An Unexpected Meeting and a Transforming Glance

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mina Obradovic

By Mina Obradovic, Serbia

With Mohanji and Nath Master

Part 1

Mohanji has often been heard to say that as the Mai-Tri healers continue their healing practice they will completely merge with His consciousness over time. Their eyes will eventually become Mohanji’s eyes, and their senses will merge with His. Although I have practiced healing for a long time, I have been completely detached from that expectation and hence did not anticipate this to happen.

It so happened that I had the blessing of the opportunity to visit a very powerful temple in the company of Mohanji. This particular temple was fenced in, and access was possible only by walking via a long road. As we walked, I was often glancing up at our destination, and on one such glance, spotted in the distance an old man with a white beard standing outside the temple. He had white hair falling over his shoulders and was clad only in a small piece of white cloth. His body stood still and his chin was slightly lifted up, as he was looking towards the open sky. I had not noticed him previously.

Upon reaching the temple, I walked towards the spot where I thought the old man had been standing and was surprised to see a white dog there instead. The dog radiated energy. He stood by Mohanji for a long time. As I was standing next to them, I closely observed their vibrations and felt both emanating infinite calmness and peacefulness. I felt,“Somehow, they are so similar.” I realized that the energy radiated by Mohanji and the dog were extremely similar. When I meet Mohanji, His human characteristics are diminished as Divinity takes over. Similarly, this mysterious white dog gave no glimpse of an earthly nature. He did not run around nor display any oscillation or emotion in his behavior. Only stillness, which is the nature of a true Master, was predominant and very obvious.  After a while, when our group moved on, he started walking around too.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mohanji and the Nath master posing as a dog

I knew in my heart that this dog was really the old man that I had spotted. A strange force drew me towards him. Kneeling down in front of him, I gazed at him and my hands spontaneously touched his feet. This act of reverence was done discreetly to avoid the notice of the people around me. As we were having lunch at that time, I desired to feed him. So, I rushed, grabbed some food and returned to the dog. Mohanji said, “Do not feed him. He does not want to eat now.” On a conscious level, I obeyed and accepted Mohanji’s words and withdrew. However, a desire to feed him remained unfulfilled in my subsconscious.

On the way back from the temple, I had to share this experience with Mohanji. With a smile, He said, “Yes. That was a Nath Master. He was here to bless us in the form of a dog, and has left now.” I blurted out in incredulous excitement, “But he was actually, physically there! He was not transparent or only energetically present! It seemed as if he was made of flesh and blood!” Mohanji replied, “Well, this happened only because of your own transformation, which is the result of your extensive healing practice. I have told you before – the more you practice healing, the more your eyes will become like mine. That is why you were able to ‘see’ him.”

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - MIna and the Nath mater posing as a dog

I slowly started experiencing exactly that – Mohanji’s eyes instead of mine and His consciousness in everything. I wondered why others did not see this Master in his human form instead of his form as a dog. Soon enough, the answer came – there was not “me” existing. Whenever Mohanji settles in somebody to display a miracle, the person and his/her identity become unimportant. The eyes that saw him were Mohanji’s and the subtlety that helped me experience His eyes during this particular moment was the Tradition’s will to convey an important message to humanity. They reminded us that we are often not loving and kind to animals who love unconditionally, let alone humans. The message is to treat all beings with reverence, love, and kindness since the forms of those beings can be those of Mohanji or any other Master from the Tradition in disguise. We can never tell.

To me, my God is my Guru, Mohanji. However, I ask myself, does it benefit anybody if we treat only the physical form of Mohanji with reverence, love, and kindness? No being is different from Him. I could never have dreamed that the dog would be a Master. Harming such a one, a saint in another form, through thought, word or action can have serious karmic consequences, prolongment of our spiritual journey and inevitable suffering. Saints often hide behind personalities and various bodies. They often do not want to be recognized.

