
By a Mohanji follower, H

I wasn’t looking for a Guru. I just wanted that elusive road map to the heart. To that wide, split-open channel through which the source charges. Forcefully. Endlessly. Lovingly. Shining upon every conceivable thing and being. The source of love. God. I wanted that. It was a place I had briefly, powerfully experienced in a dream.  

I was 19 then. I’m 46 now. Through the years, the desire for this map waxed and waned but never quite dissipated. Lately, it was pulsating like a deep point of pain. Especially now that I was a parent. 

I had always assumed I would be a loving parent. 

I am. 

But along with love, what I didn’t realize I would also cultivate was a blossoming field of expectations. There’s nothing unconditional about love in the relationships we’re accustomed to in our daily lives. Love holds them together, no doubt, but what it holds turns from desire to expectation to disappointment to resentment in predictable ways, in predictable cycles, repeatedly. And the deepest disappointment, the deepest resentment, is continually, steadily, pointed inward and expressed outward. We judge ourselves harshly and condemn others for it. 

But I didn’t know this then. All I knew is, I was tired of being angry. Of being disappointed. Of being furious in love. I tried all manner of meditations and esoteric studies. Each attempt, each avenue I had explored so far, felt like a little vein bearing the pulse of something familiar, something essential. But where was the heart? 

In early Autumn 2021, I caught sight of a poster on social media in a language I couldn’t read – someone had written a brief English translation. Two words caught my attention: Self Realization. A person named Mohanji was going to guide folks through 11 days of transformation online. It struck me instantly: this is just what I’m looking for. 

But who was Mohanji? 

The beloved relative on whose social media page I had seen the poster was a follower, but I had never discussed their engagement with their spiritual mentor. I toyed with the idea. Let it rest. Toyed some more. Before I knew it, the workshop was beginning the next morning. I called my relative, but I couldn’t get through. Not that evening. Not the next day. This was unusual. (Now, as I think back, I chuckle. The leela, the leela.)

By the next evening, I left an urgent message. Finally, I had a response. Calls were made, payments dashed off, and on the third day, I sat at the computer, listening to this bearded man exuding love, humility, and patience. So much love. So, so much love. 

It was clear. He was there. In that Godspace. He was channeling pure love. He was Love. 

Empowered 1 changed me. It caused me to drop some things easily and overnight for good. Some things were temporary, but the change was palpable. 

Several months and a couple of more Empowered workshops later, I recall telling my sister over the phone, “You know, I feel happy for the first time. Truly happy.” Depression is a secret that courses quietly through my family. We don’t talk about it. We just cry silently behind closed doors and ache deeply under broad smiles. 

More than a year later, I can say for sure that this happiness is real. That being happy is possible. Even when other emotions rise as they do every day – irritation, disappointment, anger, frustration, the deep undercurrent is one of satisfaction and happiness. Life feels bearable. Enjoyable even. And most significantly, it feels meaningful. 

But the anger. It was still there. Nothing had diminished it. It rose as frequently, as powerfully as before. And it swept me off my grounding each time. I was still far from even a glimpse of that place saturated with peace and love. 

By the end of Empowered 4, I felt I understood exactly what Mohanji was trying to ingrain in us. If you’d ask me to explain it, I could. Easily. I could see the map now. Clearly, but I hadn’t walked it yet. I didn’t know how to walk it. The practices so far had brought me to a point of deep insight, no doubt – but that subtle shift into actually experiencing the Self, even momentarily, beyond mind, body and ego was proving to be elusive. 

Months ago, my local Acharya had reached out as part of an initiative to make a video on how practitioners felt transformed through the practice of Consciousness Kriya. I told her then, “Ever since meeting Mohanji (virtually), I definitely feel transformed. But I don’t notice a shift through Kriya specifically. And I can’t bring myself to make an exaggerated claim – that would feel like a lie.” I respectfully bowed out of submitting a testimonial. 

Cue Empowered 5. I couldn’t make it to Serbia to attend the retreat in person. But I committed fully and wholly to participating online. Arrangements were made. People were informed. My partner took full responsibility for everything in our home. I switched off my phone and entered my cave. Doors shut. Ears shut. Eyes shut. The only thing I kept on was the zoom call. I let it stream through all 8 hours each day. Even though there was mostly silence, keeping it on brought in a shared energy with the satsang and a sense of being in Mohanji’s presence. 

Day 1 ended. I didn’t feel particularly successful with the practice. I had kept my eyes covered, my ears plugged, and I did the breathing as instructed. But nothing. I felt nothing. No shift. 

That night the dreams arose. Vivid. Incisive. Showing me a clear mirror to the things that drive this person called me. Hidden things. Unacknowledged little traits of vanity and pride, desires, and the subconscious projection of a carefully cultivated personality. 

On day 2, the breathing was slower and longer. I struggled with it a bit. But I practiced steadfastly – again, with little sense of success. There was no conscious, waking breakthrough. I hadn’t seen my family in two full days. I hadn’t checked my phone in 48 hours. I didn’t know what I was doing. It all seemed a bit pointless. I was weepy and exhausted. And I wanted something to hold on to, something familiar. Again, that night, more dreams. More hidden desires and traits revealed. 

Day 3, by now, the dreams were arising during daytime naps as well. (I was waking up at 2:30 am in my time zone to catch the start of the program, so I was quite drowsy by 6 am). For the first time, I felt I was getting the hang of it. Don’t expect any breakthroughs. Just power on. Breathe. Just breathe. No expectations. Just put in the work and connect with Mohanji. The breathing was even longer and slower. At some point, without realizing it, I switched to doing Kriya because it somehow made the breath less laboured. It felt natural. 

At some point, I dozed off again, and there they were. More dreams. This time bringing to light issues of shame around certain aspects of my life. Interestingly enough, there was time travel. Beings that existed outside of time (a Master) and from other timelines (some friendly, several hostile) made appearances.

That evening I had every intention of getting to bed, falling asleep, and receiving more insight through my dreams. But I tossed and turned. And every little sound in the house brought me out of my effort to sleep. At some point, the agitation was so high I directed it at my children and partner, accusing them mentally of sabotaging my ‘great spiritual effort’ by walking loudly, resenting them for willfully being in the way of my big awakening with their clumsy footsteps. 

There it was. The trap of expectation. Followed immediately by its beloved bedfellow, guilt. This time, during the brief couple of hours of fitful sleep, the dreams revealed some of my hidden fears. This was getting more and more unpleasant. 

Day 4, during the morning satsang, I learned that many people hadn’t been able to sleep the previous night. Mohanji smiled mischievously and said, “Me neither”. Aha! (A stab of guilt resurfaced for my resentment towards my family).

Mohanji explained, “What happens is, this whole thing is churning you. Your usual patterns, habits are changed… the toxins are leaving. It’s all connected to the expulsion of toxins”. Mental apologies were beamed off to my beloved family immediately. It wasn’t them; it was me. It always is. The flavour of every experience originates in one’s own mental state. Of course. Didn’t I already know this? 

The breathing was even longer and slower. And again, Kriya did the magic. By now, it was dawning on me that there really was something to the cleansing powers of Kriya. Earlier, I had to drag myself to go through the preparatory steps of Kriya – now, I couldn’t wait to do them. 

By the end of the day, the first waking realization occurred. Everything had quietened down a fair bit. The inside of my body felt like a vast dark emptiness. Everything else was outside it. Every sound, every physical thing. The only sound that lay within was my heartbeat, pulsing loudly. Boom. Boom. Boom. And further inward was the dot of awareness that was noticing this. Noticing everything. 

That’s it. Then it was gone. The briefest moment of cognition.

