Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 245 and 246

By Christopher Greenwood

Day 245 – Silence is always an option

Today I wanted to share, or re-share, a lesson that I come back to regularly. It’s something very powerful: the power of silence. Previously, in many situations, I’d be eager to speak, to share my perspective, or if there was something I disagreed with, then I would happily share my view, not to compete as such, but to give a different perspective to a situation, which I think is natural, especially in a group situation, where contribution benefits the group or the team.

I’ve learned now, taking the cue from Mohanji, that it’s not always necessary to speak, and also, if we talk more and keep talking, it can dilute our message. We might dilute what we want to convey, and it loses its power or impact. In some circumstances, silence is a very good and powerful option, especially when discussions are charged with a lot of emotion or it’s a time of conflict. Then in these cases, silence can give space for a solution to emerge, and more often than not, the resolution evolves naturally over time. Time will create a solution.

When practising that, it’s also been good to remember that there’s a very fine line between being passive and being silent. So, not speaking and just letting things happen when you should really speak versus choosing to be silent purposefully. Then there’s a refinement of when to use silence. Each situation needs to be weighed on its merit. Will my contribution to this conversation or discussion help? Will it be received and understood? Will anybody actually listen to it? Also, would it be better to maybe share something at a different point in time, not at this time? This is a reminder and re-sharing of this lesson.


Day 246 – Festival of Consciousness

Today, I share a slightly different message. It’s not so much a lesson but sharing what we’re doing at the moment with the team here in Belgrade. It’s a very exciting time because we’re preparing for the first-ever Festival of Consciousness. This is a first-of-its-kind festival. It has been created to celebrate unity and unification.

We’re putting into practice many of the lessons that I’ve spoken about in the previous days. For me, this is very exciting because it’s something that I spoke about with Mohanji. Over a year ago, he said we needed to have a festival. We need to make a mark and add value to the world by bringing everything that we’re saying to a space where everybody can experience yoga, meditation, conscious walking, conscious dancing, music, the talks – all of these things which help us connect with something higher, and reconnect with ourselves.

This will take place on the 24th of July, a full moon day and a very auspicious day of Guru Poornima, one of the most powerful, energetically intense days. It’s the ideal day to experience ourselves completely, raise our awareness, and take steps to reconnect to that truth, that we’re all part of one consciousness beyond manmade boundaries and to simply reconnect with ourselves.

We’re curating a fantastic event. It’ll be held on Ada Island in Belgrade, and it has become a wonderful coming together of all the teams across all the platforms and also the people who are closely connected to us. As I mentioned, yoga, meditation, conscious dancing, conscious walking, and plant-based foods will be there. There will be kids’ areas and demonstrations of our traditional dance and martial arts, as well as our partners, such as people from the school of Ayurveda and other practices.

This will be our first pilot of the festival. With eight days to go, there’s much to do and finalise, and volunteers are coming to help with this. As you can imagine, there are many obstacles to overcome: logistics, COVID considerations, the set-up, tickets, and visibility. So, lots of activities are taking place, and it’s definitely a living practice of some of the key teachings of Mohanji, which is to have conviction – “We’re going to do this. It’s going to happen.” – and the willpower to actually move it through, move it forward. These are the two primary ingredients right now. Obviously, it involves lots and lots of flexibility in practice as we manoeuvre around hurdles and various roadblocks. So, this is coming soon. If you’re in Belgrade, I recommend attending this festival because it’ll be a great event.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th August 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 243 and 244

By Christopher Greenwood

Day 243 – Reputation or experience?

Yesterday, we had all gathered for dinner when Mohanji dropped a bombshell of a question (interesting to think about in more depth): “What would you choose between these two? Would you choose reputation or experience?” It’s an interesting question, and we had a great discussion about the two.

Reputation is something which comes to people. It can take a long time, and people work incredibly hard to gain a reputation, whether it’s a social standing stature, some personality, greatness or something special within family, communities, societies, or even the world.

Experience, if you look at its purest essence, is the reason we have a body or we’ve taken a body. We have a body for experience – to experience life. All experiences that come to us are what we’ve asked for, consciously or unconsciously, and then the experiences are part of our agenda for life.

Then the question again is, what would you choose, reputation or experience? Would you avoid an experience that you desire for the sake of keeping your reputation, being worried about what someone might think, what they would say, whether that would damage your reputation? Or, would you live the experience, understanding that this is what you wanted to experience in life and do it fully?

It’s interesting because if I think from Mohanji’s point, it’s a fundamental truth that we came here with nothing and will leave with nothing, and you can put reputation into that same bucket. It’s not something that we could own or take with us. Suppose our need is to hold tight and keep our reputation intact. It means the experience is denied.

Are we living fully? Or does a need to keep reputation eclipse our experience’s potential and restrict our walking space in life? In a way, the frames that Mohanji talks about – creating frames that bind us; reputation is almost doing that, too. It’s limiting our walking space in life, restricting what we can or can’t do to keep it when our inner call or life brings experiences that might conflict with them.

So, at the end of the discussion, we asked Mohanji his view and as expected, the answer was simple between the two – experience, this is what we came here for. We take nothing else when we leave. Plus, an experience denied is a potential postponement for another time or lifetime.

Plus interestingly, he shared the same about postponement and delay. If an experience is denied, that’s a potential postponement (postponement for another time) for that experience to come back again or even another lifetime.

An interesting point for contemplation. Which would you choose, reputation or experience?

Day 244 – Catching the silence between the breath

In these current times, I’ve found that a lot is happening internally and around the world. World situations and local situations are all changeable and becoming quite intense. Within the Foundation and across the platforms, we have many activities happening simultaneously and even more are coming. For example, we’re preparing for the Festival of Consciousness, a big event in Belgrade on the 24th of July.

So, a lot is happening at the same time, and the general atmosphere at the moment is ripe for confusion and misunderstandings. I think some planetary positions (Saturn and Jupiter) in retrograde also contribute to this. One very simple practice I’ve been returning to, which Mohanji shared, that brings great stability, is trying to catch that silence and space between our inhalation and exhalation.

To witness the space that exists between the next inhale after exhale and exhale after inhaling. It’s very short, but by trying to catch that space and go into it, I’ve found it brings a lot of calm, centring and stability.

When you inhale, before you exhale, witness that space, that gap and go into this. It’s very short, and it’s not holding the breath. But it’s simply allowing the breath to be natural and going into that space. It brings a lot of calmness, centring and stability.

Mohanji shared earlier that the space between breath is the key to heaven in some respects. I remember some time back, Mohanji spontaneously delivered a very short online meditation, only ten minutes long, that focused on observing that space.

After the session finished, I remember him saying that if people caught that and continued with that, it was a very powerful Avadhoota technique, and practising it could lead to higher realizations. It can benefit people.

So, rather than a lesson today, I share this as a reminder of practice and that Mohanji has gifted many great tools and techniques during this time, which can help anchor and stabilize us in turbulent waters.

Here’s a link to the meditation technique:


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th August 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

How I met Mohanji

By Jelena Fassbender, Serbia

This year in August, it‘ll be ten years since Mohanji appeared in my life and took me under his divine wings of protection.

Although I shared my story of how I met Mohanji on many different occasions, I would like to put it on paper form as well, as a possible inspiration for others to share their experiences too and as a reminder to myself to sit and write more! Therefore, I sincerely thank Monika Dizdarevic, who inspired me to make this step.

It all started in Berlin in 2013 when my marriage hit bottom. At that time, I was an unhappy married woman who left her homeland Serbia, friends and family and a decade of numerous attempts to pursue a career as an actress, with deep wounds and suppressed pain caused by unfulfilled dreams, broken relationships and poverty.

I met my husband in the summer of 2011 in Berlin. It was love at first sight, and soon after we met, we decided to get married. After seven months of knowing each other, I became Frau Fassbender, ready to start a fresh new life in one of the most welcoming cities in the world.

In the beginning, it all seemed well between us. We were different, our cultures and habits too, but I believed I would be able to accept them, digest them and learn to live with them.

