain is a blessing in itself, and it is said that there is not a single negative particle on it. They say that every person who steps on it has to be ‘approved’ by Masters from the mountain’s interior. So, not everyone gets the opportunity to set foot on this revered mountain if not allowed.

Although we know the power of this mountain, its external appearance is not at all interesting. Mohanji says, “They have set up all sorts of distractions around the mountain – selling food, drinks, offering entertainment, etc., so you can’t easily wonder at this mountain and discover its power.”

I would describe a true Guru in the same way. The subtle signs of who he is, our journey, and our destination are visible only to those who “have the eyes to see”. Not everyone will dare to look, and even fewer will stand by the Guru despite the sceptical world.

Because of certain past lives that I accidentally found out about, until recently, I often had the fear that someone would beat me up and kill me because I had a Guru. The first time I felt that fear, I failed to understand it fully. Over time, it became clear to me. 

Months after I first felt this fear, I met Mohanji and said that I often see in my visions a mass of people approaching me to kill me. This fear arose mainly during my endeavours to write about my path.

At that time, I had a deadline to finish blogs in which I talked about my experiences with Jesus and Mohanji, and out of fear, I could not continue writing. I knew the blog needed to be published, but subconsciously, fear prevented me. Without my conscious control, it caused me fatigue, confusion, things that would stop me from finishing it.

I was sad because I wanted to finish that text for a long time. When I asked him, Mohanji confirmed that the fear came from a past life experience and that he will make sure to remove it so that I feel free. Over the next few months, the fear intensified and then disappeared.

Despite this fear, I never distanced myself from Mohanji, I never hid the truth that he is the source of oxygen in my life, and I never lost sight of my intention to finish the blogs. I knew I didn’t want to live a life of fear, and every time fear came to the surface, I would think, “The worst that can happen is that someone really beats me up, and I die. One day, I’m sure to die.” I decided that I would rather die living what I believe in, with Mohanji, no matter how much someone doesn’t understand it, than live longer like a coward, in fear.

Of course, I assumed that my life wouldn’t really end in a couple of days, ha-ha, but I deliberately created such an image in my head to know my priority. It gave me clarity. Also, although it may sound mild, the fear was really intense, and my reality was sometimes such that someone would knock on my door any minute to kill me.

No matter how deep my fear was, and no matter that I had indeed been killed in a past life for a similar thing, I was not interested in people and their opinions. I felt fear in my stomach area until Mohanji completely removed it; it was there, but that never stopped me from courageously saying who is behind my transformation, who is responsible for the quality of my life. Just as I am never ashamed to say that my mother and father are responsible for my life, I will also never hesitate to speak the truth of what Mohanji is to me; there is no fear or a desire to be accepted by superficial people.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that I go down the street and talk about the details of my spiritual journey with everyone, but it is clear what credits in my life go to Mohanji. It is not ‘divine energy’ or ‘universal energy’; it is Mohanji. Whoever asks me, I will always answer directly. I do not hesitate to say this, and no one who walks the path of spirituality should hesitate if he has such an experience, of course.

Another way I dealt with this fear was by connecting to the past lives that I received long ago. In that life, I left my Guru for silly reasons like these and then bitterly repented. It was clear to me that there was nothing more important to me than my connection with Mohanji, and even though I often don’t see him physically, the ‘bridge’ to him that I always keep stable gives me oxygen despite all the storms.

I told this story because even if we have a huge fear, and if everything around us seems to be collapsing, and if society labels us as crazy, having a Guru is our whim and fashion, etc., we ALWAYS have an option. If we truly understand the importance of our connection, NOTHING can get us off that track.

That is why it is important to take as much time as we need to understand the path we are walking, but once we make the decision, we should not leave or stay half-heartedly. If other people’s opinions are more important than what we experienced first hand (even if it’s about our friend, partner, business associate), then we have no face. We have no integrity. 

That’s why it is strange to me when people hear something about a person they personally know and love, sometimes they don’t go to that person to check if the rumour is true, but they are in a hurry to make a decision based on someone’s opinion or experience, which often has nothing to do with the truth. Again, this is no one’s loss but ours alone.

Our integrity decreases with this behaviour; we lose our personality. Our self-confidence also decreases because our whole life begins to depend on other people. It’s like asking our life to walk on two match-sticks. If someone takes away one of the matches because they decided they don’t like it, our world collapses. We must be careful in whose hands we place our stability.

The important thing I also learned from my time with Mohanji is that the path of spirituality is mostly unknown and unpredictable. In the beginning, no one promised me how far I would get or that I would get anything from this path. That courage in us to dive into the unknown because we have enough clarity to see subtle signs and believe in our own experience is our integrity. If we ignore any evidence that our path is what we want and start believing in the ‘dense’ aspects of this world that are much more talked about and much less important, we will lose a lot. 

The truth is always before our eyes, but distractions and our tendency to cling to negativity are habits. It will always be more interesting for us to gossip, talk about other people’s money, about who sleeps with whom. We will then die one day with regret for wasting time on such unimportant things, when we could focus on ourselves and reach the highest level of consciousness, explore our possibilities, talents, achieve something that will help the world around us, helpless beings, etc. 

That is why Mohanji says, “People bring flowers to the cemetery because they could not give that person love while they were alive.” But why are we doing this? If someone dies, we can be sad, that’s fine, but if we said the right words at the right time and did the best we could when it was needed, there will be very little or no remorse. 

What is it that distracts us every day? If it’s fear, why don’t we dare face it? Why do we lose precious connections because of other people’s opinions? My opinion is that if we really believe in ourselves, we will never try to hide our truth, not even a little.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 24th June 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Kalpataru Series – Ageless

By Subhasree Thottungal, UK

23rd February 2020. Mohanji is 55. The truth is Mohanji is AGELESS. 

Mohanji’s 55th Birthday, Sri Lanka

Almost a year and a few months ago, one morning, this thought came to me…”Mohanji is ageless.” Peculiarly, the next morning around 3 am, I woke up (in the Brahma muhurta – the most auspicious period to connect to the self and the Supreme Consciousness) and happened to see a spiritual blog by someone deeply respected by Mohanji. Well, I am not a serious reader as such and don’t look out for blogs to read, but this one had appeared in my notifications. Following the experiences that happened post reading, I realise this was a divine plan for me to come across the blog at that auspicious time.

Katargama Lord Murugan

Well, the blog mentioned about a place named ‘Kataragama’ in Sri Lanka. Reading through the descriptions, I understood that this is the place where Lord Murugan (the son of Shiva, also known as Kartikeya or Subramanya) had reincarnated. This is also the place where one of the most famous amongst all spiritual seekers, ‘Mahavatar Babaji’ was taken into the discipleship by his Master/Guru Bhoganathar. At the age of 16, Guru Bhoganathar taught him the art of ‘Kaya Kalpa’ – which enabled him to remain a youth forever!

Reading this brought a thought in me that “Mohanji is ageless”. The first chord was struck.

The next point that struck yet another cord in my awareness was when I read that after Babaji returned to India, Sage Agastya initiated him to the secrets of the breath, which was followed by the birth of Kriya Yoga. This reminded me of Devi Amma’s (from Bangalore) confirmation of Mohanji being the spiritual son of Sage Agastya and that Mohanji initiates genuine seekers of liberation into Kriya Yoga. A similarity that my naive mind couldn’t ignore as mere coincidence!
Joining these dots gave me the awareness of the oneness of Babaji and Mohanji. Well, why ponder here and there. Let me ask the Master himself, I thought. But Mohanji, as always, never claims himself as an incarnation of any other Master.

