Kailash – A journey of faith

By Harish Thottungal, UK

My initial inclination to embark on the Kailash pilgrimage alongside Mohanji began as a modest aspiration. The desire prospered significantly as I delved into accounts of past Kailash with Mohanji journeys and absorbed various testimonials recounting profound experiences. It became apparent that a pilgrimage to Kailash was inevitable for me; otherwise, it would linger persistently. In 2019, I resolved to undertake the journey. However, due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kailash Yatra was put on hold. The next opportunity arose in 2023 when the program resumed. Without hesitation, I promptly applied.

During this period, a few individuals also mentioned Dev Kumbh. Completing a parikrama during Dev Kumbh is equivalent to doing it 12 times, rendering one eligible for the Inner Kora. The next Dev Kumbh was scheduled for 2026. The suggestion to wait until then crossed my mind, but uncertainties about the future compelled me to seize the present opportunity.

The program was meticulously organised, providing details about essential items to purchase, their purpose, and the situations in which they would be used. The organising committee of the Mohanji Foundation offered clear explanations during Zoom sessions, addressing doubts and questions about the program. Equipped with this information, I felt prepared for the Kailash Yatra. Interestingly, I did not undertake any specific fitness preparations for the program.

We had 27 individuals expressing their desire to embark on the pilgrimage, hailing from diverse locations such as the UK, USA, South Africa, Australia, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, and more. When all the participants gathered, it was remarkable how we instantly felt like a cohesive family – a unified group with a beautiful sense of togetherness. The atmosphere consistently radiated positivity, contributing to a fantastic experience.

Our time in Kathmandu was delightful as we explored local temples like Pashupatinath and the Vishnu temple. Mohanji’s presence was a constant guiding force, answering our queries through satsang. He shared meals with us, including breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner. Even when he skipped dinner, he would sit with us for a chat, creating a terrific sense of camaraderie. This marked the first program where Mohanji spent extensive time with participants, ensuring everyone was mentally prepared for the journey and addressing all inquiries.

Several key points from Mohanji are worth highlighting:

●      Completing the pilgrimage involves visiting Mansarovar, taking a dip (if possible), and gazing at Kailash. Anything beyond completing the parikrama is considered a bonus. Participants were reassured not to worry if they couldn’t go beyond Mansarovar.

●      Considering the higher altitude and reduced oxygen levels, Mohanji advised a cautious approach. From walking to other activities, everything should be done slowly to conserve energy and prevent over-exertion.

●      Mohanji emphasised the group’s participation in a Homa at Mansarovar, selecting Kannaiah for the ritual and ensuring he was well-prepared.

Participants had numerous questions, and Mohanji patiently addressed them with clarity. He also underscored that while individuals had varying fitness levels, mental stability and willpower were the crucial factors for the Kailash Yatra and completing the parikrama. This sentiment resonated with my own experience.

After completing the visa formalities required to enter Tibet, our Yatra commenced from Kathmandu. The bus journey to the Tibetan border at the Friendship Bridge spanned nearly eight hours, beginning in the morning with Mohanji’s blessings. By evening, we arrived at the border after a challenging 10-hour drive. Some of us, including myself, experienced motion sickness during the journey, but we were given Mai-Tri by our fellow traveller, Moushumi, which definitely had a healing effect on me as I felt better once we settled into the hotel.

The following morning, after a restful sleep, our task was to proceed to the border and complete the necessary formalities, which took some time with the Chinese authorities but was accomplished relatively smoothly without any complications. We all took a sigh of relief, with a silent thanks to Mohanji. Subsequently, we crossed the border, and a Chinese guide joined our group, accompanying us full-time in Tibet. Our journey continued by bus to Gyirong (3000 m), where we aimed to acclimate to higher altitudes daily. Gyirong provided a picturesque setting with abundant vegetation and good oxygen levels. We kept active by going for walks and maintained high energy levels through nightly sessions of Mohanji aarati and bhajans.

As we progressed, the journey to Saga presented a significant challenge due to its higher altitude of around 4660 meters and the absence of vegetation, resulting in lower oxygen levels. Several participants, including myself, fell ill, grappling with symptoms of altitude sickness. Following Mohanji’s advice to conserve energy, I navigated the challenges at a slower pace, combating doubts that surfaced about my ability to continue the Yatra. This phase marked my first moment of uncertainty, but timely support from the group, particularly from Bhavani and Zoran, reinstated my faith and determination to complete my journey. I realised that it was Mohanji who was speaking through them. He wasn’t giving up on me yet!

The subsequent day proved even more challenging as we embarked on the journey to Mansarovar, enduring a nine-hour bus ride. The journey had additional challenges, including a breakdown that required hours of waiting for repairs. While stuck inside the bus in my frail condition, the chanting and bhajans by our group maintained the spirit high, never missing Mohanji’s presence with us, even for a moment. Despite worsening physical conditions, reaching Mansarovar brought a sense of satisfaction as Kailash became visible.

The majestic Kailash was in front of us! The first sight brought the feeling of being at the abode of Lord Shiva. Basic accommodation near the lake meant shared rooms with minimal heating, but resting was prioritised. As attending the aarati and chanting in a tent proved challenging, my mind grappled with whether I could complete the parikrama. I could feel the onset of fear despite my faith in my Guru. I was slowly bending under the physical weakness.

Medical assessments revealed my oxygen level at a borderline figure of 60. Now, the decision was left to me – to proceed with the parikrama or not. I faced two options: either stay at the hotel and refrain from continuing the journey or undertake the parikrama with uncertainty. The realisation struck that my sole anchor point was faith in my Guru, Mohanji, and his grace. It was his grace that helped me to make the right decision! Despite physical challenges, I trusted that his protection and support would enable me to complete the parikrama.

I recalled Mohanji’s analogy of Kailash parikrama as a software upgrade, a transformative experience that requires the right conditions and awareness, all of which Kailash provides. The upcoming day held immense significance as it entailed participating in the sacred rituals at Mansarovar, including a powerful Homa ceremony. Mohanji had emphasised the importance of rituals in Mansarovar, gazing at Kailash and setting one’s intentions – a pivotal aspect of the parikrama.

Despite my worsening condition when I woke up the next morning, I held onto the faith that Mohanji was with me and that he would take care of me. While struggling to consume some breakfast, the importance of nourishment was evident. Our plan was to walk south along the shore of Mansarovar to conduct the Homa in an open space and, if possible, engage in sacred rituals. A 10-15 minute walk along the lake was on the agenda. However, at that time, even 10-15 steps seemed almost impossible to me. I brushed aside my fears, remembered Mohanji and was about to set out on the journey.

Just then, the Sherpas noticed my condition and expressed concern, suggesting that I join them in the car that was transporting the necessary items for the Homa and the tent. Seated in the car, I thanked Mohanji for taking care of me and also contemplated the challenges ahead. Upon reaching the site, situated next to the lake, doubts lingered about how this would unfold. The freezing lake and my compromised physical state posed considerable challenges. The fatigue was extreme, including fever and severe headache; every bone in my body was shivering with the cold. I was barely able even to stand straight.

Nevertheless, I was determined to do my sacred rituals, trusting in Mohanji’s care. Positioned at the shore, I observed fellow participants slowly gather and engage in their rituals. I struggled to stand and engage in the ritual. This was my second point of uncertainty. Almost giving up on the ritual, I was considered a quick retreat from where I was to a comfortable space. Just then, I heard my name being called out! I felt as if Mohanji was calling me! I turned around and saw Moushumi, who encouraged me to endure and even offered to support me if I struggled. I recognised this was Mohanji’s command, his direct support.

I gathered my strength and decided to proceed. Surprisingly, within a minute, my pain disappeared. Encouraged by this shift, I ventured further into my rituals and completed them; I expressed gratitude to Mohanji for allowing me to complete these crucial rituals. I also carried a Shivlinga, small murtis, and a Rudraksha mala, along with larger malas for the Mohanji Centre of Benevolence Scotland. I dipped them in the lake to energise them. It was later confirmed that upon reaching MCB Scotland, the malas emitted immense energy, as felt by our MCB Priest Jack Barratt.

Soon enough, I realised I was free from pain and fatigue, and I wondered why. The revelation dawned – it all transpired after the transformative ritual. Surely, it was none other than Mohanji who kept his promise, “I am always with you. I am taking care of you.” My heart was filled with gratitude; fear was receding, heaviness from my head was disappearing, and the brightness outside was appearing inside, too – light and bright.

As Kannaiah and the team arranged for the Homa setup, I took a chair near the Homa kund, grateful to be part of this unique ritual. The Homa was extraordinary, and the feeling of participating in it beside Mansarovar was unearthly. Each participant received a small wooden log to symbolise letting go of aspects of themselves, burning it as part of the Homa. After the Homa, someone urged us to look up at the sky, revealing a remarkable sight – a big circle around the sun and a triangle within the sun, a divine blessing.

Returning to our accommodation by car, I later boarded the bus for a parikrama around Lake Mansarovar. We collected clear water from the lake and marvelled at Kailash. Moving to a hotel at the base camp, we stayed overnight, continuing our rituals with aarati and bhajans. The next day marked the beginning of our parikrama and preparations, including booking porters and ponies as advised by Mohanji. He always emphasised taking a pony, even if intending to walk, as acquiring one halfway through the parikrama could be challenging.

The next day’s dawn brought a mix of excitement and contemplation on the uniqueness of our pilgrimage. Despite being in my weakest physical state, the parikrama had yet to begin – an ultimate test of willpower and faith. We packed our backpacks with essentials for the next three days, and the entire team gathered for breakfast. My health condition showed no improvement, and doubts about completing the parikrama loomed in my mind. Following breakfast, as we stood in a circle to receive instructions for the journey, I recalled Mohanji’s teachings on the power of pure intentions.

Seizing the moment, I suggested that the team join hands, connecting to Mohanji’s consciousness and collectively expressing our intention for everyone to complete the parikrama successfully. A minute of silence ensued, during which some participants reported experiencing a surge of energy and goosebumps, fostering a positive attitude within the team. Mohanji’s presence was felt by all, which brought this sudden surge of energy.

