By a Mohanji follower

October 7th 2022

Astrologers told me that from my 30th year onwards, I would have a shift in my life. October 7, 2022, was my 30th birthday, the same day Mohanji had his car accident. I wondered how the accident might have happened precisely on my birthday.

Some of you may know that I have recently been assisting Mohanji as a part of his personal team. I can tell you that even those close to him do not fully understand who he is and how he operates. We can assume we may have some experiences; we can superficially understand to some extent, but we cannot comprehend fully because of our limited minds. We cannot understand the vastness of the Universe in a human form, and then we take the living Masters for granted. This was my case and the case of many others.

During my time with Mohanji after the accident, it so happened that, through a conversation with me, he kept repeating many times, “What if Mohanji died on October 7?” My heart skipped every time he said that, and I wondered at the meaning of this, being my birthday. His mentioning this shook me every time.

I don’t wish this blog leaves us more attached to a Master’s physical presence or sobbing over his accident, but the opposite – to have awareness. I am writing this so we realize who the person we have next to us is. We have him so easily, not realizing how luxurious his presence is. The fact that he’s living, breathing, and walking on this planet.

I am writing this for all of us to wake up! For us to use the physical presence of a living Master, an Avatar, and to reach our highest in this lifetime. And to share his teachings as much as possible, as fast as possible, with the world so that many others can reach their highest in this lifetime too. It is possible because we have him.

Mohanji’s accident is a good reminder. A trigger, a turning point. A warning. I suggest not losing this opportunity! It is up to us to let go of all our patterns and emotions to see what aspects we need to change to improve. Observe, contemplate deeper, keep changing, accept, and let go. It is possible. This shift is happening within me too. We tend to worship all Saints and Masters who are not in their bodies anymore, but the ones right in front of us are difficult to understand. We don’t understand how they work. Then we judge, we have expectations, and we criticize. We say they are not real if they do not solve all our life problems. We do not appreciate them. And then, one day, it might be too late.

The accident happening on the same day as my birthday led to a realization that time is limited. Destiny brought me a Master. If I leave, If I take it for granted, I lose this chance; it is my loss, not his. As Mohanji says, “A true master makes diamonds out of stones. It hurts a lot to become a diamond; it takes a lot of craving. If one stone leaves, for the stone, it’s a big loss because it loses a chance to become a diamond. For the master, another stone will come, and diamonds will be made. Master loses nothing.”

I suggest not to leave a Master’s side, and he will hold your hand forever. You might not understand what they do, why they do it, and how they work, but that doesn’t matter; just cling on, hold on, and stay on. Trust them fully! Wholeheartedly. Surrender your existence to them, and they will take you as high as you can go.

As I am writing this to you, I am writing it to myself, too, as a reminder. This is a true wake-up call. As we discover, the accident was Mohanji’s rebirth. It was mine too.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 29th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 175 & 176

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 175 – Nurturing Positivity 

Recently, I shared a lesson from Mohanji about being careful of taking on the limitations of others and first checking whether it’s a limitation for us. Extending that, is it a limitation for Mohanji? Most of the time, in my experience, if we increase faith and surrender, then surprises happen for all tasks and activities in life. Following on from this, I wanted to share what Mohanji explained, in the same conversation, about negativity and the importance of nurturing positivity. Mohanji is very quick to hit back at negativity, especially problems, blocks and obstacles on the path of progress for our activities.

He used an example and a good metaphor for this – Let’s say you have a project you’re attempting with a team. You have a goal, you have clarity, you have a purpose, you have a mission, and it’s all going well, and you’re discussing plans. Now, you could come up with an option or an idea, and someone may say, “This will or won’t work. I’ve tried this many times before. (I did it this way. It didn’t happen). I also tried it like this; it didn’t work here.”

 These may seem like passing comments, but we always have to be careful about what we’re taking in because what we won’t absorb there is that somebody tried. Somebody took the initiative; they made an effort to do something. We will probably take in the phrase, “It didn’t work.” So, even if we were 90% confident about what we were looking to do, we had clarity about the purpose and everything like this, which has the potential to create maybe just 5% of doubt that it won’t work.

Essentially, there could be many other ways this comes, but 5% can grow to 100% in no time. That is the nature of negativity, like weeds in a garden, they require nothing to grow, and naturally they will happen but to care for a fruit tree requires care and nurturing. To keep a neat garden with delicate flowers requires care and nurturing and constant tending. Positivity needs to be nurtured

You’re always taking out the weeds. Mohanji stressed this because even a drop or hint of negativity can become problem later.  When we take negativity into our system, doubts, opinions or limitations these could grow into something much larger later, and negativity always grows much faster than positivity. This is important because negativity, no matter how small the drop, can grow. This can lead to doubts, criticisms, judgements and separations.

These can be doubts; they could be messages or anything people have said to us. We should always, as quickly as we can, especially if we are sure, hit back at them so that it’s cleared from our system because we don’t know what can grow later. Do not entertain negativity. Suppose somebody is talking badly, or it’s something that we know we disagree with. In that case, we can politely share our points straight away and be watchful to ensure that negativity is kept at bay, and we nurture positivity more than that.

Day 176 – Every Activity has an Element of Transformation

 I enjoy working with Mohanji, being connected to him and seeing the transformation that happens on various levels. I’ve shared how working with him is highly dynamic, which is excellent and exciting because there’s always new activity. It comes with the challenge of handling many things simultaneously and moving out of one’s comfort zone.

I also observe that he gives everybody a similar opportunity through various platforms to grow and transform according to their skills and orientation. There is a wealth of what we can do across all these platforms. The only prerequisites are proactiveness and reliability – taking the step, taking action, being proactive, and then being reliable, seeing through what we take on.

 I’ve been involved in various activities, many of which I would never have thought of being. In retrospect, each opportunity, experience, and interaction has brought some opportunity for transformation through practical experience. It’s like a refining school to hone skills, experience life, and express. Some activities have been relatively successful. In others, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes.  

