Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 17 & 18

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 17 Lesson – Intense expressions (which some see as scolding or anger)

Good morning, everybody. 

Today, I wanted to talk about the intense expressions of Mohanji, which some people might consider to be scolding, as people close to Mohanji will have known and would have felt. And this came to mind today, and I thought to share my learnings from this, as some people might confuse these moments with anger. Mohanji has said, and other people have said it, it can be difficult to be with the master because there is unpredictability there. 

In one discussion with Mohanji and others at the house, we spoke about other masters who have wilder methods with their disciples. Some of them scold, some abuse and some have even been known to beat their disciples. And, on the face of it, this can seem extreme or confuse people. 

But what I’ve learned from reading, even from before meeting Mohanji, is that masters are always purpose-bound. Their job is to elevate people, so it’s never anger as such or scolding that comes from them. And masters, especially those within the Dattatreya tradition, have no boundaries. So they use many methods to get the job done. 

For example, I don’t know if this master was from the Dattatreya tradition, but someone told me about a Master in the Himalayas who would actually throw rocks at people. And I think, so don’t quote me on this, that people would actually come to see him, and getting hit by one of these rocks was a blessing because it would take something away from them. 

Mohanji also spoke about Gorkhe Guruji, who is a very famous Master with a ferocious reputation. Some of his disciples are really high flying serious businessmen in India, like the owners of massive corporations. And he abuses them completely when they go to see him, calls them crooks, cheats, everything. And they still go. But in that, he’s taking something from them. And Mohanji met him as well. And to the surprise of his disciples, he was completely honoured by Gorkhe Guruji because they thought he would receive the same treatment of being abused. But he was even asked to sit on his chair, which is a huge honour. I’ll talk about that in another recording. 

But coming back to the point, when I hear stories like that, I’m thankful to be with Mohanji because he is incredibly kind, very patient, and caring. But there have definitely been times when I’ve been on the receiving end of a blast, as you can call it. It is incredibly uncomfortable, even gut-wrenching, very intense, and it’s like a visceral feeling that touches right to the core. It’s like recognition and nervousness in the stomach that something hasn’t been done quite well. 

But what I’ve learned from these situations is that there’s always a purpose. And it’s not anger; it’s not scolding; it’s actually an intense expression. It’s an intensity of expression. And these expressions remove blockages. It might be that some negativity has developed, and depending on the size of the blockage, the level of intensity of the expression will rise accordingly. For example, if you had to move a boulder, you’d be using much more force than if you had to pick up and move a stone. So, it’s completely situation dependent. And also, once it’s happened, once something’s gone like a blast, or once this intensive expression is finished, there’s nothing further, there’s no lingering, there’s no coming back to it – it’s been, it’s gone, it’s done. 

I’ve been with Mohanji now for quite a few months. And there’ve been a few times that I’ve experienced the range of this intense expression. And I know it’s always for a reason. And afterwards, I feel that something is transformed, something has been moved. And that’s a very big difference between someone being angry or someone scolding because that leaves a residue. 

I think when someone scolds or they’re angry, it generally doesn’t leave a good feeling for the person on the receiving end or for the person doing it. So, you can sort of bucket these into two categories. One is when expectations are denied, which creates anger, and this is actually a weakness. And anger is always a weakness because it contaminates the person who’s angry. It stays with us; it disturbs our inside world, our system and leaves a residue. And then, there could be regrets and guilt, which can even affect self-esteem. Then the other, milder, category is when a mother out of care and consideration for a child might scold the child. So she displays anger and has a good intention, but this also can leave an impression. 

I’ve observed and noticed that, when this situation comes, Mohanji’s reaction reflects my inner state. Depending on how I am, you can gauge the interaction; it’s almost like a good barometer. It’s a reflection back; it’s a mirror. So if I’m open, peaceful, and come with more awareness of the situation, then intensity is much less. Then it’s more of a conversation, a discussion of points for improvement or minor corrections. 

But if, for some reason, I come to him with a defence, negativity, or even with ego or pride, then that’s a different story. And especially ego and pride, they definitely take a hit. Because in this situation here, the ego doesn’t really have a place. You know, we’re practising selflessness, humility. And so, to be egoistic and have a lot of pride, I don’t think it would be possible. And this is part of the daily practice of living with humility. As Mohanji says, “Man minus ego is equal to God.” So that’s the journey. 

What I think and what I’ve learned is that these moments of intense expression are beneficial, actually, as a warning, as a guide, that I am maybe moving off track. And depending on how far you’re about to go off track or move in a certain direction, the intensity of that expression will rise to put you back on track. So, this intense expression is a guide, a help, and a prompt to come back to the right track and keep walking. 

Today’s lesson was about the intense expressions of Mohanji and other masters, who do that for a purpose and not out of anger. I hope you have a great day ahead, and speak to you very soon.

Day 18 Lesson – Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress. Act, learn from mistakes and grow. 

Good morning, everybody. 

Today, I share a lesson that continues on the general theme of ‘action first’ and moving activities forward. And it’s about making mistakes, learning and moving on. 

Mohanji had shared many stories about mistakes that he’s made, the misfortunes and the serious events that affected his life—for example, losing his daughter Ammu and being betrayed in business. Then, he was completely character assassinated, too. But still, he kept walking. And even now, he regularly shares that he is not afraid to make mistakes, nor does he believe that his directions, ideas, or vision are always the best. In fact, he encourages me and others to have better ideas. He says, “If you can take my vision and improve on it, I’m very happy.”

That’s what he wants. And that’s the way he’s set up all the platforms, each of them with their country heads and teams, because he would love for everybody to take steps to improve everything because then the platforms have benefited, which means the world has benefited. And this also means that the future generations, who will come and inherit the platforms, will also benefit. So, each team has their head, and they are completely autonomous; they have their own free will to shape the direction within the broad boundaries of the vision. That is a real privilege. 

So one lesson I’ve learned from Mohanji’s approach and how he works is to take action first, be bold, and do what you believe in as best as you can. If there’s a purity of intention behind it, then go for it. I had the tendency or the habit (probably due to the fears of making a mistake, being judged, and the fear of what other people might think) to make sure everything was fine and correct before taking action. So everything would have been perfected: the presentation had to be correct, everything well-considered, all options assessed, I’d look for advice or consultation from other people, etc. And in the end, not much would happen, only ideas and discussions. 

So with strong encouragement, this was one of my pushes to take steps, to put ideas into action. Because only then, as I’ve learned now, do you create an experience for your life. Only when I’ve actually done something: have I created an experience for my life. And it’s only from having that experience that you can actually learn something and grow. But if you don’t do anything, don’t take the opportunity, then there’s no possibility for that growth to happen. And that can bring stagnation, frustration, and it can lead to disillusionment, which happened to me sometimes here. 

I also learned that one of my biggest fears, the fear of making a mistake, was a fear of what other people might think. But, there’ll always be people who like an idea or something, and people who don’t, and then there’ll be some who probably won’t even care anyway. So that’s a fear that doesn’t really bring much worth. 

The lesson is that it’s better to try and allow mistakes to happen and then use them for improvement. However, it’s not about making mistakes purposely, knowing that you’re going to make a mistake. It’s just about having the awareness that you don’t have to be perfect. Perfection isn’t needed because it can be the enemy of progress.

The same goes for consulting people and getting advice because sometimes, the more opinions we take from people, the more confused we can become. And with such a big organization like this, this is the case because there are many people who you would ideally like to consult and consider, but considering the time it would take, it’s just not practical. 

So, I’ve learned that sometimes it’s better to move ahead and create something because it can be evolved, rather than spending too much time on discussions to reach a consensus. That isn’t practical, especially given the size and the breadth of this organization, which covers so many different countries and time zones. So, it’s better to generally have just a couple of people sanity check things with and then get moving. 

Now, this doesn’t mean that work is done at the disrespect of other people or in spite of others, and moving things forward requires careful handling. Because, on the flip side, I’m also learning that fast action can cause unexpected consequences and mistakes when you’re moving so quickly that you lose sight of people and things. So again, as long as an issue can be marked as a mistake and improved upon, it’s okay. 

This awareness, this learning that is moving into action and accepting mistakes will be happening, and improving them is bringing me more freedom. I can feel that. And when the purpose is higher, the fears lessen. And, most importantly, at the end of the day, it’s a life that’s been experienced. 

So, I can express, make mistakes, know that that’s fine, learn and keep growing. It’s like the freedom we had when we were growing up as children, falling down and getting back up again. 

That’s the message for today, sticking with that theme of acting now, acting today, and accepting that mistakes can happen and not letting perfection be an enemy of progress.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 25th April 2021


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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

A devotee speaks

Mohanji SA

A Conversation with Tayiji on her experiences with Mohanji

Q: Tayiji, Jai Mohanji!

T: Jai Mohanji!

Q: Tayiji, please tell me, is Mohanji an ordinary person or is he an avatar? What is your opinion about this?

T:  In my view, Mohanji is not an ordinary person because he has appeared to me in many forms of God. So how can I say that he is an ordinary person? And in my view, he is an avatar. An ordinary person can never take the form of God. Hence Mohanji is not an ordinary person.

Q: Tayiji, did a guru or any great man ever tell you something about Mohanji being an avatar?

T: Many gurus have said so, one of them is Tyagananda Saraswati living in an ashram in Hyderabad. He said that his guru gave him a rosary and instructed him, “A Guru named Mohan will meet you after 15 years, give it to him.”

When Tyagananda Saraswati finally met Mohanji, he told Mohanji this and placed the rosary in his hand.

He saw the third eye on his (Mohanji) forehead. He also told Mohanji, “You cannot have one Gayatri Mantra (sacred chant), there should be many Gayatri Mantras. You are not a regular saint- All the gods and goddesses dwell in you.”

Once, Mohanji stayed in Delhi with a Guruji Maharaj for 2 days. And when Mohanji was about to leave, the Guruji Maharaj also started going with him. Mohanji said, “I am an ordinary person, why are you coming with me?” He replied, “You are not an ordinary person, you are a great man. Three generations ago, our Guru wrote the names of some soon-to-arrive great men. Your name was among them.”

Another time, Mohanji and his father met a young man in Kerala from the Naga community. The young man showed him a Shiv linga: “This is a fire shivlinga, can you take it?”

So Mohanji extended his hand and said, “I can take it.” The young man warned, “It is fire, no ordinary person can lift it. And only one who is of Shivansh (shiva nature) can take it. If ordinary people touch it, they will get paralyzed.” The young man then told Mohanji, “You are not an ordinary person, you are the form of Shiva. You are Shiva.” Saying this, the man prostrated at Mohanji’s feet.

The man asked Mohanji’s father, “Immediately upon birth, did Mohanji laugh or cry?” Mohanji’s father replied that Mohanji had laughed. The man said, “Your son is not an ordinary man, he is an avatar. Let him do what he wants.”

