Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 223 and 224

By Christopher Greenwood

Day 223 – What we don’t have we value, and what we have loses value

One of the things which I love and appreciate about Mohanji, especially his teaching, is that what he shares, speaks and lives reeks of simplicity. It’s straightforward; it’s simple. When I digest it well, it brings a positive transformation in life. There’s a shift for the better. You can noticeably see this in life interactions and relationships.

Most of these truths, if not all, are fundamental truths. One of those I share today whilst reflecting again is the changing nature of the mind in relation to what we have and don’t have. Generally, when we don’t have something, we really long for it. We strive for it; we crave it. We work hard to get it, and then its value is lost as soon as we have it. When we don’t have something, it has incredible value. But when we have it, it has very little value.

In retrospect and even now, to some extent, what I longed for, what I’d worked for, what I dreamt of, and what I had achieved – its value dropped as soon as I had it. I no longer appreciated it. It can be possessions, positions, relationships, or anything. What we don’t have has tremendous value, and when we get it, the value drops. It can be partners, a new phone, a house, a job, or a holiday.

Even worse is that when we lose something, its value increases again. Here we’re talking about and sharing the changeable nature of the mind, and you can take that even further. If we had something and we didn’t know that somebody took it away from us, we wouldn’t have a problem. But if we had something and then knew someone took it from us, that thing becomes the most important thing.

For me, this observation is an awareness of the changing nature of the mind and the corresponding dramas it can create in life. We can all relate to this truth, and for me, Mohanji provides these simple truths as insights. These insights are valuable tools as a mirror to our minds and their effects on our lives. Being aware of the fickle mind and being able to address that or handle it is crucial.

Day 224 – Our spaces

Today I wanted to share more information about our latest vision and priorities and what we’re discussing in the mornings with Mohanji and the team.

I’ve shared before that every morning when I sit and speak with Mohanji, it’s about the activities for the day. We’ve big and ambitious visions. We always discuss what steps to take today to help move us towards that vision. Right now, the priority is for our spaces, which I’ve mentioned before.

We’re now in the Balkans, where there’s a lot of trouble. We’ve been going to various retreats and different locations, travelling, and staying in various places, which has been great. I joined Mohanji during the COVID lockdown – the first wave in India, so we were travelling less.

We are now travelling (moving from place to place), and I recognize that he has been on the move like this for over ten years; a hectic schedule indeed. I’m impressed with Mohanji’s work and activities across five continents – in 80 countries. It’s a fantastic achievement for everyone who’s worked with and supported him for all those years. But now, experiencing it firsthand, I comprehend the logistical challenge and demanding nature of this.

My main point is, with Mohanji travelling and all the activities taking place, as he moves from country to country, the energy becomes scattered, and also, sometimes, it’s difficult to sustain the activities and momentum once he leaves. Hence, the focus now is on identifying our spaces, thinking creatively about building our space and putting something on the ground. I now appreciate it much more as we start to formulate these plans.

Regarding our spaces, we already have work underway in Ganeshpuri and Slovenia. These will be Mohanji Centers of Benevolence (MCB), and I’ve mentioned in detail that these will be locations that represent our tradition – living harmoniously with nature, doing our practices all the time, 365 days of yoga and meditation. Mohanji will come to stay and conduct retreats there. There’ll be residential sections where people can reside, office space where people can work, and a canteen where food will be served 24/7. So, if somebody comes hungry, they can have something to satisfy that hunger.

Our spaces are essential as they’ll bring us real stability and put our philosophy onto the ground. This brings two important aspects of stability:

1. Stability of our people: Mohanji profoundly cares about those connected to him. His vision is to ensure that all of our people, all those who stand by him, will have a place to live peacefully for now and for years and generations to come.

2. Stability of our philosophy: Space means we can land on the ground of our philosophy. There’ll be continuity of all the practices, processes, teachings and practical way of life. Our spaces will be places of real purification, rejuvenation and harmonious living. People will be able to live there. There’ll be daily yoga, meditation, and daily processes, and if we have many centres, Mohanji will dedicate time to each of them each year.

The energy of the place will build over time. This’ll mean people living there will be very stable, and the space itself will transform people positively. They’ll bring benefits and add value to many lives.

This is a bit of a taste of the focus, vision, and track we’re on now.  I share this to give you all an idea of what we speak about in the morning, our direction and vison and of course, if anyone would like to show any support or know anything more, you’re very welcome to write to me. I’m happy to discuss more.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 11th June 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 187 & 188

by Christopher Greenwood

Day 187 – Willpower (Iccha Shakti) is Your Strength

Yesterday was an inspiring day for the team here in Slovenia. We received confirmation that the Mohanji Institute has been officially registered, which means we have a registered entity here in Slovenia. The papers arrived only hours before Mohanji was to depart from Serbia. It was an opportune time to reflect on what was achieved here in the past one and a half months – an outstanding achievement.

The experience has been a real practical lesson of what can be achieved through willpower and determination. It’s been a group effort of many people with tremendous determination to complete work in good time and to achieve something together. Mohanji, of course, was the energy and the driving force behind many tasks, such as setting a clear vision, giving a clear picture, subsequent steps, and advice when we encountered obstacles; the team pulled together and achieved a lot.

It has been a different experience for me as most of my work is with people or on the computer. It was possible to see tangible results daily as the boundary markers on the land were laid, fences put up, trees planted, hedges planted, and birds began to feed on the bird feeders. We were witnessing the Peace Centre come to life before our eyes. It has been an important lesson in teamwork when there’s clear focus and determination because there were many obstacles and issues to manoeuvre.

It was also a humbling lesson of the grace that comes when working with Mohanji because he arranges nearly everything if we only take the first steps. For many of these tasks, such as fencing and planting the bushes where we needed more experience, the right people came with proper support. And whether this was with expertise, contacts, skills, machinery, or even coming to feed us lunchtimes, it all fit into place and flowed with ease. Even the weather was held at bay on days of meaningful work, and when we would return to share the day’s progress and our surprise at how it didn’t rain, Mohanji would smile, thus achieving a lot in a short time.

I’ve shared the details in various Mohanji groups. We’re all looking forward to continuing the following steps to bring to life the Mohanji Peace Centre here in Slovenia. I was reflecting on Mohanji’s main points, where he stresses this path and life in general, the need for willpower and determination, especially if we want to achieve something in life.

The other day, we were speaking about karma and destiny, and I wanted to know if it’s possible to change this. Because for example, we may have some patterns which keep pulling us back into the usual terrestrial world of senses and experiences. I wanted to know: Is this destined to happen? We’ve got these solid patterns and inclinations to do specific tasks and activities. We’re indulging in certain things or being a certain way. Is that destined, or can we do something about it? He replied that it all depends on our priorities, what we want in life and then, of course, our willpower.

If our goal is to achieve the highest in this lifetime, and we have the corresponding willpower or icchā śákti, then it’s possible. Mohanji said that’s enough to take you to the highest – willpower, focus, and determination.

