Shirdi experiences – Part 2

By a Mohanji follower

I took my seat in the hall and began waiting for Mohanji. I was happy and excited. My mind, however, was oddly quiet and vacant. But it had been more silent than usual from the time I had signed up for the retreat. Also, though this retreat was a dream come true for me, I’d not arrived with any particular expectations. My biggest wish was to be in Mohanji’s physical presence finally. Something in me was just not interested in thinking of anything beyond that. 

I vividly remember the moment Mohanji walked into the hall. I was asked later how it felt to see Mohanji for the first time, and I couldn’t think of anything to say – and even now, I am drawing a blank while trying to think of the best way to describe how I’d felt in that instant. Was it joy? Peace and calmness? Excitement? Yes, it was a mixture of those emotions, but it was also much more… 

I was completely elated and overwhelmed. My eyes were full of tears, and I was smiling. I felt intense vibrations in my feet and calves as if the floor was pulsating with energy as Mohanji walked past the rows of seekers. There were no thoughts of the past or future in my mind. I felt very present and in the moment, fully aware that I was experiencing something extraordinary. That’s the best I can do to describe my state of mind. During Mohanji’s talk, tears kept filling up my eyes now and then for no particular reason. 

Then the Kriya initiation began. The atmosphere in the entire hall changed once the initiation started, and the very air seemed to be vibrating with sacred power. As I took out my dakshina, my mind began to behave like its usual self and started to tell me about all the things I had done wrong and was going to go wrong.  

Was the dakshina appropriate? Was it enough? When I would walk up to Mohanji, would I stumble and fall and drop everything and ruin the divine atmosphere? This last concern was not baseless since I have a hard-earned reputation for being as graceful as a drunk bull in a china shop.

May be an image of 2 people, beard and text that says ""

A gaze divine

Soon, I was walking to the side of the stage with my dakshina in hand. As I stood there while waiting for my turn, the worries eased, and a quietness fell within me. As I walked onto the stage and approached Mohanji, he looked at me. Mohanji’s eyes looked red, and at that moment, I felt as though I’d received a glimpse of something incomprehensible to my mundane brain. I’m not capable of describing it further. 

During the initiation, Mohanji’s fingers on my forehead felt abnormally hot, and though my mind was empty, there was a feeling of being in the presence of an immense power. Later, when I was standing for the group photograph, I realized I was swaying like standing on a boat. I tried to control it since I was standing with everyone for the picture, but the swaying continued. I tried again with more determination, and it finally ceased. 

The following day, I woke up early and went to the Samadhi Mandir for darshan with some wonderful new friends. I had carried my Sai Satcharitra with me in my bag, and as we began moving towards the main hall, I took out the book and held it with no particular intention. Then I thought – it would be nice to get a leaf or petal from Baba to keep in the Satcharitra. 

After darshan, we left the hall and went towards the neem tree. At that point, a member of our group kneeled down and reached through the steel bars to pick up some fallen leaves, and she gave me one too, which I accepted with great happiness and love, and felt very moved that such a small wish of mine too had been fulfilled by Baba. Then we visited the Chavadi too and stood outside on the road outside Dwarkamai for some moments. Overall, my wishes related to Sai Baba were all fulfilled that morning.

The day began with a group Mai-Tri session, which was really powerful. I felt wonderful internally by the end of it, but there was a crushing pain in both my shoulders. I’ve had pain in my shoulders for years now, but it usually afflicted one shoulder at a time. And the pain had never been this severe. It actually felt like my shoulders were breaking. Also, my head felt very heavy, and extreme drowsiness overcame me. It wasn’t ordinary sleepiness. It felt as though I’d taken a powerful medicine and was dealing with its effect. I couldn’t keep my eyes open and was almost afraid that I would fall off the chair and cause a small planet-sized dent in the floor. 

Mohanji arrived soon, and when he remarked that everyone looked sleepy, I felt a little relieved that I wasn’t the only one struggling to be awake. Mohanji asked everyone to do the five-speed breathing to get rid of the drowsiness. Preethi Gopalaratnam guided us through the process. It helped me feel more alert, but the sense of drowsiness continued during Mohanji’s morning satsang. When there was a lunch break, I was worried that I would feel even more drowsy after a meal. Instead, as soon as I’d finished my lunch, all the drowsiness vanished, and I felt refreshed. A Mai-Tri Practioner confirmed later that the session had been very powerful, and the drowsiness and pains were indicative of the energies working in me. 

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The devotion of Hanuman

During Mohanji’s second satsang that day, I listened with full alertness, and tears continued to flow out of my eyes frequently. When he began speaking of Hanuman’s devotion to Shri Ram and how Hanuman would not tolerate even a word spoken against his Lord, I couldn’t control my tears. His words had reminded me of an argument I’d had with someone close to me about the Shirdi retreat. They knew very little about Mohanji, and their only intention had been to make sure that I would be safe during the trip.

While they had not expressed anything hurtful, the doubts that I had sensed in their questions had upset me, and I had responded harshly. I had felt astonished later at the rage and hurt I’d felt in those moments. And I realized that the incident had helped me understand just how much devotion and faith I had in Mohanji, and my lingering irritation towards that person turned into gratitude. 


After the powerful satsang, Mohanji gave Shaktipat to several people in the hall, and I was fortunate to be one of them. During Shaktipat, an almost unearthly peace and silence filled up my insides. As I stood with my eyes closed and hands joined, a white light appeared in my vision towards the left. The inner peacefulness and stillness lasted for a long time afterwards.

Later, many people queued up with books, crystal bracelets and malas to get them blessed by Mohanji. They talked to him about their doubts or problems or just conversed with him happily. I decided to get my purchases blessed the next day and just sat watching Mohanji for some time, trying to think about what I could say to him when I finally got the chance. And as has been my experience during the Empowered classes, I couldn’t think of anything to ask him or tell him. I only wanted to be in his presence. 

When we were returning to the hotel after the programme, it struck me that I wasn’t feeling tired at all, and I hadn’t felt tired on the previous day too despite the long road journey to Shirdi. And that was astonishing, considering even a 20-minute walk is usually enough to make me think I have earned two full days of rest. I realized Mohanji’s energy and blessing were keeping all exhaustion at bay. That night, I got my periods. I walked to the photograph of Sai Baba in my hotel room and thanked him happily for having permitted me to take his darshan that morning. 

The next morning, Mohanji’s satsang was yet again powerful, profound, and also full of humour and warmth. Laughter rang out through the hall again and again. I had all my usual periods-related aches and pains, and shoulder pain from the previous day had not subsided fully, but I was oblivious to all of it. When it was time for Mohanji to sign and bless books and other articles, I quickly joined the queue with a book and two bracelets in a pouch. 

May be an image of 2 people, people standing, fire, outdoors and text that says ""

Digambara, Digambara

I was also carrying a coin that I had received (along with other prasad) via courier from the Sripada Srivallabha Mahasamsthanam in Pithapuram after registering for a puja online. I had become a devotee of Sripada Srivallabha Swami ever since I’d read his charitamrutam at the end-2020 and had also accepted him as my Guru. And strangely, it was after that turn in my life that more and more of Mohanji’s teachings began to come my way, and an inner transformation began. And I’ve felt since then that Sripada Srivallabha Swami guided me to Mohanji.

Coming back to that morning in the retreat, I had a brief confusion if I should ask Mohanji to bless the coin too. Then I decided to go ahead and keep the coin in the pouch. Instantly, the song that was being played in the hall changed to “Digambara Digambara Sripada Vallabha Digambara”. I think it played for a couple of minutes, and then the previous song returned. I almost laughed in a burst of exhilaration. 

