EMpowered by Mohanji – 2

by Snezana Jovanovic

Translation: Maja Otovic

Empowered – A journey from fear to freedom

We are at the end of eleven incredible days of daily empowerment, negating our dark sides, understandings, insights, confrontations, contemplations, questionings, answers, surfacing of our old programs, deep fears, and self-observation. We got an insight of ourselves from a different viewpoint, clearly detaching from what we are not and melting into our true being. Rewinding of all the recordings that we carry inside of us sends us strong messages of who we really are. The reason is for us to remember ourselves – descending into our hearts and opening ourselves towards unconditional love. 

In my opinion, Mohanji, (for those who do not know him) is one of the greatest living Masters walking this planet. I have been following him since the year 2012, and luckily I didn’t give up. Simply put, he is a father, a brother, a son, a mirror which shows me my own reflection.   

Mohanji gathered us through his unconditional love and grace so that he, as pure love and light, would show us our path in a clear, honest, direct, and elegant manner. There are no words to express the gratitude and love I have for him for everything he has given us through this program and for everything he is giving us. Thank you, Mohanji.

How come I attended this program after all the programs and retreats I have been through with Mohanji? I’ll have to admit that this was something that I cannot miss, something very important. I intended to finally set the ground for my further journey through this program. I was ready to face all of my deepest fears boldly, suppressed since who knows when and due to what situations. They were waiting in my system so that in the perfect moment set by the universe, they would surface; they would be lit, realized, looked at and let go of, as I no longer needed them.

That’s exactly what happened. Since day one, Mohanji’s every sentence resonated deeply in my being. It’s not something I didn’t know or haven’t heard before, but I needed to hear again. The process started even before the program commenced, on a subtle level: letting go of everything that we were ready to release, and at the same time, empowerment of our true being to live its truth, to live itself fully. 

Through love and light that was descending into us all these days, I gained clear insights into my journey, existence, old patterns, and fears that I gladly want to get rid of now. 

As the program continued day by day, the journey within was getting deeper and brighter. When you are with a true Master such as Mohanji, all you need to do is be receptive and brave, open and truthful. We need to allow everything within us and no longer serving us to the surface, to emerge and show itself clearly, so Mohanji could do his job and dissolve it with his light. That is exactly how Mohanji is helping this world and each individual who trusts him. 

I’ll go back to Day 6. We were halfway through the program, and so much had already surfaced and could be clearly seen, understood and felt. Some weight, heaviness, was present that morning. As Mohanji instructed us through his teachings, it’s exactly those states that we need to observe and try to penetrate deeper to understand why something is (not) happening in our lives. 

All morning went by in such deep contemplations. Fears (some deeply suppressed fears) were an obstacle for me to live what I truly am, what I believe in, freely express and speak up for it, and fight for it. Now with the powerful presence of Mohanji’s light, I could feel all those fears. All those lost battles, where I gave up somewhere along the way; I gave up on life, myself, and God. The responsibility I took then, for the fearlessness and lost lives of the people I was guiding, on some subtle level, left a few imprints: give up on any battle, don’t take responsibility, surrender…. and who knows what else. It did not matter; what mattered was that I no longer lived on those patterns. 

Then the program started, and once again, each sentence hit the spots. I felt expansion, lightness, Mohanji’s energy that flowed like a current through my body and expanded – beautiful energy. This warmth radiated from my palms, a feeling hovering over my body. 

At that moment, I was on the road through Belgrade. Suddenly, out of nowhere, strong messages started coming to me, as if a movie was unrolling in front of my eyes. I can’t describe the speed of small events that this movie was made of. 

Then came the indication of the ancestors through one strong personality from Serbian history; an ancestor who showed himself in front of me in natural size, on the wall of a building that I was passing by. There was a message written in big letters to emphasize the meaning and importance of those words for me. The message said: 

 “Who dares, he can. Who knows no fear, goes forward.”   

Fieldmarshal Zivojin Misic

At that moment, I was completely filled with the powerful energy of this ancestor and his message. This message of a brave, decisive, wise duke, while connecting and merging with his energy, gave me his blessings and great support so that these values become part of me from now on. I could feel that strength, stability, clarity, fearlessness, all that Mohanji spoke to us about throughout the program. 

Once again, I got confirmation that ancestors are always there for us and how important it is to remember them and send them our love and do all it takes to liberate them. We would then have mercy, support, and power that their energy carries for ourselves and future generations. With deep gratitude for the given moments and with the flow of that supporting energy, I moved on. 

Through the entire event, I could feel Mohanji’s strong presence and guidance. The feeling of gentleness, love, stability dissolved into a romantic dance of my soul with the existence. 

On the seventh day, I received a job offer from my colleague. It was not easy in the past year without a job, without an income. But, that was the way to get out of my comfort zone completely and master the lesson on letting go, complete trust in guidance. For that, I needed to start to accept myself unconditionally, love myself, respect myself. It was a great blessing during the times of transformation. On the following day, I had a job interview. And on the day of Ganesha’s birthday, I sent a CV for the new job. What to say?

This program has shed a lot of light on me, as both Mohanji and I intended to set the ground for my future path. Endless gratitude to Mohanji, the Tradition, all the wonderful Acharyas, and all the participants. Immense GRATITUDE to everyone and everything. 

See you in December.

Big hug to all.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st September 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Speaking the truth

By Mina Obradovic, Serbia

During the time spent with Mohanji, a couple of important thoughts related to what we believe in popped up in my mind. Since I come from the Balkans, I know that Gurus are not easily accepted in our region. Here, I will not go into the importance of Gurus and why, but from my experience, no spiritual practice or ‘direct connection with God’ is enough to reach the highest human potential.

Through the years that I have been with Mohanji, I have met various people with different motives around him. A common problem with people is that they do not have enough courage to say that they love, respect or follow Mohanji. By doing this, no one loses but them. Especially Mohanji, he loses nothing. He was born with a purpose, and when that purpose is done, he will leave this Earth.

Between his physical birth and death, there is his life that exists for us. A Guru provides a long rope, but it is up to us to grab it and, with determination, climb to the top. We cannot expect the Guru to stand at the end of the rope and encourage us to walk. Maybe he will do that, and if he does, it is a blessing, but it can also happen that the Guru tells us exactly the opposite. We will certainly come across various tests. 

A similar thing happened to me with Mohanji. Connecting with him was not easy at all. I was not particularly encouraged to approach him; he would often ask me, “What are you doing with me? I am an ordinary man with a beard. You are mistaken if you think I have powers.” I would laugh at every such word of his because I knew who he was.

I have already experienced him and watched him closely for years, and no one and nothing in this world can now change my opinion of him – not even himself. That is why now, after more than four years, I can experience true and significant transformations in my life because of him. But this did not happen overnight. 

Unless we stay with the Guru experiencing the ‘mud’, we will never experience the ‘gold.’ Suppose we are easily shaken by external factors, our innate doubts and prejudices and our tendency to blame others. In that case, if we don’t bother to open our eyes to what is in front of us, we will never get anything from anyone, even the most powerful Guru that can exist.