Mohanji’s eyes are very intense, only the yogis can recognise their brightness. Ordinary humans cannot.

Let me tell you one more incident. In South India, there is an astrology called Nadi astrology.
It tells about the previous births, based on the pulse of an individual. A Nadi astrologer said that Mohanji had not been interested in incarnating. But thanks to the prayers of mankind and some yogis, he had to incarnate and come to Earth. Mohanji will stay for 1008 years. His glory will travel the whole world, preaching the eternal religion (Sanatana Dharma). And finally, he will reside in India to the age of 75 and give salvation to mankind by giving darshan.

Q: Tayiji, please tell us who is Nadananda ji?

T: Nadananda ji is a highly-respected avadhuta (austere monk). He lives in his ashram at Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh. He gave the title of Brahmarishi (supreme sage) to Guru Mohanji and said, “Based on the communication from the Gurus in the Guru Mandala (a sacred league of sages), I am conferring the title of Brahmarishi to Mohanji.”

He also entrusted his powers to Mohanji and said, “Guru Mohanji is fourth in the list of 16 glorious Maha Gurus (great sages) of the Guru Mandala.”

Q: Tayiji, when and how did you meet Mohanji?

T: Mohanji came home with our son in 2011. When he came, Mohanji was wearing jeans, shoes and his hair was long. Seeing this, I doubted whether Gurus are like this! So we prostrated at his feet, he came in and sat on the couch. Looking at me, he said, “Some people are suspicious of me and wonder how can someone wearing denim and shoes be a Guru!” I was embarrassed about my thoughts and asked for his forgiveness.

During our conversation, he casually asked, “Why did you stop performing the aarti (worship) of Shirdi Baba?” When we earlier lived in Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh (India), we used to perform Baba’s aarti every Thursday. And as happens in Shirdi, we used to sing all the songs of the Aarti.

We discontinued this practice for some reason after coming to Delhi. We were very surprised that Mohanji came to know about this. We sought his forgiveness. He advised us to start again. So we started singing Aarti once again.

Q: How did you get the idea of writing the Ashtottari (108 names) of Mohanji?

T: Whenever Mohanji came to our house, he would be accompanied by others who would narrate their experiences. I wondered why I should not write Ashtottari in his name. This was my resolve.

I wrote Ashtottari in August 2013 and when Mohanji came home, I told him that I wrote his Ashtottari. He simply looked at me and said, “Ashtottari is very good, but you did not write the name of my parents and my Gotra (lineage).” I was taken aback. After asking him again, I included the name of his Gotra and his parents.

Q: Okay. Then, how did you get the idea to write the Sahasranama (1000 names) of Mohanji?

T: Mohanji would often come to our house, accompanied by some people. One day, I felt that after listening to so many experiences, I too was having my own experiences. So I thought why not write his (Mohanji) Sahasranama? When I told him this, he laughed and said that the Gurus don’t have Sahasranama. I said, if you are doing all the work that God does, why can you not have Sahasranama. So I started writing the Sahasranama in August 2014.

One day, we came to know that Mohanji was staying in a nearby hotel. So we went to meet Mohanji in the hotel, prostrated and sat down. Mohanji looked at me and asked, “You are writing the Sahasranama, yes? How many names have you written so far?”

I replied around 61 or 62. He said – no, you have written 74 names.
When I came home, I saw I had indeed written 74 names. I kept on writing this way.

In between, I could not write for two months when a baby was born in the house. Later, I restarted and completed it in December. One day, my son came home and was talking to Mohanji on the phone, “Today is my Tayiji’s birthday, please bless her.” So Mohanji spoke to me and blessed me. I said, “Guruji, your Sahasranama is now complete on my birthday.” He replied, “How is this possible? It will be done on my birthday.”

Then I started verifying once again; many names were repeated two or three times. There was also some mistakes after eight hundred names. After correcting these, I kept writing more names. An instruction came to write these in English. Once the English edition was ready, by the time we could courier it, Mohanji received the Sahasranama in Dharamshala, exactly on his birthday.

Q: Tayiji, when you had already written the Ashtottari (108 names) and Sahasranama (1000 names), then why write the Mohanji Chalisa (40 devotional couplets) as well?

T: In the Ashtottari and Sahasranama, every leela (play) of God is translated into a name. But in the chalisa, all his leelas are described. For example, Hanuman’s deeds are described in the Hanuman Chalisa. In the same way, I have tried to write some of Mohanji’s leelas in his chalisa. My aim is that just as Hanuman Chalisa is read in so many houses, if Mohanji’s chalisa is read in many houses, people will know his glory.

Q: Now please tell us about your experience with Mohanji.

T: I will narrate my experiences with Mohanji between 2012 to 2018:

In May 2012, Mohanji was going to come to Madhuban in Gurgaon, India. Shubha (known fondly as Amma- mother) and I both wanted to go and meet him. Mohanji was supposed to arrive at 5 pm. There was such a loud storm between 2-3 pm that the doors started knocking. There was so much rain and dust that we gave up hope of going to Madhuban.

Around 3:00 – 3:30 pm, the storm and rain gradually subsided and everything was clean. The sun came out, then we went to Madhuban in the evening and met Mohanji. We were surprised that a storm would come suddenly and stop. Sumit was there and said that Mohanji has done a Yagna of Panch Tattva in a temple in Gurgaon. The storm was a result of that. We were stunned again to know that Mohanji had such a hold on the five elements.

Later that year, Mohanji came on the occasion of Dussehra. I requested him to allow me to do his Pada Puja (worshipping the feet). Mohanji said, “You are already doing my Pada Puja everyday then why do it specially now?”

I had never done his Pada Puja before. I had only been doing Pada Puja of Shirdi Baba with devotion every day. It is the glory of Mohanji that he said so.

In 2013, my son informed me that around 10-15 people including Mohanji are coming to eat. My sister had gone out. I had not cooked food for 10-15 people. I got worried, my daughter-in-law was at home. I got up early, took my bath and lit a lamp in front of Baba and then prayed: Babaji is coming to our house for the first time. Others are also coming. Please give me the strength to cook delicious food for everyone. Later, both my daughter-in-law and I started cooking together. We made 2 – 3 dishes and then made more food.

After a while some devotees helped us, they made rotis and papad. Some work was done in this way.

When sitting to eat, Mohanji said to the others, “She has been up since morning and praying- That I cook well, make delicious food, praying to Baba. See how tasty the food is. Have you all eaten?”

The food of 15 people was eaten by more than 25 people. People kept coming and eating that day. This is also one of his great leelas.

One day in 2014, we all went to meet Mohanji when he was heading out. He sat in the car and we all greeted him. And one such message arose in my mind, “Who is Mohanji – is he Sai Baba or Dattatreya or Mohanji?”

Suddenly, he opened the door of the car and looking at me, said, “I am Saibaba, I am Dattatreya, I am Mohanji.” Saying this, they closed the door.

I can tell other experiences of 2015. One day I was sitting near the dining table. The kitchen glass door was closed. A globe entered through the door.

In it, I could see the world: blue sky, white clouds and some flying birds, big tall buildings and people, instead of sea and sand below. And that globe went a little way and disappeared again.

On the same day, a small globe came in front of the mother’s photo, during my sister’s pooja.

I asked Dhritiman Biswas Ji at home that day about this. He asked, “Do you still not know who was that world? It is Mohanji.”

In June, Mohanji took us to the tomb of a Punjabi Guruji in Chhatarpur, Delhi. My sister Shubha and an Englishman were also with us in that day. The three of us went with Mohanji. Since it was a Thursday, our car was stopped far away. So we had to walk towards Guruji’s tomb. I was thinking I can’t walk this far Baba. I am not able to walk for long. Mohanji was ahead and walking quickly.

Suddenly his walk slowed down a bit and he started moving with heavy steps.

I suddenly remembered the Mahadev (Shiva) TV show. In it, Shiva carries his consort Sati Devi on his shoulders. This scene was tangible, Mohanji’s hair was also long. We all met near the stand, so I told this to Mohanji. He said, “You have no illusion, Mahadev is not a serial. I carried both of you on my shoulders because you were praying right- saying I can’t walk-That’s why I did it.”

So again, we started going in the queue. There were many people there that day, and suddenly Shirdi Baba, Sai Baba appeared on my forehead. They both were running towards me laughing, raising their hands and blessing me. This went on for some time. When we started climbing the tomb, the scene stopped.

Then I told this thing to Mohanji. He said, “You were saying in the morning that you do not see any gods. You were feeling sad. That is why I got you their darshans. Anyway, all gurus are one.” Without any sadhana, I saw both Gods by the grace of Mohanji and so I was very happy.

After that, I always used to perform Mohanji’s aarti in the evening. But I had a habit of watching a TV serial at 6:00 pm. So somedays, I would do Aarti early, or after the serial or during the ad breaks.

After a few days, Mohanji came to the house and he said in front of everyone, “What is the matter? I come everyday and listen to your Aarti. One day you hurry, one day at 6 o’clock, one day at 6:15, why are you giving aarti like this?”

He knows everything, but he said so to get rid of that habit from me. So I apologized to him. I stopped watching the serial and started performing Aarti at the same time every day.

Let me tell you some experiences of 2016. In April 2016 on the night of the Kshetra Purnima (full moon),

I could not sleep. At 2-3 am, I heard my own voice. I was screaming loudly. “Who are you? You have come in a disguise. You are not Mohanji.”

Then suddenly my voice was heard. “You are that original element.”

In the same month, once I was listening to a Qawwali (Devotional music of the Sufi sect) on TV. The devotion in the Qawwali brought tears to my eyes. Suddenly I noticed that Mohanji is sitting in meditation at some distance, wearing white clothes. As soon as I saw Mohanji, I started calling him and moving towards him. After taking some steps, my feet suddenly stopped. I was trying to take a step, but could not lift my feet.

After a few days, Mohanji came home. I asked him about these two experiences. He asked, “You are writing about my Charitra (nature), is it not? I am the core element, now you know it, so write. No one can come to me in their body, they can come only in their consciousness.”

Then on the day of Guru Purnima, I saw Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasya, Yukteswargiri and Paramhansa Yoganandji standing near the lift. And our Guru Mohanji was coming in. He wore a white dhoti with a golden edge, a white kurta and a Rudraksha garland around his neck. He went inside.

I had a rose garland in my hand. I thought who among these four gurus should I garland? As a result, all four gurus disappeared. When Mohanji came home later and I asked him, he said that he was in USA on the day of Guru Purnima, taking class. He wore the same golden border dhoti.

I saw Lord Narasimha ji (The fierce part-lion part-man avatar of Lord Vishnu) in the corridor one day that year. I was sitting near the dining table. Seeing Narasimha ji, I was terrified, scared. He had golden hair, a golden crown, big eyes, big teeth. He kept his hands like this and went in. He wore a dhoti till his knees, a vest with some designs and jewellery in both hands. He also wore Mohanji’s ring in his hand. And he went towards Mohanji’s room. Mohanji appeared to me as Narasimha that day.