As I moved closer to the stage, I tried to think of something I could ask or share with Mohanji. But nothing crossed my mind. The contentment of being in Mohanji’s presence continued to overrule everything else in my head. And ultimately, I remained silent and just smiled happily as Mohanji signed the book and blessed the bracelets and the coin, and I felt intense gratitude as I touched my head to his feet.

The dance of the Ganas

As Mohanji left the hall, I felt sad, but there was also a strong feeling that I had gained something miraculous that would not be lost. And needless to say, I was extremely grateful for the grace that had allowed me to be in his presence for three consecutive days. 

However, once Mohanji left, I became conscious of all my physical discomforts. I felt listless and tired and had considerable pain in my shoulders from the previous day. I struggled to sit through the Power of Purity meditation. Mentally and physically, I felt very reluctant to participate in Conscious Dancing, which was scheduled as the day’s last event. I even wondered if I ought to go back to my hotel room after lunch and leave for Mumbai. 

But there was a strong instinctive reluctance to leave, so I found myself sitting in the hall when it was time for Conscious Dancing. But the whole process was explained so beautifully and with such wonderful energy by Monica Nedic that I rose to participate with considerable interest and enthusiasm. It was very intense and brought up a lot of emotions, but it was also powerfully healing. And I’m so glad and thankful that I was given a chance to experience it. 

Towards the end, we had the choice to either sit with our eyes closed in meditation or dance. I sat down with my eyes closed. The floor was reverberating with the energetic footsteps of those who were dancing. 

A thought of Lord Shiva’s Ganas flitted through my head. And my imagination showed me a picture of the Ganas dancing exuberantly in joyous abandon around their beloved Lord. 

Then Mohanji appeared in place of Lord Shiva, and all those who loved him and devoted to him became the Ganas. The thought and imagery caused a wave of emotions to engulf me, and tears flowed down my face. 

May be an image of 1 person, standing, fire and text that says ""

Unforgettable visit

I was on an emotional high for days after my return to Mumbai. And then, by the grace of Sai Baba and Mohanji, I was granted the opportunity to revisit Shirdi in January 2022. I was able to take darshan in the Samadhi Mandir thrice over two days. During the first two visits, I was preoccupied with anxieties and could not pray peacefully. 

During the third darshan, I was still thinking of some issues rather than praying while walking towards the hall. But as I moved ahead in the line and began to come closer to Baba’s samadhi, I was suddenly hit by a strong feeling of Baba’s presence pervading everything around me. It was a very intense, emotional, blissful feeling that ‘Baba is everywhere’. It overpowered me wholly, and I forgot all my worries. The feeling persisted after I left the Mandir and began to walk to the exit. It was as if I could sense Baba’s presence all around me at every step. Baba was in the air itself. It was a very intense experience, and I had a hard time concealing my tears from my family. 

This was the first time I had such an indescribably beautiful experience. And I know without a shred of doubt that it happened only because of Mohanji’s grace and blessings. I love visiting temples and have had the good fortune to visit many shrines over the years, including the Samadhi Mandir. I have often felt exhilarated and moved by the power in holy places. But this had been unlike anything I’d felt before. And not only did it grant me a tiny insight into the eternal truth that divine consciousness pervades everything, but it also helped me understand how transformational the presence of the Guru can be in our lives. 

A resetting of the inner self

Over the next week, my parents and aunt developed fever and cold, and they tested positive for covid, and so did I. But despite the chaos and general anxiety, I instinctively felt that the situation was a blessing from Sai Baba in a way that couldn’t be grasped logically and that Mohanji and Baba were with my family throughout and taking care of all of us. There was a constant sense of being held carefully by loving hands. 

I also believe the powerful teachings and techniques imparted by Mohanji through the Empowered programmes helped me handle the tension and worries with much more stability and calmness than usual. It enabled me to do whatever I could to take care of my family without being too disturbed by all that was happening. 

On the whole, after the Shirdi retreat, I’ve felt as though my inner self has hit the reset button and that I’ve finally reached a major turn in the road that I’d been travelling towards for ages. 

I offer my humble pranams, filled with deep devotion and gratitude, to my Guru, Mohanji, for his divine grace and presence that has blessed my entire being and pray for eternal refuge at his holy feet. 

Shirdi experiences – part 1

May be an image of 1 person, beard, sitting, wrist watch, glasses and indoor


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 10th February 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Master’s presence

Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada

Living in Mohanji’s Datta Tapovan Ashram in Canada, we often feel Mohanji’s presence without presence, and I would like to share something beautiful that happened recently.

Every year before Lord Dattatreya Jayanti, I do the sadhana of Guru Charitra parayan. Shri Guru Charitra is a holy book of the Dattatreya Tradition written in the 15th century. The book recounts the holy life of Shri Dattatreya, Shripada Shri Vallabha (around 1320 A.D to 1350 A.D) and Shri Narasimha Saraswati (around 1378 A.D to 1458 A.D), their philosophy and teachings. It contains many mantras from the Vedas, shlokas and stories. The language used is 14th-15th century Marathi. It can be read daily or as a Saptah Parayana (7 days) or in 3 days.

For the last three years, I have done it for seven days. Now that my reading speed has improved and I can understand the teachings better, I felt that I could finish the parayan sooner and opted to go for three days. For any such sadhana, I keep Mohanji’s picture amongst other things at the altar, but this time I also placed Mohanji’s eye-card in front of me.

I would pray every day before reading, asking Mohanji to forgive me if I have done anything wrong, for any mistakes in reading, or if I’m not focusing, to please make sure my mind is there when I’m reading. I would also ask Mohanji to please listen to me – that was my prayer all the time.

On the 18th of December, there was a retreat in Shirdi with Mohanji. I wanted to attend and paid for it. The first satsang was at 1 am in Toronto, Canada. Before this, a group Mai-Tri session was conducted beautifully by Preeti Duggal. It was a powerful session, but as it was after midnight, I started to feel sleepy, yawning as the satsang started.

Mohanji came in and said he would answer some questions. Then he must have felt something about the group energy, and as I was yawning, he suddenly said, “People are sleepy, and they are yawning; let’s do the 5-speed breathing.” This was shocking for me; it was as if Mohanji saw me yawn and was speaking! Madhu’s wife, Preethi, did the breathing technique, making us stand up etc., and I also followed the instructions, feeling awake afterwards and ready for Mohanji’s satsang.

The satsang started, and all was going well. Suddenly, I thought that my skin was feeling dry for some reason, and I wanted to apply some moisturising cream to my hands. It’s quite common to get dry skin during winter, and this thought occurred to me out of the blue. Listening to the satsang on the speaker system, I went to get the cream bottle and started applying the cream onto my hands very nicely and slowly, fully focusing on what I was doing, not really listening to what Mohanji was saying.

The very next sentence I heard from him was, “For example, when we put some cream onto our hands ….” and that startled me again. Oh my God, Mohanji, not only are you listening to me, you are watching me! So I immediately put the bottle away from me and then onwards started to pay full attention to the satsang. 

After their lunchtime, we had Datta celebrations here in the ashram, and I heard Mohanji saying we should share our leela (experiences); that’s what prompted me to share these lovely moments of Mohanji’s omnipresence with everyone. Every now and then, Mohanji has given darshan here in Mohanji Datta Tapovan ashram; every now and then, he has confirmed his presence here, that he’s here and watching over us.

That day was beautiful; we were laughing and enjoying every moment. It was Poornima (full moon day), it was the 18th (1+8 makes 9, a special number in numerology), and we were celebrating Lord Dattatreya Jayanti. It was a very special day for us at Mohanji Datta Tapovan ashram.