Day 188 – “A Month with Mohanji”

Yesterday, I shared a message on what can be achieved with willpower, and the focus of that was the progress we’ve made here in Slovenia towards the Mohanji Peace Centre, and it has been a lot. It’s been a productive time, despite all the challenges of COVID. We’ve completed much more in that short space of time, and I wanted to share more of this because I think it gives an authentic flavour and colour of the pace, the speed, and what we’re capable of once we have that willpower, determination, and focus.

For me, it has continuously been a living lesson of what is achievable personally, and everybody involved has also found new capacities they didn’t believe or know that they had before, which is incredibly satisfying and rewarding.

Today I’ll give a chronology of what we’ve done since Mohanji arrived in Slovenia as an inspiration of what we can do with his energy behind us. It also gives more of a flavour of Mohanji, his laser focus, clarity, and proactive steps to do more in the world, leading from the front.

If we go back to when we first arrived here

  1. Slovenia Peace Centre work

We arrived on the 22nd of March and then had to spend ten days in quarantine. During this time, it wasn’t possible to leave the apartment. After our quarantine period ended, there was a 10-day lockdown in Slovenia for the Easter period because of COVID. So we were left with just a month, four weeks, in which we’ve completed everything on the land, including sourcing the suppliers, sourcing people, agreeing on the work, finding suitable materials, arranging events, arranging the meetings, and completing the work. I’ll share the progress we made for the Peace Centre again.

  1. Humane Airports

Alongside this, what’s impressive when we look back is that we launched the “Humane airports” initiative, which was sparked by an incident in Frankfurt. We launched humaneairports.com, which was formed after the incident of severe harassment at Frankfurt Airport. The purpose is to change how air passengers are treated in airports globally. This was all the good work of contacting authorities, the embassies, and everything we did to move that campaign forward.

  1. Launch of coffee table book “Mind.”

Another significant achievement is completing the first ever coffee table book, titled “Mind”, a beautiful book. It’s a collection of quotes on the mind by Mohanji, which is also set to a charming design with great photos of him, which can be a perfect gift.

Mohanji asked for this, and when he initially asked how long it would take, the response was probably three months. So, we set a target, “Okay, let’s aim for three weeks,” and then, in the end, we did it within three days. People were surprised at themselves; that they could do it at that time. It gave a deep sense of accomplishment as it involved setting a focus, meeting a challenge, and a timely goal to achieve it. This was alongside all the usual calls, meetings, several satsangs and interviews.

We even visited Lake Bled’s beautiful, incredible natural surroundings, which also doubled as an inspection for future projects and activities here in the Slovenian region.

I wanted to share this again because many can take inspiration from this. All of us became aware of our new capacities and could reflect on the limitations we placed on ourselves, of what is possible and what is not. I include myself in this.

Mohanji allows us to go beyond what we believe we can, and it’s gratifying when you see the results.

The key learning is that we can do much more than we think; the main ingredients are willpower and determination. “A Month with Mohanji” is the perfect case study.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 8th January 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Empowered 5.0 – Triggers and Transformation

Freedom from betrayal

A Mohanji follower

Empowered 5.0 with Mohanji in Zlatibor, Serbia, was a program that can only be described partially, as no one knows what exactly happened or is continuing to happen even after months have passed.

After attending all four online sessions in the presence of Mohanji, I thought it would be something similar. Each module of Empowered released and brought out impressions deeply hidden from the conscious mind. They were often painful yet liberating because one never expects to have dark qualities within themselves. We read about it and hear it, but to feel and be aware of it is an entirely different experience! Faith in the process allows one to embrace the darkest moments in our lives with courage. It is a hardcore transformation, as Mohanji often says of Datta Tradition. 

Now to Empowered 5.0. I had not planned on being part of the physical program, but the situation led me to join it. The universe had already decided for each participant, and we just had to make the physical journey. 

I was looking forward to seeing Mohanji family members whom I had not seen or spent time with. Once the program began, I felt things just went downhill. I was faced with unpleasant thoughts and felt betrayed by someone I felt very close to. My focus kept going toward this betrayal which I felt deep in my heart. This problem that came up unexpectedly during Empowered 5 was something I had dealt with in frequent processes, Mai-Tris, and pilgrimages I had done with Mohanji. It never was something that I thought would bother me, but the presence of Mohanji and the whole environment brought up this dark energy that surprised me. 

It made me realise that this betrayal had been part of my life since my teenage years. It pertained mostly to women I had trusted and allowed to enter my heart. Once the love and connections were formed, the betrayal would come in the form of them tossing me aside as I was unimportant to them. This pattern became so evident to me during Empowered 5.0. 

I prayed and surrendered to Mohanji to release me from these past betrayals, as I wanted to be free. I was patient with myself as I knew it was part of the process, but it felt terrible not to have any silence or peace, which I had thought would have happened during this beautiful program. Long story short, I was happy to have completed the E5, as it was very painful in every way!

After returning home, I wasn’t in a positive mood. I had a negative feeling in my heart as I felt no peace or happiness. Even my family complained about my negative attitude, which further made me feel bad inside. I spoke to a few people who had attended Empowered 5 online and in person. Their positive experiences and witnessing their positivity brought this awareness that, somehow, I was stuck and needed more time to heal. 

I truly felt something terrible was there, as it was not natural to be this consumed by a betrayal. I spent many days in pain, and finally, I thought this had to be dealt with. It was a confusing time for me, but I have learned by being with Mohanji that confusion and vulnerability are good states because it is the time when you are open to change. Once the confusion ends, the transformation and clarity are immediately felt. 

I called for an MTM (Mohanji Transformation Method) and spoke to a practitioner I had previously worked with. I explained my situation, and she said the betrayal might have been deeply intertwined into my whole constitution, which could be why it wasn’t removed during E5. Mohanji guided her to stay connected with me and go over the MTM, done in 2021. Some areas were not integrated, so it was required to go ahead with the issue that was at present. 

By talking to her, I also learned that many people were going through a similar process of cleansing after E5 with different types of betrayals. This knowledge brought me some peace because, for the first time, I didn’t feel alone. I was glad to have spoken with her, as everything happens at the right time. 

During the next few weeks, I started having revelations. I see this as the grace of Mohanji. These were painful times because I had to face and feel so much pain, which made my heart sad. It is hard to describe the feeling, but I am glad I stayed strong and didn’t give up on myself. I knew this was just a phase, and I will come out of it. 

Following what I know helps me when I am in a dark place. I always go to my local temple and a Baba temple when in confusion and agitation. I did the same during these testing times. As I stood in front of these deities, I could instantly feel the darkness leaving my body. This is a gift of our tradition; they don’t leave your hand. Being with Mohanji has allowed me to be subtle enough to feel this cleansing during visits to powerful places.

After a month of self-contemplation, facing my darkest moments and pain, I felt I was moving in the right direction as I felt lighter and more aware. The following day the MTM practitioner also conducted the MTM session as I had enough time to integrate and process the first MTM revelations. 

It was the right time, as it felt perfect at that moment. Her connection revealed a curse that had its origin with snakes. It had been part of the women in my family. She said it was very dark and strong, but she couldn’t tell me more as I would process the whole scenario in my mind and slow down the cleansing process. MTM brings more awareness, and through that, empowerment follows; but over-analysing slows down this process. She advised all I had to do was keep my heart open and love without fear. 