Sometimes they can appear normal and usual, or they may choose an unappealing, angry, egocentric or rude exterior. Sometimes they may come to us in the form of the old and the sick, as birds, cows, flowers, or even as a child in order to bless us. Sometimes they may be exactly the person that we live with, that we may be taking for granted. Do we really know our parents, wives, husbands or children? We think we know them because we live with them, but that is not a criterion for knowing any soul and its path. Again, Masters hide in many forms. If we fail the test and react with ego to a saint’s seeming expression of ego – we lose. We NEVER know whom we are interacting with. Even a single thought of anger can produce a reality of suffering.

Part 2

A few weeks later…

Our group moved on in our travels from the location of the temple, to another town. My mind kept revisiting that encounter with the Nath Master many times. During one such time, a spontaneous prayer arose within me to meet him again, although I released that thought immediately afterward and promptly forgot all about it.

Later that evening, I had gone out to dinner with friends. When it came time to leave the restaurant, I wanted to use the washroom. Therefore, I told my friends that I would be joining them downstairs in a short while and to wait in the car that was going to pick us up. When I came down, there was no one outside the restaurant except for a white dog. He lay there on the ground in a most relaxed way, with only his head and eyes moving slightly. I gently caressed his head. Sitting in front of him, I started talking to him. I do not recall what I said, but I do remember that I spoke for a few minutes! I was not joking or playing. I was sincerely sharing words with him, as I was certain he understood me perfectly. I smiled when some restaurant employees there saw me with the dog and said, “You should take him home!”

Remembering Mohanji’s constant need to feed everybody wherever He goes, I too thought, “I should give some food to this dog.” The only place where I could find some food for him however was in a fast-food restaurant, and that was some bread and butter. Although dogs sometimes eat meat, I avoid feeding animals non-vegetarian food. I put the plate with the bread in front of the dog. He sniffed at it, but would not eat. Therefore, I broke the bread into pieces, but he still refused it. I speculated that perhaps he was not hungry, or that maybe the bread was too dry.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mohanji and the Nath master posing as a dog 2

With my fingers, I broke the bread into even smaller pieces and mixed the butter in thoroughly. That worked, and I was very happy to see him eat it then! My friend Priti Rupee was also pleased to see him eating and took a few pictures. We had to get going, so I said a goodbye to him and left. On our way back home, a thought suddenly flashed across my mind, “That was the saint from that temple. He heard your prayer and came back again to fulfil your wish.” Deep inside, I knew it was the truth but the nature of the wavering mind is such that one is never fully sure.

Weeks passed before this incident came to my mind again. I decided to share it with Mohanji, saying that I was unsure whether it had been the saint that I had previously met in the temple.. He said with conviction, “It was him.” Hearing this confirmation from my Guru himself, I could barely hide my excitement. The Tradition had fulfilled my desire on the very same day the thought of it had occurred! I remembered that I had wanted to feed that saint when we were still in the temple, when Mohanji asked me not to do it. Just as this desire of mine, everything is heard by Tradition and nothing is forgotten by Them. Their precision and lack of hesitation channeled a message that in our path there is no space for imagination, swaying, delaying, doubting or irresponsibility. If Naths work with such a precision, a disciple of Nath must BECOME that precision.

I have heard it said many times, that Masters always hear the sincere desires of seekers. Now the truth of those words had eventually become my reality, as I was constantly experiencing fulfilment of each one of my desires. “Be good. Do good.” That is Mohanji’s teaching that is to be practised with everyone at all times. That is the highest truth that Mohanji has blessed me with, that I am still trying to learn. One day, I hope to reach the point of unconditional love towards all. Here, I would also like to express my gratitude towards Priti Rupee, for taking such lovely pictures.

Shaktipat through eyes

During our group’s stay in Mumbai, there was an informal satsang (discourse) with Mohanji. We sat casually on the floor in front of Him, while He was speaking to us about something. Suddenly, He stopped and looked directly at me – straight into my eyes.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mohanji looking with kindness and compassionAt first, it seemed like a normal glance. I smiled and we continued looking at each other. The gaze was longer than expected. I then realized that He was working on me – I was being healed and cleansed. It continued for a while and while my gaze was locked on Him, suddenly in my peripheral vision I could see dense smoke around us.

