Walking the Streets of Shirdi with God

by Aditya Nagpal

The Mohanji T-Shirt

Today, I was walking on the streets of Shirdi wearing a Mohanji t-shirt. A monk stopped while crossing me and bowed down to Mohanji’s photo on my t-shirt. I asked the monk if he knew Mohanji. He said yes and added,

“He (Mohanji) is the greatest masiha (messiah) on Earth.”

As Mohanji usually does when encountering strangers, especially monks, I asked him if I could offer him food or if he needed anything. He declined to say he wasn’t hungry but asked me to buy him medicines for pain relief. I took him to a nearby pharmacy, got the medicines and opened my phone to pay using a wallet app. Seeing Mohanji’s photo on my phone screen, he asked to see it. For a long time, he looked at Mohanji’s picture with awe. Then he reverentially bowed down to Mohanji’s picture and said,

“He (Mohanji) is God.”

Mohanji’s picture on my mobile phone screen

Finally, he took the medicines and asked to leave. I bade him goodbye with the customary salutation in Shirdi, “Om Sai Ram”. He looked at me and said, “You don’t have to say ‘Om Sai Ram'”. Looking at Mohanji’s face on my t shirt, he said,

“What you have there is beyond everything. He is God.”

As he left, I stood mesmerised at what had just transpired. Since Mohanji’s accident, this message has been reiterated again and again, “You have no idea who you are with” Probably a direct and strong message from Sai Baba to drive home that point in Shirdi.

Especially what he said, “You don’t have to say ‘Om Sai Ram’. What you have there is beyond everything. He is God.” As if to say, stop focusing on dead Masters’ frames on the wall and miss the One (Mohanji) they sent for us to connect as a living Avatar. Soon Mohanji will also join them on the wall. A warning to ensure that should that happen, we have no regrets and have made the most of that huge blessing of association.

I received a confirmation of this experience when I read the following experience of a Mohanji follower. I had no communication with this person who wrote the post (either before or after). Their experience follows:

This morning at 3am. I was reading Aditya Nagpal’s post of his experience in Shirdi of meeting with a monk who bowed down t Mohanji’s picture on his t-shirt and told him,

“Mohanji is God. You don’t need to look for other Gurus anymore. Mohanji is the greatest masiha (messiah) on Earth.”

I’ve been sharing this post with friends on my messenger. I then messaged S. C., a new Mohanji follower from the Philippines, whom I got connected on FB very recently. I excitedly asked him if he had read Aditya’s post about Mohanji. He told me he woke up just a minute ago and had a dream of Mohanji. The dream was shockingly connected to Aditya Nagpal’s post!

I was in a car with Mohanji and another person that looks like a sannyasi (a renunciate) as he was wearing saffron robes typically worn by renunciates. It seemed like we were going to a supermarket and I was asked by Mohanji to accompany him to buy some groceries. When we arrived at the supermarket parking lot, I grabbed my wallet and took a hundred peso bill from it and gave it to Mohanji as an offering. He smiled and accepted the bill. Then, I took his right hand and did a pagmamano gesture (a Filipino gesture of grace intended to give honor to the elder and ask for their blessing), At first, he seemed hesitant of the gesture. I probably guess because I was already in His presence which is a blessing in itself! He then smiled. As we exited the car, I heard a voice (probably from the accompanying sannyasi) that said: “You are blessed and fortunate to be in the presence of a Brahmamurti (a living image/Idol of God). He is a walking God! You are graced with His darshan (holy sighting).”As we closed the car doors, the dream ended. Exactly when I opened my eyes, I received a chat from Joanna that very minute asking me about Aditya Nagpal’s post on Facebook. Such an incredible synchronicity! I humbly thank Mohanji for granting me his darshan, even if it be a dream… Thank you

In closing, this was a confirmation for me of what Mohanji has always reiterated, “One should spend a lot of time to find the Master that is right for them and is connected to the Source. But once they find the Master, they should stop their searching and focus on deepening their connection with the One they found. Further search, comparisons or lingering doubts will render their efforts futile.” I have always followed that dictum. Alll my altars have only one Master – Mohanji.

Mohanji has summed it up beautifully in the phrase,

“One Master, One Path, One Sytem, One Goal (Liberation).

‘Om Sai Ram’ to all from Shirdi! But wait I have just been told, “What I have here is beyond everything. He is God.” I better stick to ‘Jai Mohanji’!

Note: Mohanji will be in Shirdi this December 2022. Experience His grace in-person or live online. More details on the Mohanji website

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

On a rocky road to Nepal

by Ulla Bernholdt, Denmark

It seems like a wonder that I embarked on a trip to India to meet Mohanji in Shirdi at the end of December 2021. What a huge blessing of a lifetime it was to celebrate Datta Jayanti with him at the feet of Sai Baba and the Dattatreya tradition! Not only that, but I was also graced soon to go to Nepal to introduce Mohanji and his teachings.

Let me first tell you about the rather miraculous background for the travel.

In June 2021, I received an e-mail from a person named Rabi who inquired if any Mohanji activities were going on in Denmark. He told me that he had experienced a vision while meditating in which two unknown persons appeared. The first man was an elderly, poor-looking man who pointed his finger at a younger man with long hair and a beard. The younger man spoke, but the words were not audible.

When I read this, pictures of Sai Baba and Mohanji immediately came to my mind.

Rabi continued that when he opened Instagram the following day, the first photo he saw was that of Shirdi Sai Baba. He now recognised the man from his vision and came to know his name. Curious, he searched YouTube for material upon Baba and found Mohanji’s videos about him. He recognised Mohanji as the other person, and now he had found both.

We arranged to meet the next day, and I was excited, especially because when I’d read his LinkedIn profile, I’d realised that his real name was Gurudatta! Rabi was just a name he had chosen for the sake of convenience. This must be some guidance from the Tradition, I thought. What will happen next?

Gurudatta told me he was from Nepal, and he wanted to visit his home country the following autumn to do seva. I asked if I could join him. We teamed up and started doing ACT4Hunger annadan from Denmark remotely through our volunteers in Nepal.

Our plan to go to Nepal was postponed a couple of times, but when we suddenly got the news that Mohanji’s Dattatreya Jayanti retreat in Shirdi was happening within three weeks, we purchased tickets.

At the retreat, I met up with Gurudatta and his mother. Before leaving Shirdi, we took Mohanji’s blessings plus his instructions and advice regarding visiting Nepal, doing annadan and T-shirt donations for protection and visibility in the country.

We had flight tickets from Delhi to Kathmandu, but unexpectedly, we were both denied access to the aeroplane due to positive Corona tests! Usually, at home, I would go for a second test to confirm, but now we had to make our minds up quickly because my Indian visa was about to expire.

We agreed to go by bus to Nepal in the afternoon and quarantine if needed in Nepal. It was a ride of nearly 900 km to the Nepali border in Sonauli.

Arriving at the border, we found out that I needed to travel another 100 km to do my new PCR-test in Gorakhpur, the place of the grand Gorakhnath mandir.

After taking the blessings of Gorakhnath, who is the incarnation of Shiva himself and is the patron deity of Nepal and the one who decides who can enter the country, I received a negative covid test, and I was ready to cross the border.

Back at the Indian immigration office, they told me to come again the next morning. The same officers said they could not allow me to exit early the next day because my Indian visa had expired the previous day. And here, the calamities started.

Gurudatta was able to leave. Being a Nepali citizen, he stayed with his relatives just across the border. We stayed in touch online.

I had to stay back and go to many different offices far from the town, but with no outcome. We made a lot of phone calls to the different authorities in India, Nepal, and even Denmark, but nobody could help me get an exit permit. In the process, I had to go through an online application, and there was no time limit set to it.

I now stayed at one of the only available hotels at the border, waiting to leave India. What are the normal living conditions for many people in Asia became a severe challenge for a western conditioned mind.

It was a cold hotel with muggy walls and no hot water if there was water at all. There was no electricity during the daytime—no places to eat except a sweetshop that served snacks only. Very poor internet connectivity made telephone calls a challenge. On top of it all, I also found that people would ignore me when I asked them about something or that people would make fun of me when I walked the street, being the only foreigner in town. Communication was not easy either, as practically no one spoke English in that area.