We took the bus to the starting point, where we acquired our porter and pony – symbolic allies on this journey, akin to Shiva’s Ganas, aiding us in completing the parikrama. The parikrama commenced at Yamdwar, a point signifying the shedding of aspects of ourselves that we wish to let go, marking the start of a new life. Setting my intention on what I wanted to release, I began the journey, alternating between walking and riding the pony. The day was strenuous, with intermittent glimpses of Kailash, accompanied by the chanting of “Om Namah Shivaya.”

I successfully completed day one with the assistance of the pony and porter. The location offered the closest view of Kailash, an awe-inspiring experience that captivated the team. At an elevation of around 5000 meters, breathlessness became palpable, requiring me to consciously extend my breath for more oxygen. I was weak but far from giving up.

The Sherpas provided hot soup and delicious food, though altitude sickness made eating a challenge. As day two loomed, acknowledged as the most challenging part of the parikrama, I focused on preparing myself for the physical demands. Despite struggles with breathlessness during the night, I prioritised rest and welcomed the Sherpas’ checks to ensure my well-being.

Later that night, I woke up with severe breathlessness and called out with despair, in a feeble tone, “Is anyone around?” in the pitch-dark room, maybe 4 or 5 of us in that room, I heard a voice,” Harish, get up. Sit up. And breathe.” I felt the command was from Mohanji. I simply followed, and soon enough, I was able to regain my breathing and realised it was from a fellow roommate. Mohanji, once again, was right there with me at the point when I was giving up! The rest of the night was uneventful, and I was able to take some rest.

The second day commenced with Sherpas waking us up with hot tea, followed by breakfast. Prepared and determined, we embarked on what is considered the most challenging leg of the parikrama – day two. This segment involved ascending to Dolmala Pass at an elevation of 5800 meters, followed by a descent and a subsequent walk of approximately 12 km, totalling over 23 km.

Opting for the assistance of a pony, I began the journey, and upon reaching Dolmala Pass, fatigue set in. Despite being drained, the sight of Gauri Kund was breathtaking. Unfortunately, I couldn’t linger due to altitude sickness. Descending on foot, I rested whenever exhaustion set in, accompanied by the ever-present porter. Reaching a plateau, we encountered a few Chinese cafes, although they were dimly lit and cold, lacking power. As we approached the end of the long walk, it was lunchtime. The porter suggested I take my lunch, leaving me momentarily alone and fatigued, unsure of what to do next.

This was my third point of uncertainty. In that moment of need, divine intervention manifested. A voice called out to me from the darkened cafe on my right. Mohanji? Struggling with my bag, I made my way inside, discovering that the voice belonged to Thirushka from South Africa. She and Moushumi were having lunch, and an available seat was next to them. I gratefully joined them, sharing a bit of my packed lunch. Seated with them, I found solace, allowing myself to recover and rest.

The remaining stretch of the journey mostly unfolded on flat terrain, covering approximately 12 km. While I walked for a portion, I predominantly relied on my pony. Upon reaching the base, the team and I felt immense satisfaction, having successfully completed the challenging phase of the parikrama. However, that night brought another struggle with sleep, attributed to breathlessness. I recognised but also knew the M power with me; hence, I felt unhindered by the physical setbacks.

The last day of the parikrama was comparatively shorter, requiring 3-4 hours to complete. Starting early, I primarily walked this segment. Upon reaching the endpoint on day three, a profound sense of satisfaction and gratitude to Mohanji washed over me for enabling me to accomplish the parikrama. The team shared hugs, celebrating the collective achievement. Recognising my Shiva Ganas – my porter, pony, and its handler – I reached out to Tashi, one of the Sherpas, to translate and convey my heartfelt gratitude, acknowledging their significant role in my journey.

Subsequently, we embarked on our journey to Saga, with lingering altitude sickness until we reached Gyirong the following day. This entire expedition served as a touching reminder of the importance of living in the present moment and the power of faith. Kailash, in essence, symbolises dissolution. The experience underscored the imperative of embracing the current moment without undue concern for the future – why worry?

Reflecting on the entire journey, I attribute the completion of my parikrama to one crucial element: faith in the divine, in my case, in Mohanji. Kailash imparted a profound realisation about the significance of being connected to a Guru through unwavering faith. My sincere gratitude to Mohanji for making me realise that when I am alone, I am actually not alone!

Thank you, Mohanji, for being with me in every moment of this once-in-a-lifetime journey of Kailash. Thank you, my dear Kailash family, for being the instrument of Mohanji and making this journey such a memorable one. Thank you, Lord Shiva, for welcoming me to your abode and allowing me to accomplish my desire and intention.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th December 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

A dream came true

By Swapna Patil, UK

My journey with Kailash virtually started in April 2021 when I got a dream where I was in Kailash on a full moon day, and Lord Shiva was meditating on Kailash with a few sages sitting around him.

After this dream, I started thinking about what my connection with Shiva or Kailash would be. I have been a Vishnu and Sai Baba devotee all my life, and I had never chanted any Shiva mantra nor did any meditation, so why did I get that dream?

In Aug 2022, Sai Baba blessed me to go to Skanda Vale Ashram in Wales and to do some seva. I followed that intuition and stayed for four days in Skanda Vale, where I learned about Mohanji.

While doing the food serving seva at Skanda Vale, I met an amazing lady, Heli, from Estonia. While having lunch together, she mentioned to me that she had come to Skanda Vale to seek blessings for the book that she was about to publish. When I asked her about the book, She said – “Pilgrimage to Tibetan Mountain Kailash.” This, for me, was a sign that I should seriously think about going to Kailash. 

Heli patiently answered all my queries about Kailash, and she gave me a few references for tour operators in Kathmandu. I contacted them immediately, but they mentioned there was no official announcement from China yet about this pilgrimage. Hence, I lost hope.

In the meantime, I decided to go to India in March 2023, and on 5th March, I visited Shirdi. I was attending an evening aarti in Dwarakamai, and I was praying to Sai Baba: “Baba, please take me to Kailash. If you can’t take me physically, then send a Guru to me, only with whom I can do the yatra.” With this request to Baba, I opened my eyes and saw 2 European disciples standing before me, wearing white t-shirts (with Mohanji written on the t-shirts). 

I got a sign that Baba had brought me to Mohanji. I tried to follow the disciples, but as Dwarkamai was overcrowded, I lost them, and they disappeared into that crowd. In the same month, I visited Varanasi, and I happened to accidentally visit Lahiri Mahasaya’s Samadhi place, which also had a beautiful temple for Mahavatar Babaji. In that temple behind Mahavatar Babaji’s idol, in the background, I saw a picture of Kailash. I prayed to Babaji to take me to Kailash.

After returning to the UK, I looked up Mohanji’s website, where I found mentions of a book – Kailash with Mohanji. I ordered it on Amazon, and upon arrival of that book, I read it within two days. Once I finished reading that book, I prayed to Mohanji – “Mohanji, please take me to Kailash.”

On the night of that same day, in my dream, I saw Mohanji unloading my suitcase from a van, and when I asked, “Where are we going?” Mohanji smiled at me and said, “Kailash.” This was in the last week of March 2023 when there was no sign of the Kailash yatra yet announced by the Mohanji Foundation. What a grace!

I was confident that I was going with Mohanji to Kailash one day. But I was surprised when, in April, I saw an advert coming from a social group to save the dates for ‘Kailash Parikrama’, and I was over the moon. I am sure I was the first one to register for this yatra.

Mohanji visited the London Navnat Centre on 27th May for a day retreat. I registered for that event, and I met Mohanji for the first time. I mentioned to him about the dream that I envisioned. He smiled at me and said, you will be fine on Kailash yatra.

I started my preparations for the yatra and reached Kathmandu with my husband. Once I reached the Hyatt Regency hotel, I saw the lobby was the place that I envisioned in my dreams, where Mohanji was unloading my bags. 

The 27 yatris of this group felt like a family from day one. The 27 of us came from all over the world, from different directions, but we all had one thing in common – an immense gratitude that the Guru Mandala chose each one of us for this divine journey called Kailash Parikrama.

Preeti Duggal beautifully arranged the morning Shiva Rudrabhsihek, and we all felt that intense energy in the mornings during those pujas. She also performed a group Mai-Tri for all of us. This was my very first session, and I wasn’t expecting anything. But I saw Mother Kaali of Skanda Vale appear before me during the session, and I felt a touch on my forehead, and she said that she came all the way from Skanda Vale to bless me. A mother’s love is so pure and so kind that I had tears in my eyes. I cannot thank enough Preeti Duggal for this beautiful experience.

The next day, we had a satsang with Mohanji, and the topic was ‘Lord Hanuman.’ As Mohanji was doing the talk, I saw a vision again: an image of Mohanji with three heads: Lord Hanuman on the left, Mohanji in the middle, and Lord Dattatreya on the right. Despite being a vision, it was so clear and realistic that I was able to see the faces of them all for a brief period.

While leaving Kathmandu, we were all emotional about leaving Mohanji and the team behind. We had tearful eyes whilst Mohanji blessed us all with his two hands. I, too, became very emotional but knew that Mohanji would be with us all during this sacred journey.

The road to the Neal-China border was bumpy, and I started feeling motion sickness. I closed my eyes, and I saw a vision again. It was the day of Ekadashi. On this day, I usually fast and worship Lord Vishnu. In this vision, I was talking to someone saying, “It is Ekadashi day, and I am fasting, but I could not do Vishnu puja.” I then saw our group photo with Mohanji outside of the hotel, and I was next to Mohanji in that photo. 

Suddenly, Mohanji disappeared and took the form of Lord Vitthal, a form of Lord Vishnu (standing in the same pose). My eyes were full of tears. Then, I saw another vision where Mohanji turned into a bird, and his body was expanding as if it was ready to take off. In another vision, Mohanji was blessing us all, and I envisioned a cobra around him protecting us.

Our journey to the Mansarovar was not so smooth. We all felt sick, but thanks to the sherpas and the Tibet team, they looked after us so well. After reaching Mansarovar, everyone was tired due to the long travelling. There was a full moon that night, and some of the yatris decided to go to Mansarovar at dawn at around 2:30am to see any celestial beings.