The true signs of the path we are walking on are always very subtle, and the ‘denser’ levels of existence always distract us more. I liked how Mohanji explained this point while talking about the holy mountain Arunachala, in Tiruvannamalai, in India. Many people do not know how powerful Arunachala is and that it is not really just a mountain. It is a very powerful energy centre from which we can experience great benefits if we are open to it. 

From the outside, it looks so ordinary. It is covered with stones and nature. If an ordinary person passes by it, he may never know its power. However, people who have reached a certain level of consciousness see Arunachala as a huge portal to the energetic (to us, invisible) world, where very powerful Masters live, who are not in their physical bodies.

The Arunachala Hill

They live energetically in the mountain’s interior, and many Masters and Saints have seen them inside, with their inner eye. They do not reveal themselves to people often, but they live for our good and often help humanity. Setting foot on this mountain is a blessing in itself, and it is said that there is not a single negative particle on it. They say that every person who steps on it has to be ‘approved’ by Masters from the mountain’s interior. So, not everyone gets the opportunity to set foot on this revered mountain if not allowed.

Although we know the power of this mountain, its external appearance is not at all interesting. Mohanji says, “They have set up all sorts of distractions around the mountain – selling food, drinks, offering entertainment, etc., so you can’t easily wonder at this mountain and discover its power.”

I would describe a true Guru in the same way. The subtle signs of who he is, our journey, and our destination are visible only to those who “have the eyes to see”. Not everyone will dare to look, and even fewer will stand by the Guru despite the sceptical world.

Because of certain past lives that I accidentally found out about, until recently, I often had the fear that someone would beat me up and kill me because I had a Guru. The first time I felt that fear, I failed to understand it fully. Over time, it became clear to me. 

Months after I first felt this fear, I met Mohanji and said that I often see in my visions a mass of people approaching me to kill me. This fear arose mainly during my endeavours to write about my path.

At that time, I had a deadline to finish blogs in which I talked about my experiences with Jesus and Mohanji, and out of fear, I could not continue writing. I knew the blog needed to be published, but subconsciously, fear prevented me. Without my conscious control, it caused me fatigue, confusion, things that would stop me from finishing it.

I was sad because I wanted to finish that text for a long time. When I asked him, Mohanji confirmed that the fear came from a past life experience and that he will make sure to remove it so that I feel free. Over the next few months, the fear intensified and then disappeared.

Despite this fear, I never distanced myself from Mohanji, I never hid the truth that he is the source of oxygen in my life, and I never lost sight of my intention to finish the blogs. I knew I didn’t want to live a life of fear, and every time fear came to the surface, I would think, “The worst that can happen is that someone really beats me up, and I die. One day, I’m sure to die.” I decided that I would rather die living what I believe in, with Mohanji, no matter how much someone doesn’t understand it, than live longer like a coward, in fear.

Of course, I assumed that my life wouldn’t really end in a couple of days, ha-ha, but I deliberately created such an image in my head to know my priority. It gave me clarity. Also, although it may sound mild, the fear was really intense, and my reality was sometimes such that someone would knock on my door any minute to kill me.

No matter how deep my fear was, and no matter that I had indeed been killed in a past life for a similar thing, I was not interested in people and their opinions. I felt fear in my stomach area until Mohanji completely removed it; it was there, but that never stopped me from courageously saying who is behind my transformation, who is responsible for the quality of my life. Just as I am never ashamed to say that my mother and father are responsible for my life, I will also never hesitate to speak the truth of what Mohanji is to me; there is no fear or a desire to be accepted by superficial people.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that I go down the street and talk about the details of my spiritual journey with everyone, but it is clear what credits in my life go to Mohanji. It is not ‘divine energy’ or ‘universal energy’; it is Mohanji. Whoever asks me, I will always answer directly. I do not hesitate to say this, and no one who walks the path of spirituality should hesitate if he has such an experience, of course.

Another way I dealt with this fear was by connecting to the past lives that I received long ago. In that life, I left my Guru for silly reasons like these and then bitterly repented. It was clear to me that there was nothing more important to me than my connection with Mohanji, and even though I often don’t see him physically, the ‘bridge’ to him that I always keep stable gives me oxygen despite all the storms.

I told this story because even if we have a huge fear, and if everything around us seems to be collapsing, and if society labels us as crazy, having a Guru is our whim and fashion, etc., we ALWAYS have an option. If we truly understand the importance of our connection, NOTHING can get us off that track.

That is why it is important to take as much time as we need to understand the path we are walking, but once we make the decision, we should not leave or stay half-heartedly. If other people’s opinions are more important than what we experienced first hand (even if it’s about our friend, partner, business associate), then we have no face. We have no integrity. 

That’s why it is strange to me when people hear something about a person they personally know and love, sometimes they don’t go to that person to check if the rumour is true, but they are in a hurry to make a decision based on someone’s opinion or experience, which often has nothing to do with the truth. Again, this is no one’s loss but ours alone.

Our integrity decreases with this behaviour; we lose our personality. Our self-confidence also decreases because our whole life begins to depend on other people. It’s like asking our life to walk on two match-sticks. If someone takes away one of the matches because they decided they don’t like it, our world collapses. We must be careful in whose hands we place our stability.

The important thing I also learned from my time with Mohanji is that the path of spirituality is mostly unknown and unpredictable. In the beginning, no one promised me how far I would get or that I would get anything from this path. That courage in us to dive into the unknown because we have enough clarity to see subtle signs and believe in our own experience is our integrity. If we ignore any evidence that our path is what we want and start believing in the ‘dense’ aspects of this world that are much more talked about and much less important, we will lose a lot. 

The truth is always before our eyes, but distractions and our tendency to cling to negativity are habits. It will always be more interesting for us to gossip, talk about other people’s money, about who sleeps with whom. We will then die one day with regret for wasting time on such unimportant things, when we could focus on ourselves and reach the highest level of consciousness, explore our possibilities, talents, achieve something that will help the world around us, helpless beings, etc. 

That is why Mohanji says, “People bring flowers to the cemetery because they could not give that person love while they were alive.” But why are we doing this? If someone dies, we can be sad, that’s fine, but if we said the right words at the right time and did the best we could when it was needed, there will be very little or no remorse. 

What is it that distracts us every day? If it’s fear, why don’t we dare face it? Why do we lose precious connections because of other people’s opinions? My opinion is that if we really believe in ourselves, we will never try to hide our truth, not even a little.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 24th June 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

The dimensions of Mohanji

Shirdi pose

By Charles Ndifon Londi

In this beautiful thought provoking testimonial, Charles Londi talks about his encounter with Mohanji through a vision 28 years ago. Now, many years later, he recognises the importance of connecting with the consciousness of Mohanji to understand his different dimensions.

Meeting Mohanji 28 years ago.

The figure floated on the ethers near the ceiling, scintillating with light. It was as if I was seeing or watching this strange apparition with my naked eyes. That was in the summer of 1992.

The events that ran up to the aforementioned were uncalculated, unplanned, and followed a tortuous route. I had wanted to seek closeness with God, The ALL IS, The True Reality, or the Supreme Consciousness, and hide under its wings from the vicissitudes of life that were buffeting me like an evil storm. So I joined Ma Cecile’s charismatic prayer group even though not a Catholic at all. She was a devout Catholic, very prayerful, kind-hearted, and simple, but was hated by the local parish priest who termed her an emissary of the devil probably because her devoutness, purity, truthfulness, and dedication attracted so many people to her prayer group that produced many miracles that were the talk of the day in the small town where I worked as a very young teacher. 