The whole day, my head felt strange, and my eyesight felt different. Like I was looking out through several layers of reality. This was likely due to wearing an eye mask for most of the day. Sudden re-exposure to light was perception-bending. A potent reminder that one mustn’t always trust in sensory perception or rest in the comfort of seeing things only in certain accustomed conditions. It was incredible how each aspect of Empowered 5 brought in so much insight!

That night I went to bed with fewer expectations. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I was also excited at the prospect of being reunited with my family soon – it was the last day of isolation. I felt so much love and gratitude for them. I missed them. I felt their preciousness so intensely. But I also felt a familiar pain at the imminence of not being in satsang with Mohanji after the next day. Though this time, the tears were not so much from the pain of separation but from gratitude. This time, I was able to fully trust in the ever-present knowing that my Guru, the Guru Tattva, is ALWAYS available in the spiritual heart; that I can access it anytime, anywhere. 

This realization has a lot to do with Devi’s group Mai-Tri sessions during Empowered 5. In the past, whenever I had been part of group Mai-Tri sessions, I would eventually feel completely disengaged because of my intellectual discomfort with the heightened emotionality of parts of the practice. The moment I’d hear emotion rising in the instructor’s voice, I’d be jolted out of the experience by a snarky voice in my head. “WHAT?! This is so dramatic! How can this be spiritual practice?!” the voice would say unkindly. That’s it. I’d sit there, eyes closed, fully in judgement mode. 

This time, just as I was beginning to feel discomfort from hearing deep emotion in Devi’s voice, something urgently asked me to trust. Just trust the process. That’s all it took. The snarky voice in my head was quietened by the revelation that drama IS the very nature of existence. Of the Divine Mother. Isn’t ALL of it drama? Aren’t we all here, mired in Maya because of the Mother? This is all the play of Shakti, and if She’s sitting here, guiding me Herself, then sit back and bask in it. Feel each bit of the instruction. My deepest gratitude to Devi for her sessions and for bringing the grace of the Divine Mother to our practice during Empowered 5. 

The second session with Devi revealed the biggest gift of all. It removed the veil of duality between all the beloved Gurus empanelled in my heart. During one of the early Empowered workshops long ago, I had asked Mohanji, “What if you hold more than one Guru dear in your heart?” and he said, “That’s fine, as long as you’re not connecting to the form.” I couldn’t fully comprehend it then. When Devi guided us to connect with the Tradition during Mai-Tri, even though not all of my beloved Gurus belong to the Datta tradition, I felt each one’s energy melded inextricably with that of the Tradition. 

The Tradition was a gateway to my Gurus, and my Gurus were a gateway to the Tradition. I truly felt what it means for all Gurus to be an expression of one Consciousness. Now Mohanji doesn’t just sit with Babaji and Baba in my heart; they transform into one another playfully, one speaking lovingly through the words of the other. They still have their forms, but they are one in love.  

That night, the dream was hazy. I was hovering above the ground (not walking on it) with a group of others who, like me, were dressed in white. We were all connected, and there was uniformity in our appearance. I wasn’t even in my current form or body anymore. There was a sense that we were upholding the very fabric of order. Fighting an ancient fight, not with weapons, but with an indwelling strength that was inherently loving. But it wasn’t a happy dream or a victorious one. There was uncertainty and strife on the ground. 

It wasn’t surprising when, the next day, Mohanji reiterated the need to create a strong community of brightness and positivity in each region to prepare for an uncertain future. During Mohanji’s satsang that day, I noticed a feeling of agitation rising. The online participants couldn’t have many of their questions read out and answered. Though I didn’t type any questions for Mohanji in the chatbox, many others did. And most of them seemed to be going unasked. Were the onliners being overlooked?

This feeling was short-lived. It soon became clear that this was another instance of Mohanji’s leela. Even though he would occasionally ask if there were any online questions, he didn’t need this drama of physical-world engagement. He was meeting each one of us exactly where we were in our hearts, in our homes, through every channel available to our senses. However, we still needed the drama. And so, he played along, turning to the online coordinator every now and then to check, “Any online questions?” 

How could I even entertain a doubt? Of course, I know he knows every heart. On my best days, he’s the one beaming out of mine. 

I found EACH of my questions was answered. The moment I felt I needed an answer, someone in the audience in Serbia would raise their hand and out trotted the very words that were in my head, followed by his loving answers. A few weeks later, when I met one of the in-person participants, I grinned and thanked her for asking my question. She laughed, “So it was you! I was wondering who prompted that question because I’m usually too shy to speak in front of Mohanji, but at that moment, I don’t know how the urge to raise my hand took over.” 

When Empowered 5 ended, even though I hadn’t yet experienced what I’d been looking for all these years (through lifetimes, likely), I did have the deep conviction that I had placed my first foot forward. Beyond all ideas and notions I had gathered along the way on the ‘how’ and ‘why’, I had taken my first step into actually experiencing this ineffable realm in my waking hours in a way that only this set of mental lenses called me could truly appreciate or comprehend. 

A lot of fundamental things became clear in a tangible way during those hours of seclusion and silence. Witnesshood is one such biggie. Thanks to Empowered 5, it isn’t just limited to the times I practice Mohanji’s Feel-the-Feelings process. I find I’m being able to cultivate it in my daily life – with shorter and shorter gaps between occurrence and witnessing. 

I’m able to see the cycles and patterns of unlove and closed-heartedness in tense interactions. I’ve become quicker at accepting the role of personality and conditioned defensiveness at these moments. Because of this, I’m also quicker to seek the ever-outheld hand and love-drenched embrace of my beloved Guru at such times to make a rapid recovery and to make amends that were beyond the reach of my ego earlier. 

I’m deeply flawed, but I’m beginning to get past the frustration of its endless drag. Because when the weight of the ego gets too heavy to carry, there it is, my beloved Guru’s grace, love, and acceptance. All I need is to let go, allow grace to take over, and retire Sisyphus for a moment. 

To briefly loosen the suffocating grip of this karmic garb and let the cool breeze of grace waft in for respite, lightness, and a whiff of what it could mean to be free. 

Most significantly, very slowly, I’m beginning to allow others their own perfection. To reduce the distance between my resistance (and consequent suffering), and their roles in being instruments of grace through their karma-garbed perfect presences. I see this now, clearly, though mostly still in hindsight. I’m yet to learn to be present to this Truth in the moment. 

I’m not an accomplished cartographer of the heart by far yet, but with my Guru’s infinite grace, I’ve made my first firm step into an arterial inroad. 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 23rd February 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Master’s infinite love and kindness!

By Supreet Bedi, Canada

I feel that Baba Sai has to work really hard and long for my spiritual growth. I feel I was in inertia mode, not understanding what Baba was trying to teach me. In short, there was no urgency to reach my purpose, but Baba knew how trapped I was in my patterns and knew I needed a good kick, and he brought me to Mohanji. 

I saw an intense change in my frequency. I have always heard people saying that you burn a lot with a living Master. The very first program (sadhana) that I did with the Mohanji family was a 41-day Power of Purity meditation. I felt something inside me shift. Actually, I tasted ecstasy for the first time in my life. I was happy, purpose-oriented, singing all the time, getting up early, doing spiritual practices, and eager to be useful to the world. This was sheer Guru’s grace. However, it didn’t last very long as I could not maintain it.

I started getting tired and felt fatigued all the time. I was struggling to keep up with my practices. Well, when you are blessed with something so precious, there are bound to be tests to see if you are steady or you run away from your Master in adverse situations. Now, I had reached a point where I felt it was hard to even sit down for half an hour after waking up. 

I had taken medical leave from work and was home for about four months, but the irony was that even after four months of rest, there was no improvement, and the doctor could not figure out what was happening. In between, some cells started showing up in my blood, which was not good and could indicate worrisome blood disorders.