It so happened that I also had my Consciousness Kriya level 2 training on that day. My gratitude to Lord Mohan Dattatreya for giving us this sacred technique. Mohanji is our Tradition. Mohanji is our gateway to the universal truth. By following his teachings to take the journey inwards, may we reach our ultimate goal.

Mohanji Canada team feels so blessed to have Mohanji in our lives. Our loving gratitude to Mohanji, Lord Dattatreya and the Tradition.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 13th January 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Kriya initiation – a rebirth


By Shobha Thorve, India

During one of our Kriya sessions, I got the news that Mohanji was going to initiate us on 17th Dec 2021; I could not contain my excitement and happiness. Since that day itself (which was around 21 days prior), daily, I was waiting for the day of Kriya initiation. The day was supposed to be the one when I would have met Mohanji for the first time (me being a new baby in Mohanji’s family since November only), and day and night, I was fully engrossed in Mohanji’s thoughts only.

Finally, the day arrived, and we left from Mumbai to Shirdi for the program. The moment I stepped into Shirdi, I started feeling Mohanji’s beautiful and soft energy a lot wherever I was, the hotel, the neem tree and the venue for initiation. After the Kriya session conducted by Jyotirmayi ma’am, my eyes were completely glued on to him when I saw Mohanji for the first time. His childlike innocence, simplicity in words and speech were all so endearing. It was the epitome of unconditional love and compassion sitting in front of us. 

With bated breath, I waited for my turn for Kriya initiation. I saw such beautiful expressions of the Kriya initiates as some were utterly silent, some emotional and all of them just completely in gratitude towards Mohanji. When I stepped in front of Mohanji, my heart was beating very fast, and I kneeled in front of Mohanji (also feeling Datta and Vittal Baba himself), surrendering myself completely. I could feel the divine touch of Mohanji’s fingertips on my forehead, which changed my entire existence, my inner configuration. The energy which he transferred to me was something that my physical body couldn’t take up, and for some 5 minutes, I was into a completely different realm. 

When I opened my eyes looking at Mohanji, Shobha was no more there. I just felt my breath moving in my chest, my heartbeat, every atom of my body, the prana flowing in me, my mind, my ego, my intellect, all my five koshas; just everything belonged to Mohanji. I was just relishing the ecstasy of the new birth with Mohanji’s divine touch. That was the end of me as an individual and what just remained was the pure love of Mohanji in me. I was just sitting quietly, not feeling like talking to anyone and just being in the beautiful presence of Mohanji.

I saw how with so much love and kindness, Mohanji received everyone that evening, blessing them very much with his grace and love. I have never seen such a Guru in my life. I had read/heard of Guru Dattatreya through his incarnations like Sripada Srivallabh, Swami Samarth, and Sai Baba, who gave himself completely to us. He was just selfless and unconditional love. I saw that Mohanji was also unconditional love personified, innocence personified, compassion personified, humility personified, simplicity personified, and personification of all the possible adjectives one can find in the English/Sanskrit/Hindi dictionaries or a dictionary of any other language.

Mohanji’s presence, words, energy, love and expressions filled me with the grace of Datta himself. The only words that echoed in my heart were gratitude towards Datta for blessing me and all present there with his grace. Mohanji warmly and lovingly accepted the quilling portrait, which he made possible with his guidance through me. His blessings, words and love are something that has made a house in my heart forever.

This was the most beautiful day of my life, which I don’t know for how many lifetimes I had waited for; to be with my Guru, be with Gurudev Datta himself, and receive the promise that he will be there with us for lifetimes.

My search for eternal happiness, eternal contentment ended at Mohanji’s feet. In Shirdi with the Kriya initiation, Shobha was left behind, and the one who returned back was the daughter of Mohanji, who is madly, deeply in love with him. My heart yearns only to do his seva by living his teachings and serving everyone around, considering him in all of them.

Now, whenever I step outside and feel the energy of the sun, coolness of the moon, the air, water etc., I feel it’s Mohanji’s love all around. Life has become so beautiful and filled with his love now. I just can’t stop thanking Mohanji for accepting me for who I am, loving me, receiving me, and making me his own (Mohanmayi as I refer to myself now).

Thank you to all the people in the Mohanji family for enabling this beautiful transition. I couldn’t have asked for more in life.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 30th December 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team


By Stasa Misic, Serbia

Right at the beginning, I have to say that I have always had a wonderful life as far as material things are concerned, as well as the love of my beautiful family. I never really lacked anything, and I always had everything I needed and more. This only means that I had chosen perfect parents to whom I am grateful, for accepting me as their daughter. Since childhood, I have been tormented by questions on the meaning of life, that is to say, its meaninglessness. Does it really all come down to being born, studying, working, and dying? In one word: suffering! What’s it all for? I had a thousand and one questions to which my mother could not answer, so that in the end, she even bought me a book, ‘One Thousand Questions and Answers’, thinking that this will put her out of her misery. However, I found no answers to my questions in that book. I recall how even in preschool, I was pondering upon the question: “If I hadn’t been born and did not exist in this world, would I know that?”

My intensive search for answers began in the year 2000 when I fell into depression. That’s when for the first time, I experienced homeopathy, which without a doubt helped me the most. The cause of my sorrow was the course of my life which, upon finishing secondary school, was no longer going down the ‘normal’ path. Everyone around me was finishing their studies on time, getting a job, getting married, having children, while I was feeling completely stuck in the midst of it all. Absolutely nothing in my life went the way “it’s prescribed, and it should be”. Of course, that’s when I started reading many books on spirituality. One of the first ones was ‘Awakening’, which was bought once again by my lovely mother, who made the right choice this time.

After that came other books, TV programs, videos… followed by the workshops on psychological wellbeing and self-help. I tried all sorts of things and methods, which I practiced scrupulously, continuously, and for a long time to change my life in a material sense (and by that, I don’t mean just financially). But nothing was happening. While applying each of those methods, I’d always develop a big expectation. I wouldn’t have been doing them in the first place if I hadn’t been expecting some positive results, at least in some aspect of my life. But nothing was happening. Afterwards would always follow disappointment and sorrow. And then I’d lift myself up once again, giving it another try, which would always end up with the same negative outcome.

Then came May 2013, and my first meeting with Mohanji in a satsang in Novi Sad. I remember him answering the first question on free will, saying in his first sentence that free will is just a myth and that it exists only before we take this body. At that moment, I had a feeling as if I was relieved of an enormous burden, and I felt an incredible lightness! Since then, I started attending the meditations regularly, and the next year followed the first retreat as well.

Soon I discarded all the techniques I used to practice, which were only adding to my burden, and I simply started gradually accepting life circumstances. Thanks to Mohanji, I now realized that the only thing that I can change is the way in which I perceive my situations in life and nothing else! And even more important, I was paying less and less attention to what others think I should do with my life and whether they think my lifestyle is normal or not. Peace started settling within me. Of course, this peacefulness still gets disrupted, but the states of peace and bliss are becoming longer and longer. 

My life, as seen from the outside, was still the same! Nothing has changed! I still don’t have a ‘normal’ steady job, nor my family, husband, nor children. I have nothing that is considered ‘normal.’

However, deep inside, I have changed. I no longer have expectations, and for that reason, I also don’t have disappointments because of something that didn’t happen. I accept life situations more and more, and the urge for an impulsive reaction is less. I also started releasing myself from the guilt for not doing things differently. I stopped forcing myself to be something I’m not. And all those people who were making me feel guilty and who had plenty of ‘wise’ advice for me are gone from my life. I also started interfering less in other peoples’ lives with my advice, as I finally realized that everyone has their own path to follow and that it could be no other way, no matter how disastrous this path might look to us, the outsiders! 