On the day of Kartik Purnima that same year, Rajesh was also in the house. The three of us together worshiped Shiva. We have a custom of lighting 364 wicks on Kartik Purnima.

Mohanji was at home that day. When we told him this, he said, “You people should worship. I would come automatically while lighting the lamp.” Saying this, he went into the room and closed the door.

After lighting a lamp, we offered prasad to God and performed the aarti of Mohanji and Shivji.

Then Rajesh and Amma touched Mohanji’s feet. When I went to touch his feet, I noticed a lot of sand in Mohanji’s feet. I keep quiet and asked him later when he was eating. He replied, “Today is Kartik purnima, is it not? So I went travelling. That is why there was sand. This is why I wear my dhoti lower, so that no one sees my feet.”

The same day Mohanji asked Amma, “Who did you see while doing abhiskek (pouring water) of the Shivalinga?” She replied that instead of Shivling, she saw Mahavatar Babaji. He remarked that the form of Shiva always changes. The form of Shiva is not what you think.

I will tell you about my experiences in 2017. I fell down in March 2017. I had a large operation of my hip joint replacement. When I came home after the operation, Mohanji came to see me and after seeing me he told my daughter and son, “A big accident was going to happen. I got her out by one of her legs.

The same day, when I came to know that he was coming, I was welcoming him in spirit in the early morning, by laying roses in the corridor. Then instead of Mohanji, Dattatreya came in running. There was so much light behind him, that it rose like smoke. He was only wearing a dhoti and a Rudraksha garland around his neck. There were three heads and only two hands. With a rosary beads in one hand and a water pot in another, he was laughing and walking quickly. When I said this to Mohanji, he said, “Yes, I am visible nowadays as Dattatreya. In Canada also, a devotee saw me as Dattatreya.”

That devotee stretched out his hand and asked Mohanji to walk over it. Soon all the devotees lay down there and spread their palms and said, “Walk on our palms.” Mohanji felt bad about this and he refused. On their repeated requests, he walked on their palms. I asked Mohanji, did they not have pain with your steps? He said, “It did not happen because I made myself lighter.”

Then I understood how Lord Ganesha sits on the mouse and how Lord Karthik sits on the peacock. I felt that God makes himself lighter to sit on his mount.

In April, Mohanji was coming again to see me. Then I spread jasmine flowers in my feelings and started welcoming him. Instead of Mohanji, light came like a flame, gradually growing in size and came towards me. When I asked about it, he said, “Nowadays I have become like light.”

One day at 3:30 am, I suddenly heard loud Hanuman Chalisa. A rendition sung by Bal Subramaniam from South India. After that, I heard Hanuman Chalisa sung by MS Subbalakshmi. Both Hanuman Chalisa began to be heard loudly. I saw a chariot decorated with flowers on the road. And hundreds of people were walking behind the chariot. And I saw Raghavendra Swamy sitting inside the chariot.

Raghavendra Swamy is an enlightened being, a yogi, and he took living samadhi at a place called Mantralaya. That place falls on the banks of the Tungabdra River near Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh, India. I was telling all these things to someone very loudly: “Tungabdra is a river. This is Raghavendra Swamy. This is called the Mantralaya.”

Then suddenly I saw a very big hall, all the people were sitting across the hall. And singing praises of Raghavendra Swamy.

I was late. And then when I went to him, I accidentally touched a little bit of his cloth. Then everybody was screaming- Do not touch the guru. When I went ahead to bow to him, his face was Mohanji’s.

The whole head was shaved. Raghavendra Swamy is also shaved. Tilak was on his forehead and then he was sitting, like Raghavendra Swamy. So I wondered, if it is Mohanji, why is his head shaved?

While bowing to his feet, I picked up his dhoti a little to check if they were Mohanji’s feet. And I could see Mohanji’s feet. So I was shouting loudly- Mohanji’s hair, Mohanji’s hair- and the scene stopped.

When Mohanji came to the house and I told him, he said- it is a good thing that you are seeing great yogis.

But he did not say that he came as Guru Raghavendra.

Let me tell you about three more experiences of 2017. In August 2017, I went to Mohanji’s room. I wished to pay my regards to him by touching his feet but the doctor had told me not to bow down. I sat down in front of Mohanji with his permission. Mohanji was doing some work on his mobile, and I wanted to sit down for some time and get up. Suddenly he lifted his legs from the chair and stretched them on the bed in a cross.

He asked me to sit. After some time, when I got up, he said – come now and touch the feet. I had not told him I wanted to touch his feet. Then I went to him and I saw him in many forms, such as Shri Rama, Krishna, Narasimha, Hanuman, Dattatreya and Sai Baba. Speaking their names, I was touching his feet.

And when I said the name of Dattatreya, Mohanji asked me to stop, “See how my feet have become when you were saying the name of Dattatreya.”

When I saw, his two feet were on top of each other on the bed. And the top leg was shorter and softer, like that of a 15-16 year old boy. Mohanji explained, “You were speaking the name of all the deities with devotion. This is why while speaking the name of Dattatreya, my foot became like this. Dattatreya’s foot is like this.”

My happiness knew no bounds. This was no ordinary thing. I made obeisance to him repeatedly by touching his foot. Without my saying, Mohanji knew my wish and let me touch his feet. He said that, “When anyone touches my feet with devotion, I feel good. Otherwise I feel sad.”

Let me tell you another experience of 2017. One night at 3 am, I could see an idol of Lord Hanuman (Hindu God and ardent devotee of Lord Ram).

That idol was so big that if you saw the feet, you could not see his face and if you saw the face, the feet could not be seen. And in front of the idol, there was kanji (starch from hot rice) in a very large handi (pot). The pot was steaming. And salt was kept in a big bowl.

Seeing Hanumanji, I said to him, “Hanumanji, are you also drinking Kanji like Mohanji? I will come with rice.”

Saying this, I was bringing white rice in a big pot. Then Mohanji appeared there.

Why did I say Mohanji, although his face is that of Hanuman. And the body is all of Mohanji. He wore a dhoti of magenta color. And wore a dhoti on top. The color was a mixture of red and white. And he was standing there and I kept salt, rice and a ladle for him to eat. Mohanji spread his hand and said, keep it four steps ahead. I recognized the ring in his hand.

Then Hanumanji was standing there just like Mohanji. And Mohanji became like Hanuman there. He said, “Keep it four steps ahead.” I did not understand what to keep there- was it the ladle? The scene later stopped.

Then in October, I saw a very big black circular boulder. It was surrounded by floral designs. Inside there were two feet embedded in the stone, more than a meter long. When Mohanji came, I asked him for an explanation. He said those were the feet of the tradition. I considered myself blessed to see the feet of the tradition. And I would pay obeisance to them daily.

Let me tell you about some of the experiences of 2018. In February, Mohanji had come home. He was sitting having snacks in the evening. I was sitting near the dining table in front of him, suddenly the electricity went away.

I had been simply gazing at him at that moment. I saw that his forehead was completely shining in gold. A glow was seen shining in the color of gold. Then electricity came back and he started having breakfast.

I kept quiet and then Mohanji asked, “Tayiji, what did you see?” I replied, “I saw gold colour on your forehead.” “Yes, I am in gold color when I am in the subtle form.”

When Mohanji came on 24 July, he was sitting in the morning eating dosa for breakfast. Before eating the dosa, he was praying as usual, offering the food to all the gods and goddesses. I was sitting there in front of him, Rajesh was also there. Mohanji prayed, gave a piece of dosa to Rajesh and said, “Give it to Tayiji.” Then Mohanji asked me to eat. When I ate, I found that the piece of dosa was sweet. He asked, “How is the dosa, Tayiji?”

“It is sweet, Mohanji.”

“Yes, I make food nectar before feeding it to the deities.”

I had never seen Ram in my life. Nor Shiva nor Krishna. Not even Sai Baba. But Mohanji blessed my life by showing himself to me, in the form of all these deities. I want to express my gratitude for this and bow down to him a billion times. I want to express my deep gratitude for the darshan (visions) he gave me on this birthday. Mohanji, I bow down to you a billion times.

Please click on the post – https://bit.ly/37t8ad6 – to access her video.

Translated by Aviral Srivastav


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 10th December 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

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Kalpataru Series – Ageless

By Subhasree Thottungal, UK

23rd February 2020. Mohanji is 55. The truth is Mohanji is AGELESS. 

Mohanji’s 55th Birthday, Sri Lanka

Almost a year and a few months ago, one morning, this thought came to me…”Mohanji is ageless.” Peculiarly, the next morning around 3 am, I woke up (in the Brahma muhurta – the most auspicious period to connect to the self and the Supreme Consciousness) and happened to see a spiritual blog by someone deeply respected by Mohanji. Well, I am not a serious reader as such and don’t look out for blogs to read, but this one had appeared in my notifications. Following the experiences that happened post reading, I realise this was a divine plan for me to come across the blog at that auspicious time.

Katargama Lord Murugan

Well, the blog mentioned about a place named ‘Kataragama’ in Sri Lanka. Reading through the descriptions, I understood that this is the place where Lord Murugan (the son of Shiva, also known as Kartikeya or Subramanya) had reincarnated. This is also the place where one of the most famous amongst all spiritual seekers, ‘Mahavatar Babaji’ was taken into the discipleship by his Master/Guru Bhoganathar. At the age of 16, Guru Bhoganathar taught him the art of ‘Kaya Kalpa’ – which enabled him to remain a youth forever!

Reading this brought a thought in me that “Mohanji is ageless”. The first chord was struck.

The next point that struck yet another cord in my awareness was when I read that after Babaji returned to India, Sage Agastya initiated him to the secrets of the breath, which was followed by the birth of Kriya Yoga. This reminded me of Devi Amma’s (from Bangalore) confirmation of Mohanji being the spiritual son of Sage Agastya and that Mohanji initiates genuine seekers of liberation into Kriya Yoga. A similarity that my naive mind couldn’t ignore as mere coincidence!
Joining these dots gave me the awareness of the oneness of Babaji and Mohanji. Well, why ponder here and there. Let me ask the Master himself, I thought. But Mohanji, as always, never claims himself as an incarnation of any other Master.

He always says,

“I am born as Mohanji, I will die as Mohanji. I am only Mohanji.”

Mohanji in Sri Lanka

Well, after this naive expectation to hear a confirmation from Mohanji himself, I understood that realising the truth of the oneness of Mohanji and Babaji, is a truth that was meant for my awareness only and will stay as my truth. No justification, no evidence, no approvals, nothing is required. The awareness of this truth is beyond any revelations.

