A miraculous shield

red jacket

by Ami Hughes

There was a dull thud upon impact. I realised my car was hit.

The car just ahead of me took a left turn. I followed, also turning left into Twickenham Road on my daily route to our work headquarters in Auckland Park – a Johannesburg suburb.

It was a quiet morning, not much traffic on the roads. Twickenham was even quieter. No other cars aside from ours. The multi-coloured Toyota Avanza turned right on to the oncoming lane, and I passed it.

Suddenly I heard a dull thud. My heart sank. There was that sickening kind of feeling in the pit of my stomach as I realised my car was hit. 

Then the scenes turned surreal. I felt half in and half out of my body. Everything that followed appeared to be like in a movie, and I witnessed the scene from far away. 

Everything was in slow motion.

This is how it unfolded.

The street was still quiet. There were no human witnesses to what had just happened, only the All-Pervasive, All-Seeing, All-Knowing Mighty Divine beyond the range of physical perception. 

I got out of my car, shaking like a leaf. I just couldn’t stop shaking. The fear of the cost of the damage to my vehicle was uppermost and completely consumed my mind at that moment. Repairing BMWs do not come cheap even though insured. My car is not even three years old.

I was not hurt but was anything but rational. I was gripped in a mixture of shock and fear and anger too and engulfed in that horrible sick kind of feeling. This was exacerbated by weeks of worry and stress over uncertainty at work with the threat of retrenchment letters hanging over our heads. On a personal physical level, l was afflicted with unrelenting debilitating headaches. They caused my blood pressure to skyrocket – and now this!

The accident was just the catalyst that burst my emotional dam wall. The pent-up frustration was at boiling point and spilt over in anger. I was seething. It overrode all sensibilities. 

I looked at my car in horror. The back bumper looked awful, oh and the mag wheel rim (more sick feeling). It also looked hideous. Again my thoughts raced to the cost of the possibility of having to get a new rim as well!

The other driver also got out of her car, which was still on the opposite oncoming lane in half left turn back towards the left lane again. We approached each other. It was another lady driver.

Looking at the state of my car in disbelief, I shouted to the lady as we approached each other, “What have you done? You turned right!”

And she shouted back, “I indicated.”

Me: “No, you didn’t.”

Lady: “Yes, I did.”

Me: “But you turned Right!” 

Lady: “I indicated!”

Me: “Look at my car!”

And this went on and on with our voices getting louder and louder in the quiet suburban street. Both of us were in shock. Our reactions were far from calm, rational or reasonable. The lady was driving a company vehicle. All the noise brought out a few residents from inside their homes into the street. They looked on with much curiosity as to the cause of all the noise. 

I have to admit that I was not myself at all, sadly. With all that I had been experiencing physically and energetically over the past several months which were very trying and testing, I felt alone, unsupported, and physically, emotionally, mentally tired and generally just fed-up with my lot. Ridiculous thoughts flooded my mind like, ‘Beam me up, Scotty. I’m done here.’

As the commotion was going on, a car approached on the oncoming lane. It happened to be one of my work colleagues. She was so amazing, ultra-calm, and she immediately took charge of the situation.  

Colleague to me: “You’re shaking. We need to get you some sugar water.” 

My colleague helped me take deep calming breaths, and she also spoke to the other driver, gently and kindly. 

By then the lady (driver of the Toyota Avanza) had radioed her colleagues and reported the incident. They worked in the security department at the University of Johannesburg, outside of which the incident occurred. Her colleagues arrived on the scene quite quickly and assessed the situation. The other car was still in the oncoming lane. 

Everyone on the scene was very kind. They helped the other driver and me to take down each other’s details. They guided us to take photos of the cars and reminded us to report the incident to the police within 24 hours.

Their calm handling of the situation kind of brought me back into my body. I felt as though I was waking up from a dream into conscious awareness.

I was taking in the finer details of things around me. Curiously, I noticed the other driver’s hands, fingers and fingernails. They were very elegant with red nail polish. I looked at her face and thought she was so pretty, and I liked her, and I realised she was also scared. 

My heart melted for her. I felt empathy; immediately and sincerely, I apologised for all the shouting with the purity of my heart. The exchanges had been loud on both sides. She also genuinely apologised.

I instinctively reached out and hugged her (at the moment forgetting all about the covid social distancing). She hugged me back.

Thinking about her family, and perhaps she might have children or old parents relying on her (these were the thoughts that I found were racing through my mind as I was slowly and consciously taking everything in). I urged her to please stay safe and take care.

We parted as one human caring about another. It felt right and natural. It felt good.

My car was not mechanically damaged. I gingerly drove to work. We need an access card to gain entry into the parking, and into our greater office building. I drove to the third floor and parked in my parking bay. 

I was feeling quite light-headed. I sat in the car for a few minutes, breathing slowly and deeply, trying to steady myself. Gathering myself, I got out of my car, opened the boot to get my handbag, and realised I did not have my access card with me. My mind was a complete blank. I could not remember where I had put the access card.

I had to think for several moments, yes, I had to use the card to gain entry into the car park, so the card had to be in the car. For some 40 minutes, I searched high and low inside the car, under the car, I emptied my handbag – no card in sight. Where could the access card be?!

My awareness level was zero; my mind-body-senses were not in alignment. My energy field was scattered.

I wondered whether I had dropped the car at the entry point. So ensuring in a slow and measured way that I had the car keys in my hand, I locked the car and slowly walked down three winding floors to the entrance, still feeling quite shaky in the body.

The card was not there either. I asked the security guards whether they had seen an access card perhaps dropped at the entry point at the checkpoint. No, they hadn’t.