I must admit I had previously carried a romantic fantasy that if I had to isolate, I would only be happy to deepen my practice, meditate and chant. But this situation was so unexpected that I could not find peace of mind to practice seriously.

I remember Mohanji saying that he creates situations and circumstances for people to test them. Or rather, the Tradition tests you.

And I was tested!

My SIM card expired, and the internet was not working.

It seemed like there would be a new issue on top of the other each day. I thought to myself, is this a bad joke? But it was real, and I started to feel the heat and pressure within as the situation escalated.

One week passed, but I still did not receive permission to leave. I observed my mind becoming more unstable as my expectations of going to Nepal were not met.

We had announced our arrival in Nepal beforehand, and people were waiting to meet us and participate in Mohanji events. I could even peek over the border, but I could not go.

My mind questioned if I would be able to go at all? Maybe I was not eligible to go? I felt desperation creeping in.

I would pray to Mohanji and Gorakhnath to hold my hand throughout this experience. Not at one point in time did Mohanji leave me. I asked Mohanji to please help me to be able to go and serve in Nepal.

This seemed like a big-time test. Did I have enough determination and clarity of purpose needed to go to Nepal?
Would I give up? Would I quit? Would I turn back?

I felt I had no choice but to stay put despite all the obstacles. Going to Nepal was what I really wanted. Keeping in mind that all situations and experiences, good or bad, will pass, and having come this far, I waited rather impatiently for the obstacles to dissolve by the grace of Mohanji and time.

Now that I was in exile, deprived of comfort, I had to face all my addictions, dependencies, and patterns of insecurity. There was nothing to do but feel it.

I cherish this experience today because there is so much relevance and authenticity in observing your mind when under pressure. A mind full of constant craving, never satisfied and filled with endless desires.

Sitting in my room, the mind itself felt like a prison, and I felt I was here on a life sentence. This is a simple truth that we would normally avoid facing.

It was not that I missed the comforts a lot. What I longed for was a peaceful mind. I longed to be in Mohanji’s state of freedom, need nothing, go beyond the mind, and not be dependent on the outside world.

While connecting consciously to Mohanji, there were moments of causeless happiness in the middle of this agony. Mohanji is like the calm centre in the eye of a hurricane. He carried me all the way through like a silent companion.

As the days passed, my state of mind slowly started changing, and a transformation happened.

From feeling totally helpless, I wondered what else I could do when I could not change my situation. I longed to do something purposeful, so I started feeding the many stray dogs living outside of the hotel. I felt how it cleansed me and brought me new positivity and stability. Next, I tried to plan for a bigger annadan for people in the town. I had noticed that many of them looked very poor, pushing heavily loaded bicycle rickshaws all day.

I looked for people who could help me cook food, but suddenly, my application for the exit permit went through, and that was the end of 14 days of staying in an unknown place.

As if a dark spell had lifted, the people at the immigration office suddenly started to act friendly and humane. It was like being in a play that had all the ingredients of a drama, even a happy ending. One police officer listened to my story and kindly offered to take me in a rickshaw to the next town to sort out the complicated online payment for the exit permit, which I could not do with a foreign card, and help me prepare to leave the next morning. He said he saw his daughter in me and that it was his moral responsibility to help me. I had no other option than to trust him and Mohanji that his intention was pure. The policeman was indeed very helpful, and trusting him helped me get out of my situation.

Overall, it has been a fantastic experience. We often forget to be grateful for what we have and remember that things we take for granted can leave us in a split second.

Only the hand of Mohanji helped me get through these challenges. He inspired me and encouraged me to keep walking, not to give up, and keep the focus on my purpose. Through his own example, he reminded me that we can always do something for others even when we cannot do much for ourselves.

I thank him for the experience that made me once again realise the raw power we have inside to rise above the situation and our need for grace from the Master and God, without whom we are absolutely nothing.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 24th March 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

The Omnipresence of Mohanji

Whatever the activity – Guru Raksha Homa, meditations or a simple wish, these four testimonials show the unseen hands of Mohanji embracing his devotees with love and compassion.

Experience in Shirdi

Alok Nath, India

It’s my first time in Shirdi. The day after the Kriya initiation, I went to Shirdi Baba temple early morning and felt the lightness when reaching near the samadhi. Then, I attended the group Mai-Tri as part of the retreat, prayed to Mohanji and ancestors, and tried to be present there. Preeti Duggal Ji started the process, saying it was Mohanji who was doing it. After some time, I started to feel vibrations in the right side of my face, cheek, neck and shoulder, where there were already energy blockages from an accident. It went deeper as time progressed; it became so intense, like all toxins were being pulled from my jaw bone and neck. My face was moving towards the right side like someone was walking around and pulling it, and I was resisting it. It became heavier as she said, “Kali Ma is here, Mohanji is here, Sai Baba is here.” My head was already bent down when she said we could bow down to Baba. It was that intense healing; I couldn’t even put my head up; it was totally bent with energy vibrations on the right side. It was very hard for me to open my eyes when the process ended. 

In the afternoon meditation session that day, I slept intensely. Q n A sessions with Mohanji gave me more clarity. The next day, it was Power of Purity meditation after the Satsang. It was the best one I have ever done; I could easily follow it deeply. Earlier times, I couldn’t raise my hands in a blessing position, but this time, it was smooth; the energy was totally different. 

Then came conscious dancing. I even thought about whether I should attend the event. When the process started, they said Mohanji was there, but I thought it was just an event for fun in the end. I tried not to resist and moved with the flow. Different emotions were rising, and tears started to appear, which she said could happen initially, but I thought it wouldn’t. Dimensions were shifting with grace. It was really hard for me from the heart chakra; I couldn’t talk much when it reached the throat chakra. It clearly showed me the blockage in expressing. When bhajans were on, tears were rolling on their own. Whenever I focussed on the outside, especially through my eyes, I was losing the flow of the process. Then I could hear Preeti Duggal Ji telling all to close our eyes to feel more. Everybody was enjoying in their own ways with Masters’ Grace. Thanks to Devi Ji for designing this session. 

The next day, there was a tree plantation, and I left Shirdi with Masters grace to nearby Ankai fort where there is an Agastya temple. Many things are still happening. Even if I don’t understand, I can see how background work is being done from above for all to receive grace. THANKS TO ALL.

Meditation Miracle

Jelena Raičević, Serbia

Jelena shares a testimony of the “Power of Purity” meditation held in Belgrade, Serbia. Many people experienced that Mohanji comes astrally to be with the participants when his meditation is practiced. 

First, I felt that Mohanji was standing behind me and that he placed his hand lightly on my shoulder. Then, as my palms rested on my knees while meditating, I felt his palm on my hand. When he let go, I saw that he started walking around the room, tapping/caressing people on the tops of their heads. He came near my friend Sanja, who was also meditating in the room and had never met Mohanji before. He held her hands and gently tapped her head. Then he hugged her. Then he returned to me and held both my hands. His hands were below, and he kept mine above, on his. Somebody told me that this way of holding hands is typical for Mohanji in everyday life, that he often holds his hands in the way described. Later, when we completed the meditation, my friend Sanja asked me, “Hey, did you hold my hand during the meditation?” We were one and a half meters away, so there was no way that I would have been able to reach her. I said I didn’t. She said, “I felt it physically, and also the warmth of the palm on mine.” I responded that it wasn’t me and that I saw Mohanji had come and held her hand. She said, “I felt it was him, but I didn’t want to seem like I’m imagining, so I thought, perhaps it was you.” 

Guru Raksha Homa

Mahesh Balerao, Canada

Guru Raksha Homa was performed for three families on Thursday, 29th April 2021. These three families requested to get the Homa performed on their behalf. The families were from India, USA and Canada. 

During the Homa session, Mohanji’s energy and presence were observed and captured on the camera. Every time I start a Homa, I always connect with our Guru, Mohanji. At the start of the Homa, chandan smell was experienced and to confirm Mohanji’s presence, a big letter “M” was visible in the Homa fire.

Mohanji, as the fire element, can burn any unwanted, unresolved, past lineage situations/karma and protect the whole family and their lineage. Guru Raksha Homa is very specific for lineage karma situations and unburdens the weight of unresolved situations. Fire is the only one of the five elements that remains pure and burns the negative or unresolved situations. 