The beautiful part of this is the freedom which is given to be able to contribute, grow, and learn. I don’t think we could find this anywhere else, especially when it’s backed up with the teachings, support and grace of Mohanji, being free from fears, not worrying about what others think, and expressing and living life.

For me, the most recent example is the fencing here on the land in Slovenia. On the site, we wanted to move forward with the activities at the base, and one of the requirements was to make sure that we had all the land boundaries laid out as per the site survey so that we knew precisely the size of the land and started by putting a fence up.

 I’d repaired one or two fences in my life, and now I’m working on fencing 11 acres. First, setting the boundaries, sourcing the materials, finding the right ones, and finding who could work on this while guiding the efforts, working with tractors, teaming up with the locals and using neighbour’s tools like drills to put up the fence. Good, wholesome labour and in the process, I’ve now learned what it takes to do this, the various materials, the different types of woods, their placement, and the techniques for fencing. Mistakes were made aplenty, as I’ve never done this before. All of this has given me practical experience and an element of transformation within because I now can recognize and understand what it takes to fence a land.

 If there are future land developments, when they come up, if we get more land and space, I’d have no problem or hesitation and be able to take on bigger sizes. If I had just stuck with the fact that I couldn’t do it, I didn’t know how to do fencing and didn’t just jump into it and do my best; I would never have had that opportunity to learn, acquire and transform in this way. That’s with one element, but it’s something else I’ve now experienced.

 This comprehensive platform is a fantastic opportunity Mohanji has given everybody. Mohanji wants everybody, in their way, to fully express themselves and experience life, to grow, to explore themselves and to become powerful in their unique way. He gives everybody that opportunity, and I’ve experienced that as well. His total support is always there. He’s always there to provide clarity and advice. Recognizing that we all make mistakes, we all trip or stumble on and through obstacles, but we keep moving. We have to take that step, and he does the rest.

 I’m also aware that I need to keep moving and growing because especially working closely with Mohanji, there’s no such thing as stagnation. Stagnation can be equal to tamas, so he kicks that hard. I’m well aware that if my hands don’t move, there will be many other’s hands that can come to help and support me. I was reflecting on all of us across all the platforms because substantial activities will be taking place very soon, especially when our places and our centres come. It’s great that everything is happening organically. Everything’s growing, and we’re all growing together.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Experiences with Mohanji, India 2022 – Part 4

Linda Abrol, Netherlands

Yesterday afternoon, on the 31st of August, I had the unexpected good fortune of attending the Ganesh Charturti event with Mohanji, and I was still staying with Harish and Neetha, two dear friends I had not seen for a decade. Harish was, in succession to his father, Dharmadarshi NC Nannaiah, the Managing Trustee of the People’s Trust, a charity that had incessantly worked the past forty years for the welfare of eighteen of the poorest villages in the countryside around Bangalore.

After waking up at 4.30 this morning, I did my daily sadhana practices. When I opened my eyes, a beautiful surprise awaited me. The reflection of the candlelight, shining through the transparent frame of a small Shiva picture, created a cross of light on Mohanji’s heart on the picture behind it. From a physical point of view, the appearance of the cross was perfectly explainable, but it was a miracle for my heart and gave me an intense feeling of being connected. Born a Christian, the very first thought I had during the satsang with Mohanji in Onderdijk last year in 2021: ‘This is how the disciples of Jesus must have felt at the feet of their Master by the waterside two thousand years ago.’ I posted the picture on the Mohanji Netherland app, and this was the immediate and astonishing reaction that followed from Selma, one of the devotees: 

This is really remarkable… Early this morning, I did a prayer to Jesus. I said that I just wanted to be in his presence; I closed my eyes and just kept seeing Mohanji in front of me, I often feel Jesus and Mohanji as one energy, so I jokingly said to Jesus: ‘You will have to give a sign with a cross or something hahaha’.I fell asleep…and see this picture now that I just woke up!

After visiting the People’s Trust project in Sriramanahalli that day, we went to Mohanji’s home address, where we were expected at half past three. Because the main road to the airport had been blocked, it became a bumpy ride through small villages and fields, which made them silently wonder if we would be too late this time, too. But no, we were kindly received, and Mohanji entered his reception room after a few minutes, dressed in white cotton trousers, a plain cobalt blue t-shirt and his hair in a ponytail that had been twisted into a bun at the back of his head. It looked casual and gave us the feeling of talking to a good friend. He inquired about my trip to Kerala.

At Mohanji’s right hand was a beautiful, lifelike painting of himself. To my surprise and amazement, the booklet In Silence with Mohanji, which I had only recently written and was published by Gurulight, was leaning comfortably against his picture. It gave me an enormous feeling of connection and also recognition of the – for me – life-transforming experiences that are described in the book. Rajesh told me afterwards that Mohanji had placed the book there himself a few weeks ago and, in the meantime, had shown it to several people and also given it as a gift. That touched me tremendously and made me think of Swami Gopal Baba, my deceased Master. He, too, did not give direct compliments, but through others, one heard how happy he was with your work. 

A week earlier, a spontaneous thought had come to me: how wonderful would it be if Mohanji would come and visit the People’s Trust project. After all, People’s Trust had already committed itself for forty years to social work for eighteen of the poorest villages around Bangalore and had provided children from poor families with free schooling, nutritious food and much more. One never knew what cooperation or inspiration from both sides with Ammucare (Mohanji’s charity foundation in India) might result from it. Harish had brought a leaflet of the Trust and handed it to Mohanji. Mohanji looked at it calmly and agreed to come. The condition was that there would be no ceremony or garlands, gatherings, speeches, etc. He just wished to come incognito as a mere guest. That, too, is great, so Harish had no problem with that commitment. 

Soon our conversation became what could rightly be called a satsang. Mohanji visibly enjoyed answering the in-depth questions that were asked. When Milica came and pointed out the time and that his next meeting would start elsewhere, he replied nonchalantly: ‘Just tell them I’ll be there in twenty minutes. No, tell them to start already.’ The importance of silence was discussed at length, and briefly, he explained daily life techniques. Freely translated, the technique went like this: Imagine a busy road (symbolising all the mind matter and daily concerns), and on the other side, you see a quiet bench. Now stay focused only on the peace that the bench radiates. As if you were looking right over the passing cars and buses. After a while, there will only be silence. No matter how many cars pass by.

