Gratitude for Grace

By Mohanji Foundation South Africa

“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.”- Vietnamese Proverb.

It has been a difficult trek to get to the fruit, but as we enjoy the sweet nectar of the fruit as a team, we have immense gratitude for all those who helped us plant the tree.

Our journey to find land as Mohanji Foundation South Africa (MFSA) started in June 2016.

Our beloved Guru Mohanji, who is the inspiration, driving force and power behind our every action, visited South Africa in June 2016. He gifted us a substantial sum of cash which was a seed donation for this project. Thus, the seed was planted.

Sulosh Pillay and Roy Naidoo were a few of our very first benefactors for this project, each giving us a substantial sum of money to give our fundraising some momentum. Their donations inspired us, and we were able to start fundraising in earnest. Maheshwari Mohanji and her family led a wonderful “Buy a Brick” fundraiser, bringing in funds and motivating us even further.

It was with much excitement and huge hearts that we reached for the heavens. We viewed many properties way out of our price range from Knysna to Limpopo, hoping and praying that some huge benefactor would believe in our mission. Yugen Naidoo drove across the country to view properties and submit proposal after proposal to the team.

In 2016, we had a team consisting of Keshnie Pillay, Sulosh Pillay, Yugen Naidoo, Dineshran Naidoo and Nishal Mahadeo, who all flew to Port Elizabeth at their cost to view properties. Over three days, they drove the length and breadth of the Eastern Cape looking for a property. Their sheer dedication was inspiring.

Swami Bhakthananda went to many different prominent business people to canvas our project. He would come back dejected each time, but he would start again the very next day with even more determination.

It was not meant to be as the Universe meant for us to work really hard and feel the pinch of every earned cent. We had to squeeze our egos into place and go out to ask sponsors and devotees for money. Many of you reached deep into your pockets to help us with whatever you could spare. Many of you worked tirelessly to support this project in kind and with your blessings. Each cent and each blessing has brought us to this point where we can call a piece of land our own.

Our Shirdi Sai Murthi arrived in SA in February 2019. We were super excited, and He was stored at Swami Bhakthananda’s home, which is also the Dattatapovan Ashram in Westville. Swamiji had sleepless nights worrying about keeping Shirdi Sai in a box and went out of his way to look at land for constructing the Temple for Sai. Dozens of prospective sites were viewed by Swamiji and his team consisting of Nameshri Maharaj, Dhiren Naidoo, Prathiba Singh, Bhavika Amrathlall, Nazeema Botha and Ajay Singh.

Many others also helped search, and it will probably take us a few pages to name them all. This shows the power of what can happen when a group of like-minded and focused people come together for a higher cause. They not only looked for land, but they also spent endless hours raising funds. Each step they took, lead us closer to the goal we have achieved today.

In June 2019, we discovered an abandoned Temple site in Northdene. We were convinced that this was the one!!! We visited the site, did prayers, and Swami Bhakthananda spent many days clearing the area around the temple site. We followed all channels to see how we could purchase the property, but we found that the land was now in the hands of the Government. We applied through the correct channels to acquire the land and were disillusioned when it was held up in claims lodged for the land. This went on for many years, and we still held hope.

In February 2021, we were given an ultimatum at the Global Summit. Get your act together, or else Shirdi Sai has to move to another location where He can be installed. We all got onto the project with full force. Ami Hughes, Lakshmi Mohanananda, Shaloshini Naidoo, Keshnie Pillay, together with Swami Bhakthananda spent hours online together searching for a property while Swami Bhakthananda and his team would view the property for suitability. Shaloshini spent many hours documenting all the sites searched and included a feasibility analysis.

After many searches, we found a great piece of land in the Stanger area. Swamiji was ill but still made the trip to view the land with his team. This land was not easily accessible, and he didn’t like the very bad access roads. He was very disappointed, but light flooded in, and grace flowed. The estate agent said he might have something else for us. We dared hope that this would be the right one, and it was. Despite viewing a few more properties (one lovingly arranged by Keshnie Pillay), we decided on the 12-hectare piece of land, which we now call our own.

Once the team made the decision to purchase on 17 March 2021, it was a back and forth for Swamiji to get the paperwork all done. He followed up on every document and made sure that it was submitted on time. The paperwork was thus completed, and the first payment was made on 14 April 2021.

With scarcely enough to pay for the first payment, we were now back to worrying as the second payment was due by July 2021. A few generous donors came through, one from our board itself, and we managed to get the funds for the second and final payment.

On 03 June 2021, the second payment was made, and we breathed a sigh of relief. We were almost there. On 06 July 2021, the transfer was lodged, and on 09 July 2021, the transfer was final. This was pure grace, as anyone who lives in SA would tell you that this usually takes months. The lawyer had also told us that this would take up to 3 months. Its only Mohanji’s grace that flowed and fast-tracked it all.

We now could not wait to have the title deed in our hands. On the blessed occasion of Ganesha Chathurthi and the birthday of Sri Pada Sri Vallabha, we got the news that the title deed was ready for collection.

We had a time frame of a week to collect the title deed, and Swamiji was away for the week, so he asked that the team collect the title deed. This was done on 16 September 2021. After collecting the title deed, we went to revisit our land, and we were surprised to see that a once fully dried-up stream was now actively flowing, although relatively small, through the entire property. We looked at this as even more grace flowing into our project.

This project could not be possible without the efforts of every team member of MFSA, Swamiji and his team at Dattatapovan Ashram and every single one of you. This collective power is what got us here, and we bow in gratitude to each of you.

We wish to thank the following people (in alphabetic order) who we have on record as having contributed to this project. We may miss many of you in this list as there were no references in many of the deposits. We also wish to thank all those nationally and internationally who support our programs. Our success is due to your consistent efforts.

Amitha HughesRani Govender
Ann LatchmiahRoshelle Rathan
Bhakthananda (Swamiji)Roshini Naidoo
C SinghSada Gounder
Chaithram FamilySalona Surjoo
ChristineSanam Bhaijnath
Dashmir, Hemani and Shasti ChettySayijal Surjoo
Dhevi and Julie ReddiSholane Surjoo
Dr ST BhagawanSingh Family
Jayshree ChrisenduthSjarn Mansoor
Kay MoodleySujendri Naidoo
KerishSulosh Pillay
Lee SubrayluSurika Chaithram
Minority frontSuvarna Singh
Nershen/SallyThaveshnee Naidoo
NiriTimber Rooftech: Roy Naidu
P BehariVanessa Naidoo
Phoebe GoetzelVeni Pather
Prathiba Singh

We wish to also place on record our thanks to all our global teams, especially our Global Management Team and CEO office, for their support and guidance. To all our Acharyas in SA and abroad, we express our gratitude for your love, consistent programs, and the value you add to SA and the world.

We still have a long and exciting journey to complete. To the incoming board and project team, we bless you with strength and empowerment to see this project to final completion. We express our thanks to Mr Duggal and the global management team for all the guidance and advice over the past weeks, enabling us to maintain our momentum.

Through our many storms and trials, we have made it past a huge hurdle. When the power of intention is strong, and there is purity in our actions, we can achieve more than we anticipated. Please do keep connected with us for more developments with this project.

We lay this project and all its successes at the feet of our Guru Mohanji.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

EMpowered by Mohanji – 4

By Linda Abrol, Netherlands

Like everyone else, I felt a huge shift in consciousness during the Empowered program. A quickening. Very powerful. Mohanji (Bhaiya) felt so close. As if it was only the two of us. And everyone felt the same, just like in the time of Krishna. Everyone has a unique and direct connection with him and enjoys the deep vibrating voice of pure and practical wisdom. I could have never imagined that this workshop would be so personal while so many people participated.

I couldn’t imagine myself asking a question (too scary), but I did! And it felt great! It might sound childish, but it felt so great that I got emotional and forgot to listen to all aspects of his (Mohanji’s) answer. He recognised me, and that felt wonderful and very familiar! It is divinely childish to rejoice in this, I should say perhaps.

My question was close to my heart and experience. It was about the communication with the divine, the universe or the Master, which we sometimes have in our meditation. Beautiful answers arise from the silence. It is as if this soft and sweet voice comes from a different plane. The words are definitely not arising from thought, for they always surprise me, console me, clarifying difficult issues in unique and simple yet loving ways, always leaving room for choice and contemplation.

I was interested to know if there were any do’s or don’ts regarding sharing them with others to inspire or just for the sake of Satsang or enjoying the presence of the divine. I don’t want my ego to run away with it. Mohanji said not to worry about do’s and don’ts. Just to be me and share. Not to be disappointed if someone wouldn’t understand or appreciate it. In the past, he used to write instead of talk when no one cared to listen, he told me.

Even if one person is inspired by what is written, it was fine, he said. That is what I had told myself when I wrote my first book—what a wonderful confirmation. The last few weeks since I first met Mohanji have been full of assurances. It feels like I am lost and found. I have been with spiritual Masters for the last thirty years, and the implementation of their teachings in my life gave me inner stability and strength. Even when times were rough, I reached a state of equal-mindedness. I felt no hatred towards anyone, and it was always light inside of me.