The next morning, I received a WhatsApp message from my friend Preethi Gopalratnam from Mumbai. This was a conversation between her and Mohanji on Kataragama. She had expressed her wish to visit Kataragama with Mohanji! Preethi was an ardent devotee of Mahavatar Babaji and always felt that Babaji had sent Mohanji to her to answer her seeking to experience Babaji in a physical form! This message from Preethi was a silent confirmation from Guru Mandala about what I realised the previous day with Katargama being a critical point of reference. We both spoke later, exchanged our realisations and surrendered our wish to visit Kataragama one day, with Mohanji. That was November 2018.

I had written a blog on this experience which you may find in this link here – “The truth beyond revelations”

With Preethi in Sri Lanka

One year and three months later, on 23rd February 2020, on Mohanji’s birthday, Preethi and I were with Mohanji at Kataragama! This trip to Kataragama wasn’t that easy. I wasn’t sure if I could make this trip. Surely it was for the completion of my realisation, and also a confirmation to Preethi’s questions that we were both taken, literally taken together to the place that played such a vital role in our realisation. And we were taken by the Master himself, appearing in the very ordinary physical form with whom we can connect so easily, but firmly and deeply.

With Preethi in front of Katargama Temple

Walking hand in hand with Preethi to the temple, I was elated with the feeling of eternal joy that our Master gives us through his grace and compassion. Standing inside the temple, watching Lord Murugan and Mohanji together, the vision of oneness was crystal clear!

Certainly, my question (that came as a silly and naive question earlier) was answered by the divine himself! There was nothing more that needed to be answered!
Mohanji stays as Mohanji for me, Mohanji will remain as Mohanji forever, but this lesson of oneness was probably one of the biggest lessons that I learnt.

Doing my Kriya practice at the very sacred place where Babaji used to meditate while he was with his Guru Bhoganathar, in the presence of Mohanji around us, gave complete clarity! The connection to the supreme Master, to Parabrahma, the Supreme Consciousness is the only eternal truth. It was indeed not just a coincidence that this completion happened on Mohanji’s birthday in Kataragama.

Regardless of the number of candles on the birthday cake, Mohanji will remain ageless for me, in my connection to Mohanji’s Consciousness.

Thank you Mohanji, for giving me such a beautiful gift on your birthday – physically, a very joyous occasion to celebrate with the global M family, and spiritually a fulfilling accomplishment.

Love and compassion of my eternal Guru


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 8th September 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

50th Episode of Mohanji Speaks Podcast Celebration

Private Satsang with Mohanji (15 August 2020) – Feedback



For the occasion of the 50th episode milestone of Mohanji Speaks Podcast celebration, Mohanji provided a Satsang to everyone who submitted their video/audio expressing how the Mohanji Speaks Podcasts have positively impacted them.

He spoke about various topics that were discussed in his podcasts. The session was very powerful and transformative on so many different levels, and many people got answers and clarity they were looking for.

Here are the testimonials.

Rucha Mirachi 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.com

I’m immensely grateful to you all for organising a private satsang yesterday, and to Mohanji for taking the time to speak to all of us. It was the first time I saw Mohanji live and got an opportunity to speak to him.  

I was choked, in tears and didn’t know how to express myself and thank him. I just can’t forget that moment

As a father patiently listens to his child, Mohanji was listening to us and answering the questions beautifully. He was pouring love and compassion for us throughout the video and I just couldn’t hold my tears. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to him and to all the people connected to him.
Thank you so much again.
Looking forward to the next one. 

Suptreet Bedi 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.com

Thank you for this opportunity of having Satsang with Mohan ji! I do not have words to express what I got. It is beyond words to describe the bliss and love of Baba! Thank you very much! I am very very grateful for this opportunity!

Sumalatha Thota 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comFirst thing I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to join the satsang. I never expected I would meet (virtual) Mohanji this early. I came to know about Mohan ji in March 2020. and I started incorporating his teachings in my daily life.

I was so happy to meet Mohanji and I couldn’t even say a word. But I know that he knew everything about everybody.

Hopefully next time I will open up myself.

Thank you so much! 

Nirupma Chowdharyi 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comIt’s  always a great experience to be with Mohanji, see him and hear him. Hear your name and special personal blessings and especially when Mohanji says am with you. 

My personal experience during the session was that I had written a question but it was not asked, and suddenly I heard Mohanji explaining about patterns, how they keep repeating themselves. How we can get rid of them and change our future lives. 

Through MTM the past life of mine and present has some very similar patterns and situations. Through his words all became clear.

Then Dr. Wazir’s experience and Mohanji said when you operate I am always with you. He wanted to leave in 2013 but is still performing heart surgeries in 2020 all Mohanji’s grace.

Beautiful little Sara’s connection. Mohanji is very fond of her and she is deeply connected to Mohanji. Once before also he had asked us to listen to her and see how her love and pure feelings connect her to Mohanji. Even his picture has power to converse with her. 

I too met him in my sleep, once I asked him and got a reply I do my work, you know it’s real or dream. So all what the mind wanted to know and listen to was given and beyond that a deep soul connection became stronger. 

Bhumika Arvind 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.com Pranam Mohanji, I am so very grateful for the opportunity to be part of a live Satsang with You. When it was announced that there will be a live satsang related to the Podcast and the requirement was for the participants to make a video and post it on social media platforms. I had cried sitting in front of your picture. I had commented, how unfortunate I am to miss this opportunity (I have major reservations about social media platforms, taking pictures or videos). It was not a random coincidence that I connected with Lakshmi Mohananda from South Africa recently. I expressed my request if an audio file can also be accepted instead of a video. Lakshmi ji said she was thinking about it as well since there were few other devotees who have expressed the same desire. The following day Lakshmi ji messaged me that Mohanji had already given the instruction to also accept audio files as some of the devotees may be hesitant to do a video recording. This is HIS kindness and grace to create this opportunity for HIS devotees and fulfill their desires.

My experience on the live Satsang with Mohanji:

How to find words to describe HIS generosity and grace. Mohanji was so kind to all of us. HE so generously gave HIS time. HE patiently answered the questions of the devotees and showered us with HIS blessings. I know that HE stayed much longer than the scheduled time, only to grant devotees their wishes and grant them with HIS darshan. If I have to sum up my experience, Mohanji’s motto does justice, “One family, one unit”. Through the Satsang there were experiences that were shared that felt like mine. As if someone else was sharing the transformation I have experienced within me and in my family, with my kids. The comments, devotees’ experiences and questions-answers were so beautifully synchronized. While answering a devotees question Mohanji simultaneously addressed my lingering questions and doubts. HIS comments to a devotee that HE has been beside him and kept HIS promise since 2013, gave me such great assurance. Mohanji confirmed with this devotee that HIS Padukas are at her home and HE is there in her home (she had just told her name and from where she is from, Mohanji commented even before she could complete her sentence). How blessed Supreet would have felt to have this confirmation directly from Mohanji. Even though I didn’t say those words, HE assured me that having HIS Padukas home is the same as having HIM home. HE confirmed that HE is with me too in my home since I do have Padukas at my house.

Mohanji satisfied my simple desire in response to another devotee’s query of meaning of “connecting to His consciousness”. HE simply said, “just remember me”. For a literal person like me this is easy to understand and follow. HE commented on the Guru principle. HE addressed how one may know if they are growing in their spiritual journey. HIS answers had such deeper meaning for me and penetrated my heart.

During the Satsang, something in me was assuring me that HE is here at home with me so instead of asking for an affirmation I rather made a foolish comment on having a filter option. It is a process and I am embarrassed about moments where I lose my cool and HE is sitting right there in the living room. So I was wondering if there may be filters that can help. Mohanji in HIS typical way replied, ” there is no need for a filter, there is nothing good or bad, whatever it is, is”. Later on contemplating on HIS response I realized that it isn’t about asking a filter from Mohanji, instead I need to be improving my own awareness and connection within with HIS grace. That is going to be the filter! I need to put in more effort and continuously and tirelessly work toward building my awareness and follow HIS teaching. I need to consistently practice witnessing life events as an audience and take them as just experiences rather than getting emotionally engaged into it. And the best way to know if I am making progress in going within is if today I could practice it more consistently than yesterday, just baby step at a time.

I am overwhelmed writing my experience, my throat is choking and I am in tears. This is the effect of the grace of a master when I have not even met HIM in person.

As Mohanji will say our mind is like a monkey and I am no different so after the Satsang, there was a thought / doubt in my mind, “why didn’t I ask Mohanji for a confirmation that HE is home with me”. I was sitting in front of Mohanji’s picture and talking to HIM. I heard Mohanji’s voice saying, “you hear me, don’t let doubts pop up” and an instinct was there to call Alpa ji (Mohanji’s Acharya from Toronto). I called Alpa ji  and she shared her own experiences with Mohanji and assured me that it’s all Mohanji’s leelas. We can have whatever questions but when we come in front of HIM, whatever is needed comes to the surface. I got my answer from Alpa ji. This is Mohanji’s grace. I informed Alpa ji that there was an instinct to call her and she commented that she was expecting a call from me anytime and knew I would call her.

Mohanji I know it is Your grace, kindness and love that there are changes within myself and outside. Without Your grace nothing is possible. YOU have given me strength to get through my difficult days, YOU are holding my hand, guiding me and walking with me. YOU are connecting me to people who are helping me in my spiritual journey. Mohanji, YOU have been with me in so many ways. Being an average simple devotee I can only understand that which is within my capacity to realize but my instinct tells me that YOU have been with me in ways that are beyond my understanding.

There is so much YOU have given generously. I am so deeply grateful for Your love, kindness and generosity. Mohanji, please always stay with me and my family. Bless me with awareness. I always want to hear YOU and YOUR  leelas, see YOU, share YOUR leela’s, sing YOUR glory. I always want to feel YOUR embrace, I have lost a lot and lived my life in ignorance without realization, please always guide me Mohanji. I hope one day YOU will give me an opportunity to meet YOU in person. LOVE YOU Mohanji. My humble salutations to Your lotus feet.

P.S. I am so thankful to the entire Podcast team. Lots of love and hugs to Maheshwari ji and Lakshmi ji for being the extension of Mohanji and arranging for me to attend the Satsang. Thank you Greenwood for modulating the Satsang. You are so blessed to have the close proximity to Mohanji. I am very very grateful. Love you all. And please, please arrange more live Satsangs with Mohanji. It’s such a blessing especially during these tough times.

Dr Harpreet Wasir 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comThis was a totally new experience especially during COVID times. It was firstly an expectance with awareness of a different way of connect with Mohanji using media.

Then it was so clear of so many different frequencies merging into single frequency in the presence of our Master.

Each one including me was one to one amidst all being in one large group globally.

Each one was answered to our souls fulfilment despite having asked a question or not.

This was surely a very acceptable way of communication with Mohanji.

I honestly did not find any difference in connecting with Mohanji having not been in his physical presence.

The coordination by the team was flawless which added to the comfort of the audience.

I surely look forward to the next session and which to have a one to one video connect with Mohanji. 

Looking forward for some way of receiving Shaktipat from Mohanji in future.

Maybe things like this in smaller coherent groups may answer this.