Mohanji also told us about the tremendously beneficial effect of Pitrupaksha, freeing you from the karma and inclinations of your ancestors. And he also said that even without giving annadaan to saints and the needy, you could already experience a great difference in your life by simply offering all your food and drink to the following six forms of Gods: 1. Ganesha, 2. Kul Devatas (to the God who your family worships), 3. Naga Devatas (High souls who return to earth in the form of snakes – nagas – because then they are most likely to be left alone and to function unseen as saviours of the consciousness of the world), 4. Ishta Devatas (your personal form of God), 5. Pitru Devatas (the ancestors), and 6. Gurus.

He spoke about how Mina (a devotee from Serbia) sat next to him on the floor in Novi Sad, Serbia, while he was busy with the messages on his phone. He heard her inwardly repeat the question: Who is Mohanji beyond the physical body? He looked up from his phone and told her to touch his big toe. Finally, after wondering about this question for five years, she got a fulfilling answer when Mohanji took her on a wondrous journey to the sun and through the universe. She has described her experience in a three-part blog. Mohanji asked me to share the link to her experience with one of the attendees, and now I am sharing it with you. Read the first part of her incredible experience: https://minaobradovic.wixsite.com/understandingtruth/post/mohanji-the-universe-a-true-experience 

He took all the time for us and, when a few more people arrived, for them too. Calm, interested, clear and loving as always, he asked us not to leave yet, but to remain seated while he spoke to the other guests. When he finally had to go, he asked us to stay for a meal. We felt at home and welcome and accepted the invitation with both hands.

The arathi in the house mandir started and was similar to the arathi during the Ganesh Chaturti event one day ago; anyone who wished could participate in the flame-waving. Being able to experience this sacred ceremony at Mohanji’s own home will certainly add a special dimension to my daily Mohanji-arathi at my home temple. Mohanji’s parents were watching with shining eyes, and I felt strongly attracted to them. Realising at that moment that calling Mohanji my bada Bhaya (big brother) included them to be my parents as well! While the others were in the living room, I had a long conversation with both of them. They did love the bustle in their house. There were people coming and going all the time. Mohanji’s father had been a surgeon and had worked till old age. If I remember correctly, he was seventy-two when he finally stopped performing surgeries. 

He told me that when he saw me, he thought: ‘I know her. I have seen her before, but where and when?’ Then he went to his sleeping room and returned with a triumphant look and a copy of my booklet. He pointed at the picture on the cover, showing Mohanji and me. That was why I had seemed familiar to him! Now he knew! He smiled. He had even read all my testimonials and therefore felt he already knew me. I was delighted. Mohanji’s father wondered why I did not write a thicker book about Mohanji. His idea was to add new experiences to the book and let it grow. Both parents were so sweet and involved. Mohanji’s mother was a woman of great integrity, and when I mentioned that because of their great example, the world had gained such a Divine Friend, tears ran down her cheeks. We looked deep into each other’s eyes and shared the emotion.

We had a delicious meal of dosa and puri, and when I asked Rajesh why he was not eating with us, he said that he had eaten before, and that his current habit was to eat no more than two meals a day. I smilingly asked him if that was difficult for him because I knew from translating Miraculous Days how fond he was of food. To which Aditya, president of Mohanji Foundation India, said that Rajesh had changed a lot. So he had not only given up smoking (as he wrote in the same book) but also eating a lot since he was with Mohanji. Transformation with Mohanji is unforced and lightning fast; I have had the feeling (and the experience). 

Rajesh, as coordinator of Gurulight, helped enormously with the process of translating and publishing MAST and In Silence with Mohanji, and I had never seen him in person, although we must have exchanged dozens if not hundreds of messages with each other. So he got not one but more than four hugs spread over arrival and departure. After which, I asked him if he had already received a hug from me. After a short photo session with all of us, we said goodbye smiling, satisfied, grateful and happy.

Three beautiful days with my friends later, my flight was leaving at 6 o’clock in the morning of the 4th of August. My loved ones at home were joking that they were doubting whether I was coming home this time or making a new impulsive decision again to stay in India. But this time, I arrived safe, grateful and immensely happy. Being inwardly connected to Mohanji all through the process, I felt safe, loved and cared for, and I was guided to the right people and given the right inspirations and prompts at all times. I had continued my daily Shiva Kavacham listening sessions every night in Vedasudha Hospital, and I felt confident that nothing untoward could happen to me. 

To be continued after the coming blood test results from the hospital in the Netherlands are released within two months…

Links: Pitru Paksha: https://www.facebook.com/sacredbharat/posts/pfbid0XFgpugrVEfhsVNbKv5EvSjeA1ywZAsZ81chctPPcXzUnBKvP7hxNZktFiacLoRFel(https://spiritualpracticecalendar.wordpress.com/)


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 26th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Pain and suffering – Part 4

This is the 4th part of the blog “Pain and suffering” by the closest witnesses of Mohanji’s recent car accident. In this part, we share more people’s experiences from the perspective of Mai-Tri and possibly predictive dreams.

Mina Obradovic, Mai-Tri practitioner

I found out about Mohanji’s accident the day after it happened, on 8th October, around 3 pm. Milica texted me, told me what happened, and told me to do a Mai-Tri session for him.

Mohanji’s body belongs to the world. The MTM (Mohanji Transformation Method) and Mai-Tri sessions are for what he does in the world, not for him as a person. In Mai-Tri, his body looks like a huge space enveloping many people connected to him, who he is cleansing every moment. Their pains and karmas are inside his body. His body, as ours, doesn’t exist. If I see a particular problem during his session, it is always what he collects from others. The size of such garbage that I often see inside him is not the same size as in regular people. It is much larger because he cleanses many people who are connected to him globally, including their families. A Mai-Tri for Mohanji is for what he collects, and it’s huge. From my experience, Mai-Tri, for him, is like trying to remove the ocean’s water, bucket by bucket. It makes a change, but the amount of garbage he collects is terribly difficult to comprehend.