Again there was much kindness from the guards. One of them asked whether I was alright. I said no, I didn’t feel so good and that I just couldn’t remember where I had put my card.

He kindly walked me back to my car on the 3rd floor and helped me search for the elusive card. We could still not find it. Goodness, it appeared to have just vanished! My mind was again all over the place, and I still felt acutely light-headed.

Then my eyes fell on my little purse inside my handbag that held my driver’s licence and identity card. I reached out for it and opened it. And there it was – the access card!!!

For the life of me, I did not recall putting it into that purse. I was so relieved. The kind security card was also smiling ear-to-ear, so happy for me that I had found the card. You can imagine the state I was in, not to have remembered where I had put the card.

I was still feeling misty-eyed when I got to the office. I quietly sat at my desk for about ten minutes. I made myself a black coffee to ground myself. Thoughts were racing through my head. I needed to go to the police station, get an accident report number for insurance and all the nitty-gritty of paperwork.

A moment of pause, I took a deep breath and messaged my Beloved Master, Mohanji, telling him about what had happened. By then, the waterworks were in full flood. I just cried and cried and cried silently. My colleagues respectfully let me be.

Mohanji’s reply came within a few minutes, “Be Cool. You will be OK. Proceed with the rest of formalities.”

OMG! Mohanji said, “Be Cool.” Thinking back on the drama earlier, I was anything but cool!

And my Master knew it. He was physically thousands of miles away but was a first-hand witness to the unfolding drama earlier.

My beloved Master also said something else in the message. It’s something of a personal nature which I don’t feel I can share publicly. In reply to my response, Mohanji said,” I am with you. Be cool. Be Mohanji.” I felt very comforted and strengthened by His messages. 

The police formalities proceeded smoothly. It was the first time I had driven to the famous Brixton Police Station in Johannesburg!

Considering what to do next, I drove straight on to my car dealership for guidance on how to proceed considering the car was still under a motor plan. They cautioned me to go to their recognised repair centre to ensure I don’t lose the motor plan’s benefits. I immediately drove to their recommended repair centre some ten kilometres away. All the formalities were done with pictures taken of the damages. They said they would email me the quote. Again it was quite a straightforward, painless procedure.

As I drove home, I felt compelled to take the car straight to the carwash near where I lived, for a thorough wash and full valet service.

Two beautiful, helpful souls setto work. I told them what had happened. They were very sympathetic and said not to worry. You should have seen just how they went about cleaning the car.

Finally, it was all done. They said, “Come see ma’am.”

I expected to see scratches and dents. There was not a single scratch, nor a dent on the bumper. Nothing! I looked on in utter amazement and peered closely at the rim. Here too, there was not one scratch on it. I was dumb-founded.

I recalled hearing a thud at the time of the incident. There was an impact, and yet there was nothing to show of the morning’s incident. It was a Miracle! A Miracle! My Master’s Miracle. 

Mohanji’s protective presence is a powerful shield. When he says, “I am with you,” these are not empty words. They are the words of a powerful Master filled with the energy of Source. This was tangible, observable proof. Mohanji always says to us all, “Stay connected. Do not doubt.” 

How often our minds lead us astray in messy, knotty thought entanglements. We apply our limited human concepts to our Master. Yes indeed, Mohanji is in a physical body, and how often have we, mistakenly, thought of him as being just an ordinary human being. He actually prefers it that way.

But please let me just say, put the ‘extra into the ordinary,’ in our definition of Mohanji, we will be getting a little closer to the truth of his extraordinary source stature.

Back to the incident of my car, there’s more! While still at the carwash, I checked my email on my mobile phone. I was surprised to see that the quote from the repair centre had come in. That was quite quick.

I opened the email, and there was the quote staring at me, detailing a long list of repairs which amounted to a grand total of nearly 24 000.00 Rand!

At the carwash, I had paid just R200.00 for the washing and full valet service. To think I was so worried about the cost of repairs.

Miracle, Miracle, Miracle!

This is my Master’s grace, his unstinting blessings, his mighty cover of love and protection. This mind cannot fully grasp the depth of his unconditional love for us. This is my father’s love always and in All Ways.

About a week after the incident, I received a call from the University of Johannesburg’s legal department inquiring whether I had the three quotes from the repair centres to sort out the insurance.

When I explained the eventual outcome after the car was taken to the carwash, the man was at first taken aback and then completely amazed.

I mentioned the amount quoted for the repair centre’s repairs and how much I had paid at the car wash. The man chuckled in disbelief and relief too. I told the gentleman that there were no damages to my vehicle and that there was no need for any insurance claim. I asked him about the condition of the other car. He said there was a slight crack to the bumper and damage to one of the light covers. Nothing major! He asked whether they could close the case, I replied with a happy and emphatic Yes!

“I am with you.”


My heart is so deeply grateful.

Thank You, my beloved Master Mohanji. 

All praise! All thanks to You!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st January 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

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Divine guidance

Mohanji eyes closed

Priti shares with us a beautiful testimonial of Guru’s loving grace in times of pain and difficulties which she experienced when her niece Monika was very unwell.

By Priti Bhardwaj, UK

Just a little background to Monika’s story that I would like to share here as I feel tremendously grateful to our beloved Mohanji and Guru Mandala for the grace and blessings they have bestowed on her personal journey so far, and am sure will do so beyond her time here.

Mohanji and the Nath Gurus have played such an important part in Monika and her family’s life in the last 2 to 3 years without them even knowing, and this is the ultimate unconditional love Mohanji and the Masters have for all! Incredible grace comes – just a sincere prayer brought the Masters of the Tradition to this family! (The family are not into spirituality or religious in anyway). 