I awoke exactly at that time and could hear the people who were going towards the lake. I was too powerless to lift my body, and I heard a voice in my ears saying, “Do not move.” I felt an entity enter our room, and taking something out of our bodies, it left. Unexplainable yet realistic, and I realised that something which needed to leave us before the pilgrimage had been removed by grace.

On the next day, we started the Kailash Parikrama. I was fine on day 1, and we reached the guesthouse where we could clearly see Kailash. I was tired, but then I strongly wished to go out and look at Kailash. I went out, sat on a rock, and started meditating. Slowly, a few of the yatris joined me, and we had an amazing Shiva mantra chanting session in front of Kailash itself. At that moment, I felt the incredible feeling of nothingness (shunya).

On that night, I couldn’t sleep as my heart rate was irregular throughout. The following day, the sherpas suggested that I may not be fit to do the Parikrama and should consider returning to Darchen. The nervousness and the fear started taking over me, so I even decided to give up and go back.

Bhavani and Zoran came to see me, and Bhavani did a Mai-Tri for me. I did get a feeling of regaining some energy with some positive thoughts that indicated I carry on with this journey. Zoran also advised me that it was safe to do it and that it was just anxiety that was affecting my will.

On my pony, I started the journey to DolmaLa Pass. I was anxious that my heart rate was still irregular. At one instance, I lost my will to continue. Suddenly, a boy came to my rescue as he started talking to me in English. He was neither a porter nor a pony owner. He appeared out of nowhere, said that we were about to reach the peak, and smiled. I asked him to stay with me and told him I felt safe with him. 

He smiled again and accompanied me to DolmaLa Pass, where I saw Kanaiyah from our group. I reached Kanaiyah and asked for some water as my porter was way behind. I completely forgot about the boy who had appeared out of nowhere and accompanied me until there, and I didn’t see him again. I then came across Zoran on the way, and he said, “See, you made it.”

Kanaiyah and Bhavani went down to Gauri Kund, and I chose to sit on a big rock at the top of the Kund to take some rest and wait for my husband and the porter. I was looking down at the Gauri Kund and heard Kanaiyah sing a very beautiful bhajan for Mother Parvati. I cherished that from the top. I closed my eyes and said to Maa, “Sorry I could not go to Gauri Kund this time, but bring me here again to take your darshan.” I witnessed a small landslide with a loud noise, to which Kanaiyah said it was Mother’s way of acknowledging our prayers.

My husband and my porter then joined me. My porter gave me a bottle of Gauri Kund water. I wasn’t anticipating it, but he felt he must fetch it for us all. This reminded me of Kanaiyah’s saying that a Mother always listens to our prayers.

I had read before somewhere that when you go to Kailash, even as a part of a group, each member gets a message from the divine. You must understand that message, and you will witness your life transforming. I have received a message, too, and am still in the process of understanding it!

As Mohanji says, “Go to Kailash with nothing with you, and you will not return empty-handed.” Have faith, surrender completely, and everything will be fine.

Thank you, Sai Baba and Mahavtar Babaji, for fulfilling my wish to go to Kailash. Thank you, Mohanji, for protecting me, and I know that it was he who walked with me to the DolmaLa Pass! Thank you, to all the sherpas, organisers and the homoeopathy doctor who looked after us like Shiva Ganas.

Jai Mohanji!

To register for the next Empowered 5.0 in India, click here!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 12th November 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

A chosen one

By Sam Lad, UK

The beginning

I wasn’t supposed to be a part of this beautiful journey initially, but I was destined to become one of the yatris. I followed the footsteps of my better half as I have done for every single journey that we have made together. Her dream about Mohanji’s instructions was an indication that I was destined to do this parikrama.

Luxuries of the materialistic world

I came into Hyatt as a child who would seek answers to his questions from his mother, and Mohanji, as a mother, answered every single question of mine. However, astonishingly, he read my mind and answered some of them even before the questions took a verbal form.

An abhishekam is needed before every sat-karya (a holy deed). The days in Hyatt were truly the days of abhishekams. Not only the abhishekam of the divine lingams that we did on every pure dawn of the holy month of Shiva (Shravan) but abhishekams of us by Mohanji with pure wisdom and spiritual knowledge (the satsangs). What else, if not the beautiful divine bhajans sung by Kanhaiya, could conclude such ceremonies?

The struggles on the way to Shiva’s home

The divine moment, a glimpse of Kailash, comes with a price, yet it is priceless. Nothing valuable can be achieved easily. So, how could a glimpse of Shiva’s home be different? From a bumpy ride to the border to the physical challenges and the psychological roller coasters. Needless to say, there were Mohanji Acharyas around always to help you get through these roller coasters.

The spirits of Manasarovar

Mansarovar is a court (darbar) of Shiva. Although even on the cusp of dawn, we could not witness any celestial bodies descend onto this lake in the form of lights, it has something for everyone. How miraculously, the grey, wet afternoon with our honest chants of Shiva turned into a bright and beautiful one? And how the bright sky glittered with a miraculous circle over our homa at the end of Kanhaiya’s beautiful mantras? The Mansarovar truly rejuvenated me. 

The trilogy

Why my spiritually naive mind tried to correlate these three days of parikrama to the trilogy (creation, preservation, and destruction) or the trigunas (the three fundamental elements of reality – sattva, rajas, and tamas) is unexplainable. However, my mind certainly experienced passing through these three stages gradually.

Day 1 (The creation of ‘you’ – sattva)

While stepping out of the Yam Dwar, I truly stepped into the home of Shiva. You leave behind the ego, the personality, the attachments, and every attribute of the materialistic world that defines ‘you’.

This home of Shiva is a definition of pristineness. You feel all those shackles being broken with every breath that you take, with every step that you take. The ‘re-birth’ of you is witnessed by the Nandi, the Airavata, the sun, air, water, sky, soil, the pancha mahabhutas in their purest forms.

The spiritual infant in me naively started hunting for the signs of Shiva in every direction that I looked in, in every giant structure around me, including the Kailasha itself. Could I be more fortunate than to settle in Shiva’s home and chant out in the open before the mighty Kailash?

Day 2 (The desire for survival, the preservation – rajas)

Life is another form of accepting challenges and surviving through them. This penultimate day, the phase of survival, is an ultimate reflection of that. With the weight of your lineage, the karmic heaviness over your shoulders, step-by-step, make your way forward. Do desire for the apex, but as Mohanji says, don’t hang in there.

The apex, like the utmost success in your life, is your test. Life gives, and life will take it back. This is the utmost reality; this is the naked truth. Embrace the truth, surrender yourself to the almighty.

Throughout this survival, I have been lucky to have the presence of my better half. This is how things fall in order. Hand in hand, a true nuptial knot is made to share the pains and joys of each other. A journey togetherness with a sight of the Gauri Kund that takes all your pains and sorrows away.

Day 3 (The destruction – tamas)

What has been created will be destroyed. It is a law of nature. Tamas is often misunderstood but is equally essential for the balance. Tamas, in this context, would be your dissolution into the divine, the destruction of the ego, the oblivion. This is not the end, though. This is rather a new beginning. The inevitable cycle goes on. I stepped back into the ‘world of people’ with this purity in my heart, thus forth, with a responsibility to guard it against the impurities, as Mohanji says.

The end?

What has the parikrama given to me? … Everything that you cannot buy with money in the fake world… Everything that you would need to survive in this fake materialistic world, to keep yourself rooted in. New friends, a new family, new lessons that taught me how to value everything that I have, and a realization of how, one day everything would vanish in the blink of an eye.

My affair with Shiva has been lifelong, but it certainly has gone through its phases, from my everyday prayers to the ink on my skin and the words in my poetry to my thoughts.

I came to Kailash with the stories and experiences that I heard from others. Only to realize that Shiva has always been within us, within others, and within everything that’s pure around us. I saw a glimpse of him in the innocent smiles of the little girl that I shared my chocolate bar with during the first day of the parikrama. 

I saw a glimpse of him in the honesty of my 65-year-old pony owner, who paused for a moment in the heavy rains to bow down in front of the divine Buddhist monastery located in the mountains. And in the efforts and in the sighs of satisfaction of my companions (sahayatri) at the end of every day of parikrama.

Shiva has always been around me, but I have been blind due to the duties, challenges, and entanglements of the materialistic world. A parikrama like this was needed to open the eyes. What did I ask from the Kailash?… well… one more of such parikrama while my body is capable.

And I owe this one to Mohanji and the Ganas of Shiva – Mohanji Acharyas, volunteers and the Sherpas!

Om Namah Shivay! Jai Mohanji!

To register for the next Empowered 5.0 in India, click here!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 5th November 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

A goal fulfilled!

by Charley Upton, USA

Experiences from the Kailash Yatra 2023

Devi Mohan told me she saw me on a pilgrimage to Kailash in 2026. This reawakened in me the desire to go on this pilgrimage, which I had always wanted to do. Mohanji has said you can only go to Kailash if called.

On Friday, 7/21/23, right before Pat & my 4 am Conscious Kriya session with Cody Galloway on Zoom, a book fell off our altar bookshelf without apparent cause. The book “Kailash with Mohanji” was perched, ready to fall. I heard ringing in my ears & felt my consciousness rising. Pat & I looked at each other & said, “Oh my God!”

When we were in Bosnia for a Kriya Intensive, we asked Mohanji if he would recommend that Ruth & I go this year. He said that if we have the time & the money to go this year, then we should go, as the future is often uncertain.

Our group of 27 spent five days in Kathmandu at the Hyatt Regency with Mohanji in preparation for the parikrama. This was definitely a highlight. The meals were amazing! Mohanji was filling us with energy & love. We chanted “Om Namah Shivaya” (3 rounds of the mala with 108 beads) every day, along with performing the abhishekam, listening to the Rudram, participating in processes like the Power of Purity & the 360-degree meditation, enjoying Satsangs with Mohanji, Shaktipat, blessings, sang bhajans & listened to parikrama tips from several people. When we left Kathmandu, I was the lucky recipient of a loving hug from Mohanji (another highlight). He watched over us & protected us on the entire journey. What more can you ask for than to have the love & guidance from a Master?