I wanted to be like Ma Cecile and always wiggled myself near her in hopes to be touched by the power of the Holy Spirit (Master Power) that descended on her at each prayer session and had her shaking violently like a leaf in a typhoon. I accompanied Ma Cecile once for a 3-4 days retreat to holy grounds where Mary, Mother of Jesus, was said to have appeared. We swam in the muddy and slimy waters of the swamp on the holy ground, ate the mud there that was believed to relieve one of all afflictions, and we were expected to walk on knees with a heavy cross to the top of a hill that had an effigy of Jesus nailed on the cross. What self-mortification! What excruciating pain with bruises all over! Many people gave up halfway as it was not easy to reach the top of the hill that had a cross with Jesus’s effigy nailed to it. I did not make it too. 

Ma Cecile made it to the top of the hill with a heavy wooden cross each time she came for the retreat as attested by everyone who knew her. This particular retreat was to be crowned with a 9-day novena in honour of Archangel St. Michael after each person had returned to their homes. No meat was to be eaten in the interval, and everyone was to maintain inner and outer purity in all affairs while devoutly reciting a special prayer to St. Michael on each of the nine days making a total of nine different prayers. I lived in the same town as Ma Cecile, so had the additional advantage of drinking only ‘holy water’ blessed by her during general evening prayer sessions. Then each individual returned home to do his special prayer to St. Michael for the day at the hour he/she had fixed. I went through my 9-day novena hitch-free, ending my prayers to Archangel Michael before midnight on the 9th day. After that, I did other prayers and read a little till about 1:30 am. Then I went to bed, but it was not easy falling asleep. In the twilight zone between wakefulness and sleep, when one is still very conscious, something abnormal happened.

Yes, I had prayed to St. Michael for nine days for help and protection in my life, but I did not harbour the thought of a visitation by him. I just had the inner conviction that I had done my part, and it was left to St. Michael to complete it.

”Hey, who is this being enveloped by bright light hovering in my bedroom?”, I asked myself. ”Is this St. Michael, and if so why isn’t he a Whiteman as shown in photos. And where are his giant wings and long spear used to pierce the devil?”, I mused. The being floating up there was dark in complexion, had long black flowing curly hair, a black beard, and a black moustache that stood in sharp contrast to the images painted of Archangel St. Michael. Then the being started gliding towards my bed. I wasn’t frightened, but I developed goose pimples from head to toe as he floated and sat on the bed sill. He asked me, ”Do you believe you can be saved?” I answered, ”Yes, by the grace of God.” Then he asked again, ”Where do you feel pain?” I was dumbfounded and for want of something to say, so I just pointed at my thigh saying, ”Here.” The magnificent being then used his hand and struck me on the thigh three times and vanished. 

I had forgotten about my vision with the ethereal being upon meeting Brahmarishi Mohanji, but some time ago, upon looking at his photo and contemplating it, it suddenly burst upon me, like sunshine from behind the dark clouds, that this is the being who had appeared to me 28 years ago and struck my thigh three times and disappeared. I think when the time is propitious, the meeting between a Master and his student is inevitable in any lifetime, and a span of even 50 years before the meeting is just a moment.

He has all the features of that night visitor that I have not been able to associate with all the other Masters I have come across. Worthy of note is that he is a Living Master in the flesh, and has taken on the onerous task of gathering his students/children, breaking their patterns and bindings that have glued them to the deceptive matrix of Maya in creation for eons, and taking them back into the resplendent light of the self-subsisting Supreme Absolute, THE ALL THAT EVER IS. Thanks for seeking me out, thanks for the connection.

The dimensions of Mohanji

We hear talk of phases of the moon, and will it be strange or foolish to use the word ‘phase(s)’ in relation to humans? Not at all, when you are dealing with an enigmatic personality like Mohanji in my opinion. He is visible and invisible, palpable and impalpable, outer and inner, and he advises people to connect with his Consciousness and not with his body. This is an indication that there is more to him spiritually than his body that is seen and felt. And above all he says, ”I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU.” How strange when he cannot walk down the road with us, one-dimensional conscious individuals would say. I have a friend who needs his phone number at all cost to be sure he can really make contact with him. 

However, it is my wild guess that when Mohanji says, ”I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU”, it presupposes that we should not even need him as he is ever-present as the air we breathe–and where there is a need, there is a lack of something. Could Mohanji be saying that WHAT IS IS, and there is no space to be filled as there is no emptiness? He even says it loud and clear that the need for the Master is binding in itself. These statements and considerations lead to the conclusion that there is more than one side to the person millions of people look up to. Understanding the multifarious dimensions of this magnanimous individual will determine the reality of each person who looks up to him for spiritual guidance. Let us first look at the outer physical aspect of Mohanji–the talking, walking, eating, and breathing man. This estimation is within the confines of his role as a spiritual leader and has nothing to do with his day-to-day personal life which shouldn’t be my concern or that of anyone else.

How nice it will be to have Mohanji as a personal friend, have his phone number, walk, talk, and eat with him daily! This is one aspect of Mohanji that some people will most love and which in their valuation, will guarantee that they have the presence of the Master in their lives. How great, but can everyone have that privilege, and can this be extended to everyone on the planet? Let’s look at what can compromise this desire for closeness with Mohanji had he the time and energy to personally befriend everyone intimately. 

Everyone is limited by geography, and various other financial and situational constraints, along with the current restrictions due to Covid-19. Wow! If meeting Mohanji physically and personally were the only way to be certain of his presence in our lives, then it will be a herculean task. And some people may ask, ”Is it worth all the trouble at all?” It should, however, be noted that people have sacrificed all material and financial resources and faced all sorts of difficulties just to meet a Master they bond with as their lives will be meaningless without such a meeting. Notwithstanding, there is another aspect of Mohanji, which is more important than actually meeting him in person. Meet the other dimension of Mohanji that is known by mostly esoteric students and which should be central to the understanding of spiritual devotees.

This aspect of Mohanji can be termed the Inner Master. One needn’t get out the door to be in contact with this aspect because it is an ISNESS, a Principle; ever there and ever now, closer than one’s own breath, floating on the invisible vibrating ether. In fact, it would seem that each step towards this aspect of the Master is a step away from it. This elusive dimension of Mohanji requires only faith, dedication, commitment, perception, and recognition of it for what it is to make it a reality in one’s life. One may never have the opportunity and means to see the other dimension of Mohanji without hassles. Could it be that one may clutch the outer Mohanji and be light-years away from the boundless, timeless, and limitless Eternal Principle that is subject to no physical man-made laws, is a law unto itself and is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient at each moment? And no matter the thousands of kilometres that separate them, the inner Master can be with his devotee at all moments through the inner channels even if the devotee is ignorant of the fact.