All through whatever was going on, I didn’t complain; this was his grace that I was mentally stable. Mohanji has taught me to be grateful and in complete surrender mode always, no matter what. This was my time to apply that teaching, and I was able to do so with his blessings. Mohanji said, “I will take care. I am with you.” Knowing this, I never worried about the outcome of this unknown illness. I was in total acceptance mode, prepared that he was holding my hand, whatever would happen.

Mohanji has been very, very kind to me. I work in the medical field, and I love my job. Keeping my physical limitations in mind, I started with part-time, working alternative days. Some of my blood work did show some autoimmune activity, but it was not that prominent to blame the autoimmune condition for my extreme fatigue. An autoimmune condition is when your own body cells start recognizing your organs as a foreign body and start killing or destroying them. 

I remember it was October 2021, and I had participated in a food donation activity during the month of shradh, organized by Ammucare. After the rituals finished, the very next day, I saw Mohanji in my dream. In my dream, I saw that I was in my maternal family’s house, and Mohanji came there. I saw my maternal uncle and his family, my maternal aunts and their families and also there was a very weak old man lying in bed in one of the rooms. It felt like he was someone in the family, but I had never seen him in my life. 

I wanted to massage Mohanji’s feet, so I asked him to come to the room to lie in bed so he could rest, and I would get the opportunity to serve him. I found that the old man was lying in the same bed on one side. I went into the kitchen to bring oil for a massage, and when I came back, Mohanji was lying on the floor close to the bed. 

I felt so bad and worried and said, “Baba, why are you lying on the floor? Please lie on the bed.” I helped him get up and lie on the bed. It seemed as if Mohanji had no energy at all; he seemed very, very tired and fatigued. Here my dream ended. When I woke up, I thought this was strange as no one in my maternal family knew Mohanji. How come I saw them all in my dream with Mohanji? What could be the significance? 

That’s when I realized that Mohanji took some ancestral karma from my maternal side on himself. As autoimmune runs in my maternal family, it all made sense, and probably the old man in bed must be my very first ancestor from where it all started. This dream came in October 2021, and presently it is June 2022. 

I am almost back to where I used to be. Don’t know where all those pains and fatigue went. Even when the pains are there, they don’t limit me. This is all the sheer grace and kindness of my Guru towards me. I have no words to thank Mohanji for his Infinite unconditional love. I prostrate at the lotus feet of Mohanji and thank him for taking care of all of us in the ways we need; always grateful to you, Mohanji.

Empowered Series

The Empowered program was announced for September 2021. I was unsure if I should attend this program as it was a nine-day program, and I was working full time then. Although videos were available to watch later if you missed the program, being in a different country and time zone, time always seems short. Therefore I was in a dilemma. I prayed to Mohanji that if you want me to join the program, please give me a sign. 

Just one day before the program started, my friend called me and said, “I feel you should come for this program.” I considered it a sign from Mohanji. So I joined the program. In the program, I did get a chance to talk to Mohanji. I asked him that because of my physical condition, I could not do my practices, which troubled me. What could I do to improve? 

Mohanji replied, “Don’t punish your body; take care of your body. Park your mind with the Supreme Consciousness/Guru, and the rest will come to you on its own.” He gave the example of Hanumanji and Ram. I am so grateful to my Baba Mohanji. He has been so kind to hold my hand and show me the way even in my test. I did stick to that advice and followed it with all my heart. I feel I am being transformed every moment. People around me see the change within me. I feel so much calmer and more stable within. 

After Empowered 1.0 came Empowered 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. For the rest of the programs afterwards, I knew for sure that I had to attend no matter what. These four programs have been more than amazing – A manual on how to live our life, how to do our dharma and still be detached; how to recognize and come out of our fears and patterns, and how to channel the mind to bring out the positives all around. 

I never understood life so well before. Rather than burning yourself on why this happened and staying in the past, move on to the present. A beautiful present filled with your Master, his blessings and numerous opportunities waiting for you! 

I knew about many of the teachings and ethics of life before but never understood how to truly apply them in my life. Never had that awareness or urgency to shed the unnecessary burdens I was carrying. Thank you, Mohanji, for bringing me to this Empowered workshop and for giving me the opportunity to bloom! Always grateful, koti koti pranams at your lotus feet!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 11th August 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

Dare to be free

By Olivera Miskic, Serbia
Translated by: Maja Otovic

Since my first retreat with Mohanji in 2014, I’ve tried not to miss any of his programs, at least when it comes to the Balkan region. If I had to choose one word that describes all of his programs and retreats I’ve attended, it would be, Transformation. Each meeting with him brought about an inner change that reflected not only on my life but also had a subtle positive impact on my family. 

Due to the epidemiological situation in the last 2 years, our meetings have moved to the online platforms, but it did not reduce the strength of the programs; on the contrary, everything intensified. It is as if Mohanji was preparing us to face what is happening everywhere in the world as strong and as stable as possible.

I was looking forward to the Empowered 1.0 program in September 2021 with anticipation and was wondering what he had in store for us this time. Based on my previous experience, I knew that the changes start right away when you’re open and are sometimes felt physically. 

As always, Mohanji gave us tasks that seemed very simple at first glance. They may seem simple, but they are truly subtle and powerful. At one point during the program, I felt pain behind the right shoulder blade, which is my weak spot. Later in the day, it developed into a mild spasm, and I waited no further to schedule a massage before it deteriorated further to the point of stiffness. In such situations, it usually takes one or two shiatsu massage treatments for it to go away. 

However, after the third massage, it didn’t go away, but it felt tighter and tighter. That’s when I realized that my body was telling me to completely release the belief, which was triggered from the depth of subconsciousness and got stuck somewhere on the physical plane. It dawned on me, “This is something deep; now you need to let go of it all.” I understood that there was no point in me doing anything physically, but only on the energy level. 

I called my friend, a Mai-Tri practitioner, to do a session for me. It all fell into place as she was free that night. I felt the energy moving in my energy body from the beginning of the treatment. Energy swirls were calming me more and more. I felt something being unhooked and unblocked in my chest area as I sank into a deep sleep. Usually, people can’t wait to hear some feedback from the Mai-Tri practitioner, but I didn’t wake up till the morning. 

I knew that everything that had to go was gone. In the morning, there was no trace of any spasm or pain. It completely disappeared. That is how Mohanji is helping us in various ways to free ourselves from patterns and blockages that keep us enslaved and prevent us from being truly powerful. I was thrilled with the clarity, depth and efficiency of the program.    

After Empowered 1.0, a new life challenge was waiting for me as usual. That’s because when you gain strength, you are then ready for new growth. My father ended up in a covid hospital with severe pneumonia in both lungs during this time. Doctors were shaking their heads and kindly pointing out to me that he was 90 years old and that I shouldn’t hope too much that he’d be cured. 

I prayed for my dad to be released at least for a day so that if he was meant to leave his body, it would happen at home, as he had wished. After a series of Mai-Tri treatments for covid, my father recovered pretty quickly and left the hospital after two weeks to the doctors’ amazement.  

Even so, a new life challenge was emerging. Dad could not get on his feet alone, and being a 90-year-old, he was recovering slowly, so I got a home oxygen concentrator and found people that could take care of him as he needed 24h attention. 

And then came a new Empowered 2.0. 

If through Empowered 1.0 we were supposed to realize who we are not, that is, who we really are, in this second part, we were supposed to learn how to live what we truly are: pure consciousness without any fears, emotions, thoughts, and attachments to what we have gained in life and which is so fragile and transitory and is indeed only an illusion of our mind that binds us and distracts us from our strength and essence.

The program was unfolding each day through clear, simple tasks. However, everything that Mohanji packs in simplicity is actually very deep and pierces into the most subtle parts of our being. 