Thank you one and all for this session and all the efforts put in physically making Mohanji’s presence there with me and all attendees.

Lots of love always.

Tihana Frleta 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comThis way I want to thank Mohanji from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity he gave us. The satsang was beautiful, Mohanji as always full of love for all of us, simple, natural, spontaneous, patient, nurturing and witty. I got answers to all my questions (although I didn’t ask any) and more. Also, he beautifully described the value of having an available Guru in our life, now fully in my own essence I realize how much of a blessing it is. What impressed me the most was how Mohanji vividly described how we pass the same patterns from life to life, and how long it takes us to become aware of them and how important it is therefore to make this life purposeful and finally realize true liberation. And another important thing that Mohanji often emphasizes to us, in the Podcasts and in this Satsang, how important it is to fully accept ourselves with all our virtues and weaknesses, just the way we are. Thank you dear Mohanji for waking us up, transforming us, pointing to the source within us that can hardly wait for us to embrace it! Mohanji, thank you for being with us in this life!

Ulla Bernholdt 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comI would like to share my gratitude to Mohanji and the team behind the podcasts for this wonderful event. The whole idea behind the private satsang, of applying our own video testimonials was great, because we had the opportunity to learn so many things from that.

First we learned to reflect upon what a gift Mohanji’s podcasts are and how much they mean to us in terms of inspiration, upliftment and introspection. 

Also we learned that we should not take these podcasts or Fathers satsang for granted.

The idea of earning access to a satsang by doing a testimonial was actually great because so much creativity blossomed and people really did their best in order to achieve that goal. We had to put ourselves into action instead of just sitting at home on the couch being served by Mohanji.  

It seemed that a lot of people met Mohanji for the first time and had joined either through listening to the podcast series or through the 41 days of Meditation Sadhana and it was wonderful to feel their joy and being a part of their happy experience.

Dragana Tešanović 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comMy God. Mohanji was so perfect. He explained complete existence in such a simple way. My heart expanded after that talk with Mohanji. He removed all of the clutter from my mind. He showed another dimension of Himself to me. I am so happy to hear there will be more such meetings. Yeeyy!! Jai Mohanji

Cathy Johnston 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comFor me, hailing from a working class northern UK family, our formative spiritual experiences were mostly cold, foreboding and full of dire warnings, laced with unmentionable consequences should we err from the God given path.

Shivering on a cold pew in a shadowy church dressed up in our Sunday best, no-one ever had the answers we children craved – rendering our spiritual selves confused and wilting, devoid of a foundation to build upon.

Fast forward 59 years and in one short week at a Mohanji retreat in Serbia Nov 2019, all of my answers are laid out before me. Answers to questions I’d forgotten I’d had. And answers to those I’d not even asked.

Simple, honest and down to Earth yet at the same time, dense with ancient history, and meanings packed tight with unknown jargon for my Western ears to even attempt to assimilate.

And then came, Mohanji’s podcasts – Mohanji Speaks – like a breath of fresh air to my overwhelmed Western mind.

Short snippets of common sense and guided wisdom, delivered with bite-sized, manageable information – much easier to digest and ponder for the uninitiated novice like me.

Despite Mohanji being 5 yrs my junior, for me, Mohanji is the true Father, the Father I ached for, the guide for my souI. 

Just hearing Mohanjis voice never fails to make me smile, his dry, infectious humour, never far from the surface is a joy to behold. 

A trillion miles away from the bellowing sermons from the draughty pulpits of my childhood.

Thank you Mohanji

Heema Mohan 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comFirstly i’d like to thank you all for putting this together, together you all have reached out to a lot of people directly and indirectly.

I am 36 yrs old and throughout my life even though i come from a big family with lots of brothers and sisters I always felt alone and a few months ago I started my journey with Mohanji baba. I have never once felt this loneliness since. Hearing him speak, his podcasts, his satsangs and everything he is and does is so fulfilling for me. The emptiness has left through one door and Mohanji came through the other.

I have found a deeper meaning in my life. I look at things that happen daily in a different light. I almost see Mohanji wherever I go, I see him in his white attire walking before me. For the first time in my life I feel someone, not just even anyone, but a saint, a god avatar and everything Mohanji is made up of is with me. It is almost unexplainable what is happening to me, my thoughts, my views. Everything about me is turning from darkness to light. I feel secure in the arms of Mohanji. I sometimes see him laughing or smiling and saying to me “you got this, you don’t need me” it’s like I hear it. And sometimes I’ll be smiling back and my kids will ask me mummy what’s wrong, why are you smiling lol.

Since Zoom met Mohanji during Saturday’s satsang, my kids and I are super amazed and we feel his love tremendously. I live far far away from my immediate family and I am a proud single mother of two girls 10 & 12, my family history is of the Mohan family formerly of India through grand grand and great great grandfathers I strongly feel I am told by my father that this is the Mohan he was looking for a few yrs before he could pass on. My father knew that there was someone of great importance with this name who he needed to meet. And through Mohanj’s grace and love for us we have met. He is now the father in my home, the friend, the companion, the everything. He has filled up my children’s heart with love and contentment where previously it was sadness and despair. 

Today we feel complete, nothing can come close to this that we are and feel today. 

I did not know much about spirituality in my younger days and I would really love and hope that there could be more of these interactions with children as well. It will be such a great personal achievement if kids from a young age get involved with aspects that really matter in life.

Please kindly pass this message to Mohanji as well. I am most certain I was destined to meet him through my late father who had already known him. 

Thank you Baba, for everything and most importantly for me, just being a part of my life.

Nina Pualic 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comThis was my first live satsang with Mohanji and really was amazing. Besides Mohanji’s valuable answers, for me personally the greatest value had the last part when I had a chance to speak with Mohanji. After just one sentence from him I felt powerful, intensive and realising feeling in my heart so I started crying like a child. This feeling can’t be described by words. From this moment I really feel Mohanji in my heart. Love Mohanji.

Asja Dupanovic 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comI am so happy that you have asked for the feedback, I was going to write to you myself. 

First of all, thank you for a great and clean, stress-free organisation of this satsang. 

It was a wonderful experience. The time spent with Mohanji that day was very fulfilling, I was touched by and have noted down many things he said. However, one insight I am especially grateful for.

I always felt the need to be told what exactly my purpose in life is, as if I had no idea what to be doing unless someone tells me very clearly, gives me some kind of a concrete position, a task. For years I felt like what I was doing, the way I was adding value to my surroundings was great but that I could do much more if only I know what exactly. What complete nonsense it was to trust myself and my intuition so little!

Talking about how to develop will power, Mohanji uttered magical words saying “Adding value to the world is our purpose”.

I understood what he meant and have no words to explain how inspiring this sentence was for me. It brought all the clarity I was looking for. I am thankful beyond any word. 

Laurie Ann 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comI have had the blessing of attending a Satsang with Mohanji before and I have always felt like I have heard something specific that has really helped me. This was true again for this recent Satsang, where so much of it felt applicable to me. I love Mohanji’s communication style, it is clear, to the point and delivered in a direct manner. Perfect. I left with such a feeling of calm and wellbeing, like everything was alright with me and the world.

What I found especially heart warming was watching all the new followers seeing Mohanji for the first time. I have remembered this a few times since the Satsang and now, just writing this, I am once again moved to tears as I remember their excitement and emotion at being able to speak with him. It was absolutely amazing and precious.

Thank you for this beautiful experience.

Nada Raković 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comFrom this talk and all Mohanjis talks, I feel lighter, brighter. I am happy to see and hear Him. I am more aware of this temporary reality, fleeting objects, emotions, feelings, thoughts, situations…. But I am more able to witness. I understand there is more, not just this life, not only these temporary aspects and senses we use to experience Life. Nothing belongs to me anyway. 

Life is happening every moment. Inevitably. 

Mohanji’s talks and podcasts in general give me understanding, awareness, clarity, more peace, acceptance, gratitude, and flow in life. Whatever level of  understanding, clarity, awareness, peace, acceptance, flow and gratitude I gain or I have – it’s all due to Him! I owe all to HIM! He reminds me of our temporality, and to use this time to be effective at every given moment. 

Thank You Mohanji for Your Sacred Existence!

Always at Your feet.

Zoran Milisic 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comThis Satsang was one of the most powerful Satsangs that I have participated in. I still feel the effect of Mohanji’s presence in me. Thank you for organising the event.

Marijana Blokar 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comHello, my name is Marijana and I live in Croatia. In gratitude to Mohanji I will tell you about how I have met the teacher Guru Parabrahma Mohanji. 

I met Mohanji in Bosnia on a program organized by the Mohanji organization in 2017. 

Before that meeting, I met a Mohanji student, Branko, who was leading a conscious walking in my town Rijeka. My friend told me about Mohanji and his experiences. I listened to him and took it lightly. I went for conscious walking on Sunday mornings still having my gaze on how it benefits me. The morning walk for me represented a good change in the morning run and relaxation in nature. I was still unaware that I had joined Mohanji’s Consciousness walking!! It was not clear to me then. Soon there was a lecture by archaeologist Samir Osmanagić in my city about the Bosnian pyramids in the town of Visoko. I went to a lecture and was delighted, and got interested in the trip to the Bosnian pyramids. When I opened the page on the internet looking for the program about a trip organized by a group that organized a lecture by archaeologist Samir Osmanagić, Mohanji’s poster popped up from the Mohanji organization with Mohanji’s Face. My eyes widened and I told my husband we had to go. After a few days we agreed and paid for the trip to Bosnia Pyramid. My first meeting with Mohanji was so relaxing and joyful, that excitement and expectations were gone. I met a simple and cheerful Guru, who has exceptional wisdom and knowledge The messages of Mohanji that I heard at the satsang in Bosnia changed my outlook on life. So even today when I think and lead a debate with myself about some topics: about humanity, about the universe, about self love, about relationships, family, about anything, Mohanji posts a message and gives me an answer and direction!  At first I thought it was an accident. After a while, this happens again. And then you open your eyes wide because he gives a message that is clear and easy to understand at that moment. 

When I became interested in knowledge, to learn more about spirituality, at one point I joined a new group that was reading an interesting book Book of knowledge. Mohanji posted the message and his face in the triangle emblem. 

A very big coincidence, in the book I started reading the emblem is the triangle. Sacred geometry. I took this as a sign it is good to read that book for knowledge.

In this new group, there were rules of the knowledge book that said that a student could be attached to one Teacher’s Aura with an explanation of the influence of cosmic energy on the student’s consciousness and body. Those rules gave me a clear picture that I had to choose only one teacher. 

Mohanji’s messages always motivated me and showed me the way. I am grateful that there is such a teacher.

I once wrote that Mohanji provides me with support for stability. It triggers the inner dormant energy for life. Unselfishly connected in peace and blessing.

His messages are inspiring. 

Be what you are now with everything that has been given to you from life.

You can only start walking from where you are standing. 

No matter if your candlelight is weak, they are still in flame.

