Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 219 and 220

By Christopher Greenwood

Day 219 – The simplicity of practice and teachings

This morning, I was reflecting on Mohanji’s teachings, his practices, and how he demonstrates those throughout his life. Some of the major characteristics of both are simplicity and practicality. For example, one of the significant principle teachings is acceptance. Accepting ourselves and others can be very challenging, but it has a specific attribute which, if practised, brings real benefits that can be experienced.

One of the main practices that Mohanji recommends time and time again (besides the meditations and besides the Kriyas) is the feeding of beings – beings of the air, water, land and human beings. This is why Mohanji formed the ACT4Hunger platform to cater to all these beings, and it’s a great platform where the hunger of all species is alleviated.

Mohanji recommends this because it helps remove many blockages in life in the current, previous and coming generations. When people have passed away, this is one of the first things he recommends to people. You are feeding to help their transit, and in our own lives, this also can be practised and experienced.

The other day I posted that we went to feed the birds nearby. We all went together, fed them, and immediately felt lighter as if a weight had been lifted. Birds represent the air element and space. Anytime there are feelings of heaviness, feeding birds can help reduce its effects; it brings lightness.

So, that was this morning, thinking back on how simple some of Mohanji’s practices and teachings are.


Day 220 – Truth and eternity are one

Sometimes, in general conversation with Mohanji, and just when we’re discussing other tasks, he’ll share something which is beautiful and poetic. The other day, he shared a very beautiful differentiation between a truth and a lie.

It reminded me of the character meters that were used during the Mohanji boot camp, which was run by the Invest in Awareness team. These tools were scales. On one end, you had an option, and on the other end, you had another option.

For example, “Am I reliable, or am I unreliable?” You could gauge between that. The idea was to enable you to measure your character so that you could understand yourself better, and then you could decide what best steps to position in the future.

One of those was to rate ourselves on a scale where one end was “Always tells the truth”, and the other end was “Always lies” – a simple yet helpful measure of character.

Mohanji shared that truth is beautiful as naked, whereas a lie needs to have a wrapper. It has to have a cover because inside it’s ugly. The lie needs covers, wrappers and dressing up. Lie also needs to be maintained to be sustained.

Whereas truth, it can simply stand beautiful, as naked – it needs nothing else. Then he shared something else, a Sanskrit phrase from the Upanishads, and I hope I pronounced this correctly. Please excuse me if it’s not quite exact. It was simply Satyam Shivam Sundaram. Truth and eternity are one; truth is eternal and beautiful.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th May 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 129 & 130

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 129 Lesson – Prevention is better than cure 

Good morning, everybody. I hope that you’re doing very well.

Today, I wanted to talk about some experiences and also lessons from Mohanji about the best way to handle negativities in life. This is really about prevention rather than cure. Because he explained to us in the Acharya training and many satsangs that once we’ve taken in all these negative thoughts, words, prejudices, opinions, and stories, it’s very difficult to remove them. They stay for a long time. What helped me understand this more is the experience of the recent boot camp that Mohanji conducted, which basically gave The Manual for Human Life, how we are; our body, our mind, our intellect, our soul, our spirit, and how we express ourselves. Mohanji has shared in a really understandable way that our world is a reflection of what we have stored inside us. So, we can only experience what’s inside. So, if what’s stored inside of us are our prejudices, fears, and things of this type, then that’s what we experience. So, we can only really share what’s inside.

For me, thinking back to the changes that have happened since being with Mohanji, I’ve become much more aware of where I had a lot of frustrations inside, maybe even anger in some situations. And this came out on various people, situations, and places, which probably didn’t have anything to do with my frustration. It was coming from inside. I can recognize that now and make adjustments. But when it comes to negativities, I’m even more aware now that there’s the potential to be contaminated by them. So, we need to be very careful of what we store inside.

For example, now, as I look back, I know that during my work career and also through some friendships, I had a strong view of somebody. I had an opinion about them. And I thought that they were this type of person, maybe they’re selfish, maybe they’re greedy, maybe they’re ignorant, maybe they don’t care, or had some negative traits because somebody had told me so about that person. Then I’ve also experienced that as I got to know somebody, I realized that they were totally different from what I had thought. These have been simple examples for me to understand that it was more about what I had inside me, and I was projecting that onto a person instead of that being the reality. So, with such experiences, it is for me to recognize that negativities can come; this is from what I’ve learned from Mohanji. Some aspects can be very, very negative; people talking bad, criticizing, judging, and there have been awful things which have been said about Mohanji as well, and these can be easily acquired. If we entertain even the slightest aspect of negativity, opinion, or prejudice about somebody from somebody else, that can stay within us.

I was speaking to Mohanji about this a few days ago. He said that you could imagine it like someone has come and filled your house with coal; in the end, you might be able to get rid of all the coal, but still, the dust particles will continue to exist there. And that’s enough for something to sprout later as prejudice or an opinion. That made me realize that even the smallest comment about somebody, even though it might have been pushed away at that time, can still sit there as something that can grow into something much bigger when the right external situation presents itself and can become an issue. So then, it really becomes important to understand that prevention is better than trying to clean that out later, clean the house of all the coal.