I saw that Mohanji’s body doesn’t store data like our body. It is not entangled in the number of karmic strings, emotions, or blockages. His body belongs to the whole world, and it has no personal karma. As I experienced it, he had no meridians where thoughts are stored, no vertical strings connected to personal desires, and no chakras as such. Different parts of the body seemed to have different purposes, similar to chakras, but not the same. Inside him, there was a huge space, much different from other people. Like an entire universe inside, different places in the universe represent different purposes for his work.

A couple of days after the accident, Mohanji came to Serbia. When I met him, I felt relief. I asked if the doctors knew he was a globally known humanitarian and that he was important. I asked if they treated him accordingly. My strong desire has been that everyone treating Mohanji knows how much work he is doing in the world and that they should treat him with the best care and respect. He said that they didn’t know but that they were polite and treated him well. He was very happy about the behaviour of the hospital staff of Maribor.

His acceptance of the situation was phenomenal. At one moment, He said, “For one short moment, I was a bit annoyed. One small feeling of annoyance. That is when I had to go to the toilet, and they insisted I should take a wheelchair. I said it’s just a few feet from my bed. They insisted, saying I was in bad shape and I shouldn’t walk. That is when I got slightly annoyed, but then I understood they were just doing their job. So I accepted.” For him, there is no resistance in life, no blaming, over-analyzing, suffering, or victimizing oneself. His invisible message was that in every situation, we could choose to accept. We can choose to have understanding and keep walking.

By afternoon, we were sitting with him, and he was talking. He asked Subhasree to call a few more people to come and said that we would have a satsang. The pain was not at all visible on his face. It was not there. Many of us always resist life. On the contrary, Mohanji’s life is a pure example of acceptance.

Every conversation of that day awakened gratitude and a deep feeling of uncertainty, and an urge to appreciate every moment with him while he was still here. He also shared that there won’t be any alerts or hospitals the next time he decides to leave the body. It will be a sudden exit. He said he never wants to be a burden to somebody, attached to machines, half dead. Next time, it will be in one go.

I hope this blog, beautifully shared by witnesses of Mohanji’s recent accident, will inspire us to have more gratitude and care for our guru, who works tirelessly to serve us. I hope we will recognize the avatar while they are still alive because there had been many struggles before we got this treasure. Their words are sacred; their presence is here for us. If we don’t catch the bus, the bus will not be affected, but we will be at a loss.

Djurdja Bojovic, had a dream of Mohanji’s death a few weeks before the accident.

I dreamt we were at some gathering, and I was with a friend. It was like a celebration. While sitting, she was reading something on her phone, telling me, “Did you hear that Mohanji died? It says here.” The current reality is that everyone knows about his recent car accident, similar to the dream. It was as if she found out about it from somebody online. In the dream, I just said, “Oh, really? Okay.” In the dream, that information was totally irrelevant to me. I just ignored it and continued with the celebration. It didn’t touch me because I thought, “This lady does not understand Mohanji; she is not even connected to him. Who knows where she read it? Maybe it’s not even true.” 

Then I separated from my friend, and the thought that he could really be dead started bothering me. I started experiencing the pain of loss from other people who were also connected to Mohanji and loved him. I saw other people who took it very badly and realized that it really happened. 

When I realized that it had happened, I felt regret. I felt some disappointment, and I was unpleasantly surprised, very shocked. I didn’t know how to feel, and I felt there was no going back. I didn’t have a feeling that I could fix something now. It was really hard for me to face that he really died; I didn’t know how to assimilate it as a fact. I felt I didn’t experience and do enough while he was physically here. 

In the dream, I remember I was telling myself that there was no going back now. I knew that he was never angry at me for anything, but it was my simple inner feeling of guilt, sadness and regret that I didn’t use our time together well. I felt, “If I knew this earlier, that he would go, I would have acted so differently.”

Another thing that I felt is this. When I understood that he was really gone, a clear image appeared to me of the full potential, what could have happened, if I had used the time well. I felt regret not only for myself but for many other people.  

For a couple of days, I didn’t feel completely well after this dream, all these feelings were still there, and many thoughts came. Trying to understand this experience, I didn’t know anymore why it happened, and I just knew that it was not an ordinary dream.

Then I realized after judgement and fear stopped, only gratitude remained. That potential reality was like a light at the end of the tunnel because it gave me hope. In that reality, I felt abundant in every way, together with the whole Mohanji family, with no guilt or feeling of victimhood, just a feeling of unity and celebration of life. It empowered me and reminded me of the highest truth.

We are beyond blessed to be on Earth with Mohanji right now. Sometimes I run away from that fact because I feel guilty and not worthy enough of his presence. Through that dream, I realized that I was just wasting my life by feeling like that. I can’t live my life with the fear of being unworthy anymore. We should all claim this life as a huge blessing, that we are worthy and capable of living. We should really celebrate it by having every thought, word and action from a place of gratitude for what we are. Mohanji, as a presence, came to this planet to remind us of who we are and to guide us home by being a living example; to show us that there is no separation between us. We must remember this with great respect, love and gratitude. We are Mohanji!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 24th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Walking the Streets of Shirdi with God

by Aditya Nagpal

The Mohanji T-Shirt

Today, I was walking on the streets of Shirdi wearing a Mohanji t-shirt. A monk stopped while crossing me and bowed down to Mohanji’s photo on my t-shirt. I asked the monk if he knew Mohanji. He said yes and added,

“He (Mohanji) is the greatest masiha (messiah) on Earth.”

As Mohanji usually does when encountering strangers, especially monks, I asked him if I could offer him food or if he needed anything. He declined to say he wasn’t hungry but asked me to buy him medicines for pain relief. I took him to a nearby pharmacy, got the medicines and opened my phone to pay using a wallet app. Seeing Mohanji’s photo on my phone screen, he asked to see it. For a long time, he looked at Mohanji’s picture with awe. Then he reverentially bowed down to Mohanji’s picture and said,

“He (Mohanji) is God.”

