Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 119 & 120

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 119 Lesson – The guru principle 

Good morning everybody. I hope that you’re doing well. 

Today, I wanted to continue sharing my understanding of a conversation between Mohanji and a visitor. This man was already actually connected to a Master and a Guru. He had many questions about spirituality, spiritual path, life difficulties, and challenges he was encountering. He was a Kriya Yogi; he was practising this. 

Sometimes these conversations are a real treat for me because today, we’re mainly focused on completing the work that we need to; there’s a big to-do list, and it’s growing. I keep saying that now I’m scared to talk to people because every time I speak to someone to cross one thing off, two more appear. So generally, I’m avoiding people at the moment. But when others come, it gives an opportunity for Mohanji to speak from time to time. Because otherwise, there’s no real chance for the satsang style talks, which you might be used to in retreats, to happen. It is just activity from morning until evening. 

I share today the key things that I understood and took when they were speaking about the guru principle and the importance of having one point of focus, one steady focus as a master, as a guru on the spiritual path. They were saying that a master is not an accident. Mohanji explained that a Master would come into your life at a particular time and space, and that’s exactly how it should be. 

Definitely, for me, this happened at a point in time when I had a deep need for questions in life. I came in contact with Mohanji, who could answer everything I was asking with absolute clarity. In this conversation, he said that once we’re connected, once we’ve decided, once we’ve tested, once we’ve said, “Okay, this is something for me”, it’s then our job to stay connected. Because it’s not the person, or the form, or the personality we’re connecting to. It’s the state or the frequency of the Master. The form is that point of reference for us, so we should be consistent with that. 

This was also interesting because this man already had a Master who he was speaking openly about. I didn’t get the impression he was shopping around, like wanting to see what was better. He had genuine questions. What was interesting for me is that Mohanji explained that actually, there’s no space between him and the other Master. All that exists is this man’s connection to his Master, and all that his Guru would speak, Mohanji would also speak. So what he was speaking to him essentially would have been the words his Master, his own Guru, would have spoken. Not that Mohanji would say anything different. 

This was interesting for me because as I understood and as the conversation went on, the Guru is more a principle, the guru tattva, which works through many bodies, and that principle is inside us. So when we become closer and closer to that principle, we begin to merge with it. I have to say that this is from my notes and understanding of the conversation, just to be clear with that. Mohanji shared that it’s actually the mind that begins to create the distance, to create the duality between that principle inside us and actually the external Guru or the Master. So that’s the illusion we live. 

They explained that when we connect with the Guru, either inside or outside, with reverence and gratitude, and we nurture that principle, it’s actually the principle that’s been nurtured inside us, which brings us closer in connection. But also in the opposite direction, when doubts, criticisms, judgments, and prejudices start being formed in our minds, we start to create a distance; we’re weakening that connection. So our job on the path is always removing the doubts, not entertaining them, whatever happens. Because once we’ve experienced a connection, tested it and decided that this is where I’m going, the benefit comes from sticking to that, and it can take us all the way. Also, when we give dakshina or an offering sincerely from our heart, it goes everywhere; the guru principle inside us, as well as what we see externally. That’s good for our growth. This is symbolic as well, something as simple as just giving a flower as a recognition. 

So I really liked that conversation, and I also admired how Mohanji guided him to connect with his own Guru. Because this clearly wasn’t somebody who was jumping around from one to another, but he had sincere questions. Mohanji answered them, which I’m sure he’ll be benefited from. But also, he reinforced maintaining that single point of connection. So he didn’t give anything of himself. He simply just delivered and guided this person back to his own Guru, his Master, which was great to witness. 

I hope you have a good day ahead. We will speak soon.

Day 120 Lesson – Handling poison 

Good morning everybody. I hope that you’re doing very well. 

Yesterday was a big day here at the house in Bangalore. We prepared for the Maha Shivaratri celebrations, and Mohanji’s satsang, which was fantastic. The Homa, which started at 7 pm yesterday and went through probably till after 7 am this morning – continuously through the night, chanting, the fire ceremony was really special. The morning started with the abhishekam for all the Shiva idols we have here. It is ritualistic bathing where we wash them with water, and then preparations start for both events. Although most people have stayed up continuously through the night chanting, everybody still has an energy about them. It has really been a good morning so far after this event. 

Yesterday for me was a really great satsang. I don’t know how many people would have seen it. Mohanji spoke about Shiva as a state in a way that I hadn’t heard before. He told a story about the churning of the ocean of milk with the positive beings on one side and the negative beings on the other. And they were churning this ocean of milk to release the Amrit, the celestial nectar. If you drink that nectar, you become eternity. In that churning, all the poisons came out first, which had the power to burn all the worlds. So rather than let that be in the hands of the demons, who could then destroy everything, Shiva took that himself. He didn’t swallow it; he didn’t spit it out. But he kept it in his neck. 

Mohanji explained it much better than I’ll now, that it is the churning of our minds all the time; we’re swinging between positive and negative emotions. What generally comes out first is always that venom, maybe anger, jealousy, hatred, etc. That has the power to burn our world because of its impact. And the same, if we swallow that and suppress it, it also has equal damage. So by holding it in that state of awareness, we can move through it. That’s the message I took from that. But I’d recommend that you watch the satsang; it’s there on YouTube. 

In that same satsang, he shared that Shiva is stillness, liberation, and liberation from our identifications. Firstly, with the body, we are this body. Secondly, we’re this personality, identity. Then thirdly, he spoke about our relations. Generally, we identify ourselves in relation to somebody else; I’m the father of somebody, I’m the brother, I’m the mother, I’m the husband, I’m the wife of this person. When we begin to realize that we’re actually not these, that’s when freedom begins. That’s walking the path of Shiva to a state of stillness and liberation. I learned some great things from that; I hadn’t heard Mohanji speak about Shiva before in that way. 

Then after the satsang, we started the Homa. This was really nice because the purpose of the Homa was for all those positively connected to Mohanji and their families to be completely protected from any kind of negativities and enhance awareness of the highest possibility in our lifetime. So primarily, protection and enhancement and that highest possibility of awareness. Anger, jealousy, and competition are all weaknesses, and the highest possibility is compassion, kindness, and love.

The format we had, which was really nice actually, was that all the people who had applied and joined this program for the Homa, we had a coconut for each name. People were making the sankalpa for that person and offering on their behalf in the fire to be received well. I think we had over 180, and it took some time for the coconuts to burn in the fire. So it was all through the night. But it was still a great event in itself. Many people joined on zoom as well and stayed right through to the end. It was great to do that with the group, with the family. 

I noted from that satsang, too, that Mohanji shared how he’s enhancing and empowering the lives of people, even individually, so that they can live a full and effective life. He reminded us that we come into this life, we’re born, and we will leave and die at some point in time. In between, we have something called life. But rarely is anyone recognized in the world; 7.5 billion people, and we only really know a few of them. Mohanji’s aim is that through empowerment, everybody contributing to the world will have a face; they’ll have recognition by adding value to society. 

The lesson I took away is the importance of sharpening willpower, the iccha shakti, the will to do something to the point where you’ve decided every breath you take adds value to society. He said that if that type of decision is made, it’s bound to happen; it has to happen, and the whole of nature will support it. That was the message which I took away. Now, as I’ve been up all night, I’ve written down, and I’ll probably spend today taking some time to think about that and the other points I took from the satsang. 

I hope you have a great day and will speak to you soon.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 17th April 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Day 6

chris and Mohanji

Day 6 Lesson –More than meets the eyes

by Christopher Greenwood

The past few days have seen me encounter some of the practical lessons I’ve picked up living with Mohanji, and today I wanted to share a story which taught me through experience, that there is much more than I can perceive.

Mohanji has said many things happen in and around the house as many people/beings frequently visit it. This is a story of a disabled celestial crow that arrived at the house. We looked after her, and after she passed away, we received a very unexpected blessing.

Good morning, everybody. I hope you’re doing really well. In the past days, I’ve shared some of the more practical lessons that I’ve learned since living with Mohanji. And today I wanted to share a story, which for me, happened at the house and confirmed that there’s more happening than what I can perceive, and what I can experience. So through my limited terrestrial eyes, I can only see a certain amount. But this was something which really opened up my awareness to other possibilities.