The same day this event happened, my daughter also got sick. I immediately felt it was somehow connected to the removal of the lineage curse. She was ill for a week, and it was a difficult time, as no medication and doctor’s visit brought relief. Mai-Tri temporarily relieved the fever, but it spiked back up after a few hours. I had left all this to Mohanji, as I knew it was part of the process. 

One day after the doctor’s visit, I was heartbroken to see her sick. I decided to give her Mai-Tri once again. As a parent and a Mai-Tri practitioner, one must be completely detached from the outcome for Mai-Tri to be effective. As I stood in front of Mohanji’s picture to connect to his consciousness, I felt immense energy in his eyes coming to me. I couldn’t move and had to force myself to leave his presence. 

As I began the healing, I felt very strange pulling from inside the head, as if my hands and the energy from the head were one. It was a wonderful feeling and session. Being a Mai-Tri practitioner for a while now, I have never experienced this type of session before. It felt like I was sitting for a very long time, but it was only 25 minutes, but deep inside, I knew whatever was ailing her was completely gone. My feelings were correct as the following morning, the fever had finally subsided.

I am sharing this testimonial to show how powerful the Empowered sessions are. The awareness which comes is a gift that can never be replaced by anything material on this Earth. I also witnessed many people sharing their positive experiences, and I wanted to show the other side of Empowered sessions. It can trigger painful past events, but in the end, it is for our evolution and transformation. Once we know it is a phase, anything can be endured with faith, and even pain becomes a ladder to reach our highest potential. 

Mohanji allowed me to live through this painful period, which brought me so much clarity about my patterns and my family. I wouldn’t have learned so much if he had removed this painful impression during Empowered 5.0. In pain, we become stronger, and I am very grateful to the Empowered series, which is synonymous with transformation.

Battles of the mind

Asja Dupanovic

During the Empowered 5.0 program with Mohanji in Zlatibor (October 2022), I experienced a newly discovered stability, peace and a distinct lightness in my physical body. 

The most significant thing I have lost during this program is the tight grip of my mind. Mohanji showed me how capable I am of stopping the ranting of my mind and very quickly shifting my thoughts, preventing them from causing emotional havoc and a physiological reaction that my body knew so well. I made this shift several times during the program and now know who the master in charge of this mind is. If it (this mind) is merely a part of this vehicle, the rent-a-car presented by my physical body, then what I truly am is in charge (of the mind), of course.

In this program, many battles with the mind were won. I know it is not the whole war, but these battles won are significant and empowering for me. 

One of the very first things I have become aware of (as these battles with the mind went on) is a very distinct lightness in my physical body. It was mesmerising. During the morning sun salutations, I could not even recognise my body. It flowed through the practice without any effort or strain. I was being charged with endless energy and being able to exercise for hours. I could also run again, which has been a challenge for the past 18 years. (Ever since, I have been suffering from something I could only describe as my physical body being constantly cramped, weak and incapable of basic things like running across the street). 

With Mohanji’s help, whilst in silence, I could also see myself in different situations from birth onwards. By his directions, I observed the scenes as if I was merely a neutral witness, fully aware that I was not the emotion that I was feeling in the scene. The emotion would dissolve when I would face this emotion and see the situation from a neutral perspective of a witness.

As the days went by, I felt more light. In many situations, I saw my new self as strong and confident, knowing exactly what I wished to say to someone or do about a particular situation. As I returned home, I realised each of those new decisions, one by one, confidently, feeling no distress. This was new and big for me!

Otherwise, I have the highest remarks on how the program was organised. I felt very pampered the whole time, with all the freedom and perfect conditions to dedicate myself fully to myself and my immersion into silence. Mohanji was wonderful the entire time, so gentile, kind and loving. Everything was provided and taken care of. The organising team took extra care to ensure all details and that every individual was taken care of in the best possible way. I felt very good and secure in their hands and in Mohanji’s embrace.

I look forward to this program repeating, plan to join it again and wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd January 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

On a rocky road to Nepal

by Ulla Bernholdt, Denmark

It seems like a wonder that I embarked on a trip to India to meet Mohanji in Shirdi at the end of December 2021. What a huge blessing of a lifetime it was to celebrate Datta Jayanti with him at the feet of Sai Baba and the Dattatreya tradition! Not only that, but I was also graced soon to go to Nepal to introduce Mohanji and his teachings.

Let me first tell you about the rather miraculous background for the travel.

In June 2021, I received an e-mail from a person named Rabi who inquired if any Mohanji activities were going on in Denmark. He told me that he had experienced a vision while meditating in which two unknown persons appeared. The first man was an elderly, poor-looking man who pointed his finger at a younger man with long hair and a beard. The younger man spoke, but the words were not audible.

When I read this, pictures of Sai Baba and Mohanji immediately came to my mind.

Rabi continued that when he opened Instagram the following day, the first photo he saw was that of Shirdi Sai Baba. He now recognised the man from his vision and came to know his name. Curious, he searched YouTube for material upon Baba and found Mohanji’s videos about him. He recognised Mohanji as the other person, and now he had found both.

We arranged to meet the next day, and I was excited, especially because when I’d read his LinkedIn profile, I’d realised that his real name was Gurudatta! Rabi was just a name he had chosen for the sake of convenience. This must be some guidance from the Tradition, I thought. What will happen next?

Gurudatta told me he was from Nepal, and he wanted to visit his home country the following autumn to do seva. I asked if I could join him. We teamed up and started doing ACT4Hunger annadan from Denmark remotely through our volunteers in Nepal.

Our plan to go to Nepal was postponed a couple of times, but when we suddenly got the news that Mohanji’s Dattatreya Jayanti retreat in Shirdi was happening within three weeks, we purchased tickets.

At the retreat, I met up with Gurudatta and his mother. Before leaving Shirdi, we took Mohanji’s blessings plus his instructions and advice regarding visiting Nepal, doing annadan and T-shirt donations for protection and visibility in the country.

We had flight tickets from Delhi to Kathmandu, but unexpectedly, we were both denied access to the aeroplane due to positive Corona tests! Usually, at home, I would go for a second test to confirm, but now we had to make our minds up quickly because my Indian visa was about to expire.

We agreed to go by bus to Nepal in the afternoon and quarantine if needed in Nepal. It was a ride of nearly 900 km to the Nepali border in Sonauli.

Arriving at the border, we found out that I needed to travel another 100 km to do my new PCR-test in Gorakhpur, the place of the grand Gorakhnath mandir.

After taking the blessings of Gorakhnath, who is the incarnation of Shiva himself and is the patron deity of Nepal and the one who decides who can enter the country, I received a negative covid test, and I was ready to cross the border.

Back at the Indian immigration office, they told me to come again the next morning. The same officers said they could not allow me to exit early the next day because my Indian visa had expired the previous day. And here, the calamities started.

Gurudatta was able to leave. Being a Nepali citizen, he stayed with his relatives just across the border. We stayed in touch online.

I had to stay back and go to many different offices far from the town, but with no outcome. We made a lot of phone calls to the different authorities in India, Nepal, and even Denmark, but nobody could help me get an exit permit. In the process, I had to go through an online application, and there was no time limit set to it.