Then reality hit. My long-term depression, fears, painful memories, everything came crashing down on me. I was in a foreign land; I didn’t know the language, I didn’t have friends and contacts, I was jobless, and I was unhappy with my marriage!

My husband loved me but was limited within his capacity, and he could not fully understand my depths and accept me. Little did I know that acceptance from his side wasn’t possible because I was the one who was sabotaging myself. I was the one who was torturing, judging and rejecting myself, unaware of the fact that he was only the reflection of my inner state. I had expectations. I was angry and scared; I was lost. The idea of reinventing myself was creating even more resistance in me. The pattern of victimhood in its peak!

By this time, our marriage became an agony for both. We constantly fought about everything.

One morning, I was alone at home, sitting in the kitchen, with the laptop in front of me, without any solution for my problem. Nothing seemed possible. Divorce was out of the question; I was not ready to accept that my marriage wasn’t going to last, but I couldn’t continue living in such misery either. Why this life? What’s the point of me being alive? I disappointed my family and friends; I was a complete failure, and so many other heavy thoughts ran through my head. Suddenly, I felt that the walls of my kitchen were coming towards me, and it was like the space around me was getting smaller and smaller. I’m going to suffocate; that’s it. The end is near.

I felt a heavy and sharp pain in my chest, but I managed to take as much breath as possible and said loudly: “GOD, PLEASE, HELP ME!”

Then I looked at my laptop and saw a notification on my Facebook. Its title was “How To Heal Your Life”. The video was about the book written by Louise Hay. I watched the video and immediately downloaded the book, and read it that same day. In the book, dear Louise says that the first step on a healing journey is to stop at least one bad habit immediately.

That day LIFE gave me a chance, and I didn’t want to blow it away. I decided to quit 17 years of a heavy smoking habit. If that will bring me out of “living on the earth” hell, I am ready to do whatever is necessary. I was determined.

I couldn’t believe how easy it was for me – like I’ve never smoked. Then I thought coffee doesn’t have the same taste without cigarettes and alcohol as well, so I quit them too. Soon after that, It was the same with meat. At that time, I also had big issues with some strange sort of pimples on my face and by removing all these habits, my face began to look better.

In a recent conversation with Mohanji, I mentioned that many of our people had/have skin issues, including himself. He said to be in the presence of the Master, one has to raise the frequency, and for many, the skin is the way to cleanse negativity; it’s a part of a cleansing process.

Soon after I read Hay’s book, I recognized an enormous hunger to understand the real cause of my suffering and the suffering in general. I thought, whatever is happening, my husband and I deserve better lives, even if we divorce.

I became eager to learn more about who, how, when, and what I truly am. That’s how I got in touch with many important spiritual books. One led to another, and two of them seriously helped me. The first one is the one and only Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. The second one is A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle.

Therefore, I am and will be forever thankful for books and their authors that opened many doors and put me in a better place within myself, but that was obviously not enough.

After three months of literal isolation from everybody and of constant reading and accumulation of knowledge, on one particular day, I suddenly felt very upset, like an animal before an upcoming earthquake. I was walking nervously from one room to another, not knowing what could possibly calm me down, and no book seemed comforting enough at that moment. I needed tangible proof that I was on the right track and not going insane.

I decided to check FB, and guess what? The first that popped up on the feed was an article with the title “Mohanji, The Guru Who Finds You”. The title immediately caught my attention. That name Mohanji was somehow familiar to me. Then I remembered I heard about an Indian Guru, Mohanji, from Milan Bojic, a friend who opened the spiritual world door for me long ago when I still lived in Serbia. Still, I couldn’t remember anything more than that.

While reading the article, one sentence resonated with me very deeply: “Mohanji says: “The Guru is not a form or a person. Guru is a principle. It could take a human form and talk or come as a message from nature.” ….. or pop up on Facebook!

After I read the article, I went onto Mohanji’s website, and there I found guided meditation called Power of Purity. To my big surprise, this meditation was translated into many languages, including Serbian too. I decided to give it a try.

It was a quiet summer afternoon. I was alone at home and was more than ready to experience the meditation, mainly because I’d never meditated before. Power of Purity was my first meditation ever. I sat down on the bed, put the sound on and started to follow the instructions of the soothing voice of Devi Mohan. The atmosphere was solemn.

The heat overwhelmed my whole body. At first, I felt scared of the unknown feeling, but I decided to continue, no matter what. Then something happened which was beyond my wildest imagination. The moment I put the right hand in the blessing position, I felt a strong spiral vibration coming right out of my palm. I could clearly see how it reached my parents, my brother, and my friends and blessed them with white light. I was in shock and started to cry uncontrollably and continued to cry even when the meditation was over. I couldn’t move out of bed for more than an hour. I was heavy but light, strangely sad but unexplainably happy. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of love, a new kind of love, which was unknown to me until then.

Then I managed to get to the balcony and get some fresh air. To my surprise, all outside objects were very sparkly, and I couldn’t hear the noise from the streets. There was silence everywhere. I was in awe.

Then I felt a need to calm down. I went to the living room and intuitively picked the biggest book from the bookshelf, with the most beautiful architecture in the world and started to turn pages with maximum concentration on the content. By evening, I finally managed to calm down and fall asleep.

The next day, I wrote to Milan Bojic, hoping he would have an answer to what actually happened to me. Milan was visibly excited about my story. He said: ”Well, your Guru has appeared. There is nothing more important and sacred in life than to meet your Guru. You have ridden the wave, Lela! Don’t get off it, ever!”

So it was—the life before the Guru and the life with a Guru.
My rebirth happened that afternoon in August 2013.
Mohanji introduced himself in the most unusual and unconventional way. His way!

Since then, everything in my life has changed. EVERYTHING! Heavy baggage of lifetimes, full of expectations, anger, fears, unfulfilled desires and many other emotions, became so light.

At the first retreat, in a one-on-one session with Mohanji, he told me: “We have a lot to do together for this world, you’ll see.” Back then, I didn’t understand what he was talking about. Is he going to direct a movie or produce a movie? OMG…how limited our minds can be!!!

Now, after 10 years with Mohanji, I understand what he was talking about. His deeds speak for themselves! Mohanji is a platform. He created it for all of us. It’s on us to use it well and contribute with our talents to make this world better. Since I met Mohanji, I have lived a life of abundance. I have friends all over the world. I have a home and a family. I have clarity, mission and purpose!

Yes, people, that’s life in the presence of a living Master. One has to be, to live, to experience all those blessings, to be able to try to understand the love that the Guru has for each one of us. The unconditional love that he showers on us, regardless of how many times we fall.

What does he need from us? Nothing. He is presence, a mountain, the brightest sun that is always shining and is always available. It’s up to us whether we want to be plugged in.

Through all these years, I’ve learned that consistency, conviction and connection to the Guru (in my case – Mohanji) are the most important for grace to flow. Life is difficult without grace, and we all know how painful it can be. With the Guru’s grace, life is like a big pillow. Even when we think we got some bruises, they vanish within the shortest period, taking us one step closer to the final destination, total DISSOLUTION.

Mohanji’s grace, please, be with me always to make my human birth purposeful.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th February 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Guru’s guidance

Three beautiful testimonials of how Mohanji guides us in various ways, whether it is through spiritual practices or dreams; his protection and guidance are always with us when we truly seek from the heart.

Power of Purity meditation and Mohanji Energy Transfer

By Princy Sreekumar, India

Jai Mohanji. I would like to share my experience during Mohanji Energy Transfer during Power of Purity Meditation. The moment Arpanaji touched my forehead, I felt like I was standing on a highway of light. I could see Mohanji’s face like the bright sun pulling me towards him. When Arpanaji was holding her hand on my head, I was moving towards the light. 

At that moment, I knew how much time it would take me to reach the light, and usually, Arpanaji won’t hold her hand on my head for that long. It made me think I may not reach light before that. But she only took her hand after I reached the light, keeping her hand on my head longer than usual. The moment I reached the light, I heard the voice saying, “Follow the light,” and I started moving ahead in a light tunnel. 