I know that other people who are close to Mohanji see him working in many other ways. For example, Mai-Tri practitioners and Mohanji Transformation Method practitioners see the incredible work that he does for people. For me, though, it’s very matter of fact, practical. I think that’s probably the best because, in my role, I need to be able to function practically, if I started having visions or experiences, I’d probably lose focus quite quickly.

But saying that, I know more things are happening at the house – an example of which was a disabled bird that arrived at the house. Now usually, we put out food for all the birds and the beings. Mohanji has also said before that many beings come to this house to take food. From time to time, as we’re eating, they come, and he points out a different looking bird, usually the really majestic crows. He explains that they’re celestial beings coming to feed from here in the form of a bird. One can actually notice a difference because we have a local family here – the same birds, the squirrels, and also a cat that comes by day-to-day. But these are often much more different and distinct in looks.

One day a disabled crow, whose whereabouts we were unaware of, managed to find its way into the garden. Its legs were badly deformed so that they were bent underneath which rendered it unable to stand or fly. It would almost flap, and then it would fall forward on its beak and use the same to drag its body and crawl along the ground. So it was a combination of just flapping and pulling itself along. We provided it with some food, and she stayed for some time. She would sit out there in the garden at the back where there was food for her. It was quite nice; she quickly became very comfortable here.

In the morning, Rajesh does his homa in the early hours on the patio that’s outside the doors of the area where we have the dining table. So if you’re inside the house, you have the dining table, you have some patio doors, which back out onto the garden. Then there’s the patio piece, and then the grass, some shrubs and a wall. If you’ve seen the online homas, then you’ll probably have a good idea of that.

When I come down in the mornings to get a drink in the early hours, the door would be open, Rajesh would be doing the homa, and you’d see the crow sit very close to Rajesh just watching the homa. And it went on like this for a few days. When we asked Mohanji what we should do, he replied, “Just leave her, it is probably a celestial being that had come here for some reason. It probably came to help somebody in the house who had an unnatural death in the family. So just keep feeding her, giving her water, and she’ll be fine.”

So we did this, and Rajesh even made a small shelter in the back, because when it started to rain, she would get absolutely soaked as she couldn’t really go anywhere. So she had a home, and she’d go back in there at night-time and in the morning would come out, have food and go back. It got to the point where you could even feed her the food from your hand. In fact, she became quite loud and demanding – in the morning if she hadn’t had food on time, she would start squawking and really shout. Sometimes she’d even move around the sides of the house ending up shouting again because she got stuck, at the cue of which Ananth would go and pick her up and bring her back.

This went on for a few weeks. But one day we noticed that she didn’t seem so well. The next day we thought of calling the people who come and collect injured birds, but she had unfortunately passed away in the morning. The boys asked Mohanji what the best thing to do was, and he said to bury her on the north side of the house. Now it just so happened, as things came together, some plants arrived at the house from Preeti for planting. The gardener was also booked to come that day and dig the holes for the plants. So we had a small ceremony, the bird was wrapped in the Sai Baba shawl. A hole was dug, we all said goodbye, and we filled up the hole and planted a plant in its remembrance.

Now, this is where it became something special for me. Mohanji said before that it was a celestial bird. At lunchtime, or just before lunchtime, a strange situation occurred, where we all gathered around the table for food. Everybody happened to gather in one place at the same time, and this normally doesn’t happen. Usually, someone’s either in the room or in the kitchen or somewhere else. It’s very, very rare that that happens, and everyone was in one place. We were talking; I can’t remember the discussion.

Then a huge black crow or raven landed on the wall outside the window. Mohanji pointed our attention to it. It wasn’t acting like a bird, it was chattering, and it had its wings outstretched. Mohanji said it was a being from the Kailash Mountain which is, for those who don’t know, the abode of Shiva. It had come to bless everybody and had its wings outstretched. Because birds can’t obviously lift their wings as a human would bless, and it probably came because it was happy how the disabled or celestial crow had been cared for, and then laid to rest. Mohanji said this was a very rare thing to see and a real blessing.

I luckily managed to take a photo of the bird in that position as well. So I’ll share it here. I hope you enjoyed the story. And thank you to everyone for listening and sharing comments with me.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 14th February 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

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My experience with Guru Raksha Homa and Intuition

by Bhumika, Canada

I wanted to take this beautiful opportunity to share my experience of the Guru Raksha Homa. I have read testimonials about it and had contacted an Acharya in June about the same, but there wasn’t any inclination in me or instinct to get it done. I just felt that I have the protection and blessings and don’t need to do this. It was also shared with me that the Homa not only helps the individual but also helps to cleanse the entire family lineage. It seemed alien to me. Since I didn’t understand, I didn’t think of it much and left it at that.

I have experienced that when Mohanji needs to get something done, he will arrange for it, and execute it beautifully. On Monday, August 17, 2020, the primary announcement was made about celebrations over the weekend (Ganesh Chaturthi, Sreepad Srivallabh Jayanthi, and second Anniversary of Datta Tapovan Ashram). That same day in the morning during meditation, the word ‘Homa’ flashed into my head, out of the blue. By now, I am getting a little familiar with the variety and beautiful ways Mohanji communicates and reaches out to his devotees. So, I contacted the team at Datta Tapovan Ashram in Toronto and received a confirmation on Wednesday that the Guru Raksha Homa was scheduled for Sunday. I wouldn’t have missed this opportunity.

On Sunday, August 23, I read Mohanji’s blog on Telegram, where he shared about his beautiful daughter Ammu. It was Ammu’s 20th death anniversary. After doing the kakad aarti, I spoke with Mohanji (his picture) and felt his pain as mine. He knows everything that conspires so he may not have needed any comforting, but I still attempted to comfort him. I did feel the pain, but I was able to focus on his message that something beautiful came out of it, Ammucare happened, and now it’s globally supporting so many human beings in various ways and fulfilling the mission.

It was time for the Homa and other scheduled events for that day, and I was able to participate in the events with ease without getting worked up. In the night, I heard Mohanji’s Podcast – “In memory of Ammu- Loss transformed into something positive.” Something shifted within me, listening to Mohanji’s words and his voice. Contrary to how I was able to see through and focus on the bigger picture, in the night listening to him, I couldn’t focus on that. I felt a deep pain within.

I was caught with Mohanji’s comments and details shared about the last day he saw Ammu alive. He shared minute details about that day, Ammu’s wet kiss on his cheeks, it felt as if it was just yesterday. And the circumstances described by Mohanji that he had to leave and Ammu was crying, as flights and plans were scheduled and needed to be executed; that’s where I was stuck, I wasn’t able to see past it.

I realized that my emotions were running high and combined with fear, it was picking momentum and turning into something nasty. I have a toddler who had had a difficult birth and continues to struggle with health and immunity to the extent that he had to be incubated when he was not even a year old and I didn’t know whether he would survive.

Seeing him go through so much, I guess there must have been a fear that was rooted deep within me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had an intuition to call Bhavani, Mohanji’s Acharya from the USA. Bhavani was very generous and kind to unconditionally give her precious time away from her family and kids. I am so grateful to her for that day. I was heading to a very dark place, I was tipping over a cliff and falling, and Mohanji held my hand by working through Bhavani.

I started sharing details with Bhavani and also mentioned the Guru Raksha Homa. From her experience and listening to my history, she tried to convince me that this is all part of cleansing. She said, “You may have had a deep-rooted fear of losing a child, and it could be that you may have had this experience in your previous lives. With the Homa, it’s coming to the surface and cleansing is happening from your system.” She was really kind to me and very generous to share details from her life. It is any parent’s worst nightmare to lose a child, and I am no different. I went on crying and sobbing. Bhavani tried in so many ways by giving many examples to convince and comfort me and assure me that nothing wrong will happen. She commented that your faith would be tested at every step and to hold on to it tightly. And when nothing was happening, she firmly commented, “Okay, you can either hold on to your faith or keep crying like this”. LOL!!!!!