I now stayed at one of the only available hotels at the border, waiting to leave India. What are the normal living conditions for many people in Asia became a severe challenge for a western conditioned mind.

It was a cold hotel with muggy walls and no hot water if there was water at all. There was no electricity during the daytime—no places to eat except a sweetshop that served snacks only. Very poor internet connectivity made telephone calls a challenge. On top of it all, I also found that people would ignore me when I asked them about something or that people would make fun of me when I walked the street, being the only foreigner in town. Communication was not easy either, as practically no one spoke English in that area.

I must admit I had previously carried a romantic fantasy that if I had to isolate, I would only be happy to deepen my practice, meditate and chant. But this situation was so unexpected that I could not find peace of mind to practice seriously.

I remember Mohanji saying that he creates situations and circumstances for people to test them. Or rather, the Tradition tests you.

And I was tested!

My SIM card expired, and the internet was not working.

It seemed like there would be a new issue on top of the other each day. I thought to myself, is this a bad joke? But it was real, and I started to feel the heat and pressure within as the situation escalated.

One week passed, but I still did not receive permission to leave. I observed my mind becoming more unstable as my expectations of going to Nepal were not met.

We had announced our arrival in Nepal beforehand, and people were waiting to meet us and participate in Mohanji events. I could even peek over the border, but I could not go.

My mind questioned if I would be able to go at all? Maybe I was not eligible to go? I felt desperation creeping in.

I would pray to Mohanji and Gorakhnath to hold my hand throughout this experience. Not at one point in time did Mohanji leave me. I asked Mohanji to please help me to be able to go and serve in Nepal.

This seemed like a big-time test. Did I have enough determination and clarity of purpose needed to go to Nepal?
Would I give up? Would I quit? Would I turn back?

I felt I had no choice but to stay put despite all the obstacles. Going to Nepal was what I really wanted. Keeping in mind that all situations and experiences, good or bad, will pass, and having come this far, I waited rather impatiently for the obstacles to dissolve by the grace of Mohanji and time.

Now that I was in exile, deprived of comfort, I had to face all my addictions, dependencies, and patterns of insecurity. There was nothing to do but feel it.

I cherish this experience today because there is so much relevance and authenticity in observing your mind when under pressure. A mind full of constant craving, never satisfied and filled with endless desires.

Sitting in my room, the mind itself felt like a prison, and I felt I was here on a life sentence. This is a simple truth that we would normally avoid facing.

It was not that I missed the comforts a lot. What I longed for was a peaceful mind. I longed to be in Mohanji’s state of freedom, need nothing, go beyond the mind, and not be dependent on the outside world.

While connecting consciously to Mohanji, there were moments of causeless happiness in the middle of this agony. Mohanji is like the calm centre in the eye of a hurricane. He carried me all the way through like a silent companion.

As the days passed, my state of mind slowly started changing, and a transformation happened.

From feeling totally helpless, I wondered what else I could do when I could not change my situation. I longed to do something purposeful, so I started feeding the many stray dogs living outside of the hotel. I felt how it cleansed me and brought me new positivity and stability. Next, I tried to plan for a bigger annadan for people in the town. I had noticed that many of them looked very poor, pushing heavily loaded bicycle rickshaws all day.

I looked for people who could help me cook food, but suddenly, my application for the exit permit went through, and that was the end of 14 days of staying in an unknown place.

As if a dark spell had lifted, the people at the immigration office suddenly started to act friendly and humane. It was like being in a play that had all the ingredients of a drama, even a happy ending. One police officer listened to my story and kindly offered to take me in a rickshaw to the next town to sort out the complicated online payment for the exit permit, which I could not do with a foreign card, and help me prepare to leave the next morning. He said he saw his daughter in me and that it was his moral responsibility to help me. I had no other option than to trust him and Mohanji that his intention was pure. The policeman was indeed very helpful, and trusting him helped me get out of my situation.

Overall, it has been a fantastic experience. We often forget to be grateful for what we have and remember that things we take for granted can leave us in a split second.

Only the hand of Mohanji helped me get through these challenges. He inspired me and encouraged me to keep walking, not to give up, and keep the focus on my purpose. Through his own example, he reminded me that we can always do something for others even when we cannot do much for ourselves.

I thank him for the experience that made me once again realise the raw power we have inside to rise above the situation and our need for grace from the Master and God, without whom we are absolutely nothing.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 24th March 2022


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

Transformations through group meditations – Part 2

By Malaysia Meditation Group

Intense 41 days Spiritual Practise – The Power of Purity Meditation        

The idea to organise an intense global sadhana for 41 days was conceived in a dream of one of our Mohanji Acharyas. In the dream, Mohanji had informed her to organise the sadhana. It was complete with instructions on how to do it, to the extent of what is to be written. He said that when the Power of Purity Meditation is practised every day for 41 days in a group, a powerful golden grid is created around the Universe, which helps us flow into space to connect to the loving and healing energies instantly.

It took her a while to plan and also to find the resources to run this program. With the blessings of Mohanji, after communication with teams globally, the event was launched on 4 June 2020 and ended after 41 days on 14 July 2020.

Here is a part of the diary of the journey by the Malaysia group!

4 June – Day 1

The energy was very intense, even during the breathing exercise. I felt a tingling sensation in my head area, and it spread throughout my body. It was then that I saw Mohanji, who had come to grace the mediation with his presence.

During the meditation, my body felt so hot, as if it was on fire. I could feel the heat in my breath, and my eyes were burning. My head was aching so much. It felt like someone had stuck a dagger in my head, and I could hardly think. 

During the day, somehow, I was guided to take Shirdi Baba’s vibuthi. I mixed it with some water and drank it. But then my head still felt heavy, and I could not keep my eyes open. I thought I would just lie down but fell asleep for 3 hours. I woke up feeling very refreshed. I had not slept this well in such a long time.

5 June – Day 2

The day started with some technical issues. I was wondering why no one had come on board for the meditation with only five minutes to the start. “Was my facilitation that bad, that no one came back?” This was the thought that played in my mind, hahaha! A quick message to the group revealed that they were already in the waiting room, and they informed me that it showed I was in another meeting.

I just froze for a while, not knowing what to do, and I was guided to exit the meeting and restart again. Yay! All were still there in the waiting room. Although feeling a little flustered, I calmed down very quickly and just focused on what I had to do. The energy was again very intense. Midway through the meditation, I saw that many masters in golden light had graced us with their presence. I could not see who all of them were, but I had a glimpse of Lord Dattatreya and Avadhoota Nadananda! It was like the whole Guru Parampara had arrived. Shirdi Baba appeared in a dazzling, bright golden light. He held out his hands, and rays of golden light flowed from his hands onto all of us, showering us with blessings.

7 June – Day 4

We were all soaking in the guidance of Mohanji’s voice when my PC suddenly shut down. It was so sudden that my thoughts were suspended in mid-air.

Somehow I was quickly guided to reboot my PC. Surprisingly I was very calm. I waited for the PC to reboot and restarted the meeting again. All this happened within a few minutes. I restarted the meeting and saw that everyone was still there and some had opened their eyes. I started the meditation music, and I was guided to begin exactly at the part where Mohanji says, “When thoughts enter…..do not resist…..just watch the thoughts without participating…..see them come and go.” The words were so appropriate to help everyone settle back into the meditation.