Naturally, I am still far from that complete inner purity, and I still get upset, bothered and angry by others. But when it happens, I am aware of my anger, and I try to see the situation from a different perspective. For who am I to determine whether something is right or wrong and whether someone should behave differently?!

Apart from meditations, Conscious Walking, Kriya, and Yoga, I found incredible help in Mohanji’s blogs that I have been translating for a long time and my modest volunteering engagement for Mohanji Foundation. I am very grateful for this opportunity to do something that I immensely enjoy doing and which is at the same time beneficial to others as well.

Never in my life have I searched for a Guru, nor did I have any idea what is the purpose of having one. It all simply happened the way it did because it had been written so even before we came here, just like Mohanji said. I try as much as I can to go with the flow of life, resist less, and give my maximum in the given circumstances. And all those other desires that I used to have, I no longer long for. If they are meant to come true, at the right time, they will; and if not, it only means that they weren’t supposed to happen in the first place.

I’d like to express my infinite gratitude to Mohanji for finding me, as well as to all the people who led me to him and to all of those who helped me realize Mohanji’s immense spiritual power. Not everyone has the privilege to comprehend His immense spiritual stature and power. I don’t know if I would have, hadn’t I been surrounded by such wonderful people who helped me in it.

Finally, of course, I’d like to express my gratitude to my wonderful parents and the entire family who have been supporting me immensely in all this in every sense of the word.

Infinitely grateful!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 29th April 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Transformations through selfless service


The Testimonials Team is happy to publish a series of beautiful experiences by our volunteers. Selfless service brought forth wonderful experiences that helped them recognise and accept the various transformations happening within them. We share here two profound experiences by Sankaranarayanan Meetna and Chitra Aylam.

Transformations after meeting Mohanji

by Sankaranarayanan Meetna

Like any other ordinary man and totally new to the spiritual world, when I met Mohanji, my overwhelming feelings were mostly in the form of anxiety and doubts. I often asked myself about my preparedness and my eligibility for any possible entry to this new wonderful world. But very interestingly, each time a new question or doubt awakened within me, I happened to get an answer either through a speech or a blog/FB post of Mohanji

Sometimes I felt that through these valuable hints, Mohanji was directly addressing my doubts and questions!! 

It has been six years since my first meeting with Mohanji. I don’t know about the spiritual part, but yes, there is an emotional transformation within me. Earlier I was very serious about all happenings in my life, like thoughts, patterns, persons, acquired properties etc. Quite often, I used to fall prey to my anger and cry for self and others’ perfection. Honestly, I can say that after I started learning through Mohanji’s teachings – blogs, speeches and satsang etc., slowly but steadily, he made me understand the need and importance of ‘Self Awareness’ in all walks of life. 

Mai-Tri Method

Among the numerous things I received from Mohanji, an important technique was the Mai-Tri method. I had been suffering from a headache for quite a long time. One day the problem got very acute, and I decided to get a Mai-Tri done. With Mohanji’s grace and the effect of Mai-Tri, I got complete relief from my headache.  

On another occasion, I had participated in the online Group Mai-Tri Method session conducted by Preeti Duggalji during the peak days of the Covid 19 pandemic in July 2020. During that session, I experienced a bright light energy fly away from my Swadhishtana Chakra level. Though I was not sure about the effects of this, overall, I felt so pleasant after that. I hope a sort of inner cleansing must have taken place because of this Mai-Tri. I express my gratitude to Mohanji and Preetiji for this beautiful experience.

Participation in Seva Activities

With Mohanji’s blessings, I could participate in a few seva activities also. The first seva activity I participated in was at Kurnool during the Ugadi Seva in 2017 – an annual offering of seva activity for the Shiva bhaktas going to visit Sri Sailam Shiva Temple. It was an eight-day-night service camp, including oil massaging of Shiva bhaktas’ feet, serving food/drinking water, medical treatment, resting place for the bhaktas etc. Masters – Nadananda Guruji and Mohanji were enormously pouring their blessings on the Shiva bhaktas and gave the energy to the seva volunteers who were involved in seva activities throughout day and night. The vibrations from Shiva Mantra chanting by both, Shiva bhaktas and the seva volunteers bound them together as one entity, as both surrendered fully at the feet of Lord Shiva. Thus the seva would become above all doership and ownership barriers. It transforms from mere performing karma to a divine state of oneness. Everything felt fully dissolved in Shiva Tattwa. 

With Mohanji’s blessings in 2019, I could participate in the ‘Sabarimala Ayyappa bhakta pada seva camp also. This service was specially meant for those Ayyappa bhaktas going to the Sabarimala pilgrimage by walking more than 60 km through dense forest. Here our seva activity was oil massage of Ayyappa bhakta’s feet.

Conscious Walking and Consciousness Kriya

Before applying for Consciousness Kriya training, I used to practise Conscious Walking alone. I would start the walk around our apartment premises early at 5.30 am. The walking path was almost three fourth of a kilometre around the apartment block. I used to walk about eight rounds, enjoying the nature and strengthening my connection within. 

And after a wait of almost six years, I was blessed to enrol into the Consciousness Kriya practice. I had applied online for the CK training programme. On 12th December 2020, I underwent the CK training programme online and have been practicing consistently since then.

To conclude, all these techniques and practices helped me immensely. Slowly this ‘self-awareness’ started to give different colours to my habits and my overall outlook towards the world. I am so impressed with Mohanji’s teachings of “how to get relief from anger and disappointment”. He explains that we need to accept everything and everybody the way they are, not change them according to our requirements. This also enabled me to get rid of my unnecessary worries and fears!

I am unable to claim any specific spiritual transformation within me during this period. However, I am sure of one fact without a doubt that I am a bundle of so many karmic residues which are difficult to break or dissolve. I do not have any detail of the same. Only one thing I know is I badly need the help of the Master. Since the Master can understand everything within in no time, only the Master can help me out in this matter. I hope he has already started some work on me by hammering, hitting, pulling and pushing over and over again, as the rigidity is so strong in order to mould me to a different shape.  

I hope many more experiments and testing periods are on the way. 

Without wasting any more time or doubting his power and disrespecting the Grace of the Master, I humbly surrender fully at the feet of my Master Mohanji.

I’m truly blessed for having so many experiences during my journey as a seeker. My humble and ultimate prayer to Mohanji is to guide me towards the path of Eternal Liberation kindly. I express my humble gratitude and pranaam to Mohanji and prostrating at his feet.

Awareness through Service

by Chitra Aylam

Kerala was hit by floods in 2018, six months after I first met Mohanji. I had known only very few followers of Mohanji by then. When I saw people in panic, I quickly called my immediate family members and discussed what to do on our part. Seeing my fellow beings in such a plight and keeping quiet was not possible for me. At the same time, I sent an email to the volunteer team by searching on the website for activities initiated to assist the people in Kerala but didn’t get any reply. So, after two days, I messaged Sri Devadas, who promised to let me know. Within one or two weeks, I started buying, sorting, packing, distributing, attending to many calls through WhatsApp, messenger etc., which was almost a 20-hour work. 

But, when I saw people didn’t even have enough clothing and were waiting for some organizations to bring them food and water, I understood that Mohanji initiated every work I was doing for a good purpose. Each time I stepped out of the house to buy for the service, I would find many others offering the same stuff without being asked, guided by the Masters to reach out to the right persons. I understood that in the absence of ego, the Guru works through us; the only thing that matters is faith in the Master.