It may have been her voice, but those were Mohanji’s words. And I knew it was Mohanji, but the moment Bhavani uttered those words I could immediately experience a shift within me. I felt Mohanji was frustrated with me as I was so engulfed in emotions that nothing logical was registering in me, not even the evidence from Bhavani’s experiences. Mohanji has a lot of patience, but I was exhibiting delirium, for no reason.

That comment from Bhavani and in the way she said it did the magic. Listening to the words, “Hold on to your faith” took me out of the dark place. I calmed down, stopped crying and was peaceful. Bhavani stayed with me over the phone until she was convinced that I was okay. What started with crying and being fearful ended up with laughter, discovering a connection and love!

I have been part of the celebrations at the Datta Tapovan Ashram since Friday afternoon via zoom. Sunday was the last day of celebrating the festivities. Bhavani helped me conclude my prayers by offering Dakshina. Prayers should always be accompanied by Dakshina in any form. With Bhavani’s guidance, I donated towards Mohanji Ka Aangan and ACT4HUNGER; both the causes close to my heart. I felt so fulfilled, light and happy.

Only after talking to Bhavani, I could see through Mohanji’s leelas and his divine blessings. He directed me to get the Homa done for my benefit on such an auspicious day and freed me from a deep-rooted pain or fear that I wasn’t even aware of. If left unaddressed, it may have grown and interfered with me moving forward on this path. There was plenty of chanting and positive energy around me since Friday with the prayers. Mohanji’s Canada team worked effortlessly to ensure all the devotees tuning in via zoom have blissful experiences. It was just beautiful. Kudos to the entire team! Thank you Mahesh Ji for the Homa.

I am so thankful to Bhavani. I am filled with gratitude and love towards Mohanji. He gives unconditionally and doesn’t expect anything in return.

Before sleeping, I offered gratitude to Mohanji. The fear which had once engulfed me transformed into firm faith. I told him (to his picture), “Mohanji, you will never let anything happen to my kids. I know they are protected. I know you will take care of them. As a parent, you have experienced the loss of your daughter; in my heart, I know you will not let me go through that excruciating pain.”

The next day morning after my Kriya, I checked my messages and Bhavani had forwarded Mohanji’s quote that day, and you won’t believe what He had said. It is so surreal, at times, I have to pinch myself to make sure this is happening. Mohanji’s quote was,

“You will not have the struggle what I went through because I have already made the path for you to walk on, effortlessly.”


Mohanji really loves us unconditionally, his love is just infinite!

He was firm with me when he needed to be, and then he embraced me as a mother when I needed the assurance and motherly love. Mohanji is a lot of things for me, a friend, (my only friend), mother, father, and Guru! He works tirelessly for all of us. He takes so much upon himself. What I can comprehend based on my capacity and eligibility doesn’t even touch the surface of how generous and kind he is. It’s beyond my comprehension. He is with me in ways that I am not even aware.

To all those who are reading this, please know that I have never met Mohanji in person and I only started following him since April this year. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter how long you have known him in this life, whether you have met him in person, or if you are in close proximity to him, he doesn’t need a physical body to connect with us. He is energy, and we have to connect to that. And Mohanji repeatedly comments and asks us to connect with his consciousness and not stay limited to his physical form.

I am sharing this because I used to be that person who always used to wonder, “Why not me”, “When will I get such an experience”, “Oh, I wish I had that too”. I think the shift happened when I started to let go, surrender and began to experience others’ experiences as my own, I could feel their happiness and be with them in their experience. With Mohanji’s grace, I have started having awareness and recognition of his mystic ways. He communicates in so many ways, and it’s so beautiful even to describe it. In my experience, he will give me messages during meditation or through another devotee, dreams; I will hear his voice. There is an intuition, and I will follow it. Most of these messages are so out of character for me, that I know it is not my mind playing tricks, rather some higher divine energy in play. Mohanji has connected me to specific Acharyas for a specific reason. He has orchestrated events for me to be at the right time to receive the information required. Things such as listening to a replay of a video under the ‘Women Power Online Boot Camp’; joining a satsang where a guest speaker shares her experiences of her journey to Kailash with Mohanji, (I was not even aware of this event and received a last-minute invite).

Similarly, I got last-minute access to participate in Conscious Dancing with Devi Mohan on zoom; got my driver’s license renewed on the last day in 10 minutes! I can go on and on and on; there is no end to it. All I can say is, I love it. It’s like walking on water; it’s so liberating like someone is carrying me off my feet, I don’t feel the burden, the pressure. I just feel love!

Mohanji wanted me to get a Homa done, he knew that it is something I needed, but I had no clue. He spoke to me through Bhavani and said exactly what I needed to hear. His quote the following day was an assurance to me that he has heard everything I said to his picture the previous night and he was assuring me that he will not let anything happen.

Those who have just joined Mohanji, please don’t let anything come your way in connecting with him. I am telling you, he listens when you talk to him, even to his picture.

It is my ancestors and my parents’ karma that I am reaping the benefits and Mohanji’s grace in this lifetime. I have never experienced such unconditional love in my entire life. If I take one step towards him, he is taking ten towards me.

Believe me; I am not special; I am nothing. All I do is keep talking to him; that’s all I do. Whatever comes to my head, I tell him.

Sorry, Mohanji, there might be ‘message traffic’ coming your way in future and knowing that you love silence, this will be fun! Just kidding, I love you from the bottom of my heart (you can be at multiple places at the same time) I have loved you in my previous lifetimes too (an intuition). Writing this experience is also an intuition, it has been on my mind all day today, and I knew I had to do it.

Mohanji, always, always bless us!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 6th September 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Kalpataru Series – A sign from the Masters


By Anonymous, Canada

Namaskara to the Mohanji community.

While I have not had the opportunity of meeting Sri Mohanji in person, I learned about him through others. As a result, I started to read his blogs, others’ blogs about their experiences and have watched several videos of his talks.


I became a Sai Baba devotee in my youth and feel that he sent my Guru to me. My Guru is no longer in the physical body but is very dear to me. He taught us the importance of love and respect for all spiritual paths. Thus, it felt natural for me to get to know Mohanji. He reminds me of a loving elder brother or cousin who gives you chocolate whenever he sees you! My beloved Guru and Mohanji essentially state that we should follow one path to reach the goal. It’s beautiful and reinforces my commitment to my Guru’s teachings.

When I learned about the Guru Raksha Homa, I asked a Mohanji devotee about it and she said it is powerful. I signed up for it and left it to God and Gurus to determine what could be done.

While I am unable to provide ‘concrete proof points’ as the intellectuals would like, the experiences below are, in my opinion, the grace of Mohanji and the realized Masters. They continue to stoke the flame of my faith and keep me going so that I one day can behold the divine goal. I hope you find this helpful as you continue on your spiritual journey.

The first homa was performed on Oct 25, 2019. I do not recall any extraordinary physical sensations either before or thereafter, but what did occur was protection from fire.

That weekend after the homa, I was in the vicinity of a wildfire and thankfully, was out of harm’s way. I also had two minor burns on my hands that could’ve been a lot worse. They have healed with limited scarring. I recall that Lord Dattatreya and His incarnations (Sri Pada Sri Vallabha and Narasimha Saraswati in particular) can work on karma in unusual ways.


The experience from Dec 26, 2019 homa was more pronounced and interestingly, I was unaware that it was taking place until after. A couple of days before the homa, I was having throbbing sensations in my heart chakra region. It felt more intense on the 26th itself. Concerned, I went to the doctor and was put through a barrage of tests, all of which came out negative. Then, that night, I had an intense anxiety attack and barely slept. I had to listen to videos of my Guru and Mohanji to get some sleep. I had fears of disease and death and was ashamed that I went to the doctor. I was crying profusely throughout the day and night. I have had a lifetime of dealing with anxiety, so such feelings were not unusual for me. But this one seemed to hit me with a vengeance. I was crying to my Guru and Sri Pada to help me as I am their child and had nowhere to go. I wanted to be done with the cycle of samsara. I longed to be free of sorrow and have a Guru in my heart. I do not wish anxiety upon anyone. It is painful and can take you into an abyss of mental agony. I wondered what I had done in my previous births to deal with this.