I, too, settled in when suddenly I felt a surge of energy and felt engulfed in a brilliant and blinding golden light. I was suspended in the middle of it, and soon, my body just disappeared into the light. It was as if my body had turned into light, and I could not see myself anymore. My heart area felt so expanded. I had wanted to stay in this state forever but then duty calls. I had to facilitate and end the session. 

On checking later, some of the participants had opened their eyes but flowed back into the meditation when it restarted. One commented that Mohanji’s super-powerful voice guided us back even though we strayed away for a while. Another person had felt very distracted over the last two days, but today she had an amazing experience as she was totally lost in herself.

11 June – Day 8

Today again, I had another challenge with my computer. It decided that it wanted to update itself. Thinking that it will not take long, I decided to let the process continue. Fifteen minutes had passed, and it still had not completed.

By then, I prayed to Mohanji to speed up the process. But Mohanji had other ideas. I was guided to move everything to another location. It took some time to set up the whole thing, and I noted that I still had less than 10 minutes to start the session. Somehow during this time, I had remained calm and focused. 

At the back of my mind, I thought that the meditation would not be the same since there is a change of location. Today, a new person joined us, so I explained the whole process to her.

It took a while for me to settle into the meditation. I was also keeping an eye open for people who may be late. It does happen that people get disconnected and have to rejoin the session again.

My body was swaying gently with the energy flow. Towards the end of the meditation, I could feel myself travelling at turbo speed through this place full of people. It was so fast that all I could see were shapes of buildings and people. At the end of the path, I saw an old person with a long beard in a flowy, white gown standing at the door of a building. I zoomed past him, penetrating the building and soon felt myself being propelled into a golden like aperture. I found myself in a cave-like structure, and it was filled with golden light. Seated at the end of the cave, shining in bright golden light, was Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy. She was sending out a lot of energy (Shakti) which I understood from her she was sending out to the Universe. I was so immersed in this state, and before I knew it, the meditation was ending, and I had to close the session.

What an amazing experience, so I guess it does not matter where I sit for my meditation! Jai Mohanji!

Today many others felt the intense energy, and they shared this:

  1. Thank you so much. It was a very, very intense meditation. I cried a lot, and I feel very light and relaxed. Thank you, everyone. (She just joined us today and her first time experiencing the Power of Purity Meditation)
  2. It was very intense. I felt severe pain and pressure in my chest as if there was some cleansing—otherwise a wonderful and powerful experience.
  3. I just want to share this with you. I felt some burning sensation from my stomach for a while in today’s session, and towards the end, I saw a pair of eyes just flashed for few seconds, just a glance!

15 June – Day 12

Towards the end of the meditation, Shirdi Baba once again graced our session. He tossed several handfuls of vibuthi on us. The vibuthi turned into golden particles as they descended on us. At the same time, the wispy, dark mist was seen leaving our system, floating upwards and vanishing into space above us. 

As the process took place, a giant white cloud formed at the top of the space we were all in. The cloud was swirling, and violet light was circling it. Golden light streamed down from this cloud and covered all of us. I then felt Baba touching my head. I felt so spaced out that it was so difficult to come back. 

I feel so blessed to be part of this group, as the collective energy from you brought us all to such a beautiful space. Gratitude to the masters. Jai Mohanji!

Day 40

Today is the 40th day of our intense sadhana, probably another ordinary day, I thought. Today as soon as we finished our breathing exercise and slipped into the meditation, a bright light appeared, and in the light, I could see many masters moving forward in a semi-circle. In the centre was Satya Sai Baba. The light engulfed all of us, and we were transported to this space. In this space, all of us were seated in a circle around the masters. Our bodies radiated golden light. Golden rays of light from the masters connected to each of us, and we started to move in a circular motion around the masters. The motion picked up, and we were spinning at high speed akin to test tubes in a centrifuge*. 

Mind, as usual, started thinking that this is all an imagination. But then I felt my whole body vibrating, especially in my stomach area. Tears started to flow. We were bathing in this golden light throughout the meditation. Towards the end of the meditation, I found myself in this tunnel. The walls were golden in colour and moving in a circular motion. It was in continuous movement, and I could feel the light getting brighter at the end of the tunnel. Somehow I was not allowed to proceed further into the tunnel, as the meditation came to an end, and it was time to bring awareness back to the body.

Note :

* A centrifuge is a laboratory device used to separate fluids, gas or liquid, based on density. Separation is achieved by spinning a vessel containing material at high speed; the centrifugal force pushes heavier materials to the outside of the vessel.

Bliss of Silence Meditation from 6 to 26 September 2020

16 September 2020

I was feeling very tired too. It has been almost ten years trying to run the activities for Mohanji Malaysia. Thinking to myself, I need a break, but how can I stop when there is no one else to help to facilitate sessions. Suddenly this morning, during the Bliss of Silence Meditation, when I was about to zone off, Mohanji appeared. He was wearing a white kurta and orange dhoti, the same outfit when I first met him in Singapore. Many people were trying to put some shackles on his feet, but he just walked off with the shackles. 

Perhaps he is sending the message that he is always with me from day one and nothing is ever too heavy to carry and to just keep walking.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd April 2021


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Meeting my Guru

Mohanji and Bojana 2

by Bojana Fabel

 It was in 2015, that I first met Mohanji, in Macedonia. This is how it all happened.

I had seen a Facebook advertisement, which said, “Satsang with Mohanji” and that it would be held in Skopje. I said to myself – “Oh, this is a great opportunity to finally be present at a real-life satsang!” I had watched satsangs of other Masters, Gurus and Acharyas, but only on YouTube.

I knew that Ziate, my high school friend was already connected to Mohanji. So, I immediately enquired about the same from him. He encouraged me and asked me to definitely attend the satsang.

I then contacted Zoran (Hanummatananda) to secure my place, and soon enough the day came when for the first time, I saw Mohanji. He was seated on his white chair, on a higher platform, dressed in white, talking and answering questions to a room full of people.

Mohanji and Bojana

I still remember our very first eye-contact. He looked straight into my eyes, with a childish, yet fierce look. When I left the room after the satsang, I was enveloped with a feeling of purity, lightness and happiness, just like I would feel in my childhood days, so pure and blissful. That night, I had slept like a baby!

On the second day of the satsang, I was very happy to go back and meet Mohanji again. Not to forget, I was amazed at how calm He was, and more so, to see Him seated with His spine erect. I wanted to be like Him. (I am not joking).


But to the contrary, while the satsang was on, I felt like I wanted to escape from this room, leave and run, as fast as I could, as something was happening to me! I was having a FULL BLOWN anxiety attack. Here, I must mention that I had gone through anxiety and panic attacks, the whole of the previous year, and you cannot imagine the terror I was going through in the mind and body sitting in front of a Guru, with an expectation that everything will be perfect. Instead, I was having an attack AGAIN! It was really hard.

recognise yourself

But all of a sudden, an unknown inner power woke up in me, which said – “NO YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE, YOU ARE STAYING HERE”. I suddenly felt strong and so I remained seated. I had won over an anxiety attack for the very first time after two years of suffering! This was the last anxiety I ever experienced, since then.