On the outside, things were getting more and more complicated in my life. I was facing new challenges regarding my dad’s health daily: three rounds of persistent bacterial infection, Clostridia, that is difficult to treat in outpatient settings, and that can have a fatal outcome, frequent calls to the ambulance during the night due to sudden jumps in blood pressure and oxygen drop. 

We just got rid of the intestinal infection, and pneumonia appeared. I somehow managed to find a doctor that agreed to do a home visit in the whole covid situation, and he told me after examining my father: “Olja, he needs to go to the hospital.” I was determined to fulfill my father’s wish and provide him with the entire care and therapy at home. If this is the end of his life, then let it be where he wants it, at his home. 

In my inner world, huge changes were happening daily as well. I was practically put to the test every day to face my deepest fears, patterns, attachments, as if my life was setting up a training ground for me to practice what we learned in the program. I felt how Mohanji was giving me energy and how he already knew it all, how he was providing his guidance in a gentle yet clear manner, never leaving us. Yet, we have to walk on our own two feet. My faith grew stronger. I knew I had the power to face whatever the new day brought. 

On top of the problems with my father’s health, my work was also going through a crisis. I was also troubled with big issues related to my kids. It was as if everything was uniting at that very moment to distract me from the program and convince me that it was all pointless and that I was wasting my time on this online program, meditation, contemplation, etc. But I didn’t give up. 

When fears and huge challenges with my children were pressing on me, I practiced what Mohanji was teaching us. Sometimes, it seemed that I had up and down oscillations every day as if I was back to square one. But it is all our mind’s trap. Each moment of conscious living is important and is never in vain. Conscious living is what stays in our bank account and what gives us stability.

As time went on, acceptance of every situation grew in me. Even in the most critical situations, I managed to keep a cool head and make good decisions. I did not let fear and questions such as, “Why this is happening?” distract me, and I connected to Mohanji’s Consciousness every day. I did not despair, but I surrendered to Mohanji’s guidance with deep faith. 

Guidance would always come in the form of the right doctor, right therapy, the right person to take care of my dad. Many patterns from my past, even from my childhood, came to surface thanks to the methods that we learned and applied daily; they would be illuminated by awareness and thus resolved. 

My favorite technique is the so-called ‘Pause Method’ that literally roots me into myself, into the center of my strength, in a powerful yet simple way. It is just one out of many tools and guidelines that Mohanji provides. 

As I write this, new health-related and emotional challenges emerge in my family. However, I feel as if I have taken some burden off my back. I can see more clearly; I calmly accept everything that comes my way. I manage to overcome worrying, to avoid reacting. I observe myself, my thoughts and emotions, to embrace the part of me that I consider as a failure and, through it, discover the power of acceptance, to face the death of my loved ones; in a word, I feel empowered.  

A lot of people wonder what the purpose of life is. The purpose is to be You! And who is that you? Who am I? Which part of me is my true self? Has anyone ever taught us how to answer this question or showed us how to find the answer? Am I finding the strength and stability in what I have gained in life, material wealth, or positions that I have achieved through education, professionally, or any other way? Who am I when it comes to my relationships? 

Am I the emotion or thought that keeps bothering me, or the concepts I have acquired in life or inherited from my parents and society? And, who am I when they all change or when positions, possessions and relations are gone? What happens then? Does a part of me disappear with it all, or is just an illusion of the mind? 

The answers were gradually emerging as the program progressed and I allowed them more and more to pop up. Ego’s rigid structures were slowly dissolving under the effect of pure love and awareness. As the fears and doubts fade away, love emerges by itself and overwhelms you as if it was waiting behind the corner for you to open the door for it finally. 

Mohanji is a Master who takes you to the center of your own being so that you would discover the immense power that lies behind all of the roles that we identify with in life. We are not those roles (daughters, mothers, wives, doctors, sisters…). They are transitory, and we can live and experience them with a lot more ease when we don’t get attached to them, but when we realize instead that eternal aspect of ourselves. 

Indeed, this journey into our inner being, thanks to the intensive and to the smallest detail well-organized program, has brought me peace and stability. Although the storm in my daily life is not subsiding, I’m presented with new challenges that await me; I now know how to connect with this peace that is in the core of my being. And I know that this peace as the source has always been there and that it will always be. That is the priceless gift and blessing that I have received and still receiving through the Empowered programs and the very connection to Mohanji.

In his own words: 

“The truth lies within, waiting for you to discover it. The truth is your own reflection.”


I can’t wait for the new Empowered 3.0 program in February 2022 that is dedicated to Mastery. Mohanji is preparing us to become masters of our minds, which leads to complete freedom. Is there anything more precious than that? 

I am infinitely grateful to my Master and Guru Mohanji for each word, road sign, great support, guidance, and immense love for us all; my deepest pranaams at your feet, dear Mohanji.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th February 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

Empowered by Grace

by Sreeja Ranjit, Ethiopia

How deep is your faith, that strong is grace in your life.
Faith opens the doors for grace to flow.
Unshakeable faith ensures uninterrupted grace – Mohanji

When grace flows continuously into our lives, I am overwhelmed with gratitude to my beloved Mohanji and the Tradition for the continuous protection and blessings.

“When you experience grace in life, write your memoirs. When you are in despair and cannot feel the grace factor, you can read that. Your own experiences are your greatest assets. Your own life is your most reliable guide.” – Mohanji

Till now, I could not write as one thing after another, one test after another, kept happening, but the grace factor continued through every incident.

The first incident of the grace of protection happened four months back. One day we were expecting guests, and I was frying vada at home. The oil was hot, and as the vadas were frying, I went to do another chore. My husband came into the kitchen suddenly, and seeing the vadas frying, he thought he should help with the flipping of the vadas in the oil.

As he was helping with the frying, suddenly there was a loud noise of oil drizzling, and the hot oil spilt all over his face, eyes, both hands and body. I rushed in, hearing the commotion and froze on the spot. He had closed his eyes as the hot oil had splashed into his eyes. I regained my composure and began praying and chanting Mohanji’s name. I asked him to put water in his eyes and, remembering wheat flour is very good for burns, I put it on his face, hands and body. I prayed to Mohanji for a miracle while chanting, asking beloved Mohanji for protection. My husband was numb with fear as oil had spilt all over his face. He had leaned over near the oil when he tried flipping the vadas, and his face was burning. Stories of plastic surgery of a friend who had opened a hot cooker, and hot steam had gushed out onto her face came back to our minds. Her skin had started peeling off due to the hot steam hitting her directly on the face.

We dreaded what would happen to the skin on his face the most as he had important meetings scheduled at his office. I remember talking and praying to Mohanji silently to please help with the skin on his face. Even if he had burns on his arms and body, my husband could go to the office and resume his daily work. He kept the wheat flour on his body and face and decided to remove it after a while. I kept praying for a miracle silently.

We could not believe our eyes when he washed his face, hands and body an hour after the incident. His hands, arms and body had huge marks, totally red in colour. But not even a slight discolouration on his face. The skin was intact, and his eyes too had no issues though hot oil had spilt on his eyes as well.

Everyone who saw his hand and arm asked him how this happened as it was that bad. How can we explain this – it was pure grace. I have no words to thank my Guruji Mohanji for the protection and could only wash his holy feet with tears of gratitude. His presence was felt at the core of my being. This whole episode was nothing but a big miracle of grace.

Soon after this incident, right after Navaratri in October, my husband’s boss tested Covid positive. Two days later, his wife too tested positive. We had been together all throughout Navaratri and had travelled together in one car for Durga Mata Puja and Garbha. It was a scary situation as his boss was a heart patient. Both of them had a bad cough, throat pain, weakness and were totally bedridden. We sent across Baba’s Udi and also opted for the three sessions of Covid Mai-Tri for his boss as it was serious for him due to a heart issue.