In between, something else was pulling me, and it was taking me some other way which was darker. At that moment, again, I heard the words, “Follow the light.” So I start following the light and move towards it. Many a time, I got pulled by less bright roads or some not-so-lit tunnel, and each time, I heard the voice to follow the light. That voice guided me back to the light. I could relate this to what is happening in life. 

Even though we want to be our true selves, to be the pure being and be one with the light, many distractions pull us – old patterns, not having the courage to break them, and trying to fit into the frames our family, friends or society put on us. Many may be going through the same as I am now. We should bring our focus back to the light; as Mohanji is there with us, we should utilize the opportunities and always yearn to follow the light. 

My deepest gratitude to Mohanji, ‘one of the brightest lights ever to exist,’ for being there for us. Each time I come for group meditation or do some seva is like Mohanji pulling me back to light from all those distractions of this mundane world. 

Thank you so much, Arpanaji, for giving us the wonderful opportunity to soak in the energy of Mohanji. Thank you for the delicious food, and really appreciate the effort you have put into preparing it. Thank you to all the participants and Arpanaji for sharing your experiences; I felt so much bliss. It was hard to leave the place; I just wanted to keep listening about Mohanji and all your experiences with him.

Dream lesson – The danger of not following instructions and losing a Master

By Joanna Marie Allas-Fojas, Phillippines

I just woke up from a dream of Mohanji today. In my dream, Mohanji was with his group of disciples in a huge city like New York. It was a very glamorous and seductive city but very chaotic. We went there for an event. I was with his group of disciples, and Mohanji was taking care of us, guiding and giving us instructions on what to do while we were with him. Upon giving instructions, he left with his team. I really wanted to be with Mohanji and wanted to get his blessing (alone). I left my group of mates and followed Mohanji all by myself, which was not part of his instructions. I saw him in the church alone, and I wanted to go near him. 

I said to myself this is the chance to approach him, but I didn’t do it because I felt ashamed. It seemed inappropriate because this was his alone time, and this was not part of the instruction or program given to us. Then I walked past Mohanji and bowed my head down, not looking at him. Then I saw a group of Indian people approach Mohanji, and he gave them his blessings, and each one received a gift. I ran towards the group and went to Mohanji to get my blessing too, and when I saw him, I got shocked because he was no longer wearing his white robe, his hair was short, and he wore regular clothing, a blue shirt and jeans but he still looked like Mohanji. 

Then he was saying something to me telepathically… that I was not using my time efficiently enough and that I was not following his guidance and instructions. Because of this, I may get lost in the path, and it will all be too late because the tiny door of liberation is closing soon. He also said that I was wasting my time following his physical body and that it was an illusion. I was losing my time playing around with Maya by following my illusionary desires (material things) of this world. My attention was easily swayed and drifted to all that was unnecessary. Then Mohanji left… I was alone.

I went back to my group mates and but I couldn’t find them! I was retracing my path, but I seemed to forget the way back. Then I found myself in this scary dark building with lots of people, but I didn’t know any one of them. People seemed frantic and scared. There were groups of military men and politicians trying to contain the people. The people around told me to give my passport or documents to them or else they will lock me up there. 

The men had guns, and I gave them my passport. I was so afraid and almost crying. Luckily I managed to sneak out of that crazy asylum. Before I left, I tried to remember that place and the name of the politician who took my passport so that I could go there again and get my passport back. During this time, I was already lost. I stumbled upon unknown people in that very dark, crowded, and scary place. The once beautiful and fancy city became a nightmare.

I was calling Mohanji, but it seemed he couldn’t hear me. I couldn’t find my way back. I met other Filipino people and friends on the way, but they couldn’t help me because they were too stuck in limbo and Maya. I felt alone, afraid, confused, and devoid of bliss and happiness because I got lost. I kept on walking and walking. Everything seemed dark, cold, and scary. There were too many people, but their lives were empty, full of fear, and aimless. 

I then went into a theatre. A famous Disney show was about to start. I was given a VIP seat and was very much tempted to stay and watch it with famous celebrities beside me. But I stopped and reminded myself about my purpose. This was not what I wanted and not what I was looking for, so I left the theatre and continued looking for my Guru and finding my way back to him.

I search and search for Mohanji everywhere, but it’s a big city with gigantic buildings and millions of people walking around. Looking for Mohanji was like looking for a needle in a haystack. I tried to go back to our accommodation area, but I didn’t know the address, and I didn’t know which bus to take or where to go. I was getting desperate and afraid.

During this time, I am calling Mohanji. I tried remembering his teachings by going within my heart and connecting to him from there. The more I connect within, the more I feel I am near my spiritual friends and group mates again. Then my phone rang! My divine Mohanji friends were also looking and trying to contact me! But I couldn’t answer the call because the signal was weak, and I didn’t have enough charge to call them back. 

I was walking and walking, trying to feel the presence of Mohanji in that city, but it was very hard to feel because the energy of the place was too dense. I felt too that the door was going to close soon. I prayed sincerely from the heart that I’ll reunite with my divine friends again, or else I might lose them forever and get trapped here in this world of Maya/illusion, never knowing when will I see my Guru Mohanji again. Thus my dream ended.


 1. Our time with Mohanji is short and precious.

 2. It is easy to get trapped in the hypnotic call of Maya and but the Door of Liberation is tight and tiny and is closing soon.

 3. Always listen to the instruction of the Master/Guru and follow up to the tiniest detail.

 4. Be in the company of saints, divine friends, and spiritual family, and never leave them.

 5. Go and aim for liberation now. Do not deviate.

Messages through dreams

By Mary Rose, Philippines

Mohanji is the reason for so many changes happening for the betterment of my life. I want to thank him for his constant presence in my life. I just want to share my three dreams of Mohanji, and I hope the messages will reach your ears and your heart.

The first dream I had was way back in 2019. I can still remember it like it was just last night’s dream. I was in an outdoor cafe, and there were lots of people. Some I knew, some unknown. Everyone was wearing white. As I walked amongst the crowd, I saw Mohanji. He was talking to someone intently, and he caught a glimpse of me, but he didn’t say anything nor show any visible reaction. We just looked at each other. This dream happened when I was still learning and discovering who Mohanji is. It showed me the purity he carried, and as I was seeking him, he already saw me even when I was one of the many in the crowd, showing me that when the time is right, the Guru finds us.

The second dream was in a huge garden of an estate. Still with lots of people, and this time, I didn’t recognize anybody. Someone was flying or paragliding at times, and I thought it was me, but then I was walking in the garden. I found a bench made of concrete and sat there, just amazed by everything I saw. Across the bench was this huge door, and suddenly it opened, and Mohanji came out. He was carrying a book. Mohanji sat with me and opened the book. It was a very old book based on the hardcover. It looked like it was made of gold but dirty.

When Mohanji opened it, there was a watch inside. I couldn’t remember if it was an old or a new watch now. He was telling me some things, but sadly I couldn’t remember what was said. Mohanji gave me a hug and left. Although I couldn’t remember his words, when I saw Mohanji in his white robe and showing me a book with a watch, I felt that it was time for me to step up in my spiritual journey. 

My third dream was during the time I was practicing the 49 days of Mohanji Gayatri mantra chanting. In the dream, we had just finished our hike from Mt. Kailash. I was with Mohanji and some other people. We were in a hotel or cabin lobby and outside was covered in snow. I saw my pieces of baggage, and as soon as we got the keys, Mohanji told me to go to the room and rest. I went to check the room, which was on my right side, and it had lots of beds with clean sheets, white and crisp. The bed looked so soft and comfortable. I remember his words to me. Rest, and I will take care of everything.

In this dream, Mohanji showed me that when I am connected to him, all I have to do is trust his guidance and protection hence the words, “Rest now, and I will take care of everything.”

Thank you for taking me with you to other dimensions, Mohanji. I am grateful, and I’ll always be grateful. Even if I may not get a chance to meet you personally, at least in my dreams, I was able to hug you and travel to Mt Kailash with you.