When we were near Lake Manasarovar, it began raining heavily in the morning, right after breakfast. We were all under a tent & Bhavani suggested setting an intention by chanting 3 malas of “Om Namah Shivaya” to change the weather to sunshine. Amazingly, after 2 rounds of the mala, the rain stopped, & after the 3rd mala, the sun came out. This is what is possible when we work together as a group with Mohanji’s grace! Our group was supportive, kind, loving & helpful.

Going through & around the Yama Dwar was a highlight, as this is where we leave our old you, & become reborn into a new you.

At the end of the first day, seeing the north face of Kailash up close was incredible. We took pictures & chanted as a group. We may have had different goals for our Kailash trip, like walking the 35 miles was important to me & not so for others, & it seemed that our goals & wishes were fulfilled (Mohanji says that no one walks away empty-handed from Kailash). Please forgive me for being so brief; this just begins to touch the surface. I am very happy to have completed the parikrama & thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful experience.

It was inspiring to see the dedication & devotion of the people doing prostrations around Kailash. It may take them 1-2 months to complete the parikrama. Their effort & endurance are very admirable & humbling. I counted about 20 people along the parikrama with their aprons, elbow & knee pads doing their prostrations. We offered them some food & wished them well.

Our team of 6 sherpas deserve special mention for their inspiration & service. Our leader Nimha said he had completed about 100 parikramas, & Sunin & Toshi reported about 30 parikramas each. They experienced the same symptoms of high elevation that we did (including headaches & vomiting), yet they worked very hard to serve us in style & with care. They cooked for us, cleaned up after us, watched over us, encouraged us, slept only for about 3 hours/night, moved heavy duffle bags, & treated us like close family. Very impressive!

I was fortunate to take this sacred pilgrimage with our daughter, Ruth. The shared challenges have deepened our bond. I am very proud of her. She walked the entire parikrama, except for a part of the Dolma La Pass. She definitely helped me a lot & made my journey much more enjoyable. Our mutual goal of liberation pushes each of us closer (as Pat also pushes us closer). Our shared memories & pictures are priceless! What a great spiritual adventure to take with your family members! Thank you so much, Ruth, great job! Our pictures in front of the North Face of Kailash & Mohanji in Kathmandu are among my most prized possessions.

We all have vulnerabilities to accept & fears to face. I was one of the oldest & slowest of our group of 27. I had a blister on my heel that I covered with a band-aid & duct tape. I had several close calls about making it to the bathroom in time. I would have been devastated not to make the entire parikrama on foot. We were fortunate to find reasonable airline tickets less than 2 weeks before departure. We did end up spending two nights in airports on our layovers. There is a saying that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

I asked Pat about her experience at home while we were in Tibet. She shared that my father (who passed last year) & his parents appeared to her beaming with smiles, saying they felt great benefits from my parikrama. Perhaps some of their family karma & responsibilities were reduced. They were very happy & proud of me. Mohanji has said that our whole lineage walks with us when we walk the parikrama. I was happy to make them happy. Thank you for taking the time to listen to these stories. I hope you will have the opportunity to take this journey soon.

Best wishes, Jai Mohanji!

Click here to register for Empowered 5.0 with Mohanji in India


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st September 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team


by Carla from the Netherlands

The word ‘Kailash’ resonates with us and touches our hearts. 

We did have an experience of hearing such a name in the past, with an impact we had never known before – Belur Math (in West Bengal, India). Belur Math is a pilgrim spot which attracts people of many faiths from every corner of the world. This is where Swami Vivekananda (1836-1886), the most prominent disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, spent the last years of his short life. 

Our calling to go to Kailash was just as strong, which compelled us to reach out to Mohanji. We made it a priority to invite Him to visit our temple in Onderdijk. We also sought His advice on the various programmes that the Mohanji Foundation arranges, out of which the ‘Kailash’ trip was the biggest highlight! 

When He said, “I will definitely come to Onderdijk, and I suggest ‘Kailash'”, it was sweet music to our ears. 

The sheer number of documents that had to be filled planted doubts about my resolve for the journey. 

The age limit for Indians is 65, and 70 for Westerners. Which made me wonder – what is my age as far as fitness was concerned? Hiking has never been my thing, let alone climbing mountains of such high altitudes! 

Though the name ‘Kailash’ may have struck me to the core, while going through the itinerary, I realised that this trip seemed physically impossible for me, Carla. The tour would involve taking a ’round’ around the base of Mount Kailash, so to speak. The ‘Parikrama’ – a 52 km circuit – also covers a mountain pass (Dolma La Pass). 


Day 01: July 23 (Sunday) 

  • Our first meeting with Mohanji and the group, apart from Meret, consists of 27 people. All new faces. (Indians have been denied the visa due to political issues with the Chinese authorities). Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kathmandu (Nepal) Altitude: 1,350 m 

Day 02: July 24 (Monday) 

  • 06:30 AM morning meditation and chanting the ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ mantra 3×108 times. 
  • Visited Chinese consulate to apply for visas (duration: 4 days). 

Day 03: July 25 (Tuesday) 

  • 06:30 AM morning meditation and chanting the ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ mantra 3×108 times. 
  • A day of free time in Kathmandu. 
  • Satsang with Mohanji in the evening. 

Day 04: July 26 (Wednesday) 

  • 06:30 AM morning meditation and chanting the ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ mantra 3×108 times. 
  • Sightseeing tour to the holy Pashupatinath Temple and Budhanilkantha. 
  • Satsang with Mohanji from 5-8 PM. 

Day 05: July 27 (Thursday) 

  • Morning meditation and chanting the ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ mantra 3×108 times. 
  • Orientation for Kailash (continued) and Group Meditation with Mohanji. 

Day 06: July 28 (Friday) 

  • Morning meditation and chanting the ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ mantra 3×108 times. 
  • Kailash briefing by chief Sherpa. Packing the sports bag (duffel bag). 

Day 07: July 29 (Saturday) 

  • Send-off by Mohanji from the hotel. 
  • Kathmandu-Syaphrubeshi Trip: Syaphrubeshi is a small town near Rashuwagadhi, at the border of Nepal and China (the Sino-Nepal Friendship Bridge). Lunch on the go. 
  • Overnight stay in Syarubeshi. I had dinner and stayed at the hotel. Altitude: 2,380 m 

Day 08: July 30 (Sunday) 

  • Syabrubesi-Kyerong Trip: After an early breakfast, we drive to the border. Customs formalities are cleared (which takes almost an entire day). Drive to Kyerong. Altitude: 3,700 m 

Day 09: July 31 (Monday) 

  • Kyerong-Saga Drive 
  • Dinner and overnight stay in Saga. Altitude: 4,500 m 

Day 10: August 1 (Tuesday) FULL MOON 

  • Saga-Mansarovar Drive, via Prayang and Mayum La Pass (5,200 m), and arrival at Hor Quo (4,560 m). Lunch on the go. 
  • (Engine troubles caused a 2.5-hour delay, so lunch had to be eaten at the bend of a hairpin curve.) A ride of 13.5 hours was rewarded with the sight (Darshan) of the holy mountain Mt. Kailash and the sacred Lake Mansarovar. Dinner and overnight stay at Parmarth Guest House. Altitude: 4,540 m 

Day 11: August 2 (Wednesday) 

  • In the morning, we were at Lake Mansarovar. Then, a ceremony of fire (Homa) was done with a view of Mt. Kailash. 
  • Lunch. We go by bus around the lake (a two-hour ‘Parikrama’), after which we go on a drive to Darchen, the base camp of Mt. Kailash. Altitude: 4,620 m 

Day 12: August 3 (Thursday, 12-08-2023 = 9) 

  • 1st day of the Parikrama: Getting assigned the porters (backpack carriers) and ponies. 
  • Commencement from the Yama Dwar (gate of death). 
  • Overnight stay at a guesthouse in Diraphuk. Altitude 4,890 m 

Day 13: August 4 (Friday) 

  • 2nd day of the Parikrama: Diraphuk-Zuthulphuk. A 22-km trek which spans 8-10 hours. Early morning trek uphill to Dolma La Pass. After reaching the top of the pass at 5,850 m, we can see Gauri Kund way down below. After crossing Dolma La Pass, you will trek down into the valley on your way to Zuthulphuk. This day is the longest and hardest day of the Parikrama. So, prepare yourself mentally. Overnight stay at a guest house in Zuthulphuk. Altitude: 5,850 m 

Day 14: August 5 (Saturday) 

  • 3rd day: This is the last day of Parikrama. In the early morning (when it is still dark), we trek 10 km down the winding path. Once we arrive at Chongdo, we get picked up and drive back to Darchen. From Darchen, the whole group (three stragglers) travel to Saga. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel in Saga. Altitude: 4,500 m 

Day 15: August 6 (Sunday) 

  • After breakfast, depart from Sapa to Kyerong with fond memories of Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar, Altitude: 2,700 m 

Day 16: August 7 (Monday) 

  • From Kyerong to the Sino-Nepal border, we are the first (open at 10:00) to pass through Immigration / Customs and cross the border to Kathmandu. 
  • Late arrival at the hotel in Kathmandu. Altitude: 1,350 m 

Dag 17: August 8 (Tuesday) 

  • 10:00: Festive closing with the Sherpas, plus coffee and cake in the hotel! 

Every part of the experience is an added “bonus”, being at Lake Manasarovar and getting a view of Mt. Kailash, exactly as Mohanji assured us! My plan was set: I would remain at Lake Manasarovar. 

Mohanji advised me to consider the first day of the ‘Parikrama’. It would give an incredible view of Mt. Kailash from the west side. I “parked” the possibility within myself. With Mohanji’s visit to the Netherlands, we had, after all, a whole programme to go through. Afterwards, we – just like Mohanji – would travel to Kathmandu the next day. We looked forward to a trip of a lifetime but also dreaded it. Everything got connected seamlessly. There was no time to process Mohanji’s visit. In Kathmandu, we got back on track with Mohanji after two days of travelling. 

When it was time to bid physical farewell to Mohanji in Kathmandu, I suppressed the urge to ask Him like a small child if I could make do with the first day of the ‘Parikrama’. His answer might lead to even more questions, I feared. 