We were discussing that there are two ways to exercise prevention. One is that when someone’s saying something bad or negative, or something’s come to our awareness, we can stop it as soon as we can. We can choose not to entertain it. We can say we don’t want to hear that. Or we can say, “Fine, that’s your experience, but I know exactly what my experience is about this person, about this place, about this situation.”

Then sometimes, negativity might come from those who are most close to us; friends, family, and people we can’t get away from. So, in these cases, it’s best to keep a healthy distance from them or to let it happen but not be engaged.

I hope you have a good day ahead.

Day 130 Lesson – More acceptance, bigger transformation 

Good morning, everybody. I hope you’re doing well.

Today, I wanted to share an observation about the connection that people have with Mohanji. I’ve shared before in previous messages that the orientation of the person determines how they’ll connect to Mohanji and how Mohanji will respond. He’s a friend; he’s available for people; he’s available for the world. And like a true friend, depending on what that person needs or what that person is looking for, he responds accordingly. For example, when someone comes as a spiritual seeker, he responds as a guru. Or if someone has a deep burning question, he’ll respond as a teacher. If somebody is looking for a purpose in their life, he’ll respond with directions for service activities through karma yoga. Like this, there are many different types of connections.

More recently, I’ve seen many more people connecting to him as a trusted business advisor because he has 22 years of very successful business experience in the shipping industry. But something else that I’ve noticed is that Mohanji’s interaction with them is not based on likes, dislikes or opinions or what somebody does or doesn’t do in their work or life. One of the key things that determine how he connects to people is their connection to him. He has no discrimination, and as he mentioned before, he’s available. How I’ve seen that displayed is that if people come to him with a very superficial connection, he responds accordingly. But for people who have a deep connection to him, a real surrender and acceptance of him, he gives it all – a complete transformation to them.

I’ve witnessed this with many people who’ve come in close contact with Mohanji. So, it’s as if the level of change or transformation that’s possible is directly connected to a person’s level of acceptance of Mohanji, of who he is, and of what he’s doing. Mohanji said before as well that accepting him is accepting yourself. He’s guiding people back to themselves. So, depending on that level of acceptance, there is a corresponding effect in transformation.

That’s a short observation for today. Something that is a reminder for me is to always be present with how I’m interacting with Mohanji because although I’m close to him, I still have to make sure of what my connection is. It can be easy to only see the form, especially when we’re so busy with activities, and particularly when we’re travelling, moving from one place to the next. So, it’s a good observation for me to ponder upon.

I hope you have a great day ahead.

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Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 29th May 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Breathing Consciously

Aditya and Rekha from India share their experiences of practising a deep cleansing technique gifted to the world by Mohanji called the Conscious Gapless Breathing.

Face yourself with Conscious Gapless Breathing

by Aditya Nagpal, India

Most of the time, we are completely unaware of what we have stored inside. It could be emotions like anger, hatred, jealousy, or some desires which were never fulfilled. They are mostly stored in a suppressed mode. We may be aware of them subconsciously, but we never accept them fully. They remain there, waiting for the right time to sprout. But being on the path of fire shown by my Master Mohanji, it is a given that everything should come out and burn. And his grace makes sure that the process of burning is fast-forwarded. 

I have been following Mohanji since 2013 and have heard him many times saying the most important thing is to accept yourself as you are with all your strengths and weaknesses. This is easy to understand but is it that easy to implement? You must be aware of everything you have stored to accept it. I had experienced a huge transformation since I started following Mohanji, but I was always in a denial mode about certain things about myself, which came right in front of me when I did Conscious Gapless Breathing for 21 days. 

During covid times, I have been working from home for more than a year now, and I have had time to increase my spiritual practice. So, it just occurred to me that I should try CGB for 21 days. I had heard that it is difficult to do the process for 21 days continuously. But I always knew that Mohanji would take me through it as he always does with everything. So, with his grace, I started my daily practice of CGB.

In the first couple of days itself, I started feeling some emotions coming out from within. As they came out, I realized that this was something that should have come out long back, and I had been suppressing them. But with CGB, I was simply unable to suppress them; I had no choice but to face them. 

As I progressed day by day, more things started surfacing. It was not only from inside but from outside also. The behaviour of some of the closest friends and family members towards me also became erratic. But when I analyzed this a bit more, I again realized that all this was suppressed within me. The behaviour of the other person with me is exactly how I am thinking about them. 

There was nothing wrong happening; no one was wrong; the external world reflected what I had stored inside. With CGB, all the stored things were surfacing from within; and the external world became just a reflection of that. Then came a time when too many things were coming out, and I did not know what to do. I needed some guidance. So, I just sat in front of Mohanji’s photo and asked him, ‘Why am I so negative?’. ‘What do I do with all this?’ After some time, a strong thought occurred to me- ‘Acceptance and Surrender’. 