I believe that the last attack was meant to cleanse my system, in front of my Guru, by my Guru. It’s difficult to believe, complicated to understand unless some clarity appears and one sees the whole picture. It’s a secret that has stayed with the Gods and Mohanji, that He never shared with me.

But, all I know is, I am free from these attacks.


 The year of bliss

Ever since I met Mohanji, for the first time in 2015 (the year of transformation in His presence), I have been in a constant state of bliss, without any particular reason.

That year, I would wake up happy every day and spread smiles to the world. Every morning, I would share my experiences with Mohanji and many spiritual conversations with my father, during those beautiful sunny mornings in our lovely home garden. I call the year 2015, “The year of Bliss”.

The conditions in which I lived in Macedonia were far from perfect. I lived in an isolated village, where I had to travel for hours every day. This was after having lived in places, such as Geneva, in Switzerland; London, in the UK; and Singapore; where life was easier and far more convenient. Absence of conveniences of a well-developed city did not bother or affect me in any way. All I knew was – I was in Mohanji’s consciousness and He was taking care of my well-being at various levels.

It will always remain a mystery, the way Mohanji worked on me to miraculously bring me out of those two long years of suffering from deep anxiety and panic attacks, by just being in His presence for a day or two! I will never be able to explain this to anyone, apart from a few of my closest people, who had seen the change in me. Later, they too started following Mohanji and even met Him physically.

Guru is a principle which can operate through any medium, any being or any situation. Guru needn’t even be a walking, talking being. It can even be an understanding which happens in your mind. It can be the tree, or the leaves, or the wind. Certain revelations happen when we see certain things”. – Mohanji

As the days went by, I kept soaking in Mohanji’s consciousness, unlearning and letting go of the mind itself and transforming, for which I shall always remain at His lotus feet with deep gratitude.

flow with life

I must admit, that sometimes, I am gripped by this thought – “I am not any special being. Then, what is it that I have done in this life or past lives to deserve His divine love and protection?” I truly don’t know where would I be and how life would’ve been, without His grace and unconditional love.

I must also mention how His unconditional love was filling my own unfulfilled self-love needs, probably far more beyond what the eyes can see.

I look at Mohanji as God’s miracle and I hope that I am conscious enough to appreciate His presence in my life. I know that whatever I do will never be enough to honour the grace bestowed upon me, but I will keep striving to be my best forever.

I love you Mohanji!

Mohanji and Bojana 3


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 12th September 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team


Living in our Beloved Mohanji’s Consciousness

Mohanji pic

By Sandra Sankar, South Africa

Every day is an adventure! When I am quiet inside, it is easy to sense our beloved Para Brahma’s energetic presence. There is no need to be in a deep chant, prayer or concentration. To my utmost joy, I have discovered Mohanji is always around whether I am aware of it or not.

Recently, our son turned Vegan after a session of the Mai Tri Method. It was not driven by a need to be spiritual but instead, it was out of his compassion for the animals that were being killed for meat. Having just turned thirteen, he has become aware of the harsh nature of this world and become deeply reflective.

Sometimes, he is downright angry. Sometimes, he can be ever so gentle too, that his heart swells with compassion for all Beings suffering in this sleek modern world, we adults are so proud of. Connection to our beloved Mohanji and his teachings are pivotal to his awakening.

In Mohanji’s loving light, his once bleak future glows brighter. Isn’t that just the most beautiful thing? A young person growing up with compassion, kindness, humility, and gratitude has already changed the world. Mohanji lovingly calls that awareness.

Children like him grow into adults who live in harmony with Mother Earth. We need to make time to nurture and elevate our children to this pivotal point of seamless integration. As parents and adults get caught up in the spiral of helpless apathy, there is less inclination to make changes that prevent cataclysmic outcomes in our timeline.

We need to wake up now. Children need to learn to live in harmony with all beings that share this planet with us. More importantly, they need to conserve and protect the manifested Consciousness that is our living planet! We are overdue for a reset.

Too much of interference has upset the balance of nature. When Mother finally resets that balance only Mohanji knows what that outcome will be. Pay attention before it’s too late. Our beloved Mohanji has already said that the years 2019 to 2022 are a mini golden period of acceleration to connecting with our Consciousness – Soul State.

inner state

So, what are we doing about it? Still living our day to day life without awareness of the momentous importance of this mini Golden Age or not? If we were paying attention to the incredible experiences of our global family, it will be easy to understand the significance and magnitude of this acceleration.

Everything is moving so fast. Time is on steroids! We appear to be moving as fast in our daily lives as the Earth is spinning on its axis and revolving around the sun! The sun seems to be getting brighter. Has anyone else noticed this?

We live on the coast, so mornings are very bright and as the sun sets the golden orange hues appear vivid for longer periods. Even when busy with simple chores, there is a greater awareness of Consciousness at work.

Mohanji light

Have you wondered why it is possible to pick up people’s thoughts no matter how far they live in the world? It feels like the wavelengths of the different frequencies we are on are becoming finely attuned. To think, we all have the ability to integrate fully with each other at Consciousness level is still astounding.

Sometimes when something appears not to work out, it is easy to understand that it’s not meant to be. This translates to lesser feelings of attachment to mere things. It is however still challenging when it comes to relationships. The closer they are, the more complex it appears to be.

Please read ‘The art of seeing rainbows in the night’ by Sandra Sankar

Sometimes the magnificent complexity of how karma works totally floors me. An incredibly vast cosmic chess game in play comes to mind. Just this small glimpse of my chosen life is enough to deliver a humbling glimpse of how blessed we are to have our beloved Mohanji in this life.

Mohanji’s life is about selfless and unconditional love for all Beings – animate and inanimate. Our Mohanji lives His teachings. I do remember challenging myself to walk in Mohanji’s footsteps during a Conscious Walk with Him. Within the first few steps, I was overwhelmed with a sense of resounding vastness and great power that I took a deep breath and faltered.

The physical form is just eight percent (8%) says our beloved Parabrahma Swaroop Mohanji. So, exactly what is the ninety-two percent (92%)? Can we handle the implications of this? Are we consistently working on speeding up our integration to Mohanji’s pure Consciousness during this golden period? It’s an opportunity that has not presented itself for over a million Earth years.

I have yet to come to the point of asking the tree for the flower before I pick it. To come to the point where every tree is treated with love and respect not just understanding that they are the ‘holy’ trees, flowers or fruit. All is pure Consciousness. Can you imagine what our beloved Mohanji sees or experiences?

The ancient tribes of the world were deeply connected to Consciousness. Sadly, modernity trapped in concrete jungles has quickly squashed out every semblance of this wisdom. Human eyes can only see a small fraction of the true light spectrum. Other Beings have more attuned senses than we do.

All too often, I do find it easier to sense Mohanji’s presence than ‘see’ it. Our son also saw our beloved Mohanji’s astral form in the colours of the rainbow. As spectacular as it is, it is only eight percent of manifested form. What else are we missing?

My humble understanding is that our purified ‘intuitive’ senses are our true power base. Seeing with our third eye allows us to interact with Mohanji on the astral plane. Causal interaction requires full integration and stability into Mohanji’s consciousness.