I was looking forward to the view of Lake Mansarovar! Sprinkling cold water did not deter me; I had experienced that often enough in ‘De grote Vliet’ next to our home. Clearing the ancestral line was something I had dreamed of.

Mohanji waved us goodbye with the promise that He would guide us at a subtle level. We left in a cheerful mood for the adventure on our bus. 

In the morning at Lake Manasarovar, I was asked if I – as the only one – really wanted to stay behind after the first day of the ‘Parikrama’. A Sherpa would then have to stay behind with me. It felt like Carla had no say, and Lord Shiva was pulling the strings. After consultation and consent from Kannaiah, whom I did not want to distract during his journey, I ventured into the three-day ‘Parikrama’. Although I was part of a great group with Kannaiah, you are still alone! Kailash is, in many ways, an individual journey. (After the first day, three fellow yatris could not continue due to altitude sickness). 

The crystal-clear, cold Lake Mansarovar were an incredible blessing because of the surprisingly sunny weather conditions. We subjected ourselves to a jug of water as ‘Abishekam’! We walked to a quiet area on the shore of the lake where we could do this in peace and with concentration. After all, I had been eagerly looking forward to this part of the journey: clearing the ancestral line and everyone connected to you. 

At the end of the 1990s, I had once made an attempt on my way to the Himalayas to clean the red thread of my roots but ended up in an Ayurvedic hospital. It was now or never.

Mohanji had clearly ‘drilled’ us beforehand. You do the first pouring of water on your head for yourself. Then, for the lineage, the first ring family, the ancestral line, the house deity, the people who love you and God in the form that suits you. 

We couldn’t stop! After 21 pourings of water, Kannaiah said, “Enough is enough”, ha, ha. We have given you a bath: the temple visitors, the neighbours and so on! We were euphoric afterwards. 

Thereafter, when everyone was dressed warmly again, the ‘Homa’ (ceremony of fire) was performed, led by Kannaiah at the request and instruction of Mohanji on the bank of the celestial lake. Up in the sky, the sun was surrounded by a corona – an experience that lingers in our memories. 

I was able to complete the ‘Parikrama’ (circuit around Lord Shiva’s Mountain) many times on a pony as well as on foot, which defied expectations. It shows me that GRACE has descended upon me because I’m not a hiker and haven’t even broken into my new shoes yet. Mohanji had told us that grace, surrender and focus on Shiva were all you needed for the journey, but before the ‘Parikrama’, I felt the tension and doubt building up within me. It became increasingly quiet in the group. The height also meant that there was fear and that overcoming it played a great role. 

The best thing for me was that during the ‘Parikrama’, my attention was so absolutely focused on the breath-taking course that I lived in the moment! Moments with eternal value! Moments of emotion. Moments in which I died, followed by moments of expansion and relaxation, moments of joy and tears at the sight of Kannaiah. 

Mohanji had mentally prepared us to take the journey to Kailash as a tough and true test of our confidence and surrender. He said that during Kailash yatra, “Grace is more essential than oxygen.” 

Now, after two weeks at home, following a trip that is too difficult to put into words, it turns out that we can’t get used to the 3D world, which feels so condensed compared to the frequency around Lake Manasarovar and Mt. Kailash. 

Our three hours of sleep per night notwithstanding, we felt high spirits on the way, and we were surprised that we were suffering and enjoying the trip at a great height without sanitary facilities. 

I am immensely grateful to Lord Shiva, Mohanji, Team Mohanji, Kannaiah, the Sherpas, my pony and porter, my fellow yatris, my ancestors and the entire universe, for this would not have been possible without their blessings. 

As Mohanji put it concisely, what guides you through this journey is simply: “Om Namah Shivaya.” 

We were drawn to that huge Shiva Lingam (Mt. Kailash), a place of immense energy, the abode of Lord Shiva himself. 

“No one can go there unless Shiva calls you. And no one leaves empty-handed. But to win something, you have to be empty first,” said Mohanji. 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 31st August 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

We reserve the right to delete, edit, or alter in any manner we see fit blog entries or comments that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, in violation of trademark, copyright or other laws, of an express commercial nature, or otherwise unacceptable.

Mohanji Testimonials team

Shiva comes home to MCB Scotland

By a devotee from the UK

Everything starts with Shiva, ends with Shiva and unfolds as His will in between.

When I was asked to tell the story of how the Shiva Lingam I had at home ended up at the Mohanji Centre of Benevolence (MCB) in Scotland, I thought I could simply sum it up in two words ‘His will!’ However, it also seems to be His will to share the beautiful leela of how His journey there unfolded. Therefore, I humbly surrender to Shiva and allow these words to carry us all in His presence and grace as I recount His divine play. Just as He has filled my heart with so much awe and wonder, may this testimonial touch you all with His essence in some uplifting way.

Only Shiva knows when this story truly started, but in my conscious awareness, I trace it back to January 2018 when I lived in London. On a snow-laden winter’s day shortly before Shivaratri, when all was pure and white, I found myself invited to visit a friend’s warehouse. She has a crystal business, and I was looking to buy some. Since a young age, I have always been drawn to crystals, or rather, they have just come to me. I’ve been told that we actually never choose a crystal, but in fact, they choose us.

I have experienced the truth of this. That day I went to the warehouse with no particular expectation or firm idea in my mind. There was just a loose intention that whichever crystals were meant for me would come to my awareness and follow me home. On arrival there, amongst the hundreds of crystals, my eyes were immediately drawn to a particular section. There were some Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingams on a shelf. Wow! Shiva in such a pure form! My heart rejoiced, and I knew my Shiva had found me, and I had found my Shiva.

To give you some background, Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingams, as the name suggests, come from the very sacred Narmada River in India. They are swayambhu lingams, meaning they have formed naturally into the lingam shape, in this instance, through the flow of water. They are already jagrit or alive with Shiva’s vibration and energy. Therefore, we don’t need to do the Pranaprathista or awakening process with this particular lingam, as He is already fully present. These lingams are very pure and powerful. They are a true blessing to all.

Back at the warehouse, there was a range of different-sized lingams varying from a couple of centimetres to as large as 20 inches or so. The logical mind was looking at what it considered to be a practical size for my flat and personal use, but I kept myself open to whoever was calling to me, and one of them certainly was! It thus transpired that divine will defied logic, and I found myself bringing home a Shiva that was around 18 inches tall and 22 inches in circumference (I have never weighed Him, but He would have been over 20 kg). It is a conventional religious belief not to keep a Shiva Lingam higher than your thumb size in your house. 

Something I was reminded of by my family. Bigger ones are only meant for temples and such spaces. My small flat in London was certainly not in this category by any means. I was just as surprised as anyone that He was the One. I wasn’t looking to buy such a big lingam! However, I simply trusted He was meant to come to me for some reason and with all my love, I gave Him a place in my heart and my home, and I hoped He would be happy!

Over the next few years, Shiva’s beautiful energy became a part of me and the space around me, within and without. However, come 2020 and the start of the covid period, I was rather unexpectedly and suddenly relocated by destiny, as borders closed and I remained at my family home overseas for three long years. I was unable to return to London for various reasons until April 2023. The day I came back to my flat, I immediately sensed that the lingam was calling for a new home. I just wasn’t sure where. Momentarily I considered whether He was going to stay with me abroad, but this somehow didn’t feel like the case.

I surrendered it to Shiva that He would go wherever He wished for the highest and that it would come to my awareness in some way. It occurred to me at this time to ask Vijay Ramanaidoo whether the Mohanji Foundation in the UK would like the lingam for the MCB in Scotland. I had first spoken to Vijay in December 2022 regarding the initiation of ACT4Hunger activities where I am now based. Having only spoken to him a couple of times and being a relative stranger to the Mohanji Foundation, I was hesitant to approach him about the lingam as it seemed, for want of a better word, completely random! So I decided not to act hastily and let destiny unfold as per Shiva’s will in divine timing. Since I had surrendered this situation fully, it was then out of my mind completely, and I simply forgot about it at that time.

Just over a month later, on the wings of Shiva’s grace, I was flying to the MCB in Scotland a few weeks ahead of the Pranaprathista taking place there. Flying, not just literally but also figuratively speaking, as my entire being started to open and expand noticeably from the heart from the very start of my journey there. It was clear that this was going to be no ordinary visit, and the MCB was definitely no ordinary destination. Arriving at the MCB, there was something intangible that my soul recognised.

With Shiva being my first and last love, my heart has naturally and firmly established its home in the purity of Kailash. It was unmistakable; my heart felt a sort of homecoming. It sensed and recognised the Kailash frequency in some way. This feeling grew, becoming more tangible and validated through all I experienced over the day and a half I spent there. Sulakhe Maharaj, the now-retired chief priest from Shirdi, and also someone else I know has shared similar sentiments and connected the MCB in Scotland to Kailash. Yes, definitely no ordinary destination, but most wonderfully extraordinary!

No sooner had we entered the premises, we were taken on a tour around the grounds with Christopher Greenwood as our guide. Within the first few minutes, he mentioned that based on a Vastu expert, the energy of the Centre is already very good, and it will just take Mohanji coming there to make it what it needs to be. However, there was a pond on the property that wasn’t a natural body of water. It had been installed by the previous owners as a requirement in case of fire. It had been advised that a Shiva Lingam would be necessary to help shift the energy of this pond.

As soon as the lingam was mentioned, my entire being became alert. I just knew. I felt this was no coincidence that a lingam was being talked about within minutes of my arrival at the MCB for the first time. Silence was no longer an option. I mentioned the lingam that I had to Chris and then also followed up with a message to Vijay about it. I had shared what I was meant to share, and now it was up to Shiva. When I returned home from Scotland, and I was before the lingam, I noticed for the first time that I could see Mohanji’s image on the lingam! This was just incredible and another confirmation literally staring me in the face. Subsequently, a couple of other people have separately mentioned being able to see Mohanji in the lingam to me.