It was as if Mohanji was literally telling me to accept whatever it is. Accept yourself and everything around you and just surrender to me. Acceptance is the only way to overcome the negative emotions, fear and phobias that are stored within. But if they are suppressed, acceptance is not possible because you would deny them even if you knew that they exist. CGB brought them out, and it became easier to accept them. And when acceptance of yourself and things around you become better, surrender automatically becomes easier. Without acceptance, you cannot surrender. With his grace, I got the courage to look into the eyes of my own fears and phobias and surrender them. 

I started practising acceptance of myself and everything around me. This does not mean that I became meek or completely oblivious of the things happening around me. But it gave me a better awareness of myself and everything around me, and I could take the right action as required. There was a big release happening, and I was able to accept everything fully with his grace.

As more and more things were releasing, I was becoming lighter and lighter. My other practices of Kriya and Chanting improved drastically, and Acceptance and Surrender became my continuous practice. After I completed my 21-day CGB Sadhana, the release continued for a few more days and became more light. It has been more than two months, and the impact of the process is still there. A massive release of things and transformation has happened. I am much stronger than before. My level of acceptance and surrender has grown by leaps and bounds. 

Acceptance and surrender are actually huge strengths. You accept, surrender and the rest everything is taken care of by our Master.

Words are not sufficient to express the magnitude of the transformation that CGB has brought. It is a real gift from Mohanji. He makes sure that the right thing comes to us at the right time based on what and how much we can handle. All we need is full faith and patience. His grace will make the process faster and take care of everything.

Aditya with Mohanji

Breathe in Awareness

By Rekha Murali, India

It all began just before the onset of the Pandemic in mid-March 2020. I had the great opportunity to be trained by Devi Mohan in Conscious Dancing, Conscious Gapless Breathing (CGB) and Soul Mirror Process in Bangalore. It was exhilarating learning these new techniques as it was all about centering and alignment.

Somehow I was attracted to Conscious Gapless Breathing. It is a powerful breathing technique given by Mohanji to the world. Normal breathing in itself brings freshness within. As shown through CGB, it cleanses and detoxes from deep within the cellular level when done systematically. The end result is one of freshness and bliss in all the four levels of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states.

Practising CGB during the training made me feel so energetic and relaxed. I learned that doing this continuously as a practice for 21 days could lead to deep cleansing and transformation. I was hooked. It was on my to-do list for some time till I got an opportunity during Shivratri 2021 to guide participants in CGB for five days. Those five days were mind-blowing.

Soon Aditya Nagpal reached out to me and asked me if I would like to join him for a 21-day challenge of CGB. He had commenced practice and wanted me to join. This was very inspiring, and we motivated each other by sharing our experiences and completing the 21 days.

It was not easy, although I looked forward to the morning session eagerly. First of all, I started waking up early to do my Kriya, followed by CGB. It brought in discipline and focus. I also became aware of many deep-seated memories which I thought had been forgiven and forgotten.

Initially, for a couple of days, my rigid body was getting used to the breathing and positions of CGB. But I noticed the awareness with which I followed each breath, and I was totally in it. The mind was free and focussed. I did not miss a single breath and did it with awareness. It left me feeling refreshed and energetic.

Then the reality that this powerful process can bring about unfolded. I had no clue that there were so many things that had to surface. I started getting emotional. A lot of sadness and grief came up. Luckily I did not re-live the situation but only the feelings associated with it. There were times that in a particular position, I would lose myself, go deep within, totally unaware of the external world or simply fall asleep! Although it seemed like an eternity, this deep state would last for only a minute or two.

Each day, I moved from the current state of thoughts and feelings backwards towards childhood and all the associated emotions. As it surfaced, I was only aware of one fact. I had to watch it and release it. The awareness increased.

After every session, I would sit up crying, and during the course of the day, I watched myself in every situation. I watched when I reacted unreasonably, I watched when I was angry, I watched when I would get into my self-pity mode, and I watched when I was happy!

This awareness helped me a lot, and I learnt to accept myself as I was. I understood that this was an amazing technique to help pull out the deeply embedded scars of life and burn it in the fire of ether. As the days progressed, I noticed that I was tuning in to this and was fearlessly looking forward to new things surfacing and open enough to accept it. By the end of the 21 days, some sort of stability came about, and my bouts of crying stopped.

Looking back now, I understand the immense clearing and change that this technique helped me with. Some things that were so important a few months ago miraculously disappeared. Patterns that I thought were essential for living this life doesn’t seem to matter anymore. As Mohanji says, empathy increased, and sympathy vanished!

Awareness of who I am, an understanding of this personality opened up. Some dreams and visions also helped in this process. I have learnt the reasons for my patterns; I have learnt to accept myself as a unique individual with my karmic agenda!