Lori Werner 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comNever in my wildest dreams, would I have ever thought it possible to come in contact with a Master. To have an experience similar to the disciples of Jesus or the people of Shirdi during the lifetime of Shirdi Sai Baba.

This has been so clearly my experience and a kind of realization at this moment in time corresponding to the recent Satsang with Mohanji celebrating the 50th milestone podcast of Mohanji Speaks. 

The eternal gratitude I have for each and every podcast that Mohanji delivered like beautiful gems on the shore is a whole other article with much to express. I will stay with my experience of the Satsang and only say these last few months have been so transformative from the inside of my very being on every level that the signs of transformation are now becoming visible on the outside.

The noticing of this transforming me, came as my experience of this beautiful Satsang. I will try and convey what that experience was, although sometimes words have become inept in describing the feeling of Beauty or Divinity.

It was like stepping into the dawning of the golden age of Aquarius like that of the musical Hair. Mohanji casually poised on a chair draped in green and orange cloths.. Truly a casual celebration similar in feeling to what I imagine Jesus rapping with his disciples.

But there was no imagination needed here, the highly permeated ambiance of the Satsang was already in progress when I joined in 13 minutes in. (At 4am, PST in the USA, I did not check my emails and took me a moment to catch up with the Important notice of a new zoom code. The only reason for mentioning this is despite things not going smooth, I was having already this beautiful Divine experience of self with nothing in mind but patience and naturalness in finding the solution then logging in) and upon slipping in to the Satsang, I could only feel this deep sense of my own Naturalness and Connectedness.  SO NATURAL. It was like I was there from the beginning and me joining in needed no adjustment on anyone’s part, I was feeling so accepting of myself, as I was already One with the entire Satsang that was in session. This experience was immediately so deep and saturated within me, I felt more connected to Mohanji and everyone present than ever. The questions and answers were Flowing Like A River, calm yet Rapid, and I was totally filled with complete fulfillment in these moments, more than 2 hours. I noticed after joining in, Mohanji almost as if back tracking addressed the Parallel Realities topic. This had been in my mind as my only question days prior to the Satsang that I had not even submitted and yet was completely answered!

This feeling continued throughout the entire Satsang and even though Mohanji was so casually addressing what felt like advanced topics, He was moving at a pace my mind felt like it was sprinting!

Who else other than such a Loving Living Master can provide this type of priceless experience? I have honestly felt as if I was living and interacting in a Satcharitra like space through these interactive podcasts and now this Amazing Satsang as a form of a living breathing virtual Leela! Truly Grace Personified. And Immense Gratitude.

An interesting thought about why this Satsang felt so different and special to me occurred and I don’t know if it’s truly relevant?

I had the distinct feeling later that what I was feeling, 

This presence that was so Palpable and Real amongst this Satsang could be not only the energy of the Master and Guru Tattwa present but also because of the culmination of everyone present had the common experience of listening to these podcasts previously leading up to this event. This deeply saturated Naturalness, Acceptance, and Connectedness was like a new Reality experience of “One World. One Family” brilliantly devised and delivered by Mohanji! There was no agenda amongst the attendees other than the sincere Gratitude and Honoring and further Exploring of their understanding of the material which was being used as a jumping off point. And what followed was this undeniable Richness that allotted for what felt like many doors being opened! For the first time the statement that we are Unlimited and it is only the mind that limits us landed, and so did the realm of that Possibility in that moment. (This has also happened to me in many moments while listening to the podcasts. Then experiencing these moments of realization and application even if for only a few seconds in life, there is the awakening happening and one gets one step closer to that possibility.)

So I have come away with the feeling that there is unbelievable great value in these podcasts affording consistency and exposure to the Master. These wonderful small doses, which are so precious and not so small, have been experienced in the effects that really sneak up on you!  Before you know it, you have been fully re-educated with eternal tools you can use to transform yourself and the world around you. WOW.

Mohanji Please accept, from the depth of soul, my Eternal Gratitude. Thank you for being there for me and all of us during this time! You have given me Strength and made my life a Beautiful Experience completely immune to world events, 

You have been the mother turtle on the opposite shore sending such loving and compassionate glances delivering these beautiful messages that have gently and safely washed to the other shore. I am so deeply Honored in every possible way, to have had this time and these experiences with you and the Consciousness that is Mohanji.

Master, Thank You, I so believe in you!

Padmini Ravi Kumar 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comThanks for this opportunity to write the feedback. Firstly, Eternally grateful to Mohanji for the podcasts and the satsang that followed. As I mentioned in my podcast audio, His bitesize vitamins for the soul are hugely empowering and inspiring. The satsang happening for me was a leela by itself, as I had sent my reflections on audio to the wrong email address. But thanks to Mohanji and His Podcast team, I managed to get the link just in time for the satsang. 

Secondly, Mohanji’s satsang was as usual power packed; some of the salient points which impacted me were His one liners, which are listed out. I plan to print it out and place it on my desk.

  1. Awake from the massive illusion you have been entertaining.
  2. Accept whatever comes as is. 

     3. Personal experience has more relevance than books or words of another.

  1. Mind restricts one’s potential (lack of capacity) while soul empowers (enormous capacity)
  2. Accept oneself totally; when acceptance happens, deep peace happens. When there is resistance, there is mental agitation.
  3. A prejudiced mind sees division.
  4. Willpower comes with clarity of purpose; adding value to the world is our purpose; add value to the world with skills, values and determination.
  5. Where you park your mind, that you become. 
  6. Invest in Awareness.

There are many such powerful pointers which were given; the above resonated with me as I have been working on self acceptance and always wondered; what is it to accept oneself; but Mohanji pointed out that the outcome of acceptance is deep peace; this gave me clarity on this issue. The simple answer He gave on how to deal with current times, be flexible, had a profound effect. As I have learnt over the past years of association with Him, Being Mohanji is a state; a state of stillness, equanimity and love; the Stithpragya state as described in the Gita. Whatever the scriptures say, I see it that in HIm; He is indeed the Infinite Truth embodied and walking with us!!

Lastly, my Guru Dakshina to Him would be to live His teachings,that’s my deepest wish and desire and hope with His grace it happens.

Ivana Surjan Mitrović 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.com

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Satsang with Mohanji. It was a real blessing to receive his love at least through Zoom. During the Satsang I had a few questions in my head that I didn’t ask, but I got the answers anyway. I got answers to some questions after the Satsang, through messages I would ‘accidentally’ read on Facebook or hear on television. That’s how I know that Mohanji is really always with me. He hears me and delivers me everything I need. Thank you Father!

Sathya Shiva 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comGrateful to the Tradition, Mohanji and the social media (podcast) team for their efforts to arrange Satsang with Mohanji.

Listening to the podcast and sharing our thoughts was such a small act compared to the finale!

Mohanji’s session was so spontaneous and from the heart, as always.

Thought I would share with you some key takeaways that stayed with me from the session

-Transcend all man made barriers and blocks and experience oneness. 

-Diversity has its beauty and has to be appreciated.

-Humanity is our religion. Adding value to the world should be the purpose.

-Invest in your strength! Ignore your weakness!

-Don’t look for success or failure.

-One spark would be enough to ignite, if we are ready .

-If failures come, accept and move forward.

-Doubt is the key that the devil uses to enter the mind of a person and wreak havoc.

-We have to become like dry wood… Just wait for the opportune moment so that the flame will be ignited in us by the Master.

-One’s ability to do something positive for the world would be one’s independence. Not needing anything and healing others and healing the world would be independence. Independence is an inside story… Let the inside story unfold and lead us to light!

Meeta Sahai 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comLet me start by congratulating and thanking you for a life transforming satsang with Mohanji. It was a wonderful effort on your part to connect all disciples with the master. At the same time you encouraged everyone to listen to the podcasts. Superb effort. Great going. Hope to have many more such events in the future. Congratulations once again.

Ines Arredondo 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comGood afternoon, my name is Ines, I live in Aruba but I am Peruvian. This time I want to express my gratitude and love to Mohanji. Never participated in a Satsang before in my life and I feel blessed. I experienced strong emotion in my heart, in my soul. Thanks to Mirela, because my friend Martha Bazan enrolled me in the Mohanji Peru Club and we were in quarantine. Well, it has been the best gift that I have been able to experience daily feelings of very strong emotions with Maitri, and the daily Meditations, my Yoga that I love so much. I just want to say I love him from the heart and I listen to his podcast every day through EBC. Thank you Thank you Thank you. This is my testimony today and forever.

Chitra Chithi 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comSatsang on a podcast held on 15/8/2020 was really interesting and mind blowing. Instead of writing or asking questions, I was watching silently. Many were telling how tangible Mohanji is now. One person mentioned that those who haven’t met Mohanji yet could hear his heartbeat by just touching his photo and the one who don’t have eyes could see him through third eye, others mentioning how they are able to know his presence always. Mohanji was answering many questions humorously too.. 

Mohanji gave insight on connecting to a living master without doubts, comparison and expectations, which he said are the traps in spiritual progress. When doubts come, he asked to burn the doubt with faith. He again asked to put our 100% effort in all actions and forget about the result, that is surrendering to God or Guru. He also asked everyone to accept weaknesses and strengthen their strengths. Let the weakness be there aside, and strengths should be grown like nurturing a plant. Thanks a lot Mohanji and the team for this beautiful satsang.

Pravani Govender 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comI relish every opportunity to listen to Mohanji and soak in his wisdom. 

This private satsang however, offered a rare gift – I was able to speak to Mohanji directly as he answered the question I had posed. This filled me with gladness head to toe 🙂 

The satsang felt intimate due to the limited number on the call and thus rather special for us all I am sure. 

Thank you Baba, thank you to all for making this experience possible. 

Pooja Jobanputra 50th podcast Mohanji Speaks mohanji.podbean.comI would like to share my experience of the satsang last week.

It was a truly memorable experience. Each time I see Mohanji live, I feel the immediate personal connection, it feels as though he is looking at each one of us and we are having our own private satsang! It is truly magical and I find myself overwhelmed with love and a deep seated warmth towards our beloved guru.

Mohanji patiently listened to each one of us, and I was able to say hello and thank him personally for the healing and guidance I felt when my father was recently unwell. As I spoke, I knew he was aware of all my thoughts and I didn’t need to explain anything!!!

Thank you Mohanji for connecting with me so beautifully. You are our supreme guide and I love your Zoom satsangs. I look forward to more opportunities.

What is your experience? You can listen and follow Mohanji Speaks podcast here


By Subhasree, London

During the coronavirus pandemic, inspired by Mohanji’s call for action, the UK family also came together and started doing online programmes from morning till night. We have had sessions of chanting starting from 6 am to sessions of book reading, meditations, online Mai-Tri, special devotional songs etc.

During these sessions, Mohanji’s presence is often felt by the person who is conducting, as well as those who are viewing. Sometimes Mohanji makes us feel his presence even beyond energetically, many times showing physical signals too.