Mohanji arrived in the UK a couple of days after I got back from my trip to the MCB. Vijay showed Him some photos of the lingam. The answer was yes! Shiva was going home to His Kailash! Everything began to align and move with such speed and ease. Mohanji’s energy at work, no doubt. Within another couple of days, I was bidding Shiva goodbye, and He was lovingly transported to Vijay’s house for the onward journey to the MCB.

I had first come across Mohanji a year after I got the lingam before I went to Ganeshpuri and Shirdi. I had gone to Skanda Vale and Kailash later that year, too, and He was brought to my awareness for a second time around then. Subsequently, it was through connecting with Shirdi Sai Baba and the ACT Foundation that Mohanji had once again come to the fore over the past couple of years for me.

Looking back as a witness, I could see all the dots connecting and how the synchronicities over the years had been the most beautiful and perfect unfoldment of Shiva’s divine plan culminating in this moment. I understood that I was only ever meant to be the lingam’s temporary caretaker until the Centre could come into manifestation. Once in place, Shiva would find His way to his rightful home and that too at the most opportune time of the opening of the MCB and the Pranapratishtas. What divine timing! What exquisite planning!

The lingam was never mine to keep, yet Shiva will always be eternally mine wherever He goes, for we are inextricably connected. We are One. I am so truly grateful and blessed that Shiva came to me in the form of this lingam, bringing tremendous purification, power and peace to me, my family and my area.

However, I am even more grateful and happy that His blessings will now touch countless more beings at the MCB. May they, too, find their burdens eased and their hearts lightened by His benevolent presence. May they, too, discover the essence of Kailash not somewhere outside but within the silence and stillness of their own being. Shiva is untouched by anything, for He is the Nirguna (formless with no properties or attributes), yet He will touch everything. In the end, He is simply everything. All is Shiva’s will. In the love, light and truth of Shiva, Jai Mohanji, Om Namah Shivaya!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 17th July 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

My first darshan of Puri Jagannatha

by Ranjana Balagopalan, India

Jagannatha Swami Nayana Pada Gami Bhavatu Mein

This is a testimonial of my experience during the Mohanji retreat held in Puri in February. I ought to have written this much earlier, but I’d kept postponing it for some reason in the last few months. Then I happened to watch snippets of the Rath Yatra online on 20th June, and after that, I couldn’t stop thinking about that retreat and how deeply it had impacted me.

A few beautiful experiences came my way during those days, all thanks to the immense grace of my beloved Guru, Mohanji. But for now, I’ll write about my first visit to the Shree Jagannatha temple during the retreat. 

I’d wanted to visit the Jagannatha temple in Puri for years, so I was thrilled when I heard that a retreat would be held there. The icing on the cake was that the retreat would include Mohanji’s birthday celebrations. It is hard to describe how I felt during the retreat. Being in Mohanji’s powerful presence, listening to his transformational satsangs, attending the beautiful, sacred homa, and pilgrimages to power spots in Puri and nearby areas – all this together made it one of the most unforgettable experiences for me.

However, on the night that we were to visit the Jagannatha temple for the first time, I was not feeling as excited as I had thought I would. Maybe it was because I’d been a little unwell since morning. While sitting on the bus that would take us to the temple, I was in a somewhat blank state, with no particular expectations or thoughts. The bus couldn’t go up to the main entrance, so at one point, we all got off the bus and began walking to the temple.

As we drew closer to the temple, I looked up at the Neel Chakra (a blue wheel at the top), and after that, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Every time I had to look away from it, I would feel restless. I didn’t want to keep walking. I just wanted to stand somewhere and stare at the Chakra for some time. But I had to keep up with the group, so I continued walking. And as I neared the main gate, the Simha dwar (lion gate), I realised that something had changed in me in the last few minutes. I felt pulled and overcome by something that I can only describe as a powerful energy vibration.

My mind was empty apart from one word, one name reverberating within me loudly and unceasingly – Jagannatha, Jagannatha!

I felt as though the air and dust in that space were trembling with the force of that name. My eyes continued to dart to the Chakra whenever possible, and for some inexplicable reason, I also kept scanning the night sky above the temple.

We had the highly sacred Mahaprasad before going for darshan, and while eating it, I was frequently overwhelmed with tears, and I felt so grateful for every morsel, as if I had waited for so long for it, and something in me kept saying this was “food from home”.

After that, we hurried to the main shrine, and I felt intense love, gratitude, and excitement with each step. I couldn’t wait to see Jagannatha. It was extremely crowded in the main hall, but I made my way through it with the experience of having travelled by public transport in a bustling city.

At the first glimpse of Jagannatha, I felt a burst of joy and devotion, and I couldn’t stop smiling with happiness despite the crushing crowd. There were initially some people before me, but then I somehow found myself at the front suddenly, with a clear view of the inner sanctum. The priests began to do aarti, and until it lasted, I could have wonderful darshan of the deities.

Then I went towards the back of the hall, where there was the Garuda Sthamba, which devotees were touching and embracing with reverence. On the wall behind, we can still see the indentations of Chaityana Mahaprabhu’s fingers, where he had leaned against it to look at his beloved Jagannatha, and the stone had melted under the heated fervour of his love and devotion. 

One devotee was singing a bhajan beautifully, and though it was in an unfamiliar language, there was such deep love and yearning in his melodious voice that it moved me profoundly. In a corner, an emotional young man was talking nonstop to Jagannatha with what seemed to be a mix of anger, pain and love, tears flowing down his cheeks while his fingers moved on a japa mala. So many devotees were craning their necks and jumping up to get a clear view of Jagannatha. The air frequently resounded with jubilant cries of “Jay Jagannath!” with everyone raising their hands joyfully.

Though I had long wanted to visit the temple, I hadn’t had any deep emotions towards Lord Jagannatha until then. But that had changed in a matter of minutes. I was now experiencing a surreal joy and love for Jagannatha while standing there. I could suddenly understand the devotional frenzy he evoked in people. I could understand why thousands and thousands of pilgrims face numerous hardships to participate in the Rath Yatra.

Only Jagannatha existed for every person in that space. He wasn’t a deity whose idol was made of wood. He was their most adored one, more real to them than beings made of flesh and blood, much closer to them than their family and friends and even their own selves. He was everything to them – without him, they had nothing.

I felt this was love in its richest, most exalted form, and just witnessing and sensing it caused tears to flow down my face continuously. Also, the energy was unbelievable. The atmosphere was pulsating with it. And beneath all the sounds, there was a powerful silence. Overall, it was a realm of pure love, pure energy and pure consciousness.  

And then a crystal-clear realisation flashed within me in that sacred atmosphere.

This is Mohanji in his unbound form. This is Mohanji’s true form. Beyond creation, beyond time, beyond attributes. 

Mohanji is Jagannatha. He is Shiva. He is pure energy, pure love, pure consciousness.

Mohanji is in everyone; he is in everything; he is everywhere.

These thoughts echoed repeatedly in my mind, inducing a profound stillness within. It was as if a veil was pulled from the truth briefly to help me get an inkling of Mohanji’s true form and stature. And I knew the entire unforgettable experience in the temple had come my way only because of Mohanji’s causeless compassion and grace.

Those moments I spent in the temple are still alive in me. And when I feel upset or frustrated about anything, I only need to remember those moments to feel a shift in my emotions and an upsurge of gratitude at having found refuge at the lotus feet of Mohanji, who is the embodiment of supreme consciousness.  

Like Lord Jagannatha during the Rath Yatra, Mohanji walks among us; his arms outstretched to embrace everyone, loving and accepting us just as we are, his eyes watching all beings with intense compassion and lighting the flame of liberation in hearts with a merciful glance.

Om Parabrahmane Vidmahe
Shree Jagannathaya Dheemahi
Tanno Mohana Prachodayat

Editor’s note: Currently, the Rath yatra is happening in this power center – Puri, from 20th June to 2nd July. Mohanji Bharat and Ammucare Charitable Trust are doing Annadaan through a stall. Our dedicated volunteers serve water, Mahaprasad, and first-aid to the millions of people visiting this place. 

Join us in spreading love and kindness as this service continues until 2nd July. To donate, please visit 

Donation for Puri Rath Yatra

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 26th June 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

Turkey, ACT Foundation disaster relief Feb 2023 – Part 1

By Linda Abrol, Netherlands

I am not strong, not so fit and not so courageous

Suddenly I found myself in Adana, Turkey, a two-hour drive from the epicentre of the recent earthquakes, where with a small team and the Serbian ACT Compassion van, we bought necessities in the morning and brought them the same day to families that we picked very selectively in the afflicted areas. They were in dire need of food, toiletries, blankets, stoves, thermal underwear, warm sweaters, socks, etc.

How did I end up here? What happened? Something moved me to sign up for disaster relief during the earthquake in Turkey. Why? I am not brave. I shiver just from the word earthquake, and the slight shaking in Limburg many years ago upset me for a year. During that year, I was disproportionately shocked when I heard a sudden sound, as if the base of my physical safety was gone. 

I’m not strong either due to osteoarthritis and a broken shoulder tendon. So, apart from the light stuff, I can’t help lift and hand out the supplies. I told Selma that the only thing I could offer was to be available and willing. Selma suggested that I do the filming. That would be nice for her because she had her hands full herself. And the footage was desperately needed to raise funds. 

During the layover in Izmir, I met a friendly blonde woman, Sibel. She lived in Adana and had just taken her infant son by plane to a safer city. When I asked her how safe it was in Adana, she told me that the shocks were intense there, too. The buildings collapsed, and 500 people died. Among them was her friend. I started to console her, and she shrugged timidly. I asked how she felt now in Adana. She told me that she and her family no longer feel safe and want to move. I completely understood. I hid the shock I got at that moment. So far, I was under the assumption that our hotel was situated in a safe area. It wasn’t! I jumpstarted my two-step remedy against all fear: step 1, breath in and breath out. Step 2, Repeat step 1!

The first working day

After yesterday’s exhausting trip and my arrival at the Yellow Mansion Hotel in Adana, our ACT 4 Turkey crisis team of four people was complete: Mircea from Serbia, Selma from the UK, Melanie from Canada and me from the Netherlands.