There are miles to go before I sleep, but why fear when the grace of the Guru is here!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Acceptance and Faith

By Nameshri Chetty, South Africa

Mohanji says that before birth, we choose each moment of our life. In times of challenges, we think, “Oh my hat! What possessed me to choose these experiences.” With the awareness of acceptance and faith, life becomes easier to embrace.

In Jan 2017, my son was diagnosed with Lymphoma. It was something that came out of the blue; we were just starting to get into the rhythm of living as a single mom of two children. My first call was to Mohanji even before the diagnosis had been made. Right from the onset, Mohanji had advised me to go with the process, listen to the doctor regarding medical treatment. I had handled many challenges, but this challenge concerning my child was totally new. Being a single mother firstly is not the easiest. When moments like this come up, without support from the father, it really tests your metal. There is no one else to help take the strain off or rather share the weight of the experience.

Mohanji bless

Mohanji had been my only strength throughout this period. I found strength in the fact that I knew he was supporting me and my children. Each chemo, I went in with full faith that all will be well. Everything seemed seamless and the process flew by. I was very composed through it all. There was an inherent calmness that came over me; it was the thought of knowing that Mohanji was already overseeing everything. I remember him saying that we have to go through this as it is karmic. I felt as if even my responsibilities with my daughter seemed to flow smoothly, allowing me to fulfil my duties.

From the time of diagnosis, getting a specialist immediately, starting treatment within 2 weeks of diagnosis, having the courage to live life normally, this was all Mohanji’s grace. Mohanji helped me get through this life experience with total detachment and full acceptance. There was no time for self-pity, only purpose was felt.


In June 2017, my son was free of cancer; it was shocking how time had flown by. When I look back, I had cut myself off everything and everyone, my only focus was getting my children/family through this. My only strength undoubtedly was Mohanji.

In his teachings, he constantly reminds us of faith and acceptance. This was a true example of this teaching. I was willing to accept any outcome as I had faith that it was as it should be.


Mere Mahadev (My Lord Shiva), I surrender graciously and humbly at your feet as you are the beginning and end of all that is and all that is not.

I glide on the breath of your grace.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 12th March 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

From self-hate to self-acceptance

By Nikolina Dragojević, Serbia

It was my fifth year at the Bosnian Pyramids with Mohanji. Just like every other program with Mohanji (and being on this path), a lot of acceptance and flexibility is required to pull off the logistics… 100+ participants, 10+ locations, unpredictable weather and our flexibility being tested.

bosanke piramide 2

One nice morning, I woke up with my throat completely closed. ‘Closed’ meaning I couldn’t swallow anything: food, water, not even my saliva. I wasn’t surprised as I have been struggling with my throat for many years already and this has happened before, 3 years ago, at the Bosnian Pyramids as well.

bosanske piramide 2016

That year in 2016, I managed to get through the entire 5-day program only with the IV (intravenous) therapy – no food/water/supplements. My energy was high, my mood was great like nothing was happening, I managed to climb all the pyramids with no struggle. What would be the usual reaction to that? Impossible.

But, ‘impossible’ does not exist in the dictionary of Mohanji’s Path

This 2019, the same thing happened in the middle of the program. I just woke up one day and couldn’t swallow. Not surprised at all, because I was aware of some internal battles happening that might cause this.

I went for 2 days without food and water before we decided it was time to get IV therapy and ask Mohanji what to do.

bosnia 2019

I knew what the trigger was. A few days before the Bosnian Pyramids program, I was in a situation where I felt like I didn’t do any good, I failed, I wasn’t good enough, I was misunderstood, not accepted for who I was, all sorts of insecurities were coming to the surface.

As advised by Mohanji, we called Zoran, an amazing man and a great kinesiologist from Sarajevo, who did the treatment and told me things that were lying deep inside me causing this reaction.

The following morning it was time to decide if I should continue travelling with Mohanji and go to Slovenia, as the team there needed support for the upcoming program, or if I should go back home to Serbia.

Going to Slovenia was risky as there was no one to give me IV and I didn’t have insurance. Plus it’s a very long journey of more than 8 hours and I hadn’t eaten for 4 days… but I would travel with Mohanji.

When we asked Him what to do, He insisted that it was up to me and how my body felt.

“You should not suffer; you should do what’s natural to you.”

(Just the night before  Zoran and I had discussed how indecisive I was, and here I was in a position to make a big decision. )

with Mohanji 1

But Mohanji also gave me the biggest lecture and so much clarity as to why this was happening. The situation mentioned earlier was just a trigger. But the cause lay much deeper. My self-hate and lack of self-acceptance were causing this. I was punishing my body and denying food and water to my body, not taking care of myself. Self-criticizing, self-judging, self-hating. On the opposite side is self-acceptance.

Mohanji will not interfere with my karmic constitution, but He is giving me a platform which I can use to change that. Now. Self-acceptance. Stop with criticizing, comparing, judging myself and others. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I just need to make one conscious decision. Self-acceptance.