The next day, I was depleted and had an ‘anxiety hangover.’ After taking care of some work, I visited a very spiritual friend and she welcomed me with a hug and a delicious dinner. She shared some exercises she has been doing on energy medicine. I felt better but was still crying intermittently. I prayed with a tearful heart to Sri Pada to please give me a sign that he is with me. Intellectually I know he is with me in a subtle form as I chant his holy name and read his biography, but I needed something more.

A couple of days later, for some reason, I decided to text Alpaji about prasad from the October homa. She mentioned to me that there is no prasad for this type of homa. Then I learned from her that the second homa occurred on the 26th! It then struck me that this was the sign I was asking for and it explained why I was feeling so intense before. My wish to have a sign from the Masters had been granted. I was so elated and grateful to Mohanji, my Guru, Lord Datta Prabhu and all the realized Masters. Please continue to protect me and my family. I bow to them with humility.

Jai Guru!



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 31st May 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team


Sacred Homa – Merging into Shiva Consciousness


By Sonia Gandhi, Australia

“I have told them, I’m coming to Sri Lanka in February!” Mohanji uttered these words looking into my eyes in Singapore, in December 2018 after the Consciousness Kriya Initiation, where I was volunteering that day. I was totally confused for a second. Then I thought that it was a good opportunity for me to be with Mohanji again soon.

He said February, and it was in February 2020 when the trip happened. And as destiny had it planned, all the people who were meant to be there were there, in the presence of Mohanji. He is Shiva Consciousness himself for those who have the eyes to see the real energy, beyond his physical appearance or personality.

It’s true too, that you can never see how a true Master operates when you look through human eyes and mind; it’s only when we open the eyes of our soul, truth can dawn upon us.  Only our true self can acknowledge and see a true Master, that too, when we are ready.

I’m eternally grateful for every minute of my life that prepared me for the experience that my soul witnessed during the 12 hours of Homa, which took place on Shivaratri during my Sri Lanka trip.


After the Global Summit, we had people joining us for the Ramayana Trails pilgrimage on 21st February, which happened to be on Shivaratri. And with Mohanji’s blessings, Mohanji Acharya Rajesh Kamath, supported by Mohanji Acharya Ananth Sankaran, started the Homa around 6.00 pm that day. Such blessed instruments of Mohanji who conducted this Homa for 12+ hours without any breaks and with such intensity. It was overwhelming to see their dedication, focus and commitment along with others who were supporting the holy session.

We wrapped up the last session of the Summit and welcomed all those who were joining the Ramayana Trails. There was an opening satsang with Mohanji, which filled everyone with bliss. Love was flowing in every corner of the room.

Later, when we headed down to join the Homa, we were advised to sit for as long as we could. The Homa had already started in a beautiful location, next to the beach and under the sky with stars witnessing the sacred ceremony.

Mohanji was already seated there, looking intensely towards the sacred fire, as we arrived around 9.15 pm. As we were about to sit in a corner, Mohanji called us and said, “Come sit here!” (in front of him),  and that in itself surprised me.

Homa 1

I sat in front of Mohanji and he jokingly said, “Don’t crush my foot!” His foot had been swollen for the past 20 days, but he didn’t cancel any engagements, meetings, or trips. As he always says, “How can I cancel anything, when people have travelled from far and wide to see me.”

So, he was sitting there and as soon as we settled down, he asked us to chant the mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya, Shivaya Namah Om.’ The wave of chanting started, while ghee was being offered and the rest of the proceedings were being done.

I closed my eyes and with each chant, I was going deeper and deeper, as if Mohanji was taking me on a journey within. I was trying my best to be in sync with the others who were chanting, but after a while, my chants became louder, as if coming from the deepest corner of my soul.

I lost control over what was happening inside, and my voice was getting deeper and deeper and out of sync with the others. On one side, I was feeling bad that I was not chanting in sync with others and on the other side, believe it or not, I had no control over it.

Homa 2

Soon after, I could see myself in my previous lives; praying, singing and chanting in many lifetimes, yearning to be with Shiva. Someone learned had mentioned long ago that I was a Shiva Bhakta in my previous lives, to which I had not paid much attention to. In this life, my spiritual journey started with Sai Baba, who brought me to Mohanji.

I could see how my soul in every lifetime, chanted and chanted, and yearned to be in Shiva’s presence, to merge with Shiva’s Consciousness. Series of lifetimes were flashing in front of my closed eyes; making me realize that it was not just by coincidence that I got to sit in front of Mohanji; it was Mohanji fulfilling my wish, my yearning of lifetimes, by making me sit there and chant Om Namah Shivaya; from the core of my heart and soul, which was witnessed by all the five elements. Shiva, the Supreme Consciousness, was present as Mohanji, my eternal Father and Guru.

All I wished at that moment was to melt and turn into ashes that very second, not to come back. My soul was completely absorbed in oneness in the chant at Shiva’s feet. There was nothing in this entire life, or previous lives, that were more precious than those moments. This life could have ended there happily, as the deepest wish of my soul was fulfilled, that too, without this physical mind, body and intellect being aware of it. Only Shiva could have known the yearning of this soul. How can I ever offer gratitude to Mohanji for something so precious that was granted to me in such a subtle and unassuming way.

The energy was at its peak and my soul was ready to turn into ashes there and then, to merge with the

Supreme Consciousness, strongly insisting on turning into ashes, as there was nothing else that the soul desired after that. Suddenly Mohanji said, “Stop!” and everything inside me stopped, my consciousness separated from the Supreme and started coming back to the physical world slowly. Everything slowed down and just the chanting remained. I suddenly felt it was not the time to go, there was more remaining of this body’s physical existence.

This ignorant mind knows nothing, I pray to him to give me eyes that see him in everything and everyone, to give me thoughts and words that are filled with his love, to give me ears that hear the best in everyone, to purify my being totally to become an instrument of spreading his light, till it’s time to turn into ashes and merge with him.

When I opened my eyes, it was 1.30 am and we were chanting the Maha Mritunjaya mantra for the rest of the night. We had four dogs, representing Datta’s presence, sitting around us the whole night.

The Homa was completed at 6.30 am, and thanks to the motivation from Lisa, Pooja and Soujanya, I ended up being there till the end, though dozing off slightly many times. Infinite gratitude to Mohanji Acharya Kamath for conducting this powerful Homa ceremony with blessings from Mohanji.

It’s not possible to do justice trying to explain what took place in words; still this was my humble attempt. Ah! How dumb I felt, not understanding the real significance of being called by Mohanji, my Shiva, the Supreme Consciousness, to come to Sri Lanka. Just another example of how ignorant and limited the human mind is, not knowing the real significance of this very subtle hint.

Eternal gratitude at Mohanji’s lotus feet, with a prayer to turn me, my ego, and my existence into ashes, so that only HE remains and works through this body and mind, during every aspect of my remaining life.




Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th April 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Kumbh Mela 2019 with Mohanji – a dream comes true


by a devotee, India

Kumbh Mela was always a dream since childhood and to be able to attend this someday was indeed a big milestone in my life. Due to the grace of the Tradition, I had the opportunity of doing my first Kumbh in the year 2015 in Nasik with Mohanji and again in 2019 in Prayag. I had read about the Kumbh in Prayag in the book ‘The Autobiography of a Yogi’. I would imagine the visuals of how it would be to be there in person but never knew one day I would physically attend one.

Since the time ‘Kumbh with Mohanji’ was announced, I was eagerly looking forward to this yatra (pilgrimage). However, to complete this desire I went through a lot of hurdles for months. Amidst all the circumstances when my wish was fulfilled, I realised that it was purely my Guru Mohanji’s grace which makes sure that all our wishes and desires are fulfilled.

In August 2018, my grandma (94 years of age) had a fall and fractured her hip. Following surgery, her health condition required our full-time care for her. At the same time, I also came to know of a close relative’s wedding planned for February 2019, exactly coinciding with the dates of the Kumbh Mela pilgrimage.

kumbh19_pic 12

My hopes of doing Kumbh with Mohanji in Prayag came shattering down. Needless to say that I was disappointed but surrendered to my Guru and consoled myself that maybe this was not the time for me. A few days later, I had an early morning dream where I share with Mohanji my desire to attend the Kumbh. Soon after, I heard that the wedding had been advanced by a month and that meant it would have been completed before the Kumbh Mela pilgrimage. I was taken aback and knew that Mohanji had heard me. Although I was elated at the chance of doing the Kumbh with Mohanji, I was still unsure if I could surely make it, as my granny was bedridden and still needed our full-time care.