It’s very easy to discard such signals as imagination or just mere coincidences. For someone, who needs the assurance of Mohanji’s presence, he shows it. Such a signal becomes special for us, because we notice this signal on a specific day, or during a specific session, but not all the time. These signals are not imaginary. These are very much true to show Mohanji’s presence without presence.

Let me narrate a few experiences that we have observed in the last few days.

Last week, on 7th April, during Hanuman Jayanti, Harish and I were chanting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. We were live on Facebook.


As we finished chanting, few of the viewers sent some snapshots from this chanting session, where Mohanji’s photo looked exactly like Hanumanji. No doubt, no coincidence, no imagination.

Mohanji_Hanuman pic
Mohanji’s mouth area appearing like Hanumanji’s

We understood Mohanji’s kindness and compassion. It was his way of showing his presence in a form that someone could connect to. It was such a blessing for all of us to feel the presence of Hanumanji, the Consciousness of Hanuman through Mohanji, through Mohanji’s Consciousness on that occasion.

After all, Para Brahma is one, and only one.

On 13th April, we had a special event, continuous chanting for 12 hours, starting at 6 am. Chai was doing the chanting at that time. While she was about to start, she had some technical issues. She really needed help, and called out to Mohanji, “Please be with me Mohanji.” Of course, her session went on well. When she finished her session (https://www.facebook.com/chailaisiong/videos/10213718080261299/), she noticed the wick of the candle that was in front of Mohanji’s photo showing a clear ‘M’ shape. She realised it was Mohanji showing her the evidence that indeed he was with her.


Then on 14th April, Harish was chanting at 6 am. After his chanting, Pravin bhai messaged saying that he noticed a bright light at the center of Mohanji’s forehead on the photo.

Mohanji_thirdeye light
Bright light in Mohanji’s third eye area


After this message, we contemplated on all these experiences.

I thought this might be the reflection of the ceiling light. We have many spotlights on our ceiling and most of the time we can see those multiple lights as multiple dots over the photo. However today, how come just one was there and exactly on the 3rd eye? Where were the other dots, as all the lights were on!

That made me realise, for someone who needs that assurance of Mohanji’s presence, he shows it.

May be Pravin bhai (the viewer who notified us about this special appearance on the photo), needed some assurance that morning and Mohanji made his presence felt.

When I was talking to Pravin bhai later, he further mentioned that, usually in the morning he doesn’t watch FB online sessions. But when he woke up this morning and looked at his phone, the FB session opened up without any notification. Hence he started watching and noticed this dot. He also mentioned that this dot was expanding at times, it was not static. He even showed this to his wife.

Then he mentioned that yesterday during the 12 hour chanting, when he was chanting the Shiva Mantra, he was feeling Mohanji very much and thought in his mind, is Mohanji really listening to his chanting?

So after seeing this dynamic dot on Mohanji’s third eye on this photo, and the way he was made to see this session, he felt it was surely Mohanji giving him darshan and showing that he was pleased with Pravin bhai’s chanting yesterday.

After listening to this detailed account from Pravin bhai, I was sure of my understanding that even though Mohanji is always with us, he shows such symbols at specific instances to show physical evidence to the person.

Just as he did yesterday for Chai too, she was praying to Mohanji to be with her and he showed her his presence through the candle!

Whether it is the ceiling light reflections or a candle, these real material things show something beyond the material items! The true reality beyond the physical!

I was convinced, this is not imagination. This is very much true.

Truth as it IS!

Because this is Mohanji’s response to the love and call of his devotees.




Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th April 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

I am always with you


By Ulla Bernholdt

 ‘Remember I am always with you.’ – Mohanji

These words I have heard from Mohanji time and again. When leaving a retreat, it is usually his last words to us. But how much do we comprehend this? Do we understand the real depth of that message?

In the Serbian retreat 2019, Mohanji used an analogy for the experience. He took a sweet from the prasad plate and held it up while saying:

I can explain to you the taste of the sweet, but if you have not tasted it, you will never know what I am talking about’.

True! Then, what is he talking about when he says, “I am always with you?”

Most of us who have participated in a retreat with Mohanji, feel sad when the retreat comes to an end, wondering when we will have the next opportunity to be in his physical presence. We might feel pangs of separation, even though we know far too well that we should connect more to his Consciousness. But still, this illusion of duality holds us in its grip.

Please let me share with you some incidents that occurred to me each time on leaving a retreat.

On the last day of the Kumbh Mela 2019 in Prayagraj, devotees waited outside Mohanji’s residence to wish him goodbye. He hugged everyone and to me, he said:

‘Don’t worry, we will see each other.’

At that point, I had not told him about my plan of going to Jammu to attend his next public satsang the following day.

Everything seemed to be in order, a flight ticket was purchased, and a hotel for the night was booked as well. I ordered an Ola cab to pick me up early. Long story short, in the morning two cars cancelled and the third could only drive very slowly, so I missed my flight. The next flight available was not direct; so the prospect of attending the satsang was rapidly decreasing. I was in a bad state of mind. Over and over again, I would ask Mohanji how he could say, “Don’t worry, we’ll see each other,” when the situation was like this. I tried to convince myself that Mohanji means what he says. If it wasn’t for his promise the day before, I would have given up. Luckily, I arrived in time to attend the last hour of the satsang, thanks to Mamu picking me up from the airport.


The next story begins after the satsang in Slovenia. I was to catch a flight from Zagreb, Croatia, the next day, but I didn’t know how to get there late in the evening after the event. That was why I had not booked a place to stay in Zagreb either. Luckily, another devotee offered me a lift and a place for the night, but later she declined. What to do now? Then all of a sudden, Kristina called me saying she met a man outside the hotel who would like to give me a lift to Zagreb and furthermore to stay with him in his hotel room which had a spare bed. I was, of course, happy for the opportunity that was given to me. There was only one thing that worried me: nobody from the family knew this guy. Could I trust him?

The satsang ended and I got a few minutes with Mohanji before leaving, and he said ‘I am with you.’ Then off I went into the night with a perfect stranger in his car to Zagreb. Mohanji’s promise I could not take lightly. It was a marvelous drive with satsang for hours. Everything went smoothly; the guy was very kind and polite. Next morning, he took me for breakfast in a café before driving me to the bus station. He mentioned it was the will of God.


The last incident happened a few days back. I returned home from the Serbian retreat at Mt. Kapaonik, but my key to the apartment was gone. I searched my bags in vain. I wasn’t too worried though, because I left a spare key with a friend.

I collected the key and entered after unlocking the entrance to the stairwell. When getting to the top floor where I live, to my surprise I found that the missing key was sitting outside the door in the keyhole. It had been sitting there for almost 3 weeks.

I started wondering if the money I left inside from conducting Mai-Tri sessions was still in the box next to Mohanji’s photo. But everything was intact, nothing missing. Indeed Mohanji had taken care of the situation while we were both in Serbia. He is to be fully trusted.

So what does it mean when we experience these plays of the Master?

I think it is not merely a matter of someone strong (Mohanji) helping some poor or weak person in need. Nor is it a matter of us receiving protection, help and comfort in a time of despair.

In my point of view, Mohanji not only gracefully led me to overcome my doubts, to trust him and surrender to the situation, but also made me realise that I have faith, and I can handle whatever comes my way. This was only possible because I dared to believe that he is always with me.


I could never understand what he means when he says that he is always with us, had he not gifted me with these experiences. And yes, the taste is sweet, just like he explained! Because of the experiences, I now know the taste of him being with me.

Such experiences allow us to open up in gratitude and have faith in the Master, who then can work on us in return. Maybe one day, we will get to understand the even subtler levels of being with him.


I would like to conclude with this quote from Mohanji.

I see you when you see me. I see you even when you don’t see me. I am always with you, watching you, protecting you.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st November 2019


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team




The truth of His presence without presence

one with god

On this auspicious day of Guru Poornima, Mahesh shares with us a beautiful experience which yet again confirmed Mohanji’s presence in the Datta Tapovan ashram in Canada, although He was physically thousands of miles away.


The truth of His presence without presence

By Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada

The Datta Tapovan ashram was glowing. Mohanji was coming!  We were filled with so much joy. We did have our share of nervousness, but that nervousness was good, trying to keep everything perfect and in order for Mohanji’s arrival.

Tapovan Canada

Before Mohanji came, so many divine beings were making their presence felt too. One such unforgettable incident was when we felt Kamadhenu’s presence, though at that point we mistook it for cow dung smell!

Well, finally Mohanji came. We felt as if the brightness and warmth of the sun were appearing after a long, cold and dark, winter night. Yes, Mohanji filled whole the ashram with uncontainable and unlimited joy. Divine love flourished in every heart. 15 magical days filled with divinity. The sun rose, the sun set. But we remained awake in Mohanji’s Consciousness, in His love, 24/7.


Then the dreadful day came. It was time for Mohanji to go back. Other devotees in other parts of the world were waiting, His mission continues, the Avadhoota’s journey continues.

But how can my heart understand?  Greedy? Sadly, Yes. The heart didn’t want to bear the separation. The Master of my heart, Mohanji knew everything. Nothing is hidden from Him. He hears the cry coming out of each heart-beat.

He told me,

“Bhalerao, when I leave from here, don’t think that I am gone. Only my body will be gone. I will be here in the ashram, always.”

He left. I kept holding on to my faith, Mohanji is here, sitting on this chair, walking in this room, sleeping on this bed. I felt Mohanji continuing to be here with us.

Mohanji in Canada

Every morning and evening I kept doing the aarati, cleaning His room, making His bed, exactly how I used to do when He was here physically. That day, I continued the evening ritual.



In the evening when I went to the laundry room to do some laundry, suddenly I could smell the strong fragrance of Mohanji’s perfume. It has been more than a week since Mohanji had left; none of His clothes was in the laundry. In a room which normally smells of washing powder or bleach, getting the strong perfume smell of Mohanji was a clear indication that Mohanji was here, right next to me.

Then later, after finishing Sai Baba’s aarati, I went upstairs to Mohanji’s room, lit the lamp, made His bed and did pranaam at the chair where He used to sit while staying at the ashram, exactly how I used to do earlier.

canada pic

Just when I touched my head on the floor, Mohanji appeared! Yes, Mohanji appeared. I could clearly see Him, wearing His blue tank top and orange dhoti, sitting on the chair and smiling at me.

I burst out crying like a child. I cried and cried. I was crying not because I was missing Him. I was crying because He was proving to silly me that He was still here, very much here, even though physically He was thousands of miles away.

One thing is for sure, whatever Mohanji says, He always keeps His promises. He told me that He will be here in the ashram, and He proved this to me not just once but many times. And not just to me, even to others. You have already read Sanjay bhai’s story of how he saw Mohanji’s foot impression on the feet cushion.