Some unfinished business must have been there, for life became extremely challenging when I reached middle age. I met with two accidents that cost me five years to rehabilitate in total, and I still have physical challenges (whiplash, continuous pain, chronic inflammations) connected to these accidents. The change in my hormones caused me great trouble. Sensitivity for wifi and other frequencies made my mind run off in all directions, losing focus.

My father passed away, and my mum had Alzheimer’s. We had to clear and sell their house. We lost our income and our pension, our house, our temple and our residence. We had to say goodbye to all our friends and spiritual family and start a completely new living and a new profession in a different place. (My husband is sixty-five years of age!) My dear sister got seriously ill with no prospect of recovery. Everything in our physical existence was shaking.

Due to my spiritual background, my love for God, and for truth, I survived everything reasonably elegant, but at some point, some inner peace got lost in the process, and I could not find the way back inside. Due to the whiplash, there was too much inner noise and pain to concentrate on meditation, which used to be my most important means of finding inner peace.

Last year our beloved spiritual Master Swami Prabbhudananda Sarawati Maharaj (Swami Sri Gopal Baba) took samadhi. Although we know he is not the body, I felt lost. Whatever little was left of my inner stability seemed to leave me here. I felt as if I was losing the game with no chance of ever reaching my goal, which was to help myself and other women to achieve a higher level of energy frequency. My inner voice told me, “You can’t lose it. You can only lose when you give up.” That was somewhat of a consolation, but I almost gave up anyway.

Then came Mohanji like a magnet in the form of a rocket which flew in with great speed and in its wake, took all my troubles in his typical, no-nonsense way. Meeting the same divine energy in the form of Mohanji has filled me with more enthusiasm, connection and purpose than ever before. Everything that I have learned from my great Master in the past thirty years seems to revive, and not only that, it even seems to start blossoming now.

The Empowered workshop speeded my progress up like a spark lighting up the extinguished fire. Mohanji’s words resounded in my ears during the day, and I gained awareness of every thought, word and action of mine. Easily, lovingly and effortlessly, I chose healthy and effective options.

For example, I feel his guidance when I eat (eating randomly because of blood sugar fluctuations is a problem for me), and I consciously eat and choose food items. Even when I choose a cookie, I eat it with more love and share it with the garden ducks.

I loved Mohanji’s elaboration on food-focus-issues. He told us not to worry about the craving; it might come from previous lives of starvation. He suggested sharing some food with the animals and the hungry. Sharing food with animals is something that I have loved to do since we moved to our present house two and a half years back.

God takes the form which we love most or can relate to easily and effortlessly. These are Mohanji’s words. And I love them. Apparently, that goes for the form of the chosen deity and the inner voice. The inner voice that I have been blessed to hear since I was twenty-five years old took the voice of Mohanji ever since we met in August this year. For example, when I sat for meditation during these days, and my mind jumped up and down like a monkey, I heard his voice, very friendly, talking inside of me. He said: “Please, mute yourself.” This was so humorous and unexpected that I burst into a hearty laugh and thanked him. And it worked! I had the most limitless experience in that meditation.

It feels like he is with me, inside of me and around me all the time. For me, he is the conglomeration of every Master’s form that has inspired me in this life: Jesus, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Guruswamy, Swami Sri Gopal Baba. My cells, mind, feelings, and being have been waiting to be graced by meeting this divine form of God. There is no resistance whatsoever anywhere inside of me.

Strangely I call him Bada Bhaiya (elder brother), but that takes nothing away from the deep respect I have for his divine consciousness. Where I am still a small ant in awareness, he is like an elephant. But calling him Bada Bhaiya makes it easy for me to connect fully! I am his little sister that he is taking by the hand. No barriers anymore!

Apart from that, I simply have no other title available. I have a mighty Guru (Swami Sri Prabbhuddananda Sarawati Maharaj) whose divine consciousness is now guiding me through Mohanji. I have a form of God (Sri Sathya Sai Baba) whom I worship, who is my father, mother, lover and everything. So only the title of brother is left.

Currently, my mum has Covid. Because of Alzheimer’s, she risks delirium. She already showed signs of delirium two days ago. I felt tremendously sad about losing her, even though I would be happy for her when she could leave this frail body. But it always feels too early and the wrong timing. In my pain, I called out to Mohanji. Mum’s health changed dramatically yesterday, which is one day after I prayed to Mohanji to help her. Today she is even out of bed.

My purpose was already clear: to help raise the world and her people to a higher energy frequency level, but my focus on purpose has doubled.

Thank you, dear Mohanji (Bhaiya), for this inspiring and unexpected but timely opportunity.

Linda Abrol


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 61 & 62

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 61 Lesson – Travelling with Mohanji and a birthday miracle 

Good morning, everybody. I hope you’re doing very well. 

Yesterday was our first day here in Palakkad. Although I’ve already talked about how Mohanji works at a pace, I hadn’t yet experienced what it’s like to travel with him. Things have definitely sped up. And you have to be very, very alert, aware, and active to keep up with the shifting schedule and the need of the time. Nothing is completely planned out for the days and events, and day by day, even hour by hour sometimes, things are changing. 

What we have to work with is what we have. So, the lesson I’ve shared before of being flexible, working with what you have, has come in very useful here. For example, yesterday morning, we had to record a video on spirituality and veganism for a conference later in the year. The reason we had to get it done then is that we didn’t know what the rest of the schedule would be like, whether we’d have a chance to do it later. So, we had to find the right spot quickly, bring the right props from around the area to make it look good. We also had to keep to the time; we couldn’t stretch over if there were any mistakes. Everything had to be done well. 

That’s another thing Mohanji is stressing on; things must be completed by when they need to be completed. And that’s intensified now while we’re travelling. 

So, we finished recording it, it was great. We went to Mohanji’s family home, where we were greeted by everybody there and had a lovely welcome. You could see the joy on everyone’s faces as Mohanji arrived, came out of the car and walked up the stairs. Everyone was overjoyed to see him again after such a long time. We were served Chai, and people had their time with Mohanji. 

One of the main reasons we went to Palakkad was to visit a Sai Baba temple, where Vittal Babaji, one of the great masters connected to Mohanji, performed the prana prathishta of the Sai Baba idol (where they infuse energy into the idol). And Mohanji said that Baba really is sitting there.

Mohanji comes every year to perform a flag hoisting ceremony, which will take place in a few days. We visited there just to arrange everything and finalize the schedule. Therefore, once we said hello at home, we travelled again to the Sai Baba temple. And here was another lesson or example for me: whatever we have planned must happen. If there’s an obstacle, you find a different way, but you reach where you need to. 

So, as we were driving, we felt a rumbling in the car. When we stopped, there was a flat tire. But, within no time, the car behind us stopped, which was some of the group who were following. Mohanji just simply went to join this car, called me over as well, and we both jumped in. So, Ananth stayed with the driver to fix the tire, and I joined Mohanji in the new car. Within two minutes, we were back on the road, following the plan; there was no fuss, no frustration, no problem; the show just continued. 

When we arrived at the temple, Ananth stayed behind because he was usually in charge of the camera, taking the photographs. This time, he gave me the camera. This was another lesson in flexibility because that’s not something I’ve done before either. And I quickly found out that when you’re trying to take photographs of Mohanji, he’s not going to stand around and wait for you. He’s got his work to do. You have to be in the right place, thinking of where he’s going to be for the right angle. And you have to be quick because he’s not going to be stopping in one place for too long. 

Thankfully, the tempo was surprisingly very quiet. It was just our group there, maybe five people. There’s a local dog that stays there, too, who was very happy to see Mohanji. Mohanji said it was Baba’s favourite dog. 

We said our prayers, and Mohanji had gifted an Ammucare 2021 planner at Baba’s feet, along with some vegan chocolates, which are part of that Ammucare package. The temple was very peaceful and powerful. Mohanji said that Baba is actually alive there, and he fulfils the earnest and most noble of wishes.

After discussing the plans for the upcoming event with the team there and arranging the timings, we went back to Baba’s Aarti, which was just starting. After Aarti, I was able to witness Baba fulfilling one of the most earnest of wishes. There was a lady there who had brought cake, and she was giving it to Mohanji, and I was taking photographs. I couldn’t understand the language, but I collected from the closeness that she was part of the temple, that she worked there, and she was giving Mohanji and the rest of us some prasad. 

Later I found out that she had been coming there to see Sai Baba for some time, and she’d been praying. All she wanted in her prayers, if Baba would allow, is to meet Mohanji and share some words with him. Just a conversation. She had been praying for this. And yesterday was her birthday. Although she wouldn’t usually visit the temple on that day, she felt an intuition or calling that she should go to the temple for Aarti. She also brought some cake along. 

It happened that Mohanji was there. No other people were there, no devotees other than us. It was just her, which is why I thought that she must have worked there. So, it was a real miracle for her, her wish came true, and she had her time with him. There was no one else around. 

By the time we’d finished, the car had just arrived with the repaired tires, and Ananth was able to catch the last of the Aarti and give his prostrations to Baba. It was amazing to witness how everything came back together like that, especially for the lady, and that the car was repaired just in time to take us to where we needed to go next. 