He always says,

“I am born as Mohanji, I will die as Mohanji. I am only Mohanji.”

Mohanji in Sri Lanka

Well, after this naive expectation to hear a confirmation from Mohanji himself, I understood that realising the truth of the oneness of Mohanji and Babaji, is a truth that was meant for my awareness only and will stay as my truth. No justification, no evidence, no approvals, nothing is required. The awareness of this truth is beyond any revelations.

The next morning, I received a WhatsApp message from my friend Preethi Gopalratnam from Mumbai. This was a conversation between her and Mohanji on Kataragama. She had expressed her wish to visit Kataragama with Mohanji! Preethi was an ardent devotee of Mahavatar Babaji and always felt that Babaji had sent Mohanji to her to answer her seeking to experience Babaji in a physical form! This message from Preethi was a silent confirmation from Guru Mandala about what I realised the previous day with Katargama being a critical point of reference. We both spoke later, exchanged our realisations and surrendered our wish to visit Kataragama one day, with Mohanji. That was November 2018.

I had written a blog on this experience which you may find in this link here – “The truth beyond revelations”

With Preethi in Sri Lanka

One year and three months later, on 23rd February 2020, on Mohanji’s birthday, Preethi and I were with Mohanji at Kataragama! This trip to Kataragama wasn’t that easy. I wasn’t sure if I could make this trip. Surely it was for the completion of my realisation, and also a confirmation to Preethi’s questions that we were both taken, literally taken together to the place that played such a vital role in our realisation. And we were taken by the Master himself, appearing in the very ordinary physical form with whom we can connect so easily, but firmly and deeply.

With Preethi in front of Katargama Temple

Walking hand in hand with Preethi to the temple, I was elated with the feeling of eternal joy that our Master gives us through his grace and compassion. Standing inside the temple, watching Lord Murugan and Mohanji together, the vision of oneness was crystal clear!

Certainly, my question (that came as a silly and naive question earlier) was answered by the divine himself! There was nothing more that needed to be answered!
Mohanji stays as Mohanji for me, Mohanji will remain as Mohanji forever, but this lesson of oneness was probably one of the biggest lessons that I learnt.

Doing my Kriya practice at the very sacred place where Babaji used to meditate while he was with his Guru Bhoganathar, in the presence of Mohanji around us, gave complete clarity! The connection to the supreme Master, to Parabrahma, the Supreme Consciousness is the only eternal truth. It was indeed not just a coincidence that this completion happened on Mohanji’s birthday in Kataragama.

Regardless of the number of candles on the birthday cake, Mohanji will remain ageless for me, in my connection to Mohanji’s Consciousness.

Thank you Mohanji, for giving me such a beautiful gift on your birthday – physically, a very joyous occasion to celebrate with the global M family, and spiritually a fulfilling accomplishment.

Love and compassion of my eternal Guru


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 8th September 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

My tryst with destiny – connecting to Mohanji’s consciousness

By Ananth Nalabanda, UK


I was guided by the Universe to chant the Aditya Hridayam (a powerful hymn dedicated to the Sun God) daily whilst studying at the ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. After chanting Aditya Hridayam daily in the morning for two years, I had a vision of Sathya Sai Baba prophesying meeting my Guru in this lifetime. He showed a vision of a sage with a long white beard! I had no clue who this powerful Master was.

Fast-forward 30 years, I travelled to Prasanthi Nilayam in January 2020 and had one of my best energy experiences at the samadhi of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I returned to London and was guided to include Gayatri Mantra sadhana along with my daily Aditya Hridayam chanting. 

Two months into my sadhana, the Coronavirus pandemic peaked in the world. I was scared initially being in the front-line, but as my sadhana continued, I felt energised with my practice. One night, I heard a voice saying ‘Akkalkot Maharaj’ in my dream state. I started exploring about Akkalkot Maharaj, which led me to Mohanji. I felt all holy Masters were working in unison. 

By divine grace, I came across Mohanji’s divine mission, and there was no looking back.

Humbling experience….

I read about the Mai-Tri Method and was fascinated about it and applied to be trained in the Method. Even though I am a trained medical doctor, I always felt an inner calling to offer holistic medicine to my patients. This had taken me on the journey of training myself with different energy healing practices such as Reiki, Angelic Reiki, etc.

I received an email from the Mai-Tri Method team rejecting my application for the Mai-Tri Method training. I offered my sincere gratitude to the team as they kick started my transformation process. It was a truly humbling experience. I read more about the Mai-Tri Method and how it involves connecting to Mohanji’s consciousness. I got in touch with the Mohanji UK team and what happened next is beyond my wildest imagination…it was as if some unknown force was guiding me.

I was kindly included in the Mohanji UK group by Vijay and the first thing posted in the group was about the pilot on ‘Invest in Awareness’ programme conducted by Nimika, Olivera and Bilajana. During my participation in the programme, I was informed by NellyAnne about the Early Birds Club. I started being part of the early morning meditations and service activities after getting in touch with Jay and Rashila. 

The more I got involved in the early morning meditations, the more I started experiencing a deep connection to Mohanji. I started doing his meditations, and an intense desire to read about Mohanji’s teachings led me to Subhasree. Vijay and Subhasree live very close to where I live, and it was no coincidence that within one month of knowing Mohanji, I was deep into reading about him from the books I received.


An intense desire to meet Mohanji in person started burning me from the inside. It was further compounded by the fact that Mohanji was physically present just a few minutes from my place, a year ago. 

It reached its peak, and I slept one night crying, not being able to control myself. The next morning, I see a message on Facebook about an opportunity to meet Mohanji virtually on August 15th, 2020. 

I was initially hesitant to submit a video/audio to the Podcast team to facilitate this virtual meeting, but Mohanji had his own way of encouraging me. One evening, whilst I was chanting the Mohanji’s Gayatri mantra and thinking whether to submit my audio clip about the podcast – Mohanji’s book, which was on the shelf, literally flew and fell down near me! 

I was a little shaken. It was as if Mohanji was saying, you wanted to see me, and now when the opportunity arises, you are shying away!!! After this experience, I submitted my testimonial to the podcast team and had my first virtual darshan of Mohanji on August 15th, 2020.

Mai-Tri session 23/08/2020 

I came across a group Mai-Tri session to be conducted by Subhasree on August 23rd and enrolled myself for it. I also came to know that this day was sacred to Mohanji’s family. 

August 23rd 2020, 3.45 PM – 4 PM. This was one of the most significant days of my life. What I experienced during this Mai-Tri session was beyond my imagination. I share it with the deepest gratitude to Mohanji.

Subhasree asked the participants to have a clear intention for the session, and I had two:

  1. I have an energy block on the right side of the body due to jump-starting my Kundalini energy through improper tantric practices, and I sincerely repented following it. I prayed to Mohanji to forgive me and, if possible, help me with unblocking of the energy on my right.
  2. I prayed sincerely, that even if he is unable to forgive me, he should help me connect to his consciousness.