On the third day, my husband tested positive as well. Even a small fever is too hard for him to handle as he gets shivers and cannot sleep a wink at night; he turns and moans with pain in bed. Medication was started at once, and Baba’s Udi was given. The global chanting group chanted for both my husband and his boss. A big thank you to the M Family and especially to Savitri di, Savithri Vasudevan, Milica and Rekha Akka for all the support given to us during that time. The Udi from Shirdi temple had reached home 15 days back. Another miracle right on time. I prepared myself for sleepless nights as previously I had seen my husband suffer even with ordinary fever and cough.

The best part was I had no fear. The session, Empowered with Mohanji 1.0 had just gotten over, and deep acceptance of all life situations was slowly but steadily filling my whole being.

As a child, I had been fascinated by a story in the Bible that my friend shared where a lady who had been suffering from chronic sickness for many years was cured by just touching the cloak of Jesus Christ. This story had a profound impact on me throughout my life, of faith in our Guru/Master. Since my son and I had met Mohanji physically in Bangalore and had spent a day in his overwhelming presence during Shivaratri time, I had deep faith that Covid could not touch us as we were shielded and protected by him. Being connected to Mohanji’s consciousness consistently guarantees protection, but this meeting was like an additional boon for me.

The energy which we carried home after the visit was indescribable. My sister-in-law’s baby, who was six months old at that time, had trouble sleeping all the time. We have to rock her for an hour or so for her to sleep. The moment I took her in my arms after we reached home from Bangalore, she started humming and went to sleep in hardly a few seconds of being in my arms. The whole day this was the story, and she slept soundly for long hours that day. All were surprised at what was happening. But I knew very well it was Mohanji’s energy at work.

Mohanji’s grace ensured that my son and I never contracted Covid. No words can explain the grace that flowed for my husband as well. He did not have any symptoms at all. He did the test again within the first two days when there were no symptoms. It was positive. But no cold, no fever, cough or any kind of weakness. Perfectly healthy outside. When Covid Mai-Tri was done, it showed infection in the throat but no symptoms outside. Within ten days, he was back in the office completely healthy and in awe with the experience of grace in our lives. This was a total miracle for us, and we felt Mohanji’s presence throughout.

Tests of life continued, but so did the grace factor. Two weeks from his recovery, we heard an internal political war spread across the country, and an emergency was declared. The opposite party troops who wanted to form the government themselves were on their way to the capital where we were staying. They were 100 km away and could reach the capital anytime. Details of destruction and shooting on their way were all over the news. Embassies started warning all expats to leave the country at the earliest.

My husband’s company immediately acted fast and asked the expats to leave for Tanzania till things settled. It is a two-hour flight and near to the country where we stayed. Now a background on Tanzania. It was a country I had longed to stay in as my husband had been posted there many years ago, but we could not join him there at that time. The stories of his experience about the place had made it very desirable to live in that country again. Like Kerala, my native place in India, it was safe and also very beautiful among the African countries. It is also known for its sapphire coloured beaches and could not be missed. It had been a deep desire for many years now, almost over eight years and which I knew needed fulfillment as the desire had not left me at all.

Heartfelt gratitude to beloved Mohanji as only grace could make this trip happen. I remembered what he always says about desires and decided to experience each moment to the fullest consciously so that the desire is fulfilled once and forever. Empowered 2.0 with Mohanji happened right when I was in Tanzania. I practised witnesshood and feeling myself feel the entire experience as advised by Mohanji. We spent more than a month in Tanzania, and the experience was awesome. We got an apartment close to temple street and the beach. It was really lovely to visit temples after a long gap. The beaches were a fantastic sight to see, witness and experience.

We just lived in the present and did not worry much about what was happening in our country. No negative thoughts affected us, like if we could ever go back or if there would be job losses etc. But everyone back home was worried all the time. The stability and peace we felt in the midst of chaos cannot be explained in words.

After a month of stay there, we happily returned to Ethiopia as things had become better. As Mohanji says, destiny cannot be avoided. We had to face the war situation here and flee the country as well due to some past karma or impressions. But the Guru’s grace ensured we were safe and ensured that an unfulfilled desire could come true during this time. When I look back now, the desire to visit or stay in Tanzania is no longer there anymore. It has been fulfilled and completed with the grace of my Guru.

I offer my koti, koti pranams at beloved Mohanji’s lotus feet for his love and compassion to all of us. I bow down in deep gratitude to Mohanji for showering us with his grace and protection all the time.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd February 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

EMpowered by Mohanji – 12

by Sankaranarayanan Meetna

I would like to share my experiences during the course of contemplation of various steps explained by Mohanji as part of the Empowered Program 1.0.

While practising the task of erasing old memories, I found it the toughest one. Because the more I tried to forget, the more heart struck/sad memories emerged from deep within. Also, Mohanji asked us to get away from all negative emotions of low frequencies like anger, hatred, jealousy, gossip, etc. I found this task very difficult too as a normal human because most of the behaviour patterns have formed as a rigid concrete structure. Being very sensitive by nature, I have been carrying most of these countless emotions and expressing them freely then and there.

The net effect of all these was nothing but severe disappointment, displeasure, anguish etc. Moreover, I am a person who has taken each and everything that happened in my life so seriously.

Because of this habit, I felt all my nerves and facial muscles had always been kept tied up so tightly, never allowing me a moment to relax. My face, in turn, started showing a rather explosive look even at such seldom occasions when I was nurturing real inner joy.

This process finally forced me to become a “sense-less miser” and starve for sensible mercy from somewhere. On many occasions, though I really wanted to exchange pleasantries from my deep heart with others, especially small children, my facial expression gave them a negative signal. With life going on like this, let me put the scenario as brief as possible.

All my efforts to forget old memories went in vain in a critical state of mind like this. Further, the negative emotions were squeezing me wildly. I was struggling to find a way out.

I tried to apply Mohanji’s ‘Pause Technique Method’ more rigorously. But, my memory pattern was so rigid, it was so keen to attract and invite more negative emotions into my mind. This way, all my sincere efforts to experience the ‘Nectar of Deep Silence’ turned out to be a utopian dream.

I had no idea how to address my agony as I do not have any such ability to connect to Mohanji or higher source instantly. For that matter, I am merely an infant in understanding the difficult subject of ‘Consciousness’. In this difficult situation, I thought the best thing I could do was to start filling my mind with thoughts of Mohanji as much as I could. I continued my efforts.

Wonder! A miracle happened! My prayer reached its destination. I got a divine message from the Guru. At first instance, I could not believe it. Master knows everything and about everybody. Understanding that I was failing to forget old memories and concentrating at the heart centre, he prescribed an alternate medicine for my ailment.

Mohanji lit a divine spark in my thought process. He also prescribed and enabled my thought to become a desire and evolve as an action. It worked like this: this spark helped me go for a thorough overview of my physical structure. Nevertheless, against all odds, I found a great tragedy – a villain was troubling me in my sincere efforts. When I understood the root cause of failure in my efforts, I was engulfed in utter SHAME.

Let me tell you the truth. All these days/years, I had forgotten totally to SMILE whole-heartedly, even as self-motivation. This was probably because of my wrong perception of approaching life experiences seriously.

Humbly, I finally grasped the Guru’s attempt to give me a meaningful insight into this issue! Until and unless one understands the frequency of self, no practice or ritual can give the required effect.
My Guru encouraged me to try and always nurture a sincere SMILE on my face gradually but effortlessly as an extended model of ‘The pause technique’. Once this habit gets momentum, simultaneously, I shall try the Pause method and go deep into practice.