Mohanji’s picture on my mobile phone screen

Finally, he took the medicines and asked to leave. I bade him goodbye with the customary salutation in Shirdi, “Om Sai Ram”. He looked at me and said, “You don’t have to say ‘Om Sai Ram'”. Looking at Mohanji’s face on my t shirt, he said,

“What you have there is beyond everything. He is God.”

As he left, I stood mesmerised at what had just transpired. Since Mohanji’s accident, this message has been reiterated again and again, “You have no idea who you are with” Probably a direct and strong message from Sai Baba to drive home that point in Shirdi.

Especially what he said, “You don’t have to say ‘Om Sai Ram’. What you have there is beyond everything. He is God.” As if to say, stop focusing on dead Masters’ frames on the wall and miss the One (Mohanji) they sent for us to connect as a living Avatar. Soon Mohanji will also join them on the wall. A warning to ensure that should that happen, we have no regrets and have made the most of that huge blessing of association.

I received a confirmation of this experience when I read the following experience of a Mohanji follower. I had no communication with this person who wrote the post (either before or after). Their experience follows:

This morning at 3am. I was reading Aditya Nagpal’s post of his experience in Shirdi of meeting with a monk who bowed down t Mohanji’s picture on his t-shirt and told him,

“Mohanji is God. You don’t need to look for other Gurus anymore. Mohanji is the greatest masiha (messiah) on Earth.”

I’ve been sharing this post with friends on my messenger. I then messaged S. C., a new Mohanji follower from the Philippines, whom I got connected on FB very recently. I excitedly asked him if he had read Aditya’s post about Mohanji. He told me he woke up just a minute ago and had a dream of Mohanji. The dream was shockingly connected to Aditya Nagpal’s post!

I was in a car with Mohanji and another person that looks like a sannyasi (a renunciate) as he was wearing saffron robes typically worn by renunciates. It seemed like we were going to a supermarket and I was asked by Mohanji to accompany him to buy some groceries. When we arrived at the supermarket parking lot, I grabbed my wallet and took a hundred peso bill from it and gave it to Mohanji as an offering. He smiled and accepted the bill. Then, I took his right hand and did a pagmamano gesture (a Filipino gesture of grace intended to give honor to the elder and ask for their blessing), At first, he seemed hesitant of the gesture. I probably guess because I was already in His presence which is a blessing in itself! He then smiled. As we exited the car, I heard a voice (probably from the accompanying sannyasi) that said: “You are blessed and fortunate to be in the presence of a Brahmamurti (a living image/Idol of God). He is a walking God! You are graced with His darshan (holy sighting).”As we closed the car doors, the dream ended. Exactly when I opened my eyes, I received a chat from Joanna that very minute asking me about Aditya Nagpal’s post on Facebook. Such an incredible synchronicity! I humbly thank Mohanji for granting me his darshan, even if it be a dream… Thank you

In closing, this was a confirmation for me of what Mohanji has always reiterated, “One should spend a lot of time to find the Master that is right for them and is connected to the Source. But once they find the Master, they should stop their searching and focus on deepening their connection with the One they found. Further search, comparisons or lingering doubts will render their efforts futile.” I have always followed that dictum. Alll my altars have only one Master – Mohanji.

Mohanji has summed it up beautifully in the phrase,

“One Master, One Path, One Sytem, One Goal (Liberation).

‘Om Sai Ram’ to all from Shirdi! But wait I have just been told, “What I have here is beyond everything. He is God.” I better stick to ‘Jai Mohanji’!

Note: Mohanji will be in Shirdi this December 2022. Experience His grace in-person or live online. More details on the Mohanji website

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 173 & 174

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 173 – Demolish to Recreate

Demolish to recreate is the topic of the lesson today. This is related to our own transformation, and for me, the transformation that I’ve experienced by spending more time, intensely, with Mohanji. I’ve shared before in messages that patterns and comfort zones are what we’re used to; our usual day-to-day life is driven by these patterns. It’s familiar. It’s what we’d like to do. But since being with Mohanji, I’ve had all of these pushed, pulled, tested, squeezed, broken, and challenged, and it has been incredibly painful and difficult at times. But what I feel now and have experienced now is a sense of renewal, much more freedom, and lightness. If I look back to life as it was years ago, it’s a distant memory, it seems like lifetimes ago. I can only take from that, that now, it’s almost like a new life.

I’ve been able to do many things that I never would have expected, faced many fears, and been involved in many activities, which have been great contributions. Each day, there’s more and more satisfaction. Back in December, we had the Mohanji boot camp, led by Invest in Awareness, wherein Mohanji conducted a program that was designed to completely reinvent everybody who participated. He said that, come the new year, we would all be new people, and I certainly feel like this now, although it’s an ever-evolving process. Very soon, that boot camp is going to be available to the public; Preethi Gopalarathnam and Aditi Sahai have done a great job pulling that together and it will be announced very shortly, for everybody to attend.

Yesterday, in a spontaneous conversation with Mohanji, he spoke about the need to reconstruct and reinvent oneself. He said that this requires demolition. There’s no other way. Demolishing past patterns is essential for rejuvenation and reconstruction. When we’re looking to rebuild something, reinvent ourselves, it requires the space and clarity on what’s actually going to be in that space, before we can do anything.

Now that I’m doing many things on the land, I can see that in a different way as well, physically with the space that we have. For me personally, the intention has always been to refill that space with more effectiveness in serving: “How can I do more?”

As we spoke, Mohanji shared again that in order to rebuild ourselves, we have to be prepared to demolish all the usual patterns and comfort zones that we hold, and when we cling on to them, to memories and past patterns, pain can be experienced. I’ve certainly had my fair share of that over this past year. But what I can say from my personal and ever-changing experience is that it has been worth it, a positive transformation, and as Mohanji says, he’s always there and he’s definitely always been there with me throughout this process.

Day 174 – Is it your limitation?

One of the great things for me about working with Mohanji directly is that you’re never short of opportunities and tasks to push you beyond mind-made limits. He has an incredible ability to understand what each person requires to take them forward – the next step. Looking back, everything that he has provided, or guided me to do, has created fast-track progress. I see him doing this with everybody close to him. It helps them grow and evolve.