When we have accepted ourselves, life becomes purposeful. We become Purpose. Power.


My eyes were full of tears. Every single word was hitting hard and straight in the centre. He is giving a platform, He is giving energy, He is empowering us. But we need to take that one step.

How often do you meet someone who is straight to the point, so honest, open and direct? And giving you just what you need at that point. Probably more than what we are even aware of and able to understand. Will we ever be able to understand?

I had a big urge to go to Slovenia but now I wasn’t sure if I was being masochistic (and choosing to suffer) or I really should go. With a little push by lovely friends, I decided to have more faith, surrender, and go to Slovenia.

With a hidden smile on His face when Mohanji said, “Very good” I knew; whatever happened, it was going to be okay.

Devi was sitting in the car seat next to me, just in case, I needed Mai-Tri session on the way. Somewhere halfway, I started feeling nausea and weakness. Devi started with Mai-Tri and I was feeling worse by the second. Nausea was getting stronger and stronger.

I used to constantly wonder how I would vomit with this tight throat and oesophagus, was it even possible, would I choke… And here I was, in the car, on the way to Slovenia, with a completely closed throat and a strong urge to vomit. With so much pain and not being able to breathe properly, thoughts of panic started coming up. At that moment, I was just telling myself ‘But He is sitting in front of you, what could happen to you?’ I was getting calmer, started vomiting and all of a sudden, the pain was gone. We took a quick break at the petrol station and there was me wondering if I could vomit which also meant that I could swallow as well, right? And yes, I could. 🙂 My throat opened up and I could have a cup of tea after 4 days of being without food and water. What a blessing!

My Guru

It’s not just that He is there holding our hand all the way, helping us, guiding us, but He is there to empower us to deal with all our insecurities and fears.

I know there is still a long way for me to go. I could feel a lot of blockages still in my body, in my throat.

I could swallow but not nearly as well as before the trip to Bosnia.

I went back home and started contemplating on everything He told me in Bosnia.

‘Self-acceptance. More positivity. No judging. No criticizing. No comparing. Take care of yourself so that you can give unconditionally to others.’

All my non-acceptance and self-hate peaked the moment I was told I won’t be able to go to Kailash.

Every single negative thought that was there come to the surface. Every single one.

‘I’m not worth it, I’m not good enough. I’m not doing enough. I don’t even belong to this Path. Why am I here? What for? Do I need all of this in my life? What’s the purpose?’ I started comparing myself to others. I started feeling resentment towards some close people from the team.  Why was I even given the hope that there was a chance for me to go?

I had a meeting that I needed to attend at that time and I was on edge, not wanting to pick up the call. Why? Why would I do this? I can’t do it anymore. I don’t want it.

Tears were running down my face as never before. Negative thoughts were suffocating me. I cried uncontrollably and was overwhelmed by sadness. I could never have imagined I would react in this way. I couldn’t believe what was happening.

Fire of awareness


But one thing in me was strong – awareness. I could feel and differentiate the negative thoughts that were mine and those negative thoughts that were coming from outside. I had the awareness that all those comparisons and resentment wasn’t mine. And I was able to discard it. I was aware that this shall pass as well. I had the awareness that there was a bigger picture to all this. I had the awareness that this was a big cleansing; a big test for me.

I managed to get up, take the call, complete the meeting as though nothing had happened. Then went back to bed to cry.

The next day I woke up feeling a little sad but much better. I had a Mai-Tri session with Milica. There was so much clarity. I felt so much positivity. I felt so much lighter. Like something big had fallen off my shoulders. I knew what I had to do. Just to have faith and keep moving, keep walking, accepting myself.

That night I woke up with the feeling I have something in my mouth. I thought it was the homoeopathic medicine that I had taken before going to bed. But when I took it out, it was a stapler pin! Metal stapler pin. I was shocked. I remember very well brushing my teeth before bed, drinking water, taking homoeopathic medicine. There was no way this could appear in my mouth from some food.


My first thought was ‘Oh my God what would have happened if this went through my throat?’

I started feeling grateful to Mohanji for always taking care of me and being there for me.

The following day when Milica spoke, I was told that it was a huge cleansing, some heavy energies were released and that was why the pin had appeared in my mouth.

Along with that big sign, that huge blockages were being removed, there were little signs as well that showed me I was trying, I was doing something for myself, I was taking that one step forward. I started drinking more water, and everyone who knows me knows that I would never drink, even 1l of water in 2-3 days. I stopped eating sugar, and everyone knows I’m the biggest sugar addict. I just adore chocolate!

And the biggest shock of all, I signed up for yoga classes. In February 2019 during HSTY Teacher Training, the team was unable to convince me to do even 5 minutes of yoga in 10 days. And here I was starting yoga classes.

It was always clear to me that being with Mohanji means fire. It’s always challenging, pushing the mind’s boundaries. But despite the tough times, I remain here because I know why I’m here. He gives strength, He gives awareness. He empowers us to go through ups and downs to (re-) discover the higher Self. He provides the possibilities and platforms for us to progress in life, to serve, to clear our garbage, to develop what we need and drop off what we don’t need, to grow.