As the months progressed, we had some more issues in the family front, losing some close relatives. There was a lot of grief and sadness in the family. Amidst all this, I still had the desire to do the Kumbh which got rekindled when I happened to speak with Preethi Gopalarathnam one day in Dec 2018. When I expressed my deep desire to attend the Kumbh Mela with Mohanji to my dad, he encouraged me. Finally, by the end of Dec 2018, I booked my place on the pilgrimage.

Just before starting my journey, one day while caring for my granny and brushing her teeth, she bit my finger hard which later developed into an infection. I noticed swelling and heaviness in my finger accompanied by pain. The doctor put me on antibiotics right away. Normally I am a hyper person but was very cool about this situation. I wasn’t sure if I would get any medical aid at a place like Kumbh but with Mohanji’s grace all was taken care of and I received the required care by the medical facilities available at the Parmarth Niketan camp where we stayed.

Kumbh 2019 Abhisekam for Mohanji

Mohanji had even made sure that my travel to Kumbh was taken care of. I had the amazing company of two sisters travelling from South Africa during my train journey from Mumbai.

Even when our train was delayed, we had help from strangers who guided us to get down at the right station. Despite issues with local commuting, we finally arrived at our destination safe and sound. I was so amazed to realise how well Mohanji took care at every step making the journey comfortable and making my dream come true.

Immense gratitude to Mohanji for everything that he does for us. My journey to Kumbh was only possible because of his grace. Now I would like to rewind a bit and share what I was going through during the time of the plan to the Kumbh Mela.

I was going through a lot of emotional and mental issues since the end of Dec 2015. My mind kept telling me that everyone around me disliked me. I felt unwanted and I felt that I should keep away from everyone. I went through this negative phase for a long time, alienating myself from those around me. These thoughts were empowering and seemed to be so real. These thoughts were eating me up. I remembered during the Pune retreat, Mohanji telling me that I was possessed by entities, but at that time I did not understand what he meant. It was only during Khumb while listening to someone else’s experience, I could relate to the phase I underwent.


I did many pilgrims/retreats with Mohanji while going through this phase. It was only after the Bosnia retreat, I noticed a transformation in myself and thoughts became more positive.

Right from the first time I met Mohanji, I was unable to speak with him freely, the way others do. I would become tongue-tied when in front of him. I would want to say a lot to him but when in front of him I would get nervous and go blank. A part of me kept telling me I am not worthy to be in his presence and should maintain a distance. Maybe he does not want me to be near him. Hence many times I have lost opportunities of being in his proximity. It is much easier to talk to his picture or communicate with him mentally.

After one such trip to Kurnool, I felt that Mohanji was avoiding me and ignoring me. Every time I met him I would hope that he talks to me like he does with others. Even this time I was hoping he would talk to me, take notice of me. Now when I look back, these thoughts seem so silly.

After this background, now fast forward to the Kumbh.

As mentioned earlier I had hurt my finger and was hoping that at least once Mohanji would enquire about it. Finally, on the day of the homa when my turn came to do pranams to Mohanji (at first I felt he wouldn’t speak with me but he did), he enquired about my finger and made fun of it (I loved him pulling my leg) but as usual, despite wanting to reply, I just kept murmuring as I was unable to speak. But I was happy with the thought that he spoke with me.

Throughout the Kumbh, I had a burning desire to ask Mohanji if he was upset with me, why he ignored me and wanted to apologize to him if knowingly or unknowingly I had hurt him. I also wanted to thank him for all that he had done for me. I had put in a request if I could meet him for a few minutes so that I may convey my apologies to him. Then we were told that he will not be doing one on one meeting but would meet people in groups of 4. Now, I just didn’t know what to say to him in front of others. As usual, I was feeling very nervous before meeting him and was going blank. When I met him, I expressed my gratitude to him with tears in my eyes and got my bracelet and paduka blessed by him. I was finding it very difficult to speak to him. He mentioned to our group that the dip he had with our group was the best amongst the three dips and that he did a lot of mental and spiritual cleansing along with a lot of cleansing for ancestors for some. I somehow managed to tell him that after the Bosnia retreat, the panic attacks that I had been suffering from had stopped. Since returning from Bosnia, I had got these attacks only twice, but the intensity was much less. Earlier, I would choke when I got these attacks, gasp for breath along with spells of giddiness. Mohanji said that he did a lot of cleansing this time.


I remembered that during the Kailash Yatra, it was easy for me to take more than 10-15 dips in the freezing water of Mansarovar lake, but at the Kumbh, after Mohanji poured water on me thrice, I was gripped with the fear of not being able to take the dips. I was shaking with fear and was in tears and then Preethi Gopalarathnam helped me take the dips. Thanks to her I managed to take 5-6 dips. I don’t know what this was but now when I look back, I realise it must have been the cleansing that he did.

After an exhilarating Kumbh trip, we left early in the morning for the Varanasi airport. We had an afternoon flight to catch but keeping the traffic in mind, we left early. At the airport, I connected with a participant with whom I hardly interacted throughout the trip. It was 3 of us sharing our experiences. It was then I understood the significance of sharing experiences and why Mohanji emphasizes on the same. I got answers to many questions that were bothering me. I realized that I was not the only one who was getting these thoughts of being ignored. Others have also felt the same. I was surprised at myself for the answers I came up with for questions such as why I felt Mohanji was ignoring me. I realized it was he who was talking and not me. I was just the medium. He gave replies to my queries through me and that too in the presence of those who felt the same. Many more thoughts that were common with others were cleared.

Since my return from the pilgrimage, I feel my awareness level has increased. I only pray that this is a permanent transformation and not temporary. Only time will tell. For me, the Kumbh experience was more about understanding myself and my thoughts. I feel more positive now. I feel I am more accepting of others and I am not holding on to the past. All thanks to Baba and Mohanji for their grace. Immense gratitude to the Masters of our Tradition.



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th February 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Guru Mohana Raksha Homa


Bhavani Nair and Ami Hughes share with us their experiences on the power of the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa being conducted regularly by our dear Mahesh Bhalerao at the Ashram in Canada! Distance is never a constraint and all that is required is pure intent! 

By Bhavani Nair, USA

Lately, I have been going through a difficult process of churning and accepting life events and situations that are flowing in my direction. I recently became a Mohanji Acharya, we moved to a new home, and I even received a new name! All these brought in energies that were welcoming, confusing and overwhelming all at once! With so many changes, it was hard to find some stable ground under my own two feet, but my faith and belief in Father (Mohanji) has been my anchor. I believe he is the best anchor one can have in a lifetime, and having had so many situations thrown at me at once, I wondered how and where I got the energy to handle everything so effortlessly?

A little bit of background on the situation here. At our Acharya training, we were advised by Mohanji that we should all support the Canada ashram in whatever way we can. I took it upon myself as a sankalpa (intention) that I should contribute something to the ashram for some time since we had received so much love, care, laughter and comfort of a home there. During this time, the news about a homa came out from the Canada team. I didn’t think much about it at that time since I was content with everything in my life and the recent homa conducted at the Kailash Mansarovar yatra; although thousands of miles apart, I felt the energies of it here in the USA. But I guess the higher powers wanted me to go ahead with the homa that was being offered in Canada. A couple of days into the announcement, I was asked by another devotee in the USA to participate in the upcoming homa and help the ashram. Once again, I didn’t feel the push, but something made me contact the team to let me participate since I was donating to the temple anyway. I requested them and was advised they will take care of everything and all I had to do was provide them with some information from my end. I wasn’t too sure about what to tell them, so I left the question for some time.