Two years ago, Monika and her boyfriend, who was driving at that time, were hit by a car that went into their side passenger side. Monika was unfortunately badly injured; her boyfriend suffered minor shoulder issues. Monika was told she may not walk and will have to wear a metal neck and back brace for a long time as there were serious spinal injuries. This was devastating news as Monika was a party person and it was very difficult for her to even sit in one place. 

Mohanji sent me as the first person to see her in hospital after the crash. Immediately I was guided to ask for Mai-Tri for her and prayers were performed thru the Global Prayers Whatsapp group, which was kindly heard by the grace of the divine energies. Monika continued to improve to the point that she actually started walking and attending work after four months, and she was even able to attend some parties.

I feel now with hindsight a very serious incident/accident was averted at that juncture; such is the grace of the Masters because she had unfinished agendas here on Earth. This, I believe, was extra time given to her, so she could spend time and make amends with her family and friends as 18 months later she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Amazing that she recovered from the car accident but unbelievable that this illness was diagnosed.

Again, Mohanji sent me to her, and I was guided immediately to seek Mai-Tri for her. This was performed within three months during the initial Spring lock-down and hospital delays. Monika’s cancer became aggressive. At the same time, Monika’s Dad suffered a stroke and is still in a convalescence home as he can hardly walk or eat solids. Calamity after calamity, but the grace of the Masters was always there. Grace comes when you have faith in the Master.

Monika, her family, relations and  friends became incredibly close, united in looking  after her with  limitless love and care making her every waking moment full of love which I believe kept her going. Couple of times the doctors would say that she only had 72 hours to live, however, the love that she was receiving from all 4 corners of the world and her strong will  to live till her last breath gave her extra moments with all her loved ones. Time and time again, despite all the painful treatments and the callousness of the cancer spreading, growing rapidly throughout her body, she did not give up smiling and greeting the umpteen visitors  who came to see her. She was always surrounded by bountiful of flowers wishing her well…..

After a couple of months of Monika having operations, chemo and radiotherapy to treat the illness, she gradually became worse. This time it was Subhasree who saw my messages requesting for prayers for both. Subhasree, despite a gruelling backlog of work immediately gave Monika Mai-Tri. In fact, by this stage MTM (Mohanji Transformation Method) was given, a deeper level of the Mai-Tri Method. This was indeed an honour and again, Mohanji’s grace! A deep trauma had led to this cancer. Mohanji completely cleaned the entire trash that had caused it. Mohanji does his job!

I was also guided to ask Mahesh to perform a Guru Raksha Homa for Monika’s family at the Mohanji Datta Tapovan Ashram in Canada, and certain Pujas were carried out in India during initial lockdown which lasted 7 hours despite strict curfews and shop rationing… all Mohanji’s grace!

During my many trips up to Birmingham to see Monika, on one occasion, we slept very late as the family were interested in knowing how and why these illnesses occur, so by the time I put my head down it was 3 am but couldn’t sleep as had a very strong urge to connect Monika (who was in the hospital at that time having a hip op as cancer had spread there) to Shirdi Sai Baba and give her Udi, but didn’t know how to do this…. Towards the end of the morning all my attempts trying to plan how to introduce Mohanji/Sai Baba to Monika turned out to be in vain, so I surrendered the whole thing to Mohanji and tried to sleep.

An hour later, I heard noises coming from downstairs. My sister-in-law walked in from the cold front doorstep. I asked her where she had been so early, and her answer amazed me and almost knocked me over.

mohanji sai

She said her eyebrow threading lady who was a Sai devotee had called her early in the morning and told her Sai Baba had instructed her to tell my sister-in-law to go to the local temple and take some sweets to Baba and leave it at his lotus feet with a prayer and some change for Sai Baba to look after Monika. Can you believe how my late night thoughts and prayers actually transpired and became a reality. But even there grace flowed, when my sister in law went to purchase the sweets the shutter to the shop was closed, due to open 3 hours later. As she stood outside the shop thinking where to get some of these Indian sweets, the shop shutter opened, and the shop keeper let her buy the goods. Amazing right?!

We also managed to get Manasarovar and Gauri Kund water to Monika, who was a complete non-believer in these things. (There’s always several deeper reasons as to why we go to far off places like Manasarovar and Gauri Kund – sacred waters came from my pilgrimage to Kailash with Mohanji 2019.) That too was pure grace.

Despite a being a non-believer, Monika was beginning to recite the Gayatri mantra, and the whole family were starting to see life from a positive angle rather than the gross negativeness. Is this Mohanji doing his magic? Yes!

Monika was an amazing fighter or maybe that Mai-Tri prevented her from feeling the worst of the pain. Whenever she was asked if she had pain, she said, no! She didn’t want to die in a hospital on her own and did what she could to avoid this. Her wish to come home came true every time.

I saw her couple of days ago although she was drugged up heavily on morphine and was breathless, we sang songs and my daughters, and I danced to her favourite songs from the late 90s (once a party person always a party person).

With the grace of our Guru, she died peacefully, and I am sure she is being guided as we speak to the light. Rest in Peace, my darling Monika. I love you. 

Thank you all for your prayers and wishes.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd December 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

An attitude of gratitude


Two lovely ladies from the Mohanji family share with us their expressions of deep gratitude to Mohanji, for his love and protection in their lives every moment in time. 