When the Guru Raksha Homa is performed at the right time and space, Guru Mohanji steps in to resolve family lineage problems. Based on acceptance and only if karmically allowed, the Homa protects the current situation and helps the past seven generations and seven generations in the future. Lineage has karma which is passed on to every generation, and the complicated relationships make it even heavier. Mohanji removes and burns unwanted situations that are causing or creating problems to take the whole lineage towards liberation. Our path and Tradition leads us towards liberation (freedom).

Yesterday, when I was performing the Homa, I observed and realised the same – the burning of unwanted karma. While performing the Homa, I could see and feel the exact situation of a devotee’s house burning and destruction happening. Homa pictures with black, dark smoke represented the same, and at the same time, I heard Mohanji speaking and talking to birds and animals, making them happy and making sure that they were not affected by the fire; he was with the animals and birds in the property site to help them feel comfortable and calmer. Later, the devotee confirmed that the burnt house had the presence of many birds, and a peacock actually came and sat on the rooftop. They have never seen a peacock before in the neighbourhood!

Mohanji’s energy was working in 360 degrees and sucking up the whole negativity sitting there, and then Ganesha appeared from Mohanji’s energy, indicating a positive turn. Ganesha was seen planting the Nagvel – the green leaf we use for puja or any auspicious ceremony. It was a situation where Mohanji blessed the devotee beautifully.

Mohanji then started working on another family. This family has deep-rooted connection with Mohanji over generations. The family is going through relationships problems.

Although their connection to each other was very strong, they were not content in life and had difficulty facing the experiences and facts of life, having doubts and second thoughts when decisions had to be made. Often, the intellect created situations for the family to separate, and their relationships were broken. 

Mohanji, as a Guru and our energy source, did cleaning and hovered over the past-life situations to restore friendship and companionship. It was a lack of understanding and not helping each other to understand the soul aspects of relationships. Within Mohanji’s energy, Siddhas confirmed a powerful connection with the family. They performed fire rituals within Mohanji’s energy and discussed the relationship between companion souls, and restoration of relationships happened through Mohanji. 

Love and peace were prevalent, and Mohanji’s presence was fully felt in the situation, showering blessings on the children and their future activities.

Surprise Divine Birthday Wish

Bhumika Arvind, Canada

I am writing today to share Mohanji’s limitless kindness and compassion. It was my son’s seventh birthday. A day before, I had contacted Preeti Duggal to find out what to do with Baba’s shawl that I had recently received. She guided me that it’s okay to wrap my son in the shawl for protection and love. On the day of his birthday, the day was going along. I checked my email and was just blown away. There was a birthday card from Mohanji. I couldn’t believe it and stood there staring at it. I rushed to share with everyone at home, especially my son. He was busy playing with his new toys. But when I showed him the card from Mohanji, he paused and looked at it; I still remember that look on his face; he was surprised and curious but at the same time very happy. 

I wrote to Preeti di sharing what had transpired and how unexpected but such a beautiful, divine gift and blessing it was. I take her for being such a beautiful tool in Mohanji’s hands. She mentioned it is grace, but she didn’t share anything with Mohanji. 

I shared the recent update with my husband. I knew this was Mohanji’s leela, but my husband went on with his detective work. So he tried calling people at the Mohanji Datta Tapovanam Ashram to figure out who may be involved and to express gratitude for this blessing. He ended up with a more puzzled look than when he started his detective work. 

Mohanji, it is you and you all the way. There is no way I can pay back your compassion and kindness. And there is no end to your divine play. Mohanji, you keep orchestrating so many leelas simultaneously and fulfilling many devotees’ desires. Your divine play has at times brought solace to me; other times have been a hit on my ego; brought me contentment and peace during distress. And I am deeply grateful for everything that you do; it is only your grace that I am made aware of your leelas, but I feel it in my heart that you do much more behind the scenes that I don’t know and maybe will never know. It will only happen with your grace. I hope that I stay in your consciousness always and forever, Mohanji, no matter what!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 1st February 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Master’s presence

Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada

Living in Mohanji’s Datta Tapovan Ashram in Canada, we often feel Mohanji’s presence without presence, and I would like to share something beautiful that happened recently.

Every year before Lord Dattatreya Jayanti, I do the sadhana of Guru Charitra parayan. Shri Guru Charitra is a holy book of the Dattatreya Tradition written in the 15th century. The book recounts the holy life of Shri Dattatreya, Shripada Shri Vallabha (around 1320 A.D to 1350 A.D) and Shri Narasimha Saraswati (around 1378 A.D to 1458 A.D), their philosophy and teachings. It contains many mantras from the Vedas, shlokas and stories. The language used is 14th-15th century Marathi. It can be read daily or as a Saptah Parayana (7 days) or in 3 days.

For the last three years, I have done it for seven days. Now that my reading speed has improved and I can understand the teachings better, I felt that I could finish the parayan sooner and opted to go for three days. For any such sadhana, I keep Mohanji’s picture amongst other things at the altar, but this time I also placed Mohanji’s eye-card in front of me.

I would pray every day before reading, asking Mohanji to forgive me if I have done anything wrong, for any mistakes in reading, or if I’m not focusing, to please make sure my mind is there when I’m reading. I would also ask Mohanji to please listen to me – that was my prayer all the time.

On the 18th of December, there was a retreat in Shirdi with Mohanji. I wanted to attend and paid for it. The first satsang was at 1 am in Toronto, Canada. Before this, a group Mai-Tri session was conducted beautifully by Preeti Duggal. It was a powerful session, but as it was after midnight, I started to feel sleepy, yawning as the satsang started.

Mohanji came in and said he would answer some questions. Then he must have felt something about the group energy, and as I was yawning, he suddenly said, “People are sleepy, and they are yawning; let’s do the 5-speed breathing.” This was shocking for me; it was as if Mohanji saw me yawn and was speaking! Madhu’s wife, Preethi, did the breathing technique, making us stand up etc., and I also followed the instructions, feeling awake afterwards and ready for Mohanji’s satsang.

The satsang started, and all was going well. Suddenly, I thought that my skin was feeling dry for some reason, and I wanted to apply some moisturising cream to my hands. It’s quite common to get dry skin during winter, and this thought occurred to me out of the blue. Listening to the satsang on the speaker system, I went to get the cream bottle and started applying the cream onto my hands very nicely and slowly, fully focusing on what I was doing, not really listening to what Mohanji was saying.

The very next sentence I heard from him was, “For example, when we put some cream onto our hands ….” and that startled me again. Oh my God, Mohanji, not only are you listening to me, you are watching me! So I immediately put the bottle away from me and then onwards started to pay full attention to the satsang. 

After their lunchtime, we had Datta celebrations here in the ashram, and I heard Mohanji saying we should share our leela (experiences); that’s what prompted me to share these lovely moments of Mohanji’s omnipresence with everyone. Every now and then, Mohanji has given darshan here in Mohanji Datta Tapovan ashram; every now and then, he has confirmed his presence here, that he’s here and watching over us.

That day was beautiful; we were laughing and enjoying every moment. It was Poornima (full moon day), it was the 18th (1+8 makes 9, a special number in numerology), and we were celebrating Lord Dattatreya Jayanti. It was a very special day for us at Mohanji Datta Tapovan ashram.

It so happened that I also had my Consciousness Kriya level 2 training on that day. My gratitude to Lord Mohan Dattatreya for giving us this sacred technique. Mohanji is our Tradition. Mohanji is our gateway to the universal truth. By following his teachings to take the journey inwards, may we reach our ultimate goal.

Mohanji Canada team feels so blessed to have Mohanji in our lives. Our loving gratitude to Mohanji, Lord Dattatreya and the Tradition.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 13th January 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Kriya initiation – a rebirth


By Shobha Thorve, India

During one of our Kriya sessions, I got the news that Mohanji was going to initiate us on 17th Dec 2021; I could not contain my excitement and happiness. Since that day itself (which was around 21 days prior), daily, I was waiting for the day of Kriya initiation. The day was supposed to be the one when I would have met Mohanji for the first time (me being a new baby in Mohanji’s family since November only), and day and night, I was fully engrossed in Mohanji’s thoughts only.