This write-up doesn’t seek to undermine the importance of the physical aspect of Mohanji or of meeting it. He operates in the Supreme Consciousness at all times in all dimensions of himself, but as Consciousness is the only state worth consideration, so the inner Consciousness is amplified. It is at all times national, international, universal, inter-universal, planetary, and interplanetary, galactic and intergalactic. As a spiritual student, one knows better than to cling to the outer aspect of Mohanji and he reminds everyone at all times about this. This constant reminder precludes the possibility of frantic worship of the personality that most humans are prone to. 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd October 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Guru Poornima mantra chanting


By Nirupma Chowdhary, India

Today (on Guru Purnima), I had a profound experience during our Google Meet get together which was arranged to chant the new mantra that Mohanji had given us during the Guru Poornima week. We were to chant this mantra with all the new initiates.

Yesterday, I received a message from Aditya, our country head. He asked me if I could chant this new mantra live, exclusively for the new initiates for an hour. Then he messaged saying it had to be done on Google Meet. I informed him that I didn’t have the app and could do it only on my phone. There was no reply or message from him yesterday.

This morning I got up and listened to Mohanji’s Guru Poornima message and was trying to finish my daily chores before the eclipse started. The first thing on my mind was to chant this powerful and beautiful mantra 108 times. I lit the lamp and did the chanting. It was around 8:55 am when my phone rang and it was Aditya calling.

He said, “Nirupmaji, start chanting the new mantra at 9 am on Google Meet.” I was shocked and not prepared. I told him that I didn’t have Google Meet. He was as cool as ever and asked me to download it immediately. Believe me, I just had a few minutes to set the altar, change clothes, and start the session.

With Mohanji’s grace, we managed to start at 9:05 am. The chanting began, and to my surprise, it was not my voice that I could hear. Slowly the momentum began. I felt a few souls near me playing string instruments. They were all dressed in white, translucent clothes.

As we were chanting, Mohanji came and sat on a decorated wooden stool with his feet resting on a brass plate. Many people came and started doing abhishekam (ritual bathing) with milk, curd, honey and water. Then he got up, went to change and came back and sat on a chair. Everyone applied tilak (mark on the forehead), placed garlands  on his neck and tied sacred threads on his wrist. And to my amazement, now I was chanting each chant in a different voice corresponding to the person offering prayers to Mohanji.

My spine started burning slowly and heat reached my crown chakra. I felt that I would faint. Suddenly, I felt Mohanji’s hand on my head and it took away all the heat. Feeling blissful at that moment, I continued chanting for an hour. The mantra is very powerful and it took me to a different realm altogether in the presence of my Guru, where I chanted all through his abhishekam and puja.

Do request for this mantra (by writing an email to acharyas@mohanji.org) and experience the bliss it brings.



By Raghvendra Pandey, India

I have had several experiences of Sai Baba from late 2018, after Dussehra. By Baba’s grace, I started overcoming a long battle with depression and was even blessed with a baby boy in December 2019. I started to watch a lot of Mohanji’s videos on YouTube and became curious to understand more about life and its purpose. I began to watch more and more of these videos.

I also started to chat with Mohanji Acharyas on Facebook about my depression. I recently had my first Mai-Tri session and got to know about the Power of Purity meditation as well. I recently had a dream where I could hear a voice saying something about Jnaneshwar and Lord Shiva. It was a long discussion in the dream, but in the morning I remembered only Jnaneshwar and Lord Shiva (these 2 names). Soon I forgot about it, but yesterday I saw a video on YouTube where Gautamji was talking about Jnaneshwar and Guru Poornima.

Sathya Sai
Sathya Sai Baba

Then I realised that I should join the group which was learning the new mantra. While chanting the new mantra, I saw Mohanji throwing ashes and also Sathya Sai Baba. I just finished another session of chanting this new mantra, and my heart is filled with love and gratitude.




Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th July 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team


A shelter in Arunachala

By Pravin Thakkar, UK

I would like to share this story of gratitude to Mohanji. This is very special for me too, as this event was possible only with Mohanji’s grace, and his help is for the karmic benefit of me and my family.

Let me tell you the story.

In 2018 August, Mohanji visited us in London. At that time, my wife and I had a deep desire to visit the Arunachala temple with Mohanji. We expressed this desire to Mohanji. He guided me to talk to the team who plan Mohanji’s programmes. After some discussion, I found out that there was no visit possible in the near future.

In October 2018, we were attending the pilgrimage to Badrinath with Mohanji. There were heavy rains and flooding in different parts of India. Some of Mohanji’s programmes were cancelled due to this and the team was able to plan a pilgrimage to Arunachala with Mohanji at short notice.

mohanji with dog

We were still in India at that time. When we heard this visit being planned, I realised that it was Mohanji’s divine plan, he was fulfilling our wish to visit Arunachala with him! This was a clear indication that when a wish comes from heart, Guru always fulfils it. We were so grateful to Mohanjifor fulfilling our wish and we were soon in Arunachala with Mohanji.

What happened in Arunachala was something that is beyond just fulfilling a simple desire!

While we were in Arunachala, I noticed a few old sadhus, very sick and looking really like beggars. I wanted to help them but due to certain restrictions, I wasn’t allowed to do so. I was so sad in my heart. I couldn’t sleep the whole night thinking about those sadhus. The next morning, I conveyed my wish to Mohanji about how we could help such old, sick, and helpless sadhus.

Mohanji is so compassionate. He immediately arranged a visit to a small place where we saw someone had created a temporary shelter for about 70 sadhus who were very old, sick, and helpless. Mohanji immediately advised the Ammucare team to start regular health check-up, and food and medicine donations to this shelter. While we were at that place, Mohanji told me that this was a temporary place and due to some issues, this shelter was to be closed soon and the sadhus would be on the road!

Hearing that, my heart cried. I felt an inner calling to do something permanent for these sadhus. I expressed my intention to Mohanji immediately. Once again, Mohanji responded quickly. He advised the Mohanji Foundation CEO to look into this matter to see if some land could be acquired and a shelter built.

I was in a dream, I thought. Within months, everything was falling into place. The land was found, donations were collected. Of course, nothing happens without hurdles. Those hurdles were just tests for us to check our conviction and the depth of our intention.

So in the end, in October 2019, exactly a year later, the land in Arunachala was purchased and inaugurated by Mohanji. It was clearly a divine blessing as without any prior planning, we had two eminent Masters also attending this function!

In all these events, I was only a small instrument. My wish to serve the sadhus must be a desire from past lives, and Mohanji made sure all that was fulfilled! With this, I know that a huge karma of mine and maybe even that of my lineage has been completed!

I am so thankful to my Guru Mohanji to have fulfilled my desires and for helping me to accomplish my karmic agenda in such a compassionate way – from that first visit to Arunachala to the land acquisition for the home for seniors! May this place give peace, love, and shelter to the sadhus of Arunachala.

Thank you Mohanji from the depth of my heart, thank you.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 14th May 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Peru with Mohanji – a healing journey

By Livia

This is a personal story. Being an introvert, I wasn’t planning to write about it for a broad public, but I feel there is a reason for sharing which is beyond our preferences. May it reach those who were meant to read it.

For about ten years, I have been suffering from a lung condition, which is so rare that the medical profession doesn’t have any expertise on it and therefore there is no appropriate treatment. My lung would collapse all of a sudden. In the beginning, it was every three to four months, later on, once per month or even more often. On most of the occasions, the collapse was partial, followed by a sharp pain in the upper chest area and shortness of breath. The pain would subside after some time, but the shortness of breath would last for days; and depending on the severity of the episode, sometimes for weeks.