All in all, since 2018, Mohanji has always been there for me. Though I may never have met him in person, he never fails to answer in some form or another whenever I ask him something in my mind. The Guru leads us to ourselves, and Mohanji did that for me. I am eternally grateful that he saw me from among the crowd, even though it took me a while to realize that he is always walking by my side, guiding, protecting and mentoring me. 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 10th January 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Meeting Mohanji

By Susan Ponce, Peru

I didn’t know anything about Mohanji. I was just a Peruvian woman with many issues, living in a cosmopolitan city where people were rushing and trying to work hard to earn money each day to survive in this chaos.

I met a new partner at work. I am a teacher, so it was a new teacher at school. We started to talk, and we became good friends. Suddenly, she told me she was going on a pilgrimage to Croatia. By the way, she is Croatian and so interested in spirituality, and so am I. When she came back from Croatia, I noticed a change in her. She was more centred and excited because she decided to help the Mohanji Foundation and establish Mohanji Peru here. She told me about Mohanji.

In India, there are lots of people who are called Gurus. I didn’t understand how this works there. Being a Catholic, I know about Jesus, Mary, saints, angels etc., but I love to learn about other cultures.

Well, my friend asked me for help with Mohanji’s quotes. She told me to work on the Spanish translation. At first, they were just sentences, and I translated them. As time passed, I realised that the meaning of these texts was very powerful. I felt good when I read them. They made me think about my life. It was challenging for us to convey the same intention and meaning as the one in English.

Earlier, I used to meditate from youtube videos. 5 or 10 minutes of meditation, and I also went to some Buddhist meditations a couple of times and felt relaxed. Meditations helped me to de-stress.

Meanwhile, Mirela, my friend, started with the meditations. The day arrived, and Mirela invited some people to her house for Mohanji’s meditation. It was the Power of Purity meditation – the first time I was doing it.

During the meditation, I felt electricity in my whole body. The moment Mohanji said something about looking at yourself in 360 degrees, I saw myself outside the body and looking at my body, sitting down with my eyes closed. I could also see the rest of the group; I could sense that they wanted to get out of their bodies to see themselves but couldn’t. I felt so light and free. I could float around and go to the window. But I started thinking about what if I went and could not come back, so I came back into my body. I felt dizzy. I thought my imagination was incredible because I felt it was real.

As time passed, Mirela became an Acharya and Mohanji told her he would like to come to Peru. I was so excited. He was behind the beautiful quotes and created these wonderful meditations. By the way, I am very sensitive to energy, and I had many expectations about the day I met him. The day came.

Mirela invited me to have lunch with Mohanji, Devi and George. I was so excited and full of expectations. When I met him, I started to laugh; I was so nervous. But I couldn’t feel anything – no special energy or something that I could feel about him. He appeared as a simple man having lunch, but I could feel George’s energy. It was so intense, different from other people’s energy that I had felt before.

We made a short tour around Lima. I was driving, and Mohanji sat next to me. In Peru, traffic jams are terrible, and people do not respect any law. Suddenly I heard Mohanji’s voice telling me to look at an old lady in the corner, so I stopped, and the old lady crossed the street. Some blocks later, he told me again about a woman with a baby. So, I stopped again, and the woman carrying a baby crossed the street. But something was interesting about this situation. Mirela told me that Mohanji never spoke out loud. He was in silence next to me. I couldn’t see him while driving, but I heard his voice. I could hear his voice clearly while the others couldn’t!

The next day, there was a satsang with Mohanji. It was very nice; Mohaji spoke in simple words. I loved the satsang. After that, we meditated, and he decided to do energy transfer. During the meditation, something happened again. A new sensation came onto me. I went out of my body and flew or floated pretty fast until I got through outer space. There was Mohanji. He told me, without moving his lips, “What are you waiting for?” I was so confused. I was waiting for what? I really didn’t know. At the end of the ceremony, we could hug him. I could feel his love; he was pure love, like a Father with his child. It was the first time I felt him.

Soon, Mohanji left Lima, and after he left, some strange things happened to me. I was happy. I was smiling for no reason. I went to buy some stuff at a store. I used to walk because it was near my house. While I was walking, a stranger’s dog ran up to me. I had never seen it before; the dog was so happy being with me. I patted him, talked to the owner and continued on my way. I reached the store, and suddenly another dog appeared. It seemed lost and walked around the whole store. It sat down next to me. The seller told me that dogs were not allowed and that I had to take my dog outside. But it wasn’t my dog. So I decided to go out with the dog. Nobody was there. The dog ran away and disappeared from my sight. I felt the dogs came to me because they could sense a positive or kind energy in me, a shift that happened after meeting Mohanji.

The same day I went to visit my mom at the hospital; she was sick and stayed at the hospital for a long period. While walking, I started to look at the flowers; I could feel their energy. It was a fantastic experience.

At the hospital, there was a group of monks. They were from the Saint Francis congregation. I had to pass where they were standing. When I was near the group, I could feel one of them spreading a unique, nice, calm energy. I believe he realised I could feel his energy because he turned around and stared at me. I walked by quickly and started to look the other way.

Later, I went home and decided to do some research about Saint Francis. I only knew that he loved animals and that he lived in Asis, a small town in Italy. The next day, Mirela told me Mohanji was in Italy, Asis, in a special meeting. I couldn’t believe it. Was it a coincidence? But there were a lot of coincidences happening.

I was starting to realise that there was a connection between Mohanji and me. Was it only my imagination?

Spanish Quote

I continued with the Spanish translations and meditations. Sometimes Mohanji appeared during the meditations. I could feel his energy, and I had some visualisations. Most of them were in outer space. During these years of practice of Mohanji’s meditations, I thought he was training me to do something I had never imagined could be real or could be able to do.

He taught me how to float in outer space. He showed me that we could transport ourselves in a bubble. By just thinking about it, the energy bubble appears surrounding you. It helps you to move from one place to another in space. It could also help you move from one place to another on Earth.

Then he taught me how to control my energy; how to focus my energy in different places. I can guide my energy through planet Earth, the moon, and the whole solar system. He never used to talk. He only pointed, and I already knew what he was teaching me. But he would always laugh. He got happy with every new step I took.

One day, he pointed to the sun. He wanted me to get into the sun. I had some doubts because I thought I could get burnt, but he gave me confidence, and I did it. When I came back, I was shining brighter. I felt full of light. I sent this energy to Earth, but he told me to be careful.

Another day, I realised that we were not alone in outer space. There were other energy bubbles. There were few, all of them near planet Earth, just like us. At that moment, I didn’t realise what it was all about. But later, more and more bubbles appeared. These bubbles were standing around planet Earth; they looked like a pearl necklace. On each bubble was a person. Mohanji was the one leading this group. He told us to raise both hands and put our palms looking at planet Earth. We started to send energy to the planet. It was a beautiful bright energy. This situation would sometimes be repeated – a group of people around Earth send energy to it.

One night I dreamt that Mohanji, Devi and I were sitting on a high building looking at planet Earth. Mohanij looked concerned and worried, looking at the planet. Devi was pointing to some parts of the Earth; there were black holes or black lava in some parts of the planet Earth. They were showing this to me. They need more people to continue sending energy to the Earth.

This was a special occasion. We were around planet Earth and started to send energy, but suddenly Mohanji told us to do something new. He told us to hold each other’s hands. I thought: But how can we still send energy if we hold hands?

PC: Google images

What happened next was awesome. The energy started to spread from our hearts to planet Earth. It was such intense energy. Higher than before. I was crying in my physical body. The love energy was purifying the Earth and ourselves. I felt so grateful and blessed to be part of this.

It is not only planet Earth that needs to increase its energy levels; it is the whole solar system. Mohanji was trying to form a group around the solar system, but there were few people, so it wasn’t easy. But it is possible to send energy.