Then Father’s (Mohanji’s) energy hums through our Being. It feels like a multitude of buzzing bees inside you at first. When Mohanji’s energy moves through you, it feels like great waves of soothing energy passing through. Later you realise it is through all other energy bodies as well.


In time we learn to recognise Mohanji’s blessed presence and surrendering to the LOVE fills us with LIGHT. On this journey, we are subject to many tests as we become attuned to higher and higher frequencies. Sometimes we feel alone and isolated. I have come to regard them as tests.

Consistency and perseverance are stepping stones. Never give in to the negative mind. It’s so easy to slip into negativity. As our awareness increases, we recognise the mind-traps. All I endeavour to remember is that no matter what, I am never alone. Mohanji is always with me.

Even when fear transmits itself in earnest, it does not last. There is instant recognition and instant diminishment. Have NO FEAR when Mohanji is near. Actually, Mohanji is within us. We are within Mohanji. There is NO separation.

It is time to shut down the mind and its limitations and go within. Stop the thoughts from intruding. Watch them without interfering. Almost like they have a life of their own, thoughts become aware of being watched and slow down. Like naughty children! Then mind stops like a child caught doing something guilty.

It’s almost like most thoughts do not belong to us! Almost like, we are bombarded from an external source to stop us connecting to the inherent silence inside. Almost like external interference. As for ‘why’, it makes sense not to dwell on the negatives.

Mohanji on silence

Mohanji always reminds us to focus. He lovingly says we have the power to stop the noise. Our personal experiences are filled with amazing tales of expanding into Mohanji’s Consciousness. Soul State. Mohanji came here to remind us how beautiful we are. On my low listless days, this is enough to pick me up quickly.

It is becoming easier not to plunge into dark states of depression and mind deadening repetitive thoughts, belittling or scolding myself for not being good enough or accepted by others. Self-judgement is getting less and less. My egotistic responses are quickly recognised and dropped. Life prana stops draining out.

“Mind has the ability to project all good things of our life to look bad and ugly as well as to project all binding things to look beautiful and essential.” – Mohanji

Belittling things that people say do not get me down as it once did. Mohanji teaches us to flow. I feel that this humble little river is growing expansive and powerful as it flows towards full integration into Mohanji’s Consciousness. It is all Mohanji’s grace.

There are increasing periods of stillness like I never imagined possible. Silence is an exquisitely beautiful thing. All in all, I am finding a balance between my roles and integrating into Mohanji’s Consciousness. Every moment in this mini Golden Age counts. I’m not wasting one second of it.

There is an incredible sense of fearless freedom from my mind. The chinks on the shackles that once bound me are becoming looser. Again and again, our beloved Mohanji’s grace is always evident. Thank you, thank you, thank you beloved Mohanji! Ever grateful. Humblest pranaams. Surrendered at your lotus feet.

MOhanji pic 1


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 5th September 2019


The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

— Mohanji Testimonials Team

Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8 – “A state of Expanded Consciousness”


In this 6th story of Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8, we have a beautiful sharing by Ilina, who found that connecting to the Master helped her overcome a deep-seated emotional trauma in her life. Through the process of ignoring her mind’s negative chatter and surrendering her expectations, she had a wonderful experience which helped her momentarily see the underlying Consciousness in all creation. Read other inspiring stories from Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8!

 By Ilina Vedran, Macedonia

At the age of 14, I faced a big trauma in my life, which left a deep emotional mark on me. That was the reason I started to explore spirituality. For a long time, I worked to overcome the trauma and thought that I could fully get over it. However, there was still one part of the experience that pulled me back whenever I faced certain situations in which my security was questioned.

After my retreat with Mohanji, I felt deep cleansing of emotions but underwent hits to my ego, which were unpleasant. At one moment, the situation calmed down. At that point, I thought it was all over, but unknown to me, it was just a preparation for a bigger test that was about to happen.

One day I woke up feeling anxious. I had a feeling as if there was a time bomb inside me that could explode at any moment. To diffuse the anxiety, I started to do meditations and tried breathing techniques, but nothing helped.  The feeling was so intense that it started to reflect on my relationship with my son. He started to become furious and expressed that anger onto me.  I became aware that there was something big being expressed, and that Mohanji was guiding me through the process. That evening I sat down to meditate and suddenly I realised the reason for the situation that I was in. It was the trauma from my childhood – my mother’s death, which I thought I had got over. I felt so heavy, I couldn’t breathe. There was an unbearable pain in my heart. I decided to text Mohanji.

Mohanji on emotions

The next morning, I saw His reply when I awoke. Mohanji’s message to me said that this issue had a long history and that it was being repeated over and over. He recommended me to get Mai-Tri treatment and to speak to Devi. After reading His message, I felt disappointed and my mind started to make up stories like “He can’t help me; that’s why He was sending me to Devi.” I took a conscious decision to ignore those thoughts and I did write to Devi. However, for whatever reasons, Devi did not reply. This, I felt, was another test of my faith. My mind kept coming up with doubts and negative thoughts. In one moment, my mind’s chatter said to forget Mohanji, but on the other side, deep inside me, I realised that my mind was feeding me illusions.

Mohanji on Oneness

I decided to turn off my phone and stop looking for answers. I sat down to meditate. During the meditation, I started asking myself: “Why am I alone?” Suddenly I felt intense energy, after which all the emotions were cleared, and what was left was a strong pain in my chest. I continued with my daily routine, but before going to bed, I again sat to meditate. Some intuitive force was guiding me through the meditation.

Then, all of a sudden, in my mind, my mother appeared in front of me. Many times I said to her, “You are free, go to the light,” but this time, something happened! I felt strong energy in my heart centre, and got a feeling as if something was taken away from there! Immediately, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I was feeling amazing peace! As I put my hand on my chest, I felt physical pain on the front of my chest, as though I had a bruise. However, I continued with my day without feeling any further pain. I was taking my child to a cinema, in a mall. As we were walking towards the mall, my awareness was different from how it had been before. After I dropped off my son, I decided to go shopping.

As I walked in the mall, I began feeling a lightness in my stomach centre, that rapidly spread over my whole body. Then, something unfamiliar started happening to me. I was aware of my body, but did not feel bound to it! I had a feeling that I was all over the mall. My mind pulled me to enter one shop, and I started to touch the clothes, but nothing that had a form, neither objects nor people attracted my attention. Everything was the same for me: insignificant! No material object could occupy my awareness.

Mohanji on concepts

At this point, my mind got confused, so I decided to leave the mall and started walking back home. On the way, I saw a white pigeon, which didn’t fly away when I came close. In the tradition that I was brought up in, a white pigeon is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Deep inside me, I felt Mohanji’s consciousness and became aware that I was feeling so peaceful as never before. Everything that had happened before, came into my mind and it was crystal clear to me that I didn’t need any information from outside, because deep inside I knew the truth.  Mohanji just took my attention so that He could help me, to work on me, and in no moment did He leave me alone.