He gives us everything we need, at the given moment, as per our capacity, without us asking for anything, even though we might not understand at that point.

Sometimes it might not be easy, especially when tough situations happen. But I remain here, despite all the challenges.

It is up to us to use this opportunity in the best possible way.

Mohanji 1


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 8th August 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – “Flow with Life”

flow forward

In this series of Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9, We bring to you a recent incident in Sreeja’s life where she felt the grace and protection of Mohanji during very trying times.


Please read other Mohanji Satcharita stories from this Chapter!


Flow with life…….

By Sreeja Ranjit



Mohanji always keeps His word. He is always with us in consciousness, protecting us from unknown dangers that lurk in the dark. I have no words to express my gratitude for His protection 24/7.

Our family, comprising of my husband, myself and our son have recently moved to Ethiopia as my husband got a job here. It has only been two months since we have joined my husband. It’s a new place and we are only getting to know the place slowly. Mohanji always says to accept changes wholeheartedly without resistance and to just flow where destiny takes us. So, even though things were difficult here compared to India, we were adapting to the whole new atmosphere well.

letting go

Then suddenly, this June 22nd night, attackers shot and killed the governor and two other top government officials in Ethiopia. On the same night in Addis Ababa, the country’s army chief and his close friend, a retired army general were assassinated inside his residence by his bodyguard. 6 top government officials were also assassinated on the same night, throwing the country into a lot of anger, fear and helplessness. They disabled all phone connections the same night for security reasons.

The 23rd morning we woke up with no data connectivity either through Wi-Fi or mobile, and no calls if you left the city limits. No incoming calls from outside the country either. My husband was supposed to travel at 5 am by a flight on June 24th to two of the regions most affected by the incident and where riots would soon start off. I shudder to think what would have happened if this incident had happened after he left. We would be totally cut off from him. On top of that, the US embassy had issued alerts about reported gunfire in the capital Addis Ababa, and violence around Amhara’s main city Bahir Dar. Everybody was asked to stay at home. But as usual, beloved Mohanji took care that we remained safe and sound.

Now, things don’t end there. My husband’s Superior called up and said it’s going to be the month end, these kinds of things will happen and he should be on the next flight on June 25th. We were shocked. We could not believe our ears in fact. My husband argued that it’s not safe and the nation was on a blackout and alerts were on local news channels not to travel etc. Also, he can’t make calls from there due to no network connectivity and he can’t leave his family alone. But all his pleadings fell on deaf ears. I got really scared as then we have to stay alone here in the independent villa we have rented without any connection with the world outside and was really scared about his going to a place which was not considered safe. Any time riots can break out. I cried out to Mohanji as usual and kept praying ceaselessly to help us in this situation. Only He could help us.

My husband called me on the way to book the tickets as the online booking was not happening as the internet had been blocked. We were blocked for 10 days with no connectivity. Airport officials had asked him to come directly and book the flight. Flights were running as scheduled. I started praying to Mohanji and in between our conversations had complete faith that He will take care.

And yes, He did. All flights had been cancelled from the next day! Until the day my husband went to enquire and book his flight, all flights had flown out at correct timings. When he gave me a call to inform me about this miracle, I knew in my heart my beloved Mohanji had taken care as usual. We also came to know that the Superior had been asked to leave the company for a different set of reasons.


Another issue while trying to settle down in the new country was also taken care of by Mohanji. My son had given the admission test for his 7th-grade school enrollment. There is only one good school here which follows the Cambridge syllabus and admission is tough. We got to know they were not taking any new admissions for the 7th grade as it was already full. I was sad but then suddenly remembered Mohanji’s words.

Whatever happens, just accept and go with the flow. – Mohanji

I mentally prayed to Mohanji to let whatever is best for him to happen. I felt really better afterwards and we decided to wait a few more days and to send him back to India. But within 2 days, we got a call from the school saying that he was admitted and he was the only one whom they had selected out of the 10 students who wrote the test. I cannot express in words the immense gratitude to my beloved Guru Mohanji who is omnipresent and silently there with us all the time.

Mohanji always takes care. It is for us to see His grace and protection and own our experiences.

Thank you Mohanji for showering your grace, love and protection on us always.

Koti koti pranaams at your lotus feet.
Jai jai Mohanji…sharanam sharanam Mohanji.

be cool



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 8th July 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 7 – “New Dawn of Acceptance and Realization”

mind and silence

“Mind is the only true examination that one must pass in a lifetime. The rest are all class tests that time provides to test your strength and endurance capacity. They do not have permanent value. – Mohanji”

Featured in Mohanji Satcharita chapter 7, Suvarna Singh shares an amazing experience on how it took her a while to recognise the examination called mind that was keeping her puzzled for some time. When she crossed over this examination, she realised the grace and blessings that were there in abundance with her! 