I had dreams and visualisations about different situations the last time we were together around the planet. I was next to Mohanji, and a guy was on the other side. The rest of the bubbles were darker than before. Mohanji was trying to increase the energy, but he couldn’t, so he sent me to the other side of the planet and did the same with the other guy. He told me to increase my shine so the people next to me would increase their energy too. So the other guy, Mohanji and I started to increase the brightness, and the other bubbles began to increase their levels but partially. It looked like Christmas lights twinkling. It was not enough.

Finally, after years of meditation, visualisation, energy feelings and huge transformations, it is impossible not to understand why Mohanji is here. He is a Master. He is teaching us how to be Masters like him. I am so grateful for all his teachings. We are energy, the energy of LOVE. It is inside us, and we have to spread it. We are like light bulbs. Together we can shine in a big way and transform the planet. We are one. Thank you, Mohanji.

Nowadays, I am still working on my observation. I always looked outside, gossiped, and complained about people and situations. Now I pay more attention to my inside. I observe how I react to different situations; I can realise when a pattern in my life is repeating and if I am reacting the same way as always or stop for a moment and look at it carefully. I am in the process. I know that I am here on this planet to learn and enjoy the experience of life. I am standing up from a different perspective than ten years ago. I am not a victim of the circumstances anymore; I am grateful for every day of my life.

I know that I also have a great connection with animals and nature; I know that I am a part of the whole. I have reduced my complaints about everything. I feel uncomfortable when somebody complains too much, but at the same time makes me remember how I used to complain. I have learnt different techniques to help me clean myself on the inside. I continue helping others but have learned to trace my boundaries because I am not a doormat. I don’t know if this is a transformation. I am still learning. I am so grateful because I was looking for something that I didn’t know what it was. And it was Me.

I really wonder if everything I have seen were dreams; some of them appeared during meditations, Kriya and while I was sleeping, and they seemed real.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 13th December 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 155 & 156

Day 155 – Give flowers today

Yesterday had a surprise ending to the day. When travelling with Mohanji, there’s always an element of the unexpected. Once you think you’re settling into some comfort zone, it’s quickly changed.

Yesterday, Devi was conducting a meditation for some of the local people here in Slovenia. They’d been meeting regularly for some weeks at a small yoga studio in the town of Lenart. The group was growing each week. Yesterday Mohanji called me and said that he’d like to go to the meditation. He would join the group after the meditation was over. 

We went to the hall where a small group of around 10 to 12 people had gathered. Mohanji spoke in satsang, probably for over an hour or two, on various topics – fears and general aspects of life. Some people had gone for meditation for the first time. I don’t know if they’d only gone to meditation for the first time or the Power of Purity meditation for the first time. They didn’t even know who Mohanji was until that day.

I thought to myself, “What a real blessing it was for those people that probably don’t even know what they were able to experience there, the level of closeness and intimacy at that satsang. “One of the topics he spoke on yesterday was an excellent reminder for me, and I wanted to share this today. 

It’s something which, in business and activity, I can regularly miss, or I can forget to remember. This was about relationships – with our closest, our nearest and dearest, with those people we’re most connected to in our life. For me, these can be the sources of happiness and/or frustrations and disappointments. Nevertheless, close relationships and genuine relationships are very important.

One lady in the Satsang asked questions about fear – one of the things that she feared was what would happen to her family, what could happen to them and how to help. He simply said, “All we need to do in that situation (and I think this applies to any relationship) is to simply love them, and appreciate them in our life, now while we can.” Very simple words. 

He said that usually, it’s funny that when a person is alive, we don’t really show them anything. Normally, they’ll pay attention, or there might be some types of interaction, which might not be so pleasant, but as soon as they pass on, as soon as they’re gone, we are sad, upset and miss them. Then often, we even begin to take flowers to their grave once they’ve passed.

He said that he’d much rather give flowers now while they’re alive. “Give flowers in the form of your appreciation, love, kindness, support, recognition; all the colours and varieties of richness that can enhance our life, just through the act of giving.” In return, we also get that back. This was a good reminder of a lesson that has been shared many times, but I still forget from time to time. 

Day 156 – The past is gone 

Living and working closely with Mohanji, constant movement is dynamic, and time is well used. We’re here now in Slovenia, and Mohanji has initiated new activities in India – two major projects coming out very soon. Teams are already working hard to bring them to reality.

Yesterday, I was contemplating that Mohanji neither speaks about past troubles nor does he dwell on past mistakes. It’s simply not talked about. It’s always about what we can do today and now. A good reminder for me to leave the past in the past.

Before meeting Mohanji, there were several mistakes, regrets, and guilt which I carried from certain situations in life. Even though life was moving forward and I was exploring new ideas, new ways of being, new opportunities, and going to different places, part of my mind was still stuck with past events. This became a real burden and would often stop me from enjoying this moment. Unnecessarily carrying weight, not forgiving people and more detrimentally, not forgiving myself for those situations.

We have many practices available for this. The Power Purity is an excellent meditation for unhooking from these things. Still, I think it’s a good lesson to remember: there’s always movement, we’re always moving forward, and the past is finished. It’s gone, and there’s no need to carry the weight or burden from everything that’s happened before.

Each day can be a new fresh day if we allow it.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th August 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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The Omnipresence of Mohanji

Whatever the activity – Guru Raksha Homa, meditations or a simple wish, these four testimonials show the unseen hands of Mohanji embracing his devotees with love and compassion.

Experience in Shirdi

Alok Nath, India

It’s my first time in Shirdi. The day after the Kriya initiation, I went to Shirdi Baba temple early morning and felt the lightness when reaching near the samadhi. Then, I attended the group Mai-Tri as part of the retreat, prayed to Mohanji and ancestors, and tried to be present there. Preeti Duggal Ji started the process, saying it was Mohanji who was doing it. After some time, I started to feel vibrations in the right side of my face, cheek, neck and shoulder, where there were already energy blockages from an accident. It went deeper as time progressed; it became so intense, like all toxins were being pulled from my jaw bone and neck. My face was moving towards the right side like someone was walking around and pulling it, and I was resisting it. It became heavier as she said, “Kali Ma is here, Mohanji is here, Sai Baba is here.” My head was already bent down when she said we could bow down to Baba. It was that intense healing; I couldn’t even put my head up; it was totally bent with energy vibrations on the right side. It was very hard for me to open my eyes when the process ended. 

In the afternoon meditation session that day, I slept intensely. Q n A sessions with Mohanji gave me more clarity. The next day, it was Power of Purity meditation after the Satsang. It was the best one I have ever done; I could easily follow it deeply. Earlier times, I couldn’t raise my hands in a blessing position, but this time, it was smooth; the energy was totally different. 

Then came conscious dancing. I even thought about whether I should attend the event. When the process started, they said Mohanji was there, but I thought it was just an event for fun in the end. I tried not to resist and moved with the flow. Different emotions were rising, and tears started to appear, which she said could happen initially, but I thought it wouldn’t. Dimensions were shifting with grace. It was really hard for me from the heart chakra; I couldn’t talk much when it reached the throat chakra. It clearly showed me the blockage in expressing. When bhajans were on, tears were rolling on their own. Whenever I focussed on the outside, especially through my eyes, I was losing the flow of the process. Then I could hear Preeti Duggal Ji telling all to close our eyes to feel more. Everybody was enjoying in their own ways with Masters’ Grace. Thanks to Devi Ji for designing this session. 

The next day, there was a tree plantation, and I left Shirdi with Masters grace to nearby Ankai fort where there is an Agastya temple. Many things are still happening. Even if I don’t understand, I can see how background work is being done from above for all to receive grace. THANKS TO ALL.

Meditation Miracle

Jelena Raičević, Serbia

Jelena shares a testimony of the “Power of Purity” meditation held in Belgrade, Serbia. Many people experienced that Mohanji comes astrally to be with the participants when his meditation is practiced. 