Life-changing moment…

Mid-way through the session, I suddenly felt a movement of energy in my right lower limb, followed by the right upper limb. Tears started flowing from my eyes as I felt Mohanji’s presence and his mercy. As I started feeling his presence in front of me, Subhasree started chanting the following verse:

Om Shata Sahasra Suryaaya Vidmahe

Avadhootaaya Dheemahi

Tanno Mohan: Prachodayaat

I understand the essence of Mohanji as the brightness of more than a hundred thousand suns together. I recognise this brightness as highly auspicious. May this being called Mohanji enlighten me (Guru Leela, Book 2, Mohanji Foundation)

Then the moment which I will never forget in my life happened. I saw Mohanji, right in front of me, growing bigger and bigger and taking a huge form; it was His Vishwaroopa!!! I was suddenly reminded of this sloka from the Bhagavad Gita, which is so close to my heart.

śhrī-bhagavān uvācha

su-durdarśham idaṁ rūpaṁ dṛiṣhṭavān asi yan mama

 devā apy asya rūpasya nityaṁ darśhana-kāṅkṣhiṇaḥ

 nāhaṁ vedair na tapasā na dānena na chejyayā

 śhakya evaṁ-vidho draṣhṭuṁ dṛiṣhṭavān asi māṁ yathā

The Supreme Lord said: This form of mine that you are seeing is exceedingly difficult to behold. Even the celestial gods are eager to see it. Neither by the study of the Vedas, nor by penance, charity, or fire sacrifices, can I be seen as you have seen me. BG 11.52-53 https://www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org/chapter/11/verse/52-53

I was knocked off for 1-2 minutes after experiencing this divine form of Mohanji. Thousands of images and thoughts started flooding me. The image which Sri Sathya Sai Baba showed me 30 years ago flashed before me. He is the one!!! A deep understanding of the vision I had 30 years ago and the emotional roller-coaster of my life all came to a standstill. 

The wait was over. I recognised the divine Master!

As I write this in all humility, I feel foolish to have limited such a magnificent, unparalleled and universal consciousness of Mohanji to his physical frame. He is beyond constraints of time and space! He is not in a faraway place, but in a place within our reach, our own heart where our soul resides. I am grateful to Mohanji for this incredible experience and offer my sincere gratitude to Subhasree for facilitating this.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd September 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

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The role of faith on our spiritual journey

M 2

By Eric Elbers, Canada

Back 46 years ago, at the age 30, when visiting friends over a weekend, I stumbled upon a few books by Edgar Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet. Being raised in an orthodox Dutch Protestant family, these books were my first exposure to the serious possibility of reincarnation and the associated law of karma. Edgar Cayce himself, a devout Christian and Sunday school teacher, was amazed when, in a deep trance, he started reading past lives and the karmic origin of current problems that the people who visited him for advice were facing. I still remember that a light came on, an insight happened: “Yes, of course, that makes a lot of sense and explains so many things in the world.”

That realization started a frenzy of reading of spiritual literature that appeared familiar to me and also showed me insights and knowledge of Eastern traditions that seemed familiar, even though they were not a part of my upbringing. A resurfacing of things I had known before. Then I had this prophetic dream, which I remember to this date. I was shown a beautiful, large mansion, and a clear voice told me, “This house has been built with patience and perseverance.”

That was it. That was the guidance I received with which I was sent off on my spiritual journey. Surprisingly, those two words are very similar to the shraddha and saburi [faith and patience] precepts, which are the core of the teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba, who I would learn about forty years later, but first things first. 

During my early spiritual explorations, I learned about a movement called ‘The Science of Soul Travel’. It promised to teach out of body travel and travel with spiritual masters in the inner worlds. Now, that sounded like a great adventure and quite appealed to me, so I went head over heels into a path that promised to make me a ‘Spiritual Traveler’. I followed this path for thirty years. I became a ‘Higher Initiate’ and ‘Spiritual Aide’ and fulfilled a variety of leadership positions, but, disappointingly, the subtlety of Soul Travel kept escaping me, despite attending numerous seminars and diligent execution of the spiritual exercises. Still, I kept my faith until, in the early 2000s, a bombshell hit. One of the Higher Initiates carried out intense internet research and discovered that many of the teachings were plagiarized from different sources. The leader of the spiritual movement himself had fabricated a fake lineage of spiritual masters in whose footsteps he supposedly was walking. Needless to say that then a crisis of faith occurred, and it did not take long for me to leave the movement after thirty years. It was quite interesting though, that even though the masters were fabrications, they did seem to work for many people as spiritual guides and as sources of spiritual inspiration. There is an essential principle of faith at work here, which ties in with the pivotal role faith plays on our spiritual journey.

Being disappointed with fake masters, I reread and became fascinated by Yogananda’s ‘Autobiography of a Yogi,’ a spiritual classic about Kriya Yoga, the spiritual roots of which appeared genuine and very deep, which led me to start following the Kriya Yoga path. But one has to watch out here as well: the Kriya Yoga tradition has branched out in different paths with different Gurus of varying caliber, teaching different variations, and it took me a while to find a branch that resonated with me. But soon after, the Master of that path decided to stop traveling and remain in India, which made personal contact more difficult and thereby made my journey more isolated and sadhana centered. Is it necessary to have a personal connection ‘in the flesh’ with one’s Guru? Probably not, but one may consider it a huge blessing if the opportunity presents itself, and such personal meetings help to kindle the flame of devotion.

With all this study and pursuit, I developed a problem: too much head knowledge. I realized that while practicing Kriya Yoga, I was drawn to the Raja Yoga and Gyana Yoga paths but lacked in service [Karma Yoga] and devotion [Bhakti Yoga], so I started looking for a spiritual connection that could fill those gaps. A beautiful female Indian saint, known as the ‘hugging saint’ yearly visited North America, and I felt drawn to the love and compassion she taught and radiated. I followed the guidance of this inspiring saint for several years. Still, I realized that it would be hard to connect personally with her since, after thirty years of being on the road sharing love, compassion, and hugs, this saint had built up a vast following of hundreds of thousands to millions of devotees. Many thousands of people attended meetings at a time, and it would be tough to obtain access to her, let alone build a personal relationship. I kept reading and studying, and then something significant happened: Sai came into my life.

Shirdi Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba [1838-1918] intrigued me from the outset. Here was a real incarnation of divinity. A presence so profound, a knowledge so deep, love and compassion so strong, abounding miracles and transformation, universal, non-denominational spirituality and a life dedicated to the service of the Almighty, what more could one be looking for? All boxes checked, except Sai was no longer in the flesh, having taken Mahasamadhi over one hundred years ago. However, more reading about the life and miracles of Shirdi Sai Baba followed. Soon, I ended up reading about Sathya Sai Baba, according to his revelation, a more recent reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba, but also and more recently departed. While reading the Special Issue of Awakening Times about Sathya Sai Baba [1926-2011], I came across an article written by Mohanji. He explained his first contact and mystical relationship with Sathya Sai Baba, which had occurred after a tough and challenging period in his personal life. Reading the blogs of Mohanji about his spiritual connection with Sai Babas, Mahavatar Babaji, Nadananda, and disciples of Nityananda made it clear to me that Mohanji was recognized and supported by illustrious Saints of the highest stature as a very advanced Spiritual Master with an important mission. Plus, he was in the body and actively traveling and teaching. This was good enough for me. Here was my chance to connect with a Satguru in the early stage of his spiritual mission, which would allow me to be of service and have an opportunity for personal contact. Plus, Mohanji also was a Kriya Master in the Mahavatar Babaji Tradition. Another box checked. I quickly contacted Mohanji to request whether he would approve and bless me to start a weekly meditation class of his meditations in my home. The answer I received was that he had already received my request through consciousness and had approved it with his blessings. I was on my way!