Now, during this pandemic, Kerala is more strict compared to other states, and it is difficult to hand over stuff to patients, inmates of any orphanages or the deprived directly. But, recently, when I went to the palliative care (hospice), two hours away from my house, I found that someone whom I have not met yet but connected with the hospice (where so many inmates are waiting for their last call) had arranged with the Director for my visit to those patients. I could see the leela of Mohanji here too. Significant learning is – Mohanji does all the work, and I am just an instrument for him to work through.

Daily at home, birds come for food and water because all the hotels nearby are closed during this period. For me, every sharing gave me an insight into where I stand now and allows me to be grateful for whatever I have with me. Sharing is caring. When I see the beautiful smile on the receiver’s face, a pleasant feeling of contentment fills my heart. I get benefitted when I feed my fellow beings, whether human, animals, plants, birds or fishes. So many people have lost their jobs or salary has been cut. So, only through kind words we can change the depressed states of many. 

I bow down in gratitude to dear Mohanji and Ammucare Charitable Trust for raising my awareness level regarding ‘Daan’ (giving). 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 8th April 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Miracles in a dream

side profile

By Bhumika and Eesha Arvind, Canada

My daughter Eesha wanted to share a dream she had of Mohanji. We had submitted the Consciousness Kriya application on August 23rd, 2020. Following that for the next 1 1/2 weeks, Eesha was getting angry at petty things, and she was doing things that may have gotten her in trouble. I thought that her growth spurt was causing this trouble. Something in me was intuitively also telling me that Mohanji is testing her. Anyways, Eesha really wanted to share her dream and her love for Mohanji and asked me to send this to Mohanji. I am writing this with a hope that it reaches Mohanji. Eesha is not my daughter; she is his daughter. I surrender at his lotus feet.

Eesha shares:

Hi, my name is Eesha, and I am 10 years old. I had submitted my application for Consciousness Kriya last month. After much anticipation and vigorous process, my application was accepted on September 27th. I had a dream of Mohanji on September 9th. He spoke to me about my Kriya application. My mummy encourages me to write my dreams. After that dream, I knew, for my heart said that Mohanji would accept my application, I told Mummy I am accepted for Kriya on that day. I am sharing my dream I had of Mohanji. He did many things like Sai Baba did, like Baba curing leprosy, and controlling fire.

 My dream:

 It was a sunny day; my mummy was out feeding the birds; we were all outside. On the garage roof, there were two eagles. One was the bald eagle, and the other one was small and had golden streaks all over it. We were watching them. The smaller eagle with golden streaks came, flew around all of us and sat on mummy’s shoulder and stayed there. After some time, other animals started appearing, snakes, bunnies, lots of birds and then a tiger came.

The tiger was coming towards me; I got scared and went into the house. It followed me to the door. It was just standing there, looking at me, and it was talking to me as I heard it say, “Are you scared?” and I replied, “Yes, I am scared.” Then the tiger said, “Come out, I won’t hurt you; I just want to play with you.” When the tiger was talking to me, it felt like Shiva. His voice was sweet but deep like Shiva (not that I know Shiva’s voice, but that’s what I felt). When he was talking, some water was coming out of his head, and that reminded me of Shiva and the thing that struck me the most was the tiger’s skin as that was what Shiva wore in a picture. So, I went out, and I saw that mummy, daddy, and Haresh were not in the backyard anymore, they had gone somewhere.

I saw Mohanji sitting in front of the fire pit talking to a woman in our backyard. I felt like he was having a private meeting with her, as no one else was there, only me. They were talking in some language; I felt like Mohanji told her to get something from the garage because he pointed to the garage and said something, and then she went to the garage. When she was in the garage, Mohanji called me to him because I was still standing at the door. This time he called me in English.

I went and sat down in front of him not minding the grass pricking my skin. Then (like my mother would do) I folded my hands in front of him and prayed to him for a few minutes. Mohanji started talking to me. He said, “My dear child, you have been getting angry because I have been testing you to see if you are ready for Kriya.” When I looked up at him, I was confused as his lips weren’t moving when he was talking to me! Instead, he had folded his hands like me (Namaste), and it looked like he was praying to me when he was talking to me telepathically.

Then he continued to speak, “So you are asking me for another chance?” This time I was even more confused because I did not say anything like that; in fact, I had not said anything at all! Then I thought, maybe my soul is talking to him and instead of my human body. I told him in my head that everything happens for a reason, and everything is your doing. I just thought in my head, “Oh lord, I do not know what you want from me, but I know everything happens for a reason, and it is all your doing!” Then the woman came back and was speaking with Mohanji. When they finished talking, a crowd came to see Mohanji. (I was thinking my mom had seen Mohanji and had told everyone she knew and they had told everyone they knew and everyone had come).

 Then, in the crowd, there was a guy with leprosy who came walking towards Mohanji. When he saw that Mohanji was with a big crowd and there was nowhere to sit, he started going towards the garage, but Mohanji called him to the swing. Mohanji asked someone to get a rudraksha mala and gave it to the man. When the man got the mala, Mohanji asked him to take the mala apart. The man took the beads apart, gave it to Mohanji. Mohanji blessed it with Udi that came out of his right hand, and he said, “Swallow these beads”. When the man swallowed the beads, his leprosy went away, and his leg went back to normal. The crowd was astonished as it happened in a snap of a finger.

 The dream continued. This time I was at a school and Mohanji was teaching. It was my school with all of my friends, but Mohanji was the teacher. He taught us, and at the end of the day, we went home. Out of the blue, a fire started, and it became huge. We asked Mohanji to make the fire go as none of the fire trucks were able to put off the fire. So Mohanji came, and he told the fire, “Get down, get calm, what is this ruckus you are making.” He kept bashing the stick on the ground and with every bashing, the fire got smaller until it was gone.

Then we all went home; Mohanji was following me back to our house. He was going to have dinner, and he took his dinner outside. Mohanji after finishing food was lying on the grass, looking up at the stars. I was looking for Mohanji as I wanted to eat with him. I saw him in the front yard, and I thought he would leave as he had finished his food. I ran to him and sat down beside him and ate. We were talking, and when we were done, he hugged me and then we went to sleep. He came inside, and I checked on him before going to sleep to make sure he was sleeping at home.

Love you, Mohanji. I pray to you every day. When will you come to Edmonton, Canada?


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 11th October 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Healed by Nature


By Liz Flood, UK

Trees: Guardians, sentinels, connections between Earth and Ether, orchestras of Torus. Beloved Devi Mohan has offered beautiful reminders about the capacity of trees to assist our healing and spiritual awakening. Through the grace of shared awareness and truth, I humbly describe this experience in the hope it finds resonance with others who may also be helped by these most enduring and stoic of beings and, in turn, encourage us to use our compassionate awareness to help other beings.

These months of lockdown have been, for me, such a privileged time; it has been difficult to believe possible.  Chance to rest, reflect, accept and heal in unspeakably profound silence with the suspension of all demands and duties. I barely spoke – nor wanted to – for weeks on end.  It has been a precious gift of re-connection and harmony with a healing Earth, during which love and gratitude often rose spontaneously like a fountain springing tears of blissful joy.  I had no embarrassment at all – no one was there to see, and I sometimes chose to believe that each hot drop carried a vibration of love and compassion to other beings who, at this same moment, might be suffering due to the pandemic.

Inevitably, the soft edges of this enchanted bubble became more permeable, and encroaching responsibilities and requirements crept slowly into focus. I tried to maintain some sense of balance and detachment as duties returned, recognising in myself the selfishness inherent in any resistance.