Finally, the day arrived, and we left from Mumbai to Shirdi for the program. The moment I stepped into Shirdi, I started feeling Mohanji’s beautiful and soft energy a lot wherever I was, the hotel, the neem tree and the venue for initiation. After the Kriya session conducted by Jyotirmayi ma’am, my eyes were completely glued on to him when I saw Mohanji for the first time. His childlike innocence, simplicity in words and speech were all so endearing. It was the epitome of unconditional love and compassion sitting in front of us. 

With bated breath, I waited for my turn for Kriya initiation. I saw such beautiful expressions of the Kriya initiates as some were utterly silent, some emotional and all of them just completely in gratitude towards Mohanji. When I stepped in front of Mohanji, my heart was beating very fast, and I kneeled in front of Mohanji (also feeling Datta and Vittal Baba himself), surrendering myself completely. I could feel the divine touch of Mohanji’s fingertips on my forehead, which changed my entire existence, my inner configuration. The energy which he transferred to me was something that my physical body couldn’t take up, and for some 5 minutes, I was into a completely different realm. 

When I opened my eyes looking at Mohanji, Shobha was no more there. I just felt my breath moving in my chest, my heartbeat, every atom of my body, the prana flowing in me, my mind, my ego, my intellect, all my five koshas; just everything belonged to Mohanji. I was just relishing the ecstasy of the new birth with Mohanji’s divine touch. That was the end of me as an individual and what just remained was the pure love of Mohanji in me. I was just sitting quietly, not feeling like talking to anyone and just being in the beautiful presence of Mohanji.

I saw how with so much love and kindness, Mohanji received everyone that evening, blessing them very much with his grace and love. I have never seen such a Guru in my life. I had read/heard of Guru Dattatreya through his incarnations like Sripada Srivallabh, Swami Samarth, and Sai Baba, who gave himself completely to us. He was just selfless and unconditional love. I saw that Mohanji was also unconditional love personified, innocence personified, compassion personified, humility personified, simplicity personified, and personification of all the possible adjectives one can find in the English/Sanskrit/Hindi dictionaries or a dictionary of any other language.

Mohanji’s presence, words, energy, love and expressions filled me with the grace of Datta himself. The only words that echoed in my heart were gratitude towards Datta for blessing me and all present there with his grace. Mohanji warmly and lovingly accepted the quilling portrait, which he made possible with his guidance through me. His blessings, words and love are something that has made a house in my heart forever.

This was the most beautiful day of my life, which I don’t know for how many lifetimes I had waited for; to be with my Guru, be with Gurudev Datta himself, and receive the promise that he will be there with us for lifetimes.

My search for eternal happiness, eternal contentment ended at Mohanji’s feet. In Shirdi with the Kriya initiation, Shobha was left behind, and the one who returned back was the daughter of Mohanji, who is madly, deeply in love with him. My heart yearns only to do his seva by living his teachings and serving everyone around, considering him in all of them.

Now, whenever I step outside and feel the energy of the sun, coolness of the moon, the air, water etc., I feel it’s Mohanji’s love all around. Life has become so beautiful and filled with his love now. I just can’t stop thanking Mohanji for accepting me for who I am, loving me, receiving me, and making me his own (Mohanmayi as I refer to myself now).

Thank you to all the people in the Mohanji family for enabling this beautiful transition. I couldn’t have asked for more in life.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 30th December 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons Living with Mohanji – Days 75 & 76

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 75 Lesson – A devotee of Sai Baba 

Good morning everybody. I hope you are doing well.

(Before living with Mohanji, I read many of his blogs, and I especially enjoyed following his connection and his experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba in the ‘Sai and I’ blog.)

This morning, we were up early again, as it was the second day of the seventh anniversary of the consecration of the Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Palakkad, which Mohanji attends every year. 

Something interesting for me to hear yesterday from Mohanji is that this is a service to Sai Baba to whom Mohanji credits much of his spiritual life and life in general. He has been looked after by Sai Baba because he never really had anybody – a Godfather or anyone who is looking out for him on his path, but there was always Shirdi Sai Baba there.

If you have read the blogs ‘Sai and I’, one of the stories is about when Mohanji was in Shirdi, a man from nowhere came to him and gave him a bag and said, this is from Baba. Later, Mohanji realized that it was Baba himself that gave it to him. There was a set of padukas (feet) in the bag, and those are actually in the Palakkad temple here; they sit on Baba’s feet. 

For me, having read the blogs and then seeing them there for real, it was a nice connection to make. In the morning, we went there, and it started with Abhishekam for Baba (a bathing ceremony), which went on for quite a few hours. 

It was a great atmosphere at the temple; the whole place had been set up for the festival, and everyone got the opportunity to come and bathe Baba. It was wonderful to watch. 

It was also interesting to watch Mohanji and his state because there was so much focus and bhaav towards Baba. He said in the car that for him, this is a service. He comes here every year as a devotee, and he doesn’t want to be seen as anyone higher than anybody else there. He just comes to give his service to Baba, which was nice, and it gives another testament to the humbleness of Mohanji. 

In between each of the events taking place, there’s a room for everybody who is coming in and speaking to Mohanji. Each person has their reason for coming. I’m always in admiration of how Mohanji operates and works because there’s never anything generic. Everyone comes with something, and he gives them what they need, as per what they can take, as per their capacity. Everything is always a personalized approach, depending on what the needs of that person are.

For whoever is coming to see him, he is available, which is nice. Some people travelled backwards and forwards with us between the temple and home. Throughout the day, there were people around coming to meet him, coming to see him, and it was a jolly family atmosphere, the way that he was speaking to everyone and caring for them. 

A good lesson for me yesterday was just to watch and observe Mohanji speaking to people about relationships. There was a married couple there and a few others who were just talking about relationships in general. 

Mohanji’s general view on relationships and marriage is that – people should always have their lives; they should always be free, and they should be able to come together. It shouldn’t be out of insecurity or out of a need to be there, but out of a genuine companionship for a higher purpose. 

He has spoken about this before as well. What was interesting to witness yesterday was that there was a lovely married couple there, and for them, one of the things which they must have had was a very close attachment to each other, and that was their pattern. They were never without each other, which was beautiful to see.  

Mohanji, recognizing what everybody needs, organized a situation where he brought the husband with us to the temple, so there was a momentary separation. When we came back and spoke about this, this was enough for a shift to happen for that couple, for them to bring awareness to it, recognize that pattern, and actually help them break it. 

I was just amazed at how fast, direct and practical Mohanji was and gave people whatever they needed at that time to raise their awareness. He mentioned as well that years of sadhana wouldn’t be able to bring that shift. So here I was witnessing the speed of everything happening; whilst Mohanji was attending the event, we were moving from one place to the next; he’s doing his duty and service to Sai, and he is still at the same time giving people all that they need. 

A miracle happened partly through the event, which I’ve heard about before, but I’ve never really been close to any experience of this. The lady who is running the temple invited Ananth to her home at lunchtime. 

What happened is that all the pictures in the temple/puja- room had started oozing Vibhuti – there was lots of it, all the pictures and the altar were completely covered with it. There’s one big full-size picture of Sai Baba with a flower mala decorated on him, and all you can see is the head; the rest is just completely coated with Vibhuti. That must have been a recognition from Sai Baba that he was happy with how the function was being conducted. 

A Master, whom Mohanji had met earlier, said that Sai Baba lives in Mohanji’s third eye. When I came back, one of the ladies who had been sitting there had taken a photo of Mohanji’s third eye with the kumkum on, and this very much resembles a picture of Sai Baba. I will send the pictures for you to see. 

Today again, we have another Abhishekam. It’s early morning, so we’re getting ready for that now. I hope you have a great day. Speak soon.

Read the blog – Sai and “I” – Shirdi Sai Baba

Day 76 Lesson – One family 

Good morning everybody. I hope you are doing well. 

Yesterday was the second day of the seventh-anniversary celebrations of the Sai Baba temple in Palakkad consecration. Mohanji attends this every year as a service to Baba, and he gives as much time as required for the various rituals taking place throughout the day. 