It took a year and a half to meet Mohanji in person. While standing in line to greet him, I saw him glance briefly at me with a sign of recognition, and when a little later I was formally introduced to him, he said, “Eric and I have a very deep relationship.”

That was surprising and not surprising to me. Surprising because this ‘deep connection’ was something I had not been aware of [I thought I had searched Mohanji out] and not surprising because being allowed a close personal relationship with a Satguru is a privilege built up over lifetimes. How can it then be a surprise to hear that a deep connection exists?

Mohanji and Eric

For me, the propelling force on the journey from Edgar Cayce to Mohanji over forty years, following different teachers with ups and downs, was faith, and the dream-vision that “this house has been built with patience and perseverance”. However, while fellow travelers over the years were able to share beautiful inner experiences, the path I traveled was one of insight, patience, and perseverance; no fancy soul travel with elevated Masters, no inner plane cinematography. I grew up in a Christian environment built on faith and have had to accept that faith, not fancy experiences, is crucial for my spiritual growth. Peter, the disciple of Jesus, was able to walk on water when he saw Jesus after his resurrection. Yet, as soon as he looked down and realized he was walking on waves, the realization that this could not be happening caused him to start sinking, and the helping hand of his Master was needed to pull him up. Faith allowed him to walk on water, but as soon as it left him, he started sinking. The same applies to us all. 

The spiritual journey often starts with a tire-kicking phase, checking out different paths and Masters, checking them out, and going for a test drive here and there. Yet, once this phase is complete and we settle down and start following a particular Master, we better stop looking for the higher, better, more significant, or more glamorous and famous Master and begin building a relationship with our chosen Master based on faith. During the trying out phase due to the absence of faith, it is impossible to develop a strong relationship with any Master. This is illustrated in Stage I by the dashed lines and the various Master figures surrounding the seeker, experienced either simultaneously or sequentially. However, once a connection is made with a particular Master, and the seeker starts placing his/her faith in the Master, a subtle, energetic connection starts forming in the subtle realms. This connection begins tentatively but becomes stronger over time as the seeker, and now disciple starts to place more and more trust in his Guru and allows the Guru to flow guidance, protection, and blessings through this energy conduit. Stages II and III show how this energy conduit becomes bigger, and the energetic distance between the disciple and Master shortens as the connection between the Master and disciple strengthens.

Then, during Stage IV, an important change starts to happen as the disciple’s energies and the Master’s begin to overlap and merge. In this stage, the disciple starts to act increasingly as a channel for the Master to work through. Finally, in Stage V, a complete merger of energies occurs as the disciple becomes Self-realized as the ego boundaries dissolve.

The fundamental principle is that the entire progress from Stage II to Stage V is dependent on the faith the disciple places in the Master. It is faith that keeps the channel open. It is faith that draws the connection closer, and it is increasing faith that allows it to expand. Without faith, no progress is possible. 

And then there is the role of doubt. Doubts are the tests given to measure the strength and depth of the disciples’ faith. They will occur from time to time to test the strength of the bond. If the disciple allows doubts to enter into the relationship, there is little the Master can do. Doubts are the worms that chew away at the energetic connection. Once established, they will gnaw holes through which the connective energy starts leaking away, and the energetic connection weakens. Once the first doubt has done its work, a second one finds it easier to enter, and over time, holes open up in the energy channel [Stage VI]. Then the channel loses its ability to maintain an energetic connection between disciple and Master. Therefore the disciple needs to be vigilant and robust because doubts may enter innocuously. It may be a remark from a family, relative, or friend, a passage in an article, a whispered rumor or slander that gives credibility, etc. All serve to test the mettle of the devotee. Is there sufficient faith to allow for a closer connection? This testing happens all the time. Once doubts are permitted to enter and are entertained by the mind, the relationship sooner or later gets broken. The disciple loses a God-given opportunity for Self-realization in that lifetime. It may take many lifetimes to receive another chance to connect with a Satguru, and every time the tests will reoccur. Once broken by lack of faith, the connection is tested again and again until finally, one develops a connection that is strong enough to withstand all attacks and allows the devotee to complete the journey. Merger with the Satguru energies can then occur, which is the same as merging with the Absolute [Stage V].

An interesting illustration of the power of faith is that the devotees on the Soul Travel Path I initially traveled had inner experiences with spiritual Masters whose existence, as was later shown, were fabricated, having had no Earth history. Yet, a connection was formed on the inner planes through the faith of the devotees, which allowed Divine Spirit to use the Master’s matrix to function as a spiritual connection through which teachings and protection could flow. It was faith that initiated the relationship and trust that maintained it. 

In the words of Mohanji:

“Life is about faith. Faith happens, sooner or later. When ego subsides and gets nullified through consistent downfalls, faith happens. Faith leads. Faith soothes. Faith reinforces. Faith nurtures life. Faith elevates life. Faith stabilizes life. Faith liberates man. Faith increases with experiences. Faith decreases when we disown our own experiences; swapping it for other’s opinions or book knowledge. Faith increases when surrender becomes absolute. Faith decreases when ego becomes predominant. Faith is real if it is spontaneous. Faith is transitory if it is induced or inherited. If man’s herd instinct leads to a certain faith, it ends when he turns a new corner. Such is the passing faith, which has no longevity. Faith-based conviction is more real if the conviction is based on truth.”

Jai Mohanj. Thank you, dear Master, for taking me home. I place my faith in you. 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th August 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

The Amazing Grace of the Master


By Ulla Bernholdt

In a month, I will be attending Mohanji’s Acharya training program in Serbia. This is a milestone for me, and I find it to be a good opportunity to look back on the year that has gone by in Mohanji’s Consciousness. Yes indeed, can you believe that just a year ago I had barely even heard of Mohanji!

I think it is important to keep track of our experiences, for the sake of remembering the grace of the Masters that made the journey possible, if we ever come to doubt how blessed we are.

Ulla 3

Like so many others who have met Mohanji in dreams, I am no exception. Before I met him, or consciously connected to Mohanji, I had a dream in which he appeared: We were seated outside in a garden, on a bench. Mohanji sat in the middle, a blond woman and I sat on either side of him. I leaned my head on his shoulder. The atmosphere was very loving and serene.

When I woke up, I was quite shocked. – It was a fact that I, in the dream leaned my head on his shoulder. To me, this suggests an act and a disposition of total surrender. – So, when I awoke, my mind went “Wait a minute, what is going on? I don’t know this man at all. I have never met him. How could I possibly surrender to him? Who is he by the way? What does all this mean?”

There was a difference of approach to Mohanji in my waking state and my dreams. In my dream, I had no problem with doubt or resistance. Mohanji works on subtle levels which are unknown to us.

In another testimony, I have told how Mohanji appeared to my inner eye in a temple high in the Swiss Alps, and how this made me want to go and meet him physically.

I went on the Himalayan retreat in Rishikesh, where I met Mohanji for the first time. Initially, I was quite skeptical towards him and the whole process that he offered. How do you know if a teacher is genuine? He suggests that we find out ourselves instead of listening to the opinions of others.