Yet as my boundaries continued to be challenged and broken, I could see that each abrasion and scratch represented my causal layer in action.  In fact, it grew clear how many bad habits and thought patterns were affecting my ‘normal’ life, impairing my ability to add value to the world and progress spiritually. I badly needed clearing out and cleaning up! So when the 41 days of Power of Purity (PoP) meditation programme was announced, I grabbed the chance.  It’s been truly lovely and more wonderful still to find myself waking up and looking forward to seeing a group of people grown fond and familiar by Zoom.

Just over halfway and today, I accepted that the past few days had been taken over by extreme negativity; I have been bleak and black. Ego suffuses me with a sense of being unworthy of all the incredible help and support I have been given, and I’m unlikeable. Everyone just wants to contradict me and tell me I’m wrong. About everything! I might as well stop bothering.  I really can’t concentrate at all during Kriya or PoP, so don’t deserve them. I am blinded by a dark cloud of shame and unhappiness.  Oh, Mohanji! How can I offer up such a cesspit, a concoction of tamasic ingratitude, a well of self-pity? You deserve better!

Action was needed. I went to the woodland I go to often and looked for a tree. Normally a tree I choose for this practice would be something like an old oak. Singular and large – a giant demanding of attention for its beauty and nobility. Today, however, there was too much risk of disturbance by people and dogs enjoying their freedom. After 20 minutes walking, I found a more modest Scots Pine, hidden away from any path, at the edge of a stand of them overlooking the hills and valley below. Following Devi’s instructions (and not for the first time!) I said hello to the tree, requested permission to sit and sat down with my spine straight at first, then reclined gently, so the upper part of my back touched the trunk. 

Closing my eyes, I started to breathe vertically, from root to crown, connecting downwards into the earth on the out-breath, upwards into sky breathing in.  Minutes passed. Gently gently, there was an increasing sense of vibrations harmonising – my aura body was bonding with the aura body of the tree. I kept breathing – it was quite a different experience than I was used to with the grand oaks, more subtle, lighter, almost playful. A hoverfly sang by my nose. A bird rustled the leaves at my feet. I forgot entirely that this body and mind were remotely important. I opened my eyes and realised something incredible was happening. All the other trees were also reaching their aura bodies towards me. These trees were actually a singular consciousness, unimpeded by individual minds or personalities!  This realisation shifted a deep opening within, and my tears once again flowed freely with the deepest love for these stunning and amazing beings.  In turn, this seemed to increase the connected consciousness between us and more and more loving vibrations. They were beings of limitless endurance, strength, unstinting loyalty and love. What they do for our planet is completely selfless yet of incomparable value. Wow. Really.

Eventually, with the most sincere gratitude to these and all trees, I stood to leave. Walking away, I was aware of how all the trees in the woodland now seemed aware of my passing.  This is something I had noticed on previous occasions. I think it might be that, for a short period of time, we become part-tree ourselves, or at least our aura body has assimilated some tree-spirit that the others recognise.

I bumped into someone I knew who could see that I was intoxicated by my experience, laughing and full of joy – healed!

So I came home to try and put this into words. And to encourage others, if this attracts you even a little, to please try and communicate with these beings.  After today, I feel so certain that it is not only we who can benefit, but the trees also seem to gain something by the connection and expressing compassionate attention and love.  Mohanji has clearly stated a need for us to connect with nature in this time of the Corona Virus and explained that we share singular consciousness; today the trees helped me a little way forward in realising what this means. Thank you. I am truly blessed. Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu. Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi.  


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th September 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

My experience with Guru Raksha Homa and Intuition

by Bhumika, Canada

I wanted to take this beautiful opportunity to share my experience of the Guru Raksha Homa. I have read testimonials about it and had contacted an Acharya in June about the same, but there wasn’t any inclination in me or instinct to get it done. I just felt that I have the protection and blessings and don’t need to do this. It was also shared with me that the Homa not only helps the individual but also helps to cleanse the entire family lineage. It seemed alien to me. Since I didn’t understand, I didn’t think of it much and left it at that.

I have experienced that when Mohanji needs to get something done, he will arrange for it, and execute it beautifully. On Monday, August 17, 2020, the primary announcement was made about celebrations over the weekend (Ganesh Chaturthi, Sreepad Srivallabh Jayanthi, and second Anniversary of Datta Tapovan Ashram). That same day in the morning during meditation, the word ‘Homa’ flashed into my head, out of the blue. By now, I am getting a little familiar with the variety and beautiful ways Mohanji communicates and reaches out to his devotees. So, I contacted the team at Datta Tapovan Ashram in Toronto and received a confirmation on Wednesday that the Guru Raksha Homa was scheduled for Sunday. I wouldn’t have missed this opportunity.

On Sunday, August 23, I read Mohanji’s blog on Telegram, where he shared about his beautiful daughter Ammu. It was Ammu’s 20th death anniversary. After doing the kakad aarti, I spoke with Mohanji (his picture) and felt his pain as mine. He knows everything that conspires so he may not have needed any comforting, but I still attempted to comfort him. I did feel the pain, but I was able to focus on his message that something beautiful came out of it, Ammucare happened, and now it’s globally supporting so many human beings in various ways and fulfilling the mission.

It was time for the Homa and other scheduled events for that day, and I was able to participate in the events with ease without getting worked up. In the night, I heard Mohanji’s Podcast – “In memory of Ammu- Loss transformed into something positive.” Something shifted within me, listening to Mohanji’s words and his voice. Contrary to how I was able to see through and focus on the bigger picture, in the night listening to him, I couldn’t focus on that. I felt a deep pain within.

I was caught with Mohanji’s comments and details shared about the last day he saw Ammu alive. He shared minute details about that day, Ammu’s wet kiss on his cheeks, it felt as if it was just yesterday. And the circumstances described by Mohanji that he had to leave and Ammu was crying, as flights and plans were scheduled and needed to be executed; that’s where I was stuck, I wasn’t able to see past it.

I realized that my emotions were running high and combined with fear, it was picking momentum and turning into something nasty. I have a toddler who had had a difficult birth and continues to struggle with health and immunity to the extent that he had to be incubated when he was not even a year old and I didn’t know whether he would survive.

Seeing him go through so much, I guess there must have been a fear that was rooted deep within me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had an intuition to call Bhavani, Mohanji’s Acharya from the USA. Bhavani was very generous and kind to unconditionally give her precious time away from her family and kids. I am so grateful to her for that day. I was heading to a very dark place, I was tipping over a cliff and falling, and Mohanji held my hand by working through Bhavani.

I started sharing details with Bhavani and also mentioned the Guru Raksha Homa. From her experience and listening to my history, she tried to convince me that this is all part of cleansing. She said, “You may have had a deep-rooted fear of losing a child, and it could be that you may have had this experience in your previous lives. With the Homa, it’s coming to the surface and cleansing is happening from your system.” She was really kind to me and very generous to share details from her life. It is any parent’s worst nightmare to lose a child, and I am no different. I went on crying and sobbing. Bhavani tried in so many ways by giving many examples to convince and comfort me and assure me that nothing wrong will happen. She commented that your faith would be tested at every step and to hold on to it tightly. And when nothing was happening, she firmly commented, “Okay, you can either hold on to your faith or keep crying like this”. LOL!!!!!

It may have been her voice, but those were Mohanji’s words. And I knew it was Mohanji, but the moment Bhavani uttered those words I could immediately experience a shift within me. I felt Mohanji was frustrated with me as I was so engulfed in emotions that nothing logical was registering in me, not even the evidence from Bhavani’s experiences. Mohanji has a lot of patience, but I was exhibiting delirium, for no reason.