A couple of weeks went by and I saw someone post pictures of the homa done in Canada on a Whatsapp chat, and it occurred to me that I never followed up with the team. So, on the same day, I contacted Mahesh Bhai and he told me that he can do it on the following day. I told him that wasn’t going to work because we were going through the Pitru Paksha period (honouring one’s ancestors), and it wasn’t an auspicious time to do anything related to purchasing anything new, starting something long term or conducting any poojas. So, I requested him to perform the homa during Navratri (nine nights of celebrating the Goddess) time and Chitra Nakshatra (birth star of Lord Sripada Srivallabha). He advised me that the day I requested wasn’t possible since he was conducting prayers in his home but told me not to worry as he will conduct it sometime during Navratri and will text me the night before. I was okay with that since any day during Mother’s Navratri is auspicious. By this time, I decided that I wanted the homa conducted for my children since they were enrolled in a new school and could use the extra blessings.

As Navratri rolled in, we conducted a little housewarming prayer in our home to bring in the auspiciousness of Mother’s energy. The following morning, I woke up feeling very drained and with muscle ache. These things usually happen when one is about to get sick. I took it as a cleansing from the puja the day earlier and the energy of Mother Goddess working on subtle levels. Feeling drained and exhausted physically, I felt completely disconnected from everyone at home and on social media. My thoughts were to completely disconnect and just be with myself. Finally, on Thursday, October 3, 2019, the negativity took a turn for the worse and I felt completely unworthy, jealous, not good enough and all the comparisons that can happen in one’s mind came up. I knew deep down this was my mind’s play and being aware of this made the process easier. Despite feeling negative emotions, a wonderful awareness flowed within my consciousness. I realized that everything that has happened in my life thus far since meeting Mohanji has been done only by him. All the doubts, pain, pleasure, happiness, love, envy, shortcomings, anger were created by him to help me grow. If he gave me anger, he also provided the solution. He brought obstacles, but also brought in new ways of thinking. He brought confusion, only to resolve something that needed to get resolved. It truly felt like I was being given a window to glimpse that it was him all along and I just needed to be here in full awareness to experience and move along in my progression.

After this feeling, I thanked him for letting me get a peek into something that cannot be perceived with the naked eyes but can only be felt by grace. In the evening, as we started Mohanji’s aarati, I got really upset at my daughter for something very silly. The root cause was once again a feeling of not being worthy or smart enough. Since childhood, I have always felt that I wasn’t the brightest child. I had to work extra hard to earn everything, and that pattern extended into every aspect of my life. I always watched my friends and family in awe at how things worked out for them without even giving too much effort. But later in my life I realized, my mind was never attuned to the material way of life, it flourished in connecting to the divine and in that I realized my strength. Later, self-acceptance came with Mohanji’s teachings. So, as my anger took a turn, I started crying for no apparent reason; all while Mohanji’s aarati was in process. My little daughter came and sat on my lap to help me calm down. The older daughter, after being yelled at, also came to console me. Looking back, what I felt at that moment was Baba’s love, which has the energy to pierce one’s heart center and brings forth pain that needs to get resolved. I had experienced this pain during the Pran Prathishta (energizing the Idol) of the Sai Baba idol in 2018. This pain has the healing power which can only be felt after it has cleared all that wasn’t necessary. That night, after the big sob, I was drained and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up knowing I had dreamt about Baba, Mahesh, and the others, but wasn’t sure about the content of the dream. I made a mental note to text Mahesh about the homa since Navratri was almost over, and I had not heard anything from him. As with kids, chores took over and I completely forgot about the dream I had earlier. Later in the morning, I received a text in a local girl chat that there was a homa done in Canada for Jaya and family. Upon glancing at this message, I texted Mahesh right away and informed him that I saw him in my dream and wanted to know about the date of the homa. He texted me back, “You were informed that homa was done successfully in your dream.” I thought, “Does this man always joke and talk in riddles?” Then he told me the homa was conducted yesterday on Thursday, October 3, but since it was a busy day at the ashram, he had forgotten to text me. Along with that message, he sent me some pictures as well. As I glanced through the pictures, I could see Mohanji’s presence in the fire pit and realized that the homa was done during his birth star. After receiving this news, everything that had happened in the last few days made sense to me. I was asked to share this experience with others to show the Guru’s leela (play). However, I felt too disconnected from social media, and I felt vulnerable to share my emotions, but I informed Mahesh that if Mohanji wishes, I will certainly do so. Later that evening, while cleaning I sensed my heart center expanding and getting warm. I have Mohanji’s picture in my kitchen and felt him telling me to share with others as our Tradition encourages us to share these magical experiences to strengthen our faith and belief in the Guru.

The homa which I thought was just meant for my children, brought blessings to my whole family. It was later revealed by the Canada team that they will be naming the homa Guru Mohana Raksha Homa (Mohanji’s Protection Homa). I had no idea that I had signed up for such an auspicious event. In hindsight, it was for the best since my mind is too active and would have conjured up unnecessary things and that would have blocked the natural course of events to take place. Once again, it was all under the guidance of Mohanji and all I had to do was just be present and listen to my inner voice. I am grateful to the Canada team for helping us despite their struggles. It has been a great honour to be part of their journey since the commencement of the Ashram. Thank you Mohanji, for making all this happen even without myself being aware as you are omnipresent and know what is best for each one of us. All we need to do is follow our inner voice and let him do the rest.

Jai Mohanji, and Jai Gurudev Datta.



By Ami Hughes, South Africa

It was about a week to go to the Mohanji Acharya Training – Level 1 in Andrevlje, Serbia, and I was exceedingly blessed to be able to attend it for a second time as a refresher. Well not only that, I was miraculously able to attend the ‘Ignite Your Inner Flame’ retreat with Mohanji in Mt. Kopaonik – on the heels of the Acharya Training as well. Just how cool is that!

I couldn’t believe how effortlessly all the arrangements fell into place, including the worrisome matter of leave from work. That too worked out – albeit not without a few anxious moments initially. I was agog. Talk about Guru’s Grace. It was amply evident.

The timing of the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa was also almost on cue. I was consumed by this … er … ‘little’ matter of internal/external purification before I left for the Balkan country. I wanted my entire being to be cleansed in the sacred homa – the blazing fire of Shiva – so that I went to the Balkans empty of all mind/matter/ego concepts.

Mahesh Bhalerao, who conducts the homas at Datta Tapovan in Canada, was quite amused when I asked whether a little bronze figurine – representing this lower self with its associated bindings and limiting concepts could be offered into the fire for annihilation.

My flight out was set for Saturday, 13 Oct 2019, and I was hoping the homa would be done on Guru Day – on a Thursday before I travelled. However, Mahesh said it would possibly be held on Saturday, not ideal for me because of international travel. OK, then Saturday it is, I said to myself. My husband and sister-in-law were also included in the family homa. Five other families were also participating.

So on Thursday then, from around 18:15 ish local time, I started feeling very irritable. My body began to experience inexplicable weird sensations. My legs, especially the right began to feel strangely numb. I did not know where to place my body, nor what to do with it. The irritation level heightened. I felt IRRITATED with everything … with myself … my life … with just about everything. On some abstract level, I felt a little alarmed wondering what was happening to me! Then a flash of that light-bulb moment! The Guru Mohana Raksha Homa was taking place. I was in the throes of deep cleaning and purification. The homa was being conducted in Canada and I was feeling its powerful effects continents and oceans away!

Now I was in full ‘Awareness’ mode and began to accept and flow through whatever was happening. I was in no doubt that what I was feeling was due to the homa. Some 45 minutes later, my body began to be softly blanketed in an unusual calmness – a kind of ‘suspended’ stillness. I felt distanced from the room I was in and everything in it. I recognised a feeling of energy expansion. It began to surge, almost comfortingly through to my head, hands, and palms. The gentle fire moved to the centre of my chest and it got stronger. Then the heat intensified as it moved to my spine and the back of my chest. By this time I was almost in an altered state – but in full awareness.

I realised something. In that blessed state, ‘I’ knew I could heal as the fire was that of potent Life. This beautiful blanket of fire was powerful. I automatically extended my hands out, holding my palms in blessing … intending with all my heart for the magnificence of the energy flooding and flowing through me to reverently touch my beloved Master Mohanji and his family, in the deepest love and gratitude, to Mother Earth … to all elemental life, the animals, the atoms and cells of my bodies to everything, to all life, including my husband and family, and our ancestors and lineages.