Micea drove the ACT Foundation van with Melanie as a co-driver, and I drove my rental car of the “no idea” brand. I didn’t even bother to look at what brand it was. It wasn’t long before I started calling Selma ‘boss’. She had already gained a lot of experience in Ukraine and knew the ins and outs of the actions to be taken. Be it buying food boxes, finding heaters, toiletries and thermal clothing or finding families in need, etc. Her telephone was her office.

The first thing she did in a new country was find contacts and make friends. She always succeeded. Mustafa and Juzuf, two cousins from Arsuz, were so helpful to drive with us that day and not only acted as interpreters but directed us to the homes and tents of families who needed our help the most, as well. Mircea was great at efficiently loading and unloading the van, and Melanie supported him. Apart from compassionately listening to the victims, hugging them and connecting, I supported Selma as her driver and cameraman, made sure she ate and took care of filming, photography and writing.

Selma edited the material till the early morning hours, hardly sleeping. She posted her powerful and beautiful videos daily, and I shared them immediately with my friends and followers on Social Media. By sending her compositions and my stories to Dutch Social Media, I could contribute a bit to the fundraising. Wherever I could be useful made me extremely happy.

Shiva’s blessings on Mahashivaratri

During Mahashivaratri, I thought: for me, Mohanji is Shiva. For me, this is another Kailash Yatra. When we went for dinner at Mustafa and Juzuf’s family home after a long day of work – their house still standing but every wall showing cracks – Michea parked the van in front of the house. Unconsciously watching his manoeuvre, I noticed an egg-shaped plaster dome just behind the van. It resembled an enormous Shivalingam. In front of it was Mohanji’s face, pictured on the back of the van. Behind it, a snowy mountain landscape basking in the final evening light.

At this point, I was one hundred per cent sure that this was another Kailash Yatra. On Mahashivaratri eve! A greater blessing didn’t seem possible. Mohanji was with us. That much was clear. We enjoyed the hospitality of this dear family, and I marvelled at how cheerful, open and welcoming people can still be when the world around them has literally collapsed. 

The second working day: an enervating day 

In the middle of the night, I started doubting. Mohanji, is it smart if I join you today? It will be such a long day. I am not so fit. I am still recovering from my illness in India which was only a little more than two weeks ago. It might not be effective for the team. I want to add value. I certainly don’t want to be a nuisance. Mohanji, what do you want me to do? Fortunately, my inner Mohanji replied quickly. He said, ‘Linda, I am simply protecting you all the time.’

He doesn’t want me to do anything! I have to make my own choices. We don’t do anything for him. He is complete in himself. He is simply giving us opportunities to develop ourselves. Wherever I choose to do work from my heart, he will protect me. The emphasis here was on the words’ all the time. It made me really feel protected. He knew we were not safe, but he made sure we escaped all serious trouble. I will tell you about that later. For now, I knew I could simply start off with the team and surrender to the protection of Mohanji.

In the car, on the way to our destination, Mustafa, the Turkish volunteer of our team, tells us that last night after we had dinner with his family, another slight earthquake woke him up in the night. It was only 3 on the Richter scale. And nothing serious compared to the earthquake two days back in his town, where so many houses collapsed. So he literally did not lie awake for long. We were happy, we were not there.

Deep loss, fear and pain

We were on our way to Antakya. The area hardest hit. Before we went into the city, we visited some families just outside the city centre. What brought me to tears was a father with an adorable six-year-old daughter. She was radiantly cuddling with the new doll she had received from us. She looked at me with her big, innocent eyes. From her father’s gestures, I gathered that they were upstairs when their house collapsed. 

He told me in a few simple words, with deep sadness in his eyes, that her eight-year-old sister had not made it out alive from under the rubble. I expressed my condolences for his great loss. I couldn’t stop tears from rolling down my eyes. We saw some cows in a barn. The owner told Selma that the first thing he did after the earthquake was run to check if his cows were ok. He had found two cows dead under a collapsed wall. The rest of the cows were safe. That also made quite an impression because animals are such innocent and helpless creatures.

A woman showed me that her hand was wounded by falling rubble. I softly took her hand and felt like kissing her wounds as we do with our children. Another woman took us upstairs to her house to show how much of the house was destroyed. I felt shaky, walking up the stairs. Seeing the broken walls, the enormous mess of glass and tomato paste amidst pieces of furniture and damaged walls was surreal, and seeing the devastation in the woman’s eyes made me feel like hugging her, which I did. There was literally nothing which was undamaged. Windows were not needed to see the blue sky outside. One could simply look through the holes and cracks in the wall.

Dozens of people and children were made happy this day with the stoves, drink bottles and toys, blankets, ground insulation material for tents, gloves, socks, leggings, sweaters and the food that we gave them. My ‘job’ of showing compassion, filming, photographing and driving was very fulfilling. I comforted, hugged, filmed, listened or read sign language. 

The dangers along the way didn’t lie either. In the afternoon, in the mountains, our fully loaded car slid backwards down a gravel slope instead of going up. And we almost reversed into a ditch before I managed to change course. The bus got stuck on the same slope and also had to slide back down and find a new route. Moments later, I drove behind the bus and saw it narrowly avoid another deep ditch on the street narrowed by debris. 

A horror city

After dark, we drove through the city centre of Antakya, now a ghost town. Not even a ghost town. This was much worse. This was a city of horror, a city of dust and debris. No building was safe, and nearly all of them were not standing upright. Knowing that hundreds of people were still buried under the rubble was like watching a bad movie. Knowing that the official search had ceased was like a nightmare. The focus was only on clearing the debris. Imagine someone is still alive and waiting to be saved, we thought. Horror scenarios passed through our minds. We saw furniture being removed from tall buildings with huge cranes.

Ambulances, police and firefighters with or without sirens were a normal sight on the roads. Tents were everywhere. The military was in action. Semi-trailers with tiny houses (a kind of container with doors and windows) were now being purchased and used by some instead of tents. Our Mustafa, the Turkish young man who was helping us with his cousin to locate the right families to take our goods to, told us in the car after our long day’s work that he had an App-group with his friends and many of his friends, his nieces included, lived in the worst affected area.

Every so often after the earthquakes, they started getting messages from friends on the same App-group who were under the rubble but still alive. So was his niece. She survived for three days but was not rescued. Neither did most of his friends except one, a boy who was freed from his apartment by his own father. His father counted the floors, and on the right floor, he smashed the wall and freed his son. 

We heard first-hand stories, and that made an impact. We cannot distance ourselves anymore, like with the news on the television, that we shift off from once the food is on the table. After lots of hugs and expressions of thanks by us for the full efforts of the boys, we drove the two-hour trek back to Adana at midnight. How did I keep that up when I can’t drive to Amsterdam in the dark yet? That must have been fuelled by a secret power. I had an inkling which one….

We arrived late but safely back at the hotel but not without the help of providence, that is for sure. Even after seeing so much of the most severe misery, the sense of belonging, love, cooperation and friendship was what lingered.

Donations are welcome via the link below:


(Please select the “Disaster Relief” option)


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th March 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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A journey from gross to subtle

by Madhuri Araligidad, India

Much anticipated call from Mohanji

It has been two years and a couple of months since I got connected to Mohanji, or rather the advent of my sat-guru Mohanji in my life. There has been a huge transformation in my spiritual evolution and awareness level then and now. Transformation is visible in my constitution.

On May 10, 2021 (on the birthday of Shri Yukteswar Giri), Mohanji’s consciousness opened a big door for me by connecting me to a clairvoyant, a wonderful channel of Mahavatar Babaji. Since then, my family members, close relatives, and I started taking guidance from Babaji for our material and spiritual quest. Babaji told me to hold on to my guru Mohanji and to be consistent with my sadhana. That is how my daily practice of Power of Purity meditation started.

One day while sitting for POP meditation, I slipped into deep silence. The state was so deep without a single thought, and time felt totally still. Suddenly, a string of energy touched my consciousness and revealed a message. It goes like this: “Emotional state… Threatening thoughts”.

After this message, I slowly started gaining body consciousness and understood that it was the energy of Paramhamsa Yogananda Baba himself. In hindsight, I got the answer for my unnecessary mental malaise, which had been bothering me for the past few days. I honestly got elated and also a bit surprised over the fact that no-mind state can fetch the divinity itself. When I got to talk to Mohanji over the phone, Mohanji confirmed that it was Yogananda Baba’s message. After taking guidance from Babaji and following the master’s instructions sincerely, we could witness the grace factor flowing, and many pending issues started resolving.

On February 20, 2022, I got the wonderful opportunity to talk to Mohanji in the morning around 8 AM via phone. Until then, I had only met Mohanji in the dream state or astral meets. When I listened to Mohanji’s voice at the other end, I got exhilarated and uttered, “Mohanji… Mohanji… Mohanji…!”. He lovingly said, “Yes..Yes!”. Without further ado, I narrated all my astral encounters with Mohanji, and he confirmed all of them and said, “Yes, I did ! That is how I communicate”.

One time while I was watching Mohanji’s satsang video, at some point, I saw an exquisite flash of purple-coloured light from Mohanji’s right palm. I could not believe my eyes. While talking to Mohanji, I also asked for confirmation, and he said, “That is a state!” and confirmed that experience. Mohanji also showered many blessings on me and said, “I am with you, Madhuri!”.

Meanwhile, I also handed the call to my brother; he also got lots of blessings. Then it was my mother’s turn; she got exhilarated and saturated in Mohanji’s blessings. Mohanji told her, “Main baccho ke saath hamesha rehta hu aur rahoonga !” (I am and will always be with your children!). My brother and I asked Mohanji to keep us intact on the path as the energies of Maya (grand illusion) are dense. Mohanji blessed us by saying, “Tathastu..Tathastu..Tathastu!”. Mohanji also asked us to visit the Kukke Subramanya temple.

Let me back up a bit: A couple of weeks ago, as I was eagerly waiting for this much-anticipated call, Mohanji astrally called me (in a dream state) and told me that he would indeed talk to me. On February 23, it was Mohanji’s birthday, and we saw the entire live program on youtube. This time my connection felt even deeper as I had talked to him just a couple of days ago.