Heat was coming in waves, with short breaks in between, burning my chest and head. He said with a smile, “I told you – you cannot stand fire.” I smiled weakly, as much as the limitless energy permitted me to move. I was hardly able to move or look anywhere else. Looking at His eyes continuously, it seemed as if more of the black smoke was appearing around us. It grew so dark, that after a moment, I could not see His face at all. I had to blink a few times to see His eyes again. In the very same moment after I noticed the smoke, He said, “So much of weight leaving”. I smiled in response, silently expressing my gratitude. In one moment, it ended. He turned His gaze away from me and smiled. I was… speechless. A few other people that were with me, and I were in that spell for perhaps a couple of minutes later. We felt no need for words. I have no idea how long it took but it felt like an hour in His energy. The intensity of the Shaktipat must have increased. I do not know.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Mohanji in meditation

There was the profound feeling that a deep heaviness from the past – very familiar to me, had been removed from me in those couple of seconds, by the power of my Guru. For many years of my life since childhood, I had felt it in the center of my belly as a dense ball of dark smoke, heavy and uncomfortable. It had been provoking all kinds of negativities in me – insecurity, fear, anxiety etc. I had had no control over it. It had been sitting within me – a dormant volcano, very quiet at most times and at other times, abruptly erupting sending me into a frenzied vortex of anxiety. After this release, I knew it had finally left me completely. No trace of it had remained. Even if my subconscious mind doubted the reactivation of the volcano, from the long feeling of familiarity with it, it never did. It never came back again.

Just a few seconds in Mohanji’s presence had transformed me thus. We may not be aware, yet He works on each of us, each moment, while eating, while sleeping, close or far away from us – always. He doesn’t waste even a moment in serving the world and His sincere seekers.

mohansuniverse - Mohanji - Master and disciple - I am always with youThis incident is just one of the few instances that He has actually allowed His work to be recognized so tangibly. Since meeting Mohanji, I have experienced so much transformation, and have ALWAYS received firm proof of His Grace being the cause of it. Yet, no matter how tangible the proof is, a person who does not have the “eyes” will still be unable to see. Only eyes that crave Grace will recognize Grace.

Prostrations and profound gratitude to my Guru.

Thank You, Mohanji.

In humility, and with love to all,

Mina Obradović
The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

How to Listen to Mohanji?

Mohanji speaking

Mohanji speaks directly from the Source. What He says are not only words. While He is speaking, frequency is built. It becomes a command to your subconscious which triggers transformation in you.
A lot of times, people used to sit around a master and He wouldn’t even speak. Only with His look, He transfers energy and big transformation happens. Shaktipat happens through the eyes, words, walk, or physical touch. It happens on all levels. When He transfers energy through words, it enters into the system and triggers miraculous transformation. Therefore, do not interrupt this connectivity during a program with Him. While you listen, do not worry much about the very words and meaning. If you focus too much on the words, it becomes intellectual knowledge. Of course, it is also necessary so that the truth is clear to us.

Dilemmas are removed, confusions disappear, you get the answers. But you will not understand Mohanji. A lot of these answers are already in sacred books. Through Mohanji, they come to you directly from the Source because Mohanji is one with the Source. Try to go beyond words and absorb the essence. Omnipresence. Then you will feel the real quality, bliss, delight, calmness, serenity and happiness. That is the real thing. That is the point. Mohanji is not here to explain to you what masters have explained since time immemorial but to transform you. His talk is a creative phenomenon.
Do not worry that much about the content of what He says, but listen purely and innocently like a child, so that the energy goes from heart to heart, from being to being, feel this unity, meditative listening in that sacred communion. Do not think while He is speaking. Just listen. Then you will absorb and take far more than just words, that which is beyond meaning, that which isn’t written anywhere.

Team Mohanji

With Mohanji – Anecdotes from My Spiritual Journey

By Pramod Nair, UK


Interface and interaction with numinous souls in diverse physical forms is indeed the feat of fate or destiny or, of course, our Karma. Either way, it is BLISS.