“What can be the highest prayer? The prayer of gratitude. Those who are grateful are also graceful. They are filled with Grace.” – Mohanji

Kim Khim, South Africa

As you all know, I tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. I was tested on the 17th of March and received the results on the 23rd. As you can well imagine, I was shocked and quite gutted by the news. I was put onto medication to treat my immediate flu-like symptoms and sent home to rest. I have spent all my time between then and now, in relative isolation.

During this lockdown/isolation period, I have had much time to reflect on my life and my spiritual journey.

It’s been a time of deep introspection, where one really looks at what is really important to one, and who is important to one. In my case, I too had to really face my mortality. There were moments where I thought if this is the end of the line for me, then so be it. I will go peacefully and gracefully. It has not been easy, and at times my breathing was a problem, but somehow I have managed to pull through this.


I do believe that one’s faith and strength of mind are the two weapons against this pandemic. If you look inside and you turn to your God/faith/Guru etc., you will find all your answers and you will find peace in this time of crisis.

I have stuck with my vegetarian/vegan eating. I have taken many supplements like NAC, zinc, Vit C, propolis, and enjoyed the lemon/ginger teas that my beautiful daughters have schlepped up to me on a daily basis. I have been incredibly fortunate to have the love and support of my children, my mother, family, my dearest friends, and of course the Mohanji family who have unwaveringly been there for me with Mai-Tri, meditations, words of encouragement and upliftment.

Milica, Delo, Julie and Sjarn just kept bringing me back into the light, each time I fell apart. My daughters have been undeniably my two rocks. They have fed me and nursed me, looked after me like you would an infant. It’s just been a life-changing experience, where I as the parent, became their charge, and they took complete responsibility with no fear, and just became the most amazing two moms to me.

With all this being said, I have now tested negative to this virus. I have recovered from it. I still have a way to go in terms of complete healing of my lungs (as I am asthmatic). Please all be safe! And thank you for your messages, prayers and good wishes. It’s this energy which saved my life!

Thank you to our beloved Mohanji, who kept me in his hand and protected me. I know that you are always with me!



Anonymous, India

I would like to share a miracle which happened a few days ago. I was preparing a sweet dish with rice, moong dal and jaggery. Rice and dal were getting cooked in one pan and in another pan, the syrup of jaggery was getting ready. The rice and dal mixture was ready and the jaggery syrup was boiling and almost ready.


Before I could remove the syrup and pour it into the rice and dal mixture, I don’t know what happened, the pan in which the jaggery syrup was boiling, slipped from the gas cooker and the hot syrup fell on my right foot. You may wonder what happened next. The syrup should have got stuck to my foot and burnt it and I would have been howling in pain. But why fear when Para Brahma Mohanji is there.

Nothing that you might have expected to happen turned true. The syrup which fell on my foot didn’t give me the slightest discomfort. I didn’t feel the heat, nor was there any mark on my foot. I just washed my foot and there was no trace of anything! Of course, I had to clean my kitchen many times.

I am sure it was our Mohanji who had come and saved me from what could have been a bad accident.  Thank you so much for saving me and for always being there when I need you.

Love you loads, dearest Mohanji.





Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 13th April 2020


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Protection in peril

I am with you

By Giselle Mehta, India

Two narrow escapes from certain hazards in a very short period reinforce the assurance of a loving connection and potent protection from Mohanji.

The first episode occurred earlier this month on November the 8th. We had come to our beach home which is a weekend getaway, some driving distance from our city residence. We had carried our food along, and as it was being warmed, there was a sudden short circuit affecting the heating devices.

Giselle Mehta

Our caretaker warned us of some kind of an explosion in the electric pole outside the gate causing the electricity to fail. The probable reason was shoddy work by the local electricity board as a stop-gap measure for an earlier problem during the fierce monsoon. We didn’t obsess about it, merely switching on the inverter for alternate power supply.

After dinner, we headed upstairs to our rooms to retire for the night. We dropped off to sleep but were woken up by a call from our daughter who studies and lives elsewhere. Having woken up, my husband decided to check on our visually impaired dog Sunday (the subject of a previous protective episode I’ve shared) and headed downstairs to bring him up.

There was a strong odour of smoke in the downstairs space. After some searching, he realized that the inverter under the staircase was the cause. With the caretaker’s help, potentially disastrous combustion was prevented and brought under control.

“Grace protects you, it does not stop an event.” – Mohanji

Had the call not come at the time it did or the dog not stayed downstairs, we would have continued to sleep undisturbed upstairs. The consequences can only be imagined for us and the house, but the right circumstances averted catastrophe with fortuitous timing. Amazingly, an Eye Card carried in my bag was a couple of feet away from the burning inverter.

A few weeks earlier, the Guru Raksha Homa was performed for our family’s protection. In the intervening period, my husband had the uncanny experience of the Eye Card adhering to his third eye area defying gravity for the entire duration of his Kriya that day – a huge sign of a living Master’s presence and protection.

eye card
Eye Card

I was unaware of what had transpired; sleeping through till my husband shared the details when we were on the road the next day. A bus passed by. I normally never look into the interiors of other vehicles but my eyes were inexplicably drawn to a large Sai Baba picture on its dashboard. Truly, one was offered perspective and a sense of grateful wonderment for the benevolent power of the Guru Mandala and Mohanjias its living embodiment.

The following Friday, we were on a road trip from out of town. On the way, my eyes rested in appreciation on a large lifelike white stone sculpture of Sai Baba seated on a rock, bringing in its wake loving thoughts of Mohanji and a connection to his consciousness.


Our 7-hour plus journey commenced in the late afternoon and darkness descended on the terrain rather fast. I dozed off with anti-nausea medication for the rigours of the winding journey. My husband was negotiating the curves of the mountain road on his own without my usually vigilant back-up.