Now, after hanging up the call, it was time for us to think over the Kukke visit and follow the master’s words ASAP. We discussed all this with our father. He immediately agreed, and on March 3 this year, all 4 of us set off to Kukke Subramanya temple. The rituals went very well, and we also visited Dharmasthala Manjunatha Swamy temple, a powerful 800-year-old lord Shiva temple, en route to our return journey.

Both the powerful temples are situated in the lush green, serene western ghats. One can literally feel the high vibes after stepping into these temple premises. Even priests were extremely dedicated to the service of the Lord and did all the rituals sincerely for each devotee. We also partook of the delicious prasad in both temples.

As I was basking in the serene vibes of dense forest in the vehicle on the return journey, my attention went up to the sky. I could clearly see the hollow outline formed by clouds, and it was unmistakably Lord Shiva’s form that appeared in the sky. It was huge and beautiful, and there for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, I could not capture it on my phone. It must have surely been the blessings of Mohanji.

We were almost halfway through the journey, and suddenly my brother started throwing up heavily. It was truly disconcerting to see him in such a state. He kept taking Mohanji’s name mentally. We attributed it to changes in food, journey, summer condition etc. After a couple of minutes, a strong message hit my mind. It said, “It will happen two more times”. By not paying much heed, I immediately brushed it aside. To our surprise, the same thing happened with my brother intermittently. He threw up. He looked feeble after heavy throw-ups, that too at midnight. We reached home safely around 4 AM and breathed a sigh of relief after a tiring yet beautiful journey.

I slept around 4:30 AM. I went into a deep slumber after a few minutes. There I met Mohanji astrally. Mohanji was happy with our pilgrimage and said, “When some negative stuff is being removed, such things will happen”, alluding to my brother’s throw-ups. Mohanji also manifested a heap of Udi; I took a pinch of it and applied it to my forehead. When I turned around to talk to him very excitedly, Mohanji disappeared into thin air. Upset that the astral meeting was over, I opened my eyes. I narrated this entire incident to my mother and brother; he was very happy and thanked Mohanji profusely.

My communion with Mahavatar Babaji

As my connection with Mohanji started stabilizing, Mohanji began to open new doors for me by making me recognize the presence of other powerful masters walking this planet earth and tirelessly working to uplift human consciousness. I want to name those masters with deep respect and with sincere gratitude. They are Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, Pujyasri Athmanandamayi Mataji, and Brahmarishi Pitamaha Patriji. I voraciously watched their videos as my intellect was craving spiritual knowledge. My awareness level has skyrocketed since then; all these masters came into my dreams along with Mohanji and gave messages. Patriji vacated his body on July 24 2022; his wisdom truly lasts for eternity.

I still remember how Mohanji met me astrally and prepared me when Brahmarishi Patriji was vacating his body. It so happened that, on Sunday, July 24, I went into deep slumber around 3 PM after meditation. I met Mohanji astrally and communicated with him through deep silence, looking into his eyes and vice versa. Little did I know that I was about to hear unfortunate news the very next day. On July 25, on Youtube, I stumbled upon a video. A live stream was going on, “Mahasamadhi of Patriji”. I was totally shattered that day; I felt a great void in my heart. Mohanji says, “Masters’ physical presence on planet earth itself is a huge grace and blessing. One should not take it lightly.”

In September this year, my brother got the wonderful opportunity to meet Mohanji in person at his Bangalore residence for the first time. The meeting went extremely well! Mohani gifted the “Miraculous Days with Mohanji” book. He gave us four blessed cards, one Udi packet and his beautiful blessed photo and asked my brother to hang it on the wall facing east.

Power to discern, power to let go, power to detach, all these qualities are being enhanced because of consistent sadhana and connection with Mohanji. I can connect to myself more and more, and at deeper levels, I bask in the beauty of silence. A murky mind can never fetch the subtle beauty of life. The journey is highly individualistic; we are truly more than our physical bodies. Once we shed our physical body, the spirit still continues its journey in astral realms. Loving oneself against all odds is the key.

The learnings for me are: good vibes, peace, a clear mind, and lightheartedness are the essential ingredients for a healthy, happy and successful life. The surrounding vibes are only sometimes conducive to practising productivity. The energies pulled me down, and I also succumbed to such energies. At this time, one quotation from Mohanji comes to my mind, “Life does not come tailor-made”. This keeps me going, and also grace has always protected me.

I would like to end this writing with a quote close to my heart, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous”. What an Avatar our beloved guru Mohanji is!


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th January 2023


The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments on these blogs are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or positions of Mohanji, Mohanji Foundation, it’s members, employees or any other individual or entity associated with Mohanji or Mohanji Foundation. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or commenters on our blogs and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.

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Mohanji Testimonials team

A visit to Pashupatinath

by Ulla Bernholdt

Visiting Pashupatinath in Kathmandu leaves you in awe.  

It is a high-frequency energy centre where life and death, the past and the present meet, and miracles happen.

I would like to share with you an experience of how the grace of Mohanji saved me from taking another birth.

We often hear Mohanji say that people who are connected to a true Master can feel a certain intensity in their lives because the Master is reducing the number of lifetimes. What was supposed to be experienced over many lives gets reduced to only a few but more intense lives. 

Mohanji teaches us that a strong emotion connected to an experience leaves an imprint on us, which calls for us to take another incarnation for the fulfilment of a desire. 

In January 2022, my dear friend Gurudatta and I went to Nepal to do Annadan. In Kathmandu, we visited the Pashupatinath temple area, which is a huge temple complex. It has 492 temples and ashrams and also serves as a cremation ground on the ghats of the Bagmati River.  

Pashupatinath is considered one of the most sacred Hindu temples of Nepal dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is the 13th Jyotirlinga, and people would come from the whole Indian continent and beyond to visit and worship the ‘Lord of the Creatures’. 

When I arrived, I felt a deep desire to enter the main temple despite not knowing anything about the place. But I couldn’t fulfil the urge; I was denied access because Pashupati’s main temple is strictly prohibited for foreigners. You must have a certificate to prove your Hindu status if you look like a foreigner.

So, an armed police officer stopped me at the entrance asking if I was a Hindu. I am not religious in a traditional way. Still, the Hindu philosophy, following Sanatana Dharma principles and the liberation aspect of Hinduism is what come the closest to my own understanding and my experiences. This is why I told the guard I am a Hindu. But there was no way I could convince him, having a white complexion and no written proof. “You must go and talk with the people at the Sanskrit office”, he said, “they will explain.”

In the office, they said I had to be not only a Hindu but a Hindu by birth. Then they gave some examples of celebrities who had been denied access, such as Sonia Gandhi, the wife of the then Indian Prime Minister. 

The officer then told me that there was only one way I could attain eligibility to enter the main temple. That would be if my desire was strong enough so that I would be born again as a Hindu in Pashupatinath.

I was very disappointed, and inside I was crying because I could not enter the temple. At that point in time, even I could not understand myself. Where did this deep craving come from to visit a temple I had never heard of before?

Outside, youngsters were recording TikTok videos with the temple as a backdrop. Still feeling sad, I tried to see the positive side of the situation and concluded that I was indeed blessed to be born a westerner. Now, I have the capacity to travel to Nepal, do service and represent our Tradition. What if I were born again in Pashupatinath and I only cared about taking selfies like those young people? 

Nothing is given to us just by taking another birth at Pashupatinath; what if my level of awareness would be lesser, and I would forget my purpose? Indeed, we cannot be sure of getting the same beneficial circumstances that would make us crave for God and realisation. I do not wish to take an additional lifetime to go to one temple. And besides that, Shiva is omnipresent, so I don’t need to look for him in a temple! 

All these things I would try to convince myself. But the fact is after six months had passed, I still carried a very strong craving to visit the main Pashupatinath temple. Even though I knew it was impossible, I still hoped that someday I could enter. Every time I thought of the place, I would become very emotional, yearning to go there. 

I now went to Nepal a second time, and though I knew it would take a miracle for me to enter Pashupatinath, I could not give up my strong desire to enter the inner court and at least touch the temple. 

One day, I went to the temple market to purchase rudraksha malas and some gifts for my friends. Without even having planned it, I was drawn to the main gate of the temple, where an armed police officer was on guard. Spontaneously I approached him, thinking that I could at least try to enter.  

Again, I was asked to prove my status as a Hindu. “Where is your Hindu card?” The guard asked. Of course, I did not have such a card, but it came to my mind to show him the only cards I had; my Acharya visiting card and a Mohanji card. After an explanation about my connection to Mohanji, he accepted, and I was granted access to go through the first gate! 

I was stunned, thinking that only Mohanji could open the sealed doors for me. Confident that Mohanji could grant me access, I approached the next checkpoint. 

At the final gate, the procedure was the same. Again I was accepted by showing Mohanji’s photo on the card as an admission ticket!

Now finally, I could enter the courtyard and touch the temple! It was such an overwhelmingly happy experience to me, so fulfilling. The temple was not open, so I decided I would do three rounds of circumambulation, and I prostrated at every doorstep. At the end of the 3rd round, the big boss policeman came and threw me out of the premises saying foreigners were not allowed. I could do nothing about it, but I was feeling so happy now my mission was accomplished. 

This experience shows that Mohanji and his blessings are always with us and can take away any blockage in our life if we are eligible. We don’t know if we are eligible before we try. Mohanji knows what prevents us from going forward, and he does everything possible to fulfil our desires in this life to save us from taking additional births. He never postpones; he does his job even if it takes a miracle for us to reach completion.

Just as I end this story, I found an article in the Speaking Tree regarding visiting Pashupatinath:

The temple is one of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams (Holy Abodes of Shiva) on the continent. In the past times, only born Hindus were allowed to enter the temple. Others could look at it from the other side of the river. However, the norms have been relaxed due to many incidents. If the individual is destined, they take and complete the journey to reach these footsteps without any resistance or obstructions along the way, under Rudra’s loving grace. It is the final stage of harsh penance. Thus, the slave (pasu – the human condition) becomes the Master (pati – the divine condition).


I offer my sincere gratitude to my Master Mohanji, who is the epitome of compassion and unconditional love. May I grow to be as selfless as you, dear Mohanji and serve the world! 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 20th October 2022


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