Finally, we returned to Mohanji’s parents for lunch before retiring. It’s been a real lesson to witness the fluidity at which the schedule emerges because there was no major planning at the beginning; it’s all happening day by day, hour by hour. It emerges, and we have to be quick to adapt. 

So that was a little bit about what travelling with Mohanji is like. 

I hope you have a great day and speak to you soon.

Day 62 Lesson – Reminders of lessons and witnessing the elements tamed ️

Good morning, everybody. I hope you’re doing well. 

Travel continues with Mohanji today, and so does the pace. We’d been staying at a very rural location the past few days, which had at least given us some time to be able to complete unfinished work. However, that requires some juggling so as to fit it around the events that are happening during the day, as a lot of it is spontaneous. 

Yesterday morning while we were preparing the next day’s schedule and plans, we were joined by Madhu (CEO), as he had come to help prepare for the book launch on the 17th and discuss some other plans as well. 

In the morning, Mohanji informed us that we’d be joining a group of very serious business people, entrepreneurs, who come together regularly as a mastermind group to work on projects and share ideas and challenges. That was okay because we’re ready to travel at short notice and stay over. 

But what I didn’t expect was that Mohanji had also arranged that we present the “Invest in Awareness” program there. Mohanji said that we should have some slides ready so that we can present them well. That would have a good impact because these were some serious people. So, it was a great opportunity. 

I knew that our morning would be busy because we had guests coming for breakfast. We also needed to prepare, plan and pack for the t travel, too. So, I didn’t have too much time to create the slides. I thought, wrongly, as I’m aware now, that we would have some time once we reach the location, which is about two hours away, to settle into the room and have half an hour of spare time. 

 So, I’d ask the team if they could start working on slides that I’d be able to update a little bit later. This is where I was reminded of another lesson that I seemed to have forgotten at that time: to always ascertain and never assume, as Mohanji regularly says.

It became quite apparent once we started travelling that there wasn’t going to be any time once we arrived to do any more work on the presentation. We were going straight to the meeting. The lesson was to make the best use of time when you have it. When opportunities like this come, take them and readjust priorities to do the most important things first. Especially when travelling with Mohanji, because there’s no guarantee that there’d be good access to the internet, power, or even a stable surface to have a laptop on and work. Most of the time, we were in the car. So, this was something that I was learning. 

On the way to the car, Mohanji asked if the slides were ready. They were being made but hadn’t been finalized yet because we were going straight to the meeting. I had to finalize them in the car. And, if you’ve ever been on Indian rural roads, that’s quite a task because it’s very bumpy. It would have been much easier if we finished them earlier. I wished that as well.

But lesson learned. The meeting was really great, actually. It was in a lovely location in nature at the top of a mountain. When we arrived, I was really admiring Mohanji because he had gone straight from early in the morning meeting people and guests and speaking all day, then in the car travelling, to then arriving at this meeting. Straightaway, he went into three and a half hours of Q&A sessions with the group. It was amazing to see how he was able to completely provide the same energy and enthusiasm as you would normally expect. Everybody was engaged, the questions were flowing. Mohanji was giving answers with complete clarity. 

The majority of this group has connected to Mohanji via the 4 am Club, which is quite a large group of people from the Malayalam speaking community worldwide. For almost a year, Mohanji’s been giving daily messages of inspiration, advice, or talking about a relevant topic for the group. They were so happy to meet him in person, after a long time of hearing his voice.

The meeting was focused on the challenges that businesses were facing during COVID at that time. Although it was mainly in Malayalam, there were a few English words, so I was able to follow. 

Another thing that was also good to observe, as it wasn’t so easy to follow the conversation, was incredibly windy there. We arrived late afternoon, and we were outside in the circle of chairs, and the wind was blowing, leaves were coming across, things were getting blown around. Mohanji’s hair was blowing in the wind; it was difficult to speak and hear each other.

But, a few minutes later, the wind completely dropped. It was completely still, and nothing was happening where we were, but in the distance, you could hear the wind still going and the trees blowing. It was a strange feeling; I felt that Mohanji must have done something because I’ve observed something similar in Bosnia at the Kriya training before. 

Then the Q&A continued. It was about three and a half hours long, as I mentioned. Once Mohanji had finished, and we were saying our goodbyes, it was as though the wind just came completely back. We continued talking, I gave the presentation, and Madhu also spoke. But the wind was just ferocious again. 

This morning I was curious, and I asked him: “I noticed yesterday that the wind had dropped.” He just said: “It was becoming really difficult to speak with my hair blowing around, and I wasn’t able to hear much.” He said that not many people would have noticed because obviously, they were in mid flow of the conversation. 

So, another piece of amazement for me to witness yesterday. Personally, I’m really enjoying the fluidity at which Mohanji moves. I was also incredibly thankful for the opportunity to speak to such distinguished business people in the area about “Invest in Awareness” because we’ve made some good contacts now, and I’m looking forward to following up on them, too. 

That’s the message for today. I hope you have a great day ahead and speak to you all again very soon.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 26th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

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EMpowered by Mohanji – 3

by Shruti Singh, Australia

Firstly, my gratitude to the team for organising the event for us to be with Mohanji.

I know Mohanji is always helping me to improve myself as a better human every day. From Day 2 of the programme, I was able to feel some changes happening within me mentally and physically. A lot of cleansing was taking place. On Day 4 during the session, I started feeling some heaviness in my body, especially my forehead. 

Day 5 I woke up with a bad headache on the centre of my forehead (third eye). I started my day with water intake and realised my pain was shifting to an extreme level. By 9 am I started vomiting, which continued for the rest of the day. I could not digest food, water, or medicine; everything I tried to consume was coming out. I felt a severe cramp in my stomach as I tried to intake and vomited. By 3 pm, my husband called for a telephonic appointment with the Doctor, for which I waited for 3 hours and didn’t receive any call back.

Suddenly, one of the Mohanji’s Acharyas called me around 7 pm to pass some communication and asked, “Are you OK?” I shared my day’s experience, and she replied with assurance, “Don’t worry, you will be OK before the session.” She asked me to have Baba’s Udi dissolved in water and take small sips. 

I was able to understand in my awareness that the message was clearly coming from Mohanji. I immediately had the water; this was the only medicine or water I was able to take in the entire day. 7:45 pm I went to deep sleep with a calmness coming to my body. 9 pm I woke up with pain having subsided 90% and no vomiting. Happily, I was able to sit for the session.

I offer my gratitude to Mohanji for allowing me to feel his presence and showering his blessings on me.

by Payal Kaul, Delhi, India

Jai Mohanji! Shat shat Pranaams!

The workshop conducted by Mohanji is infinite in nature. It does not have any beginning or end, as rightly shared by Baba. In the night, we bow to Shivji for dissolution, in the morning to Narayana (Vishnu) for creation and existence. It has become a deep practice for me to say prayers in the morning between 5-6 am and especially end it with the Shanti mantra. I am fearless and feel the freedom to express the Truth.

Every morning I feel The energy of Baba around me waking me, “Get up and leave your inertia,” so that I can begin my day joyously showing gratitude to every little thing in the world. It happened so this morning too at 5:00 am. I could feel Baba’s energy while the packet kept by my bedside was making a ruffling sound (to wake me up). I was so surprised to see that it kept moving till I woke up and kept it aside. In the night, it was not moving. Otherwise, I would not have slept. Isn’t it amazing? 

I can see Baba in me while I inhale and exhale my breath both times. I am using the pause technique, and it’s effective. Even if some person gossips with me, I change the topic by directing them towards positive thoughts. Such is the influence of our divine Mohanji. Love you so much. 

This workshop has changed my life, my attitude towards lots of things. I am on a path of light. I would also like to thank Aditya Nagpalji for helping me join the program.

Love you Mohanji. Gratitude for being my Baba!

by Ami Hughes, South Africa

It came all too quickly – the final day of the 11-day workshop – Fear to freedom – the deconstruction of the lead-weights of 800 + participants was subtle – very subtle, and it was from the deepest levels of our beings.

The Master was in Masterful Action. Mohanji got us tuning in from the get-go. Throughout the multi-layered and inter-dimensional workshop, he reminded us that this was a Grand Collaboration striving for that something higher – the unchangeable, permanent Truth – the real Truth of ourselves.

I’m still open-mouthed at the extent and depth of heaviness that Mohanji cleared and lifted from each of us. Love incarnate, Mohanji was Compassion speaking. He was Compassion in action. He sometimes slowed down the pace and repeated significant points so that everyone ‘gets it’ and were on the same page.

If I think about how I can describe the day-to-day unfolding of the workshop, it would be this:

I was swaying to the rhythm of life, a patient, slow, elevating and elegant dance – withdrawing inwards and ever spiralling upwards with the graced intentions of transformation – from that of confusion to clarity.

By the second day of the precious gift of this workshop, I was mesmerised by Mohanji’s brilliant white light auric field. It was shimmering and translucent. As I gazed at him, his whole form at times appeared to de-materialise in a white glowing haze and re-materialise.