Fatigued with crammed activities from the days before, he apparently dozed off at the wheel on a highly hazardous route, something that has never happened before. But he did wake up with a sense of shock, feeling saved from the possibility of a very serious accident should our car have slammed into another vehicle or overshot the road and toppled down the steep mountainside.

Again, I blissfully slept through the episode. He said nothing about it except to demand that music be played to keep him awake. We reached home safe. The next morning I had a message from Maheshji of Mohanji Canada asking if all was good on our side. I conveyed it to my husband who then came out with the frightful occurrence of what I had slept through, awash with gratitude for the benign presence that seemingly woke him up in the nick of time.

Bosnia Kriya Intensive

This time, I mused I didn’t even have the Eye Card around because that was in another handbag. On unpacking, later on, I was surprised to find one of our booklets of Kriya vows that had stayed in the suitcase since the Kriya Intensive in Bosnia and had accompanied us on this perilous ride.

Once again, words fail and the overflowing heart takes over…

flow with life



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th December 2019


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Resurrection of Lazarus


Here is a miraculous escape from the jaws of death of a devotee, saved only by the grace and protection of Mohanji!

I died (well almost). And Mohanji brought me back to life.

The reason for writing this anonymous account is just to make sure that my family does not panic after reading the incident that I am about to narrate. Hence, will obscure certain names of locations to protect me and my companion’s identity.

In India, Diwali is a big festival and is accompanied by holidays at work. I decided to put the few days of Diwali holidays to good use by going to the Himalayas and doing some serious spiritual practices. I consulted Mohanji and he told me about the practices that needed to be done.

The place I was going to has a very powerful Goddess temple. I planned to drive all night, so I could reach it early in the morning. I was travelling with a companion and that person had gone off to sleep while I negotiated the mountain roads in the dead of the night.

As the car turned a corner, I saw a leopard crouched by the road. I stopped the car and woke up my companion to also look. We watched it for a few minutes until it leapt and disappeared in the hills. I didn’t think much of it at that time, but should I have? Was it Divine Mother?

In the next few days, I did my spiritual practices intensely sitting on the lap of Divine Mother.

On the way back, I stopped by the ashram of a very famous saint (who is no longer in the body) and who is known to be an incarnation of Lord Hanuman. As I sat down before his seat, my third eye area immediately started to vibrate as if receiving a Shaktipat. After some time, we started again towards home, Mohanji’s padukas and the Sri Yantra of Divine Mother in a shoulder bag strapped safely in the back seat, like how one would tuck in a small child, with the seat belt.

Within about half an hour, the accident happened. As the car was coming down the mountain road, the brakes failed and the steering jammed, mysteriously. Both my companion and I knew that we were about to fall off the mountain when the brakes failed to stop the car. All of a sudden, the car was off the road and tumbling down the side of the mountain, as they show in the movies. I vividly remember the alternating darkness and light as the car tumbled down while flipping.

People confess their surrender to God or Guru while they are hale and hearty. It is difficult to replicate the few seconds before death and one’s reaction during those last seconds. I was dead calm. As the car was crashing down, I thought I was going to die and I calmly took three names: Mohanji, Maa (meaning Divine Mother) and the name of the saint whose ashram I had just visited. The car came to a stop. (We later came to know that the car had fallen about 100 feet!).

No frantic sentences were uttered while the car was crashing, nor did I see my life flashing before me. The airbags had saved both of us. We were bleeding a little from cuts here and there, but as we climbed out of the car, we realized that neither had any serious injuries. Miraculously within minutes, villagers arrived and rescued us.


As we climbed to the top of the mountain where we had gone off the road, villagers told us that a shoulder bag was found on the road. This was the same shoulder bag which contained Mohanji’s padukas and Mother’s Sri Yantra. It is as if that they stepped out at the top of the mountain, anchored themselves and stopped the car from falling further! We were later informed by the villagers that, the tree which stopped the car from falling further was the last tree on that mountainside. After that was a sheer drop of about a kilometre down the ragged mountain into the river below. Of course, we all realised what could have happened had the car fallen further.

It seemed as if Divine Mother and Father (Mohanji) fought with Yama, the God of Death, themselves to stop him from taking us away.

As I waited for the police to arrive, the only thought that was in my mind was that I knew for sure, the strong bond I have with my Guru, Mohanji – as I was about to die, I took His name. There was also a certain comfort and a feeling of bliss that my surrender and faith was tested and wasn’t found inadequate.

This reminds me of the beautiful Indian bhajan (spiritual song) which goes:

इतना तो करना स्वामी जब प्राण तन से निकले

गोविन्द नाम लेकर, फिर प्राण तन से निकले

This means that – Lord, as my life exits from my body, please allow me to take your name.

Almost felt like James Bond – straightened my imaginary tie after climbing out of the crash! Why should I care, when ‘M’ has my back! (And no, I am not talking about 007’s boss!)

When surrender is complete at the lotus feet of the Guru, the Guru will cross the cosmos to protect you and hold your hand in a split of a second. Physical distances are meaningless between a Guru and the devotee. What truly matters is the bond between the hearts.


Over the next few days, we finally managed to reach home. Apart from the car, we did not suffer any other loss – physical harm (Can you imagine tumbling 100 feet down a ragged mountainside and not requiring even one stitch?), wallets, travel bags, among other things.

Incidentally, I had left Shiva Kavach and Devi Kavach mantras, recited by Mohanji, playing on a loop in my altar room at home. Was this a coincidence?

Mohanji has resurrected me many times before, from sure death, but those stories are for another time.