Ulla 2

I had much resistance towards guided meditations, Conscious Walking and Kriya. – No, this path I thought, was not for me!

But then, at a Satsang at the end of the program, I felt a big shift in consciousness. Thoughts disappeared. All of a sudden there were no memories to identify with. What was left was just empty space, awareness and a deep knowing that no matter what life or even death will bring, I will remain the same, nothing can affect me, I am eternal. Looking at Mohanji, there was no difference between us, not even a relationship between two separate beings existed.


I was in a state of silent bliss which lasted a little less than a week. – Mohanji tells us, that if a state is not permanent, it does not belong to us. It was an experience, and like all other experiences, it did not last. But this was a life-changing one, and it leads me to conviction, trust and faith in the path and the Master.

This state of induced samadhi has nothing really to do with me, but everything to do with Mohanji, it shows the stature of our Master, where he is capable of leading you. Now I do not doubt that He is connected to the Source, that He is one with the Source. He is Shiva or Consciousness itself. This is His Divine gift and revelation. It is a priceless gift, given free to everyone. Out of unconditional love and compassion, he gives himself fully.

Just think about it; that moment in time I did not consider to become a follower of Mohanji, on the contrary, I was rather skeptical, but still, this gift was given to me freely, a newcomer and a mere beginner. What an amazing Grace to receive! Again, this tells me about his stature, that there is no limitation to His love. All we need to do is to be open and in a disposition of surrender for the Grace to flow. Where that Grace will lead us, we have no idea.

No need to say that this event has had a major impact on me. Mohanji cleared so much suffering and agony in me. Since I connected with him, a lot of fear and negativity has gone. In fact, before I met Mohanji, I felt so negative, I didn’t care much if I lived or died, it all seemed such a waste of time.


That has certainly changed. Awareness, self-acceptance and a strong sense of purpose have taken over my life. Through this, I was able to do some major life changes and find the courage to end abusive relationships, so that I was able to focus on positivity only. People keep telling me they noticed how much I have changed, and for the better, so it is very obvious to see even from the outside.

This I could never have done myself through any act or self-effort. Throughout the years, I have tried several therapies, healing modalities and spiritual paths, but none of them were able to clear the inherent negativity in me.


I have encountered immense love and support from other devotees in the M Family, who have treated me like their own. For months, I would go and meet Subhashree from London while she was working in Copenhagen. Being a pure instrument of Mohanji, she supported me in a selfless way, mentoring and helping me set up meditations in Denmark. She, her family and other devotees in the UK and India have kindly supported me in all kinds of ways, giving me job opportunities and opening up their homes for me to stay, without knowing me, trusting in me, only by the grace of Mohanji.

These are the blessings that are so obvious to me. I can see and feel their transforming effects every day. But the blessings that we are oblivious to might be even greater. What do we know in the end? Nothing! Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I was able to surrender fully to our Master. I pray to him that I will be able to do that by his amazing Grace.

Ulla with Mohanji



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 26th September 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team


Serving a Living Master

By Barbara Dizderavic, Serbia

After a recent conversation with a close Mohanji family member very near and dear to me, I felt it is important to share some important points which I have observed from living with Mohanji, which would be good to understand and would enable us to clarify to people further if required.

The Mohanji world consists of people from many different countries, cultures, religions. The teachings are universal, they are a lifestyle, and not mere concepts or religion.

The expressions of people from one culture may seem awkward to people from another culture.

For example, touching the feet of the Master. People touch the feet out of love, surrender, or maybe even misery because the feet of the Guru represents the Universe. This is very common for people in India, but outside India, it may seem unusual.

First point: Mohanji NEVER asks anybody to bow down at His feet. He has NO ego to be fed. He gets nothing from it. He will allow the expression of the person who wishes to bow down, just like He allows all expressions of people, He does not restrict anything.

He will also not tell anybody NOT to bow down if they wish to do so.

He teaches us to be 100% NATURAL, the most beautiful of teachings. BE YOU, be natural. And if He does tell us to do something, it is for OUR COMPLETION, not for His satisfaction. He provides the possibilities and platforms for OUR completion and OUR satisfaction.

He prefers to say He is a FRIEND to the world. He doesn’t present himself as different.

Everything else is the creation of people who put their experiences into words, write songs or aarti, or invite Him on stage and put flowers on the feet etc. If it was up to Him, He really wouldn’t care whether He is sitting in a golden chair or on the floor. In fact, if it was up to Him, He would be sitting in silence somewhere in the Himalayas.

Every night He withdraws into His room, He goes into His natural state which is SILENCE, not thinking about people, relationships, situations, sex, money.  Pure silence.

Second point: Sometimes people judge Mohanji based on the people connected to Him. Society expects people who have chosen the path of spirituality to be perfect. Until and unless these people have totally aligned their body, mind, ego, intellect and spirit, they are still individuals with a mind, character, temper, thoughts, ups and downs of emotions!

It would be delusional to judge or to draw conclusions about the path or about Mohanji based on the people around Him.


Last point: Mohanji gives us FULL FREEDOM to choose our path. He will never tell somebody they must be with Him. To those who choose a different path He says one thing – if you choose to leave or choose another path, BE LIGHT, go higher, SHINE BRIGHTER, don’t fall in frequency, and definitely don’t speak badly about Masters or people because that is negative. He is happy to see people shine!

If anybody feels they are doing Him a favour by being on this path, it’s best they clarify that point in their mind. He has given us a platform to serve, to clear our garbage, to develop what we need and drop off what we don’t, to grow. For that purpose, He will invite people to join the mission, but please understand it is for YOU (the person), not for HIM. He as a person needs nothing from you, or me, or anybody else.

He would also say to me “if this is difficult for you, feel free to go”.

I have absolute clarity why I’m here, so, despite the tough times, I remain here. This path may not be easy to understand, especially when tough situations happen. It is especially not easy to understand HIM because He is alive, sitting in front of us and talking. Do you think it was all nice and easy for the people living with Shirdi Sai Baba or Jesus? I doubt…


The escalation from Selfishness to selflessness

The above is the title I would give to what I wish to share based on a spontaneous conversation I had with Mohanji recently. This conversation perfectly describes what it means to be 100% selfless.

To start with, my question to Mohanji was – What does it take to have the ability to sleep less (about 2-3 hours a night), work more, and not feel tired?

My friend and I were pleasantly surprised to see that a spontaneous satsang was arising.

As Mohanji explained:

“Dream state comes from residual memory (like cache memory). We have a memory from this lifetime as well as previous ones. We store memories each day.

We cannot live through all the residual memories in the waking state, so some of them arise in the dream state. Every night when we go to sleep, we are removing things, but then we wake up and keep adding more garbage. This process is mechanical.

Figuratively, we are like a vessel filled with memories and habits. These memories are not essential, it’s only habitual. We live repetitive lives because we feel comfortable that way.

As long as this vessel is full, or even partially full, we are not aligned. Being aligned means the mind, ego, intellect and spirit are one unit (not scattered in the past, present, future).

Through meditation, various spiritual practices, kindness, love etc, we keep emptying the vessel.  But to completely reduce the size of this vessel, this is not sufficient.

There is only one remedy: SELFLESSNESS. Absolute selflessness. We should have only one thought: What ELSE can I do for the world?