I just gazed at him, my eyes transfixed and lashes wet with unshed tears. I was deeply, deeply moved. It was so beautiful. In my contemplation, I still clearly feel and see the blazing white purity of his presence, his beingness utterly pure in essence – his purity in presence.

How do I fully describe the way and the extent to which Mohanji gave of himself and lifted us out and up from the gross as he opened our inner channels to experience the higher dimensions of ourselves? I don’t think I can fully do justice to it, except to say that I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this extraordinary Cosmic Grand Collaboration. It felt like a continuous 11-day Shaktipat blessing.

If we only knew just how much karmic density and debris Mohanji cleared from us! He was not holding back. He filled our cups as per our capacity, as per our emptiness and readiness to swim in the sea of consciousness. In other words, to connect with our true reality in tangible ways. This was no ordinary workshop. It was gravity-defying, energetically speaking.

Mohanji, how can we ever thank you enough?

Personally, as I continue to process and contemplate, I’m finding myself in even greater levels of awareness in my moment-to-moment experiences, more acceptance of myself, in all my moods and shades, and mastery over situations that I find myself in. The witness and witnessing, the observer and the observed, are not mere concepts but are lush with personal experience.

It is freeing. It is liberating, coming from the stability and the power of the emerging self. Yes, the peace and freedom that flows with and from it are palpable. It’s grace from the Supreme Consciousness – The eternal fountain of the source itself.

O Mohanji! Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your immeasurable love.

Thank you for lightening my load and lighting my inner pathways as you gently yet powerfully guide me closer and closer to the empowered Truth of mine. Thank you again, Mohanji, for all the amazing blessings you showered upon us in this first workshop of Empowered.

I’m looking forward to the next one – Empowered 2.0 from the 4th -12th Dec 2021 – moving forward on our inward path to connect with ourselves fully. I also extend my loving thanks to the awesome organising team and the incredible team of translators! To my fellow travellers on Empowered, it was lovely to be together with you.

We have a chance to taste the elixir of life in our eternal selves, come – let’s continue to move forward together in what Mohanji calls, ‘A Grand Collaboration.’

See you online on 4th December 2021. Stay Blessed. Namaste! 

EMpowered by Mohanji – 2


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 24th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

EMpowered by Mohanji – 2

by Snezana Jovanovic

Translation: Maja Otovic

Empowered – A journey from fear to freedom

We are at the end of eleven incredible days of daily empowerment, negating our dark sides, understandings, insights, confrontations, contemplations, questionings, answers, surfacing of our old programs, deep fears, and self-observation. We got an insight of ourselves from a different viewpoint, clearly detaching from what we are not and melting into our true being. Rewinding of all the recordings that we carry inside of us sends us strong messages of who we really are. The reason is for us to remember ourselves – descending into our hearts and opening ourselves towards unconditional love. 

In my opinion, Mohanji, (for those who do not know him) is one of the greatest living Masters walking this planet. I have been following him since the year 2012, and luckily I didn’t give up. Simply put, he is a father, a brother, a son, a mirror which shows me my own reflection.   

Mohanji gathered us through his unconditional love and grace so that he, as pure love and light, would show us our path in a clear, honest, direct, and elegant manner. There are no words to express the gratitude and love I have for him for everything he has given us through this program and for everything he is giving us. Thank you, Mohanji.

How come I attended this program after all the programs and retreats I have been through with Mohanji? I’ll have to admit that this was something that I cannot miss, something very important. I intended to finally set the ground for my further journey through this program. I was ready to face all of my deepest fears boldly, suppressed since who knows when and due to what situations. They were waiting in my system so that in the perfect moment set by the universe, they would surface; they would be lit, realized, looked at and let go of, as I no longer needed them.

That’s exactly what happened. Since day one, Mohanji’s every sentence resonated deeply in my being. It’s not something I didn’t know or haven’t heard before, but I needed to hear again. The process started even before the program commenced, on a subtle level: letting go of everything that we were ready to release, and at the same time, empowerment of our true being to live its truth, to live itself fully. 

Through love and light that was descending into us all these days, I gained clear insights into my journey, existence, old patterns, and fears that I gladly want to get rid of now. 

As the program continued day by day, the journey within was getting deeper and brighter. When you are with a true Master such as Mohanji, all you need to do is be receptive and brave, open and truthful. We need to allow everything within us and no longer serving us to the surface, to emerge and show itself clearly, so Mohanji could do his job and dissolve it with his light. That is exactly how Mohanji is helping this world and each individual who trusts him. 

I’ll go back to Day 6. We were halfway through the program, and so much had already surfaced and could be clearly seen, understood and felt. Some weight, heaviness, was present that morning. As Mohanji instructed us through his teachings, it’s exactly those states that we need to observe and try to penetrate deeper to understand why something is (not) happening in our lives. 

All morning went by in such deep contemplations. Fears (some deeply suppressed fears) were an obstacle for me to live what I truly am, what I believe in, freely express and speak up for it, and fight for it. Now with the powerful presence of Mohanji’s light, I could feel all those fears. All those lost battles, where I gave up somewhere along the way; I gave up on life, myself, and God. The responsibility I took then, for the fearlessness and lost lives of the people I was guiding, on some subtle level, left a few imprints: give up on any battle, don’t take responsibility, surrender…. and who knows what else. It did not matter; what mattered was that I no longer lived on those patterns. 

Then the program started, and once again, each sentence hit the spots. I felt expansion, lightness, Mohanji’s energy that flowed like a current through my body and expanded – beautiful energy. This warmth radiated from my palms, a feeling hovering over my body. 

At that moment, I was on the road through Belgrade. Suddenly, out of nowhere, strong messages started coming to me, as if a movie was unrolling in front of my eyes. I can’t describe the speed of small events that this movie was made of. 

Then came the indication of the ancestors through one strong personality from Serbian history; an ancestor who showed himself in front of me in natural size, on the wall of a building that I was passing by. There was a message written in big letters to emphasize the meaning and importance of those words for me. The message said: 

 “Who dares, he can. Who knows no fear, goes forward.”   

Fieldmarshal Zivojin Misic

At that moment, I was completely filled with the powerful energy of this ancestor and his message. This message of a brave, decisive, wise duke, while connecting and merging with his energy, gave me his blessings and great support so that these values become part of me from now on. I could feel that strength, stability, clarity, fearlessness, all that Mohanji spoke to us about throughout the program. 

Once again, I got confirmation that ancestors are always there for us and how important it is to remember them and send them our love and do all it takes to liberate them. We would then have mercy, support, and power that their energy carries for ourselves and future generations. With deep gratitude for the given moments and with the flow of that supporting energy, I moved on. 

Through the entire event, I could feel Mohanji’s strong presence and guidance. The feeling of gentleness, love, stability dissolved into a romantic dance of my soul with the existence. 

On the seventh day, I received a job offer from my colleague. It was not easy in the past year without a job, without an income. But, that was the way to get out of my comfort zone completely and master the lesson on letting go, complete trust in guidance. For that, I needed to start to accept myself unconditionally, love myself, respect myself. It was a great blessing during the times of transformation. On the following day, I had a job interview. And on the day of Ganesha’s birthday, I sent a CV for the new job. What to say?

This program has shed a lot of light on me, as both Mohanji and I intended to set the ground for my future path. Endless gratitude to Mohanji, the Tradition, all the wonderful Acharyas, and all the participants. Immense GRATITUDE to everyone and everything. 

See you in December.

Big hug to all.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 59 & 60 

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 59 Lesson – Facing the fear of society 

Good morning, everybody. I hope you’re all doing well. 

When I look at Mohanji and his life, I see it’s far from ordinary. I’ve never met anyone who has had to face such severe adversities in life – such as the loss of his daughter Ammu, betrayal in a business where all was taken away, instances where people have tried to control him, many who have betrayed him, and even character assassinated him. This was by some of those who were the closest to him at the time. 

I think such adversities for any person would have completely destroyed them, but Mohanji has kept going on. Even now, when he faces challenges, it’s no problem. He takes it as it comes. He’s truly fearless. I feel it’s like a ‘bring it on’ kind of attitude, contrary to boasting as it is confidence with a warrior-like approach to life and whatever the situation, its real fearlessness. Hearing the stories of his life and simply observing him, I began to admire his fearlessness and still do. 

I used to be very worried about what others might think about me, about what I said, and how it’d be interpreted. I remember the days, just out of University, I had just started my working career, it would take me maybe an hour to write a simple email just to ask somebody to do a job because I was really worried about what they would think – what they would say. It was very over-polite, over-complicated, and very apologetic for asking people to do their job. 

Over time, I developed the confidence to face those fears and fit comfortably into ‘ordinary’ society. It became natural, but when it came to staying with Mohanji, there was a different fear when I became an Acharya, mainly as this life is very different from what I have within my usual circle of friends and family. I was worried about what my friends might think and what others would think, especially when I began to speak about meditations and making videos on various topics in early 2020 when Corona had just taken hold. 

An element of this was still there when I came to the house as well earlier, as I’d speak to Mohanji then, and I would tell him that what he was saying were fantastic insights, and more people should know about them. Once in a quiet, matter-of-fact manner, Mohanji said, “Yeah, they should. You should make some videos and speak about it.” I had a big resistance to this, and it was definitely pushing up against my comfort zone, and one that I could feel would be good to break. So I was happy to move forward and push through that. 