Today, Lazarus lives, saved by his Jesus.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 5th December 2019


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – Divine umbrella of love and care


We bring to you the sixth story in the Mohanji Satcharita series – Chapter 9. Deepali Bais narrates one of her innumerable experiences in which she has felt Mohanji’s loving presence. 

For more such stories, click here:

Divine umbrella of love and care

By Deepali Bais

Spirituality is a very interesting journey and for us, it has unfolded many tales which are embedded deep in our hearts. Since the time we have been associated with Mohanji i.e. since 2012, there have been innumerable experiences showing His loving presence in our lives. We always thought of cherishing it in our hearts, but of late the need for sharing has become important as our loving Mohanji never expects anything in return.

The experience I share here is special in many ways.

Life puts us through seemingly difficult phases to check our preparation for the next phase and to gauge our reaction through these testing times. A situation unfolded with us recently when our son came back from playing on the evening of 31st Jan 2019.

Generally, we don’t expect many visitors in the evening, hence when the doorbell rang in three quick successions, we were alarmed. Before my husband (Anurag) could reach the door, my son could not wait any longer and turned the latch and gave one big push to the door and it sprang open. During the next few seconds, I could hear a conversation between Anurag and my son. Anurag announced that we have to take him immediately to the hospital as it appeared to be a fracture in his arm. Then I noticed my son holding his left arm with his right hand and writhing in pain. He told that whilst taking a turn, he had slipped and fallen from his bicycle and one bhaiya (elder boy) dropped him home by carrying his bicycle. He was gasping for breath. Anurag washed his face and gave him a glass of water to drink while I got ready.

The moment I saw him crying with pain, tears rolled down my cheeks and I broke down. Without any reminder, I started chanting the mantra given to me by Mohanji in 2012. This mantra has become a part of my life since 2012 and for a long time. I have never felt the need to chant it consciously and loudly as it would repeat itself within me in auto mode effortlessly, very much similar to our breath.

I was continuously chanting the mantra and remembering our beloved Mohanji. We all know we need not tell Him or ask help from Him. He is protecting us 24×7, but the mother in me was worried about seeing my child in pain.

Various thoughts crossed my mind as we were getting ready to go to the hospital. Since his exams were near, our worries started compounding. Anurag put a cloth under my son’s arm and tied it up carefully around his neck to give him some comfort.

Mohanji I am

As Mohanji says,

I am always around you and you need to just “SWITCH ON”.

Within a span of 10 minutes during our drive to the hospital, I started feeling strong vibrations on my forehead along with a mild circular motion on the third eye. I am sure many can relate to this feeling/sensation. This is how I have felt Mohanji’s energy from the time we have been connected with Him. My eyes became really heavy. I felt strong vibrations and shivers in the whole body and I knew He was around, protecting us. During all this, I continued chanting.

The moment we reached the hospital, it was 20:00 and hence only the Duty Doctor was available. The doctor called the radiology department duty person and asked him to take an X-Ray. I was sitting in the waiting room chanting and my husband took my son for an X-ray.

The first X-Ray showed some signs of a fracture and when Anurag announced it to me, my heart sank. Somehow I felt that something was not convincing but looking at the X-Ray, I didn’t raise any queries. During all this, I continuously felt Mohanji’s presence around me and also the assurance that all is fine.

The doctor then sent the photo of the X-Ray to the Orthopedic specialist to seek his opinion. The specialist asked him to take an X-Ray of the right hand too along with the X-Ray of the left hand from other angles.

As we were waiting for the specialist’s opinion, we were mentally prepared for the cast being put on the left arm and the possible consequences in the near future due to final exams just around the corner. Anurag had also taken an appointment for renewal of passport for my son a day prior and had already paid the fee. He and my son were to appear at the Passport Office the next day i.e. on 01 Feb 2019. So he was thinking of cancelling the appointment and was mentally making plans for a future appointment which would be possible only after the exams. He was worried since taking an appointment is really difficult and to cancel the appointment, he has to go through all the procedures again.

As the photos of subsequent X-rays were also relayed to the specialist we waited for his opinion. Suddenly the news came that it was not a fracture, but only a tissue or muscle damage. A sense of relief and euphoria engulfed me although a requirement to put a cast was still there to allow the tissue some time to heal. It felt as though a heavy load was lifted from my head as soon as I got to hear this. Additionally, it was a slab for minor support to the hand and not a complete cast.


Within a span of 30 minutes, things changing from a fracture to tissue damage WAS SO MAGICAL. Though the healing and treatment took some time, the way Mohanji had reduced the impact is difficult to put in words. We have no words to explain the feeling. This is how masters operate and protect you in difficult times. We are indebted by the unconditional love showered by Mohanji.

After the cast was put, the doctor asked us to take an appointment with the specialist for the next day and then we left the hospital. Next day, Anurag took our son to the Orthopaedic specialist where he reiterated his stand that it was not a fracture and instructed us to continue with the cast for the next three weeks. Anurag mentioned to me later that when they left the hospital at around 10:30 hrs, he thought of giving a try at the passport office for his appointment as well. An appointment was scheduled at 11:15 hrs.

Token with the number 108

Though slightly late, they started at around 11:00 hrs and reached the venue at around 11:30 hrs. They both managed to enter the office. Then an interesting thing happened. As they were waiting to show the documents, a token had to be generated. This token is your identity as one goes through various phases of verification. Hence, after checking the documents at the first counter, the token was generated which showed in big bold letters “108” thus signifying Mohanji’s presence throughout the ordeal. All the necessary paperwork was completed and his application was accepted.