That comment from Bhavani and in the way she said it did the magic. Listening to the words, “Hold on to your faith” took me out of the dark place. I calmed down, stopped crying and was peaceful. Bhavani stayed with me over the phone until she was convinced that I was okay. What started with crying and being fearful ended up with laughter, discovering a connection and love!

I have been part of the celebrations at the Datta Tapovan Ashram since Friday afternoon via zoom. Sunday was the last day of celebrating the festivities. Bhavani helped me conclude my prayers by offering Dakshina. Prayers should always be accompanied by Dakshina in any form. With Bhavani’s guidance, I donated towards Mohanji Ka Aangan and ACT4HUNGER; both the causes close to my heart. I felt so fulfilled, light and happy.

Only after talking to Bhavani, I could see through Mohanji’s leelas and his divine blessings. He directed me to get the Homa done for my benefit on such an auspicious day and freed me from a deep-rooted pain or fear that I wasn’t even aware of. If left unaddressed, it may have grown and interfered with me moving forward on this path. There was plenty of chanting and positive energy around me since Friday with the prayers. Mohanji’s Canada team worked effortlessly to ensure all the devotees tuning in via zoom have blissful experiences. It was just beautiful. Kudos to the entire team! Thank you Mahesh Ji for the Homa.

I am so thankful to Bhavani. I am filled with gratitude and love towards Mohanji. He gives unconditionally and doesn’t expect anything in return.

Before sleeping, I offered gratitude to Mohanji. The fear which had once engulfed me transformed into firm faith. I told him (to his picture), “Mohanji, you will never let anything happen to my kids. I know they are protected. I know you will take care of them. As a parent, you have experienced the loss of your daughter; in my heart, I know you will not let me go through that excruciating pain.”

The next day morning after my Kriya, I checked my messages and Bhavani had forwarded Mohanji’s quote that day, and you won’t believe what He had said. It is so surreal, at times, I have to pinch myself to make sure this is happening. Mohanji’s quote was,

“You will not have the struggle what I went through because I have already made the path for you to walk on, effortlessly.”


Mohanji really loves us unconditionally, his love is just infinite!

He was firm with me when he needed to be, and then he embraced me as a mother when I needed the assurance and motherly love. Mohanji is a lot of things for me, a friend, (my only friend), mother, father, and Guru! He works tirelessly for all of us. He takes so much upon himself. What I can comprehend based on my capacity and eligibility doesn’t even touch the surface of how generous and kind he is. It’s beyond my comprehension. He is with me in ways that I am not even aware.

To all those who are reading this, please know that I have never met Mohanji in person and I only started following him since April this year. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter how long you have known him in this life, whether you have met him in person, or if you are in close proximity to him, he doesn’t need a physical body to connect with us. He is energy, and we have to connect to that. And Mohanji repeatedly comments and asks us to connect with his consciousness and not stay limited to his physical form.

I am sharing this because I used to be that person who always used to wonder, “Why not me”, “When will I get such an experience”, “Oh, I wish I had that too”. I think the shift happened when I started to let go, surrender and began to experience others’ experiences as my own, I could feel their happiness and be with them in their experience. With Mohanji’s grace, I have started having awareness and recognition of his mystic ways. He communicates in so many ways, and it’s so beautiful even to describe it. In my experience, he will give me messages during meditation or through another devotee, dreams; I will hear his voice. There is an intuition, and I will follow it. Most of these messages are so out of character for me, that I know it is not my mind playing tricks, rather some higher divine energy in play. Mohanji has connected me to specific Acharyas for a specific reason. He has orchestrated events for me to be at the right time to receive the information required. Things such as listening to a replay of a video under the ‘Women Power Online Boot Camp’; joining a satsang where a guest speaker shares her experiences of her journey to Kailash with Mohanji, (I was not even aware of this event and received a last-minute invite).

Similarly, I got last-minute access to participate in Conscious Dancing with Devi Mohan on zoom; got my driver’s license renewed on the last day in 10 minutes! I can go on and on and on; there is no end to it. All I can say is, I love it. It’s like walking on water; it’s so liberating like someone is carrying me off my feet, I don’t feel the burden, the pressure. I just feel love!

Mohanji wanted me to get a Homa done, he knew that it is something I needed, but I had no clue. He spoke to me through Bhavani and said exactly what I needed to hear. His quote the following day was an assurance to me that he has heard everything I said to his picture the previous night and he was assuring me that he will not let anything happen.

Those who have just joined Mohanji, please don’t let anything come your way in connecting with him. I am telling you, he listens when you talk to him, even to his picture.

It is my ancestors and my parents’ karma that I am reaping the benefits and Mohanji’s grace in this lifetime. I have never experienced such unconditional love in my entire life. If I take one step towards him, he is taking ten towards me.

Believe me; I am not special; I am nothing. All I do is keep talking to him; that’s all I do. Whatever comes to my head, I tell him.

Sorry, Mohanji, there might be ‘message traffic’ coming your way in future and knowing that you love silence, this will be fun! Just kidding, I love you from the bottom of my heart (you can be at multiple places at the same time) I have loved you in my previous lifetimes too (an intuition). Writing this experience is also an intuition, it has been on my mind all day today, and I knew I had to do it.

Mohanji, always, always bless us!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 6th September 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Guidance from Masters

Mohanji smile (4)

These are two lovely testimonials of how Masters appear in our lives and take care of us through various mediums. The love and support of our Mohanji Acharyas in Canada are also very much appreciated by these two ladies.

Maureen Matthew, Victoria BC, Canada

I am deeply blessed to have two precious Mohanji Acharyas in Victoria BC, Canada. Through this challenging time of Covid-19, I have been guided to do 40 days of daily chanting of the Gayatri and the Maha Mrityunjaya mantras with my Acharyas. I felt the incredible vibrations within my being through this new experience even though it was on zoom. I was also graced by regular Mohanji Mai-Tri sessions with these two dear Acharyas. I felt so supported spiritually.

During this time, my deepest concern was for my 94-year-old mother in a Montreal care home, so I focused my heart energy on her loving comfort when she had Covid-19. I had many painful emotions, but instead of resisting them, I allowed them to fully be and practised letting go and surrendering to the Divine. Half the 160 residents in Mom’s care home died, while Mom and a 101-year-old woman were the only 2 survivors on the 3rd floor of the 3-floor residence. Remarkable!

I have learned a great deal through this grief period and am much more aware of egoistic noise that can create blocks. I am humbled and strengthened by the surrender process. I’m also forever grateful to have Mohanji’s love and guidance in my life and to be gifted with Cini and Eric, Mohanji’s devoted Acharyas.

May you all feel the power of Mohanji’s love in your lives.

Blessings, and namaste to all.



By Supreet Bedi, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Baba’s leelas are never-ending! Recently I shared with you that I have been following Mohanji since last year, but not like a Guru, more like a person who talks from the heart and whose talks make sense. In the meantime, I also met one of the Mohanji Acharya’s in Canada, Sanjay bhaiya (brother). He has been very encouraging, going out of the way in his efforts to get me on this path. But besides Sanjay bhayia’s efforts, my mind was stuck, the only thing that used to come to my mind was that my Guru is Sai Baba, how can I follow another Guru.