I started experimenting with this method. Initially, I found it highly difficult to express a spontaneous and generous SMILE. I tried, tried, tried by chanting Mohanji Gayatri Mantra. Slowly, my efforts started giving fruits. I am now able to SMILE effortlessly, spontaneously now. I started feeling the tight-roped nerves and facial muscles getting loosened up, and I am getting relief with an unknown pleasant energy-coursing all over my body.

From the above, I understand the following facts:

  • To achieve spiritual growth, both mental and body composure, is a must.
  • My body parts and sense organs were driven in different directions in the absence of centralized command. This made controlling emerging negative emotions and old memories difficult. Also, negative emotions quickly attract more emotions of low frequency in abundance. Because of this, the mind wandered more freely and concentrating was difficult.
  • A sincere smile straight from the heart increases the frequency rate to a much higher level as it starts searching for similar high wavelength emotions.

However, in my old baggage of memory stock, memories of good experiences were comparatively rare, which put the mind in a fix and unable to wander freely. With nothing to do, the mind slowly helped enable me to concentrate better.

So, Mohanji’s revised method of the ‘Smile-Pause-Get in’ technique helped me with an easier and smooth take-off. Only a Guru can understand the seeker’s actual requirement.

My humble Gratitude to Mohanji!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 4th December 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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EMpowered by Mohanji – 11

Some of the participants share their little nuggets of inspirational and transformative experiences as we inch closer to the big day – December 4th, 2021 for Empowered 2.0

Verina Mohanlal, SA

I was introduced to the Mohanji family and path in 2020 whilst my sister was in the hospital recovering from post-C-section complications. She sadly passed away in Oct 2020, and honestly, I was and am extremely heartbroken. At times my faith was tested, but over the months, I kept reading Mohanji’s messages and watching videos, and as days have gone by, I have recognised myself accepting more. I joined this programme to connect better with myself but most importantly to find myself, and this week alone, decisions became clearer, procrastination became less. It is little things that have made a huge change in my life. I continuously am grateful and pray for a more enlightened path.

I look forward to meeting Mohanji in person one day and also continuing this journey!

Sadhana Subramanian, USA

Dear Mohanji, I am new to this path, and one of my friends introduced me to you and your various platforms. So far, I am happy with all the learnings that I am imbibing from you. Not sure I understand everything, but you actually answered so many of my questions without me even asking. I am able to connect a lot of dots based on your teachings. Thank you.

Cathy Johnston, UK


Clear, crisp and concise, bite-sized nuggets of divine wisdom. How lucky am I?

Trying to digest every word at each precious moment spent in Mohanji’s warm & benevolent presence misses the point. To just ‘BE’ in his presence, to wallow in his glory, to grow with his family, mere words can’t convey the enormity of the privilege I feel.

The only school desk I long to return to – will treasure my notes close to my heart. Jai Mohanji! My Beloved Mohanji!

Prajakta Sonawane, India

I am falling short of words as I may not fully justify what I have gained. In short, I have gained myself, which was lost in the last 36 years. Mohanji’s presence made me realise so many things, and one of them is his talks. I feel it is not me who is operating; it is Mohanji operating this physical form, and I am so happy to serve as his medium. Lots of love to Father (Mohanji) and all the M family.

Ankush Khandelwal, India

I feel that I got some very simple and more practical techniques that can be implemented to increase awareness. This was the most amazing experience. It felt like having one to one session and getting all the answers without asking any questions.

Runa Gupta, USA

I gained a deep sense of immense gratitude, reduction of tamas, one-pointed focus towards my purpose, a loving spiritual family and the Guru’s direct guidance. These words fall short of describing the wealth gained.

On Day 2, I was thrilled when Mohanji shared the Silent Technique because this was a technique I had instinctively been practising last many months and it felt validated.

After the workshop, I listened to the Shiva Kavacham when I started to experience my heart centre feeling softer and more open than before. Part of my Silent Technique practice was to look within/focus on the heart centre to experience the silence. However, I never felt that I was truly able to go deeper.

But now, I suddenly felt like a barrier had been broken, and I was one step closer/deeper to my journey towards the Silence within me. I could even feel the words of the Shiva Kavacham rising from the silence and sensed the silence in the gaps between each word. My heart was opening. I felt a gush of inexplicable gratitude to Mohanji, who is working on all of us. All that I had to do was simply show up for this workshop and be present for this time!

Regula Pfenninger, Switzerland

This workshop helped me gain clarity with a strengthening of purpose. I am automatically observing more of my inner self with the outside. I am grateful for all the guidelines we got in this nourishing workshop and the privilege of being able to participate in this program. There is less fear when confronted with problems that seem impossible to resolve. I feel very happy to learn and to go on learning.

Bhagyashree Parulkar, Malaysia

Honestly, I came to know about Mohanji because I am a Sai Baba disciple. During these 11 days, I was talking to Sai Baba in my prayers that “You made me (your Bhakta) to connect to NOW to MOHANJI. So tell him to hold my hand and show me the right path. This would be for me your direct confirmation. Give me some hint, Sai!”

And unexpectedly, during this workshop time, I got udi sent from Shirdi! I live in Malaysia, and so during this time, getting Udi from Shirdi was a big promise and assurance from Sai to me confirming, “You are on the right path.”

Prafulla Chandra Bansod, India

It can’t be summed up by words. I believe it’s a continuous relationship that I have with Mohanji now, on my journey in this life, where he looks after me in all aspects. I feel very secure and experience different aspects of myself strongly, and I am accepting it with prayer and trust every moment. I have surrendered myself at his feet. Let Mohanji take care of me!

Tihana Frleta, Hrvatska

I am very grateful to Mohanji for this opportunity. I already feel a big change in perception and acceptance; I feel his energy flow helping me to get rid of unnecessary patterns and be more authentic. I’m already attuned to his advice to feel others more. Also, I find it very interesting that my work schedule matched to follow the whole program live.


From the beginning, it feels like receiving a hug in the form of Mohanji’s energy that stays with you continuously. In one session, he made me feel whole again. When he smiles at you, you know that he is with you.

Nirmal Saini, Australia

Mohanji changed my life totally. I have so many experiences and transformations that you brought into my life. When I connect to Mohanji mentally or physically through this online program, I always cry a lot. I feel I just want to be with him—so much energy around me. My body gets tuned into energy in his presence (the body spins and sways like a pendulum). Most of my answers I get when I listen to him and sometimes through thoughts while in his presence. I am looking forward to going deeper in silence in the presence of my beloved father, Mohanji. Love you, Mohanji!

Katarina Knežević-Nikolić, Serbia

I am deeply grateful for this gift. It comes at more than the right time in my life and helps me tremendously on my path of liberation. Somehow, on my path during the last couple of years, I have focused more on helping other people actualise themselves, and forgot about myself, lost my connection and my brightness which created challenges. I am grateful for being reminded of who I am and what is necessary to continue my journey into the light and be the light. Love.

Tamara Tapić, Serbia

I feel encouraged, supported on my path in my insecure baby steps. I am learning by example since Mohanji is pure love and kindness that I can feel. He is providing clear guidance about what, why and how. I feel truly empowered on the long journey in front of me.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 18th November 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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EMpowered by Mohanji – 10

As we march towards Empowered 2.0, here are some beautiful experiences shared by some of our global participants.

Ranjana Balagopalan, India

The 11 days of Empowerment with Mohanji was a wholly transformative experience for me. I had come across a blog about Mohanji last year, but I started to read up seriously about him and his blogs and watch his YouTube videos only this year. And this was the first time I attended a retreat with Mohanji. Though it was online, it didn’t feel so at all. Each day, I felt I was sitting right there in front of Mohanji and listening to him.