Anurag mentioned to me that since the morning, he was mentally remembering Mohanji, both at the hospital and also during the appointment at the passport office. The entire sequence of events is proof that Mohanji’s grace is always available waiting to be tapped. Life generally goes through various ups and downs in a cyclic manner with few spikes (signifying testing times). These spikes have an inherent tendency to test your mental toughness so that you witness your every move as you tide over the situation. This situation reminds me of the scene from the movie “Life of Pi” where the main character in the middle of a cyclone, pleads with God to test him more. During these testing times, one’s connection with Mohanji is the only real and unbreakable connection which helps one to sail through.  

So when the number 108 appeared on the sheet of paper, it brought tears in Anurag’s eyes. He was spellbound. He stood motionless for a moment in that crowded room as if time had stopped. A gush of fresh air filled his lungs and assured him of Mohanji’s presence which ultimately led to the completion of this complicated paper action. Such is the grace of Mohanji that we cannot comprehend. I bow down to Mohanji and the universal energy which is manifesting through Him.

Words are less to encompass Mohanji’s grace and stature. We are blessed to have Him in our lives.

Pranaams at His lotus feet!




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th July 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8 – “Protection through Mohanji’s eye card”

In the 9th and last story in Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8, we share a lovely experience narrated by  Ishrat from London on the power of Mohanji’s eye card. Looking at the eye card, connects us to Mohanji’s Consciousness ensuring a ring of protection that safeguards us from the simplest to the most complex situations in everyday life. This story is yet another true example of Mohanji’s presence without presence.

Protection through Mohanji’s eye card

by Ishrat, London

I came in connection with Mohanji not too long ago, just about 3 months back. However, in this short span of time I have become aware of the energy and power of Mohanji through various experiences that have happened since then, through inidividual Mai-Tri session, through group Mai-Tri session, through Power of Purity Meditations, etc.

Around the second week of February 2019, I came for a Mai-Tri Healing session with Subhasree in London. During the session, I heard about Mohanji for the first time. The experience from the healing session took me to a different level of connection and in my heart I became aware of such a powerful master as Mohanji. It was a blessing that I even received Mohanji’s eye card from Subhasree, who said by keeping this card with me I will constantly receive Mohanji’s protection as a shield. I gladly accepted it. I was even so lucky to receive the book ‘Guru Leela’, which had just been published at that time. After the powerful Mai-Tri session, I had returned home with the Guru Leela book and the eye card.  I somehow felt that I should keep Mohanji’s eye card in my car, so that Mohanji’s eyes will always be on me and I will keep receiving his protection.

This faith was proven to be true very soon. Let me tell you this unbelievable but true experience.

On Friday 17th May, I was on my way to a dinner invite and was driving on the M25 (a highway in UK).  On the passenger seat were several items I was taking with me. I keep Mohanji’s Eye Card in my car and always give a quick glance of gratitude, before I begin driving every day.

eye card

That particular day it was a ‘bumper to bumper’ situation on the motorway with only moments of less traffic as I passed some junctions; so it was quite an unpredictable drive.

Anyhow, for some reason, and just for mini seconds, I turned my gaze to the side and before I could even take my next breath, I’d hit the van in front of me.  Every item on the passenger seat were flung on to the floor on the car. It was such a loud bang that the cars behind me began indicating to leave the lane, thinking that the accident was going to cause long delays.

The man came out of his van and approached me, animated with anger. As I opened my car door to communicate, words failed me and I just looked at him. For some unknown reason, his demeanour completely changed suddenly.  He looked at my face and into the car and politely asked me if I was okay. He requested me to come out and see if my car was alright. I was 110% sure there would be a dent in his van as well as in mine.  I was stunned and words failed me initially. As soon as I could resume dialogue, it transpired there was not a single scratch on his van!  It was very surprising considering the force of the impact. I was in a state of shock and was eager to leave the place as quickly as possible. After checking if I was okay, he was happy to drive off. On reaching my destination, I checked my car. Astonishingly there was no damage to my car either.

The whole episode took me by surprise. The fact that the driver of the van who was initially very angry became very calm all of a sudden. Within moments, the driver’s expression and body language changed from anger to calmness. More over, there was not even a dent in either of our vehicles in spite of the loud collision. This was strange, no less than a miracle, to be honest.

On introspection, I realised it was the Mohanji’s eye card that I look at each day before driving that saved me that day. I understood then that it was the Grace and protection of Mohanji that ensured my safety with not a scratch on my car or the van which I had hit.  It was indeed a miracle.

The unseen hands of the Master protects us eternally. All  that I did was just look at Mohanji’s  eye card and this was the result. Amazing protection from a great Master!

Before I end my story, I would also like to share that after this incident, just a day after, in the weekend I happened to join a Group Mai-Tri session, where all the Mai-Tri practitioners were present and doing the sessions at one place together. I found this session to be incredible powerful. With multiple Mai-Tri practitioners connecting to Mohanji’s energy all at one physical location, had raised the frequency and level of energy in that room. Just by sitting there, I felt the therapeutic energy running through me at so many levels. I even experienced many sensations – tingling, waves, colours and above all immense peace and relaxation.

This was beyond my comprehension. I would like to express my gratitude to have received such amazing opportunities in experiencing the power and energy of Mohanji.

Thank you Mohanji for showering me with your grace!

mohanji protection


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 31st May 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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— Mohanji Testimonials Team



The Guru’s protective umbrella


This testimonial by Manjiri Bhalerao reiterates Mohanji’s protection to people connected to Him at all times, whichever part of the world they are in. Enjoy the two narratives about Mohanji helping Manjiri in her hour of distress and making a major accident turn into a milder one with His grace.  