First, I felt that Mohanji was standing behind me and that he placed his hand lightly on my shoulder. Then, as my palms rested on my knees while meditating, I felt his palm on my hand. When he let go, I saw that he started walking around the room, tapping/caressing people on the tops of their heads. He came near my friend Sanja, who was also meditating in the room and had never met Mohanji before. He held her hands and gently tapped her head. Then he hugged her. Then he returned to me and held both my hands. His hands were below, and he kept mine above, on his. Somebody told me that this way of holding hands is typical for Mohanji in everyday life, that he often holds his hands in the way described. Later, when we completed the meditation, my friend Sanja asked me, “Hey, did you hold my hand during the meditation?” We were one and a half meters away, so there was no way that I would have been able to reach her. I said I didn’t. She said, “I felt it physically, and also the warmth of the palm on mine.” I responded that it wasn’t me and that I saw Mohanji had come and held her hand. She said, “I felt it was him, but I didn’t want to seem like I’m imagining, so I thought, perhaps it was you.” 

Guru Raksha Homa

Mahesh Balerao, Canada

Guru Raksha Homa was performed for three families on Thursday, 29th April 2021. These three families requested to get the Homa performed on their behalf. The families were from India, USA and Canada. 

During the Homa session, Mohanji’s energy and presence were observed and captured on the camera. Every time I start a Homa, I always connect with our Guru, Mohanji. At the start of the Homa, chandan smell was experienced and to confirm Mohanji’s presence, a big letter “M” was visible in the Homa fire.

Mohanji, as the fire element, can burn any unwanted, unresolved, past lineage situations/karma and protect the whole family and their lineage. Guru Raksha Homa is very specific for lineage karma situations and unburdens the weight of unresolved situations. Fire is the only one of the five elements that remains pure and burns the negative or unresolved situations. 

When the Guru Raksha Homa is performed at the right time and space, Guru Mohanji steps in to resolve family lineage problems. Based on acceptance and only if karmically allowed, the Homa protects the current situation and helps the past seven generations and seven generations in the future. Lineage has karma which is passed on to every generation, and the complicated relationships make it even heavier. Mohanji removes and burns unwanted situations that are causing or creating problems to take the whole lineage towards liberation. Our path and Tradition leads us towards liberation (freedom).

Yesterday, when I was performing the Homa, I observed and realised the same – the burning of unwanted karma. While performing the Homa, I could see and feel the exact situation of a devotee’s house burning and destruction happening. Homa pictures with black, dark smoke represented the same, and at the same time, I heard Mohanji speaking and talking to birds and animals, making them happy and making sure that they were not affected by the fire; he was with the animals and birds in the property site to help them feel comfortable and calmer. Later, the devotee confirmed that the burnt house had the presence of many birds, and a peacock actually came and sat on the rooftop. They have never seen a peacock before in the neighbourhood!

Mohanji’s energy was working in 360 degrees and sucking up the whole negativity sitting there, and then Ganesha appeared from Mohanji’s energy, indicating a positive turn. Ganesha was seen planting the Nagvel – the green leaf we use for puja or any auspicious ceremony. It was a situation where Mohanji blessed the devotee beautifully.

Mohanji then started working on another family. This family has deep-rooted connection with Mohanji over generations. The family is going through relationships problems.

Although their connection to each other was very strong, they were not content in life and had difficulty facing the experiences and facts of life, having doubts and second thoughts when decisions had to be made. Often, the intellect created situations for the family to separate, and their relationships were broken. 

Mohanji, as a Guru and our energy source, did cleaning and hovered over the past-life situations to restore friendship and companionship. It was a lack of understanding and not helping each other to understand the soul aspects of relationships. Within Mohanji’s energy, Siddhas confirmed a powerful connection with the family. They performed fire rituals within Mohanji’s energy and discussed the relationship between companion souls, and restoration of relationships happened through Mohanji. 

Love and peace were prevalent, and Mohanji’s presence was fully felt in the situation, showering blessings on the children and their future activities.

Surprise Divine Birthday Wish

Bhumika Arvind, Canada

I am writing today to share Mohanji’s limitless kindness and compassion. It was my son’s seventh birthday. A day before, I had contacted Preeti Duggal to find out what to do with Baba’s shawl that I had recently received. She guided me that it’s okay to wrap my son in the shawl for protection and love. On the day of his birthday, the day was going along. I checked my email and was just blown away. There was a birthday card from Mohanji. I couldn’t believe it and stood there staring at it. I rushed to share with everyone at home, especially my son. He was busy playing with his new toys. But when I showed him the card from Mohanji, he paused and looked at it; I still remember that look on his face; he was surprised and curious but at the same time very happy. 

I wrote to Preeti di sharing what had transpired and how unexpected but such a beautiful, divine gift and blessing it was. I take her for being such a beautiful tool in Mohanji’s hands. She mentioned it is grace, but she didn’t share anything with Mohanji. 

I shared the recent update with my husband. I knew this was Mohanji’s leela, but my husband went on with his detective work. So he tried calling people at the Mohanji Datta Tapovanam Ashram to figure out who may be involved and to express gratitude for this blessing. He ended up with a more puzzled look than when he started his detective work. 

Mohanji, it is you and you all the way. There is no way I can pay back your compassion and kindness. And there is no end to your divine play. Mohanji, you keep orchestrating so many leelas simultaneously and fulfilling many devotees’ desires. Your divine play has at times brought solace to me; other times have been a hit on my ego; brought me contentment and peace during distress. And I am deeply grateful for everything that you do; it is only your grace that I am made aware of your leelas, but I feel it in my heart that you do much more behind the scenes that I don’t know and maybe will never know. It will only happen with your grace. I hope that I stay in your consciousness always and forever, Mohanji, no matter what!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 1st February 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Empowered 2.0 – Part 3

Subhasree Thottungal, UK

I would like to share my experience with the Empowered program today (day 5). Every day, as I coordinate the session and lead the practice of techniques, I remain composed, stay in my body awareness so that I can be aware of the needs and requests of the participants. But today, while leading the Pause Technique practice, I went into the mode too. I would cherish this as it was Mohanji who allowed me to experience what I experienced during this practice today.

Bowing down to my Guru, I would like to share this with you all. As we were at the peak of the practice, pausing at the heart centre, visualising our Guru meditating, like every day, for me, it was the vision of Mohanji meditating inside a cave that was constantly in my vision. 

At one point, suddenly, Mohanji resembled Shiva and the mantra “Karpura Gauram” – the powerful Shiva mantra, started to ring in there. I visualised that I was chanting this mantra, kneeling down in front of Mohanji. Every word and every line of this mantra that describes Shiva fit so aptly to Mohanji. Shiva and Mohanji were one! And I was chanting this mantra to Mohanji.

I would like to explain to you about the mantra and the meaning and how it resembles Mohanji, in my eyes, my heart, my consciousness.

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1. Karpūragauraṁ karuṇāvatāraṁ

a. Meaning of the mantra: Lord Shiva, who is pure white like camphor, an incarnation of compassion

b. My feelings of Mohanji: This brings the picture of Mohanji filled with vibhuti (ashes) that erupted from his crown chakra, and of course Mohanji, the incarnation of compassion.

2. Sansārsāram bhujagendrahāram 

a. Meaning of mantra: The essence of worldly existence, whose garland is the king of serpents.

b. My feelings of Mohanji: Mohanji is the essence of my existence, with the Rudraksh malas on his neck that resembles the king of serpents.

3. Sadāvasantaṁ hṛdayāravinde

a. Meaning of the mantra: Always dwelling inside the lotus of the heart.

b. My feelings of Mohanji: Mohanji, who sits in the lotus of my heart.

4. Bhavaṁ bhavānīsahitaṁ namāmi

a. Meaning of the mantra: I Bow to Shiva and Shakti together.

b. My feelings of Mohanji: I bow to Mohanji who is the form of Shiva and Shakti together.

With such resemblance of the mantra with the image of Mohanji in my heart, I was deeply merged into the oneness and hence as we were about to complete the practice, I couldn’t resist but to chant the mantra out loud that was ringing in my heart.

This mantra always brings me this experience of oneness with Mohanji and takes me to a different level of devotion. Today was very special as this happened during the Pause technique, where I was in the bliss state of perpetual happiness of being one with the Supreme Consciousness – Para Brahma, Mohanji.