Sree Bhagwan 2I, being an ordinary mortal plunged in family life, had but no thoughts except for the daily rat race of my life. The light of my inner soul dawned after I met my Guru, Poojya Sree Bhagwan in 1998 who incited my spiritual quest and philosophical qualms. Henceforth, I had no looking back and the consciousness that this Guru has been known to me since eons left me spellbound. Every physical form must go into oblivion as is the law of nature and my Guru attained Samadhi on 15th August 2017 leaving me and my family in an abyss of grief. This preface is indispensable when I narrate my acquaintance with Mohanji on the 17th of September 2017. Behold, I perceived the same feel of vibrations I experienced with my Guru, Poojya Sree Bhagwan, the soul bond and my inner call to meet him surged another infinite accord in my life with Mohanji.

Nityananda Swami of Ganeshpuri had blessed my maternal grandfather and grand-uncle in the course of their numerous visits to his ashram and I used to watch on YouTube the aarti going on there. It was by prospect, or by providence that my eyes fell on a discourse by Mohanji on Swami Nityananada and this enticed my instantaneous interest. This led me to view another talk of Mohanji on Shirdi Sai Baba.

Shirdi Sai Baba 3 a

My inquisitiveness to know more grew without bounds and I set on a trail to find the means and ways to meet Mohanji.

The first thought was to spot if he had a Facebook account and to my surprise he had and he was visiting the UK. My yearning to meet him augmented by time and my thoughts frantically set on informing about him to my consort and better half, Aroma! On informing and briefing on Mohanji, I enquired if she was interested to meet him as he was visiting the UK. Ignorant of who Mohanji was, Aroma expounded on his picture that he appeared like a CEO of some company. To my surprise, he used to be one, and this intrigued me further to reach him.  Mr. Vijay gave in sequence that he would be in Bath on the 17th September 2017 and we started our journey along with our friends Rohit Phillip and Sue Tasher to Bath, from Penarth.

With Mohanji - Anecdotes from my spiritual journey - 4
A moment from the satsang in Bath

Certain meetings spark imperative kinship from the past, not explicable to ordinary mortals. Such was our meeting with Mohanji.  Memories imprinted in our brain shape as dreams and there, I found myself entangled in the spiritual aura of Mohanji leading us both down a pleasing panorama.


5th January 2018

Visions are a supernatural apparition or a spectre of events which can define certain spiritual encounters and I experienced one, after my usual chanting. It goes thus…

I was physically in front of an idol and that idol to my bewilderment was Mohanji and accolades were accorded as Jai Mohanji and Om Namah Shivaya many a time by the devotees amassed around.

The aarati focused towards the deity in the sanctum sanctorum threw light on two shivalingas ingrained by silver plating and arrayed by exquisite flowers.

Mohanji - sukshma sharira 5 shiva linga - vision by Pramod Nair, UK

The bliss I endured was unfathomable and I spanned over to my substantial entity chanting Om Namah Shivaya wide awake.

4th Feb 2018

Any unprecedented event spoiling our tranquillity initiates us to think about the position of our stars – a typical Indian Hindu mind. I being no exception was in the same path due to lack of a good job which compelled me to pilot my celestial stars and their positions. Lo and behold, the divination I acquired was that I was engulfed in SHANI DASHA. The burden of filling up many job applications took its toll on me and as my last resort for my chaotic mind, I approached my benefactor and saviour, Mohanji.

As usual the serene reply from him, “Don’t worry,” ascertained me to adopt an unwavering mind to subsist life as it comes with the equivalent momentum as if I had a job. The shani mantra of “Om Sham Shanishwaraaya Namah” came to my salvage and I supposed all would be resolved. The feel was akin to the one I would cognize when my Guru was with me.

The impediment in implementing my job offer in London impelled me to mention this to my friend who took up the issue and started punching numbers on his phone in the process of contacting someone. Caught unawares of what was happening behind him, he declared that a job has been set for me in a care home in Wales. Meanwhile hidden in the backdrop was a familiar face smiling at me and I jolted to comprehend that it was Mohanji’s face which was showing up at all glory in front of me.  My friend was in no frame of mind to stop praising the new job I was offered. Amidst all this cacophony I felt I was hallucinating, but inevitably was not and perceiving Mohanji nod at me in complete agreement to take up the Job, I knew it was no dream and my eyes could not betray me.