Still, when I was doing those videos, it meant many retakes because I was very overcritical. My inner voice would always say, what would people think, how will they interpret this, but what helped me and what I learned was seeing how Mohanji always approached these situations – head-on and unapologetic. 

He had told me before that there can only be two outcomes for people and society; one is that society accepts you and enjoys you, or two, the society rejects you. That’s it. That’s pretty much what the two options are within society. 

He says, for those who reject you, it’s no problem. Not everybody needs to like you, and they shouldn’t like you because there are 7.5 billion people out there with their orientation and uniqueness. 

I’ve seen he is this way too with people, especially when people connect to him – if they connect to him and they’re receiving transformation, he’s very happy because their life has been improved; they give more to society. Yet if people don’t enjoy him and are not so interested in what he’s doing, he’s also okay; he has no problem. In fact, in his very first podcast, he said that he’s actually happy in some ways if people decide he’s not for them because it means he doesn’t have the responsibility. 

One of the biggest learnings here for me has been facing that fear of society, and it wasn’t until I started to overcome this that I realized that by holding on to those fears, which were rooted in an insecurity, I was actually denying my own experience which was smothering my own truth and this was hurting no one really but myself. 

I’ve had several experiences of transformation in my life because of Mohanji. Since living with him for a long period, I’ve learned new dimensions of what he is. For me, it’s the reality of what I have experienced and observed. I was feeling reluctant to share this because of fear of what others would think, but then I realized that I denied my experiences, my existence, and denying a big part of my life. Creating these daily recordings has been facing and overcoming that fear. Now I am very happy and thankful to Mohanji for that inspiration and energy to break through this, as now it allows me to be more natural. That’s how I feel.

I also understand that some people will accept me, and others will reject me because this is how society is. And I’m fine with that, but most of all, I’m happy that I can begin to accept myself more and overcome these fears and live my experiences. This was one big learning that I was contemplating this morning.

I have shared a link below to the podcast on fearlessness, facing fears that Mohanji has shared before as well. Have a great day.

Day 60 Lesson – The programs continue 

Good morning everybody. I hope you’re doing well. 

Yesterday was a day spent travelling with Mohanji as Ananth and I joined Mohanji for his trip to Kerala. 

Today I share an overview of our day yesterday, as we’ve travelled to Kerala, which is Mohanji’s home state in India. Mohanji, Ananth, and I set off early in the morning after breakfast. It was roughly an eight-hour drive, and we made just one stop so that we could arrive in good time because Mohanji had a program scheduled that afternoon, and we wanted to make sure there was enough time to put our things in our place, have some food and find the right spot to set up for Mohanji’s program. 

As I had shared in previous recordings, Mohanji doesn’t stop. In the car, the work continues for the duration of the journey. He’s responding to messages, attending calls, maybe checking up on some things, and this was for the whole eight hours.

Once we arrived, we were welcomed and greeted courteously by the manager and the staff. The people welcomed us, but all the animals had come to welcome Mohanji too. There were some geese gaggling, some guinea fowls, some chickens, and a very big boisterous turkey came, and they all became very active soon after Mohanji arrived. 

We were waiting for the bags to be unpacked and deciding on the rooms; there was just a short time to check as we just made sure we had a bit of an orientation of the place. Then we had to begin finding the location where we’d set up for the Mohanji’s event, where the equipment would go, camera, etc. It’s fairly rural, so there was no internet. We had to find a good place where it was a good spot for the signal, and we settled on this nice place overlooking the farmland around the building. 

This is how the schedule and the activities are like for Mohanji – as soon as we arrive at one location, we’re already getting ready for the next program, finding the right location, making sure the signal and the connection was good, the framing, etc. – the pace doesn’t stop, and I am sure the rest of the trip will be like this too. But there was enough time to grab and eat one of the Vada pav here, which I think I’ve mentioned before is this bread bun with the potato inside with spices. It’s really tasty. We had packed for the journey; we also shared this as annadaan with some of the local people working here. 

Mohanji finished his program – he conducted it. I stayed there to make sure everything was okay technically. Ananth continued to organize the room, unpack things and settle everything a little bit more. 

Once the program was finished, Mohanji decided to say a proper hello to the birds. So we walked back over to where they were. We were outside talking with the manager, and pretty soon, this big feisty turkey came. He had already shown who he was when we arrived; I think this must be his territory because he was chasing away our driver, which was quite amusing. The driver didn’t know what to do. 

It was amazing to watch this interaction with Mohanji because he started to walk over straight away and became very vocal – not the usual sounds, but some different type of interaction. It was as if he was speaking with Mohanji for some time, walking backwards and forward and pacing around. Then he became very active, he started jumping at Mohanji, and instantly, a protector came from nowhere. This small black chicken came from nowhere and chased away this big turkey. It’s as if the small chicken had come to protect Mohanji. This was a funny sight because the small black chicken chased away this big turkey, maybe three times its size. 

Mohanji commented jokingly, “This is what I mean by attitude. You don’t have to be the biggest or the strongest.” Then the chicken continued to stand guard and kept the turkey from coming back. This was interesting just to watch and observe.

From previous retreats, I’ve also noticed that Mohanji always has this deep connection with animals at the location he comes to. This is a brief overview of our day yesterday, and as we’re travelling, I’ll probably share some more. 

I hope you have a great day ahead.

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Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 19th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Empowered by Mohanji – 1

By Subhasree Thottungal, UK

11 Days with Mohanji! Yes, we have just finished one of the most amazing workshops with Mohanji – “Empowered, The journey from fear to freedom.”

Nearly 900 people attended this program with Mohanji. Many have been connected to Mohanji for some time and others for the first time. But by the end of 11 days, everyone was mesmerised by the power of this program.

Today, I am going to share my own experience, my journey of this program, from a different angle than the participants. But before I do so, I convey my deepest gratitude to Mohanji for giving me the opportunity to experience all that I am going to share now and allowing me to witness that I did.

So here I begin.

On 20th August night, Chris (Christopher Greenwood, Mohanji’s Executive Assistant) gave me a call and said, Mohanji would like to do a 21-day event himself and that he would like the event to start from 23rd! Wow, that was some news! We all know, Mohanji would not say anything just like that. We were going to announce another global Acharya program for the end of the month, so this sudden decision from Mohanji was surely for a higher purpose. But I didn’t have much more clarity on how and what.

The next morning we had a call with Mohanji, and then he gave clear instructions, 11 days, one and half hours every day of deep processes, and he will himself conduct it, every day! Wow! I was zapped. I had to pinch myself and even asked Mohanji, “You will do the process, Mohanji? Every day?” “Yes,” came the answer. Unbelievable! 11 days, every day! Mohanji had also given this instruction to Madhu (Madhusudan, CEO of Mohanji Foundation). After the clear instructions, we then went away to do our homework of what preparation, planning execution etc. The program couldn’t start in two days, but he agreed for it to start in about ten days, so the 2nd September date was finalised.

Ten days is nothing! We knew hundreds of people would come, not just from Mohanji global family, even from outside too. Who will not like to take advantage of such a golden opportunity? But it was also our duty to make sure that we conveyed the details of the program properly and on time and to far and wide. Mohanji’s speed, his precision, his perfection! We were all on a roll!

We had to make sure to reach far and wide, and we also had to ensure the program could cater to a large audience, probably the largest so far! While Mohanji would deliver the program himself, we needed to ensure that we had the right technical support in every sense, technology, translations, communication etc., the list wasn’t a small one. And we had only ten days in hand!

Well, just a month back, the Festival of Consciousness in Belgrade was also organised in just three weeks! So the team by now knows the speed at which things will need to happen, and all we need to do is flow!

Soon the day arrived. 2nd September, the commencement of the EMPOWERED 11-Day event with Mohanji! We were prepared with the simultaneous translations (in 6 languages), webinar set to handle more than 900 participants, audio-video equipment etc. We had been rehearsing for a few days earlier. That morning, Madhu, Chris and I discussed about the opening of the program, who would start with the intro. Both of them suggested I do so. Not something that I was expecting, but well, if that’s what is needed, I would do so, I said to myself. The program opened, it was overwhelming as many people were meeting Mohanji for the first time.

Mohanji didn’t waste a moment; his delivery to almost 700 people on the live webinar session that time uniquely addressed everyone and made sure that every person was receiving it as per their frequency. It was not a “one size fits all” way; but customised uniquely. That session, of course, I was hovering between the six language rooms in the webinar to see if all translators were comfortable doing their work.

By the time the session finished, I had a feeling of bubbles rising from molten lava, molten lava, within each participant. That’s when I realised, Mohanji was not just imparting knowledge through his talks, but there was a much different impact at the energy level for everyone; that’s what I was witnessing. I was feeling the bubbling, emerging hot molten lava.

The next day, as soon as Mohanji came, looking at him, there was a sharp light from his 3rd eye. Suddenly, I got flashes in my left eye. Usually, I get flashes in my eyes when I am about to get a migraine, which grows unbearable if I don’t take a painkiller!