Guru’s protective umbrella at all times

By Manjiri Bhalerao, Canada

The following prayer conveys my sincere feelings for my Gurudev, Brahmarishi Mohanji.

Tvameva Mata Ch Pita Tvameva. (You are mother and father to me)

TvamevaBandhush-CaSakhaTvameva. (You are my only relative and friend)

TvamevaVidyaaDravinnamTvameva. (You are my wisdom and my wealth)

TvamevaSarvam Mam Deva Deva. (You are everything to me, my Lord)

I would like to share my experience of Mohanji’s grace and protection twice within a year. Both the times, my husband Mahesh was travelling and was away from home.

The first incident happened when Mohanji was in Brazil in April 2018. Mahesh was also travelling with Mohanji in Brazil and I was in Toronto with my kids.

In the Toronto Yoga Conference, where Mohanji Foundation Canada had a booth, I was going to volunteer in that booth. Just couple of days prior to this programme, I had a mishap at home that brought to me yet another incidence of how Mohanji was protecting me. On this day, I was to cook food for the kids and placed a pan on the stove. I poured oil into the pan and as the oil turned hot, before I knew what was happening, my left hand brushed against the handle of the pan and the pan toppled upside down. The entire hot oil in the pan splashed on my leg and foot. Out of the pain from hot oil and more so from the fear of impact on my ability to volunteer for the programme, I cried out to Mohanji! It was just so spontaneous to reach out to my Gurudev in my distress situation. While chanting “Jai Mohanji, Jai Mohanji” in my mind, I held my foot under water and then applied an ointment for burns on it. With the amount of hot oil that came on my feet, I would have surely got blisters. But to my amazement, I got no blisters. Just dark patches of burns in my foot. So the next day when I had to travel for the Yoga event, I was able to put on my shoes and could travel there and was able to volunteer as planned earlier. Needless to say, had the injury been more serious I would not have been able to put on shoes and travel to the location in an unusually cold April in Toronto. I realised how Mohanji took care of everything. A potential big mishap just ended with a minor incident and I was able to  accomplish my commitment. This incident was verified by Mohanji when Mahesh spoke to Him about it.

The second incident happened recently in January 2019. It was a usual cold winter afternoon in Toronto. Three devotees (Alpa, Parmeshji, and Geetaji) and I were returning from Mohanji Datta Tapovan Ashram, Amaranth after attending Sai Vrat Katha (story of Sai). It was the first month when we had started conducting this monthly ritual in the ashram. I was supposed to drop Alpa at her place in Brampton, and then head back home after dropping Geeta and Parmesh on the way in Scarborough. It was decided that before dropping Alpa, we would deliver Sai Vrat Katha prasad at a Sai devotees’ place in Brampton. As we were on our way, Alpa told me to drop her at her place and she would deliver the prasad herself as I was getting late. I was not familiar with the roads, so Alpa told me to change the lane and take a right turn. As I was about to do it, my car collided with another white car coming from behind. It happened so suddenly and the other car (which was also driven by a lady) halted several meters away. We were all dazed by the sudden impact. We got down from the car and inspected the damage. With Mohanji’s grace, my car was damaged minimally on the front right side. Nothing happened to the passengers sitting on the right side in my car and the other lady driver whose car was damaged was also surprisingly calm. Her car was damaged quite extensively on the left side, including damaged doors and mirrors.

M-family members Ketan and Manisha came to the location to help me with the formalities after the collision. Gauravji (whose house we were supposed to drop the prasad) also came twice to the location to talk to the lady and her husband (who came later). We were out in the cold standing for quite some time discussing the next steps, and after making a few calls to Mahesh in India (who was with Mohanji in Bangalore), we decided to go to the collision centre.

While I was still going through the formalities, I understood that It was Mohanji’s grace that we escaped unhurt with minimal damage to car. Not only this, Mohanji made sure that I was not alone during this incident. Alpa, Ketan, Manisha, Geeta, and Parmesh were all with me till we finished the formalities, which took a couple of hours after the collision. Everyone was tired after a long day (ashram vrat pooja and the collision). Manisha promptly went and bought hot coffee for all of us and we all departed. They also called me later to make sure I had reached home safely. As I thought of this accident, I couldn’t thank Mohanji enough for protecting us, looking after us and comforting us.

damaged car
Damaged car

When Mahesh recounted this incident to Mohanji in India, before he could say anything, Mohanji said He knew what had happened and asked Mahesh what he wanted to say. He had taken care of everything. This incident taught me to be more mindful and careful in the future, though Guru’s protection is always there.

My heart is full of immense gratitude to my Guru Mohanji, for being with us and protecting us at all times. Words are not enough to express my gratitude and writing a testimonial is one of the ways where I can express my gratitude to Him. When He says, “I am with you,” He makes sure we are under His protective shield (kavach) and saves us from any storm in our lives. Only by living His teachings can we fully express our gratitude. My salutations (koti koti pranaams) to my Guru Mohanji and the entire Guru Mandala for showering us with grace and blessings. My prostrations (sashtanga namaskar) and deepest gratitude for everything ‘O Gurudev!’

parabrahma prasad
Mohanji giving prasad to Manjiri

The above picture shows Para Brahma giving me prasad during Pranapratishta at Mohanji Datta Tapovan Ashram, Canada.

I am truly humbled, grateful beyond words O Gurudev, Oh Mohanji! (Baba), THANK YOU so much for EVERYTHING, a million times.

 Bless us all to live our lives with your teachings.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd April 2019



The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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