As an arid land absorbs every tiny drop of water, this job offered solace to my scorched mind and the affirmation Mohanji transmitted through his smile and nod goes beyond rationalization. The job was undeniably a stability pill for me and added to that, caring for the elderly was a spiritual endeavour.

With Mohanji - Anecdotes from my spiritual journey - 7

Eventually, I was gratified because I would be with my dear ones in London itself. What more does a human need? Indeed, a family package!

9th Feb 2018

The craving of the soul is unfathomable. It leads us to supernatural situations and places. One such hunger in my inner self was Shiva Kavacham by Mohanji which haunted me day and night. I resolved to explore the usual online source YouTube, but in vain. My thoughts started speculating on why I was deprived of understanding this Shiva Kavacham by Mohanji. Later, it was made clear by Mohanji himself who appeared to me as a 3D image and elucidated the power of this Kavacha and explained why it was covert.

Shiva blessing His devotees, Shiva Kavach

The inner quest materialized when I got a copy of Shiva Kavacham from Subhasree and  I solicited permission from Mohanji to listen and chant this.  I was very glad in return to tender her a pdf copy of Shani Mahtmyam in English which my Guru used to read daily.

On February 23rd (Mohanji’s birthday), my inner self boomed with the yearning to render Mohanji my deepest and inner feeling in the form of a stuthi or poem and it poured out from me frenziedly, the medium of expression being Sanskrit. Will share it when the destined time approaches

10th March 2018

This day was very propitious to me as it happened to be my Poojya Sree Bhagawan’s birthday. If in physical form he would have turned 93.  Darshan of Avadhoota Nandandaji was soul gratifying followed by the sight of Mohanji standing and praying in a hall which was veraciously bedecked with tables and chairs set like in a fine dine restaurant.

My thoughts raced to connect this vision with the current job offered to me, that I had accepted in a fine dine restaurant in Cheltenham.  Same day I could visualize oil dripping from the photo of my Guru, Poojya Sree Bhagawan, which emanated the fragrance of sandalwood.

16th March 2018

My association of the soul which was connected to Mohanji persevered. I dreamt away to glory, perceiving Mohanji as my mentor or spiritual guide. We strolled into serene places and it was bliss.  Out of the blue! Mohanji handed me a silver paper with Sanskrit inscriptions of the chant Om Ram Ramaya Namah. Surprises persisted, yet again Mohanji took out another article, which was inscribed in Tamil, and it delineated on Shirdi Sai Baba and Keno Upanishad. Since the language of Tamil was Greek and Latin to me, my friend was asked to read out the inscriptions to me. Mohanji presumed my dilemma on the Tamil language and proposed that it would all be clear and the inner meaning will be revealed. Soon, I was handed a golden hued watch by Mohanji seeking me to adorn it and with the words of utmost importance and divinity he held: ‘LET YOUR SERVICE TO HUMANITY BEGIN’. My inner thoughts revealed that the watch was a reminder of how precious time is and the goal is to live in the present, serving as a tool to enforce service to humanity.  As all holy books and teachings preach ‘MANAV SEVA MADHAV SEVA –  SERVING HUMANITY IS TO SERVE GOD’.

The mantra entrusted to me was to be included in my daily chant and then I realized that Rama Navami was on the 25th March. In addition to the chants, I also had the opportunity to read the English version of Kena Upanishad which precisely depicts Brahman with attributes and without attributes, and for being a treatise on “purely conceptual knowledge”. It reaffirms the idea of “Spiritual Man”, “Soul is a wonderful being that even gods worship”, “Atman (Soul) exists”, and “knowledge and spirituality are the goals and intense longing of all creatures”.

16th March 2018

After my Sharana Mantra and Mohanji’s Gayatri Mantra, I felt an inner urge to peer out of my window and gaze at the Sky. I felt the clouds impinging on each other to conform a silhouette. I contemplated more closely at the shape formed by the clouds and could view that it was Kalyan my younger son’s face and it emanated pain. I looked again and it was the same. Disturbed, I sat down in meditation and was in the process of sending healing vibes to him, in case he was in pain. Kalyan had gone for a night out with other children from the school on the 15th of March. He was all thrilled and robust the previous day. At the defined moment, the landline rang and it was from the school reception asking me to instantly collect back Kalyan from his camp place. He was ill and had been vomiting. Mysterious are the ways of the divine masters, enigmatic and it’s with awe we realize how they render a helping hand and guard us in our troubled times. I surrender to the divine, bow to the supreme masters and my faith in the Guru is impeccable.