I was already sitting in front of Mohanji with the video on, so I couldn’t get up for a headache pill. I tried to ignore it and kept focusing on Mohanji and listening to him. But the brightness was growing, and I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. I closed my eyes and just concentrated on Mohanji’s 3rd eye. Almost after 30 min, I felt normal and opened my eyes, and yes, I was normal, no headache. I then realised that flash in my left eye was not because of my usual migraine; I was witnessing the brightest glow in Mohanji’s presence.

The previous day’s inner awareness of the bubbles of molten lava and now this bright light confirmed to me that this online workshop with Mohanji was much beyond just a webinar teaching or discussion. Beyond words and explanations, Mohanji was working at the energy level, beyond the physical dimensions.

That day, Mohanji must have received thoughts and questions from many people, so before leaving the session after two hours, he said to the entire group to stay on and discuss, and he called out my name said, “Subhasree, please continue the discussion and question answers for some more time.”

This was a command coming from my Guru; I had no time to react to the surprise! The moment his words hit my ears, they hit my consciousness, I guess. What happened for the next 2 hours was magical. People were asking questions, and I was speaking… well not me, clearly Mohanji. I had no sensation of my body, my speech, my knowledge at that time. Words were flowing. When the session was over, there was an outpouring of appreciation messages from so many. From our internal group to participants, how they all felt that Mohanji was speaking through me!

The next day, during Mohanji’s live session, while I was concentrating on what Mohanji was teaching us, I noticed swelling in Mohanji’s face, especially in his left jaw area. Mohanji was constantly speaking, flowing spontaneously, with no sign of pain or uneasiness or anything like that. I felt that Mohanji was absorbing, taking on all those oozing bubbles from everyone… that’s his style of giving all of us protection while letting the deep cleansing process happen. I witnessed how Mohanji shields everyone, including me, and takes some of the effects on his physical body.

This day also Mohanji asked us to continue Q&A and discussion following his session, and we all would flow in his consciousness. I was feeling Mohanji’s presence in me. That time, I had no feeling of myself. The only awareness I had was that Mohanji was in me, driving the car, I was just holding the steering, and he was controlling everything, absolutely everything.

Every day, we started the session one hour earlier to test with the translators, then one and a half hours with Mohanji, followed by the discussion sessions for 2 hours afterwards. Usually, after the sessions, later in the evening, we had to complete some other tasks regarding communications, Q&A submitted by email or texts etc. And I also had my office work to do. So there was no counting of waking hours or food or other terrestrial things. My fingers, elbow, shoulder all would pain all night and be stiff when I woke up in the morning too. But as soon as I got ready and sat at the altar ready for the program, the 5 hours would pass like 5 minutes. I had the energy to work again till late in the night.

There were many hindrances, too, technical glitches, but none of these had any impact on the program. Problems were coming; they were dissolving. I felt as if we were doing an obstacle course running race. Obstacles appear; we jump over them and continue running.

As we were growing day by day, the effect of the deep process was getting more and more intense. Mohanji’s presence was evident. By making me anchor the sessions in his presence and the discussion session after he left, Mohanji had given me a different awareness, the awareness that Mohanji was working directly through me. I was reminded of what Mohanji had told me recently when I was with him in Serbia. “I work through you directly, in real. I work through you in actual and in factual.” These words of Mohanji were still vivid in my head. I was witnessing this happening now.

I was feeling the Mpowerment. I felt immense gratitude for this; Mohanji had put an ordinary stone from the roadside as a crystal on the podium! I didn’t ask, “Why?” I didn’t ask, “Do I deserve it?” I only melted; I dissolved. I realised this ego, this identity called ‘Subhasree’, had no meaning because I was not operating from my own physical body. For me, this was an experience of merging with Mohanji, going beyond physical dimensions.

Mohanji had empowered me in such a way that my fatigue, my physical pain, my lack of knowledge, my incapability – nothing mattered. Because he was in me, he was directly performing. He gave me a tiny taster of his huge capacity.

My inner voice was crying, “I am nothing. I am nothing. I don’t exist, Mohanji. Please let me stay merged with you forever. I am a bundle of mistakes, weakness, and naivety; please let me melt in you and let these impurities burn totally.”

As our discussions were flowing every day, the attendees would give such sweet compliments that though I felt honoured and grateful, I also was embarrassed. I am not used to such compliments and that too for something that Mohanji was doing! But I also knew they were seeing Mohanji exactly as I was feeling.

With the growing praises and appreciation from people pouring for me, I had another realisation. I realised that what Mohanji had showered on me without me expecting consciously or asking for it must be a deep-lying desire from the past that he is fulfilling and thus exhausting it!

These realisations of how Mohanji was empowering me, protecting me, fulfilling my unrealised desires and probably removing my karma, allowing me to witness a tiny glimpse of his multi-dimension work on everyone else, had a deep impact on me; the impact of gratitude to this greatness, the grandeur of my Master, my Guru.

At this stage, all I wish is to just stay in that state of being merged with Mohanji forever.  

Thank you, Mohanji, for everything you do for all of us in so many truly indescribable ways. 

Love You! 

Mohanji – my friend, philosopher & guide and beyond that, a connection in consciousness!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 57 and 58

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 57 lesson – The power of silence 

The past days here have been very much routine, something that I’ve spoken of before. And for me, that’s waking up, doing practices for myself, make sure everything’s organized or planned for the day. And then I’ll speak to Mohanji about his activities, the day’s activities, and anything else we need to speak about. And depending on how busy he already is, or how much we need to cover, that will be the time that I spend there. 

Then we have morning aarati at 6 am. It’s important here that we all attend, and it takes place in the puja room downstairs. Mohanji will be there sitting in his chair with the windows open, and all the beings that come to see him take his darshan, the birds, and the squirrels. 

For the past few days, I’ve been keeping conversation to a minimum because I’ve had some discomfort in my mouth, causing a bit of pain, which is fine, but I’m speaking only when necessary. 

This reminded me of one of the really good practical lessons that I observed from Mohanji. I have known about it sometime before being here, but it was also reconfirmed during the Bootcamp session we had. And this is the power of silence. The fact that in any situation that we face, silence is always an option for us, and it can be really powerful. 

Before having the role I do now, I used to work in business, large projects mainly, complex technology projects. And there were always many issues because things were never planned, there were never enough people, so we were always tight for time. There were always problems. People would have their interpersonal challenges as well; some people would not get along with others. 

In meetings, there would be a competitive environment where many people want to speak over each other to get their point across. Tensions were high because of the pressures, and people would be really easy to snap. 

So what I learned from watching some of Mohanji’s videos is that silence is always an option for us in situations. Especially when I felt provoked into speaking or triggered, it was to actually respond with silence rather than reacting to that because I found those situations were often coming from an emotional place. If someone had said something, or I didn’t agree with something, the immediate instinct was to react. And that was one of the habits I had. 

This sometimes had a good effect, and other times not so good results, because it either helped move things forward, or it could turn disastrously wrong. Especially if I was critical of someone else because people remember that – the injury of words can last much longer than a physical injury. 

So I remember that silence is an option, and sometimes I choose not to speak. And actually, that would be more impactful than trying to speak because lots of people are eager to get their point across. 

This holds true now as well. I was thinking about this again, contemplating that previously I’d be very eager to speak, to share my view, but I realized that it’s not always necessary. And also, if someone is angry or frustrated, or they are in an emotional space, then just by being silent, it can be an instant diffuser to that situation that completely calms or neutralizes it. 

I found as well that sometimes people are looking for a fight or some provocation. And silence as a response has its power in those situations. 

The added benefit, something which I’ve been thinking about more as we’re walking this path, especially silence being a key aspect of it is that when there were situations where I would respond or react with an equal conversation, emotions or frustrations, they would stay much longer in the mind; the events would even replay themselves. This would cause more disturbances because it would spoil my day and also the other interactions. 

With silence as a response, the event passes much more quickly. And I see Mohanji responds in this way often in situations, too, especially when questions are asked that don’t necessarily need an answer, where they’re being asked from a place of just for the sake of asking. Using in the appropriate time, silence as a minimum response is always an option.

I hope you enjoyed this, and I’ll be interested to know if any of you have found the same benefits of silence in your interactions. 


Day 58 Lesson – The state of stability

Today I wanted to share a learning about one of the themes for this year 2021, which is stability. 

One of the things that stands out for me about Mohanji, which comes from sitting with him day to day and observing how he interacts with the various people who are contacting him, is his stability and steadiness. 

I’ve been here for many months now, sharing each morning. The variety in scale and also intensity of the situations which Mohanji handles is very vast. Some people may think that it’s just the Mohanji Global platforms which he is looking at, but there’s much more that he’s handling, actually. He acts in a friendly advisor capacity to many people worldwide. So he’s involved with many of their activities and situations, too. 

I found that regardless of what’s happening, what the situation is, he remains stable, steady. And he doesn’t waver or sway in how he treats people. And he said this before; he always stands by people, no matter what. If they stand by him, he stands by them. 