When you keep giving, without expecting anything in return, your storage box is automatically reduced. As long as we are occupied with the ego, mind, analysis, judgements, prejudice, likes/dislikes, our vessel is not empty. So drop all that.

Practising selflessness consistently assists emptying the vessel.

Perfect selflessness means you do absolutely nothing for yourself. Zero selfishness.

Surrender to the path of selflessness, where you do what you have to do, not what you love to do.”

For this reason, Mohanji has provided numerous platforms for us to express our selflessness – Mohanji Foundation activities worldwide, ACT Foundation, Ammucare Charitable Trust, Youth Club, Global Vegan Club, and many more.

If we decide to express the limitations of these platforms by criticising or gossiping, instead of taking the effort to improve and nurture the platform, it will mean nothing to Mohanji. It just means we don’t know how to use the platform.

What we need to understand is: The opportunity has been given to us (for various reasons such as positive spiritual bank balance from previous lives, great support from our lineage). We must have been eligible to reach here. But if WE don’t use it, somebody else will.

I would like to quote Mohanji on a spontaneous but absolutely transformational expression, which can be repeated on a daily basis, as a reminder and self-inspiration:

“I am not the anger, hatred, jealousy.

I am not the mind, body, intellect, ego.

I am beyond all this.

I am here to do more for the world!”



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 2nd July 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Grace All The Way To the Pyramids

By Sunita Madan, India
The Bosnian Pyramid pilgrimage and Kriya Intensive were the first of my long retreats. The Bosnian Pyramids have always been a mystery to me, I always wanted to be there and experience them first hand rather than reading others’ experiences. But more than the pyramids, the thought of being with Mohanji for nearly 10 days was like a dream. There were many issues and obstacles before I finally boarded the aircraft towards Istanbul and finally Sarajevo. I was finally there. I shared a room on the 5th floor of the hotel and I got to know that Mohanji was on the 6th floor. The thought itself kindled all kinds of emotions! The following day was to be the satsang and there I saw my Father, my Mohanji full of unconditional love as he shared a word or a hug with one and all. When it was my turn I waited for the hug which was a dream come true. It made me feel so loved and complete.
The next day was our own pilgrimage to the Sun Pyramid. Now came all the challenges. It was to be a long walk uphill and then a steep climb. I wondered if I had been wise to agree to climb up. Fortunately, I reached a certain point by car but then the next stage was the steep climb. Mohanji had led the way and one by one, slowly but surely everyone was reaching up. I started the climb one step at a time chanting the Mohanji Gayatri in my mind.
Dear George guided me beautifully, encouraging me at every step. I slowly and steadily moved up having to stop after every three steps to take a deep breath. My main thought at the time was “Will I ever make it?”. As this thought came to me, I looked up and saw my Guru, my Master looking down at me. My fear was reduced and I immediately knew that he was taking care of me. It was his grace that I was in Bosnia and it was his grace that I could move and go up the steep path up the Bosnian Pyramids. Due ot a slipped disc issue, I normally have to be very careful with my knees, my legs and my back. And here I was, climbing a pyramid metres and metres high. This was indeed a miracle.
When I reached Mohanji later, I thanked him and he said “You are doing well”. Anything and everything can happen with Masters grace and in my case, grace flowed all the way. I was encouraged to climb further up where we gathered to meditate. The grace continued to flow as we went up the Moon Pyramid as well. The vehicle in which we travelled to the Moon Pyramid had a step which was high. It was very difficult for me to climb up and to get down. Mohanji held my hand as I was wondering how to get down and then He said “Jump”. It was a direct command from the Guru. Without a thought about my knees, my legs and my back I simply jumped and lo and behold, I landed on my feet safely and all my aches and pains vanished!
Today when I look back, I am in awe that I managed to do all of this with Mohanji’s grace and blessings. I feel a deep gratitude and deep love for my Guru who held my hand and blessed me with words “I am always there with you”.
With such physical pain and inability, travel all the way to Bosnia followed by the climb to the Pyramids and connect to the energies and meditate there was not just my cup of tea. A life times karma have been washed away in this pilgrimage and this was made possible only because of Mohanji. Without much adieu to whatever He does, He does silently, effortlessly and very smoothly, He is clearing away lifetimes of karma. The transformation in our lives after such pilgrimage with him and such deep cleanse is phenomenal

To my Guru of such a stature that the only thing I can give is my humble prostrations at his Holy Feet. Jai Jai Jai Gurudeva.





The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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The waves I rode to reach my sacred bridge


By Deloshni Govender

“A guru is not a crutch; he is a bridge.”

A guru is not someone who comes to offer support, He is the golden bridge which transports you from a state of unconsciousness to sublime consciousness.

Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji!

I offer, at the lotus feet of my beloved Guru Mohanji, the experience of my very first encounter with Brahmarishi Mohanji and the Divine grace which entered my life.

Mohanji - Deloshni Govender

I have always been a “spiritual” seeker and have always been intrigued by Masters/Gurus but never had any urge to find one. I was in a very deep state of depression after I was forced to accept a job 600km away from my family owing to financial constraints. I had a lot of anger and stored emotions within me and truly felt that life owed me more than I was given.

In October 2013, my husband called to tell me that there was a “Guru” speaking at the Ganesha Chathurthi puja in Durban. I was uninterested. My husband was fortunate enough to meet the said Guru and told me that he was indeed a great man and I should meet him when he came to Gauteng. Again uninterested. The veil of negative fog surrounding me was indeed thick. My husband gave me the contact number of the person running the Guru’s programme and I called a few times with no success so I felt that this was really a sign that this was not for me.

A few weeks later, when I went home, my husband joyfully presented me with the book “The Power of Purity”. I accepted it with thoughts of it being “yet another book by yet another Guru!”. I opened the book and found the words “To Deloshni, With Love, M”. As I type this, waves of energy are pulsing through my body as I feel the sanctity of that moment. But at that time, I didn’t realise the grace which was being delivered. I was only later to understand the impact of what had happened. Mohanji had blessed my husband and GIFTED the book to him but autographed the book to ME!


I wasn’t fortunate to meet Mohanji during his visit to SA and the book lay in my flat for a few weeks unopened due to my depression and general disinterest in life. One afternoon, out of boredom I opened the book and started reading it. The words started stirring something within me. The crystal clear clarity of the messages was astounding! I was finally beginning to understand this existence! The meditation which came with the book was even more mind blowing and took me to an inner space of deep peace. I found myself more relaxed and accepting of myself and the life I have chosen. The book became my permanent companion. I never went anywhere without it. I would even have colleagues at work approach me and request me to open any page to see what lesson we could learn that day.

A few weeks later I met Mohanji for the first time but it was not a physical meeting. I now understand that we had an astral meeting. I had a very vivid “dream”. I awoke feeling every sensation like it had actually happened. I dreamed that I was in a battle of sorts with Mohanji and His followers. I dreamed that each time Mohanji would come close to me, I would run and my “friends” would help me escape. This was the type of experience which went on all night long but at the end of the dream I found myself alone. Mohanji was also finally alone. He was dressed in white and walking towards me, towering over me. I began running backwards in fear unable to take my eyes off Him. As He advanced, I slipped and fell onto my back and shouted “Bhagawan Shree Sathya Sai Baba ki Jai!!!” (Hail to the Divine Lord Sathya Sai Baba) and then “Om Shakthi, Parashakthi” (Divine Feminine energy). Mohanji reached out to me. He was just pure light. He picked me up, embraced me and called me affectionate names while holding me. He said to me “Why are you running from me? You are an enlightened being” and he continued to console and comfort me. He then took me to a room with a table in it and we both sat at the table and like a teacher he began teaching me. Up to this day, I have no idea what he taught me that night.