Yesterday (Day 2) for me was a real pleasure to witness Mohanji’s devotion to Baba; he was happy sitting down in front of him. Today, Day 3, Sulakhe Maharaj arrived, and he was a part of today’s ceremonies as well. He had said that Baba had spoken to him to ask Mohanji what he wanted. Mohanji simply answered, “Baba”. I think that gives a very clear picture of his devotion. 

Ceremonies yesterday started with an Abhishekam to Baba. This is the ritualistic bathing of the Sai Baba idol. It’s a really lovely atmosphere; it feels like being part of a family where everyone’s friendly and open. Even though I don’t know the language, everyone is very accommodating and welcoming. Everyone also takes part in that ceremony; they come up, take the water, and bathe Baba. It’s been really lovely to witness this. 

That’s the theme I wanted to speak about today, this idea of pulling all together as a family. After the event or the ritual, we came back to Amma’s and Acchan’s house -Mohanji’s parents, which is not far away. It’s a modest-sized house; it has a living room, then a long corridor that leads to a little foyer where the pooja room is, and then a kitchen, and with people coming in throughout the day, it’s extremely busy. 

I find that busy, but Ananth said this is nothing because earlier, it was even busier. I think because of COVID, it’s quieter. Everyone takes every possible space; everyone is squeezed and sitting down into any little nook and corner they can find to sit and listen to Mohanji speak. It is like a family atmosphere, with whoever comes served with tea and water with Mohanji giving everybody his time equally. 

What I’m noticing from this trip is that many people are coming forward and connecting to Mohanji, with very established experience in their field and wanting to help and contribute. In Mohanji’s inimitable style of ‘no postponement; no delay; it’s now,’ he’s pulling people together and putting people in contact with each other. I’m witnessing this coming together of that ‘one family’. 

People have said before about Mohanji that there’ll be a time when there will be 1000s of people wanting just even to catch a glimpse of his clothing, as it would be a blessing for people. 

With all this coming together, all the people were uniting; everybody was coming forward to support the visions that we have for the platforms like World Consciousness Alliance (WCA), EBC, ACT foundation, Ammucare, any of them – you can strongly feel the potential that’s about to unfold; because if this is just a small glimpse in Kerala of the people coming together, across the world you can see this happening. 

So that’s my observation that I took from yesterday, this really nice feeling of a genuine family coming together. And for me, even though I don’t speak the language, of being welcomed very well. 

We’ve come back this morning after the third-day celebrations, and we’re going back to the temple now where Mohanji will give a Satsang. I think this will be live on Facebook, but in the Malayalam language. 

Speak to you soon, have a great day.

Have a great day ahead.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 14th November 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

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Lessons Living with Mohanji – Day 10

Day 10 Lesson – Importance of Vision & Mohanji Temples of Benevolence

by Christopher Greenwood

Yesterday when we were looking at the platform dashboard that I shared a few days ago, Mohanji reminded me of the importance of having a clear vision because, without it, we lack direction. He said that if we want to achieve something in life or to carve our place in the world, we must have a vision. And this needs to come with goals and timelines. 

He then said that probably people don’t know of his vision, especially for the temples and the centers of benevolence. It is a grand vision, and I share the high-level picture today. 

Good morning. I hope this message reaches you well. Today, I wanted to share with you a conversation I had with Mohanji about his vision. This came from a discussion that one needs to have a vision, goals, and a timeline if one wants to achieve anything in life. Having a vision is crucial, he was saying, because you’re essentially fumbling in the dark, walking around, or bumping into walls without it. So a vision gives you the destination, which makes it much easier to carve a road ahead. 

And this discussion came from looking at the dashboard to see where we could strengthen the vision. So the vision is very important: what does that end result look like? How does it feel? How are people interacting? What are people saying? How does it smell, taste, touch, and who is benefited? So anything can be included in a vision. And the clearer the picture, the easier it is to reach that. 

I think Mohanji said that we might not reach the exact destination, which is where flexibility becomes important. But at least if we have somewhere that we’re aiming for, we’ll roughly get there, and we can always adjust it. 

He then said that he’s not even sure that people know his vision at the moment. So he then shared his vision for the temples and the centers of benevolence, which is really exciting. And I want to share that vision with you now. The 23rd of October was a game-changer for the Mohanji foundation activities – a really big day for those who don’t know. That day, Mohanji registered 15 acres of land in Ganeshpuri. It was a Herculean effort to get this done in the pandemic situation with Madhu and Bharath and the rest of the team. And everything went incredibly smoothly. Even the chief priest from Shirdi made a surprise visit to see Mohanji in Bombay, and he brought him gifts from Shirdi – soil from Shirdi and udi from Shirdi. It was pretty much a blessing from Sai Baba for the activity. The registration itself took maybe 10 minutes in this local small-time registration office. Everybody was surprised because usually the office is packed, and there was no one there but us. It can normally take anything up to four hours, but this happened in just 10 minutes. The placing of the soil from Shirdi and the udi concluded in the last moments of the most auspicious time of the day. So, it was absolute grace. 

And this won’t just be a space; it won’t just be an ashram or a temple – it’s going to be a message to the world of the teachings of the Tradition. I want to share that vision with you of what this space will look like. On the grounds, this area itself has one main bank which borders a river and very natural land. So there’ll be a forest area built, and this forest will have 27 types of trees representing the 27 stars in the Vedic teachings that say that everybody is associated with a star. So worshipping a tree with that star connection brings benefits to the person. People will be able to go into the forest, walk around and give offerings. Then there’ll be the rishis and the munis in that forest sitting beneath the trees, alongside Dattatreya. So everything will be in nature. And all the animals will be there; all the small beings such as the rabbits, the mice, the birds, and obviously, the larger beings – all roaming free in nature. So, really a balanced ecology. There’ll be a pond; there’ll be fishes and turtles; there’ll be a river so people can feed animals throughout the location, so everything is in balance. Then there’ll be regular homas conducted, and Mohanji will have his personal dhuni. So the whole space will represent all the elements. 

Now the vision for the river that borders the land is to have banks built to stop the flooding; so caves can be made inside them for meditation. And people will be able to book a place, and if they wanted to meditate there even for 24 hours, food would be brought for them. And in one cave would be a space for maybe ten people, and there’ll be an idol of Babaji in the centre. So people can go in there and meditate, do Kriya and anything like that. There’ll be spaces for silence, and people who are observing silence will have a badge that says they are in silence. And the grounds will be zoned very well. On the riverside again, there’ll be ghats which go down to the river where people can take a bath, and a Shiva Linga will also be installed, so people can take water from the river and perform abhishekam.

And from the outside, there’ll be a place where people can access the main temples. So they won’t necessarily need to go into the full compound, but people will be able to come to the temples. There will be Shirdi Sai Baba there, a regular place for the homa, and it will be separate from the main area. And there’ll be a hall, the space for regular yoga activities, meditation, and all of the Mohanji processes. So all the activities will be completely covered for the practices for people’s higher elevation and connection. 

Then there’s the benevolence aspect. Food will be available 24/7 with three main meals a day, and outside those times, this really delicious potato-type sandwich (vada-paav), will be served. So nobody leaves there with a hungry belly, and all the food will be vegan, completely vegan. Clothing will also be provided, branded with the temple name, so people can see where they’ve come from. And if possible, there’ll be medical care there too, but that can be more complex to arrange. Regarding education, there will be a space for children with Mohanji Ka Aangan. 

And people will be able to stay if they’re passing by, for a maximum of two nights, unless staying for a longer program. For the family members – Mohanji has made this really well because he really wants to respect all those that have contributed consistently to the platforms. So a community card will be launched, and people that have a status on this will have access to accommodation and maybe have preferred access based on their contributions. 

So it will be a complete space for stability and higher elevation. Now that will become the standard; a message of what we represent, what the Foundation represents, and what Mohanji represents, and then that will be taken to every corner of the world. So in countries and cities, there’ll be a Temple of Benevolence and where there’s no space for a forest or the temple, it will be a Center of Benevolence. It almost becomes a recognized brand so that no matter where you go in the world, when you see it, you’ll know what you’re getting – there’ll be a standard for the practices and for everything else. For example, when you go anywhere in the world, you know if you go into one of these, you’ll get a great vada-paav. 