Thinking back, I understand that I had to drop my expectations and to surrender, in order for the change to take place. The scenario of Devi’s non-response was arranged for my own good. It is always thus, but our mind’s chatter takes us away from the truth. Mohanji, on a subtle level, continually brings us face to face us with the Truth. His consciousness is always with us because it is part of us. Since I met Him, I have stopped caring about the things that have a form. I have not tried to analyse who He is, because something was intuitively pulling me to Him. I felt His unconditional love, and I realised that I was feeling my own true Self. His love is awakening love within me, a deep love that exists behind the noise of the mind. His presence reminds me of the things that I forgot when I came into this world: my real I.

After this experience, the sense of being-ness is getting awakened in me every day. It is an unexplainable feeling of lightness and love.

As Mohanji says, “If it passes, it is just an experience, but if it stays, it is yours.”

Temptations and emotions do come up from time to time, but for me, they do not have a significant meaning any more. I know that behind all of them is the Consciousness that connects me to Mohanji. I am that Consciousness, we all are.


Thank You Mohanji for showing me where to look, in order to reach the joy of my being!


Mohanji Padukas


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 26th May 2019



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A Laughing Buddha’s Mystical Rendezvous with Mohan ji

SCOTLAND ~ 2nd Aug to 7th Aug 2015
Written by Raj Sethi

Raj 1

The seed for the Scottish rendezvous was sown in November 2014, seven days prior to the Himalayan Retreat with Mohanji. And this is how the story unfolds – Before proceeding to Rishikesh to join the Himalayan Retreat, my intention was to spend five days with Him in Dharamsala. And Mohanji had promised to be there and fulfil my desire for a mystical rendezvous with Him. But Mohanji’s plans are prone to changes as He is very spontaneous. And sure enough, the plans changed and Mohanji couldn’t be there in Dharamsala! Needless to say that I was aghast and felt dejected. However, I did have a fabulous time in Dharamsala with other very special people but the dejection I felt was acute.
I had felt let down by Mohanji, but little did I know about what was to come and how the Divine works.
Shortly after the Himalayan Retreat, I returned to London. Within a few months, in February 2015, I found out that Mohanji was coming to the UK, and a Retreat in the UK had been arranged! Surprisingly, it came to my attention that Mohanji had asked his team in the UK to allocate five days, after the Retreat to spend time with me! On hearing this I felt totally blissful and tears rolled down my cheeks. A realisation spontaneously happened – Divine always fulfils what it promises and that is exactly what was going to happen, the only difference was that it was happening in the UK as opposed to Dharamsala in India. The feeling of disappointment and let down had totally melted away as this new awareness dawned upon me. I was blown away!
I planned a Scotland trip. We travelled from Heathrow to Glasgow airport and drove down to the cottage that had been booked, which was approximately an hour and a half from the airport. It was located in a very serene and peaceful area with a magnificent, enormous lake literally in our back garden!

Mohanji Scotland Serene Accomodation

Scotland is a very, very beautiful country. In the five days there, we travelled to Loch Lomond, had a cruise trip at Loch ness,

Mohanji at Loch Ness
At Loch Ness

Mohanji Scotland Boat Trip Loch Ness

visited Edinburgh Castle, and went on a very scenic cable car ride at a mountain sports place near Ben Nevis. We also drove through the Highlands and truly enjoyed the beautiful mountains, lakes and the vast green countryside.

This was an extra special trip because the Infinite, Divine incarnate, Mohanji, was with us.

At Stonehenge
At Stonehenge


A very deep stillness infused with peacefulness was felt throughout the trip with numerous so called miracles happening along the way to make our trip safe, special and comfortable. I will just mention a few of these in the following paragraphs.
At Glasgow airport, instead of getting the normal small Hyundai hire cars that we had ordered, we ended up getting Nissan Qashqai’s which made our travelling very comfortable.
Despite the rain, we never got wet. It would stop raining and the sun would peep out to say “Hello”, every time we got out of the car for sightseeing. It was as if the elements had an agreement, that they would not spoil our trip in any way.

Mohanji Scotland 02

Mohanji Scotland 04
Travelling to Loch Ness on the fourth day, something strange happened. Mohanji knew that I wanted to stop smoking and that I was trying hard to give up but it was proving very difficult. He asked for my mobile phone and started taking a video of the countryside and then slowly pointed the camera towards me. As I became aware of the camera pointing at me, something happened within me, and laughter broke out from my inner being.

Raj, Laughing BuddhaNo matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop laughing! My sides ached with the intensity of the laughter. It was as if the wall created by the mind, that had been preventing the infinite joy sitting within my being, was suddenly destroyed and the joy came flooding like a tsunami – the end result was “the laughing Buddha”! After this experience my smoking dramatically went down.
During the cable car ride on the mountain, the same thing happened again. Mohanji playfully pointed the camera at me,

and after a fit of painful laughter that followed, Mohanji said something to the effect that smoking had gone. I have not touched another cigarette since! This gift given to me by Mohanji, of taking smoking away from my constitution, has made my inner connection with the Divine energy much, much stronger than before. My past seems to be fading fast and remaining in the present moment seems to be my new reality more and more.

“Causeless laughter flushes the mind out. Mind cannot stay when there is no cause. Mind thrives on causes. When mind is flushed out, ego and intellect (logic) is also flushed out. When everything is flushed out, the inside becomes empty. No causes means no flavors. No thoughts. No agenda. In that empty space, when everything is nullified, fundamental corrections in character and constitution can happen. This is induced by a seeming activity such as laughter. However, causeless laughter is equal to the silence of beingness. It is stillness, because the mind is still. The mind has no idea what is going on. It is bewildered. Causeless laughter has no pattern or reason. It is not bound by any particular stimuli or even joy. It is based on nothing. The presence of a higher being or one who has mastered his mind, or a true spiritual personality could possibly effect this experience in a seeker if they drop analysis, judgement and comparison. If the seeker approaches a master with emptiness and no agenda, usually the master delivers them causeless joy. When the seeker approaches the master with a distinct agenda, more often than not, the result will be disappointment. Emptiness is the key here and the benefit would be unbelievable. When joy sprouts from inside for no reason, when the proximity of a master who is empty triggers causeless joy, uncontrollable laughter takes place in the constitution of a true seeker and it flushes out the mind matter and makes it empty. In the empty canvass, the master leaves the seeds of immortality – liberation. It can change habits, character and even life. It can establish silence from the core. It can create magic in life. Causeless laughter has the power of a 1000 sincere meditations. Proximity of higher beings and recognizing them, experiencing them, feeling them more than seeing them makes this possible.” Mohanji
Mohanji also said that laughing from the core, the heart, is probably the most powerful form of meditation since it leaves you feeling totally empty and believe me I have never felt so spaced out as I did then.
On the way back to London, on the plane, whilst in the air, above the clouds, I saw something incredible. When I looked out of the window, I saw the shadow of the airplane on the clouds below, and amazingly there was a ball of light surrounding the shadow of the airplane. On landing at Heathrow I told Mohanji about what I had seen. He merely acknowledged what I had said and smiled affectionately, as he always does.

Mohanji and Laughing Buddha Raj Sethi
In conclusion, I would just like to say a very big Thank You to Mohanji for making this trip to Scotland happen, and for always being there to guide us and lead us to Liberation. May God Bless You always dearest Mohanji. Jai Maa

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