The years 2014-2018 were really hard for me. I was physically quite weak but was doing my best to keep up with my daily schedule and house chores. Many people from my surroundings, who are not very close to me, hadn’t noticed much, but I was exhausted all the time. When I finish my obligations, I would withdraw to recharge because my energy was very low. Also since 2014, I wasn’t able to travel by plane because of this condition. The pressure change in the cabin during a flight could worsen my health. Living in Western Europe with parents and family in the Balkan region, it was quite a challenge to travel. Needless to say, it was exhausting me on different levels, the physical, but also the anticipation and fears connected to it (“what if it happens…,” “will this ever come to an end,” “would I be able to heal,” and “what if it gets even more severe?”).

Being a holistic therapist myself, I tried many modalities and nothing really gave tangible results.

When I met Mohanji in 2017 in Hvar (Croatia), where I traveled for three long days by train, bus and ferry and, probably from the exhausting journey, by the end of it, I got another episode of a collapsed lung. I was weak and worried. Mohanji told me that the condition was to do with one of my previous lives and advised me to have a Mai-Tri session with Devi. During the session, Devi saw me in a war-like scene, being physically abused by men in uniform and an iron claw-kind of a weapon being forced into my chest. She didn’t know anything about my problem at that point in time. The resemblance of this picture with the sharp pain in my chest I was feeling at the beginning of every episode was stunning.

My second retreat with Mohanji was at the Bosnian Pyramids in 2018. I came by airplane! It was my first flight after four years. I was already feeling Mohanji’s protection and although my health was still not good with many collapses, pain, and weakness, I felt it’ll be ok to fly. And it was.

Every time I met Mohanji, receiving his blessings, cleansing, and with my practices and connection to his energy, my condition started improving gradually. I also started sessions with a healer who told me that my problem was of a karmic nature and therefore the modalities that are not addressing that deep level cannot have much impact. The collapses were gradually getting less frequent with more time to recuperate in between.

At the end of 2018, I saw the announcement of the Peru trip with Mohanji scheduled for April 2019. My first thoughts were: how great this journey must be, such beautiful nature, how magnificent it all looked in the photos and how precious the experiences were of the participants who went there the year before. The energy of the female principle, Shakti, the nurturing, soothing, beautiful energy of Pacha mama and the impact that it had on the people was heartwarming. But my rational mind reminded me of my condition, the flight of 14 hours and the altitude of the places where the pilgrimage was taking place. Yes, it looked great, but it wasn’t for me. I dismissed the whole idea, maybe some other time. I just whispered to myself: if I have to go, I will get a sign, but I had no expectations as it really looked impossible.

One morning at the beginning of March just before waking up, I had such a clear dream of Mohanji. He was sitting at a big table together with many other people and I was sitting next to him. I had one question on my mind, regarding that trip to Peru, but I wasn’t able to utter the question, although I wanted to ask. So he reached out to me, by telepathically asking me what the problem was with that trip…”Is it about the money?” “No,” I answered, “It is about my condition…” then he said, “It’ll be taken care of.” I further said something like, “I was expecting a sign.” He said, “Well if this is not good enough…” I woke up in amazement, in complete awe! “This is extraordinary! I have never had a dream so clear before! I told my husband, and he acknowledged my thoughts and supported my intention to go. The same morning I wrote to the organization of the trip to ask if it was still possible to apply since it was only one month to the beginning of the program. And of course, it was!

This was quite a long introduction, but necessary to explain how this Peru trip happened for me in the first place. The preparations for the trip were made in a very short time. I would lie if I said that I wasn’t anxious or that my mind didn’t doubt the whole ‘invitation’ dream. But I was committed to go and really happy that I was going, despite all odds. Just before the trip, I googled a couple of names of the other participants and amongst them all, I remembered a lady, Thea, a Mai-Tri practitioner from the US who looked very light and seemed to have fine energy. I thought to myself how nice it would be if I could have a chance to talk to that lady… and sure enough a couple of days later, although the original schedule was different, Thea was sitting in the same mini-bus (transfer to the hotel) at the airport in Cusco together with one other lady from the US! So, the three of us traveled together, had a beautiful exchange of life stories and great fun. What a perfect beginning to the journey! I already felt that soothing, feminine energy that I was so looking forward to.

Over the next few days, when we were traveling from the hotel to the places of interest, I was again sitting next to Thea on the bus. As she already knew about my health concerns, she offered to do a Mai-Tri session for me, right there on the bus! I was really pleased with her offer and thankfully accepted it. She did a couple of sessions on different bus trips. She would invoke Mohanji’s presence and his energy was palpable to her. It was very special and a little surreal because Mohanji in his physical body was sitting in the front line of the same bus!!

Although I feel weak and exhausted at home, I felt very energetic during the whole Peru pilgrimage. I felt a lot of soothing energies, lots of love from the group members and people surrounding us. I climbed to the Sun Gate of Machu Picchu, walked and chatted with people, in some places at the altitude of almost 4000m without any physical issues! It was completely unbelievable from the perspective of a rational mind!

On the last day on a bus to an Inka site, I sat next to Mohanji. That was my first chance on this trip to talk to Mohanji about my personal issues. We talked about ways of protection from negative energies, expressing positivity, non-doership and some personal issues that I brought up. He gave me some practical advice and then said, “You are much more liberated now than when you came here!” I looked at him a bit puzzled. He said, “Your lung, how is it now?” Then it occurred to me that I was breathing with full lung capacity with no pain! I really felt liberated at being able to freely move, walk, and climb mountain trails without any pain, shortage of breath or tiredness. How smoothly it was all going for me and how different it was compared to my state of health I was experiencing at home. Mohanji was tirelessly working on me and the result was really liberating! I was immensely happy, but I was also wondering if I was going to be able to keep this state and stay liberated from the pain and suffering after I return home and resume my ‘normal life.’

Now we are almost eight months later in linear time and I still feel and cherish the gift I’ve got from Mohanji on the Peru trip. I still feel quite well physically and much more at peace mentally. Although I am a worrying type of person, I haven’t been anxious or thinking much of the possibility that the condition might reoccur. I am much more at peace with my health. The condition is still not completely gone, but the episodes occur less frequently and they are far milder than they used to be. I have started traveling by plane again on a regular basis!

I feel deep gratitude to Mohanji for healing me on many levels. I feel that the healing started as soon as I connected with him for the first time and culminated during the Peru trip last spring. But of course, the journey doesn’t end there. I’m still ‘rowing my boat’ and the weather changes. After this experience of healing that is so real and unquestionable to me, and after practically experiencing what Mohanji meant by “It’ll be taken care of,” deep in my being, I now feel that I can relax and have faith.

Thank you Mohanji, for this wonderful experience! Thank you for your work and availability to every being who asks or connects to you in any way! Thank you for your teachings, they make my journey smoother and my life much more meaningful!

With deep gratitude.