So this is the vision that he was talking about, which is coming to life now – a grand vision that sounds really exciting. And it’s actually happening now. Work is progressing, planning’s on the way, and more land is coming, and things are moving. It’s all about developing assets at the moment, and there’s a lot of work to do. And, of course, anyone that wants to help is welcome. Have a great day ahead.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 13th March 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

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Are dreams real?


by Bhumika, Edmonton, Canada

Sai Ram!

Throughout my life, I have been a person of extremes. I have always had experiences with deep intensity. For most of my life, I had an opinion that this characteristic of mine, ‘feeling everything so intensely’ has not worked in my favour. In the fall of 2018, I experienced a significant loss that shook me to the core. I have been an ordinary devotee of Sai Baba. However, following the loss, my devotion toward Baba grew substantially. I felt a very intense calling and understood that only at his feet, I will find solace. Baba is so kind and merciful, the more deeply I longed for his grace, the more experiences he gave me.

From there started this journey of attempting to live life consciously and being aware. I started watching videos of Gurus and saints on YouTube. One day, a suggestion of Mohanji’s video popped up. It’s been over 18 months now that I have been watching Mohanji’s videos. I always felt this attraction toward Mohanji’s teachings, his talks. I felt connected with it, I found it practical.

This year March 2020, I had a desire to spend some time at the Dattatapovan Ashram in Toronto. I contacted Mohanji’s team and soon got a reply from Sanjay ji in Toronto. What started as an informal conversation has grown into a beautiful song of Baba’s leelas within a span of two months. Since then, Sanjay ji has been instrumental in my journey or rather he is chosen, for which I am very grateful.

I was very keen to get Baba’s Padukas home for good. I inquired from Sanjay ji how I can get Baba’s Padukas home. Within a week or two, he sent me Mohanji’s Padukas from Dattatapovan Ashram. Mohanji’s Padukas reached me on Monday, May 11, 2020, and I received his picture on Thursday. Everything was perfect and orchestrated in a timely manner to arrange the Asan for Mohanji.


On Thursday morning, Mohanji visited in my dream. I would like to share my experience which left me ecstatic and spellbound.

“Mohanji was here in Edmonton. I was introduced to him while he was eating lunch. After lunch, he asked me to come to see him. A plate was set in front of him. On the plate, I saw an idol of Lord Ganesha, Padukas, pictures of other Gurus (I don’t know their names). I was sitting in front of Mohanji, looking into his deep eyes and just soaking in the moment. Then I heard Mohanji speak, his voice changed to a deep husky voice of an older man. He spoke to me in Urdu and said something really fast (I didn’t understand). I just smiled at him and said, “You are my Baba!”. Then I was teleported to Shirdi. I saw Sai Baba standing in a field. I heard his voice. I was with Sai Baba at Dwarkamai, where Baba used to sit leaning on the wooden hand rest. He spoke to me about human birth. Then I was back with Mohanji. I was washing his feet and felt so blissful.”

This dream answered my silent query of loving Maulanas’ songs and feeling the joy of visiting Dargahs.

I have not met Mohanji in person yet, but feel so blessed to be accepted by him.

I want to share a small detail regarding the frame that is used for Mohanji’s picture. This frame has been at home for over 18 months. And we could never find something that would fit perfectly in the frame. It was waiting for Mohanji’s picture to arrive. What are the odds, for the frame to be empty for such a long time and Mohanji’s picture fits perfectly? This is not just a coincidence.


While I was in the bliss of these experiences, my connection with Alpa ji and Sanjay ji was growing much stronger. It feels as if I have known them for ages.

Following the visit from Mohanji in my dream, so much has changed. I am part of a chanting group. I have submitted my application for Consciousness Kriya. These past few weeks have been a testimony of what Mohanji says,

“When a Master appears, we will not remain the same anymore.”

The following week on Wednesday, May 20th, I had another dream of Mohanji. This time I was in the Dattatapovan Ashram, Toronto. I saw Mohanji flipping pages of a book or magazine. And I saw my picture in the book while he was flipping the pages. It was the same picture that I had sent when submitting the Consciousness Kriya application. I didn’t think much about it, I was just happy and blissful to have a visit from him again.

mohanji with book

On Friday, May 22nd, I connected with Sanjay ji. In our conversation, as we were sharing stories of Baba and Mohanji, he suggested I write my experience. I shared my recent Mohanji’s dream. After Sanjay ji clarified what it possibly could be, I thought, “Isn’t this wonderful to have already received the message from Mohanji and now Sanjay ji was wording the message for me in a way that an ignorant fool like me will understand.” There is a higher force working. Sai Baba always used to support good thoughts and orchestrated events to bring good thoughts to completion!

I pray that this joy and blessings be bestowed on everyone. May his kindness and mercy give directions to all of us. May his grace always stay upon us and guide us. May he give me the wisdom and strength to practice his teachings in day to day life and offer this as Guru Dakshina at his lotus feet.

Jai Sai Ram. Jai Mohanji!

bhumika pic


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th June 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

In the divine embrace!

Mohanji wave

By Subhasree Thottungal

20th April 2020. Amidst the fight with the negativity of Corona situation all across the globe, while spreading positivity through various online programmes, shocking news came from the parental home that shook me to the core! News that I had not expected to hear! My 2nd brother Bibhu, succumbed to a sudden cardiac arrest and had left us all forever! He was healthy, happy, joyful and very active. He was just 50 years old. On that day he had been active, he had cooked a yummy special lunch that the family enjoyed, and after lunch when he was standing and talking, he suddenly fell backwards! Within minutes everything was over.

They were in Odisha, in India, my motherland. My father and mother, who are 83 and 77 years old respectively, are in deep sorrow and the whole family sunk into shock. Sitting in London, thousands of miles away, in the lockdown situation, I cannot even travel there to be with my family. What deep sorrow! Right now, with the Corona situation, we hear many shocking and deeply saddening stories of a sudden loss of family members. Going through one myself, even though not due to Corona, put me into deep contemplation.

I am writing here today, not to show how sad we are or how unfortunate the situation is, but I want to bring some facts into light that shows the amazing way that Mohanji’s divine grace works! Silently as ever in the background.

During my deep contemplation, the divine leela (play) was unfolded to me, I realised the greater truth. Once I realised this, I felt I must bring out this truth and express my understanding with all of you.

This is my expression of gratitude to my eternal guide, my eternal friend, my eternal Guru, Mohanji.

I will need to take you through some details, hence please bear with the long descriptions. But without these details, it will not be easy to understand the silent ways in which Mohanji works. 

So here it goes.

Grace in smooth completion of rituals:

As soon as I heard the news that my brother is no more, I messaged Mohanji. He replied, “I am taking care of him.”  Harish (my husband) said to me, “Don’t worry, Mohanji will make sure that all rituals happen smoothly.” There was a reason why I was worried. In the current lockdown situation, there is hardly any free movement possible, not many people can come to help my elder brother, who was at the hospital and was now solely responsible for sorting everything, with just my sister-in-law and one sister around. Since this was a sudden cardiac arrest scenario and he had already left the body by the time they reached the hospital, a post-mortem was necessary before they could release the body. It was nearly 6 pm and the post-mortem department closes at 5 pm! Police permission is required to take the body around in a vehicle with a few people. As movement is so restricted, this was a worry. And finally, where can they do the cremation? The lockdown situation was leaving my elder brother helpless. But when we have divine grace, when Mohanji is looking after us, nothing was going to be difficult! Retrospectively, we realised this. Quite unexpectedly, we got a relative’s help and the post-mortem was done quickly, police permission was received immediately and the last rights were carried out in Puri, Shree Jagannath Dham, at ‘Swargdwar’, the gateway to heavens. It’s a dream for all Odiya people (people from the state of Odisha) to have their last rights done in this place. This is a town about an hour and a half away and travels outside the city wasn’t an easy deal! But everything happened smoothly, the travel, the last rights at Swargdwar and all the rituals finished in mere 4-5 hours! Unbelievable! I remembered what Harish had said to me earlier, “Mohanji will make everything work out smoothly.” I was witnessing this!


The soul’s journey to Light:

Sitting in London, it was getting very difficult for me to accept the situation. Especially since I was unable to even travel immediately, it was making me very uncomfortable. Very much stressed, I dozed off for a while. After some time, I woke up with a start/unusual feeling. I felt that my brother’s soul was unsettled. I got worried. The last thing I wanted at this time was for his soul to be unsettled, not in peace! I got truly worried. I wondered what to do? What mantra can I chant? What ritual can I do? An immediate thought came to my mind, should I ask Mohanji? At that point, we called my elder brother and understood that the rituals of the last rights had just started.