3rd April 2018

My visions sustained and this time I was in a Satsang where Mohanji was encircled by many people who came to see him and get blessings, after his Latin American visit. I remained a witness and was imbibing the scene, when Mohanji spotted me and asked me to sit beside him and placed his hands on my shoulder lovingly. After few moments Mohanji got into a trance sort and his bhaav (expression) changed followed by the presence of Vibhuti on his right palm. He applied it on my forehead and blessed me by placing his hands on my head. The flow of energy from his hands to my body surged in and I was in total ecstasy. The divine energy was activated in me. The vibhuti which I tasted did have the divine fragrance as well.

Vibhutti - With Mohanji - Anecdotes from My Spiritual Journey 11

Meanwhile, Mohanji started giving vibhuti to people around him and many thanked me, because they felt I was the reason behind Mohanji giving vibhuti and I personally thanked Mohanji for this amazing experience.


I have been chanting the Sharana Mantra given by my Sadguru Rama Devi, who was my Guru, Poojya Sreee Bhagawan’s Guru. Before departing the earthly abode, she imparted this mantra to his disciples, Poojya Sree Bagawan and his consort Tara Devi on 1st November 1978. This universal Mahamantra is:



Charanam means holy feet, Sharanam means Surrender, Ramambike means the one who gives material and spiritual wealth. Trayambake means the one who knows my past, present and future.

It literally means “I surrender to that supreme source or power which gives me material and spiritual wealth, I surrender to that supreme power who knows my past, present and future.”

My Guru used to say it is a mystical formula. It only asks the spiritual seeker to surrender. One has to chant from 5.30am to 5.45 am every day for it to give the desired result quickly. I have been doing this since 1998.

In reality, when you surrender your ego at the feet of the Guru/God, the Guru/God takes heed of all your trouble. You are no longer carrying the “I” sense, it is renunciated to the absolute Guru.

If one understands the Guru tattva, the source is the same, the form changes. This can be understood if you love your Guru, you see him in everyone and everything. I see my Guru through and in Mohanji. The love, care and presence which my Guru gave me is what I see in him.

With Mohanji - Anecdotes from My Spiritual Journey 12 Pramod Nair, UK

My Guru used to tell me,“Pramod, I am always with you”

When I met Mohanji he said the same thing, “Pramod, I am always with you”.

Incredible are the ways of true masters.


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji

Author: Biljana Vozarevic, Serbia

“I am the source. I am the powerhouse. I do not become tired or depleted, ever. I am just like the candle that can light many candles and still maintain the same glow and glory.” Mohanji

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 1, experience
Apart from the visits to the pyramid of the Sun, the pyramid of the Moon and other pyramids as well as spending time in the amazing Tunnel Ravne, our 5-day pilgrimage to Bosnian Pyramids in 2016 included a visit to the Vratnica Tumulus. It was a spring sunny day, suitable for such an endeavour. It had been raining for several days before our visit. So this sunny day was like a gift.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 2, experience
Day 1 before climbing the pyramid of the Sun

Vratnica means “gate” – a gate to the pyramids. It is an artificially made, conically shaped hill, which is why it is called tumulus. It happens to be one of the biggest tumulus in the Balkan region. This place was discovered in 2010. A team of Croatian physicists detected electromagnetic phenomenon – an energy beam of 28 kHz on top of it.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 3,4 experience
Climbing to Vratnica Tumulus

We were very interested in this phenomenon. It is a frequency which defies gravitational force and allows levitation. This explains how they moved such huge concrete blocks up so high. Our primary and loving guide, Ajdin, who had been there with us for the first few  days of the pilgrimage wasn’t available. The guide who accompanied us was quieter and provided less information. Mohanji had suggested that we should FEEL more along the way rather than talk, drink, smoke, check messages on Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, etc. To be mindful with our mind present with each breath, thought and action. To eat mindfully with our mind present with each bite and sip. Following Mohanji’s instructions, we really did FEEL the pyramids the last few days. Now we were looking forward to feeling the Vratnica Tumulus. We wanted to experience what the energy of the place would be like. This very place called the “Archeological Park – Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” works on you and transforms you as much as you are receptive. We were also eager to hear more about it.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 5,6 experience