Read other stories in Mohanji  Satcharita – Chapter 7.

New Dawn of Acceptance and Realization

by Suvarna Singh

I write this post from the flight back to South Africa after being in India for a few days from the 5th of February 2019.

From the very beginning, this trip was very challenging for me in so many ways!  There was so much grace that allowed the whole pilgrimage to take place; otherwise, I never would have imagined being at the Kumbh Mela with Mohanji, taking dips in the Ganges (holy river), participating in a Homa (fire ritual) or being a part of satsangs.  How could I have been so blessed? Despite all the grace that poured through the entire pilgrimage, I felt very agitated, lost, hurt and angry.  There was deep pain buried within me, that leashed out as I arrived at Dubai airport after leaving Delhi.  I cried for about 20 minutes and felt tremors of hurt deep within me. Somehow in depth of the pain, I felt relieved and had a chance to reflect on my silliness about the whole situation and found temporary clarity at that moment.

Human Mind

Two thoughts were running through my mind about this journey, which I never anticipated. First, I felt the urge to go back to South Africa as soon as possible and not even be a part of the pilgrimage. Second, I realized there is much work ahead of me on this path of liberation. From my experience thus far, I know everything Mohanji does is for our best interest and growth, but even having this knowledge, didn’t make things easier for me as my ego was bruised for reasons not worth mentioning.  I questioned my place here on Earth and my self-worth. It was more of a painful realization because it was only with His grace, was I able to take part in the Kumbh Mela and visit places such as Vaishno Devi and Varanasi.


Having these thoughts on my mind, I boarded the plane back to South Africa.  On the seat next to me was an elderly couple from Kerala (they reminded me of Mohanji, since He is from the same state) who needed help finding a movie in Malayalam 🙂. I helped them and later in the flight, the elderly man next to me fell asleep soundly.  At that moment, something hit me hard and I felt immense gratitude for all that I had experienced during the holy pilgrimage.  Mohanji always speaks about acceptance!  It was just a word to me but at that moment, I felt what it truly meant.  I realized the depth of the message contained in that one WORD.  When I reflected on my journey and my feelings, there was a whole lot of ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ and I could hear Mohanji’s voice loudly saying: “Who is this I?”  The mind has such power to make us feel things that we try to hide or ignore. This realization triggered more emotions in me and brought up situations that I needed to become aware of.  In the end, it was all Mohanji’s grace that allowed me to know what I needed to know and when I needed to know it.  He is always there, holding my hand and guiding me.  I love you Mohanji.


Much gratitude at your lotus feet.

“Self-respect spontaneously materializes along with awareness of our uniqueness as a complete incarnation.” – Mohanji

Mohanji at Kumbh 2019



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th April 2019



The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Testimonials Team


Being With Mohanji – The Transformation

By Ruby Nair, USA

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Guru Comes to You At The Right Time

“Teachers happen when the student is ready. And the teacher is always in relation with the student. When a student happens, a teacher happens. Teacher is a state just like student is a state. The teacher or the student are never permanent in their roles. A teacher can be a father, a husband, a lover, a pedestrian, a shopper, a barber, a cook or any other role a human being may play in his or her lifetime. The right knowledge will come to you at the right time, through a person, a book or a life experience. This is the truth of existence.”

Below, I share, from the heart, how my life changed from a mundane existence to one of joy, peace, gratitude and selfless actions through the appearance of a Guru at a time of need in answer to a prayer.
What have I gained by being with Mohanji is a vast subject that can’t be put down into mere words. I contemplated on this matter for a couple of days and as I sat with my husband talking about certain things, I ended up discussing with him all that I have gained by being with Mohanji. It was so simple yet complicated.

Simple Yet Complicated!