After the dream, I was in a daze for a few days and didn’t know what to think of it all. I researched this Guru online and tried to see how best I could contact Him. I did not know that He was on Facebook but I did find His profile on Speaking Tree. I sent Him a message about my encounter and to my utter delight I received the following message a few days later, “Dear Deloshni, I forwarded your message to Him, as Mohanji does not check this profile directly. He read your message and told you He is always with you and you are protected, there is nothing to worry about. Love Biljana Vozarevic, Mohanji Foundation.” My life changed drastically within those months. I was blessed to meet Mohanji in His physical aspect in December that year and He gave me Shaktipat at Arunachala. The growth, peace and love which I have since been graced with is evident in the smile I have on my face these days.


My Guru came to me as destined and at the time it was destined. As I now realise, the meeting with the Guru need not be a physical encounter. I rode many waves of despair, fatigue and anguish in life but I will ride them all over again if they take me to His feet. He appeared and provided a bridge for me between unconsciousness and sublime consciousness. I have never in my life felt this connected to the Divine despite the many rituals and japa I used to do. My Baba (Mohanji) bridged the gap and allowed me to constantly feel divine love. Even though gratitude is just a word, only my heart knows what I truly wish to express as gratitude. Love you always and over all lifetimes, Baba.

Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji Jai!!!!

Deloshni Govender


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Conscious Walking – 1 Year Anniversary


This 21st June 2016 we celebrate 1 year of launching of dynamic meditation technique Conscious Walking created by Mohanji. As we look back at the past year we feel so much gratitude for the blessing that Mohanji has showered upon us by gifting this powerful technique to the world. We feel immense gratitude towards all who participated in the conscious walks, in organizing them and spreading the word far and wide so many more can benefit.

What started as a small conscious step on International Yoga Day, became a big step on a worldwide scale spreading to many cities and countries globally. Conscious Walking events have been and still are organized regularly in USA, CANADA, UK, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, SERBIA, CROATIA, MACEDONIA, UAE, QATAR, INDIA, SOUTH AFRICA, MAURITIUS, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND.



We celebrate and rejoice in this anniversary, and look forward to see many more benefitted from practicing Conscious Walking in the world. We cordially invite you to read through the selection of many testimonials of practitioners from around the globe.


Experience sharing from Yohan, UK:

“After being inspired by yesterday’s Satsang, waking up to a wonderful fresh sunny morning, with a headache, I thought, why not go for CW in West Harrow Park? Set the alarm for 30 minutes time and off I went. The cool breeze and warm sunlight was magical. Then the alarm went and needed to hurry back home for work as I was already late. The inner voice commanded stop and chant the Gayatri and Surya Mantras. I duly obeyed and the chanted Mohanji’s Gayatri Mantra. Love was pouring through and I could feel the presence of Sathya Sai, Shirdi Sai and many archangels. When I opened my eyes I could see the golden white prana throughout the entire park. No headache. Just gratitude and divine love. Mohanji has given us an amazing gift, with practice, it will transform us.”


Experience sharing from Daniela, Croatia:

“Before any kind of sound was created, silence must have existed. Without silence, there is no sound. Silence is the foundation. Sound is an upgrade. Silence is form, sound is content. Silence is absolute, sound is relative. When we walk consciously, focus is on silence between inhalation and exhalation. In fact, focus isn’t on the silence itself, but on something in us which existed as the absolute foundation before there was any kind of content. Focus on silence isn’t just Silence, but a true encounter with ourselves.”


Experience sharing from Ágnes Horányi, Hungary:

“I was feeling as if I had done it a lot of times before. When I started, after a while I felt my body was so heavy that I didn’t know how to move. Then I let my body be moved by everpresent force, as I couldn’t feel myself as a mover of my body any more. Such a beautiful feeling.”


Experience sharing from Kristina, Croatia:

“As I gradually became aware of the gaps between breathing in and breathing out the breathing itself became slower and the gaps became longer. At one point I started to feel I could cease breathing. After Walking I sat in a meditation, breathing through my spine up and down, facing towards the sun. I love Conscious Walking and the feeling of lightness after.”


Experience sharing from Ljiljana Stojsic, Serbia:

“After today’s Conscious Walking in our beautiful park, 
which since this morning was shrouded again in tender white, snow cover, I felt wonderful and holistically regenerated, energized, happy and enthusiastic. During the walk I felt a deep joy, gratitude and love and the precious unity among us all, for which I’m so thankful. That profound and already confirmed realization of the unbreakable bond between everything and all of us and the knowing that we are all connected in such a powerful, beautiful way, is for me the greatest divine gift received so far. 
I’m eternally grateful.”


Experience sharing from Seema, South Africa:

“When you worship the ground you walk on and the people that make your life worthwhile, you realise that life is so simple. We just complicate it. CW has helped me be calmer, more focused and happy.”


Experience sharing from Jelena, Serbia:

“I felt like walking lasted for hours, but I wanted more. Supported, grounded, conscious of everything happening inside, but all around me as well. I felt the connection and Oneness with Mohanji presence as always.”


Experience sharing from Zoran, Macedonia:

“When I started the meditation I had so many thoughts racing one after another…I was sure it will be a struggle to meditate effectively… but half way through the momentum of consistent practicing of CW got the gears and pulled me through in the clear space of witnessing and centering in the spine. It was yet another wonderful CW experience.”


Experience sharing from Daniela, Croatia:

“When we walk consciously, we walk as quickly as it suits us, mostly it’s a average speed – neither too fast, nor too slow (in my case). Focus is on the spine. Walking happens automatically, as well as looking downwards. Focusing on the spine also comes automatically at one point. Nevertheless, there is a moment in Conscious Walking which doesn’t come automatically. It requires our full attention. When we walk consciously, we direct our attention towards the small break which comes in between inhalation and exhalation. I’ll name it SILENCE (that’s what it is actually).

In between that two fragments of Silence, there’s an inhalation or an exhalation. Inhalation is a path from point A to point B, while exhalation is a path from the point B back to the point A. That’s how we’ve got a feeling that there’s time needed to get from the point A to B, and than back to the point A.
 A and B points are those small fragments of Silence which comes in between inhalation and exhalation. The whole process can also be depicted as a circle – a path which leads us back to that starting point again.

As breathing comes naturally and continuously without stopping, there’s no way for us to overstay in that point of Silence. It seems that it constantly escapes us and that our attention keeps going to the inhalation or exhalation while it stops briefly in that very same point of Silence. In Conscious Walking by Mohanji, we have to be aware of that small break between inhalation and exhalation. We have to be aware of the Silence. It is impossible to study that point, it’s impossible to stay in it, because it’s situated in a gap.

The problem is probably in the very same perception of what is going on in the process. What if there exists only that point of Silence and nothing else? What if there’s no longitude, not even a circle, nothing but that very same point?