We first walked past the faded blocks whose colour was diminished by exposure to water, storms, etc. After that, we went up to the tumulus which is a huge megalithic terrace, built alternately from clay and concrete blocks. Our group meditated and did Consciousness Kriya at the top of it. My heart danced in joy for being given the chance to do Consciousness Kriya so close to Him physically, in His aura.

Next, we moved to the other side of the tumulus. Mohanji felt energy radiating from several hills around the tumulus. On the first one, He said that the energy was very subtle and it was not easy to feel it unless you had developed great subtlety. We tried to feel it. However, there were a few houses around where people lived and were in the midst of activity. We were distracted by what sounded like a lawnmower, a drill, or a chainsaw coming from the valley, at the bottom of the hill. Hmmm. Looked like someone was working in their garden. But we needed silence not for our satisfaction, but for our elevation. We couldn’t  properly hear the beginning of the guide’s talk either. Mohanji was silent. Suddenly, the noise stopped. “Oh, what a relief,” we thought. We could feel the place and hear the guide. We enjoyed these precious moments in higher energy. For a short but good amount of time that we could tune in and listen to the tumulus. Later, somebody asked, ”What happened?” Mohanji just smiled and said, ”He went to the toilet.” We laughed. He said it like it was a joke. But we knew it wasn’t.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramid with Mohanji 10, experience

Mohanji is one with all. He was also one with the man with the chainsaw. He knows my, yours or his heart, thoughts and aspirations. That is why He could direct his actions. The same way as He directs the actions of whoever is connected to Him. For the one who is one with everything and everyone, with absolute stability in oneness and unconditional love, timelessness and ever presence, it is simple to guide disciples away from distractions and wrong choices, while making them go in the directions which turn them to themselves, pulling them from the inside and pushing them from the outside.

Removing this noise, a small distraction on our pilgrimage may look like a trifle, and it went unnoticed by a lot of pilgrims. But it made me ask myself, ”Why am ‘I’ me? And not something or somebody else?” The body is like a shell, and we occupy it for some time, for several decades. At the same time, why wouldn’t we expand to everything, everywhere while still alive? Like Mohanji? The power of the spirit is immeasurable and intangible. To be liberated from our own body while still alive. Keep living in it, but not be bound by it. Be liberated from birth and death and have eternal life, i.e. immortality.

In Song of the Soul, Mohanji writes about an avadhoota who illustrates exactly this. Furthermore, Avadhoota Nadananda told Him that He is also an avadhoota Himself, so these words are valid for Mohanji, too,

Just like one sun gets reflected in many objects without losing its intensity and energy, through the cycle of generation, I exist. I am the string that kept the generations together. I am the only imperishable entity in this highly perishable earthly existence. Sun, moon and stars are formed out of me. Galaxies are within me. All forms of deities are formed out of me. Darkness is non-existence of light. Being me is non–existence of Maya or illusion. I am everything. I am the in-dweller of all beings. There is no hierarchy or supremacy. I exist with the same intensity in all beings. Beings are different, in looks, in feel, in characteristics. I am the same. I am changeless. I am everywhere. I am Oneness.

I have no form. I assume the form of the vessel that contains me. I assume the characteristics of the being that encases me. Even though I remain neutral always, I empower actions, words and thoughts. No one can touch or feel me. One can only realize me. One has to become me, reach my subtlety, to realize me. One has to shed a lot of grossness to reach me, recognize me and understand me. I have no agenda. I assume the agenda of the being and, like a faithful and non-interfering servant, serve the embodied entity till the end. I allow myself to be trapped in the body. I assume the body. I allow myself to be called the body. I even pretend I am the limited body. I never interfere. I liberate myself at will.

Hovering “I” on Bosnian Pyramids with Mohanji 11, experience


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