Thank you Mohanji, the gratitude is beyond any words I can use to express myself. All I can say is that my true heaven lies at your feet; my perpetual happiness is in belonging and in the oneness with you.

Koti pranams at your lotus feet, Mohanji.

By Jolanda Klaassen, Netherlands

Last August, I participated in Empowered 1.0. It was a lifeline I grabbed. Being an Empowerment Coach for over 16 years, I ended up in a relationship where I suffered intense domestic violence. My beloved partner had changed into a verbal and physical aggressor that robbed me of all my strength and sanity. My love for him, my expectations and desires, the inner needs I wanted him to fulfil, my wish to heal him, to analyze the situation rather than end it, had made me vulnerable and dependent – me, the free spirit that came into this world for a higher course.

For more than 47 years, I had been walking on Yeshua Ben Josef’s way. The Christened Path, that of Oneness Consciousness, brotherhood and sisterhood, that of compassion and forgiveness, that of unconditional love. But I got mixed up in the interpretations. Unconditional love wasn’t meant to be self-destructive. I went too far in my selfless service to others. I followed other people’s concepts, wishes, demands, requests, and plans too far. I still wanted to fit in somewhere. It was quite lonely on top of the mountain at times.

I kept on trying to co-create with others, giving in on authenticity, strength, power and wisdom. Holding back, not to see others feel themselves small or insignificant. Clinging on to my own comfort zones. Leaning on others when times got rough instead of picking up my own responsibilities and correcting what I had malformed. I had copied my mom, feared my dad in every man, pleased partners, followed teachers with a consciousness I had overgrown; I lost myself in all those patterns.

It was time to go back to the basics; to my own pure nature, to unconditional self-love, faith and total surrender to the Divine.

And then Mohanji stepped back into my life. A physical form of the Master that had tested me through hell and back for many rounds. That in itself was EMPOWERMENT in capitals. It meant I had passed so far. My embodiment had reached an advanced stage; I was made ready for the next level of delivery.

What an example Source gave me! Each thought, word, and action inspires and uplifts me. Concepts I broke my head upon are clear in just witnessing him. Every question I had was answered in 1.0

I freed myself from the fear of losing. The fear of losing my relationship, my dreams, the future plans we had made, the house I couldn’t pay by myself, my health that was going down by the day. And I let it all go. All! All the fears and anxieties, all my worries…. no more panic. Back to faith! Forward to freedom!

Empowered 2.0 started. I was still in the midst of resetting my life. Not even capable of attending all of the life sessions, in which I used to experience that Mohanji would sit there just for me like he’d do a personal coaching session. All my answers were once more answered. All essential topics discussed.

Within three months, I am totally free of all burdens. Okay, I might lose my house, my bank account is empty, my future is unknown. It feels like freedom, like an open book full of endless potential. No inner need to claim or direct the energies. No desire to steer the wheel. In full acknowledgement of all that is and all that I am, I am in peaceful silence and surrender. Okay, my body, due to its density, is a bit slower than the rest and doesn’t know it yet -that I am whole for the first time in my life, in every meaning of the word. I was landed, rooted, active, aware and delivering.

Now let my real life begin!

The gratitude I feel for The Path, for all Masters that have walked the Path before me, for all those who will follow, for our beloved Brahmarishi Mohanji and the beautiful, loving family of Light around him, for each and every aspect of life and above all for Being Me, the one who was capable of recognizing it all, of surrendering, of being humble and free of ego, being bold, brave and rebellious, swimming against the stream, taking blows, bending under the forces of hurricanes and thunderstorms, holding on, going forward, no matter what, remaining pure, remaining love because he was holding my hand all along.

How precious will life become in springtime after seeding so much love and wisdom? Looking forward to round 3!

Jai Mohanji. Thank YOU.

My rock and pillar of light.

My sublime mirror and universal Master.

My beloved brother, my muse, my way-shower.

The only man I’m willing to share with the whole world because God, does he enrich it!

Mohanji, loving you all-encompassing & endlessly.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 23rd December 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

EMpowered by Mohanji – 4

By Linda Abrol, Netherlands

Like everyone else, I felt a huge shift in consciousness during the Empowered program. A quickening. Very powerful. Mohanji (Bhaiya) felt so close. As if it was only the two of us. And everyone felt the same, just like in the time of Krishna. Everyone has a unique and direct connection with him and enjoys the deep vibrating voice of pure and practical wisdom. I could have never imagined that this workshop would be so personal while so many people participated.

I couldn’t imagine myself asking a question (too scary), but I did! And it felt great! It might sound childish, but it felt so great that I got emotional and forgot to listen to all aspects of his (Mohanji’s) answer. He recognised me, and that felt wonderful and very familiar! It is divinely childish to rejoice in this, I should say perhaps.

My question was close to my heart and experience. It was about the communication with the divine, the universe or the Master, which we sometimes have in our meditation. Beautiful answers arise from the silence. It is as if this soft and sweet voice comes from a different plane. The words are definitely not arising from thought, for they always surprise me, console me, clarifying difficult issues in unique and simple yet loving ways, always leaving room for choice and contemplation.

I was interested to know if there were any do’s or don’ts regarding sharing them with others to inspire or just for the sake of Satsang or enjoying the presence of the divine. I don’t want my ego to run away with it. Mohanji said not to worry about do’s and don’ts. Just to be me and share. Not to be disappointed if someone wouldn’t understand or appreciate it. In the past, he used to write instead of talk when no one cared to listen, he told me.

Even if one person is inspired by what is written, it was fine, he said. That is what I had told myself when I wrote my first book—what a wonderful confirmation. The last few weeks since I first met Mohanji have been full of assurances. It feels like I am lost and found. I have been with spiritual Masters for the last thirty years, and the implementation of their teachings in my life gave me inner stability and strength. Even when times were rough, I reached a state of equal-mindedness. I felt no hatred towards anyone, and it was always light inside of me.

Some unfinished business must have been there, for life became extremely challenging when I reached middle age. I met with two accidents that cost me five years to rehabilitate in total, and I still have physical challenges (whiplash, continuous pain, chronic inflammations) connected to these accidents. The change in my hormones caused me great trouble. Sensitivity for wifi and other frequencies made my mind run off in all directions, losing focus.

My father passed away, and my mum had Alzheimer’s. We had to clear and sell their house. We lost our income and our pension, our house, our temple and our residence. We had to say goodbye to all our friends and spiritual family and start a completely new living and a new profession in a different place. (My husband is sixty-five years of age!) My dear sister got seriously ill with no prospect of recovery. Everything in our physical existence was shaking.

Due to my spiritual background, my love for God, and for truth, I survived everything reasonably elegant, but at some point, some inner peace got lost in the process, and I could not find the way back inside. Due to the whiplash, there was too much inner noise and pain to concentrate on meditation, which used to be my most important means of finding inner peace.

Last year our beloved spiritual Master Swami Prabbhudananda Sarawati Maharaj (Swami Sri Gopal Baba) took samadhi. Although we know he is not the body, I felt lost. Whatever little was left of my inner stability seemed to leave me here. I felt as if I was losing the game with no chance of ever reaching my goal, which was to help myself and other women to achieve a higher level of energy frequency. My inner voice told me, “You can’t lose it. You can only lose when you give up.” That was somewhat of a consolation, but I almost gave up anyway.

Then came Mohanji like a magnet in the form of a rocket which flew in with great speed and in its wake, took all my troubles in his typical, no-nonsense way. Meeting the same divine energy in the form of Mohanji has filled me with more enthusiasm, connection and purpose than ever before. Everything that I have learned from my great Master in the past thirty years seems to revive, and not only that, it even seems to start blossoming now.

The Empowered workshop speeded my progress up like a spark lighting up the extinguished fire. Mohanji’s words resounded in my ears during the day, and I gained awareness of every thought, word and action of mine. Easily, lovingly and effortlessly, I chose healthy and effective options.

For example, I feel his guidance when I eat (eating randomly because of blood sugar fluctuations is a problem for me), and I consciously eat and choose food items. Even when I choose a cookie, I eat it with more love and share it with the garden ducks.