For many people, if something is happening in their lives, it can spill over into other areas of their lives. But with Mohanji, nothing of what he’s handling ever spills over into any other conversations, any other activities. They are all very discrete and separate. He takes situations as they come and handles them as they come. There are no emotions added. Everything is dealt with and then finished and completed. 

Whether this is somebody that’s dying, someone is being born, a new baby coming into the world, or somebody who’s getting married, it’s all on a similar level to him. Because he handles everything as it is. This doesn’t mean that he’s not engaged. He’s fully engaged, but it’s a state in which I can observe where he’s operating from and how he’s living with complete calm and complete stability. 

I think this is why he has such an appeal with people because it’s hard to find people like that in the world that are so stable and steady. Because people have minds, they are swayed by emotions, opinions, concepts. And we create imaginations, expectations, and then the corresponding sorrows. This is something that I’m learning through observing Mohanji, that there is a state that’s beyond all these turbulences of the mind. It exists, and Mohanji represents that. 

It’s a good reminder because I find that I can sometimes be taken very easily for a ride by the mind. There have been situations that trigger a reaction in me, and then the mind will gladly take hold of it, compare it with other situations, dissect it, distorted it, maybe give a new narrative to it. Before I know it, it’s something completely different from the actual reality of the situation at hand. 

In the recent Invest in Awareness program, we spent a lot of time talking about the mind. The mind being a projector – what is inside us is projected outside onto the canvas of the world. So whether it’s love, whether it’s hate, or views, or opinions, it’s projected out. Then if we experience what comes back, and we like it, or more accurately, it matches our expectations, we’re happy and satisfied. But if something comes back, which we don’t like, or doesn’t match our expectations, then we’re unhappy. We even carry that event longer, creating more suffering.

This can happen at any time. It happened recently to me unknowingly. And for a time, it really tilted me and my focus, and it was created by some unconscious expectation. When it wasn’t met, then obviously, the unhappiness came. But the suffering was not so much because it was possible to recognize that it’s a situation of my mind, and remembering that steadiness of Mohanji, that he’s the same from yesterday to today, and he will be the same tomorrow. 

A good reminder and a learning for me is that whilst we have a mind, it can always be prone to its fancy, unconsciously or consciously. As I observe Mohanji handling many different scenarios, it’s a good reminder that that stability is always a real possibility. I think it clearly demonstrates where he’s operating from, which is certainly not the fluctuations of a changing mind. 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 12th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Breathing Consciously

Aditya and Rekha from India share their experiences of practising a deep cleansing technique gifted to the world by Mohanji called the Conscious Gapless Breathing.

Face yourself with Conscious Gapless Breathing

by Aditya Nagpal, India

Most of the time, we are completely unaware of what we have stored inside. It could be emotions like anger, hatred, jealousy, or some desires which were never fulfilled. They are mostly stored in a suppressed mode. We may be aware of them subconsciously, but we never accept them fully. They remain there, waiting for the right time to sprout. But being on the path of fire shown by my Master Mohanji, it is a given that everything should come out and burn. And his grace makes sure that the process of burning is fast-forwarded. 

I have been following Mohanji since 2013 and have heard him many times saying the most important thing is to accept yourself as you are with all your strengths and weaknesses. This is easy to understand but is it that easy to implement? You must be aware of everything you have stored to accept it. I had experienced a huge transformation since I started following Mohanji, but I was always in a denial mode about certain things about myself, which came right in front of me when I did Conscious Gapless Breathing for 21 days. 

During covid times, I have been working from home for more than a year now, and I have had time to increase my spiritual practice. So, it just occurred to me that I should try CGB for 21 days. I had heard that it is difficult to do the process for 21 days continuously. But I always knew that Mohanji would take me through it as he always does with everything. So, with his grace, I started my daily practice of CGB.

In the first couple of days itself, I started feeling some emotions coming out from within. As they came out, I realized that this was something that should have come out long back, and I had been suppressing them. But with CGB, I was simply unable to suppress them; I had no choice but to face them. 

As I progressed day by day, more things started surfacing. It was not only from inside but from outside also. The behaviour of some of the closest friends and family members towards me also became erratic. But when I analyzed this a bit more, I again realized that all this was suppressed within me. The behaviour of the other person with me is exactly how I am thinking about them. 

There was nothing wrong happening; no one was wrong; the external world reflected what I had stored inside. With CGB, all the stored things were surfacing from within; and the external world became just a reflection of that. Then came a time when too many things were coming out, and I did not know what to do. I needed some guidance. So, I just sat in front of Mohanji’s photo and asked him, ‘Why am I so negative?’. ‘What do I do with all this?’ After some time, a strong thought occurred to me- ‘Acceptance and Surrender’. 

It was as if Mohanji was literally telling me to accept whatever it is. Accept yourself and everything around you and just surrender to me. Acceptance is the only way to overcome the negative emotions, fear and phobias that are stored within. But if they are suppressed, acceptance is not possible because you would deny them even if you knew that they exist. CGB brought them out, and it became easier to accept them. And when acceptance of yourself and things around you become better, surrender automatically becomes easier. Without acceptance, you cannot surrender. With his grace, I got the courage to look into the eyes of my own fears and phobias and surrender them. 

I started practising acceptance of myself and everything around me. This does not mean that I became meek or completely oblivious of the things happening around me. But it gave me a better awareness of myself and everything around me, and I could take the right action as required. There was a big release happening, and I was able to accept everything fully with his grace.

As more and more things were releasing, I was becoming lighter and lighter. My other practices of Kriya and Chanting improved drastically, and Acceptance and Surrender became my continuous practice. After I completed my 21-day CGB Sadhana, the release continued for a few more days and became more light. It has been more than two months, and the impact of the process is still there. A massive release of things and transformation has happened. I am much stronger than before. My level of acceptance and surrender has grown by leaps and bounds. 

Acceptance and surrender are actually huge strengths. You accept, surrender and the rest everything is taken care of by our Master.

Words are not sufficient to express the magnitude of the transformation that CGB has brought. It is a real gift from Mohanji. He makes sure that the right thing comes to us at the right time based on what and how much we can handle. All we need is full faith and patience. His grace will make the process faster and take care of everything.

Aditya with Mohanji

Breathe in Awareness

By Rekha Murali, India

It all began just before the onset of the Pandemic in mid-March 2020. I had the great opportunity to be trained by Devi Mohan in Conscious Dancing, Conscious Gapless Breathing (CGB) and Soul Mirror Process in Bangalore. It was exhilarating learning these new techniques as it was all about centering and alignment.

Somehow I was attracted to Conscious Gapless Breathing. It is a powerful breathing technique given by Mohanji to the world. Normal breathing in itself brings freshness within. As shown through CGB, it cleanses and detoxes from deep within the cellular level when done systematically. The end result is one of freshness and bliss in all the four levels of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states.

Practising CGB during the training made me feel so energetic and relaxed. I learned that doing this continuously as a practice for 21 days could lead to deep cleansing and transformation. I was hooked. It was on my to-do list for some time till I got an opportunity during Shivratri 2021 to guide participants in CGB for five days. Those five days were mind-blowing.

Soon Aditya Nagpal reached out to me and asked me if I would like to join him for a 21-day challenge of CGB. He had commenced practice and wanted me to join. This was very inspiring, and we motivated each other by sharing our experiences and completing the 21 days.

It was not easy, although I looked forward to the morning session eagerly. First of all, I started waking up early to do my Kriya, followed by CGB. It brought in discipline and focus. I also became aware of many deep-seated memories which I thought had been forgiven and forgotten.

Initially, for a couple of days, my rigid body was getting used to the breathing and positions of CGB. But I noticed the awareness with which I followed each breath, and I was totally in it. The mind was free and focussed. I did not miss a single breath and did it with awareness. It left me feeling refreshed and energetic.

Then the reality that this powerful process can bring about unfolded. I had no clue that there were so many things that had to surface. I started getting emotional. A lot of sadness and grief came up. Luckily I did not re-live the situation but only the feelings associated with it. There were times that in a particular position, I would lose myself, go deep within, totally unaware of the external world or simply fall asleep! Although it seemed like an eternity, this deep state would last for only a minute or two.

Each day, I moved from the current state of thoughts and feelings backwards towards childhood and all the associated emotions. As it surfaced, I was only aware of one fact. I had to watch it and release it. The awareness increased.

After every session, I would sit up crying, and during the course of the day, I watched myself in every situation. I watched when I reacted unreasonably, I watched when I was angry, I watched when I would get into my self-pity mode, and I watched when I was happy!

This awareness helped me a lot, and I learnt to accept myself as I was. I understood that this was an amazing technique to help pull out the deeply embedded scars of life and burn it in the fire of ether. As the days progressed, I noticed that I was tuning in to this and was fearlessly looking forward to new things surfacing and open enough to accept it. By the end of the 21 days, some sort of stability came about, and my bouts of crying stopped.

Looking back now, I understand the immense clearing and change that this technique helped me with. Some things that were so important a few months ago miraculously disappeared. Patterns that I thought were essential for living this life doesn’t seem to matter anymore. As Mohanji says, empathy increased, and sympathy vanished!