Immediately after that, within 5 minutes, I received a call from Mohanji. And he advised me of a simple ritual to do. He said, “As a family member, you do this 3 times. After that, I will take care.” He repeated this a couple of times. That was the greatest reassurance to me at that point. Moreover, I was totally blown over by the fact that a few minutes back I was thinking of reaching out to Mohanji asking him what to do, and he called me and showed the way! After the ritual, I could feel a lightness and I knew, my brother’s soul was now at peace. The next day, I heard from my nephew (my brother’s son) who was doing the rituals that he noticed a peaceful smile on my brother’s face! And when I was looking into the timelines, this was just after Mohanji’s assurance and the rituals that he suggested! I realised, without a doubt, Mohanji had done his job! As he said, “I will take care”, and indeed he had done that!

Healing to me and my family:

Even though I was aware of the karmic agenda of the soul that I knew as my brother and the karmic agenda of all the family members, it was still a great sadness and I was unable to handle the heaviness. I was feeling very distressed and heavy. At one point, I felt if I should reach out to one of our Mai-Tri practitioners? Then I reminded myself of Mohanji’s words. Mohanji is looking after. He is taking care. When we are in his direct protection, why worry? Later on, when I was talking to my mother, I felt her extreme pain. Losing her son is unimaginable pain for any mother. I had no words to console to my elderly mother on the phone from so far away. I didn’t know what to do! Once again, I surrendered to Mohanji and I slept that night.


The next morning, when I woke up, I was feeling slightly lighter. And then I thought to myself, I should just write to Mohanji about my mother. Knowing that he is anyway taking care, sometimes by conveying my thoughts through words gives me a complete release of pain. So I did, and Mohanji immediately responded, “Yes. I am aware. I shall do whatever I can.”

He also wrote, “Inevitable karma decides the life of individuals. Like Maha Kaali told the Avadhoota that she cannot even extend one hour of his life from the original or decrease one hour from the original. Even deities honour karma. I am trying to reduce its impact on the people affected. Keep doing what I had told you to do that day. Puri Jagannath never lets anyone down. Believe me.”

After reading this message, I felt the heaviness from my heart disappear! At that time, I saw a new video message from Mohanji being posted. I opened it and while my eyes were watching Mohanji through the video and my ears were listening to Mohanji’s voice, I dozed off again!

Sometime later, my phone rang. I could barely open my eyes; I looked at the phone but fell asleep again!

After some time, I felt a slight pressure on my left shoulder. I saw Mohanji’s right hand with a red/orange thread on his wrist! Yes, I had a clear vision of Mohanji’s right hand holding my left shoulder! I woke up and just then my phone rang again. I picked it up this time. (It was as if Mohanji woke me up to attend the phone call!)

It was my mother on the other side. I was pleasantly surprised to hear her voice, with a clear difference from the previous day. I felt as if the huge dark load had been released from her too. She was still sad and was crying, but the heavy negative darkness from the previous day that was also making me heavy had gone! I spoke to her for a long time! After talking to her, I realised, Mohanji had surely healed her. I remembered the message he had sent me that morning! My eyes filled with tears at Mohanji’s immense compassion. Mohanji responds to me, my every thought, my every word, even when I don’t speak to him! He never stops delivering his unconditional love, support and compassion. Just then I received a message from my friend from Mohanji family in the USA, telling me that the previous night, Mohanji had asked her to do Mai-Tri for me! The previous night! When I was so heavy! I had no words! Mohanji himself had organised me to receive Mai-Tri! Remember, I was feeling like asking someone for Mai-Tri but didn’t? But Mohanji knew what was needed!

i am with you

Oh, Mohanji! Only these words from my melting heart came out. Arranging my healing, removing the heaviness from my mother, I knew Mohanji had healed her too. I expressed my gratitude to Mohanji and my ever compassionate Guru wrote back, “I care for you.”

Well, do I need any more proof!

Mohanji’s caring doesn’t end here. Let me continue after this.

Sorry this is getting long, but believe me, every word of this story that I am narrating in my current grieving situation, is coming with my highest realisation of truth.

Arranging divine grace for the soul:

When I was talking to my mother, I was discussing the various rituals that we need to be doing here in London. I was wondering, in our current lockdown situation, that I cannot even call a priest to do the rituals on special days!

Once again, Mohanji heard this thought and sorted out my dilemma. Let me explain how.

Later that morning, I received a condolence message from Swami Surya from the Skanda Vale ashram. The moment I saw his message, I wondered if maybe I could request him if they could do puja on the special days as per our rituals. With slight hesitation, I mentioned this to him. Swami Surya, wrote back, the day for which I was requesting, was, in fact, such an auspicious day and they have special pujas in all the temples in Skanda Vale, ending with a Mahabhishek in the Maha Kali temple! He said he will gladly offer the puja that day for my brother. My eyes opened widely at this message from him. Puja at Maha Kali temple for my brother’s soul! And you know what? My brother has been a great devotee of Maha Kali from his childhood!

And now, amidst the lockdown situation, such a divine blessing was planned, all by Guru Mandala. My head bowed down to Mohanji again. It wasn’t too difficult for me to realise that this was indeed Moahnji’s leela, yet again answering my thoughts, “How can I do the rituals”, and arranging Swami’s message to come to me at the right time etc.!


Last but not least, feeding the Brahmins:

After arranging the puja at Skanda Vale for the 11th-day ceremony, I felt like arranging some food seva in India through Ammucare for these 11 days as Ammucare was already doing daily feeding of the poor people whose income had stopped completely due to the lockdown situation. I felt what better ritual can I arrange than offering food seva for the poor people in my brother’s memory.

I contacted Soma didi, Ammucare President and she very kindly agreed to this request. She asked me where I would like this annadanam to happen. I said anywhere they are doing is fine, but if they can arrange it in Shirdi, that would be great. She then mentioned that it may be difficult as there was a lot of police restrictions etc. in Shirdi at the moment. I assured her it didn’t matter, wherever they can do, that would be a great seva.

The next day, I was talking to my mother again. She mentioned at a point that on the 10th and 11th days, we needed to feed at least that many Brahmins/priests. But due to the lockdown situation, they were not getting more than 3!

As soon as I kept the phone, I saw a message from Ammucare team, in which they had given the schedule for the 11 days of feeding!

During the first 3 days, feeding in Shirdi!

During the following five days, feeding in Ganeshpuri.

And last 3 days, feeding in Arunachala, and to Sadhus!

This was clearly a divine arrangement again! We had wanted Shirdi, but it had not seemed possible. But the team had managed to arrange it there.

And the last 3 days, for the most important ritual days, if not Brahmins at my mother’s place, feeding Sadhus in Arunachala! Can it be any more auspicious than this?

Also, when we were worried that we were not able to call many people and offer food during these days, the food seva happening during all the 11 days in these places was much more than what we could have anyway done!

When I narrated about this to my family, all were so grateful to Ammucare and its volunteers, and above all to Mohanji.

It’s not a big thing to realise that it was no one but Mohanji, who was ensuring that all these wishes were being fulfilled, doing everything possible to bring peace to my brother’s soul and some solace to my grieving family.

I can’t end this write up without mentioning that hundreds of Mohanji Global family members have been with us during this grieving period, giving us their condolences and prayers. Many Acharyas have offered their online chanting and satsang sessions for the smooth transition of my brother’s soul.

All this is because we are one MOHANJI FAMILY! And truly, this has healed us so amazingly.

My heartfelt gratitude to the entire Mohanji Global family.

I offer my pranams and a heart full of gratitude and love to Mohanji, who has kept my family and me in his divine embrace.

Thank you Mohanji. 




Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th April 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Blissful days with Mohanji – Part 1


by Ananthanarayanan Sankaran

Mohanji is veritably the Kalpavriksha or Kalpataru (the wish-fulfilling tree). His spiritual vibrations, selfless love, compassion, knowledge of the universal laws, wisdom and humility attract disciples the way bees are pulled to a garden of sweet-scented flowers. Whatever is lacking in the average man is found in fulsome measure in him. He stands apart as an extraordinary being whose very presence grants peace beyond measure. People flock around him seeking to fulfill their varied and endless desires. Through his blessings and grace, Mohanji grants his disciples everything they need as per their capacity to handle, eventually leading them towards total liberation.

In the path of Datta,  the only sadhana (practice) the seeker has to inculcate is to keep the connection going and the rest is the job of the Guru. There are plenty who wish to physically be with and serve a living Master. Plenty has also been written and said about how difficult it is to live with a Master who’s not bound by anything except Dharma.

It is only by his grace that I had an amazing opportunity to be with Mohanji and observe him from close quarters during the Arunachala (27 – 29 Jan) and Kerala (30 Jan – 9 Feb)  trips. This blog is an account of the events that unfolded in front of me in the presence of  Para Brahma Swaroopa Mohanji, and the impact they had on my awareness.

Home for seniors
Inauguration of ‘Mohanji Home for Seniors’ – a place where old people can live in peace, health, and dignity.

Before Arunachala, Mohanji had picked up an injury of sorts which made his movements a little difficult. However, he did not cancel any of the programs or cut them short because of this. “None of my appointments should be cancelled”, he told me when I went with the suggestion of either not meeting someone or making changes to the program for Arunachala. I was soon made to realise that Mohanji’s dictionary doesn’t have a word called ‘cancel’.

Two Masters
Arunachala was the time-space junction point where two Masters (Mohanji and Mooji Baba) met, perceived as coincidental or by-chance by the outside world.

What was originally conceived to be a private function for ‘Mohanji Home for Seniors’ inauguration, ended up being a huge gathering with plenty of guests and dignitaries including Mooji Baba whom Mohanji met ‘by chance’ at the hotel lobby and invited for the function. Those 2 days kept everyone on their toes as Mohanji moved like a lion despite the discomfort, providing clear instructions on what had to be done and how to go about executing it. In the end, the program was a huge success, all of it was possible only by Lord Arunachala’s and Mohanji’s grace.

After inaugurating the ‘Mohanji Home for Seniors’ in Arunachala on 29th January, we immediately left for Palakkad (a 9-hour journey by road) which could easily be called one of the most tiring road trips. The last toll between Kerala – Tamil Nadu border saw some delays. Mohanji called me personally and asked me to speak to the officer directly. I had my own doubts initially with the thought – “These check-post officers are rude most of the time and if they get upset, they ensure they give you sufficient hard time”. Then again, it was Mohanji who was asking me to go which means, he would have done all the ‘setup’ and all I need to do was to be physically present in the office.

As I entered the line for inquiring about the reason for the delay, the drivers who were already standing in the queue asked me to remain quiet and not raise my voice. Since it was Mohanji who asked me to go and speak directly, I didn’t heed their advice and went straight into the office. I explained the practical reason for my urgency and to my surprise, the officer collected all the papers from our driver, verified them and issued the receipt. When I walked out, I could see the doubt and curiosity in the faces of the people standing for a long time in the queue. This incident helped me to clearly understand that when we approach things in a practical and non-emotional way, we are bound to achieve the desired outcome as it is also coupled with Guru’s grace and support.

We reached the Palakkad home around 1:00 am and to my surprise, we were welcomed by almost 15-20 people. As soon as Mohanji sat on his chair, the others who were there to welcome him also settled down with no visible sign of leaving anytime soon. My initial reaction was, ‘Why are so many people waiting to see him so late in the night and why aren’t they leaving soon? Do they not know that he’s had a long program in Arunachala and has busy days ahead of him in Kerala?’ The question was short-lived as the very next minute, I could visualise Mohanji as Lord Krishna and the people around him were his friends from Vrindavan and Dwaraka (places where Krishna lived and ruled). The overwhelming love from the people gathered ensured Mohanji spent time with them that night although he was tired. He says “Be available, make every minute of your life purposeful. You never get a second chance.”

Kerala Group
Late-night gathering


Destiny brings the time, space and experiences for us – Mohanji

The next morning, I casually asked Devadas about the plans in Kerala for the next few days and he smiled. I insisted and then he laid it all out for me in 15 minutes. Hearing the plan, my first reaction was “OMG! this is insane”. However, the main concern lingering in my head was how on earth could all this work? Though I had firm faith in Mohanji and was quite ready to go with the flow, I was concerned about his health, especially the time required for his rest.

Little did I know that the people who turned up at home past midnight on 29th Jan was a prequel of what was to come during the next few days in Kerala where waves of people wanted his darshan and the 3 people near him were not sufficient to control the crowd, but more about it shortly.

After a brief 2-day stay in Palakkad, we left for Kannur, where a series of programs had been planned. As Mohanji’s discomfort due to the injury still persisted, the idea of cancelling a few appointments was floated which was immediately turned down by Mohanji. “These people have been waiting to see me, and some have taken time to come and meet me. How can I decide not to go? What kind of message am I sending to this world when I really want everyone to live for the world?”

We started our journey to Kannur the next morning. As we disembarked in Kannur from the train, we were lovingly welcomed by Mr. Anil Krishnan and advocate Madhu. On the road to Anil’s house, I was amazed by the size of the roads in Kannur. They were sufficiently broad that even 2 people walking side by side would create a traffic jam. I asked about this and Mohanji laughingly said: “People here want more garden space than road space”. This was so true as each house I came across had a huge open front-yard and it’s for no ordinary reason that Kerala is called ‘God’s own country’.

The first program in Kannur was the public satsang at Shirdi Sai Sansthan. During this satsang, I had an opportunity to meet Damodaran master – who used to teach mathematics to Mohanji during his school days back in the 80s. The mere reference to the subject made me take a few steps back from him as it’s only recently my dreams of failing in mathematics or getting tight slaps from my principal for the same reason has stopped.

The love they both (Mohanji and Damodaran master) had for each other was amazing. I felt as if it was for this meeting that the whole scene (satsang) was orchestrated. As he came near Mohanji and sought blessings from him, Mohanji immediately caught hold of his hands and sought blessings from Damodaran master. This scene taught me 2 things: 1) The best gift a disciple can give his/her guru is by living their teachings. Here, the guru (Damodaran master) was so happy and elated to see his student (Mohanji) achieve higher levels in life and 2) The student should always remind himself about the source of knowledge and remain humble. Here, the humility showed by the student (Mohanji) in seeking Damodaran master’s (guru) blessings was truly a lesson that would stay with me for a long time.

Damodaran master was visually moved to have received Shaktipat from Mohanji. He had told a few around him that, “I taught Mohan the concept of infinity and here I have my student (Mohanji) now teaching us what is real infinity (infinite consciousness)”. Mohanji said, “It is such an honour and a privilege to have given Shaktipat to Damodaran master and his blessings mean so much”.

kannur temple
Mohanji delivered a satsang and Shaktipat to everyone present at Shirdi Sai Temple – Kannur


The happiest moment in the life of a teacher is when the student eventually masters the knowledge that the guru embodies.


teacher comment
“I taught him (Mohanji) on the concept of infinity and here I have my student (Mohanji) now teaching us what is real infinity (infinite consciousness)” – Damodaran master

Mohanji giving Shaktipat to Damodaran master


“It was such an honour and a privilege to deliver Shaktipat to Damodaran master. I am very happy today” ~ Mohanji

That evening, Mohanji delivered Shaktipat to over 80+ people who had gathered there to meet and interact with him. It was getting late and the interactions with people continued. Does he even care about himself? Should he exert himself so much, instead can’t he go home and get some rest? He’s given Shaktipat – which is the supreme. There should technically be no questions beyond this. This thought was arising in my mind strongly. Later when I asked him this question, his response was:

I don’t have ownership. Things happen through me. You see, the pain is certainly there, but I’ve got no suffering (from the discomfort). You guys are all struggling because you happily postpone things or your own things. Ownership causes pain while surrendering it or not owning it, frees you. Will you postpone anything if you know the next minute you may not exist?”

Very true. I thought about myself and soon saw a pattern of delaying things so much that they lose value and the delay also takes away the charm of the work and output.

Up next – re-living Mohanji’s school days with his friends during Re-Union 2020.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th February 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team