I loved Mohanji’s elaboration on food-focus-issues. He told us not to worry about the craving; it might come from previous lives of starvation. He suggested sharing some food with the animals and the hungry. Sharing food with animals is something that I have loved to do since we moved to our present house two and a half years back.

God takes the form which we love most or can relate to easily and effortlessly. These are Mohanji’s words. And I love them. Apparently, that goes for the form of the chosen deity and the inner voice. The inner voice that I have been blessed to hear since I was twenty-five years old took the voice of Mohanji ever since we met in August this year. For example, when I sat for meditation during these days, and my mind jumped up and down like a monkey, I heard his voice, very friendly, talking inside of me. He said: “Please, mute yourself.” This was so humorous and unexpected that I burst into a hearty laugh and thanked him. And it worked! I had the most limitless experience in that meditation.

It feels like he is with me, inside of me and around me all the time. For me, he is the conglomeration of every Master’s form that has inspired me in this life: Jesus, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Guruswamy, Swami Sri Gopal Baba. My cells, mind, feelings, and being have been waiting to be graced by meeting this divine form of God. There is no resistance whatsoever anywhere inside of me.

Strangely I call him Bada Bhaiya (elder brother), but that takes nothing away from the deep respect I have for his divine consciousness. Where I am still a small ant in awareness, he is like an elephant. But calling him Bada Bhaiya makes it easy for me to connect fully! I am his little sister that he is taking by the hand. No barriers anymore!

Apart from that, I simply have no other title available. I have a mighty Guru (Swami Sri Prabbhuddananda Sarawati Maharaj) whose divine consciousness is now guiding me through Mohanji. I have a form of God (Sri Sathya Sai Baba) whom I worship, who is my father, mother, lover and everything. So only the title of brother is left.

Currently, my mum has Covid. Because of Alzheimer’s, she risks delirium. She already showed signs of delirium two days ago. I felt tremendously sad about losing her, even though I would be happy for her when she could leave this frail body. But it always feels too early and the wrong timing. In my pain, I called out to Mohanji. Mum’s health changed dramatically yesterday, which is one day after I prayed to Mohanji to help her. Today she is even out of bed.

My purpose was already clear: to help raise the world and her people to a higher energy frequency level, but my focus on purpose has doubled.

Thank you, dear Mohanji (Bhaiya), for this inspiring and unexpected but timely opportunity.

Linda Abrol


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Bliss in Meditation

Here are some beautiful experiences shared by participants on Mohanji’s guided meditations. Many participants had profound experiences and were amazed at the consistency with which they were able to do this sadhana. RimJhim, Padmini share some insights from this meditation which enriched them and Charles jokingly refers to them as ‘The Mohanji shortcuts’.

Rimjhim Prasad, India

I am very new to the Mohanji Foundation. Honestly, I did not know what to expect out of this meditation, but I started my journey in good faith. About a week back, when I sat for meditation, I felt sick with heaviness in the head, backache and nausea. I thought I would never be able to complete my meditation that day. But to my surprise, not only did I complete my meditation successfully that day; since then, I haven’t experienced any pain in my neck and head region, which is very common with me. The next day when I sat for meditation, suddenly there was an outburst of tears, and throughout the meditation, they were pouring out uncontrollably. But that night, I slept like a child. When I got up the next day, I felt very light from within, as if a lot of burdens I had been carrying since I don’t know for how long has been removed. I haven’t met Mohanji, and I do not know if I am actually connected with him, as I’ve never had any spiritual guru or guidance earlier. 

I surrendered myself to Mohanji, saying that please let me complete my meditation today as I’ve vowed to experience the 41-day meditation without missing a single day! I’ve started my journey in good faith, and may he guide me and bless me always!

Padmini Ravi Kumar, Dubai

On 15th June, the Bliss of Silence meditation was very turbulent to start.

As the breathing began, many people and many faces unknown, of different races and from different periods were flashing in my mind. It was like a rapid succession of picture slides flooding in, flashing in front of me; the mind was spinning.

There were times when I didn’t hear Mohanji’s instructions in the meditation. This flashing of faces went on for some time, and suddenly when Mohanji told us to go slow in our breathing without our lungs being aware, somewhere at that point, the madness or flashing pictures stopped all of a sudden.

A sentence flashed in my mind, or I heard (I am not sure), 

“Silence is the substratum on which sounds dance.”  

This was very clear. 

Then Lord Shiva, larger than life, appeared. He was all-encompassing; there was only Him, nothing else!

Soon after, a vision of Krishna sprouted, followed by many Krishnas and myriad people doing ‘Raas’ with him.

Then I heard Mohanji’s voice asking us to be aware of the body as part of the meditation.

I bow in gratitude to Mohanji for this beautiful opportunity for group meditation and for enabling me to get deeper into the silence within.

The Mohanji Shortcut by Charles Ndifon Londi

Humanity generally loves shortcuts to go somewhere or to achieve something in life. Why spend so much time and energy going all the way when there is a shorter route to get something or arrive at a destination? This expediency is particularly noticeable in the political and social milieux, where people take shortcuts to power, wealth, and fame no matter the consequences to themselves or their society. Here we look at shortcuts, from the spiritual perspective, not in a very favourable way.

Many gruesome stories abound of people in the socio-political sphere who tried to short-circuit life by using shortcuts and ended up regretting their actions. It would appear that one’s real intent, most probably of an altruistic nature, would determine if taking a shortcut is worth it. They involve a lot of creativity on the part of anyone who is in any situation, so they could be very personal and unique to different individuals.

As a Mohanji student, I have come up with what I call the Mohanji Shortcut to help keep my heart centre open and ”Just be love for a few more moments, just be love forever” as Mohanji prescribes in Blossoms of Love Meditation. I have found out, and many can attest, that it is not so easy to demonstrate the love that Mohanji talks about. Each individual is love already, as Guruji says since the fabric from which we are cut is love, but a keen observation proves that the perception, recognition, and realization of ourselves as already beings of love not needing to seek love but just to express it is another thing altogether. In fact, it is not easy to work from the Master’s prescribed point of view as the mind sometimes goes crazy, keeps judging, analyzing, condemning, seeing things in categories rather than as a whole.

Even after doing the meditations diligently, you may sometimes hear the mind saying, ”You are undeserving of my attention. You are crude, rude, ungrateful, unkind, and scheming, and I don’t want to have anything to do with you” regarding another person. This may be accentuated by the fact that some people may want to use you as a footstool because you talk to them about love, as outlined by Mohanji. So they want to attach to you, take advantage of you, and abuse the love that you so generously pour out in various forms. ”Oh, he/she is a God-loving person”, they say and think you can put up with just about anything. I have experienced this countless times, and it is ongoing. However, I reckon that as free beings of love, we also have the freedom to give or withhold love using our sense of spiritual discrimination. This may entail an opening and closing of the heart centre, which Mohanji wants us to keep open constantly. This is where the Mohanji Shortcut helps keep one in a constant state of love awareness consciously and unconsciously.

What I jokingly call the Mohanji Shortcut is remembering to do everything in Mohanji’s name where I cannot help myself, where the mind overrides, and I become judgemental with so many ‘whys’. Since Mohanji Consciousness is the highest state that we all aspire for, doing acts in his name in normal and difficult circumstances when the mind interferes helps to keep the ‘I’ or ‘ME’ factor in abeyance and behold, love, steals into my heart without me knowing. And sometimes I have fun walking, eating, chatting, sleeping, dancing, taking medication, etc., in Mohanji’s name. I find that doing things in his name engenders sweet remembrance of the Master and that which he represents– the Universal Supreme Consciousness. In one situation, when in a quandary of what to do or say, I just asked myself, ”How would Mohanji act in this situation?”

The answer that flowered was ‘with love.’ All that Mohanji presents (talks, retreats, seminars, Guided Meditations, books, and discourses) and represents is a shortcut to unblemished supreme consciousness/awareness of life.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th July 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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