His leelas are incomprehensible, unimaginable but magical. His love is truly unconditional and His compassion is beyond this world. How can I express my gratitude to you Mohanji, for your love? I can only bow my head down with complete surrender and remain at your feet always and forever.



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th July 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

The Lord of the Lions – The Truth

Mohanji with lion cubs

By Rekha Murali

“If you want to grow spiritually, root in EXPERIENCE, not in words, not in theories.” – Mohanji

I learnt the value of these words only through my experiences. As I connect with Mohanji more and more, I realise that it is the experiences that help me understand my spiritual growth. Experiences abound every day but how aware am I of these experiences? How much faith do I have to recognise these experiences as a blessing through the grace of the Master? Pain or pleasure, is it not learning? Is it not a dilution of the pre-destined karma? I bow to Mohanji, resting my head at His feet in complete surrender, with a humble prayer to remove what is not essential for me!

Each day of the past four years has brought forth so many experiences, some very minuscule and some so huge that it has shaken me out of my stupor. Some made me realise the depth of my connection with Mohanji, while others made me doubt Him. But since 2017, there has been a great shift within me, recognising the greatness of my Guru and I am now able to completely accept Him with deep devotion and faith! There may be tests in the journey but now I have the confidence the compassion incarnate Para Brahma is walking with me helping me jump over the hurdles with ease!

I now share with you an experience that showed me the invisible hand of the divine assuring me of protection and unconditional love. It showed me the true stature of my Guru, Mohanji! I felt His presence without presence deep within the core of my being!

The story begins…

On Mahashivratri, there were many miracles that took place at the ashram in South Africa. Reading the sharing by Swami Bhaktananda was mesmerising. Mohanji’s face in the picture had morphed into Lord Narasimha himself – the face of a lion! Lord Narasimha is the fourth of the ten primary incarnations (avatars) of Lord Vishnu, the Hindu God of preservation. The main purpose of the ten avatars was to restore cosmic order.

Going back to my story, I was overwhelmed by reading the beautiful write-up and wondered at the power of the lion-faced God – known as Narasimha or Narasingha. Singha in Sanskrit means lion. The next evening I sat down for my Consciousness Kriya (CK) practice. Those were the days when tears would roll down my cheeks for no apparent reason and during the practice of CK, I would weep buckets. At that time, I was also being initiated into the Mai-Tri Method and so a lot of baggage from my sub-conscious mind was getting cleared. I was being churned inside out by Mohanji! Kriya and Mai-Tri are a wonderful combination of cleansing. But that particular day, my Kriya session turned out to be different and specially blessed!

A key aspect that I need to mention before I get into my story is about Consciousness Kriya. Since my initiation into (CK) in January 2018, I have been very regular with it. I just felt the need to do my practice every day although I could not see any visible changes initially. Slowly I realised the depth of this practice. Initially, the changes were very subtle but soon, the experiences became more visible. That started a stream of many beautiful experiences, revelations etc. CK is such a priceless technique that enhances the practitioner’s communion with the Masters directly. It opens you up completely to the Consciousness and the connection with your Guru and Tradition deepens. I was not aware of this for a long time although I have had visions of great Masters and received many answers through various sources during Kriya. Sometimes it would just appear as a thought in my head! Kriya has opened up so many dimensions within me that I could have never imagined possible. First and foremost, it has helped me connect with Mohanji’s consciousness so deeply. Blessings abound everywhere and it is this sacred practice that helps me to be aware of it! Immense gratitude to Mohanji for opening this unknown part within me through this beautiful gift of Kriya!

So, while doing Kriya after Mahashivratri, I connected strongly with Mohanji’s consciousness and the tears started unabated. Along with my crying, I was aware of each step of Kriya and followed it diligently. Suddenly my breath increased in speed and I was gasping with the tears flowing incessantly. In a flash, I had a beautiful, inner vision (in my mind’s eye) of the most compassionate, the most beautiful face of a lion. The face was lit up with the loveliest of smiles and had the most gentle eyes. I quickly looked down and saw a human body along with the face of the lion. The lower portion was adorned with a beautiful yellow silk dhoti with a reddish magenta silk shawl draped around the waist. A word popped in my head – “Lakshmi Narasimha”, although I could not see Lakshmi. Normally Narasimha has his consort Lakshmi on his lap. My hands automatically joined together in Namaste.

Lakshmi Narasimha
Lord Lakshmi Narasimha

I was dazed and I felt waves of bliss. By then the Insight Timer beeped and I jumped out of my skin still crying. They were tears of joy and devotion. I sensed that the divine had appeared to bless me. I thanked Mohanji for this beautiful experience and relived the vision again and again in a state of bliss.

As usual, later on, the mind started doubting the entire episode. Was I hallucinating? Was my mind playing tricks because of the blog by Swami Bhaktananda? I looked at Mohanji’s picture and questioned Him too. I remembered Mohanji comment that every experience we have is our own.

I did share this with some members of the Mohanji family and a couple of dear friends. The comments I received were mostly ‘beautiful’ or ‘awesome’. I could not receive any clear answers or assurances for my lingering doubts. I was not sure if this was for real. But I could also very vividly remember the whole vision and I would tear up thinking about it. My body would indicate the truth of the vision.

Mohanji on experiences


The first confirmation…

Finally, Mohanji Himself chose to give me the answers. He soon put my mind to rest through Devi Amma. Devi Amma is a highly evolved spiritual Master and a disciple of Sage Agastya Muni. Whenever I pose questions to Mohanji, I always get clear answers from someone and this time I was blessed to get my confirmation from Devi Amma herself. Again, I attribute this to CK, as it has helped me physically be in touch with this Divine Master, Devi Amma. Moreover, Devi Amma and Mohanji are so deeply connected and they always speak as one. For me, speaking to Devi Amma is akin to being in the presence of Mohanji! I sense the same happiness, and gentleness that I experience in Mohanji’s presence. Both of them shower me with the same unconditional love and compassion. So, two days after the vision, it so happened that I got a chance to speak with Devi Amma out of the blue.

Devi Amma
An embodiment of Love

As we were speaking, I described this vision to her and asked her if I was hallucinating. She then explained the beautiful reason behind the vision assuring me that Lord Narasimha had indeed appeared to bless me. My hair stood on end and tears flowed. Devi Amma explained that Narasimha is the most compassionate of all avatars of Vishnu and He appears when a person is going through a lot of internal turmoil and stress. She explained that I’d bottled up all the emotions within and appeared cheerful on the outside. So he had appeared to relieve me of the burdens that I was carrying deep within, cleansing me, of which I may not be even aware of. She mentioned that it was happening because of my deep connection with my Guru. I was thrilled to hear this as I had seen the same compassion and love in Mohanji’s eyes, as I had in the vision. I felt extremely light in my heart and was full of gratitude to Devi Amma as she had in her beautiful way filled me with her unconditional love. I sent a silent prayer of thanks to Mohanji too and I felt extremely overwhelmed. Masters have spoken to me directly and have shown me that they are with me. This physical validation was because of CK which enables direct communication with masters.

Mohanji on experiences 1

My second confirmation…

That night passed peacefully and I was happy with myself. A couple of days later, (it was a Friday), I got further confirmation on the reality of this vision. It so happened that a distant relative whom I am not in touch with called me. After a general discussion, as a religious person, he started speaking about temples and Gods and he mentioned that he had been thinking about talking to me that very morning about Lord Narasimha! I shared with him my vision and he immediately mentioned that my maternal grandfather was as an ardent devotee of Narasimha and it was a genuine blessing from the Lord. This was my second confirmation. There was a lineage connection here as well, my grandfather being a devotee.

And the third one…

Soon after that, my husband and I left on a holiday to a nearby town (Pondicherry). We planned a visit to a temple of Ram on the way. I immediately sent a humble prayer to the Lord himself… My request was that if the vision was true, I would see the idol of Narasimha in the temple dressed in the colours that had appeared in my vision…yellow dhoti with the reddish magenta wrap!

After we worshipped the main idol and walked around, we came across another deity called Sudarshana. My eyes lit up immediately and with heart pounding, I went quickly to view the back of the Sudarshana idol. The reason for this is because, in all South Indian temples, the back portion of the Sudarshana idol has an idol of Narasimha sitting cross-legged in yoga and is popularly known as Yoga Narasimha!

Lo and behold! I turned the corner and saw that the Yoga Narasimha was dressed in a yellow dhoti with a magenta cloth draped around his waist. Normally in such temples, I have always seen the deities dressed only in white dhotis. The Sudarshana idol was also dressed in a white dhoti. I was stunned and with tears flowing, I prostrated with gratitude and surrender. This was clear proof of the vision that I had during CK. The colour of the clothes matched exactly with the vision. So the appearance of the divine during CK was a blessing indeed! What more could I ask for?

Experience and mind

The entire experience was truly enlightening and assurances were given in various ways till I was satisfied. We proceeded to our destination (a resort) and I was unaware of the other plans that Mohanji had in store for me. This was again a blessing! Looking at the beautiful lawn in the resort, a thought crossed my mind that it would be wonderful to do Conscious Walking here for the guests of the resort. Mohanji fulfilled that so easily by helping me approach the Events Manager who agreed immediately to my idea. I also suggested doing the Power of Purity meditation and within a matter of minutes, everything was finalised for the next day. Announcements were made and Mohanji ensured His presence without presence. During the Mohanji energy transfer, a participant felt someone standing next to her although I was nowhere near her. She also sensed a surge of energy, a tingling sensation in her body! It was the first time that she was doing a proper meditation!


Mohanji not only gave me the opportunity to conduct a POP meditation and Conscious walking for the guests of the resort, but He also ensured that every participant benefitted by it. Participants experienced the energy and bliss that everyone feels in the presence of Mohanji. Conscious Walking also had an enthusiastic group of participants and people were happy to have learnt something new during their holiday. They felt energised and were happy to take back something that they could practice at home on their own. He orchestrated everything and all that I had to do was just go with the flow.

Thank you, dear Mohanji, for the various tools such as Consciousness Kriya and the Mai-Tri Method to help me discard some of the deep-rooted karmic samskaras!

The patience with which Mohanji handled me, understanding my doubting, uncontrollable mind and sending me messages through various sources was astounding. He is always there holding my hand, guiding me on my path even if I am not aware of it. He is my Narasimha, wiping my tears, showering me with His love and compassion. Ever smiling and gentle, He lovingly puts my disturbed mind to rest and protects me through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual upheaval. In this lifetime, my Narasimha is none other than Mohanji, who is compassionate incarnate. I always experience and see the same gentleness, unconditional love and compassion in Him that I saw in my vision of Lord Narasimha that day.

Dear Mohanji, I pray that you hold this Prahlada (devotee of Vishnu for whom he incarnated), your loving child close to you and never let go. On your shoulder, I merge into you with no worries and the faith that you as my Father, my Guru and My Narasimha will take me with you. You are Mohanji Narasimha!

Prahlada and Narasimha


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd June 2019


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— Mohanji Testimonials Team