Distance is actually a path which a point takes through time. There’s the Point, there’s Time, and there’s the Path. But in fact, there’s nothing but that very same Point – everything else is just a manifestation of that Point. These different manifestations create the illusion that the Point seems to vanish and time is needed to go back to that Point.

If I’m focused on that point of Silence, I never even come out of it, neither I come back to it, because it’s present in every moment as a Foundation. The foundation which allows those inhalations and exhalations to flourish


Experience sharing from Caroline, Australia:

“Before the Conscious Walk, I connected to Mohanji’s consciousness through the eye card and listened to/mentally chanted Mohanji’s Gayatri Mantra on my phone. I find that connecting to Mohanji’s consciousness prior to the Conscious Walking meditation enhances the effect of my practice. During the Conscious Walk, I was watching the frenzy of thoughts arising and falling in the choppy sea of my untamed mind. Quite honestly, I was also skeptically thinking that today’s meditative walk was not really effective for me in my preoccupied state of mind. Finally we reached the end point of our Conscious Walking circuit, where we usually sit and meditate a while longer under a big, beautiful tree. I finally unlocked my eyes, and raised my head, only to find that I could hardly move. I felt quasi-paralyzed by such a feeling of deep peace, that all I could do was sit and bask in profound silence and bliss for the next ten or so minutes. The inverted pyramid meditation that we practiced next provoked an incredibly strong tingling sensation in my lower body, especially while chanting on the root chakra and meditating on my connection with Mother Earth. I felt so connected, grateful, at peace, loved by and in love with Mother Earth and all of Creation. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of universal consciousness, oneness, unconditional love or the unfathomable nature of the Supreme that I’ve ever had. Thank you so much Mohanji for guiding me to this glimpse of a greater glory. With deep gratitude and love, from Caroline in North Queensland, Australia.”


Experience sharing from Shivani, UK:

“Conscious Walk today… I have been practicing this since its launch in June. Everyday (nearly) for about 15-20 minutes, I do conscious walk barefoot. Apart from the profound silence that engulfs me suddenly, it also helps to totally connect with Mother Earth. As I place each foot forward, its like kissing the ground with my feet. I have felt totally grounded and the energy from the earth leaves me refreshed for the whole day. Practicing walking consciously has greatly facilitated the development of mindfulness in ordinary daily life. Learning to establish awareness during walking, when I am physically moving with my eyes open has helped me to arouse that same wakeful quality during other activities, such as practicing yoga, eating, washing dishes, or driving. It is easier to arouse mindfulness while walking to the shop, through the park, or during any other time. Meditation has begun to permeate my entire life. 
Sai Ram.”


Experience sharing from Sanja, Croatia:

“We had beautiful autumn morning, perfect for walk. When we have just started walking, lot of thoughts was running through my mind and I thought that it will ruin my conscious walking because I cannot focus. All of a sudden, my legs became really heavy, as if it weighed 100 kilo, it made me to walk even more slowly, and as I walked very very slow- my mind simply went off. I realised that even if I wasn’t walk fast in the beginning, my mind was in the fifth gear, so when I slowed down my physical movement, mind went off and I enjoyed all of benefits of conscious walking.”


Experience sharing from Ana, Macedonia:

“Same as every Sunday, it was wonderful…

I felt as if I am one head above myself

I had a feeling that I am taller, bigger

I was merged with nature, light as air…


But, what amazed me the most was our devotion and conviction 🙂

As young aspirants with huge faith, we gathered under the rain to walk consciously.

Lazar didn’t even bring an umbrella with him 🙂

And I wonder

at is that energy, what is that force?

What is that which guides us and drives us to renounce it all?

And what is that which makes me so devoted to Mohanji’s Path?

My devotion is getting bigger and bigger, and no bad weather can stop me from practicing the technique

I even ask myself?

What if the Guru tells me to jump in the river?

Would I do it?

I think that I would 🙂

Because I would know that it is good for me 🙂

Because that is the way you love ones Guru


And mine… already belongs to MOHANJI”


Experience sharing from Neha Pareh, Canada:

“Ever since Mohanji has introduced Conscious Walk in our lives I have experienced that 30 mins of conscious walk each day since the past few days during my lunch hour is bringing in unbelievable stillness in my train of thoughts. I am actually smelling the breeze, hearing the birds chirp, seeing small insects that might come beneath my feet….😦 which I have many times been so unconscious about in the mad rush of this current life style. I am more conscious of each word that is let out, each thought that happens within the mind and each action that displays an expression. My food habits have changed remarkably. Each portion taken is consciously thought for. I am getting more aware of my emotions, like my anger, fatigue that the body experiences and the frustration of not getting what we believe is correct. I see clearly The meaning of Life, why have we come here and where are we going. Unconditional Love and Service is the only means and way to serve The Divine and Liberate. This technique aides us in realizing our main purpose of Liberation . Its an amazing tool to get back to oneself. With time we have become more and more dispersed…spreading far and wide in all directions, with Mohanji’s Grace and teachings, we are now becoming more aware of where we belong and what is our true nature. He showed us the way to get to the roots, He teaches us to be Love..which is our true nature….. Ananda is our nature and we must work hard to reach it by getting close to our inner self. Thank You Mohanji for imparting this very Priceless and simple method to realize our PurposeThank You Mohanji for being so generous and loving. All Your hard work …and we are getting the techniques ready on a platter……….still we at times are inconsiderate of what we receive and end up comparing with others…….
Love is Myself, Love is Thyself, Love is everywhere…………..we fail to recognize that
Recognize Him He is That, dive within, You Will find That
Mohanji is That……..We are That….
its a long and Conscious walk ahead to realize That. 
But if we Consciously Walk with Divine’s Graceful hand in hand 
than …….. nothing can stop us from reaching That 🙂
Awaken Thyself and Consciously Walk along this Path,
There maybe unknown turns and pot holes deep down this Path,
But Do not assume You are left all alone by your side.
Cause,,,,, HE is ALWAYS Walking along Your side,
HE is walking Your steps , HE is clearing Your Path….
He is the Light that is beaming gradually and Consciously within your heart.
Experience Thyself, within each step, feel the Oneness with Mother Nature 
Come on all lets get up and Consciously Walk along this Path…
Atleast now Recognize Thyself……… You are That. You are That.”


Experience sharing from Mirjana Andres-Rogović, Croatia:

“I wasn’t expecting it will be that powerful. Even after first few minutes of conscious breathing, the walk became almost bodiless, I didn’t feel my ankles, which otherwise slip and twist on rocks, and in the moments between in breath and out-breath all stones became slightly blurred, and than in that brief moment of total peace, they became round and even like eggs in a casket. As if I was looking with my Soul and not with my eyes. When I came tip the end of the road, I felt i could move ahead walking further on the sea. It was difficult to stop, as if I was blocked in flight, because when I did stop the trees continued moving as if moving away from me, and that continued for some time. WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO ALL. LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY.”


Experience sharing from Nirupma, India:

“Conscious Walking for half an hour in the morning has given me solace and peace. You become one with yourself. Your whole body gets filled up with love, tears flow. And after CW when you sit on a bench in the park with closed eyes it seems as if you are part of universe, everything is moving and you are floating in it.”



If you would like to learn to practice Conscious Walking kindly write to consciouswalking@mohanji.org and the CW team will guide you further. You could also connect to our global Conscious Walking community on Facebook and find out about updates, experiences and events happening across the world.