This went on for quite a while. I was in the holy arms of the divine, in the universal flow, that state of Beingness without comparison called Love. Gradually as the ‘gentle powerful’ fire began to ease, I became more aware of my physical body and immediate surroundings. Yes, the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa had indeed taken place. Mahesh only confirmed this much later on. By then I needed no confirmation. I had already had the most tangible, powerful experiences of purification, transcendence and healing, and found it to be pure and transcendent love.

Dear Mahesh, thank you for facilitating and conducting the homa. May the grace of the Guru empower and bless you always.

How do I feel now?

I feel gratitude for the unforgettable experience, and a sense of deep purification, increasing stillness within, more expansion into love, which personally translates into alignment with the Source. This is what Mohanji has done for me. It is called Guru Raksha – being constantly under the powerful radiance and protection of the Guru or Master; and I need no convincing that Mohanji whom I consider my Spiritual Father and the pure essence of the eternally flowing river of brilliant golden light, is always with me.

To you Mohanji, all praise, all gratitude, all thanks and love.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 14th November 2019


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Being with Mohanji – Retreat in Virginia, USA, August 27-30, 2018 : Part 1

— Mohanji USA Team


The spiritual retreat held in Virginia in August 2018, was absolutely fascinating and filled the minds of all its participants with such joy and bliss that no one really wanted to leave the pristine sanctuary of the Sevenoaks retreat center in Madison or part with Mohanji’s company at the end of it.


After a brief introduction on the first day, Mohanji let everyone get to bed early with the promise that he will make sure that everyone is purified and emptied of various blockages – mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual, ready to be filled with total bliss, paving the pathway to liberation.


The first level of purification began in the early hours of day 2, before the sun had risen, as the participants gathered around a ceremonial fire.  As Mohanji lit a lamp and offered prayers before lighting the sacred homa fire amidst mystical chants and prayers, the magical power of transformation had already begun.  The participants symbolically offered dry coconut, with faith and surrender, representing the offering of all negativities and blockages, which the sacred fire swallowed and turned into ashes.  As the ceremony was culminating, the sun rose flooding the area with brilliant rays filling every heart with warmth and joy and content having gone through this magical homa.


After the purification by the fire element at the fire ritual, Mohanji took all of us beautifully and with great love through various other processes of cleansing.  The yoga, meditation, chanting and the Q&A sessions were all so fulfilling and Mohanji took everyone through a journey of contemplation and realization which resulted in absolute silence and bliss. 


The conscious walk to the nearby river was very refreshing after a lovely vegan lunch.  But what no one  expected was the mid-afternoon session in the river, which is used for tubing!  As soon as everyone walked down the narrow steps to the fresh water of the Rapidian river, it was fun and joy all around. 


We crossed all barriers of age and everything else and were just a bunch of kids playing in the water and splashing water at each other! It was amazing.  With Mohanji talking, laughing and joking with everyone, those were moments of pure love and joy. 


Being with Mohanji in the exclusive retreat center amidst of the natural surroundings of the beautiful Blueridge mountains of Virginia was nothing less than being in paradise! Let’s read the first-hand experience of some of our participants.

An Avatar in Jeans and Sweatshirt – Laina Rey, Sedona


As we waited for Mohanji to make his appearance at the airport, I realized I had never felt such intense anticipation (without any expectations) before. Only a few months previous to this event, I never heard of Mohanji, yet as we waited I knew Him. I felt him approaching. I hadn’t felt that kind of energy before. I said ‘hello, Mohan.’ It didn’t sound like my voice but, a voice deep within, like I had waited a very long time for this moment indeed, and this voice recognized him. As I reflect on him saying just four days later, he said ‘I love you.’ Did I dare to ask for the experience of perfect, divine, infinite, unconditional love of him? I felt like crying but, was too taken- in by the moment. I was meeting this avatar in his jeans and sweatshirt too. No formalities for this holy man. I was relieved, as I don’t know very much about formal Indian protocols.


Mohanji was speaking in Bethesda, Maryland, that evening. Again, as I waited in anticipation for his

appearance. I felt that energy coming. Even though I had my eyes closed, I knew where he was. He was passing this energy over everyone in this auditorium. I wasn’t going to leave this bliss. I didn’t open my eyes through most of the event. I don’t think I could move and I didn’t want to. A few minutes before the end, having been totally cognizant of everything in these proceedings in bliss, I slowly opened my eyes. 

The retreat started the very next day in Madison, Virginia. The first day was homa, a fire ceremony when everyone burns blockages they don’t want. This was also a first for me. I didn’t have a clue what to expect but, it did happen! I felt relieved and lighter after this. This ceremony took a while; Mohanji was totally focused on every detail the whole time. We all had personal time with Mohanji at this retreat in between ‘conscious walks’ to the Rapidan River, yoga and other scheduled events. Sevenoaks is a unique place with

its 300 ft. well water, organic garden and wild life on 120 acres in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I found a great little sanctuary in the woods, where I spent my free time. It was the perfect place for me to assimilate all of this. 


I learned specific techniques for meditations and quieting the mind, some of which were personal and individual over the next 3 days. Every event was more blissful than the previous one. The people from Sedona had a separate interview with Mohanji of which I attended, being a Sedona resident. He gave his blessings for an ashram here. This was getting better and better! Shakti path, given by Mohanji, has to be experienced as words would be too difficult here.

As we said good- bye after a miraculous four days he said, “I Love you” in perfect, divine, infinite, unconditional LOVE.

– Laina



What an experience…and what a pleasure to be with the Spiritual Master Brahmarishi Mohanji! 

From the moment we entered the Seven Oaks Retreat grounds through the long entrance road, we could feel tranquility descending upon us like the dove, the spiritual symbol of peace mentioned in the Bible. It was as though we were driving away from the material world transitioning into the realm of a spiritual oasis located in the magnificent mountains of Virginia replete with lush greenery, as far as the eye could see, and beautiful butterflies of every color escorting us to the Registration area.  We were warmly welcomed by Mohanji’s devotees happily giving out name tags and a canvas bag carefully packed with everything they knew we would need. They thought of everything! …a map of the grounds and buildings we would be frequenting, information about the Seven Oaks Retreat Center and, of course, a notebook and pen to capture the spiritual information Mohanji is famous for sharing.  We were so excited and felt so cared for. 

Our accommodations were so comfortable regarding our sleeping quarters with beds so beautifully prepared with clean sheets, towels and washcloths provided for each one of us. We happily unpacked and made up our beds and freshened up. 

The highlight of the day was when we had an opportunity of really BEING WITH MOHANJI. So many of us came from so many parts of the US to be with Mohanji for these few days and were so excited when that time finally came. With great anticipation, we entered the circular sanctuary building listening to Natesh quietly playing his guitar and chanting mystical sanskrit words in preparation for the meditation. It was a guided meditation recorded by Mohanji himself who is gifted with a magnificent speaking voice having a resonance that purified our minds and hearts. 

Towards the end of the meditation, when we opened our eyes we saw that Mohanji was already seated on a platform adorned with beautiful flowers and lighted candles looking radiant in his white sadra. Mohanji began sharing his spiritual insights reminding us of our divine origin and encouraging us to  be who we really are, expressing our unique gifts and talents to not only care for our families but more importantly to move away from the I, my, me and mine to be compassionate and loving beings and bless the world. He teaches the consciousness of compassion and the importance of caring for all life forms. Mohanji walks his talk and lives that sensitivity himself. He actually feeds all life forms around his residence wherever he stays before eating himself. It brings tears to my eyes being in the presence of someone with such great love who is willing to sacrifice his own comfort for the welfare of other beings. 

There is no need to share his teachings in this blog for, hopefully, you will have an opportunity to hear them if you are fortunate enough to attend one of Mohanji’s amazing retreats…or to listen to his many you tube videos, so expertly organized so that each video captures the essence of his response to questions posed at the various retreats he has held around the world. I will share that, as he spoke, Mohanji spoke with such sincerity, without ego, hoping to assuage every person’s concern about life’s myriad of challenging circumstances we face in daily life. It is laudable that he wants so much to provide clarity to life’s conundrums helping to speed our evolvement in consciousness on the “Journey of the Soul”.  