I want to mention here that about a year ago, I had a few dreams of Baba. In one of them, I saw that I was walking down a street where there were two houses in front of each other. On one side, on the wall of the first house, I saw a big framed picture of Shirdi Sai Baba looking like a king, and in my mind, I thought maybe it’s a picture of a Raja (king) and as my eyes wanted to see Baba, I was seeing him. Now, on the other side of the road, I saw a man dressed like Sathya Sai Baba and again I thought, this can’t be Baba, he is no more, it must be someone pretending to be Baba, like someone in a performance. Then I turned my head to the other side of the road to confirm my vision once again and I then saw a small statue of Baba moving the neck as if dancing, and there were colours in the street like Holi (festival of colours) as if it was something auspicious.

During that time there was some turmoil going on in my career and I thought it was a sign that everything will settle down. However, things remained the same at work and nothing changed, but today when I think about this dream, I feel it meant spiritual progress initiation for me.

Coming back to the present, Baba patiently watched me doing nothing and then decided to take matters in his hands! For about 1-2 years, I had been having a very strong feeling that I have to do something but I was not doing it as if there was some kind of blockage on my inside. I started correlating it to the outside world; career, job, household work and my pending lists but after doing the required, nothing relaxed that feeling. I couldn’t control my worry anyway. In the meantime, Covid-19 happened and I was given time, but again I took to satisfy the needs of my family – cleaning the house, cooking new things, watching TV and sometimes even getting up late, but that feeling was still there and I wasn’t feeling happy. I started listening to podcasts by Deviji and Mohanji. I felt as if Baba was getting me closer to Mohanji, but again my doubting mind would not settle. I finally decided to ask Baba with chits in front of him. The answer came – follow Mohanji – and I asked again to confirm, and the second time, the answer was still the same and I said to Baba, if this is your wish, Mohanji will be my Guru.


I started following Mohanji from the heart and I started reading ‘Autobiography of Yogi’ as advised by Deviji on Podcast. I had read only a few pages when Sanjay bhayia asked me to apply for Consciousness Kriya. I read a little online about Kriya and I was kind of scared to commit to such a big responsibility, plus I didn’t have much understanding of the process. I asked Baba again and he said, go for it, so I submitted the application. It took me only 5 minutes to apply, meaning, without really thinking much. From my side, I submitted it but it never got submitted on the website and Sanjay bhayia kept inquiring if I received any confirmation and I said no. He said he would check.

By this time, I was progressing with my book (Autobiography of a Yogi) and started developing the feeling that I have to wake myself up and needed to work towards my journey to liberation. 4-5 days passed by and Sanjay bhayia told me that due to some technical issue the application was not submitted and I needed to fill it again. He texted me one morning at around 5 am. I was sitting in front of Baba and decided to fill the application. You would not believe this, that this time when I was writing everything was coming from the heart, I was crying while filling the form and I took about half an hour to fill it, the form that I filled in 5 minutes last time! As I submitted the application, I got the confirmation email right away. Baba wanted to shower the grace of Kriya on me but wanted to make sure I was eligible for it, and then 2 days later, I received the email for acceptance! Baba’s ways are always unique!

Many thanks to Baba and Mohanji for showering their grace on me and accelerating my journey to liberation!

Mohanji and Sai



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 18th June 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team


Are dreams real?


by Bhumika, Edmonton, Canada

Sai Ram!

Throughout my life, I have been a person of extremes. I have always had experiences with deep intensity. For most of my life, I had an opinion that this characteristic of mine, ‘feeling everything so intensely’ has not worked in my favour. In the fall of 2018, I experienced a significant loss that shook me to the core. I have been an ordinary devotee of Sai Baba. However, following the loss, my devotion toward Baba grew substantially. I felt a very intense calling and understood that only at his feet, I will find solace. Baba is so kind and merciful, the more deeply I longed for his grace, the more experiences he gave me.

From there started this journey of attempting to live life consciously and being aware. I started watching videos of Gurus and saints on YouTube. One day, a suggestion of Mohanji’s video popped up. It’s been over 18 months now that I have been watching Mohanji’s videos. I always felt this attraction toward Mohanji’s teachings, his talks. I felt connected with it, I found it practical.

This year March 2020, I had a desire to spend some time at the Dattatapovan Ashram in Toronto. I contacted Mohanji’s team and soon got a reply from Sanjay ji in Toronto. What started as an informal conversation has grown into a beautiful song of Baba’s leelas within a span of two months. Since then, Sanjay ji has been instrumental in my journey or rather he is chosen, for which I am very grateful.

I was very keen to get Baba’s Padukas home for good. I inquired from Sanjay ji how I can get Baba’s Padukas home. Within a week or two, he sent me Mohanji’s Padukas from Dattatapovan Ashram. Mohanji’s Padukas reached me on Monday, May 11, 2020, and I received his picture on Thursday. Everything was perfect and orchestrated in a timely manner to arrange the Asan for Mohanji.


On Thursday morning, Mohanji visited in my dream. I would like to share my experience which left me ecstatic and spellbound.

“Mohanji was here in Edmonton. I was introduced to him while he was eating lunch. After lunch, he asked me to come to see him. A plate was set in front of him. On the plate, I saw an idol of Lord Ganesha, Padukas, pictures of other Gurus (I don’t know their names). I was sitting in front of Mohanji, looking into his deep eyes and just soaking in the moment. Then I heard Mohanji speak, his voice changed to a deep husky voice of an older man. He spoke to me in Urdu and said something really fast (I didn’t understand). I just smiled at him and said, “You are my Baba!”. Then I was teleported to Shirdi. I saw Sai Baba standing in a field. I heard his voice. I was with Sai Baba at Dwarkamai, where Baba used to sit leaning on the wooden hand rest. He spoke to me about human birth. Then I was back with Mohanji. I was washing his feet and felt so blissful.”

This dream answered my silent query of loving Maulanas’ songs and feeling the joy of visiting Dargahs.

I have not met Mohanji in person yet, but feel so blessed to be accepted by him.

I want to share a small detail regarding the frame that is used for Mohanji’s picture. This frame has been at home for over 18 months. And we could never find something that would fit perfectly in the frame. It was waiting for Mohanji’s picture to arrive. What are the odds, for the frame to be empty for such a long time and Mohanji’s picture fits perfectly? This is not just a coincidence.


While I was in the bliss of these experiences, my connection with Alpa ji and Sanjay ji was growing much stronger. It feels as if I have known them for ages.

Following the visit from Mohanji in my dream, so much has changed. I am part of a chanting group. I have submitted my application for Consciousness Kriya. These past few weeks have been a testimony of what Mohanji says,

“When a Master appears, we will not remain the same anymore.”

The following week on Wednesday, May 20th, I had another dream of Mohanji. This time I was in the Dattatapovan Ashram, Toronto. I saw Mohanji flipping pages of a book or magazine. And I saw my picture in the book while he was flipping the pages. It was the same picture that I had sent when submitting the Consciousness Kriya application. I didn’t think much about it, I was just happy and blissful to have a visit from him again.

mohanji with book

On Friday, May 22nd, I connected with Sanjay ji. In our conversation, as we were sharing stories of Baba and Mohanji, he suggested I write my experience. I shared my recent Mohanji’s dream. After Sanjay ji clarified what it possibly could be, I thought, “Isn’t this wonderful to have already received the message from Mohanji and now Sanjay ji was wording the message for me in a way that an ignorant fool like me will understand.” There is a higher force working. Sai Baba always used to support good thoughts and orchestrated events to bring good thoughts to completion!

I pray that this joy and blessings be bestowed on everyone. May his kindness and mercy give directions to all of us. May his grace always stay upon us and guide us. May he give me the wisdom and strength to practice his teachings in day to day life and offer this as Guru Dakshina at his lotus feet.

Jai Sai Ram. Jai Mohanji!

bhumika pic


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th June 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team