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 2nd January 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

About mistakes, misunderstandings, and the Masters


by Annette Durga Human-Adamson


I am no writer, but some things need to be said, so I pray that I can do justice to these important issues. This blog is about the spiritual giants who have, and are still walking among us.

For starters, there are 5 things that I know, without a doubt, about authentic spiritual Masters:

  1. Their love is unconditional.
  2. Their message is the same across the board.
  3. They all work together for our benefit, whether they are still with us, or whether they have left their physical forms.
  4. They each have a unique and different flavor, and their practices differ, but their goal is always to liberate us and rid us of our illusions.
  5. We have no idea of how they operate in the subtle dimensions, the unseen world – we shouldn’t even try to understand their workings.

Once there is a ‘soul readiness’ in a person, a Master will cross his/her path, no doubt. This is the greatest blessing we can receive, and we need to realize this fully and have the necessary reverence and gratitude for this boon.

Very often, a Master appears when life has almost defeated us, when we are at the lowest point in our lives, when we are sufficiently disillusioned with the world and its toys – its empty seductions and its impermanence. At such times, we are stripped of most of our pretenses. This is also the time where the channels are open for a Master to reach our innermost recesses, and to do their work within our beings.

All of the above sounds so wonderful and it is, but alas, our ingrained weaknesses, fears and prejudices can ruin the incredible blessing of meeting an enlightened being and receiving the benefits of such a connection.

In 1992, absolutely every aspect of my life was in a state of complete collapse and desperation. In the search for affordable healing for my body, I met my spiritual Master, Mataji Narayani. There is so much detail about her and about my time with her, which is a beautiful story, but the purpose of this writing is not so much about that. What I will say on that, in short, is that she invited my son Hein and me to live in her ashram. She opened her arms, took us in, loved and protected us as only the Holy Mother can do.

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Mataji Narayani

It’s noteworthy to mention here, that my entire family was horrified. It was not a traditional religious path and they were convinced that I was on a slippery road to hell. Mataji lovingly wrote a letter to each family member, explaining (on their level), what I was doing there, assuring them that I was safe. I frankly didn’t give a damn about their opinion. My attitude about that is important, which will become clear later in the blog. Let me just say that Mataji Narayani saved my life and that of my wonderful son Hein.

About my son Hein; this world was not for him. It didn’t welcome him as it does the high performing conformists. During a conversation with him in 2011, he expressed desperation regarding living life on this earth. A mother knows her child, and I knew that underneath this confused exterior, lay a pot of gold, but it was hidden and static. I knew without a doubt that I couldn’t help him any more than I have, and I didn’t know how to further help him. Once again, the universe conspired to rescue us.

One day, on social media, a friend suggested that I contact a man called Mohanji, and talk to him about my Hein. Long story short, Hein went to meet Mohanji who was living in Oman at the time. It was déjà vu – here was my son, at a desperate time, meeting his spiritual Master, just as I did in 1992!


My joy was overwhelming because I knew from personal experience that Hein would be okay. There was also the added gift for Hein, of having a father that he didn’t have growing up. But alas, I fell into an erroneous trap – the trap of prejudice, of comparison and above all, of lending out my ears. At this time, Hein was in India, which was fine with me. He wanted to be close to Mohanji. At the same time, some of Mohanji’s devotees had decided to leave Mohanji’s fold. I started receiving information from many parts of the world, that Mohanji was treating my son with great disrespect and harshness. Well, that is a mother’s soft-spot, and I was horrified and exceedingly angry (just as my family was when I met Mataji – painfully ironic, that)!

I also fell into the trap of comparing my Master with Hein’s Master. Their styles and paths were so different. Mataji was the Divine Feminine, all softness and nurturing. Exactly what I needed. In contrast (superficially), Mohanji is the Divine Masculine, all fire, and brimstone. Exactly what Hein needed! But I didn’t want to see that! (Here, please refer to point no. 4 at the start of the blog), to fully realize my folly.


While I was dancing in and with my prejudices and misunderstandings, Mohanji was quietly honing the underlying gold in my son. Every year, Hein would visit South Africa to renew his passport to work in India, and every year, I could see more and more of the divinity coming to the fore. His quiet love, his wonderful wisdom, and above all, his absolute surrender to his Master, Mohanji. It would surely be an understatement to say that I’m so grateful to Mohanji and I am so sorry that I let my doubts get the better of me. To witness the transformation of my son, completely wipes out all the doubts I harboured regarding Mohanji.

We are all free to stay with, or leave a Master, to accept or reject a certain path, but let us do it respectfully. Above all, let’s keep our doubts and judgements to ourselves. The adage, ‘what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander,’ does not apply here. Let us allow everyone to follow their own hearts without our interference! This is an admonition to myself more than anything else!

purpose of liberation

We need to tread lightly and carefully on this subtle and mysterious journey to liberation. As stated before, we know so little of how these enlightened beings operate.

Finally, to Mohanji’s devotees and all others who have found their spiritual teacher, power on in faith and surrender, and let no-one shake your conviction.

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Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 2nd December 2019


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

The Guru who liberates!

Mohanji on liberation

By Devadas, Palakkad, Kerala


Lord Shiva has said to Devi Parvati in Guru Gita (Shloka # 169),

Maata dhanyaa pitaa dhanyo, dhanyo vamsah kulam tathaa,
Dhanyaa ca Vasudhaa Devi, Gurubhaktih sudurlabhaa.

which means,

Blessed is the mother (of a devoted disciple), blessed is the father, and blessed is the family and ancestry. O Goddess, (such) devotion to Guru is very rare.

When we connect to the Guru, not just we but our families, our lineage, forefathers and even future generations also come under the protection of the Guru.

I recently experienced this eternal truth through a bitter situation in my life. This is a very personal matter and in a normal scenario, I wouldn’t have openly discussed it. However, when I realised how my Guru Mohanji’s protection has worked, I felt it’s no longer a personal matter to keep it to myself. I felt I must share with the world how powerful the connection with our Master can be.

My only brother, in his mid-50s, recently took a drastic action of committing suicide leaving his young family behind. In our entire family or even known relatives, we have never had such an incident. We belong to a religious and ritualistic Hindu Brahmin family and are aware of how a soul goes through immense pain and stays bound when a person commits suicide. In the last many years, our whole family has been going through immense pain and incidents of drastic nature have been happening. Every such incident seems to bring our whole lineage down.

Although a ritualistic Hindu by birth, after marriage my brother converted to a different religion. Going through many ups and down in his life, something made him take such a drastic step. With this incident, I was really worried about the pain that his soul would go through. I cried out to my Guru Mohanji.

Anytime, during any trouble, my heart first cries out to Mohanji. He has been protecting not only me but my entire family too. During this particular time, Guru Mohanji was not in India.


In this condition, Anitha, my wife’s sister who is also a Mai-Tri practitioner, offered to give me a Mai-Tri session. The Mai-Tri session was immensely powerful. It was as if Mohanji Himself came and gave me a message.

Anitha had a clear vision of Mohanji and Kailash during the session and saw very vividly how Mohanji was protecting me. She also received a message that I must speak to Devi Amma.

After the Mai-Tri session, when she conveyed this to me, I was speechless. I understood that this was a direct command from Mohanji. I must tell you that Mohanji loves and respects Devi Amma a lot. Devi Amma considers Mohanji as her spiritual brother.