It is being with Mohanji and his beautiful expansive energy of love that has a transformational effect on each person in one way or another.   


In the early hours of the next morning, before the sun rose, we gathered around a fire and felt the invitation of the Divine to release whatever concerns that were causing blockages on our spiritual path. All of us felt that magical power of transformation as Mohanji led us through an authentic Homa Ceremony with mystical chants and prayers. Each one of us had a chance to physically participate adding our own contributions of powders and herbs to the fire. Keeping the fire flaming seemed to be so beautifully orchestrated by Mohanji so that all of us felt part of creating this special Homa ceremony. Mohanji gently encouraged us to take the paper where we had recorded our areas of emotional blockages and through( throw ??) it into the sacred fire to be given up. We felt so much lighter and more connected to our divine nature free to express who we really are.

These special spiritual moments were balanced with caring for the physical needs of our bodies by our enjoying a fabulous vegan dinner that would satisfy anyone’s palate!  Truly, we couldn’t ask for a more conscious retreat center!  We were delighted to know they had an organic farm which provided the fruits and vegetables used in the many delicious recipes they served. Also, you cannot imagine the joy of drinking fresh clean pure water from their deep well of spring water…coming from the tap!  This retreat was truly living, for a moment in time, close to nature…. and close to God. Having the gift of being in the beautiful auric field of Mohanji and experiencing his emanation of pure love was the nourishment that fed our souls.  

The peaceful setting of this truly marvelous retreat center set the tone for the wealth of wisdom we received from Mohanji. Each Satsang, covered many topics and we experienced the pleasure of being with a real spiritual master who is so humble. He said that, rather than creating devotees, his mission is really to create Masters. There is no doubt that he empowered everyone who attended to be a better person in every regard and to progress with more awareness on the spiritual path.  

Following Mohanji’s spiritual philosophy, we will have a more harmonious, loving, compassionate and peaceful world if we each can focus on observing our own behavior, living more consciously, not criticizing others and accepting ourselves for who we are as Divine Beings of Love.

I left the retreat with renewed energy and enthusiasm to be natural, more accepting of others and to find ways of giving back to society, the earth and to its beings. This responsibility is sacred if we are to be co-creators in building a more loving compassionate world.   

I see now the value of a retreat such as this, to connect with nature and who we really are. Most importantly, I see the value of having a Guide like Mohanji to mirror for us how we can unfold the Divine qualities we were blessed with by birth…and, in turn, “Bless the World”. 

— Offered by Andra

The presence of God – Ketlie Laurenceau, New Jersey


I believe when you are sincere, God will mysteriously show that He is with you. Going to the retreat wasn’t an accident.It was meant to be. When my friend Thea told us and with no hesitation I answered (we’ll go) my daughter Walda was surprised and she couldn’t believe it.

And meeting the Beloved Mohanji was the surprise that God had for me; seeing Mohanji I felt the presence of God, the electricity on the bottom of my right foot was intense and I still feel it when doing my meditation. Mohanji ‘s presence is still with me. I’m calm, happy and no more have anxiety. We must keep the faith and never doubt God or Our Beloved Mohanji.  Love, Ketlie.

While Laina and Ketlie were meeting Mohanji for the first time, Andra had met Mohanji in 2014.  The excitement and joy of all the participants, old and new to the M family, was insurmountable.  We will be sharing more experiences of the Virginia retreat soon.




The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Guru Tujhe Salaam

— From A Devotee’s heart


“Salute to you, oh my Guru” – is what this title above means. In all honesty, a salute,

a pranam, a mantra chant, a kiss on His feet or hand, is not enough to express our gratitude to our Guru, Para Brahma Mohanji!

Today, right now, we are sitting relaxed in our safety zones, in the warmth of our cosy homes, with our loved ones, thanking our stars to have Guru Mohanji in our lives. All this has been possible because He is out there, collecting all our problems, dangers, threats to our lives and taking on most of our baggage.

Our Guru, the true Avadhoota, the Avadhoota in jeans, is walking along the long, treacherous and dangerous path! Gathering all our baggage, putting them on His shoulders, He is walking on that path, so that we stay safe! Being inside the unconquerable fort, with the safe cordon of His protection, we are forgetting the truth of our existence, while He is guarding us from outside the fort!

2014-07 - Mohanji - Kailash - Yatra (1840).JPG

Yes. It is true. It is true that Mohanji, the Master is carrying the burden of all our baggage without bothering about His own discomfort or even threats to His life! Haven’t we seen this happening time and again? Or do we conveniently choose to ignore! Whether we realise, whether we care or not, He stays unperturbed and keeps doing what He has to do. So here is one more incident to add to our realisation of how our Guru does not hesitate even an iota to take on lots of garbage from us even if He has to face disaster.


Rishikesh retreat was finishing. On the last day, on 21st September, Mohanji started a sacred Homa ceremony with deep respect and reverence in front of all. There were energies and divine signs of deities present at the Homa when they were invoked. Deities are representations of energies of a particular density and intensity. When invoked in a particular way, they come. Lord Dattatreya Himself was the principal deity helping with the sacred Homa.


Everyone who attended this Homa ceremony offered dry coconuts without the outer shells. This is a symbol of bringing out all compelling negativities from them on to the coconuts. The coconuts becomes heavier as people download their baggage on to them. As a loyal servant of nature, the coconuts absorb all that is given. Then the Homa Agni (fire) burns the coconuts completely and dissolves the negativities. The Homa Agni is very sacred and powerful!


Usually, as we all know, the dry coconut without its shell does not take much time to burn. Here, some coconuts did not burn for 15 hours, even after delivering almost two bags of stable Himalayan firewood into the fire! Finally, Indra Dev had to bring rain to calm Agni Dev! This simply signifies the amount of negativities that people might have been carrying unknowingly. The Homa and the burning of the coconuts have made each individual lighter.

However, all this takes a toll on Mohanji’s physical form. Some of the negativity goes through His body. That is why Mohanji has stopped doing Homas personally since 2016.

If this wasn’t enough, Mohanji had to come in front to fight with this invisible demon so that HIS FAMILY stays safe! Here is an account of what happened the next day (22nd September)!


Mohanji was travelling to Badrinath in a car, along with Rajesh and Sanya. This is the car that was used all through the retreat and Mamu was constantly travelling in it. The driver of this car was a very efficient driver too. There were no complications in the car at all before this journey to Badrinath started.

Driving on the narrow roads in the high altitude hilly terrain, the driver stops the car at a pass on the side to give way to another vehicle. Exactly at that time, the axle of the car breaks. Following that, both the brakes fail too. Rajesh and Sanya went out of the car. Mohanji was still inside the car when it slides down to rest on one side of the road backed up by stones to still its movement. At that point, one tyre also comes out! This was more than enough to cause a disaster if the car was running on the road. With whatever speed, at that altitude, the car and its passengers would have immediately become history!

Everyone came out completely safe. Also, all the other vehicles including the bus and the rest of the cars carrying the entire group going to Badrinath had a smooth journey until Rudraprayag, where all halted for the night.

Can you imagine the reinforcements? Everyone was protected under the shield of Mohanji’s presence.


Mohanji, Rajesh and Sanya continued their journey in another car brought by a driver named “Mohan” sometime later and reached Rudraprayag.

This incident reminds us the truth that when danger comes, Father comes out to face the danger Himself, keeping the children safe behind Him. We must not forget this at any moment. Every single breath that we are taking freely, relaxing, being joyful, is only because of our Guru, our Father, our Mother, Para Brahma Mohanji, is guarding us day and night, around the clock.

An angel in our midst. In Limpopo..JPG

So, is a salute, a pranam, a chant, a kiss on His feet, enough to show our gratitude? Let us ponder over this and keep reminding ourselves to feel our existence enjoying this incarnation in this beautiful world! We have taken a lot! May be it’s time to give back?

– Subhasree, London


monkey 2.jpg

“Help the helpless,” as in the words of our Master!


Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji

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