Being part of his office has been just such a fast-track way to transform, grow, and deeply experience life with all troubles and joys. In this time, I would say that I’ve learned well, or more accurately, become more aware that it can be very easy to acquire the limitations, mind blocks, and frames of others. We all have our walking space, which is our patterns, frames, or opinions. You can maybe include karma in there; all the experiences that we’ve had in the past, everything which makes us, which we then express into the world.

What I’ve experienced with some of the tasks, and also just in life with family and friends, is that people can put their limitations onto you. When I’ve set out to complete a task, people have provided their opinions, “You can’t do this… I’ve tried this and it doesn’t work… This is not possible… Life isn’t easy…” It could be anything like this. But essentially, you could condense it down to some negativity. Not that a person is bad, but that they’re expressing something, which is their view of the situation.

In the past, I’d give quite a lot of respect to people’s experiences and take that on myself. Now I still give respect, but more critically, I’m assessing it with a different awareness. When somebody says, “Okay, this can’t be done”, I first think, “Okay, is this their limitation or is this my limitation? Do I have that same limitation? Do I have the belief that I could do it?” This is something that Mohanji has pointed out to me in previous conversations when I’ve come to him and said, “I don’t think this can be done”.  If anyone has experienced that, it gets hit out of the park, like a home run, quite quickly; he really doesn’t accept these limitations, because he says, “People will tell you all these things you can’t do, but can they share one thing which you can?”

Now I also think a bit more deeply as well, because from what I’ve experienced… Does Mohanji have that limitation? Then when I surrender something completely, if I feel I don’t have the resource, I surrender it, surprises happen. People putting their limitations can really bog down and derail. I feel it’s good to acknowledge them, but now I also feel more confident that I can take steps, and even if there is failure, there’ll be lessons, there’ll be growth and an experience would have happened in the process and this adds richness to life.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Empowered 5.0 – Towards the Dhuni

By Sanjay Acharya, Canada

After attending Empowered 5.0 personally, I know the true meaning of Empowered 5.0 is: Emotionally, mentally, & physically operating wonderfully even if rejected, ignored & in a disappointing situation. And 5.0 means learning to tune in with all the 5 elements within myself with 0 (zero) expectations & emotions.

Yes, it was indeed the most powerful Empowered program attended in person as I was not at all in the mind frame of attending personally. A couple of times, I said no to my wife, Alpa and my friend, Mahesh, that I was not going to Serbia as I had just returned from India after two and half months of stay there!

But we all know, Mohanji pulls the strings in HIS unique way, which we will never come to know. So one day, during the morning prayers & rituals, the matter went from mind to heart and tickets were booked to Serbia even before registering for the program. 

Serbia is one of the most beautiful countries in the Balkan region, especially after receiving Mohanji’s blessings & empowered by Devi Mohanji’s divine energy. It was a beautiful feeling as soon as I landed there and felt a warm welcome by my Brother – Nemanja, at the airport and then the heartiest welcome by Serbian and Balkan team volunteers at the hotel reception. Thank you, Team! 

And that moment came when Mohanji entered the hall. Suddenly the entire energy of the hall changed with full of love & devotion from more than 200 participants. Everyone stood up, looking at Mohanji with deep gratitude. Personally, tears of joy, love & devotion started flowing down my cheeks! I was near the entrance door, and Mohanji just glanced towards me, and he was so full of love that I started melting right away.

Then the time came to receive a goody bag from Mohanji. I was walking towards the stage with my heart beating faster & faster. Mohanji looked at me and said, “Acharya, good to see you, Acharya.” I could speak only three words, “Thank you, Father.” I wanted to ask him that – from how many people and how much pain you took Deva from that accident. But I could not, and I just took my goody bag and returned to my chair. 

Here I would like to share my experience on Oct 7th, 2022, on the day Mohanji “faced” a car accident. It was morning here in Toronto, Canada. I was at work performing Process Instruments Calibration. Suddenly I experienced chest pain! My BP went up. I was so confused, and I could not understand what was happening. I was experiencing breathing problems too! I was totally blanked out! I stopped work and stood aside. It lasted for a few minutes, and then I became normal, as if nothing had happened. I continued the work. Probably many of us came to know during the Global Volunteer Meet when Mohanji himself informed us about the car accident on Oct 7th, 2022. 

Back to Empowered 5.0…. Mohanji explained the significance of Empowered 5.0 in a simple but very effective way. From the next day, we started meditating with a blindfold. Being a devotional person, I had a vision of Lord Ganesha in purple colours the very first day. I also smelled the jasmine fragrance while I felt was Lord Krishna with Radha. At one point, I could feel Mohanji come near me as I felt the breeze of HIS presence with HIS divine perfume fragrance. I also suddenly experienced Shirdi Baba’s presence, and my eyes started flowing continuously for more than 5 minutes. Indeed, it was a transformative program.

I am writing this after 15 days, and I feel that Mohanji broke one of my biggest hurdles in the path of Liberation, which I have been going through for a long time. It’s a huge blessing that after Empowered 5.0, I also moved very close to following Vegan food habits. It’s again a grace received through attending Empowered 5.0 in person. 

Last but not least, I must say amazing teamwork by all the Balkan volunteers and Serbian team. They all expressed an immense amount of love and care every moment. I offer my deepest gratitude to all of them, but especially to my friends Nemanja and Monika.

Thank you….The journey continues towards the Dhuni (sacred fire) of Dwarikamai….


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 17th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

A new voice!

By Natalija Mejandzieva

On the last day of Empowered 5, Mohanji was finishing up with a final satsang. It was quite a long one. He was, as always, giving love unconditionally, focusing his time on us completely. 

“Consciousness is experiencing life on earth through me” – this rang in my head. I resonated with this very much, and I could honestly feel it after intensely working on the silence inside for the past couple of days as I experienced earlier that my emotions are here, they are happening, and they will go again. I saw this drama that the mind creates based on emotions. I felt so much lighter and was so grateful that I was aware of it. 