Awareness of who I am, an understanding of this personality opened up. Some dreams and visions also helped in this process. I have learnt the reasons for my patterns; I have learnt to accept myself as a unique individual with my karmic agenda!

There are miles to go before I sleep, but why fear when the grace of the Guru is here!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 55 and 56

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 55 Lesson – There are no problems, only situations

Good morning, everybody; I hope you’re doing well. 

We’re already well into January and the days seem to be going quickly. Each year, there’s a theme used for quotes with a general focus for all the people connected to Mohanji. For this year, 2021, Mohanji provided some guidance for the theme of the year, which is flexibility, stability, and friendship, which I think is apt. 

Flexibility, as we are in very unpredictable times, we don’t know what will happen in the future; having that quality of flexibility will give us a good footing to handle anything that comes and even learn new skills. 

Stability is important, as it’s just like when the air stewardess tells us to put on an oxygen mask first before putting it on somebody else. Our own stability is important for being able to be there for others, be stable for others and help them.

Friendship, at this time, is developing connections, deepening friendships, practising kindness. 

I was thinking about these this morning and was reminded of how Mohanji approaches situations of life, how he handles all the various troubles, queries, problems, and events that come to him. There are so many of them each day, as often things don’t go on as planned, which means there has to be action, or corrective measures, or things like this because we have a huge organization, which he’s guiding and steering. 

I’ve always found that Mohanji is really very cool in these situations. Whatever comes, he’ll take it on its merits, and he’ll handle it however best it needs to be handled – with minimal fuss or fanfare. 

I asked him about this one day; how does he manage to do this? He summed it up succinctly, which I think I want to build on today: there are no problems in life. There are only situations, and problems only exist in the mind.  This simple yet profound thought is worth contemplating for many of us; I definitely, as earlier I used to think I have a lot of problems in life.  

The statement, “There are no problems in life, there are only situations; problems only exist in mind”, gives so much freedom. When I heard that, I intuitively knew that I’m looking at things maybe in a different way than what I could do. This was a very powerful orientation for me because often, I would get caught up in the middle of my mind’s mess with all the perceived problems that I thought existed. 

For example, if I plan to complete some work, or if I had entrusted it to somebody else and it didn’t come back in time, or there was a delay, or it wasn’t quite right, or something else happened which would stop what I wanted to happen, or planned to happen; my mind would jump to a narrative of – “This is a problem. How could this happen? Why is this the case?” All these types of questions would gush forth.

This type of thinking was doing nothing to really help and what I understood from Mohanji’s words is that life will always present us with situations, and sometimes why they happen; we don’t even know. There’ll be a cause, but we might not be aware of it at that time. 

But the fact is, something comes to us as a situation, and my ability to respond to the situation will decide if it’s a problem or not. For example, if I thought I completed what I needed to do for the day and was about to relax, and something urgent arrived. If I’m constantly thinking about my expectation of what I’d be doing next, relaxing over doing what needed to be done, then I’m creating a problem for myself. 

So now I’m learning to approach life like this, that there are only situations. What comes to me, and what comes to us, we handle it as it is. I now look at the whole situation (width, breadth, height – in totality) to see what can be done with what’s available and have found the intensity of the events reduces, bringing stability. I know now that if there’s a situation, then there will also be a solution. I don’t need to create more disturbances in my mind and problems because of that. The result is there’s more calmness, or reduced intensity, and clarity. I can better see the situation for what it is; hence I’m not pushed into automatic ways of responding (as I’d usually do).

You can objectively look at the situation, assess it, think about it, and often, the solution will automatically present itself. At times the solution can also be something novel or unique, something I would never have normally thought of, which also brings in that element of flexibility. 

This is something I’m continuing to learn, that when I avoid turning life situations into problems, I’m learning that I’m calmer, stable, and have better decision-making ability.

 I hope you have a great day and that you can sail through any of the situations which might come your way. We will speak soon.

Day 56 Lesson – Sincere calls reach Mohanji

Good morning, everybody. I hope you’re doing well. 

Mohanji says, “I’m walking with you”. He also says that whenever people need him, he’s there. For some people, this can be difficult to understand, especially if they take Mohanji as the physical form -the nice beard and long hair. 

In these times, it’s challenging to speak or meet Mohanji because of the Covid situation and difficulty travelling. Once the Centers of Benevolence are in place, this will be much easier as then Mohanji will be there, and people can visit, but until this is complete, it’s difficult. The priority of his time is given to projects and platforms that are moving activities forward and those that contribute to the vision of raising the world’s collective consciousness. 

But what I have experienced myself and what I’ve witnessed is that people do not need to physically meet or speak with Mohanji for him to hear them and for him to respond. If someone has a genuine intention, it reaches him, and Mohanji does his work.

Today, I wanted to talk about how people reach out to Mohanji and how Mohanji also reaches out to them. I did share a few examples of this in today’s voice message. I recognize that these are only small examples, but they give an idea of a much larger dimension to Mohanji, and if we sincerely need him, he hears the call. 

Many people have troubles and situations in life and are seeking help. For these issues, Mohanji has empowered Acharyas, who can handle many of the topics across all areas of life. He has also given methods such as the Mai-Tri and Mohanji Transformation Method (MTM), which benefit people’s lives, and people are getting great results too, but I understand that for some people, this still can’t replace physically meeting or speaking with him. 

Having lived close to Mohanji now, I have developed some limited awareness of how he operates. I think we miss a huge dimension of Mohanji if we think we need to see him or speak to him physically, and I’ll give some examples for that. 

One of them happened a few months ago. I was working to build the vision for one of the platforms. I was working on activities and ideas, and it was going well. But I was getting stuck in my thoughts for some reason. I couldn’t quite grasp a way to align what I was putting down with my thinking and how practically to make it happen. 

It was at that time I heard Mohanji call “Greenwood”, which is always a bit of a startle, so I went to his room where he called me. He said, “I want to talk to you about the vision for this platform”, and so I replied to him, “Oh! This is funny; I was just actually working on that.” He quite plainly said, “I know, that’s why I called you here because it was all over the place.” We spoke more about the vision, and he gave me clarity and some good direction. 

I was in a completely separate room, and I hadn’t told him what I’d be working on that day, and this incident showed me that in times of confusion, he can be there. 

Even though he has always said before that he doesn’t read people’s thoughts (and of course, he doesn’t want to read them because it’s all full of trash), I have a feeling that he senses things when they’re out of alignment, and he then corrects. 

Similarly, in another situation, I had received an email from a lady wanting to speak to Mohanji. She had some real trouble in her life and wanted some assistance. Usually, what I do is I set aside some time in the day – once a day to check emails (usually towards the end of the day) so that I just have that specific time to focus and reply. It so happened that I received this email, and it said that they were in some distress or confusion, or something like this; subsequently, there was another email from them a few hours later. In the first email, they had written, “I’m confused. I need some help. I’d like to speak to Mohanji”, and then the next email said, “Thank you so much. Mohanji has really helped me. I’m incredibly grateful.” 

I hadn’t even seen the first email; I hadn’t even looked at it, or responded to it, or taken it to Mohanji. But clearly, Mohanji must have done something and did what he needed to. So this was another small confirmation. 

Some of these small things have become so normal that my first reaction in that situation was, “Oh great, that’s one less email I need to respond to”, rather than being excited about the small miracle that I just witnessed. I spoke to Mohanji about this too, and he just shared how he worked, which I’ll say at the end of this message. 

Another time, a few months ago, in one of the morning sessions when I went in to see Mohanji, he asked me if it was one of our Acharyas birthdays. Mohanji has a close connection with all our Acharyas. 

I was surprised because normally, he doesn’t ask about specific people’s birthdays. I’ve never heard him ask that, so I was a bit taken aback and also I didn’t know, because the way we’ve set up now in the team is that all the cards and all the dates are all known by the team members, and then the cards get produced, and they get sent out. I don’t see this unless there’s a need to. 

Anyway, I just straight away responded to this and asked, “If it is, then should we record a voice message?” and he said, “Yeah, let’s do it.” We took out the microphone, recorded Mohanji’s message, and sent it to the Acharya. 

This Acharya was completely shocked. Completely, because the person had been praying intensely, from the bottom of the heart, and said all he/she really longed for, on that birthday, was a message from Mohanji. And it came. The person was incredibly surprised. 

So this again was a confirmation for me that people are reaching Mohanji, and he’s responding to them, even if they are not physically seeing him and speaking with him. 

Now, please, please don’t start praying from the bottom of your heart for more birthday messages because the mornings here are already busy enough for me. So please be nice. I’m joking. :))

The main lesson for me that I’ve learned since being here, and what I’ve witnessed with others as well, is that if we think we need to meet Mohanji, or speak with him physically, I think we’re missing something that’s much, much bigger, a completely different dimension. I know from the testimonials team as well that there are many countless testimonials to this effect. 

I’ve asked him as well; he has said that these things reach him. So when there’s the real pure intention, when it’s coming from a genuine heartfelt connection or a real need of assistance, and people are calling him from the heart, then he hears it. It reaches him, and he does what he can. As he says, he’s always there. 

I hope you enjoyed this and have a great day ahead.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 5th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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