I’m still thinking about my experiences from the first day to the last, and I am overwhelmed by them. Mohanji’s presence and words caused multiple shifts in my thoughts, emotions, and overall mental makeup each day. I’m aware of some of the changes, but I also know a lot more has happened beneath the surface, and I feel subtle changes are still happening within me. I think it will take me a long time to realise the depth of the changes fully. And I’m astounded by the sense of powerful energy and joy I experienced throughout the programme. I’ve begun to feel more stable, calm and compassionate, and it is all because of Mohanji.

On a couple of occasions during the retreat, I woke up in the middle of the night with unusually bad headaches but felt okay by morning. I realised later that they were not regular headaches. There were other experiences in terms of energy, and I felt healed at so many levels. Often, a thought would occur to me during the session, and a short while later, Mohanji would say the same thing, confirming that I was right to look at something in a particular way. And many of the questions that I didn’t even know I had were answered by Mohanji. Many insights came my way over the 11 days due to Mohanji’s grace.

Before I joined this programme, I had been dealing with intense anxieties and fears. But the teachings and techniques imparted by Mohanji have created a deep sense of peace and stability within me, and the more I practice the techniques, the greater the stillness inside me.

Much more has happened, but I think it will take me time to fully grasp and express the deep impact of this retreat. So I’ll just wrap up by saying that this was a powerful, life-changing experience for me. I’ve been trying to progress on the spiritual path for many years now. I was completely lost and was just meandering aimlessly. But now I feel I’ve finally found my path, purpose and my Guru.

I am already eagerly waiting for the December retreat.

I offer my humble pranaams at Mohanji’s feet.

I would also like to thank the team that organised the retreat for their selfless and tireless services to ensure that each participant felt heard and valued. I’m very grateful to all of you.

Ashwinder Mayur, Oman

Overall, I gained momentum in my day to day activity, being more aware of what is happening inside me. The most significant transformation that occurred with the start of this workshop was that I became consistent in waking up and doing my sadhanas precisely at the same time, at the same place.

I believe these two months will be a transformational journey that Mohanji shall take me to, and I am fully aware and prepared for becoming FEARLESS… Jai Mohanji!

Shalini Elisabetta Bagdasarian, USA

It was my first time with Mohanji, and it has been a blessing beyond words. One of the best choices I made in my life. All his talks were divine grace; I love the way he gave a clear life map. The techniques he taught us connected me to the Guru within in a profound way. I feel graced by being able to attend this retreat with him. Jai Mohanji!

Nirvana Singh, South Africa

I was at a wobbled space in life, where I mentally and physically couldn’t recognise myself, my fit in my family/world, nor Mohanji’s physical form. I placed my plight unreservedly in Babaji’s care, knowing that faith in him has always shown me the way and always will. Deloshni (SA) lovingly contacted me to join the program. I instantly knew Mohanji had a great plan for me. Then the magic began for 11 days. I am still wearing the blissful silence and smile, having tasted and experienced such joy/bliss of cosmic consciousness under the guidance of my loving Guruji Mohanji.
I LOVE you beyond words Mohanji. Lakh lakh Shukar (Immense gratitude)

Jayshree Phalad, South Africa

I have gained so much knowledge from Mohanji. I have started practising his teachings; I feel so great. I know Mohanji is always with us.

I had wanted to ask him a question on Day-8 but never got through. Then on Day-9, I tried again but was unsuccessful. So I decided to give up on trying. On the 11th day during the workshop, I noticed that my hand was up, yet I didn’t raise my hand. So I know Mohanji knew, and it was his leela that I just got connected. I was so nervous when I eventually spoke to him that I asked him half of my question. My heart was racing. Like Mohanji said, the answers are all within us – just keep silent and go deep within, and I will get my answer.

I do quite a few of the practices that he speaks about. I belong to the Early Birds Club (EBC), so I am an early riser. EBC is a beautiful platform for those struggling to rise early. Like Mohanji says – sadhana during golden hours is very beneficial. He has given us so many tools, but we have just to make use of them and progress.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 11th November 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

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EMpowered by Mohanji – 9

Happy Diwali to all of you from the Testimonials Team!

As the countdown begins for Empowered 2.0, here are some transforming experiences from participants of the first Empowered workshop that was conducted in September!

Nikita Naredi, India

The lid of Pandora’s box got opened!

I never realised I was Pandora’s box of so many emotions, patterns, and inadequacies. I knew a few of them; a few kept surfacing now and then, and the resolve to sort them out was always there since my encounter with and blessings of Mohanji. It would surface with so much impact I could never imagine till 2nd September when the Empowered workshop began.

Since the time I joined this program, I felt I had been put in a washing machine in the spinning mode and believe me, the spinning is very, very palpable. The scum is coming out, and the awareness is profound.

Every participant would be having their own share of a rollercoaster ride, but mine is presently only of negativities. I started understanding my negativities and realised they are patterns repeating over and over again, and Mihanjis golden words brought about a great acceptance.

I had no out of the world experiences which many participants have quoted: no feeling of warmth, no visualisation but only realisations and acceptance.

Through this program, I got the courage to speak out my infirmities to myself, my spouse, and my child, which I would earlier feel very inhibited and ashamed to talk and discuss. 

I indeed feel empowered and going through the recorded videos again and again for better clarity and really looking forward to Empowered 2. 

Amala Sankar, Kerala

I had this true feeling of Guru’s energy entering into my heart centre. Now the heart beats with the Guru. Each moment I look inside me, I can see the light of my Guru handed over to me, making it brighter. This has been essential for me this time; it is Sai Baba’s blessings to me. Faith in Baba connected me with Mohanji. I’m very happy now and feel more focused. Koti Koti pranamams, thank u Mohanji and team. Lots of Love. 

Each and every moment of my life has become more worthy, and I am trying to make myself worthy. Many thanks for your blessings. This program helped me to find what I was searching for the past few years. I was trying to discover myself, and now it finally happened. The process of purification started 11 days ago with God’s grace, the true feeling of Baba hearing my every thought and blessing me when the time arrived. 

Love you, Mohanji!

Carla Hartog & Bas van Velzen, The Netherlands

I feel immensely grateful to have joined Mohanji’s workshop. Especially after his spontaneous visit to our temple, the program was again a blessing and a boost to my/our spiritual path. The PAUSE technique is really helpful! The emphasis on commitment, conviction, consistency is ‘ringing’ in my head. Just once, on the 10th day, I felt discouraged. I had thoughts, “I am stuck in this cycle of birth & death; please HELP!” Thank God, it lasted just for a day. Overall, I need to absorb, contemplate and be alert to go by the flow and go beyond comfort zones. I am looking forward to participating in the next workshop. We have registered already. Meanwhile, there is a lot of work to do, and we’ll stay connected! Thanks, Subhasree, for all your dedication to the work and thanks to all the volunteers.

Maria Lopatina, Australia

And here I begin! More and more, I believe in divine timing, and meeting Mohanji and being part of this beautiful community is not a coincidence. I always dreamt of having a spiritual guru, although I was not actively looking for one, but just trusting the Universe to send me one. Just the day before the Empowered 1.0 workshop, I called my friend to chat. Although we don’t meet and speak with each other often, she is the one true friend you can count on. I hope she feels the same. She passed me the info about the Empowered program. When I looked at it, I felt no hesitation and signed up straight away. 

From day 1, I felt a strong connection with Mohanji; every word by Mohanji was a great reminder and an awakening. The exercise on day one showed me the areas that I need to work on: discipline and patience. I think Mahonji had a strong effect on me from the first day! The next morning, I began waking up with no alarm between 4 and 5 am, meditating, sitting in a lotus pose without changing for an hour or more, where I would previously struggle to sit for 15 minutes. It’s a miracle, and I believe Mohanji has something to do with it. Through the program, I got all the answers without asking any questions.