After the satsang, Mohanji got up from the chair he was sitting on and continued to walk towards the exit door. As always, there was a river of people who wanted to hug him. It was an unusually big number of people, so I stayed aside. I went a little closer, but still far behind people, just to watch and observe him. I stood there for a little while when he noticed me and called me himself. He asked: “Don’t you want a hug?” I was thrilled and said “Yes!” like a little girl. I hopped towards him and slipped into the hug. He then asked me, “Are you singing?” I said that I was. Then he touched my throat, gently squeezed it and said to me, “You should sing more.” I felt so grateful for the opportunity he gave me. I felt happy and fulfilled.

It was the next day I had a glimpse of what he actually did. That was the day when Jelena and I were supposed to record our vocals for the ACT Foundation song. We had a great day together, did some vocal exercises and went to the studio. She recorded first, and while this was happening, I wasn’t in the studio. When I came back, I started to sing, and somehow everything felt so nice and flowed easily. You have to know that the voice is not always ready and, in different periods, needs more or less preparation. It can sound different throughout the day. 

The recording process was so easy for me. Usually, when I go to record in a studio, I don’t like my voice. But this time, there was something different happening within me. After the first try, the producer turned and said to me, “You made it in only one try. And your voice sounds so nice!” I felt good after this, but at the same time, I was humble as always and said let’s try again. We recorded a few times, and I felt like I wanted to sing more because my voice was more open than before. I was thinking about why it was so easy to connect with my voice and find the right way to sing. I visualized myself having some different connection with it. I felt like I am amazing!

The same day, new pictures from the retreat came up on the official Mohanji Facebook page. I scrolled them down fast, and I found myself in one of the last pictures. It was the moment when he touched my throat. This was the sign. The moment was even photographed. It was so clear.

A few days after that, I got a chance to see Mohanji, and I told him about this feeling. Then he confirmed – “Yes, I gave you a new voice”. That is what he actually said! I was mind blown. He is inspiring and blessing me to walk towards the thing I love to do the most. I have sung so many times for the past few years but rarely felt this love and expression. And he even gets me closer to actually feeling it more. The thing I was not so good at was suppressing everything, and when the right feeling came, I couldn’t recognize it. 

So much gratitude and love I have for my Master. He is walking with me always, every step of the way. I am so lucky to be found. How lucky I feel to walk with Mohanji?

I know that there are a lot of things that are about to happen, and I am open to experiencing them.

Thank you for connecting me with Jelena. She is an amazing person and definitely is getting me out of every comfort zone ever! We are totally different, but we both feel there is a connection that has a higher purpose. Thank you so much for everything you are doing. The things I am aware of and the things I am unaware of.

I love you, your Musician!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 171 & 172

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 171 – Leading from the Front

Yesterday was a fantastic day in our holy land here in Slovenia, where the Mohanji Peace Center will be. It’s an extraordinary place that is becoming energized each day as we go there and perform work. We’re taking whatever steps we can. Yesterday was putting up the fencing all along the borders and the boundaries of the land. We completed the North and East sides – a big job with many meters to cover.

A few days ago, we had the exact survey, and we’re ensuring that boundaries are clear. Mohanji said that this is important because, energetically for the land, once the boundaries are clear and established, it makes the job of containing the energy in the land much easier. He said that now it can be like a leaky pot with some holes; when an activity takes place, it can dissipate. But that leaky pot is still very powerful. Just being on the land is itself very soothing and rejuvenating.

I look forward to everyone having the opportunity to spend some time there. Mohanji also shared that every activity done on the land adds to the land. All the Satsangs, meditation, and Shaktipat have a positive effect, as it all goes into the land itself.

Yesterday was another living lesson from Mohanji about leading from the front. He takes the time to ensure that even the most minor details are covered. Yesterday, we started the day with Mohanji giving an overall direction and vision to ensure everything was aligned to set everything right. He even helped with moving fence poles; I’m sure some people would have seen the pictures of Mohanji generally assisting us with what we needed to do. He was very much involved.

This always amazes me because he’s a very busy man, he has lots of work happening, yet he still takes time to come and support the activities. Even when we were going to set up mobile homes (which was quite a drive of two hours to get there), he joined so that he could take some time to look at and understand them better. Yesterday couldn’t have been any better. I feel that only grace helped us, bringing all the right people together for the work.

Here in Slovenia, the 1st of May is a public holiday. The 1st of May is when people and their families go for walks in the countryside or somewhere else. Some dedicated volunteers joined us, and we had just the correct number of people to do a quick, speedy and efficient job. In the end, it was a job well done before the rain came. This morning, we’re back there. There’s going to be some rain during midday, so we’re going early, and I’m also sending this recording a little bit earlier so we can get there for a good start.

Day 172 – Techniques Revealed 

From yesterday, as soon as the weather turned, there was a practical lesson in doing what you need to rather than what you love or want to do. Although we had the help of the neighbour with the tractor for some time, it started raining really heavily, and we were out there and got completely soaked. But we had to make the best use of that time and his help while we had it, rather than stopping so that we could do what was needed and now have a good plan for the rest of the days ahead. Yesterday, we were back on the land, continuing the work that had started the day before to put the fencing around the centre’s boundaries in Slovenia. We arrived much earlier than usual because of the rain coming in by 11 o’clock; we were there just after seven, and thankfully, as had happened on previous days, the right number of people turned up to give us the help that we needed.

We managed to do everything just in time before the rain started. So far, every day has been like this; we’ve set a good timeline. It has been quite aggressive as we’ve set challenging targets. Everything has come together, whether it’s the volunteers or resources or materials, all at the right time for it to happen. We are working to a reasonable timeline, and people are providing their support at the right time and when it is needed. The work is flowing. There’s definitely sheer grace supporting us and everything that we’re doing. It’s good hard work which is moving well with speed and clarity. 

For example, yesterday, the assistance came from one of the neighbours who owns a farm and has a tractor. He was able to help us finish off all the fencing posts using the tractor to push them down into the ground, which was a fantastic help. He was only available yesterday morning, and thankfully, we managed to finish all the preparations just in time.  