My life before Mohanji was very uncertain on many levels. From my childhood, I had been one of the weird kids who always felt different and shy inside. On some levels, I can say that I had lived a turbulent childhood which continued into most of my early adult life. First, it was distant family problems. Then as I grew older, I realized that I never fit in with a lot of groups because I was never really interested in what they talked about. I was a party goer for most of my late teens and thought life was just about partying and spending money.
After getting married and visiting Kerala for the first time in 2004, I had such a profound experience at the Guruvayurappan Krishna temple, which brought tears and intense love to my heart, that shook me. That’s when I realized that there was something tangible in these temples. So I became obsessed with visiting temples and praying – just thanking God for everything.
However, marriage also brought a sense of responsibility towards fixing my family matters. My husband and I took it upon ourselves to visit different temples, perform countless pujas, prayers in my name or their names to uplift them and myself from all the troubles and ignorance. There was this compulsion in me that kept me going for years and I can recall most of our married life was spent on fixing other people – my family, etc. I felt burdened at times and cried out numerous times to God to please end this suffering of mine as there was no end to my turbulent life. Things did improve in my life but I never felt contented and always felt like there was something more to do.
Since I had filled my life with trying to help others while ignoring my own pain, I never knew how to deal with things when they got difficult as there was no anchor in my life to tell me it will be okay in the end. My husband was always there no matter what, but I was looking for something higher to connect to. I felt abused, disrespected and unloved on many occasions by many people in my life. I was a machine living for others and trying to make them happy while I was unhappy on many levels.
The above describes my life after my marriage basically from 2003 to 2012 – in pain, in depression at times, feeling lonely, betrayed, etc. After 2012, my life changed drastically again after visiting a Shiva Temple in Kauai, Hawaii, where I truly believed there were Gods, angels and higher beings alive among us, helping and guiding us. It brought a lot of change in my life which cultivated patience and faith. I gave up certain dietary things as well as alcohol, which I took on special occasions and learned could be a hindrance to one’s spiritual path. I became aware that one’s purification and penance was very important in finding God. To better myself, I started fasting, serving family by cooking food for them, ignoring their cold remarks, and learning how to restrain myself.
During this time, I also read the book “Autobiography of Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. This book helped me realize the importance of a Guru and how having love for Him transcends any physical or conditional love that I was used to. This drove me to seek and question if there was a Guru for me as well in this life. I installed Mahavatar Babaji’s picture in my temple even though it felt kind of strange because I had grown up with the idea that we only install and pray to idols of deities and not to a human beings. Even though I knew Babaji was beyond human definitions, it was just something that was hard for me to do.
From 2012 to 2015, I did meditations on my own where I would just force myself to sit and contemplate on Babaji or just nothing. I prayed to God to send me a Guru. After hearing from somewhere that when one pours water on a Shiva lingam and asks with a pure heart, God surely brings that into our life. Without being aware, Mohanji came into my life slowly, but my ignorance was too deep to even recognize Him. In 2015 I found Mohanji’s blog through the grace of Babaji and I was able to meet Him physically in 2016. Meeting Him was also very turbulent for me due to my own negative self. I had to shed a lot to see His divinity. This was the first gift He gave me – the ability to connect to Him despite the darkness surrounding me, while dissolving my ignorance so that I could see Him in a different light and purity.

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Light & Purity with Mohanji

During one of my trips with Mohanji, He casually mentioned that having my second daughter accelerated my path to meeting Him, but I was destined to meet Him anyway, probably later in time. Many are His subtle ways that I can’t even begin to describe them.
The big question is what has been so different after meeting Him. Well, all my compulsions to fix things, others, or situations have gone. I no longer feel that I am in any control to fix anyone let alone help them, unless they themselves are seeking guidance. If I do happen to help someone, I have realized that it is not me but the energy of God working through me to help that person, so the ownership or doership has gone. I have also been initiated to Mai-Tri healing, so I can serve others selflessly and bring Mohanji’s healing to others.
I feel protected for the first time in my life. Not that I didn’t feel protected before, but this is where I know if I am in trouble or something is bothering me, He will be there no matter the time or space. It’s very comforting to know someone is always with me, guiding me no matter what.
I have also become stronger in myself and have more faith in myself and my abilities. I no longer wish to get gratification from others or listen to others. I know I am self-sufficient and I am perfect the way I am, despite being laughed at numerous times throughout my life. It is knowing that all of us are different, unique and loved by the Divine just as we are. Even though lack of acceptance is still there on minute levels, it is now a work in progress.
Another great thing I have gained from being with Mohanji is His global family. I just love meeting different people from all over the world and connecting with them instantly. It is like they are my real family at times and it brings me so much joy just to share love and stories with them. It’s a connection on a different level that I never experienced outside of His family.

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Connection at a different Level – Kailash Trip

Mohanji has also brought forth more awareness to the suffering of animals. Due to this I have been vegan for a year and have never been so happy to realize that I had the strength to give up on desires that are so hard to give up in one’s life. Now, it’s a lifestyle of Ahimsa which was just a thought before meeting Him. This decision has helped me to avoid feeling the guilt of consuming something that was snatched from another being. Because if the roles were reversed, I would not want the same thing inflicted on my loved ones.
So far, the most important thing I feel I have gained is that Mohanji anchors me in the present. I no longer look elsewhere; He has given me something strong and tangible to hold on to. This feeling was what I was looking for all my life until I met Him. I realized that if this anchor had been available to me earlier, I would have been less turbulent within myself and more stable. He has given me stability that I thought I would never achieve in this life. I have cried to God when I couldn’t handle things and have asked Him to end my life, but now I don’t have such thoughts. I feel happy, loved, accepted and grateful to have this human birth where I have been given this much awareness. Simply put, Mohanji helped me become a better me, someone I love.

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Love and Acceptance From My Guru – Machu Picchu

This was my humble attempt to pen down my most intimate thoughts. I feel privileged to even be on this path and to be able to express my gratitude to Mohanji. Without Him, I probably wouldn’t even have the strength to face, accept and write all these things. Thank you Father for everything and coming into my life.
With deep gratitude and love,
Ruby Nair, USA


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.
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