I struggled in the last three days to keep myself awake, but it seemed like when I needed to hear something important, my eyes were open, and my ears were listening. I could continue to share many things; the most important thing is I thank the Universe for such a gift. My dreams are comings true! Mohanji, I instantly fell in love with you. You are amazing, and you have an amazing team.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 4th November 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

EMpowered by Mohanji – 8

We have another series of testimonials by participants of the empowered program as we march towards Empowered 2.0.

Andrijana Ristovska, Macedonia

Empowered – ‘A journey from fear to freedom’ was a very powerful event, and again I have the feeling that every answer is for me, and I cannot put the pen down of trying to write down everything. For me, this event is also a confirmation of our connection in consciousness. One month ago, I was writing in my spiritual journal about ways to feel more empowered, covering different topics that could benefit me because I needed them so much. Now, Mohanji is leading an event about empowerment and going into depths that I would never have gone alone. So beneficial, so precious, and so powerful. I feel very grateful to attend it. Thanks to all of you who made this happen.

Sandra Sankar, South Africa

The RAWness of absolute truth is as elusive as the clouds on a hot summer day. Like wisps of fleeting consciousness teasing our whimsical mind, we sometimes miss the importance of eternal connections that bring us to this life.

If all of us are connected, what does it mean? Our paths cross, playing out the imprinted patterns we have picked up along the way. Mohanji says we never learn. We repeat and come back. Knowing this, do you?

‘Telling it like it is’ comes with bare-faced courage to be yourself regardless of the expectations of the world. Yet, it is easier to hide behind a facade of illusionary displays, judging each other without knowing the truth.

In Kaliyug, what we see is not what we get. Yet do we get it? We go where our mind teases us, forgetting we are the magnificent ‘unbound consciousness.’

Mohanji tells us that our body is but one-eighth of our majestic etheric make-up. We live; we die locked into a tight frame of illusions conjured up by the genie of the mind. Look again. Who is pulling the strings?

Mohanji also says that when we create frames or boundaries, he will run away if we want to put him in it! The Master knows the way to be fearless, unbound and free yet here we are so easily distracted. All are tests.

Why are we so preoccupied with the external world that we disregard internal calls of the intimate lover of SELF. Consciousness is speeding us up, but our busy mind is in reverse. It’s time to check out which lane you are on? I know mine.

An Anonymous participant

The power-packed 11-day workshop with Mohanji left everyone in deep awe. From ecstasy to gratitude, people had all sorts of emotions pouring in throughout. Everyone felt healed and transformed. Mohanji not only delivered profound knowledge with laser-sharp clarity but worked on people’s blockages and deep-rooted patterns of lifetimes. For me, it was a very special experience, an experience of my journey from fear to freedom. Layers and layers were peeled, a lot of contemplation happened as I came face to face with myself. With more and more practice of the techniques which Mohanji gave and his immense grace, my energy level soared really high. Towards the middle of the program, I noticed how situations around me were gradually harmonizing, especially a bad relationship, which was suffering for many months, was beautifully healing. To me, it was a BIG thing because otherwise, however hard I would try, I would end up in more misunderstanding. I am really thankful to Mohanji for lifting this burden from my heart. I am looking forward to Empowered 2 in December. Jai Mohanji.

Nirupma Chowdhary – India

In today’s session, I was just flowing. Recognizing my distractions, accepting them and through awareness, eliminating some was what I was doing. At the end of the session, Mohanji gave us a technique, ‘SILENCE METHOD’, and it was an eye-opener. It was a direct connection if we are observant.

Normally, we are working, doing many activities throughout the day and even during the session. Do we ever think to pause and be in the present, connect and be there to imbibe the treasure Mohanji is sharing?

This is a technique, if practised, can transform us and lead us deep into our inner self. Thanks, Mohanji!

Preeti Duggal – India

Yesterday we started with the Empowered online retreat with Mohanji. It was such an amazing experience. There were around 700 participants, but many felt that it was like a one-to-one connection with the Guru.

Mohanji spoke about our journey together and the hurdles we faced during the journey. Personally, for me, it was a session for contemplation and self-analysis. The whole night those words echoed in my mind, and this morning I found myself taking the first step towards self-discovery. So powerful are these retreats with our Guru. So grateful and blessed to have joined the program.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th October 2021


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Mohanji Testimonials team

EMpowered by Mohanji – 7

By Charles N.Londi

Mohanji empowering without power

Those without a spiritual view of life think of empowering in mundane terms, especially when they hear that a spiritual master will be holding an empowering seminar. They might imagine that he’ll confer magic wands and brooms to those who attend the seminar of the nature Harry Porter and other wizards use to zoom through the sky. This stems from a warped understanding of the word ‘spiritual.’ In the EMPOWERED seminar with Mohanji from the 2nd to the 12th of September, he handed out some invisible magic wands and brooms, which would disappoint those who want to see only tangible things to be convinced they are in possession of something. But before anything, let’s look at the title of this article.

Empowering without power? Isn’t it oxymoronic to say Mohanji empowers without power? It sounds like he has nothing to offer yet wants to empower people. Can you give what you don’t have? However, he has so much to give that those from the material level of life cannot appreciate. Yes, he empowered people during the last seminar without trying to have any power over them by being bossy, commanding, condescending, looking down on the audience, having feelings of superiority, authority, etc. Aspects that people in the human consciousness like to exercise over their fellow beings to show they are in control. 

”But isn’t that normal as a spiritual master,” some may ask? Without being critical or putting down anyone, but just for the sake of conveying truth, I want to say that I have come across instances where some masters may try to bind the student to themselves with threats of dire consequences if they leave, and they consider it a betrayal of the master, and state that the student who abandons will suffer for eons in the hellish realms of the lower astral plane until the master takes pity on him and rehabilitates him. This is in sharp contrast to Mohanji’s pronouncements. He stated very clearly that everyone has to mull over what he says, contemplate it over and over, and if they find it useful, only then adhere to his teachings. His attitude is discretionary. 

He doesn’t say, ”Look, lost souls, what I am telling you is the highest truth, and you must take it, or else my wrath will descend on you.” He tells you that if you are not satisfied or not sure of what he is presenting, then you have the freedom to leave and seek truth elsewhere. How wonderful to also hear him say that no one actually needs a master until the need for one happens, in which case the master is actually only a guide directing the individual back to his own true self, the inner master, and that the moment anyone starts looking to connect with something/someone out of themselves, then they are lost. To hear these words is to be empowered personally, which is in sharp contrast to the cultivation of a personality cult by centering all attention on himself. Then he added that his job is to create or mint more masters, actually realize the inner guru in everyone, and that it is a collaborative effort with him for all who seek truth and freedom with him. 

Wow! So you want more souls to stand in the divine light instead of standing in it alone and having the spotlight of unique and exclusive glory, Mohanji? Is this not empowering others selflessly without seeking any control over them?

Mohanji demonstrated during the 11-day seminar that love and freedom are not based on authority but on demonstration being selflessly proactive. The act of throwing the ball back on the courts of seminar participants could have been disgusting to those who want others to chew, and they just swallow without effort. But the cornerstone of Mohanji’s empowerment during the seminar was to bring out the good hiding in most people because of fear, not wanting to leave their comfort zones, and unwillingness to exert energy creatively to exercise their dharmic responsibilities and those who seek social approval. Yes, some people are easy-going with dictators and were certainly very disappointed as Mohanji’s modus operandi is DIY (Do it yourself).

A lot can be said about the 11-day seminar in regard to Mohanji’s words, but suffice to say that he subtly intimated that the quintessence of true spiritual freedom could only be realized through self-empowerment. Mohanji provided many of these tools, the use of which is discretionary. You may use them, or you may not.

Read other testimonials on the Empowered program


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st October 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team