After we finished our work yesterday before the neighbour arrived, we had time to experiment with a Siddha technique, which Mohanji had provided to us earlier; he’d spontaneously given it a few days ago. 

There’ll be a space on the land, in the centre, where everybody can practise this in the future. We set up what we needed to, and we had an experiment. It’s designed to bring the whole system into alignment, something you can do after you wake up. You can do this; practice this technique. It indeed felt like it was excellent. I’m excited about what else comes because when I asked Mohanji about this, he said there’ll be many more techniques and practices.

I remember, back during the time in Bangalore, when we would do the processes as part of the abundance retreat or another retreat. There wasn’t much preparation for Mohanji before these; he’d have time, and then in the 15 minutes or half-hour before we began, he would have assessed who was joining. He would create something spontaneous; it would come. Afterwards, I’d ask, and he would share that it’s either an avadhūta technique or a Siddha technique, so all of these are coming, he’s revealing these, but sometimes, it’s not so obvious for people to catch on to that it’s a technique, but they’re all unique in their own right.

Once we have established the centre, Mohanji said that he’d be able to bring much more, and we can have different parts of the centre where one can practice each of these. There’ll be some meditation or something for connecting with nature more deeply in the forest and things like this. People can then come in and include it in their sādhanā; it will be extraordinary.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 13th November 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Taste of Silence, Body on Standby

by Biljana Vozarevic

Experience during Empowered 5.0 at Zlatibor, Serbia, October 2022

This has been the most intense spiritual practice I have ever had. As we already had thorough preparation in theory and practice, we could immediately get down to the next level to taste a bit of inner silence.

“In the depth of silence, you will see me.”  


Through the Mohanji team, a card welcomed us into our rooms, conveying a message filled with tremendous love: 

“Dear master in the making, welcome to your cave
during the Empowered 5.0 experience.
As you detach from the outside world of
impressions, sensations, distractions, 
you will have an opportunity to dive deeper
into your inner world. Follow the SILENCE within,
and it will lead you to meet your TRUE SELF.
Mohanji will be with you every step of the way
as you enter into your safe space WITHIN.
Welcome, dear Master, your journey awaits you.”

Details make a difference, and I was really touched by this message.

It was going out of our comfort zone ultimately, with reduced external triggers, reduced movements and mild vegan food. Everything was conducive to going within, penetrating into oneself. 

Mohanji was preparing us well. He said, “Don’t eat unless you have to, don’t drink unless you have to, don’t sleep unless you have to.”

Along with Mohanji’s guidance, the Group Mai-Tri sessions conducted by Devi Mohan helped release emotions and tons of impressions. It was immensely powerful, and I felt more open and well-prepared to go into deeper sadhana. Through this process, I went into an ecstatic state while tears were rolling down, and I felt my heart expand larger than the hall. 

I meditated and relaxed a lot. I felt well-rested and caught up with the missed sleep due to my busy lifestyle.

I felt as if Mohanji had filled in special energy in the hall conducive to meditation and penetrating within. It felt like the energy of the cosmos, galaxies and intergalactic space, so the meditative state would not disappear. It stayed persistently throughout the whole program.

I have been on water therapy every morning since I became an Acharya in January 2019, and I know what it means. That morning I drank seven glasses, about 1.5 litres of coherent water (Analema or Somarka), and after a while, a small breakfast. But miraculously, despite drinking so much water, I didn’t have any call of nature. I challenged myself to stay as long as possible, even until the end! It is 7.5 hours. I persisted without much effort; it only required a bit of effort towards the end.

I noticed some patterns in my thought process. The pattern was to continue some discussions that had happened earlier and where I felt I had more to say.

I noticed that when I focused on the practice, Mohanji had advised us to do, I didn’t feel my body but just a pleasant flow of energy. The focus was nourishing. But when I started thinking and talking in my head, observing thought patterns and pictures appearing one after another, I would start feeling discomfort in my body. I would refocus and continue. 

At one moment, I felt I needed to get up and go for a toilet break. I felt I would disappoint myself by not completing my challenge. I thought, let me break earlier, and I will try some other day. When I went out, I was curious. I recognised I have the inclination to overcome boundaries. Now this inclination came out and expressed itself. I signalled to the lady at the reception, pointing at my left wrist. She understood I was asking about the time. She showed me the clock. It was 17:04! Precisely the end of the day. On the way back to the hall, I heard Nikolina announcing the end of that day’s sadhana and the schedule for the next day. 

I was so overwhelmed and grateful. Tears of gratitude started rolling down my cheeks. I bowed down to the vastness called Mohanji at his chair and sobbed a bit in gratitude mixed with a feeling of accomplishment. “Mohanji, you did it! Thank you so much for giving me this experience!” No need for food, water, toilet even though I had drunk 1.5 l of water that morning. The whole body was like on standby for 7.5 hours. I had never experienced anything like that state before. 

Now, after the whole program, I feel rejuvenated, fresh and light, full of energy. I feel empowered. I tasted a bit of silence and am determined to continue with the lifestyle conducive to finding inner silence, as much as my commitments allow. I experienced how much power we have over our bodies. When we enter a particular energy zone, we let the whole body be on standby. Similarly, when we force detachment, it doesn’t happen. 

But the more I connect to consciousness and are tuned to the energy aspect, a subtle aspect, then detachment happens by itself. 

I believe my ability to avoid attracting desires also has increased. When I tasted silence, my desires became directed to that – coming home to eternal silence. 

I also experienced that I am not this body. I felt that I am the merger of physical and metaphysical, gross and subtle.

Finally, by tasting the silence, a tremendous feeling of self-sufficiency increased. I didn’t go through any crises caused by the deprivation of external stimuli. I had a sense of well-being without needing anything external, leading to a liberated existence.

I am incredibly grateful to Mohanji for this opportunity and humbled by the experience, transformed as a tiny dot in the whole universe, showered by and filled with omnipresent, inexhaustible, omnipotent love.  


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 10th November 2022


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