Hence without further delay, I called up Devi Amma in Bangalore and narrated my brother’s incident to her. Devi Amma assured me that she will ask ‘Appa’ (Rishi Agastya) and let me know. A couple of days later, Devi Amma conveyed an important message. This message left me awestruck. She conveyed that Rishi Agastya sent her a clear message that my brother’s soul has crossed over to the other side very smoothly. He had conveyed that this was only possible because of a connection to a higher Master.

Devi Amma explained to me then in simple terms that my connection with Mohanji has ensured the grace and protection of the Guru for my family and relatives, including my brother. This is why even though the soul had left through a drastic step such as suicide, instead of wandering and suffering, my Guru had enabled the soul to cross the boundaries and set it free from its bindings.

Mohanji connection

These words may seem unbelievable, but I had no doubt about this truth as these were authenticated by a living Master like Devi Amma! She revealed this truth about the power of this wonderful connection to my Guru and how this connection can pull the whole lineage out of any ditch!

Then I was reminded of another important incident. This was regarding my father. Though he was a born Hindu Brahmin, he was an atheist and he did not understand the Guru Tatwa (Guru Principle). My father sold the land which had a century old “Naga temple” to a non-Hindu person who demolished it. I was worried about this mishap and the repercussions this incident could bring to our whole family. I had not met Mohanji at that time. Maybe it was the Guru Mandala’s grace that was working; I was inspired to build a Naga temple in one of my lands. This was my way of penance for the mistake that my father did. Those were the days that my wife and I were desperately praying for Lord Krishna to come to our family as a child! Well, Krishna didn’t come as a child, but he came in the form of “Mohanji.” My Guru appeared in my life. After Mohanji accepted me and blessed me, He also blessed my whole family and lineage.

It was very evident that during the last breath of my father, Mohanji had ensured a very smooth, literally pain-free exit for him. Even though my father was not a follower of Mohanji and was unaware of the protection that he was receiving from my Guru, he had a very smooth exit.

My brother’s case was yet another proof of the Master’s protection for the entire family and lineage. Not only this. When Mohanji returned to India, one day at His Bangalore home, during a discussion with other devotees on this incident, He said,

“I am looking after Devadas very dearly. He and his family have been suffering for lifetimes. This lifetime, I will ensure that suffering is not repeated anymore. He and the entire lineage are being taken care of.”

My friend and Mohanji Acharya Kishore conveyed this message to me. I had no words to express my gratitude to my Guru Mohanji. My tears knew no boundaries. I am so thankful to the Tradition for allowing me to meet my eternal Master Mohanji in this lifetime and guiding me towards liberation.

Thank you Mohanji. Koti koti pranaams at your feet.

With my heart full of devotion, I offer the following poem at my Guru’s feet.

Guru Mohana nayanam sharanam
Guru Mohana Vadanam sharanam
Guru Mohana Charanam sharanam
Bhava saagara taranam. ||1||

Guru Mohana hasitam sharanam
Guru Mohana vachanam sharanam
Guru Mohana vasanam sharanam
Bhava saagara taranam. ||2||

Guru Mohana rupam sharanam
Guru Mohana mantram sharanam
Guru Mohana mananam sharanam
Bhava saagara taranam. ||3||

Guru Mohana dhyanam sharanam
Guru Mohana bodham sharanam
Guru Mohana darshan sukrutat
Mama pooritha layanam
Parapooritha layanam ||4||

Here is a link to the beautiful way our dear Mohanji Acharya Sathya converted this poem into a beautiful song.


Read other articles on Mohanji Chronicles!


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd July 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Serving a Living Master

By Barbara Dizderavic, Serbia

After a recent conversation with a close Mohanji family member very near and dear to me, I felt it is important to share some important points which I have observed from living with Mohanji, which would be good to understand and would enable us to clarify to people further if required.

The Mohanji world consists of people from many different countries, cultures, religions. The teachings are universal, they are a lifestyle, and not mere concepts or religion.

The expressions of people from one culture may seem awkward to people from another culture.

For example, touching the feet of the Master. People touch the feet out of love, surrender, or maybe even misery because the feet of the Guru represents the Universe. This is very common for people in India, but outside India, it may seem unusual.

First point: Mohanji NEVER asks anybody to bow down at His feet. He has NO ego to be fed. He gets nothing from it. He will allow the expression of the person who wishes to bow down, just like He allows all expressions of people, He does not restrict anything.

He will also not tell anybody NOT to bow down if they wish to do so.

He teaches us to be 100% NATURAL, the most beautiful of teachings. BE YOU, be natural. And if He does tell us to do something, it is for OUR COMPLETION, not for His satisfaction. He provides the possibilities and platforms for OUR completion and OUR satisfaction.

He prefers to say He is a FRIEND to the world. He doesn’t present himself as different.

Everything else is the creation of people who put their experiences into words, write songs or aarti, or invite Him on stage and put flowers on the feet etc. If it was up to Him, He really wouldn’t care whether He is sitting in a golden chair or on the floor. In fact, if it was up to Him, He would be sitting in silence somewhere in the Himalayas.

Every night He withdraws into His room, He goes into His natural state which is SILENCE, not thinking about people, relationships, situations, sex, money.  Pure silence.

Second point: Sometimes people judge Mohanji based on the people connected to Him. Society expects people who have chosen the path of spirituality to be perfect. Until and unless these people have totally aligned their body, mind, ego, intellect and spirit, they are still individuals with a mind, character, temper, thoughts, ups and downs of emotions!

It would be delusional to judge or to draw conclusions about the path or about Mohanji based on the people around Him.


Last point: Mohanji gives us FULL FREEDOM to choose our path. He will never tell somebody they must be with Him. To those who choose a different path He says one thing – if you choose to leave or choose another path, BE LIGHT, go higher, SHINE BRIGHTER, don’t fall in frequency, and definitely don’t speak badly about Masters or people because that is negative. He is happy to see people shine!

If anybody feels they are doing Him a favour by being on this path, it’s best they clarify that point in their mind. He has given us a platform to serve, to clear our garbage, to develop what we need and drop off what we don’t, to grow. For that purpose, He will invite people to join the mission, but please understand it is for YOU (the person), not for HIM. He as a person needs nothing from you, or me, or anybody else.

He would also say to me “if this is difficult for you, feel free to go”.

I have absolute clarity why I’m here, so, despite the tough times, I remain here. This path may not be easy to understand, especially when tough situations happen. It is especially not easy to understand HIM because He is alive, sitting in front of us and talking. Do you think it was all nice and easy for the people living with Shirdi Sai Baba or Jesus? I doubt…


The escalation from Selfishness to selflessness

The above is the title I would give to what I wish to share based on a spontaneous conversation I had with Mohanji recently. This conversation perfectly describes what it means to be 100% selfless.

To start with, my question to Mohanji was – What does it take to have the ability to sleep less (about 2-3 hours a night), work more, and not feel tired?

My friend and I were pleasantly surprised to see that a spontaneous satsang was arising.

As Mohanji explained:

“Dream state comes from residual memory (like cache memory). We have a memory from this lifetime as well as previous ones. We store memories each day.

We cannot live through all the residual memories in the waking state, so some of them arise in the dream state. Every night when we go to sleep, we are removing things, but then we wake up and keep adding more garbage. This process is mechanical.

Figuratively, we are like a vessel filled with memories and habits. These memories are not essential, it’s only habitual. We live repetitive lives because we feel comfortable that way.

As long as this vessel is full, or even partially full, we are not aligned. Being aligned means the mind, ego, intellect and spirit are one unit (not scattered in the past, present, future).

Through meditation, various spiritual practices, kindness, love etc, we keep emptying the vessel.  But to completely reduce the size of this vessel, this is not sufficient.

There is only one remedy: SELFLESSNESS. Absolute selflessness. We should have only one thought: What ELSE can I do for the world?

When you keep giving, without expecting anything in return, your storage box is automatically reduced. As long as we are occupied with the ego, mind, analysis, judgements, prejudice, likes/dislikes, our vessel is not empty. So drop all that.

Practising selflessness consistently assists emptying the vessel.

Perfect selflessness means you do absolutely nothing for yourself. Zero selfishness.

Surrender to the path of selflessness, where you do what you have to do, not what you love to do.”

For this reason, Mohanji has provided numerous platforms for us to express our selflessness – Mohanji Foundation activities worldwide, ACT Foundation, Ammucare Charitable Trust, Youth Club, Global Vegan Club, and many more.

If we decide to express the limitations of these platforms by criticising or gossiping, instead of taking the effort to improve and nurture the platform, it will mean nothing to Mohanji. It just means we don’t know how to use the platform.

What we need to understand is: The opportunity has been given to us (for various reasons such as positive spiritual bank balance from previous lives, great support from our lineage). We must have been eligible to reach here. But if WE don’t use it, somebody else will.

I would like to quote Mohanji on a spontaneous but absolutely transformational expression, which can be repeated on a daily basis, as a reminder and self-inspiration:

“I am not the anger, hatred, jealousy.

I am not the mind, body, intellect, ego.

I am beyond all this.

I am here to do more for the world!”



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 2nd July 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – “Choosing faith over fear”

quote on faith

We introduce Chapter 9 of Mohanji Satcharita with this beautiful narration by Priti Rupee! Fear can be overwhelming unless we accept it and surrender it to our Guru with faith. Priti shares how she overcame this deep seated fear through sheer faith that gave her the confidence to forge ahead!

Choosing faith over fear

By Priti Rupee Bhardwaj, London

Two days ago, I had the opportunity to perform my first HSTY Yoga class which at first turned out to be a daunting task for me to perform. Both Shene and Subhasree were unavailable and I was the only other HSTY trained person available to step in. (It was Mohanji’s leela to get me out of my tamasic/non confident state). Mohanji knows what we are capable of, but our mind takes us away from it, adding in all our past fears, impressions and future notions.

About a week ago, just when  we were about to leave for the ‘Mohanji’s consciousness programme at Slough Temple by acharya Subhasree’, I fell over a pothole.

Yoga at SLough_12May

The first thought in my head lying there on the ground was of a previous fall, which caused fractures in two places in my foot, about  4 years back during a house move. Coupled with a back issue, for whatever reason, it took a long time to heal. Being on my own, this prevented me from planning a major house move, a pivotal time in my life where I wanted to move forward in my journey. But my past fears, apprehensions, impressions and projections had caught up with me!

Mohanji quote - destiny

Sitting upright from the fall outside Subhasree’s house, with pain going through my foot in the same place as 4 years ago, my head was bombarded by hundreds of thoughts about the past present and future, all not looking very good as I was also planning another trip to India.  However, I took a couple of deep breaths and connected with Mohanji’s Consciousness in my head, and sincerely prayed and surrendered this all to Him – “Please Mohanji, do what is karmically possible for my journey forward, I surrender to my highest good.” Subhasree immediately placed her hand on my foot without even being asked and did Mai-Tri Method of healing.

With Mohanji’s grace and blessings, I was aided up. I brushed myself up and in my head was ready for the Slough temple Mohanji event. I was volunteering to take the photographs during the event as Subhasree was conducting the programmes of Yoga, Meditation and Conscious Dancing.

As I took photos hobbling around the room for nearly three hours, the foot started to hurt more and more and before I knew it, the foot was swelling up! After the Slough event, I sat quietly during dinner at Subhasree’s home, listening to the satsang going on between some devotees, with a hot water bottle on my foot for the soreness, but I could feel things were not right. My foot  was swelling up. we decided to visit to the hospital (at this time of the night, it could be only the Accident & Emergency hospital) and check for any fracture. However, before leaving for the hospital, I requested Subhasree to do Mai-Tri healing on my foot and she did.

I was then taken to my local Accident and Emergency hospital by Sivayinee, who patiently drove me 33 miles and sat for six hours with me. M family, the true family!  She took me around in a wheel chair for two sets of X-rays and waited for the doctor’s consultancy only to find out at 2am there was nothing amiss, it was just a sprained foot . Oh my gosh, what joy! There was nothing amiss! My mind rested for a while, but during the six hours of waiting, the mind was taking me to some painful places which I thought I had resolved, but it was taking me there again and again. What I needed to do was to go deeper within and surrender all without expectations of results, resolving in my heart that whatever happens, Mohanji will carry me.

The difference between blind faith and full faith – a video of Mohanji’s talk!

Milica, a Mai-Tri practitioner in South Africa, later told me that Mohanji had smoothed away a karmic fall from a past impression, making it take place before my coming trip to India. I couldn’t believe it!

As I sat to contemplate about the whole situation, my fear, rebounce of painful memories, I realised one thing very clearly. All along, from the time of the fall till I got the final result from the hospital, Mohanji was with me. He was with me when I received the Mai Tri healing from Subhasree immediately after the fall, He was me when I was hovering around with my sore foot to click the pictures during the programme, He was with me when I was in the satsang later at Subhasree’s house watching my swollen foot, He was with me during my 6 hours waiting at the hospital! Whatever fear that was propping up, Mohanji put them to rest.

Finally, a week later, after few days of rest and few doses of pain killers, I was up and running on my feet and was able to do the scheduled HSTY Yoga session, as planned. This was the final proof to myself, how Mohanji was looking after me!

Mohanji’s unconditional love and protection has again helped me move forward, taking the edge out of my karma, enabling me to witness His pure heart and showing me what faith and surrendering is.

Mohanji quote

Today, I feel that ‘I’ had nothing to do with the yoga teaching. The mind tells me I could have done a lot better, but hey, the mind will always chatter on. Mohanji was carrying me all this time, even during my fractured foot days. My learning curve was to let go COMPLETELY and FLOW like the river whatever comes or goes. It’s all good, nothing is ever ‘bad,’ it is just a part of my journey to my deeper ‘Self.’

As Mohanji says, “Faith is important. I have faith…. This statement is not important. Faith should be practiced at every point in life, with surrender. E.g. this is a situation, this is me and my intelligence, and I have done 100% from my side…. Rest, leave it to the Masters, whichever Master(s) you believe in. Surrender at His feet and never look back. It will work. Or it will be like planting a seed and digging it out all the time to check whether it has sprouted.”




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd June 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team